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Faith for All of Life

January/February 2015

Publisher & Chalcedon President

Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony
Chalcedon Vice-President
Martin Selbrede
Martin Selbrede
Managing Editor
Susan Burns
Contributing Editor
Lee Duigon
Chalcedon Founder
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
was the founder of Chalcedon
and a leading theologian, church/
state expert, and author of
numerous works on the application of Biblical Law to society.
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2 From the President

Year-End Sale

Jeremiahs Unpopular Politics

22 From the Founder

Do We Make Too Much of Our Presidents?

30% OFF
All orders thru
Jan. 31, 2015


5 Martha Coakley and Her Tree of Hate

Martin G. Selbrede

9 A Government of Wolves: The Emerging Police State

by John Whitehead
Reviewed by Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D.

12 Heresy, Apostasy, and National Fidelity

Paul Michael Raymond

17 Power on Her Head: The Home Field Advantage

Andrea Schwartz


20 Wait Till Its Free A Documentary Film by Colin Gunn

Reviewed by Lee Duigon

23 Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel

by David Limbaugh
Reviewed by Lee Duigon

27 Product Catalog (Year-End Sale...30% Off Ends Jan. 31, 2015)

Faith for All of Life, published bi-monthly by Chalcedon, a tax-exempt Christian foundation, is sent to all who
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Chalcedon. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint granted on written request only. Editorial Board: Rev. Mark
R. Rushdoony, President/Editor-in-Chief; Martin Selbrede, Editor; Susan Burns, Managing Editor and Executive
Assistant. Chalcedon, P.O. Box 158, Vallecito, CA 95251, Telephone Circulation (9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m., Pacific): (209)
736-4365 or Fax (209) 736-0536; email: info@chalcedon.edu; www.chalcedon.edu; Circulation: Rebecca Rouse.

From the President

Jeremiahs Unpopular Politics

By Mark R. Rushdoony

eremiah was called

to one of the most
difficult ministries of
any man in Scripture.
He was called to speak
Gods message of judgment as the nation of Judah approached
conquest and dissolution. He changed
nothing, and much of his message was
to warn against resistance to the foreign
conqueror because he was Gods agent
of wrath on apostasy.
Jeremiah was seen as a demoralizing
naysayer, a doom-and-gloom prophet.
He was, at times, physically accosted,
slandered, imprisoned, and put on trial
for his life. He was always ignored. His
every prophetic utterance was contradicted by priests and a group of false
prophets who promised better days
would come soon. At one point the king
of Judah personally destroyed his book
of prophecies, requiring its complete
Why Jeremiah Was Hated
Jeremiah preached just before the
Babylonian Captivity. The nation had
gone through a period of religious reforms led by King Josiah, but his death
in combat revealed an ugly truth about
Judah. Outwardly, Josiah had removed
the altars to the baalim and forbade Baal
worship (which included temple prostitution), yet after his death, the nation
resumed such worship. Judah preferred
their fertility cults to the worship of
Judahs sin was religious apostasy.
Part of their judgment was their loss of
nationhood, and the means whereby
God told Jeremiah this would be ac-

Jeremiah was seen as

a demoralizing naysayer, a
doom-and-gloom prophet.
He was, at times, physically
accosted, slandered,
imprisoned, and put on trial
for his life. He was always
ignored. His every prophetic
utterance was contradicted
by priests and a group of false
prophets who promised better
days would come soon.

complished was by political conquest by

Jeremiahs time was one of political
upheaval throughout the region, so his
message obviously involved a political
element. The king sought, as his predecessors had, to fix the political vulnerability of Judah by means of power
politics. Generations earlier, Isaiah had
warned Judahs King Ahaz (Isa.10) of
the terrible consequences of his decision
to ask Assyrias help against a confederacy of Syria and Israel. Judahs history
thereafter was a constant struggle to
protect itself from Assyrian control.
Prophets had for generations
predicted a destruction of Judah. In
the past there had been some response
and some periods of reform, but after
Josiah, the nation was intolerant of such
Baalism was polytheistic, however,
so despite their prevalent idolatry, the
nation never considered themselves
as having abandoned Abrahams God.

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

They merely recognized additional powers, lords, or baals. The feasts, festivals, and temple rites, revived by Josiah,
went on, complete with priesthood and
prophets ready to give the people an
upbeat, positive message of hope and
blessing. For this, these prophets of
peace were regularly condemned by
The Political Assumptions
of Jeremiahs Critics
The kings after Josiah obviously
preferred the message of the prophets of
peace. Considering Judahs dire political
situation, this was a far-fetched hope.
Josiah had been killed trying to
stop Egypt from interfering in Assyrias
death-struggle with the Chaldeans
(Babylon) led by Nebuchadnezzar. With
his death, Egypt became overlord of
Judah. When the people crowned one
of Josiahs sons to be the new king, the
Egyptian Pharaoh flexed his authority
by deposing him, exiling him to Egypt,
and appointing another son in his
place, Jehoiakim. During Jehoiakims
eleven-year reign, Jerusalem capitulated
to Babylonian forces under Nebuchadnezzar and Judahs king then became a
vassal to yet another empire. Jehoiakim
died under mysterious circumstances
after rebelling and was replaced by
Jehoiachin. This time it was the Babylonian kings turn to show his prerogative
by deposing and exiling yet another
short-reign king and appoint a replacement of his choosing, Zedekiah.
Politically, Judah was now a puppet
of another nation, an insignificant pawn
in the power politics of the day, just
as Isaiah had warned. Yet the kings of


Faith for All of Life

Jeremiahs day never seemed to recognize the truth of the prophets warnings
despite their precarious existence. They
were going to play the game to the very
The priests of Jeremiahs day were
very possessive of their prerogative and
the Temple. They were offended that
Jeremiah preached there. Over a century
earlier, after King Hezekiah had seen an
Assyrian army decimated by the angel
of the Lord (Isa. 37:3338) it apparently became a widely held assumption
that Jerusalem and the Temple were
inviolate by any outside force. The trial
of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 26) was likely as
a false prophet for having the audacity
to challenge this belief by predicting the
fall of Jerusalem and the Temple. It was
only when elders of the people noted
that Micah had said the same thing
generations before that Jeremiah was
The false prophets spoke with a full
conviction that they, in fact, spoke the
true revelation of God. Their reason for
such confidence may have come from
a political assessment of current events.
We know that a group of diplomats
from the neighboring nations of Edom,
Ammon, Moab, Tyre, and Sidon were
assembled in Jerusalem where Jeremiah
warned them of dire consequences for
rebellion against Nebuchadnezzar and
commanded them to relay this warning
to their kings (Jeremiah 27:34).
We know that Nebuchadnezzar was
preoccupied with issues elsewhere. It is
likely this was a diplomatic mission to
Judah to discuss whether Palestine had
an opportune time to throw off vassalage to Nebuchadnezzar. These prophets
who opposed Jeremiah might have been
engaged in a bit of newspaper eschatology which seemed to confirm what
they already believed. This false confidence in Jerusalems sanctity led them
to promise happier days ahead and,


likely, a good outcome to the proposed

Jeremiahs Words
to the Political Leaders
Rebellion was brewing in Zedekiahs
reign. Twice already Babylonian armies
had received Jerusalems surrender yet
spared the city from destruction. Now
the king was entertaining thoughts of
rebellion and diplomats from Judahs
long-term enemies, possible allies now,
were present in Jerusalem.
Jeremiah appeared before these
political leaders and told them in no
uncertain terms they were not to rebel
against Babylon or they would bring
bloodshed upon themselves. The people
of Judah wanted a feel good message, so
the priests and the prophets were assuring them everything would be fine. Jeremiah had been preaching to them for
years with no response. Finally he gave
his message to the assembled ambassadors. He was very specific about the
harm that would come to their nations
if they resisted Babylon. He was very
clear in warning them against the lies of
the false prophets.
The Political Philosophy
of Jeremiah
Jeremiah began with the assumption
that all governments and nations were
under the control of God. The basis of
Gods sovereignty, he noted, was that He
was the Creator of all things (Jer. 27:5).
This, remember, was a message given to
pagans. God was not only the God of
His covenant people but of heaven and
earth. Nobody was outside the realm of
His authority and command.
Jeremiahs second point was that
Nebuchadnezzar was given his position
by God, who raises and overthrows
nations in terms of His will (vv. 68).
By grace God was revealing His decree
regarding Babylons ascendency so that
these nations had the opportunity to

avoid the fatal mistake of resisting Gods

will. Jeremiahs words to these foreign
dignitaries was also a dramatic demonstration to the Jews present that, unlike
the various baalim they regarded, Gods
sovereign claim was universal in its applicability.
To resist God was suicidal, Jeremiah
said, for both individuals and nations.
God demanded compliance with the
revelation His prophet was, by grace,
revealing to them (vv. 1213).
Jeremiah warned against all false
prophets, both in the pagan countries
represented and in Judah (vv. 911,
1417). A prophet spoke words from
God. Those who predicted the future
by invoking Gods name were guilty
of a capital offense if their prediction
was wrong (Deut. 18:1922). This
is likely why Jeremiah was tried for a
capital offense (Jer. 26:8ff.), though his
prosecutors did not fulfill the Biblical
requirement to see whether his prophesy
came true. Their eschatological assumption was that Jeremiahs prophesy could
not be true.
False Eschatology
Eschatology is not just teachings
regarding the last days of creation, it
is about last things, endings. There
are many divine endings in Scripture.
The Flood was an eschatological event
for the generation that perished and
their culture. The drowning of the
Egyptian army in the Red Sea was an
obvious ending for the oppressors of
Gods people. The fall of Samaria was
an eschatological event for Israel which
ought to have been taken as a warning
by Judah. Likewise, the approaching
fall of Jerusalem and end of the Davidic
kingship was to be an ending, an eschatological event, and Jeremiahs message
was that Babylon was Gods instrument
in that end. Eschatological events represent endings decreed by God so that
His future might begin. Even the final

