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Echoworx Healthcare Privacy Solution Whitepaper

The Echoworx
Healthcare Encryption
Solution helps you to
comply to HIPAA

4101 Yonge Street
Suite 708,
Toronto, ON, Canada
M2P 1N6

1890 The Exchange
Atlanta, GA

27 Old Gloucester Street
London, United Kingdom

Proprietary and confidential; for use by intended recipient only.


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,LGMM' :-%*-.&#' ./&' 80$9-(6' -%*' #&("0$.6' 1>' 801.&(.&*' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' NG,LO;' I/&' ,LGMM'
#&("0$.6' 0")&' 7-#' 8"5)$#/&*' $%' P-6' QRRS' -%*' #"5T&(.' .1' &%>10(&:&%.' >10' -))' (19&0&*' &%33&#'
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'' New HIPAA
HIPAA at a glance Requirements

On February 17, 2009,

I/&' ,&-)./' L%#"0-%(&' G10.-5$)$.6' -%*' M((1"%.-5$)$.6' M(.' 1>' VWWX' N,LGMMO' &#.-5)$#/&#' %-31%-)' President Obama signed
#.-%*-0*#' .1' 801.&(.' ./&' 80$9-(6'1>' 8&0#1%-)' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' 56'&#.-5)$#/$%+' #.-%*-0*#' ./-.' the American Recovery
801.&(.'$%*$9$*"-))6'$*&%3=-5)&'/&-)./'$%>10:-31%;''' and Reinvestment Act
into law. Embedded in
,&-)./' $%>10:-31%' $#' *&=%&*' -#' -%6' $%>10:-31%<'7/&./&0' 10-)' 10' 0&(10*&*' $%' -%6' >10:<' ./-.' the lengthy Stimulus Bill
is the Health Information
0&)-.&#'.1' ./&' 8-#.<'80&#&%.' 10' >"."0&'(1%*$31%' 1>' -%' $%*$9$*"-)' N,LGMM'Y'VVZVN[OO;' ' L%*$9$*"-))6'
Technology for Economic
$*&%3=-5)&' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' $#' *&=%&*' -#' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' ./-.' $*&%3=&#'./&'$%*$9$*"-)' 10' and Clinical Health Act
7$./'0&#8&(.'.1' 7/$(/' ./&0&'$#'-'0&-#1%-5)&'5-#$#' .1'5&)$&9&'./-.' ./&'$%>10:-31%'(-%'5&'"#&*' .1' ("HITECH Act") which
$*&%3>6'./&'$%*$9$*"-);' significantly expands
the scope of HIPAA.
,LGMM'$#'$%.&%*&*'.1'&%#"0&'./-.'/&-)./'8)-%#<'*1(.10#<'/1#8$.-)#'-%*'1./&0'/&-)./'(-0&'8019$*&0#' Many of the lawʼs new
HIPAA requirements take
.-?&' -880180$-.&' :&-#"0&#' .1'(1%.01)' /17' 8&0#1%-)' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%'#"(/'-#' 8-3&%.#@'/&-)./' effect at the beginning of
0&(10*#<'.&#.'0&#").#<'DF0-6#<'-%*'80&#(0$831%#<'$#'"#&*<'*$#()1#&*'-%*'801.&(.&*;'' 2010, so providers and
other covered entities
L%'10*&0'.1'.-?&'-*9-%.-+&'1>'&:-$)'(1::"%$(-31%'>10'./&'&\($&%.' -%*'3:&)6'.0-%#>&0'1>'8-3&%.' should begin planning for
$%>10:-31%<' /&-)./' (-0&' 80-(331%&0#' :"#.' .-?&' 0&-#1%-5)&' :&-#"0&#' .1' &%#"0&' ./-.' ./$#' compliance now.

