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Illustrating the sad-fact that anti-Semitism continues to exist, a patient isnt coming for todays ChemoRx because he is currently

reporting to the police that the following occurred overnight [in Bucks
County]; this is one of a series of events that he has attempted to report to city/state Human Rights
Commissions [alas, to no avail]:

Also overnight, incremental-updates of points summarized in yesterdays Blast e-mails have already
emerged and are categorized accordingly; also, another set of Blast e-mails has been compiled,
thereby updating the summary thereof.
These Blast e-mails have addressed international affairs [focused on Kurdistan, and
increasingly on how BHO is trying to displace BB], national affairs [focused on the
midterms, and now on POTUS-16], and statewide affairs [focused on Corbett, and now
on whether the GOP can advance its agenda despite its being rented by unions].
Composed since Memorial Day, 2013, they has been compiled in three sets: [1]AntiBHO e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV] remitted during the first
half-year [focused on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund ObamaDontCare
(spotlighting Cruz)]; [2]Action-Items e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII,
and XXX] remitted from December-13 through September-14 [focused initially on
Guzzardi and morphed into analyzing myriad other issues related to BHOs overall
effortsdomestic and globalto destroy American Exceptionalism]; and [3]
Thoughts e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII] composed during the past few months
[attempting to ID info being ignored by the Media]. {They now total 4423 pages [1051
Anti-BHO + 2492 Action-Items + 630 Thoughts].}
Aggregating the hyperlinks from todays RedState pieces [and quoting one of them in-toto] provides a
snapshot of what BHO has accomplished during the past almost-six years.
When the American President Hates America
Barack Obama does not like the United States. There was a lot of truth when his wife
said that for the first time she was proud of her country. The Obamas see the United
States as a corrupt and bullying power that needs to be humbled.

No one seeks to fundamentally transform something they love.

And let us now consider that fundamental transformation.
Russia has invaded and taken over Crimea. ISIS stretches across the Middle East
beheading Americans. North Korea now demands we seek its permission before we
watch movies. Police officers are being gun downed in New York to the applause of
Obama voters. And 36 Cubans were just executed by Cuba in celebration of its new
found relationship with the United States.
This is how Barack Obama has fundamentally transformed America. Through word and
deed he has pitted neighbor against neighbor, given hostile powers tacit permission to
invade their neighbors, and through rhetoric and license to others created a situation
where Americans cheer police officers being gunned down.
His historic legacy will be this: he led his countrymen and the world to turn away from
their better angels.
We are less safe at home and abroad as a result. But the Presidents golf game goes
uninterrupted and his congress remains neutered and in fear of being disliked.
One does not seek to fundamental transform things one loves.
Obamas foreign policy enters 12-step program
President Obamas Asinine Abdication of Responsibility on Iraq
Obama sends 1,000 paratroopers to Iraq to provide advice
Leon Panetta: Obama to blame for Iraq mess
Collectivism and the presumption of guilt
Mark Kirk: Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Running For President Would Hurt IL GOP
2014 Enhanced Republican Morale
Rep. Hal Rogers Is Attempting To Commit Legislative Suicide
More ISIS Barbarism: This Time its Church Desecration
Sarah Palin & Ted Cruz: The Two Most Powerful People on Earth
Obama very concerned about murder of NYC cops
This is why we need the NSA
Why I vote Democrat
Democratic Women: Who Let the Dogs Out?
POTUS-16. Cruz is the best, thus far [noting that BHO Fears President Cruz Will Overturn Exec
Amnesty], pending more thorough education regarding Walker [noting that the battle-lines in the GOPs
Civil-War (Wall St. and K St. vs. Main St.) persist]; throughout, people must not be led to fear electing
Republicans will remove food from their tables. Meanwhile, Hillary said to have been pained by the
consequences of Israel's actions, just not publicly. 'I can tell you that privately she has expressed
empathy for the Palestinians.' WINNING WHITE HOUSE RACE WILL COST $1 BILLION and The Deep South
is trying to game the GOP primary; meanwhile, the US Chamber reported Rand Paul is Aggressively
Courting it, while the New TIME magazine ran an article about 2016 top political front runners that
skipped Cruz.


