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Q=mct : Q is heat flow (transfer of thermal energy from a hot area to a cool area), m is specific

heat (energy required to increase temperature by 1 degree);


low specific heat = substance takes little heat to increase the temperature

high specific heat= takes a lot of energy to raise the temperature of substance

Standard lab conditions: 101.3 kPa or 1 atm, 25C (K= # C + 273.15 K)

Exothermic vs. Endothermic:

Exothermic releases heat, heat flows to the surroundings; reactant side; - sign
Energy + A + B AB

Endothermic absorbs heat from the surroundings; product side; + sign

A + B AB + Energy

Hesss Law: Enthalpy change for a reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for the
individual steps in the process. The enthalpy difference is independent of pathway

Target reaction: reaction for which enthalpy is unknown

Conservation of energy: heat in=heat out; energy cannot be created or destroyed

Units: 1 cal=4.18 J; Molar Hc= KJ/mol; K= 273. 15 + C
Calculation w/ enthalpy or physical molar heats//using heads of formation to find enthalpy:

Molar enthalpy of formation: enthalpy change that occurs when 1 mol is formed from
its elements in their standard lab conditions

Molar heat of combustion: Heat released (q) / moles

Enthalpy of reaction: Hproducts - Hreactants

H = Heat of reaction is the enthalpy change (amount of energy absorbed) when a chemical
reaction takes place. Negative sign if exothermic (heat is released). Units in joules (or calories)
Factors that affect reaction rate (depends on energy pathway that reaction follows):

Temperature (increase in temp. increases average kinetic energy = more collisions =

increased reaction rate; lower temperature = lower reaction rate [usually])

Surface Area (increase in surface area increases the rate of heterogeneous reactions)

Nature of Reactants (depends on reactants and bonds involved)

Concentration (increase in rate expected if concentration of 1+ reactants is increased)

Catalysts (substances that change the rate of a chemical reaction without being
permanently consumed) provides an alternative energy pathway

Exothermic reaction = more stable = more likely to be thermo chemically favored

Thermochemical equation: Balanced equation that includes enthalpy change
Molar heats:

Hdeposition= exothermic (-)

Hsublimation= endothermic (+)

Hfreezing= exothermic (-)

Hfusion/melting= endothermic (+)

Hcondensation= exothermic (-)

Hvap/boiling= endothermic (+)

Activation energy: minimum energy needed to initiate a chemical reaction


Only at highest hill of energy diagram

Catalyst: substance that slows or speeds reaction (assume the latter unless otherwise specified)

Enthalpy does not change, intermediates do

Reaction without catalyst has higher activation energy

Catalyst comes out of reaction like it came in = not in products
Heats of formation: enthalpy change when one mol of compound is formed at 25C and 1 atm
Enthropy: tendency toward randomness; a measure of the degree of randomness of the particles
in a system

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