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Defyning the Path

We Human beings live in a Consensual Reality, meaning we have agreed to accept

this reality as true and valid.
This does not mean that external reality is not true or that is something Subjective,
but we may perceive things in a slightly different ways due to our inner level of
spiritual and mental evolution.
But, mostly this depends in our goals and sense of purpose in life, on what is
important or what is trivial to us.
This begins internally, depending on our true nature and the mental, eastheric,
astral, auric, energetic...elements that conform the Human being.
This defines every path, if it is suitable or not for each individual.
We often use Death, as the focus Point, because is usually the only thing that is
certain in one way or the other.
And this is the foundation of our Necrosophic and Chaosophic Gnosis.
Most Human Beings are Just Ghost inhabitating carnal bodies and they are souless
and spiritless.
For this Individuals Physical Death is the end, and truly is, for Them.
Because when their physical body dies, due to their matrialism and magnetic
attachment to the flesh,time, the here and now....
even if they have a soul this soul dies along the body, and is re-absorbed by
pleroma/ Ain Sof from it came from.
While the Physical Body is re-absorbed by earth, from where it was mythically
created, this means erath has the same elemnts of our physical bodies and
Pleroma/Ain sof has the same elments of our souls.
These Materialistic and often souless individual will tend to be Atheist, egosical
He or she will over value Life, also his or her own energies, and refuse to accept
metaphysical realities simply becaus eis unable to perceive it.
Part of his or her own Egotism, force that individual of to not to worship or adore any
other Being, special those of spiritual kind besides the Self.
This individual is always afraid of giving,
He or she will never do any kind of Sacrifice to any spiritual being, thus in the same
way is not able to give, it will not receive from the spiritual world and its beings.
Death and the preservation of physical body will always be amin priority, because
he or she trully knows by intution and slef conviction, that there is nothing further
than this life.
When Says, we believe and enjoy the here in and now, because there is not heaven
of bliss, and hell where sinner roast...
They speak the Truth, but their own truth..simply because they cannot gow a Soul
Neither God is going to take a piece of Pleroma and give it to them.
It is sure this kind of individual Fervently denies any God or higher being as the
existence of spirits, or unfleshed souls.
By a law of polarities, obviously will not be able to perceive a soul or spirit without
flesh and bones, simply hecause he or she has not soul.
This is the Typical skeptic, always demanding probe, and facts, holding tightly the
religion of mundane science as a saviour.
This the Laveyan Satanist, the So-called New Age Lhper, and the Luciferiaism of
Michael W. Ford.
This person believes Satanism is some phylosophy made to deny and oppose
religion, dogma, commandments...simply because they are not gratifying to their
So, for them, if Religions, specially those in power like the Abrahamic religions.,,
cease to exist, then, there will be not Satanism to them, according their naive idea.
If this individual is not able to perceive God, in Nature and in everyliving being,
every particle of creation..or the spirits of the dead, often very close to us. How is
He or She going to pretend to comprehend or perceive the Daemons, or Satan: who
is the highest Divinity, a Divinity so pure and exalted, that even those who have a
strong soul are able to comprehend?
Because the essence of Satan within those very few, who are of Him.

Is a Particle beyond the Spirit itself.

The Black Flame is a Seed absorbed by Pleroma/Ain Sof from the Supreme Holy
Nihilty of Ain, the uncreated divine.
Thst is what cannot Die because it never have been Alive, and in it even Death will
Thus, this is uncomprehensable for the Human mind.
Human Mind Only understand Materia, Thoughts as forms of energy, Dreams,
physical Mechanism,Fractal Vibration...or what it has been trained to perceive.
While the Soul perceives God, Pleroma, the Angels, Archangels and other Inc
arnated Souls and Souls of the dead.
While the Spirit is able to perceive more subtle energetic forms, like the Ba, Ka,
Ankh..and some Daemons.
Last, The Black Flame is able to perceive Satan along His Emissaries of the Sitra
Achra, and the most subtle and elevated forms of Energy.
Along our lives, "not only this physical live" there is an inner strife and battle of this
++The Carnal Body and his Ego, will wish to remain here in this wolrld of carnality,
pleasure, pain, joy, anguish...etc, experiencing this materila world an nature, to the
level in the future Human beings wil build cyborg bodies to transfer their
consciouness, and replace organs, whole body parts, dead tissue reanimation...anything to be alive in the flesh.
++The Soul and the Self, along the astral body and shadow (for magicians)
the soul wish to return to Pleroma, and to God or with the Angels in some blissful
paradise as put in some myths. So, the person with a soul usually become religious
or devoted to some form of sorcery. Hoping some Deity or Some Sorcery Technique
as taught in the LHP groups will help to keep his or her soul alive. While the religious
one specially in the Eastern religions is avid longing to become One with God,
Brahma, Ain Sof, Pleroma...
++The Spirit, which is more subtle and often ignited by the Inner Flame, some
times become Daimonic, untamed, perceiving its own allienness, thus trying to
transcend all finite limitations.
For those of the Necrosophic and Chaosophic path, as presented in the Current 182
and Current 218, in a form of Holy religion to the Most Exalted Divinity. Thus
searching not Self-Deification (further entrapment in a body or soul), but with the
most lofty ideal of re-absortion and re-unification with the Supreme
Nihility/Nothingness of Ain.
This explain why the current 218 and 182, as manifested as Misanthropic Luciferian
Order, Temple of the Black Light and Templum Falcis Cruentis.
Should Not be compared, connected, related or some form of sincretism with other
forms of So-Called Left Hand Path.
Specially with the Order of Nine Angles (ONA), who has very ANTAGONISTIC and
DIFFERENT goals and ideologies than the 218 and the 182, also another system of
Dark Gods/Goddesses, which seems taken from some pagan Cult...and some New
Cosmic Aeon Agenda and promoting some human evolution and ecology...
Or with the So-called Satanism, Luciferianism, Sethianism or Cults to Ahriman or

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