Sony. Because both Sony and BHO have wimped-out, it is necessary to ensure the broadest possible
audience can be exposed to this movie. A Federal Security Unit Warned Sony Malware Could Spread
announced a plan to Produce The Interview Porn Spoof: Wait Till They See the Movie Were Going to
Make. Meanwhile, Mike Myers Returned to SNL as Dr. Evil [the finger-gnawing, kitten-petting villain
from the Austin Powers movies] to Mock North Korea and the Sony Hacks; he claimed North Korea's
alleged hack of Sony is giving "evil organizations a bad name" and worked-in self-deprecation [If North
Korea really wants "to put a bomb in a theater, do what I did; put in The Love Guru."].
AG-Kane and Blogging. AG-Kane is in big-trouble. Also, one news-item [Not just tolls: E-Z Pass keeping
eye on speeders] prompted me to wonder-aloud if Penn-DOT could issue a ticket simply by noting the
time-differential between entering/leaving the turnpike [and then determining the average speed that
had been maintained. The national press reported that a grand jury convened by Philadelphia District
Attorney Seth Williams has indicted two Democratic state legislators for accepting bribes in exchange
for voting against a voter ID bill, among other legislative actions. [The grand jury findings also represent
a withering rejection of the unjustifiable behavior of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who
shut down the three-year investigation that caught state Democratic legislators on video and audio
tapes taking bribes. Williams stepped in and successfully prosecuted the case.] Also, Turzai estimated
selling state liquor system could net $1B, so one would hope this could be accomplished ASAP.
BHO. Libs feel hes emboldened, but it is possible that efforts of the Senate to influence the Foreign
Policy agenda as it relates to Cuba could redound effectively on the impetus to guide BHO on Iran. The
Reasons Behind Obama's Failures; once the fantasy wore off, reality set in and. for liberals, reality is
often bad news.
The Dem Agenda. Dems are ambitious, but U.S. Partisanship Shifted to GOP After Midterms. FDA
Doesnt Want Kids Playing with Light-sabers.


Illegals. Efforts to legitimize the millions of Illegals granted amnesty by BHO are not only aggressive, but
are being portrayed as irreversible; thus, those Rs who rationalized procrastination [until we gain
control over the senate] will now be confronted with the prospect of doing precisely what had been
envisioned by Ted Cruz in 13 regarding ObamaDontCarenamely, refusing to fund the DHS unless all
support for implementing this program have been expunged. 'Homeland' figures show illegal
immigration rose in 2014 while deportations dropped, as Illegal Aliens Search to Find Ways to Prove
Reverse-Racism. Just as BHO/AG-Holder excised reference to Islamic Terrorism [or Theocracy] from
the FBI manual, the DOJ is to issue New 'Profiling' Guidance that Adds 'Off-Limits' Categories So Police
Don't Patrol for Women & Minorities; meanwhile, people are offing the police [blue lives are
important, too], with the most recent in NYC being a black Islamist [fits the profile]. The DE BLASIO
RIFT WITH COPS HAS INTENSIFIED, as it was revealed that the NYPD Assassin Held Radical Islamic Views
and May Have Attended Same Mosque As AQ Fundraiser and WTC Bomber [noting that Ismaaiyl Brinsley
Told Bystanders Watch What Im Going to Do]; Another is in Custody Over Threat to Kill Cops and a
POLICE: IM AFRAID ITS GOING TO SPREAD ACROSS THE NATION as Second Graders Held StudentSponsored Ferguson Protest; Tony Phyrillis observed, Talk about bad timing; on the same day 2 NYC
police officers were executed, these protesters attempted to disrupt last-minute Christmas shoppers at
the King of Prussia Mall.
CIA. Evidence abounds that enhanced interrogation has been useful.
Guns. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy pledged to MAKE GUNS 'A HEALTHCARE ISSUE'; also, the Sixth
Circuit ruled that a Mental Health Gun Ban Is Unconstitutional. The Tea Party Is a Movement Now, Not
Just a Mood; as a result, the Empire is trying to strike-back in the ongoing GOP civil-war, as Sen. Mike
Lee [a Tea-partier] braces for primary challenge from establishment.
Culture Wars. Liberalism is running amok, particularly regarding sexual-politics. The Academic Left
Unleashed Fury at Conservative Marquette [tenured] Professor [John McAdams] because
he criticized Cheryl Abbate, a junior instructor in philosophy at Marquette; she had refused to discuss
same-sex marriage in an ethics class and later, in a secretly-recorded conversation with a student,
compared opposition to same-sex marriage to racism and other forms of bigotry [telling the student
that, if he didnt like it, he should get out of her class]. He was suspended because Liberal academics say
McAdams harassed Abbate by mentioning her in his blog, Marquette Warrior. {Also note that the King of
Common Core, Pearson, Closed its Charitable Foundation Amid Legal Troubles.}