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life

Faith for All of Life

judgment represents the beginning of
our eternal state.
It is easy for men to see the future
in terms of their own preconceived
ideas about how it will play out. This
is inevitable and unavoidable. Our
eschatology affects our understanding
about the present and the future.
Jeremiah gave these diplomats a new
eschatological expectation and warned
them to act in terms of it.
As long as the false prophets
assumed the security of Jerusalem and
the Temple, Jeremiahs prophecies
regarding their downfall would have
been seen as blasphemous. When they
saw that Nebuchadnezzar and his armies
were busy elsewhere, it would have
only made sense to act on faith and
repudiate Babylons overlordship.
Mans Word vs. Gods Word
We have a postscript to Jeremiahs
words to the politicians in chapter
28. One of the prophets Jeremiah
repeatedly called false decided it was
time for pushback. He set up a very
public confrontation, one he likely
hoped would end in another trial of
In no uncertain terms Hananiah
proclaimed God had already broken
Judahs dependence on Babylon and
that the Temple vessels and exiled king
Jehoiachin would return within two
years. Such time-frames by prophets
are not typical in Scripture. Hananiah
was prophesying on the basis of the
political rumors coming from the
exiles in Babylon and calling it a word
from God. Jeremiah 29 indicates such
rumors were being fed to Judah by
reports from Hebrew false prophets in
Babylon. Much modern eschatology is
based on current accounts rather than
There is an interesting contrast
in the account of the false prophet
Hananiah. Jeremiah sarcastically said

Amen to his words, and added The

Lord perform thy words (Jer. 28:6) but
when God told Jeremiah what to say
in response to Hananiah, however, we
are told it was, The word of the Lord
(v.12). This was the issue. Hananiah,
the false prophet, spoke mans word;
Jeremiah was, by grace, given Gods
Man is seldom given a specific
political analysis such as Jeremiah gave
regarding Gods judgment coming
through the agency of Babylon.
Jeremiahs words were a gracious
warningdont stand opposed to
Gods work in history. Most often, such
opposition is in the form of immorality
or injustice by those who defy Gods
The false prophets had decided
what God should do and constructed
their message around that vision.
They controlled Judahs monarchy,
priesthood, and people. But this unity,
like that of Masada, was a suicidal stand
against Gods providence. God cast
them aside and depopulated the land
until He raised up a remnant through
which He would work His salvation.
Babylon caused an unprecedented
political upheaval in the region. Nations disappeared entirely, including Judah for many years, but Babylons glory
days only lasted about seventy years and
it, in turn fell to Persia, through which
God allowed Judahs restoration.
Jeremiahs message is very clear. Do
not resist Gods work in history. If we
align ourselves with the Kingdom of
God, our political perspective will fall
into place. Seek ye first the kingdom
of God and his righteousness (Matt.

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

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Feature Article

Martha Coakley and Her Tree of Hate

by Martin G. Selbrede
Part 6 in a series about medical path-breaker Dr. Punyamurtula Kishore

his is the sixth

in an ongoing
series of articles about
Dr. Punyamurtula S.
Kishore, the Christian
doctor who innovated
the Massachusetts Model of addiction
treatment.1 The previous five articles
painstakingly documented how conventional addiction therapies based on
substitute narcotics (methadone and
Suboxone) leave only 2% to 5% of
patients who wont relapse back into
full-scale addiction after twelve months.
The pitiful few who havent relapsed
after that time will often take prescribed
substitute narcotics indefinitely, creating
life-long issues for them.
In contrast, Dr. Kishores sobrietybased approach is non-narcotic in
orientation. His method doesnt lead
to an embarrassingly miserable 2% to
5% success rate at the one-year mark,
but an astonishing 50% to 60% success
rate based on hard test data (rising from
37% in 1994 to over 50% in 2011
with a quarter-million patients having
passed through his sobriety maintenance
Massachusetts buried this medical
miracle in its midst by incarcerating
Dr. Kishore in September 2011 and
withholding Medicaid payments to his
fifty-two treatment centers, causing their
complete collapse. The sordid details of
the states continuing atrocities against
Dr. Kishore form a nerve cord winding
through the previous five articles. To
repeat the preceding documentation,
even in condensed form, would con-


sume half of the present article. If youve

not followed this series from the outset,
review the earlier articles before diving into this latest article. Without the
factual background the earlier articles
provide, you may continue to fall prey
to ongoing manipulation (by omission
and commission) by the state and its
media gatekeepers.
Note also that on October 10,
2014, we attempted to formally contact Massachusettss Attorney General,
Martha Coakley, through her Director
of Communications, Brad Puffer, but
have not received a response to our set
of questions as of press time. Should a
response be forthcoming, we will make
an effort to incorporate any meaningful
new data into the record.
Recalculating the True Impact
of the Kishore Takedown
We live in a time when voters
are willing to overlook a remarkable
amount of baggage weighing down a
political candidate if those unflattering
details can be mitigated or favorably
spun. And so it goes with the top law
enforcement official of a state: attorney
generals are supposed to be tough on
crime. If a few innocents go down along
with the guilty, such collateral damage
is an unintended side effect of the AGs
zeal and diligence. Such friendly fire,
say the apologists, is a rare occurrence,
but because such instances are newsworthy theyre quickly blown out of
proportion. An occasional dolphin can
still get caught in the fishermans net,
after all, but the target was always fish,
never dolphins.

When a dolphin (such as Dr.

Kishore) is caught in the net intended
for fish (true Medicaid fraudsters), the
state is loath to admit error and, as
pointed out in an earlier article, will
simply cut gills into the dolphins cheeks
and twist its flukes ninety-degrees and
exult, See, it was a fish after all. If
this program fails after several years of
dragging out a case, the electorate has
short memories. Since the Attorney
General of Massachusetts who spearheaded the actions against Dr. Kishore,
Martha Coakley, is currently running
for governor of her state, perhaps voters
should be aware of the true legacy this
candidate has carved into the lives of the
people she would rule over. To do this,
we must frame the situation using truth,
not political expedience, as our yardstick
of choice.
If voters in the state were inclined
to assess the net damage inflicted by the
actions of their attorney general, they
would think of it in terms of a single
doctor being wrongly suspected of fraud
who might eventually be exonerated. As
documented in an earlier article in this
series, a major exoneration this year that
overturned a case strikingly parallel to
Dr. Kishores case (the Franey Medical Labs case) went unreported by The
Boston Globe. Out of voters sight, out of
voters minds.
Not surprisingly, then, voters tend
to think of Dorothy Rabinowitzs No
Crueler Tyrannies, if they think of it at
all, as water under the bridge Pulitzer
Prize-winning water, maybe, but water
under the bridge in its reporting of pros-

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life

Faith for All of Life

ecutorial excess. The common DNA
supposedly shared by Dr. Kishores case
and the earlier cases is that the rights
of individuals were at stake in these
controversial prosecutions. Even if a case
was prosecuted in error (or out of malice
or to build a political future) the victim
count remained tiny while far more real
bad guys were put away. When the outcome is framed this way, pliable voters
will put up with collateral damage, will
accept some friendly fire, at the hands of
their attorney general. They might even
reward this individual with the governorship of their state.
The Deadly Truth
The engine driving this political mythology is a dangerously false
concept. It is the deadly idea that the
takedown of Dr. Kishore and his PMAI
treatment centers only created a brief
treatment outage from which the state
was able to spring back and meet any
resulting shortfalls, thus absorbing the
impact of those clinic closings. Any
problems caused by the forced closings
were explicitly blamed on Dr. Kishore
while the existing treatment systems
(those with a success rate less than 10%
of Dr. Kishores success rates) were
praised for taking up the slack.
Assume Martha Coakley never prosecuted Dr. Kishore in September 2011,
then wind the clock forward twelve
months to September 2012 and count
how many of his patients have not
relapsed into full-fledged drug addiction
based on his vetted clinical record. Now
repeat this scenario but add the prosecution and clinic closings back to the
timeline. What has changed? Thousands
of people who would have been sober
(at Dr. Kishores 50% to 60% success
rate) are now buried under conventional
treatments abysmal 2% to 5% success
rate. For every thousand that would
have enjoyed a full year of sobriety by
September 2012, nine hundred have,

in real life, completely relapsed, because

the second scenario is the actual situation
inflicted upon Massachusetts.
After the clinic closings, those few
patients of Dr. Kishores that found
doctors willing to prescribe non-narcotic
VIVITROL fared somewhat better than those placed in conventional
(methadone- and Suboxone-based)
treatment programs, but VIVITROL
forms only one part of Dr. Kishores
comprehensive treatment model.
Prescribing VIVITROL in isolation
yields a success rate under one-half
that achieved by the full Massachusetts
Model of sobriety maintenance (see the
first, second, and fifth articles in this
Consequently, had Dr. Kishore been
a run-of-the-mill addiction specialist
prescribing methadone or Suboxone
rather than being a recognized trailblazer innovating vastly superior addiction
treatment regimens without the use of
addictive drugs, one could argue that he
was the one person being adversely affected by this prosecution. But there is a
mathematical certainty no political spin
doctor can alter: you cannot take thousands of people out of a program with
a 50% to 60% success rate and transfer
them to a program with a 2% to 5%
success rate and not generate enormous
human loss on a massive scale. Build
ten thousand more methadone clinics
in Massachusetts if you want, but those
numbers will not change. They are
etched into stone.
The closing of Dr. Kishores clinics
consigned thousands of his patients to
inevitable relapse into the mire of addiction and hopelessness. These re-broken
lives need to be laid at the foot of the attorney general whose actions obliterated
the superior treatment program these
people were in. Also complicit in this
preventable carnage is the media, which
continues to cast a blind eye upon

