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Yes, I heard the supermarket too.

Once you get one, here are Casanova's commandments. lol
"?Casanova Commandment #1To make a woman feel special, do something special.
For his illicit dinner with the good sister, Casanova rented an elegant five-roo
m apartment. He met her as she stepped off the gondola, and they walked arm-in-a
rm across a lantern-lit plaza.
Your move: When you're trying to impress a woman, never utter these words at the
cusp of an evening: "So, what do you feel like doing?" A true Casanova takes ch
arge. He has a plan. To devise a memorable one, imagine that you're proposing. W
hat would you do to make the night so special she couldn't possibly say no? Then
arrange it (minus the ring and bent-knee thing, of course). After all, you are
proposing--only it's something far more enticing than marriage.
"Women are very appreciative of any kind of effort," says Young. "Casanova certa
inly realized that."
Casanova Commandment #2
Privacy is sexy.
The nun had a reputation to protect, and Casanova was sensitive to that. The apa
rtment staff did not disturb Casanova and his guest; dinner was served through a
window in the wall, allowing the servants to deliver the food without being see
n or heard. There were no prying eyes to fear, nothing to distract the two lover
s from each other. Privacy gives a woman permission to be herself.
Your move: Create an intimate atmosphere whenever you can. Invite her to dinner
at your place, reserve a cozy table at a fine restaurant, encourage her to slip
away from the party for a starlit stroll....Continually be searching for eddies
in the evening where you both can linger and connect. You can bestow no greater
compliment on a woman than your full attention.
Casanova Commandment #3
Let her admire you admiring her.
Casanova's rented apartment was full of mirrors and candles. He wanted his love
to be "reflected a thousand times," and he wanted to be able to enjoy her from m

any different angles during dinner. He knew, too, that a beautiful woman enjoys
looking at herself--that the mirrors would become her portraits, and she'd feel
even sexier because of it. "There's a magical quality to mirrors, candlelight, a
nd silver," says Young. "Women find it enchanting."
Your move: If you can't duplicate an atmosphere like this, become a mirror yours
elf. Let her see the effects of her beauty and charm reflected in you. Every now
and then, look at her appreciatively and smile. At opportune times, compliment
her--choosing a trait other than the obvious. For instance, pretty women are use
d to being told they're pretty. That kind of compliment has little effect. But t
ell a pretty woman that she's smart, and you often win her heart. There's a magi
cal quality to a man's open, insightful admiration that women find equally encha
Casanova Commandment #4
Ask her what she thinks.
Casanova's seduction lasted several hours, and he spent much of this time asking
questions and listening. In an age when women were considered inferior to men,
such behavior was flattering. He treated his guest reverently, and not just beca
use she was a nun. This woman was his equal, and he was genuinely interested in
her perspective.
Your move: The reason women found Casanova so fascinating is that he found them
so fascinating. In fact, he believed that without engaging conversation, physica
l pleasure was uninteresting. "The minute you start thinking of the woman as an
object, the instant you become more interested in yourself than in finding out a
bout her, then you're not being a Casanova," notes Emery. "He made women feel va
lued for things other than their bodies."
It's not difficult to get a woman to talk about herself. Just ask open-ended que
stions and shut up. But you have to be sincere about it. Casanova's success with
women stemmed from his genuine interest in them. He touched their hearts before
daring to venture anyplace else.
Casanova Commandment #5
Encourage decadence.
For this particular evening, Casanova spared no expense. The apartment, the dinn
er table, his own body were all dressed with the finest things available. The me
al consisted of eight courses, served in pairs. Many of the dishes, such as oyst
ers, champagne, game, sturgeon, truffles, fruits, and sorbets, were delicacies,
considered highly indulgent separately, let alone combined with everything else.
Casanova was obviously out to impress, but he also knew that after the first sa
mpling of something sinful, it becomes much easier to sin again.
Your move: Provide your lady with something decadent. This could be a single cho
colate truffle (gift-wrapped) or an ice-cream sundae that the two of you share.
Indulgence is the removal of a single brick that significantly weakens the templ
Casanova Commandment #6
Appeal to all her senses.
Casanova scented the apartment with tuberoses because he believed they were an a
phrodisiac. He served oysters and champagne as an appetizer because on the tongu
e there is only one thing more titillating. He asked for his lady's opinions bec
ause every woman loves the music of her own voice. He created an atmosphere of l
avishness and luxury, so her own indulgence would feel less guilty. And he touch
ed her, often and gently, to return her attention to the true focus of the eveni
ng. By stimulating every sense, Casanova was able to immerse this woman more ful
ly in the moment, and make her feel more alive and sexual.
Your move: Be attentive to every one of your mate's five senses. Play background
music, touch the small of her back to guide her, make eye contact, give her a f
lute of champagne to sip, buy her a fresh flower to sniff....Think of each sense
as a little engine you need to warm up. When all her senses are purring, she wi
ll be, too.
Casanova Commandment #7
Savor the anticipation.
Although Casanova immediately grew "ardent" when he noticed that his lady's brea