ObamaDontCare. Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin Suspended Single-Payer Plans [After Breitbart
Reporting crushed Jonathan Gruber. An Obamacare Christmas present is imminent, as New rules being
proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will give that agency enormous new
powers over consumers who use the healthcare.gov website to purchase their insurance.
Colbert. Hes hysterical, and I do not perceive liberal-bias, for he cleverly/uniquely skewers everyone.
Note The Report's most patriotic moments and the best Jon/Stephen crossover moments.

Cuba. Regardless of whether its desirable to debate the embargo, it seems BHO gave-up plenty and
received nothing substantive in-return [except for a leftie-businessman]; this portends capitulation to
Iran. Iran hailed thaw as proof sanctions don't work, as Russian shoppers are buying everything they
canbefore the ruble collapses completely; nevertheless, Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzzed
Guam, as FACEBOOK CAVED TO RUSSIAN DEMANDS by Blocking the page of Putin's top critic. {Also note
that Belarusian independent news sites were blocked, probably by Authoritarian President Alexander
Lukashenko who, in office since 1994, has been called Europe's last dictator.}
Media. Manifesting the New Journalism [report first, verify later, maybe] hasnt worked for the libs;
ominously, DISH blocked Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, attempting to control the news
people watch [and cant watch]. Fox Fans Fight DISH Network because they have lost access to the Fox
News Channel and the Fox Business Network; negotiations between TV channels and TV carriers are a
familiar feature of the new-media environment but, in this case, Dish prematurely dropped FNC.


Hanukkah. Ben Shapiro: "In his message, Obama left out the most essential part of the Maccabees
victory: the recapture of Jerusalem and the re-dedication of the Holy Temple atop what is now known as
the Temple Mount, a fact he's omitted every year of his presidency, and something his predecessor
George Bush mentioned in each of his Hanukkah messages."
Islamism. Kurdish Leaders [2-page magazine piece] continue to walk the talk [including Dr. Sherkoh
Abbas]; also, a Man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' drove into crowd in France, injuring 11 and a Court of
Appeal Overturned the Conviction of a Woman Prosecuted for Insulting Islam. Note that after the high
school children were massacred [Pakistans 9/11], War was Declared on the Taliban; Pakistan ended
moratorium on hanging terrorists, declaring there are no more good and bad Taliban and, for the first
time, US, Afghanistan and Pakistan will cooperate against Taliban.
America. Despite having uttered anti-Islamic comments [c/w his overall anti-religion meme], Maher was
allowed by Libs to speak @ Berkley without major incident [Maher to Berkeley Grads: Avoid Groupthink!
Fight Climate Change!; Berkeley Students Reactions to Bill Maher Speech Mixed; Berkeley Graduation:
Dear Admin, Dont Maher Our Commencement]. Also, Brooke Goldstein noted, The evidence is out
there, and whats controversial is why the United States allows CAIR to operate freely within our
The UN, Geneva, and the EU. Manifesting residual anti-Semitism, EU Gave Hamas Green Light To Attack
Israel and Israeli Politics. As Israel studies its past archaeologically, pre-election politics churn
[aggravated by BHOs opposition to BB].


Hamas-Gaza and Intifada-III Agitation. As Hamas reconstructs terror tunnels using Israeli materials, Iran
Accelerates Arming of Hizbullah and Hamas for Possible Clash with Israel.
Iran. Flying in the face of IAEA reportage, Obama claimed Iran has not advanced nuclear ambitions since
U.S. negotiations started.
Iraq/Syria. Iraq TV show makes terrorists confront victims; also, after Obama Vowed to Redouble
Efforts to Close Guantanamo, U.S. Sent 4 Guantanamo Prisoners Home to Afghanistan.


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