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

the true extent of the collateral damage inflicted by the grinding power of
state machinery. To crush the full story
of what Dr. Kishore achieved is tantamount to crushing all these now-ruined
lives underfoot in callous disregard of
human value.
The Deadlier Truth
All extrapolation is hazardous as it
forces us to extend trends with incomplete knowledge. There is comparative safety in extrapolating between a
point in the past (September 2011) to
the present (October 2014), especially
since the last three years have shown no
improvement in the success rates of traditional addiction treatment. This should
not be a surprise since these treatment
programs have not changed one iota.
They perform as they did decades earlier: very, very badly. (See the first article
in this series on how this fact is cleverly
On the other hand, Dr. Kishores
methods were continually evolving
and improving. He had improved his
sobriety results from 37% in 1994
to between 50% and 60% by 2011,
and was working tirelessly to achieve
nothing less than 100% or die trying.
We will never know what his program
would have achieved given three years of
additional research with an even larger
clientele (250,000 total patients when
his clinics were shuttered). But it is safe
to assume that the Massachusetts Model
results wouldnt degrade because the
protocols delivering his miraculously
high success rates year after year were
proven with clinical rigor over countless
patient histories. (These histories are a
major reason the states efforts to vilify
and demonize Dr. Kishore have gained
no traction. Each life he rebuilt created
inexorable ripple effects and did so ten
times more often than his horse-andbuggy-bound colleagues could achieve.)
Weve already established the mas-


Faith for All of Life

sive damage to Dr. Kishores patients
inflicted by Martha Coakleys actions
against Dr. Kishore. This would be bad
enough, but the state of Massachusetts
is in the midst of an officially acknowledged public health crisis2 (see articles
four and five in this series) with respect
to drug addiction. So now it is time to
ask a more uncomfortable question.
Assume Martha Coakley had never
moved against Dr. Kishore. At the rate
that Dr. Kishores treatment centers were
expanding three years ago, how many
additional patients would have gone
through his clinics in that span of time?
These are touchy questions. It is
state policy to promote methadone and
Suboxone treatments while pretending the ensuing 2% to 5% success rate is
a medical wonder. Dr. Kishores clinics
were growing based on merit, not state
advocacy, empowering the mothers of
Massachusetts rather than narcotic companies (guess which of these two is more
likely to make campaign donations).
As mentioned in earlier articles,
other states saw more value in Dr.
Kishores work than did Massachusetts,
the namesake of his Massachusetts
Model. Dr. Kishore was a convenient
bogey on a prosecutorial radar screen.
As documented in the first two articles,
his medical successes actually worked
against him. He was what Malcolm
Gladwell calls an outlier.3 The system
within which he worked does not tolerate outliers.4 It cynically used out-ofcontext aspects of his achievements to
destroy him and to continue to crush
him even further to this very day.
Had the Massachusetts Model been
allowed to refine itself further and sustain its existing exponential growth rather than being shut down at its height
of expansion in 2011, many thousands
more would have passed through Dr.
Kishores practices and more than half
of them would have been delivered from


addiction. Instead of passing through

a growing nexus of clinics treating at
a 50% to 60% success rate, the states
drug addicts were mindlessly shoved
through conventional clinics with a 2%
to 5% success rate. The best solution
to addiction was sidelined at the worst
possible time (while it was spreading to
meet the need) and inferior methods
were heralded as the answer. The media
repeated these state lies about treatment
effectiveness and papered over the states
complicity in creating the existing crisis
by its actions. The media protected the
powerful while letting the multitudes
Let there be no mistake. There
would be no public health crisis in Massachusetts today, no trail of ruined lives
extending to the horizon and worsening, had Martha Coakley not set out to
destroy Dr. Kishore and his work. Massachusetts today would be the model
for other states to follow (as it actually
was up until Coakleys attack upon Dr.
Kishore). This state owes its current
crisis to its attorney general. For reasons
that remain inexplicable, it seems the
voters intend to reward Ms. Coakley for
her callous disregard of the commonwealth she took an oath to protect by
giving her the governorship. If so, their
mandate to her must be something on
the order of let this ruin be under thy
hand (Isaiah 3:6).
Martha Coakley Versus Ebola
To put the human cost into perspective, lets reduce Dr. Kishores case
to a parable about the Ebola virus.
In this mythical parable, Dr. Kishore
develops ZMapp serum to treat Ebola.
After some initial positive results, the
attorney general takes the doctor in
custody and destroys all the serum. The
media never mentions the serum so the
electorate knows nothing about it. Ebola
outbreaks start popping up all over the
state. The attorney general runs for gov-

ernor, wins the election, and is in charge

of handling the Ebola crisis. While there
is no ZMapp serum to be seen, there is
posturing and rhetoric aplenty.
Too extreme an analogy, you protest? Youd be right. Drug addiction in
Massachusetts is doing far more harm,
right now, than the Ebola virus could do
to its citizens. The parable above paints
too rosy a picture of the actual situation.
Drug addiction is deadlier than Ebola in terms of the toll in human lives.
Those lives it doesnt destroy quantitatively (by killing the addict) it destroys
qualitatively. For a culture to dismantle
its own best hope against this scourge is
an irrational, suicidal act. The actions
of Martha Coakley were either done in
full knowledge of Dr. Kishores achievements, or they were done in ignorance
of his work. Neither scenario speaks well
of someone charged with administering
What wisdom is shown in destroying fifty-two treatment centers across
the state of Massachusetts that are
routinely documenting a drug addiction
success rate more than ten times higher
than any competing clinics? By what
calculus can such brutal actions be even
remotely justified? The only beneficiaries of such actions are the pharmaceutical firms that manufacture methadone
and Suboxone, who continue to find a
vigorous advocate in Michael Botticelli,
a Massachusetts export to the federal
drug czar position (see the fifth article
in this series). It appears that when Dr.
Kishore was arrested, the unnamed
source that told the media that Kishore
wasnt licensed by the state to practice
addiction medicine was Mr. Botticelli.
By putting this perversion of the truth
into play to discredit the embattled
defendant, Botticelli raised the specter
of coordinated state action in the takedown of Dr. Kishores clinics.
The truth is much more simple. As

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life

Faith for All of Life

such, it should be stated with simplicity.
The Tree of Hate
Ive taken the liberty of borrowing this phrase, The Tree of Hate, to lay
out the logical conclusion of the above
analysis.5 By this phrase I do not mean
Martha Coakleys repeated denunciations of Dr. Kishore (and quiet backpedaling when overstatements came
to light). Yes, such vitriol invited her
listeners to hate Dr. Kishore on first one
ground and then another, bidding them
to see him as the thieving foreigner she
was going to exact punishment upon
(see the first article in this series for
details). But this phenomenon, ghastly
as it is in respect to the individual affected by it (Dr. Kishore), is not the tree
of hate. It is only a daisy of hate. It is
no tree. And voters at the mercy of the
media will grant an attorney general an
occasional miss if there are many more
hits than misses in prosecuting individuals. A daisy of hate here or there is just
collateral damage, or so the electorate
tends to reason.
No, Martha Coakleys tree of hate
has nothing to do with Dr. Kishore
personally. The tree of hate arose
because Martha Coakley put her career
on one pan of the scale and the lives of
many tens of thousands of Massachusetts citizens affected by the plague of
drug addiction on the other pan, and
then forced the first pan down with
all her weight. By this act of hatred,
she declared her political career more
important than all the lives affected by
the destruction of Dr. Kishores clinics. When put in the balance, she made
clear that the lives of all those Massachusetts citizens meant nothing to her
and should rightly be swept away, out of
consideration, out of sight, out of mind.
Whether or not Martha Coakley
received political or financial returns
by protecting conventional addiction
treatment centers, Big Pharma, inde-

pendent testing laboratories, and others

who benefited by the takedown of Dr.
Kishores clinics isnt material here. Even
if she did, these would represent the
things she loves and worked toward setting in order in her state by her actions.
If not, fine. Voters expect politicians
to have constituencies other than the
electorate. Voters tolerate this.
No, the tree of hate needs to be the
focus. How much must you hate your
fellow Massachusetts citizens that you
would act with calculation to consign
them to the misery of a public health
crisis that you have personally pushed
into high gear? How much must you
hate these people that you would deny
these citizens of your state, by the thousands, to get the best treatment that any
state in the country was providing at the
And how much must you hate them
that, after flushing all the serum down
the toilet, you try to wheedle them into
voting for you?
If the citizens of Massachusetts will
just open their eyes, theyll be able to
see Martha Coakleys tree of hate. You
really cant miss it. The tree is so tall its
crown pierces the heavens. That tree
can be seen reflected in the eyes of your
fellow citizens, neighbors, and countless
family members affected directly and
indirectly by the growing scourge of
drug addiction ravaging your commonwealth. That scourge grows in your state
because your attorney general chose to
throw gas on that fire while imprisoning
the best fireman in the whole country.