Echoworx Healthcare Privacy Whitepaper

Who is impacted by HIPAA?
,LGMM' #.-.&#' ./-.' #&("0$.6' #.-%*-0*#' -%*' 0&4"$0&:&%.#' >10' ./&' :-$%.&%-%(&' 10' &)&(.01%$(' Did you know?
The main government
agencies that enforce
^ !"#$%&' ($#)*]'+&%&0-))6'$%()"*$%+' /&-)./<'*&%.-)<'9$#$1%' -%*' 80&#(0$831%'*0"+'$%#"0&0#<',P_#<' HIPAA violations are the:
CMS: Center of Medicare
& Medicaid Services
^ !"#$%&'+#,"'+$"#,-).&/0*"*]''>10'&D-:8)&<'5$))$%+'#&09$(&#<'0&80$($%+'(1:8-%$&#'10'-'(1::"%$.6'
/&-)./':-%-+&:&%.'$%>10:-31%'#6#.&:#`'-%*' O C R : O f fi c e o f C i v i l

^ !"#$%&' +#,"' (,/1-2",*' 7/1' .0-%#:$.' -%6'/&-)./' $%>10:-31%' $%' &)&(.01%$(' >10:' $%' (1%%&(31%' O I G : O f fi c e o f t h e
7$./'-'.0-%#-(31%'>10'-'J(19&0&*'&%3.6K;'' Inspector General.


^ 34#-$' 4"**#."*'(1%.-$%$%+'801.&(.&*' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' -0&'#&("0&*<'&9&%' 7/&%' .0-%#:$a&*'


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^ 34#-$'*",1",*'-%*'./&':&##-+&#'./&6'(1%.-$%'-0&'801.&(.&*

HIPAA requires emails to be secured for sending

Did you know?
b%(068.&*'&:-$)'$#'-%'$:810.-%.'(1::"%$(-31%#'(/-%%&)'>10'/&-)./'(-0&'801>&##$1%-)#;'' According to the OIG and
b-(/' 8&0#1%' )$#.&*' -519&' 7/1' :-$%.-$%#' 10' .0-%#:$.#' /&-)./' $%>10:-31%' :"#.' :-$%.-$%' CMS, there have been
0&-#1%-5)&'-%*'-880180$-.&'-*:$%$#.0-39&<'.&(/%$(-)<'-%*'8/6#$(-)'#->&+"-0*#'.1'&%#"0&' over 41,000 cases
r e p o r t e d o f H I PA A
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violations since 2003.
-)#1'801.&(.' -+-$%#.' -%6'0&-#1%-5)6'-%3($8-.&*' ./0&-.#'10' /-2-0*#'.1'./&'#&("0$.6'10' '$%.&+0$.6'1>'

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$%>10:-31%;' 'I/&' ,LGMM'H&("0$.6'e")&'*1&#'%1.' &D80&##)6'801/$5$.' ./&' "#&'1>' &:-$)' >10' #&%*$%+'
&)&(.01%$(' 801.&(.&*' /&-)./'$%>10:-31%' NG,LO;'I/&'H&("0$.6' e")&' -))17#' >10' &)&(.01%$(' G,L'.1' 5&'


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Echoworx Healthcare Privacy Whitepaper

Liability of Breach of HIPAA
L%'+&%&0-)<'=%&#'(-%'5&'$:81#&*'56'./&' d&8-0.:&%.' 1>',&-)./'-%*',":-%' H&09$(&#'1%'-'8&0#1%' Did you know?
7/1' *1&#'%1.'(1:8)6'7$./' #.-%*-0*#'#&.' >10./' "%*&0' ,LGMM'N,LGMM' Y'VVZXNVOO;''I/&'=%&'(-%'5&'
The main government
$:81#&*'&-(/' 3:&' -%' $%($*&%.' 1>' %1%F(1:8)$-%(&'1(("0#<'5".' 7$))'5&' (-88&*' -.' -':-D$:":' 1>' agencies that enforce
fQU<RRR' 8&0' (-)&%*-0' 6&-0;' ' I/&' =%&' :-6' %1.' 5&' $:81#&*' $>' ./&' >-$)"0&' .1' (1:8)6' 7$./' ./&' HIPAA violations are the:
#.-%*-0*#'7-#'*"&'.1'0&-#1%-5)&'(-"#&'0-./&0'./-%'.1'7$))>")' %&+)&(.'-%*'./&'$##"&'0&#")3%+'$%'-''
CMS: Center of Medicare
>-$)"0&'.1' (1:8)6'$#' (100&(.&*' 7$./$%'SR' *-6#'1>'7/&%' ./&' 8&0#1%' )$-5)&' >10'./&'8&%-).6'?%&7'10' & Medicaid Services
?%17$%+)6'15.-$%#'10'*$#()1#&#'$%*$9$*"-))6'$*&%3=-5)&'/&-)./'$%>10:-31%'$%'9$1)-31%'1>',LGMM;' O C R : O f fi c e o f C i v i l