sts were covered by only a dainty chemise, he didn't force himself upon her. He
was patient. He accepted her single kiss and cherished her two-word promise: "Af
ter supper."
"Casanova appreciated that if you have your pleasure too quickly, you don't suck
all the pleasure out of it," explains Young. "Savor the anticipation, because o
ften the anticipation is half the fun."
Your move: Foreplay doesn't happen only in the bedroom 60 seconds before interco
urse. It's organic. It encompasses the entire day. Slip a note into her purse co
nfessing how much you're looking forward to this date, or call her at work and t
ell her the same. When you meet, take her hands and softly kiss her lips. Most i
mportant: Allow the evening to progress at its own pace, remembering that neithe
r of you has to be anywhere except together.
Casanova Commandment #8
Be playful.
Most of the food and drink Casanova preferred was sexually suggestive. Plump oys
ters, succulent game hens, soft cheeses, ripe fruit...On one level, he simply en
joyed watching women put these things in their mouths. But on another, he saw di
nnertime as an opportunity for playfulness. When a slippery oyster fell onto an
ample bosom, he immediately offered to slurp it off. When the salad arrived undr
essed, he encouraged the lady to dribble on the oil and vinegar. Casanova realiz
ed that sex isn't serious--it's playtime for adults. Games like this are the war
Your move: Whether you're dining at home or at a restaurant, choose something pr
ovocative the two of you can share. Put the plate between you and nibble. Eat wi
th your fingers. Feed each other. Make it your goal to keep the evening lighthea
Casanova Commandment #9
Be spontaneous.
Casanova was an opportunist. He drifted from country to country, working at ludi
crously diverse jobs (among them, priest and pimp). He was a disciple of the mom
ent. Once, while sharing a carriage with a farmer's wife during a severe storm,
he found her perched on his lap after a frightening thunderclap. Seizing the opp
ortunity, he deftly rearranged her skirts.
Your move: If the evening isn't going according to plan, abandon it. Be attuned
to fate and go where it directs. The confidence and daring this shows is in itse
lf seductive.
Casanova Commandment #10
Surprise her with a gift
After supper, Casanova and his lady retired to a candlelit alcove, where he pres
ented her with a beautiful lace nightcap. She pronounced it "magnificent." It wa
s the final, thoughtful coup de grace. "She told me to go undress in the next ro
om," writes Casanova, "promising to call me as soon as she was in bed. This took
but 2 minutes."
Your move: Women love unexpected gifts. Make hers personal rather than trendy, s
mall rather than large, silly rather than serious--something only she can apprec
iate. "Casanova's gifts showed a great deal of creativity and thoughtfulness," s
ays Emery. Most important, time your gift's delivery for that critical point in
the evening when there remains just one obvious way for her to show her gratitud
had a date and there was this couch console between us and I am thinking "fuck,
how am I gonna make my move?" I suggested some fresh air and then I was next to
her outside and I layed a kiss first chance I could get and then said "hey I do
n't think I have seen your room" knowing full well she had already shown me her
room. Well from there...
Now, I personally fucked up this relationship myself later on by calling too muc
h and she has kind of backed off so I had to wait a while before calling again.

There you have an example. I admit to myself if I fuck up and learn from it.
If you know you that you are missing your window and don't go for it, you fucked
up. Its hard to remedy but I suppose another date might work if you don't act l
ike a pussy. I think that is where alot of guys fuck up. So take some initiative
and don't fuck up the first time.
My friend once said to me "if you don't get the pussy you are fucking up,
she is too drunk or something like that, get the pussy, to get the pussy
entleman but remember to get the pussy not that straight men forget " Now
ly thing on this guys mind is pussy and despite being really fat he pulls
ussy. Why? Because he knows how to act, dress, and talk to women.

be a g
the on
some p

Me, I do pretty fucking good. I just usually fuck up in other ways by getting in
bad relationships and fucking up good ones.
Sorry for the profanity, its hard to think of descriptive words for something so

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