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

Then said all the trees unto the

bramble, Come thou, and reign
over us. And the bramble said
unto the trees, If in truth ye anoint
me king over you, then come and
put your trust in my shadow: and
if not, let fire come out of the
bramble, and devour the cedars of
Lebanon. (Judges 9:1415)

The First Five Articles in This Series:

Article One: Massachusetts Protects Medical-Industrial Complex, Derails Pioneering
Revolution in Addiction Medicine. Read it
online at http://bit.ly/Kishore1
Article Two: Massachusetts Derails Revolution In Addiction Medicine While Drug
Abuse Soars. Read it online at http://bit.
Article Three: The Pioneer Who Cut New
Paths in Addiction Medicine Before Being
Cut Down. Read it online at http://bit.ly/
Article Four: The Addiction Crisis Worsens after Massachusetts Pulls Plug on Dr.
Kishores Sobriety-Based Solution. Read it
online at http://bit.ly/Kishore4
Article Five: Why Did They Do It? Christian Physician with a 37% Success Rate for
Recovering Addicts Gets Shut Down by
the State. Read it online at http://bit.ly/
1. http://www.punyamurtulakishorepresents.org/massachusetts-model.html
2. http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.
3. Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers (New York,
NY: Little, Brown & Company, 2008).
4. A new trend is developing which uses
software algorithms to detect outliers and
exact punishment on them (on the principle that statistical anomalies invariably
are smoking guns signifying Medicaid or
Medicare fraud). See http://www.21ct.com/
products/torch/ for an example of just such
a system. As mentioned in the text, such
nets are intended to catch fish (true frauds)
but cannot be tuned to avoid catching
dolphins (innocent innovators pushing the
5. Im referring to the book by American
historian Dr. Phillip Wayne Powell of the
University of California Santa Barbara. I had
the pleasure of personally working with Dr.
Powell in the early 1980s in the preparation of a new edition of his book The Tree
of Hate: Propaganda and Prejudices Affecting
Relations with the Hispanic World.


Special Review

A Government of Wolves: The Emerging Police State

by John Whitehead
Reviewed by Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D.
A man I had never seen before in my life touched my fourteen-year-old sons genitals today right in front of me. I
was ashamed, angered, in fact saw red with fury. If my intentions at that moment had been read by some sort of brain
scanning device (which is certainly being developed) I would no doubt not be at liberty to write this. It was the most
vile violation of his privacy, his person, his innocence. There was not a single thing I could do about it.
He worked for the TSA.1
Today, most Americans have lost their faith in Christ as Savior, and they expect civil government to be their savior.
They have no desire for the responsibilities of self-government, and so they say to politicians, Do thou rule over us.
Instead of Jesus Christ as their good shepherd, they elect politicians to be their shepherds on a program of socialistic
security for all.2 ~ R. J. Rushdoony

n 2003, 71-year-old
legally-blind Eunice
Crowder was hit in the
head with such force her
prosthetic eye flew out,
kicked in the back, and
pepper-sprayed in the face. These acts
were not committed by a mugger, but
by a police officer. Ms. Crowder, after
city employees began removing shrubs
and what the city considered trash from
her yard, had the audacity to request she
be allowed on the city truck to look for
a ninety-year-old wagon which was a
family heirloom. Because she persisted
in her request, police were called. Upon
their arrival, the officer approached her
and stepped on her foot and after the
blind woman asked who was standing
on her foot, the violence against her
On June 7, 2011, a federal SWAT
team, acting under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Justice, battered
down Kenneth Wrights front door,
dragging him outside in his underwear,
throwing him to the ground and handcuffing him. His three children, ages
three, seven, and eleven, were detained
in a squad car. The purpose of the raid


Whitehead has written a

comprehensive account of
how we are losing our privacy,
our freedoms, and even our
bodily integrity to intrusive
surveillance, aggressive
policing, and the courts who are
acting more as courts of order
than courts of justice.
was to obtain information from Mr.
Wright as to the whereabouts of his
estranged wife who was delinquent on
her student loans.4
On August 16, 2012, veteran
Brandon Raubs home was swarmed
by local police, Secret Service, and FBI
attempting to interrogate him about
Facebook posts he had made wherein
he pasted song lyrics, dialogue used in
a virtual card game, and his political
opinions. After briefly questioning him,
they handcuffed him and eventually
spirited him away to a medical center
holding him against his will. After a
hearing reminiscent of the old Soviet

proceedings declaring dissidents to be

mentally ill, he was sentenced to thirty
days confinement in a VA psyche ward.
Had friends and family not videotaped
the initial encounter and posted it on
YouTube, he might have been disappeared into a mental institution as
John Whitehead points out has happened to other veterans.5
These are just some of the instances
chronicled by John W. Whitehead in
his frightening book, A Government of
Wolves: The Emerging American Police
State, published in 2013. Whitehead has
written a comprehensive account of how
we are losing our privacy, our freedoms,
and even our bodily integrity to intrusive surveillance, aggressive policing,
and the courts who are acting more as
courts of order than courts of justice.
Whitehead describes a wide swath
of attacks on liberty from intrusive
surveillance which violates the Fourth
Amendment, to militarized police
forces who emphasize using domination, intimidation, and control instead
of de-escalation and peacemaking, to
criminalization of mundane and ordinary activities of citizens while shifting
the burden of proof so we are presumed

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life

Faith for All of Life

guilty, to forced humiliation and
searches by the TSA, as well as astounding rates of incarceration of Americans
in comparison with the rest of the world
including some of the most despotic
nations. The book proposes we are fast
approaching a police state, if we are not
already there.
Government Schools as
Engines of Conditioning
A major thesis of Whiteheads book
is the overweening drive by civil government to exert control over every aspect
of the lives of the American people in
the name of security. Although the book
traces much of this from 9/11 and the
huge security apparatus built upon the
foundation of the Patriot Act and the
National Defense Authorization Act,
Whitehead highlights the active role
of government schools in conditioning citizens to comply and submit to
even the most outrageous demands of
government agents:
For those hoping to better understand
how and why we arrived at this dismal
point in our nations history, where individual freedoms, privacy, and human
dignity have been sacrificed to the gods
of security, expediency and corpocracy,
look no farther than Americas public
Americas classrooms are becoming little more than breeding grounds
for compliant citizens the moment
young people walk into school, they
increasingly find themselves under
constant surveillance: they are photographed, fingerprinted, scanned,
x-rayed, sniffed, and snooped on.
Add to this the epidemic of arresting
schoolchildren and treating them as if
they are dangerous criminals, and you
have the perfect citizenry for the Orwellian societyone that can be easily
cowed, controlled, and directed.6

The examples given by Whitehead

are chilling, ranging from a nine-year-


old being suspended for sexual harassment after being overheard saying his
teacher was cute, a twelve-year-old
girl being arrested and handcuffed for
doodling on her desk, to students being
arrested, handcuffed, charged with misdemeanors, and facing potential ninetyday sentences in jail for participating in
food fights.7
Zero-tolerance rules, which appear
premised on the war on drugs, have
resulted in near tragedies like the one
suffered by the asthmatic seventeenyear-old Michael Rudi in May 2012.
Rudi had his inhaler confiscated because
a form had not been signed authorizing
him to carry it. He suffered an attack
and the nurse refused to give him the
inhaler. When his mother arrived, she
found him locked in the nurses office
in the throes of a full-blown asthma attack while the nurse looked on and did
nothing. Rudi recollected that the nurse
locked the door as he passed out. As
Whitehead recounts, the school district
stood by the nurses decision.8
In December 2011, a ten-year-old
aimed a gun-shaped piece of pizza at
his classmates in a joking manner. He
was punished by being forced to eat
at the silent table for the rest of the
semester and to meet with a school
resource officer about gun safety, and
threatened with suspension for any
future infractions.9
Moreover, school districts are engaging in surveillance of students by RFID
chips embedded in student IDs, GPS
tracking, and even through laptops that
use video and audio to track them in
their bedrooms at home.10
These examples, according to
Whitehead, are creating passive, compliant citizens easily conditioned to
become accepting of the usurpation of
our liberties by civil government:
Americans are finding themselves institutionalized from cradle to grave, from

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

government-run daycares and public

school to nursing homes. In between,
they are fed a constant, mind-numbing
diet of pablum consisting of entertainment news, mediocre leadership, and
technological gadgetry, which keeps
them sated, distracted, and unwilling to
challenge the status quo. All the while,
in the name of the greater good and in
exchange for the phantom promise of
security, the government strips away
our rights one by onemonitoring our
conversations, chilling our expression,
searching our bodies and our possessions, doing away with our due process
rights, reversing the burden of proof,
and rendering us suspects in a surveillance state.11

R. J. Rushdoony wrote about the

fact that through the efforts of such
thinkers as William James (18421910),
the goal of government schools has become developing the controlled mind.
By focusing on the inculcation of habit
and its primacy over family, education,
Christianity, morality, James fostered
radical conditioning requiring that
power, however used, always emanates
from the top down.12 The examples
above are chilling examples of such an
idea brought to its logical conclusion.
The Books Solutions
John Whitehead is a civil rights
attorney with a long and distinguished
career fighting for freedom and justice. Details of the many cases he has
handled can be found at the website of
The Rutherford Institute.13 Based on his
experience, he proposes several measures
to use in the attempt to roll back the
growing police state.
Whitehead includes a chapter entitled: Know Your Rights or You Will
Lose Them. In it, he demonstrates the
abysmal state of Americans knowledge
about the Constitution by relating a
distressing experience of the author and
journalist, Nat Hentoff (who wrote the
introduction to the book), when Hent-


Faith for All of Life

off gave a lecture on freedom to a small
group. Hentoff wrote the First Amendment on a blackboard and a woman
approached him afterward and commented: My, the law is really changing. Is this new? Whitehead writes:
The woman was a retired schoolteacher.14 It was obvious that this woman
was incapable of imparting education to
her students regarding their liberties as
enshrined in the Constitution.
In addition to education, Whitehead recommends nonviolent civil
disobedience and resistance. He lays out
suggestions for effective activism. He
ends with the observation that we are
the agents for change:
Change then, will only come from a
citizenry willing to step beyond the propaganda of fear and sacrifice themselves
for freedom. Of course, government
agents armed to the teeth will be there
to chill and/or suppress the freedom
fighters. But let us stand with those
courageous enough to place themselves
on the front lines for freedom.