c%*&0',LGMM<'./&'d&8-0.:&%.'1>',&-)./'-%*',":-%'H&09$(&#'8"5)$#/&#'-'H&("0$.6'e")&':-%*-3%+' O I G : O f fi c e o f t h e
./-.' &-(/' (19&0&*' &%3.6'>-(&#' -' =%&' 1>' fUR<RRR' -%*' "8' .1' 1%&F6&-0' $:80$#1%:&%.' N,LGMM' Y' Inspector General.
VVZZO;' ' I/&' (0$:$%-)' 8&%-)3&#' $%(0&-#&' .1' fVRR<RRR' -%*' "8' .1' =9&' 6&-0#'$:80$#1%:&%.' $>' ./&'
701%+>")'(1%*"(.'$%91)9&#'>-)#&'80&.&%#&#<'-%*'.1' fQUR<RRR' -%*' "8'.1'.&%' 6&-0#'$:80$#1%:&%.' $>'
./&'701%+>")' (1%*"(.' $%91)9&#'./&' $%.&%.' .1' #&))<'.0-%#>&0<'10' "#&'$%*$9$*"-))6'$*&%3=-5)&'/&-)./'
Encrypted Mail
How Echoworx Encryption helps you to comply to HIPAA? Gateway

b(/1710D' *&)$9&0#' ./&' /$+/&#.' )&9&)' 1>' &:-$)' -%*' *-.-' #&("0$.6' 56' 8019$*$%+' -' #.01%+' &:-$)' EMG end users do not
require any training, since
&%(06831%' -%*' *1(":&%.' &%(06831%' #1)"31%;' ' E01:' ./&' 5&+$%%$%+<'b(/1710D' /-#'>1("#&*' 1%'
policy enforcement and
8019$*$%+'./&':1#.'#&("0&'&:-$)'&%(06831%'#1)"31%#'7/$)&':-?$%+'./&'#1)"31%'./&'&-#$&#.'.1'"#&' encryption is completely
$%' ./&' $%*"#.06;' ' b(/1710D' &%(06831%' 801*"(.#' 8019$*&' #.01%+' 801.&(31%' >10' *-.-' 7/$)&' trans- parent. A user simply
.0-%#:$##1%'19&0'18&%'%&.710?#'*"&'.1'./&'"#&'1>'#&("0$.6'#.-%*-0*#'#"(/'-#'GgL<'HhPLPb<'i;URW<' composes the email, and the
-%*'IjH; content is automatically
scanned to detect whether
the message should be
Echoworx Encrypted Mail Gateway (EMG) encrypted before it is sent.
b(/1710D' b%(068.&*' P-$)' C-.&7-6' NbPCO' :-?&#' #&("0&' :&##-+$%+' -#' &-#6' .1' "#&' -%*' Standards-based
.0-%#8-0&%.' -#' %10:-)' &:-$);' ' bPC' -))17#' ,&-)./(-0&' 8019$*&0#' .1' #&.' k&D$5)&' 81)$($&#' ./-.' Encryption
-".1:-.&'./&'&%(06831%'1>'1".51"%*'&:-$)'7/$(/':$3+-.&'./&'0$#?#'1>'0&+")-.106'9$1)-31%#<'*-.-' PKI, S/MIME and X.509 AES,
)1##'-%*'(10810-.&'81)$(6'9$1)-31%#<'7$./1".'$:8-(3%+'*-6'.1'*-6'5"#$%&##'-(39$3&#;''bPC':-?&#' 128- bit SSL, 1024 bit RSA
$.' &-#6'.1' #/-0&' #&%#$39&' $%>10:-31%' 7$./' 1./&0' /&-)./(-0&'8019$*&0#<' 8-3&%.#<' -%*' $%*$9$*"-)' keys with MDS and SHA-1 for
strong encryption and digital
Rapid Deployment
l$./'bPC'./&0&' $#'%1' "#&0' .0-$%$%+'0&4"$0&*'-#'&:-$)' $#'&%(068.&*' -.' ./&'51"%*-06'10' +-.&7-6' A few deployment options are
5-#&*' 1%' .0$++&0&*' 81)$($&#;'I/&' b(/1710D' bPC' #1)"31%' -".1:-3(-))6'-%*' *6%-:$(-))6'-88)$&#' avail- able based on a
&%(06831%'10' *&(06831%' 5-#&*' 1%'61"0' 10+-%$2-31%@#'81)$($&#<'0$+/.'-.'./&'+-.&7-6;'M#'-'0&#").<' companyʼs preferred
&%*'"#&0#'*1'%1.'0&4"$0&'-%6'#8&($-)'.0-$%$%+'10'%&&*'.1'*17%)1-*'-%6'#8&($-)'#1B7-0&'.1'"#&'./&' configuration.
Secure Reply
#&09$(&; EMG allows anyone who
receives an Encrypted Mail
message to respond securely
without installing any