Advancing Liberty through

Advancing the Kingdom
As Rushdoonys words quoted at the
beginning of this article clarify, Americans should look no further than their
misplaced faith in security through government as the genesis for the situation
so graphically described in Whiteheads
book. Each of Whiteheads recommendations have their place in pushing
back against the growth of a police state,
but without a renewal of faith and acceptance of God as Sovereign, and His
law, the recommendations will have no
sustaining foundation.
Education about liberty, resistance,
and activism will fall short unless those
using them are clad in the full armor
of God. This means that any education about liberty should be imparted
through Biblical law and Scripture. The
conditions described by Whiteheads


book reflect the difference between applying mans law as opposed to Biblical
law, in that the former purports to save
man or to usher in a brave new world,
a great society, world peace, a povertyfree world15 as opposed to redeeming
and regenerating man and culture in
accordance with Gods order.
Shall the throne of iniquity have
fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by law? (Psa. 94:20)
A major focus of this review is
Whiteheads chapter about government
schools because he has rightly identified them as a major cause in preparing
people to accept the tyranny of statism.
Government schools are a microcosm of
the rest of society where the intent and
effect of humanist law is most apparent.
As Rushdoony says about the purpose of
humanist law:
Humanist law aims at saving man
and remaking society. For humanism,
salvation is an act of state. It is civil
government which regenerates man and
society and brings man into a paradise
on earth. As a result, for the humanist social action is everything. Man
must work to pass the right set of laws,
because his salvation depends upon it.
Any who oppose the humanist in his
plan of salvation by law, salvation by
acts of civil government, is by definition
an evil man conspiring against the good
of society.16

As is obvious in the above-recounted examples from Whiteheads

book, humanist law is enthroned in
government schools. The zero-tolerance
policies, use of police and courts to
punish childish infractions, and intrusive surveillance serve the states desire
for control over the individual child.
This desire and drive for control over
students by school districts extends to
the behavior and activities beyond the
borders of the school. In addition to
the surveillance in the above examples

from Whiteheads books, school districts

are tracking and punishing students for
photos taken by parents of their child
and his date to the prom holding airsoft
guns posted to Facebook17 and playing with airsoft guns in their own yards
before the school bus picked them up,18
and eating candy, mistaken for drugs,
at home and in front of his schoolissued laptop which was spying on him
through the webcam.19
Given all this, one cant expect that
the proper definition of liberty will be
taught in government schools. The first
step toward reinstating liberty is to pull
Christian children from them and to
teach them that there is true liberty only
in Gods law, a lesson they will never
get in humanist government schools. As
Rushdoony wrote:
Law is a plan for the future. To return
to law which undergirds and establishes
a Christian future under God, it is
necessary to know His law and to know
it well. The future we want is a future
under God, not under tyrants. The law
we need is a law which protects the
Christian man in his God-given liberties rather than a law giving the state
god-like powers over man.20

Without this knowledge, there can

be no success in rolling back the abuses
and statism described in Whiteheads
book. The activism suggested in the
book, such as getting involved, taking
action, being optimistic will be ineffective unless grounded in faith in Christ
and knowledge of Biblical law and how
it is to be applied. Humanist approaches
will breed only more humanism which
in turn degrades into tyranny.
A Government of Wolves is a valuable book in the fight against statism
because it clearly identifies the enemy
and the egregious results of statism and
it is galvanizing to all who love liberty.
Christians should read this book and
Continued on page 26

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life


Feature Article

Heresy, Apostasy, and National Fidelity

by Paul Michael Raymond

n Deuteronomy
13, Moses instructs
Israel as to their national
obligation to identify,
expose, and then root
out all heretics and
those that would seek to undermine the
fidelity of the church, her people, and
the entire nation. Throughout the Scripture, God warns, time and time again,
of the reality and danger of false prophets who enter into the congregation to
sow heretical teachings. By deception
these false prophets seek to lead away
the simple so as to hasten the collapse
of the family, the church, and ultimately
the nation.
There is more at stake than the
corruption of the individual, family,
or church. Moses is telling Israel that
it is not only the individual, family, or
church that is in danger, but also the
entire nation. The entire fabric of the
culture is at risk when heretics and their
damnable heresies go unchallenged and
For Israel this was a very serious
matter. It was then, and it is so now in
our post-Christian age. If we are to be
painfully honest we must admit that we
are now living in an age of post-Christendom, which is rapidly metastasizing
into an age of anti-Christianity. An
anti-Christian posture is always evidenced in a nations laws, traditions, and
especially in the toleration of blatant
wickedness in the private and public
sector. This anti-Christian culture is not
simply compartmentalized to America,
but rather it extends into all of Western
civilization along with the entirety of


the known world. While Christianity

may have the largest professing devotees
of our modern era, the majority of those
who hold to basic Christian doctrines
have not been, heretofore, culturally relevant. This is because they have bought
into heretical teachings of dispensationalism, monasticism, and pietism, which
force a retreat from the Great Commissions global command to disciple all
nations. Once the church abandons the
culture a vacuum is created and national
apostasy follows.
Heresy and Its Effect
The effect of heresy is not compartmentalized to any specific group nor
does it seek to remain compartmentalized. The effect of heresy is pandemic
and systemic. It corrupts the entire national and social order from the bottom
upward, to the point of utter collapse if
left unchecked. This is the nature and
progression of all sin, but especially that
particular sin that seeks to undermine
and pervert societal stability. Whenever
sin is not readily identified, exposed and
then dealt with expediently, it festers to
the point where it eats away entire generations, even those generations which
follow far into the future, thus being
a systemic and generational malady.
Added to this cultural disintegration is
the fact of Gods wrath upon it for its
infidelity and apostasy.
Consider the Root of the
Modern Heretical Teachings
of the Post-Christian Church
At the risk of over-generalizing
the problem, it is safe to say that the
post-Christian modern church has fallen

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

irreparably into the snare of damnable

heresy. That heresy goes by the name
of humanism. Humanism (or as it is
sometimes referred to, secular humanism) is the starting point of all heresies
and all behavioral out-workings of
anti-Christian conduct. It is no less a
religion than Christianity or Islam since
it is rooted in a belief structure that
man is the epistemological standard
for all truth. Humanism is the root of
all idolatry and the starting point of all
paganism. The individual who holds to
a humanistic ideology is self-centered to
the point where he or she legitimizes a
self-imposed set of standards concerning
right and wrong, good and evil, based
upon mans fallen, sinful, fallible, and
rebellious God-hating nature.
Humanism is the religion of the
self-autonomous man. It is an attempt
to be as God, without any accountability to the true God of Scripture. It
is self-seeking, self-satisfying, but always
at the expense of Gods truth, the souls
salvation, and ultimately at the expense
of entire nations. From this point of
origin (the humanistic point of origin)
all other heresies stem.
R. J. Rushdoony observes:
Humanism begins by affirming the natural goodness of all men as against the
Biblical doctrines of the fall and mans
depravity. It [then] affirms the sovereignty of goodness, truth and beauty,
and their prevalence and pre-eminence
among men. Before long it despises
these things in favor of their reverse
The implicit goal is anarchy every
man would be his own law He [The
humanist] insists upon the priority of
the individual man has an inalien-


Faith for All of Life

able right to be free to do as he pleases
freedom is the moral absolute which
means anything goes Basic to all
their activity is an implicit and explicit
belief that the will of the individual is
the only law.1

The Encyclopedia of Religion and

Ethics describes humanism as the philosophy of putting man into the center
of the intellectual universe (Vol. 6, p.
Humanisms maxim is clear and
simple: Man is the measure of all things.
It is this ideology that is mainstream
in both the world and in far too many
mainline Christian churches today.
While this religious presupposition
humanism is a religious presuppositionis to be expected in the realm of
the reprobate, and in the world, it is
frightening to see it commonly in the
church and in such force.
The Christian church is to be the
bulwark against humanism. Its task is
to identify humanisms tendencies and
then deal with them Biblically. But
too many churches do not understand
what humanism looks like. They fail
to see the secular and worldly nature of
it mostly because they are steeped in it
and overtaken by it. Once the church
becomes humanistic in its orthodoxy
and orthopraxy, she becomes blind to
its existence. This blindness is due in
part as a result of their repudiation of
the sovereign Lord and His law, and in
part by the active judgment which God
imposes upon a rebellious people.
Humanism is a cunning enemy. It
attaches itself to the tendency in mans
rebellious nature to be as God and
begins to seduce the flesh accordingly. It
then transforms itself into an angel of
light making the gospel of Jesus Christ
the gospel of the self-made man who
only errs but never really sins. Humanism camouflages itself so well that those
who are deceived by it are also self-


Humanisms maxim is clear and

simple: Man is the measure of
all things. It is this ideology that
is mainstream in both the world
and in far too many mainline
Christian churches today. While
this religious presupposition
humanism is a religious presuppositionis to be expected in
the realm of the reprobate, and
in the world, it is frightening to
see it commonly in the church
and in such force.

deceived into thinking that humanism

is not a damnable sin and therefore does
not have to be handled as sin.
Thomas Boston sheds some light on
the deceptive nature of man even without the help of false prophets: There is
in the mind of man a natural proneness
to lies and falsehood, which favors his
Too many do not understand that
sin is the transgression of Gods law and
so they do not equate humanism with
lawlessness. Yet that is exactly what it is.
And while these individuals continue
outwardly to profess the name of the
Christ, even to the extent that He is
their Lord, they are in fact lawless rebels
who have embraced an anti-Christian
theology. Consider the warning in Matthew 7:2123:
Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that
doeth the will of my Father which
is in heaven. Many will say to me
in that day, Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in thy name? and
in thy name have cast out dev-

ils? and in thy name done many

wonderful works? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew
you: depart from me, ye that work
These individuals of Matthew 7
were not immoral people. They were
not openly profligate sinners. They were
probably nice moral folks, even Christian folks who understood not only
Jesus as Saviour, but Jesus as Lord. Yet
according to the Word, their profession
was an empty profession. They had an
understanding of the mind but not the
regeneration of the heart. They were
void of saving faith and perished in
their self-deception. In Luke 6:4649
Jesus again calls these types of people to
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord,
and do not the things which I say?
Whosoever cometh to me, and
heareth my sayings, and doeth
them, I will shew you to whom
he is like: He is like a man which
built an house, and digged deep,
and laid the foundation on a rock:
and when the flood arose, the
stream beat vehemently upon that
house, and could not shake it: for
it was founded upon a rock. But
he that heareth, and doeth not, is
like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth;
against which the stream did beat
vehemently, and immediately it
fell; and the ruin of that house was
To call Jesus Lord and not remain
obedient to His law-word is hypocrisy.
It is a hypocrisy based upon secular
humanism and self-seeking autonomy.
Whenever the ideology of humanism, in
any of its shapes and forms, is promoted, either from the pulpit or from
the ranks of professing Christians, those
proclaiming it must be considered false

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Faith for All of Life

prophets and workers of iniquity.
Consider the consequences when
secular humanism goes unchecked and
mutates to become aggressively worldly
and carnal.
Secular humanisms worldliness and
sensual carnality is an anti-Christian
ideology which is the most prominent
ideology of the twenty-first-century
world, and now at home in many of the
churches. It is a world-loving, moralistic, therapeutic deism that has absolutely
nothing to do with the gospel of the
Scripture. John is clear in his denunciation of worldly carnality: Love not the
world, neither the things that are in the
world. If any man love the world, the
love of the Father is not in him(1 John
To the secular humanist this is offensive language since the world, its carnality and empty promises, is the pinnacle desire of the humanists heart. So
whenever the law of God warns against
this, there is rebellion. The problem that
Christians have is that whenever they
think of false prophets, they automatically think of men who espouse theological falsities such as falsities against the
deity of Christ, the ontological Trinity,
the doctrines of grace, and so on. Those,
however, are obvious and they are not
the only damnable doctrines that are
warned against in Scripture. In fact,
these heresies are readily identified and
shunned even by the professing humanistic Christian. Those who hold these
obvious heretical doctrines are of the
minority, compared to the false doctrine
of and lure of secular humanism. The
warning against false prophets also is
a warning against those who promote
secular humanism in its every shape and
As the second generation of Puritans began to move away from their
parents strict definition of sainthood,
church elders were faced with a serious


problem of whether or not to admit

the adult children into full membership
even though they exhibited a worldly
disposition. This was called a Halfway
Covenant membership. It was clearly a
compromise of the Biblical faith. It was
this compromise that led to the demise
of the fidelity and strength of the church
and paved the way for the Unitarian
heresy to overtake the church and the
culture. The compromise opened the
door to humanism which took a firm
hold on the culture by the 1700s.
Why is God So Intolerant Against
Secular Humanism?
1. It is a declaration of war against
Whenever man asserts autonomous
authority or opinion over the law-word
of God, it is a declaration of war against
His legitimate majesty. When men of
reprobation, with or without a profession of Christ, opt to do whatsoever
their heart tells them, when it is plainly
opposed to Scripture, they are telling
God that they will not have Him to
reign over them. By their rebellious
actions, they are actively seeking to
destroy the authority of Christianity by
subjecting it to a mans opinion. This is
a declaration of war.
2. Secular Humanism is deceptive.
And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many
(Matt. 24:11).
The false prophets of humanism
often try to convince others into thinking that obedience to Gods law is oppressive. They believe that the warnings
against sin, carnality, worldliness, and
autonomy are unkind and unloving.
They define divine love in humanistic, tainted emotional terms. By doing
this they come to the conclusion that
whenever the Word of God is preached
faithfully, with the thunders and the

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

warnings, it is not the word of love. Yet

Gods warnings are the explicit proof
that He loves His people. If He warned
not, He would not truly love. Whenever love is redefined by autonomous
man according to the false prophesies
of humanism, Biblical warnings and
counsels are seen as austere, hard, unloving, harsh, unkind, intolerant, abusive,
despotic, tyrannical, and downright
mean. Consider these warnings:
And what cause soever shall come
to you of your brethren that dwell
in their cities, between blood and
blood, between law and commandment, statutes and judgments, ye
shall even warn them that they
trespass not against the Lord, and
so wrath come upon you, and upon
your brethren: this do, and ye shall
not trespass. (2 Chron. 19:10)
Son of man, I have made thee
a watchman unto the house of
Israel: therefore hear the word at
my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the
wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and
thou givest him not warning, nor
speakest to warn the wicked from
his wicked way, to save his life;
the same wicked man shall die in
his iniquity; but his blood will I
require at thine hand. Yet if thou
warn the wicked, and he turn not
from his wickedness, nor from
his wicked way, he shall die in his
iniquity; but thou hast delivered
thy soul. (Ezek. 3:1719)
Again, When a righteous man doth
turn from his righteousness, and
commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall
die: because thou hast not given
him warning, he shall die in his
sin, and his righteousness which
he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require


Faith for All of Life

at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou
warn the righteous man, that the
righteous sin not, and he doth not
sin, he shall surely live, because he
is warned; also thou hast delivered
thy soul. (Ezek. 3:2021)
So thou, O son of man, I have set
thee a watchman unto the house of
Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the
word at my mouth, and warn them
from me. When I say unto the
wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt
surely die; if thou dost not speak
to warn the wicked from his way,
that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require
at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou
warn the wicked of his way to turn
from it; if he do not turn from his
way, he shall die in his iniquity; but
thou hast delivered thy soul. (Ezek.
Note how Paul shows that the entire
ministry of the saint is one of warning.
Therefore watch, and remember,
that by the space of three years I
ceased not to warn every one night
and day with tears. (Acts 20:31)
To the Corinthians he yokes love
with warning for the one is proven by
the other:
I write not these things to shame
you, but as my beloved sons I warn
you. (1 Cor. 4:14)
He then gives the charge of warning
to Timothy as the first part of His pastoral obligation over Christs church:
Now we exhort you, brethren,
warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the
weak, be patient toward all men. (1
Thes. 5:14)
This pastoral charge of warning was
given so that the congregation might
become mature, steadfast, rooted and
grounded in the faith. It was a method


of training and discipleship resulting in

the congregations resolute and tenacious work for the advancement of the
Kingdom. Pauls mission was to warn
and then teach every man:
Whom we preach, warning every
man, and teaching every man in all
wisdom; that we may present every
man perfect in Christ Jesus. (Col.
3. Secular Humanism tears apart the
simple as a ravenous wolf.
Beware of false prophets, which
come to you in sheeps clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening
wolves. (Matt. 7:15)
A wolf does not only kill and
devour the sheep, it searches them out
and hunts them. It quietly stalks them,
patiently watches them, and observes
them in order to get as close as possible
before striking. If the wolfs sheepskin
disguise looks genuine enough he can
successfully mimic the sheep. When finally he gets close enough, gaining their
confidencewhile they are busy grazing
in the field, not watching, not listening,
busy with their appetite for the produce
of the earth, concerned about their own
bellies, blindly going about their own
worldly business, concerned only about
their own livesthen the wolf strikes.
He begins by tearing the fleece. He then
tears the flesh. The wolf then goes for
the neck, sinks his teeth into the fleshy
part until he punctures the jugular, causing the bleed out. It kills the sheep and
then proceeds to devour it. This is how
the false prophets of secular humanism
kill and devour the sheep. They come
in by stealth and seduce unto death by
bleeding them of their lifes blood.
Moses concern for Israel was that
once the people settled in Canaan they
would be accosted by the false prophets
of carnality and sensuality. Over time,
if these false teachers were not rooted