Echoworx Healthcare Privacy Whitepaper

Policy Driven Encryption for HIPAA

djG' 81)$($&#'>10' ./&$0' &:-$)' (1%.&%.<'-%*'(-%' 0&9$&7' -%*'("#.1:$2&'./&#&' 0")&#' 7/&%'%&(&##-06;'
b%.&080$#&#'(-%'"3)$2&'./&'bPC'-*:$%'(1%#1)&'.1'-((&##'-"*$.'0&810.#'./-.' 7$))'$*&%3>6'(10810-.&' Did you know?
&:-$)'0$#?#'-%*'7/&0&'./&6'(-%' :1%$.10'1%+1$%+'(1::"%$(-31%'-%*'$>'%&(&##-06<'-).&0' ./&'&:-$)'
&%(06831%'-%*'djG'81)$($&#'.1':$3+-.&'0$#?#;' The list of 2010
Healthcare Common
Procedure Codes
I/&' bPC' G1)$(6' b%+$%&' -))17#' /&-)./(-0&' 10+-%$2-31%#' .1' $:8)&:&%.' &%(06831%' 5-#&*' 1%' (HCPCS) contain over
#8&($=(':&##-+&'(1%.&%.'-%*'#&%*&0'10'0&($8$&%.'$*&%3.6<'10'-#'>1))17#] 9,600 expressions. All of
the 2010 HCPCS codes
^ A1%=*&%3-)' $%>10:-31%' m' #1($-)' $%#"0-%(&<' (0&*$.' (-0*<' -((1"%.' %":5&0#<' 5-%?$%+' are built into the
Echoworx EMG solution.
^ G-3&%.'$%>10:-31%'F'G-3&%.'%":5&0#<'P&*$(-)'0&(10*'%":5&0#
^ L%#"0-%(&'L%>10:-31%'F'ndA'd0"+'n":5&0#
^ ,AGAH'A1*&#'>10'QRVR
^ ,LGMM'10$&%.&*'?&6710*#'-%*'0&+")-0'&D80&##$1%#
^ L%()"*&'*1:-$%'%-:&#<'#8&($=('+01"8#'7$./$%'./&'10+-%$2-31%
^ ,&-)./'L%>10:-31%'N8-3&%.'$*&%3=&0#<'/&-)./'(1%*$31%#O
^ c%$4"&' .&0:$%1)1+6' m' #8&($=(' .1' /&-)./(-0&' 9&03(-)#<' 8&0.-$%$%+' .1' 80180$&.-06'
^ M))' 1>' ./&' -519&' (-%' -)#1' 0&)-.&' .1' :&##-+&' -a-(/:&%.#' #"(/' -#' &D(&)' #80&-*#/&&.#<'

Additional HIPAA Resources

I/&' 1\($-)' (&%.0-)' +19&0%:&%.-)' /"5' >10' -))' !=(>>' $##"&#' $%()"*$%+' 0")&#<' #.-%*-0*#' -%*'
I/&' I/&' !"#$%&' =)*0,#)6"' (/,%#?-$-%@' #)2' >66/0)%#?-$-%@' >6%' N!=(>>O' 1>' VWWX' NG;j;


,bMjI,' LnHceMnAb'G_eIM!LjLIt'Mnd' MAA_cnIM!LjLIt'MAI' _E'VWWX' ;;;;;A1::&%.#h

Echoworx Healthcare Privacy Whitepaper

About Echoworx


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Echoworx Corporation. 4101 Yonge Street, Suite 708, Toronto, Ontario M2P 1N6 Canada, http://www.echoworx.com/

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