out, the people would grow weary and

the worldliness would wear them down
to the point of acquiescence. Moses
was warning Israel of the influence of
self-adulation and autonomy and at the
same time telling them how to combat
His answer then is the same as it
is now: theonomic Christian Reconstruction, i.e., a reordering of the entire
culture according to the Word of God
beginning with the individual, then the
family, then the church, and then the
culture. But the end goal is the culture.
Moses had already warned the people
to police their own families and to
maintain a consistent fidelity within the
halls of the Temple. Now it was time to
counsel them how to purge the nation.
Lets look carefully at this dominion
strategy, by first dissecting it, and then
applying it to our own modern time.
Whenever Israel took over a city in
their dominion quest, and heard of false
prophets and their teachings in the land,
they were to,
1. First, search out the cities in order
to ascertain whether or not the report of heresy was true: Then shalt
thou enquire, and make search, and
ask diligently (Deut. 13:14 ff.).
2. The second thing Israel was to do
was to take action. They were not
to remain idle. There was to be a
total and complete removal of the
idols, and the false prophets of the
occupied land. The land was to be
devoted wholly to the Lord. They
were to smite the inhabitants of
that city with the edge of the sword,
destroying it utterly, and all that is
therein, and the cattle thereof, with
the edge of the sword.
If we are to apply the wording of
these commandments to our New Testament age we find that the smiting of the
inhabitants with the edge of the sword

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Faith for All of Life

amounts to condemning the wayward
heretics with the law-word of God. Yet
this smiting was not a smiting for good
but for evil. It was imprecatory. It was
not a Jesus loves you and you need
to accept Him message. The smiting
with the law-word of God amounts to
imprecatory condemnation in publicBiblical condemnation and public
imprecatory prayer. Remember this
was a declaration of war by the heretics.
They were attacking Gods Kingdom,
seeking to destroy Gods people. They
were seeking to subdue Gods world by
their wicked philosophies. This act of
violence demanded an answer of like
violence. It demanded an answer of Biblical imprecations. Imprecatory declaration and imprecatory prayer are Biblical
tools for the subduing of the enemy.
Next, Israel was then to do away
with the idols of that land with fire:
And thou shalt gather all the spoil
of it into the midst of the street
thereof, and shalt burn with fire
the city, and all the spoil thereof
every whit, for the Lord thy God:
and it shall be an heap for ever;
it shall not be built again. (Deut.
Fire is another term for the lawword of God: Is not my word like as a
fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
(Jer. 23:29). The reference here is to the
total destruction of lawlessness. There
was to be a total and complete removal
of the idols and their ideologies. The
land was to be devoted wholly to the
Moses then tells Israel:
And there shall cleave nought of
the cursed thing to thine hand:
that the Lord may turn from the
fierceness of his anger, and shew
thee mercy, and have compassion
upon thee, and multiply thee, as he
hath sworn unto thy fathers; When


thou shalt hearken to the voice of

the Lord thy God, to keep all his
commandments which I command
thee this day, to do that which is
right in the eyes of the LORD thy
God. (Deut. 13:1718)
God tells Israel that they are not to
listen to the false prophets nor are they
to tolerate any of the idols of the land.
They were not to hold onto the cursed
thing but rather they were to destroy
it, so that the anger of the Lord would
turn from them. This was the only hope
for Israel. If they refused they would
be destroyed. If they obeyed, then God
would show them mercy and bless the
entire nation by fulfilling His covenant
commandment to multiply Israel into a
mighty and holy nation.
Christian churches must begin
both to declare the law of God publicly
against the wickedness of the land and
prayerfully before the Lord in imprecatory supplications.
David declared in the days of his
affliction and threat to the Kingdom of
God and the honor of His name:
For my love they are my
adversaries: but I give myself unto
prayer. And they have rewarded me
evil for good, and hatred for my
love. (Psa. 109:4)
Note what he asks of God:
Set thou a wicked man over him:
and let Satan stand at his right
hand. When he shall be judged,
let him be condemned: and let his
prayer become sin. Let his days
be few; and let another take his
office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his
children be continually vagabonds,
and beg: let them seek their bread
also out of their desolate places.
Let the extortioner catch all that
he hath; and let the strangers spoil
his labour. Let there be none to

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

extend mercy unto him: neither let

there be any to favour his fatherless
children. Let his posterity be cut
off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
Let the iniquity of his fathers be
remembered with the Lord; and let
not the sin of his mother be blotted
out. Let them be before the Lord
continually, that he may cut off the
memory of them from the earth.
(Psa. 109:615)
Imprecatory prayers and public
Biblical condemnations are only the
beginning. There must be an actual
rooting out of all heresies. The church
must become culturally relevant by
becoming politically relevant by voting
out wicked rulers who will not uphold
these penal sanctions against heresies,
and voting in God-honoring men.
Rulers are commanded to encourage
God-fearing laws and then uphold
them. To accomplish this means the
people of God must get involved.
To get involved means to sacrifice
and give to the Kingdom your time
and effort. Pressure must be placed
upon the pastors who refuse to call
the culture and its leaders back to
ethical conformity to the law of God.
Until Christians resume these godly
practices, taking the fight to the enemy,
the enemies of Christ will continue to
plunder our families, our churches, and
our nation.
Rev. Paul Michael Raymond is the pastor of
the Reformed Bible Church in Appomattox,
VA, and founder of the Institute for
Theonomic Reformation (www.hisglory.us).
1. R. J. Rushdoony, To Be as God (Vallecito,
CA: Ross House Books, 2003), 10, 20, 28,
29, 31.
2. Thomas Boston, Human Nature in Its
Four Fold State (n.p., n.d), 94.


Feature Article

Power on Her Head: The Home Field Advantage

by Andrea Schwartz
Most of what passes for restoring male leadership in the church these days is in fact suppressing female initiative
and decreasing areas of legitimate action and involvement by women. Its not difficult to predict that this wont lead
to more men leaders and more obedient wives but to more complacent and tyrannical men and more frustrated
wives. You cant make a leader out of a man by telling his wife what she shouldnt do.1 ~ Bojidar Marinov

hroughout history, philosophical

ideas have had negative
effects on family life.
The Enlightenment,
by demeaning womans
role, set the stage for the reactionary
feminist movement and the recent socalled patriarchy movement appears to
be a hyper-reaction to feminism. Each
movement skewed, exaggerated, undermined, and often ignored the Biblical
perspective on the womans role as wife
and mother. In fact, what is taught from
the pulpit and in Bible studies contributes to the frustration women experience in our day. There needs to be a lot
of work to recover a clear understanding
on marriage and the role of marriage in
reclaiming the culture.
Proverbs 31 talks about a wife looking well to the ways of her household.
Thus, women are the managers of their
homes. Some take exception to this
assertion because they consider it a usurpation of the role of husbands as head of
the household. However, the Scripture
says that the man is the head of the wife
(Eph. 5:23); it does not instruct him to
be the manager of the household. The
real usurpation actually occurs when the
wife is robbed of her area of dominion,
thereby disregarding her co-vicegerency
alongside her husband within her
spherethe home. If a woman is nothing more than her husbands stand-in,
rather than his full partner in all mat-


If a woman is nothing more

than her husbands stand-in,
rather than his full partner
in all matters, not only is the
dominion mandate lessened in
the home, but the surrounding
culture is affected, as well.
ters, not only is the dominion mandate
lessened in the home, but the surrounding culture is affected, as well.
Business enterprises have owners,
general managers, and department
managers. Whether it is a restaurant,
a hospital, a car dealership, or a sports
team, there is a chain of authority that
is defined, along with job descriptions
outlining roles and responsibilities.
When run well, those higher up in the
chain of command allow those who are
in subordinate positions to do their jobs
without bypassing them or interfering.
Because we have lost the high view
of women outlined in Scripture, we are
left with women being much more akin
to slaves than full partners with their
husbands. This negates the statement by
God in Genesis that it is not good that
the man should be alone. As I argued
in an earlier essay, Loyal Opposition,2
the womans role is to be a useful reflection of her husband, so that she can
serve in a corrective capacity in the case
of an intentional or inadvertent transgression by him of Gods law.

A Biblical Example
In 1 Samuel we have the account of
Abigail assuming authority and setting
policy when her husband acted recklessly and insulted David (1 Samuel
25). Rather than sit back and allow her
entire family and community to reap
the consequences of Nabals foolishness,
she executed her authority by directing considerable amount of the family wealth and possessions to appease
Davids anger. In the process, her actions
not only saved those she cared for, but
convicted David that the move he was
about to make would have been wrong.
Abigail is a good illustration of a wifes
powera power that is recognized by
God and respected by men.
For certain, not all Christian men
are of Nabals poor character. But how
often do they fail to see the big picture
or consult their wives when important
decisions that will affect more than just
themselves arise? Part of the gift of a
wife to a husband (Prov. 18:22) is an
extra set of loyal eyes to help him as he
works to advance the culture for Christ
and His Kingdom.
Foundation of the Family is the
Foundation of the Culture
When two people contemplate marriage they should spend time ensuring
that their worldviews and application
of Gods law-word are in harmony
with each other. This will help avoid
problems of priority and practice in the

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life


Faith for All of Life

marriage. The man needs to ask himself
if the woman he is considering shares
his vision for his calling of dominion.
He should desire a woman who is versed
in Biblical law and who has experience
applying it to all aspects of life, and who
is willing to be a full-partner in whatever
he is involved in. The woman needs to
determine if the man she is considering loves God enough to stand on His
Word faithfully and is looking for a wife
who does likewise. She needs to observe
whether or not a prospective spouse
is already exercising dominion in his
calling, willing to stand for Gods truth
and not compromising just to get ahead.
She needs to see that the person whose
covering she will be under respects her
and welcomes her full participation in
all aspects of the marriage.3
This is contrary to the modern,
humanistic view that romantic love and
social status should constitute the basis
for marriage. Rushdoony points out,
Love, in [the] Biblical sense means,
moreover, that the basis of the marriage
and of the new family is not personal
but Christian. In romantic love, the
family is started when romantic feeling
draws a man and woman together, and
it ends with the death of those feelings.
Marriage is thus made a purely personal
affair. But the family is a God-given
institution and it is the basic social
institution. No decision concerning the
family therefore can be purely personal.
At all times, the family is under Gods
law, and its beginning and ending must
be in terms of obedience to Gods law.4

This perspective can be expanded

to include the wife having a stake and
a say in all aspects of the decisions of
the family. Could it be that our modern
aberration of this fact is a significant
reason that we dont see more evidence
of dominion-taking on the part of
Christian men? Could their focus be too
inwardly directed toward the day-today affairs of their families, abandoning


their roles in the public square? In the

process of usurping the position of the
wife in many matters, husbands abandon their primary focus of working in
their cultural dominion calling.
Bojidar Marinov has pointed out
A brief theological analysis of the
covenantal position of the wife in the
family is necessary A wife is not a
simple addendum to the family, as she
was in the pagan, patriarchal times. She
is one with her husband, in everything,
and especially in the management of his
property. In fact, she is so united to him
that she is a co-owner of his property,
and by defaultnot by delegation,
as some incorrectly claimshe holds
sovereign rights over his property,
mitigated only by his right to veto
her decisions (Num. 30). The veto,
however, has certain limitations on the
husband (not on the wife), and failure
to confirm or to annul her actions leads
to automatic confirmation, that is, a
decision of favor of the wifes actions.
Outside of that veto, the wifes decisions
are as good as the husbands decisions,
when management of the home is

In many Christian circles, there are

women who are certain that they cannot
make any important decisions on their
own. Often this is how they have been
instructed. When the power of the wife
is minimized, trampled upon, or nonexistent, her status is much more akin to a
concubine than wife, in that she is not
viewed as a full partner in the marriage,
but merely as the baby maker, child care
provider, maid, cook, etc.
Marinov continues,
A concubine in the Old Testament
was a wife who was given in marriage
without a dowry, that is, without her
own economic or financial stake in the
new family. She had no inheritance,
and her children had no inheritance in
the family. For all covenantal purposes,
a concubine was a servant. And indeed,

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

while as a legal wife she was entitled to

food, clothes, and duty of marriage
(Exod. 21:711), she didnt have the
same authority in her husbands household as the wife. The story of Sarah and
Hagar very plainly shows this truth.
She couldnt rule the house as a wife,
unless her husband delegated that task
to her. This, of course, would put her
in a position of being a servant to the
true wife who could rule the house. The
concubine was a servant to the wife, as
Hagar was to Sarah.6

The Bible gives the woman of the

house the status of house manager in
that she is commanded to look well to
the ways of her household. This position
is one of authority and decision making
and, while being under the authority of
her husband, she has a domain that even
he needs to respect and not undermine.
The virtuous wife in Proverbs 31 is
described as one who freely administers
the property of the family while her
husband is away. The lack of direct involvement by the husband there doesnt
necessarily mean that he shouldnt get
involved; but it does reveal the covenantal principle that the wife is fully
empowered to make decisions without
asking her husband for permission.
Paul admonishes the young women to
get married and rule a house, (1 Tim.
5:14; the word in Greek is literally a
house despot).7

R. J. Rushdoony explains, in his

comments on Proverbs 31,
The Biblical doctrine shows us the
wife as the competent manager who is
able to take over all business affairs if
needed, so that her husband can assume
public office as a civil magistrate; in
the words of Prov. 31:23, he can sit in
the gates, that is, preside as a ruler or

Far from the Enlightenment view

of a woman as being ornamental or
an add-on to the family, the Biblical
doctrine of women puts forth the image


Faith for All of Life

of one who rules alongside her husband
in household, property, and business enterprises. With her focus being the core
of the family, she enables her husband
to make a difference in the surrounding
culture, bringing to bear Gods lawword.
In addition to having an overly
romantic view of marriage, few today
recognize the importance of Biblical
marriage as central to reconstructing the
culture. Is it any wonder that the church
has a difficult time in standing up to
arguments in favor of same-sex marriage
when it fails to teach why and how the
wife is integral to the dominion mandate? Her role is not a purely personal
one when it comes to her husband and
her main emphasis is not on her purity
or spirituality. As Marinov states,
True, a wife is supposed to keep herself
pure. But her main concern after
the marriage is not purity itself. Her
main concern is rulership and management. The Proverbs 31 woman is not
described in terms of her successful
resistance to temptations, or her mystical spirituality, or her participation in
prayer events or Bible groups. She is
described as a manager of a household.
A legal wife owns all things together
with her Husband; and she has full authority over them by default, by the very
nature of her covenantal and redeemed
position. She is expected to take charge
as the virtuous wife of Proverbs 31.
Her Husband is in the gates, sitting as
a Judge of the world. She is over His
property, bringing all things to obey
the household rules, that is, the Law of

A Personal Example
My husband has worked in sales for
most of our married life, and has commented to me on a number of occasions
how integral my support and counsel
have been to him in his professional life.
He has told me that my ability and will-


ingness to share aspects of his dominion

calling on his job has made it possible
for him to be faithful to Gods Word
when challenged by customers, coworkers, or superiors. Because he knows I
support building the Kingdom of God,
he feels free to be bold in sharing his
faith and Biblical worldview.
In the process, I have been the
person who handles the family finances
and has kept us out of debt for decades.
I am responsible to pay our tithes and
offerings, along with making decisions
regarding health, nutrition, and fellowship opportunities. It has always been
a priority for me to have my husbands
trust (Prov. 31:11) as I look well to the
ways of our household (Prov. 31:27).
And although we have had our bumps
and bruises along the way, the fact that
we both have a passionate desire to keep
the commandments of God has allowed
us to weather the storms of marriage
that are part and parcel of the relationship.
A Proper View of Marriage
This perspective is not at odds with
the Scriptural position of the husband
as head of the wife. On the contrary,
it presupposes that each will take his
or her participation in their marriages
dominion calling seriously enough to
focus on the Kingdom of God rather
than competing with each other.
Rushdoony, as he discusses the principle of life, points out that regarding
the relationship of husband and wife,
The knowledge required of husbands
in dwelling with their wives is not a
knowledge of feminine psychology,
but of the word of God. Here, too,
the principle of life is associated with
the government and authority of God
and our rest therein. Most men today
cannot rule in the Lord because they
are unwilling themselves to submit to
Gods rule and to rest in Him. They are
either tyrants, ruling according to their

word, or they are hen-pecked and ruled

by their wives. No man has any authority in and of himself over any woman,
or anything. All authority is from God
and must be exercised according to His
word. Too many men assume it is godly
to rule a woman for their convenience.
They forget that the biblical standard
of authority is ruling to serve (Matt.
20:28; Luke 22:26; John 13:117,
etc.). Too many husbands are tyrants,
not godly heads of households. Clearly,
Ephesians 5:2123 requires that the
husband rule with the same self-sacrificing spirit as Christ the church. He
must serve the Lord, and meet his wifes
needs in the Lord. If not, the grace of
life is denied.
Similarly, the wife must serve her
husband as he serves the Lord. To rebel
against his obedience to the Lord is to
rebel against God Himself and manifest
a reprobate heart.
A major problem in our time is such
rebellion by wives and husbands. To
illustrate, a very considerable percentage of married seminarians have major
problems with their wives, who refuse
to agree to their calling and show it
by rejecting the conditions of their
husbands calling. They refuse to go to
the mission field, or to a city church, or
a country church, or away from family
and friends. In the name and under the
cover of objecting to the terms of their
husbands calling, they are denying God
in a disguised but real warfare. It is their
goal to break their husband and laugh
at their victory over God. A reprobate
heart produces reprobate courses of
All such women are manifesting a
reprobate nature, and they can never be
dealt with until this is recognized. Men
who submit to such wives become castaways, useless to God because they are
unfaithful to Him. Peter is clear-cut: the
prayers of all such couples are not heard
by God, and they are denied the grace
of life. Gods principle of life rests on
His authority and government, and our
Continued on page 26

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life


Film Review

Wait Till Its Free

A Documentary Film by Colin Gunn
Reviewed by Lee Duigon

he title of Colin Gunns new

film comes from a
quip by humorist P. J.
ORourke: If you think
health care is expensive
now, wait until its free.
The United States has the highest
per capita health care cost in the world,
and Gunn asks, Why is it so expensive? This documentary is an attempt
to answer that question and suggest
what we can do about it.
$88 for Gauze Pads
By way of introduction, we meet
two individuals who were almost ruined
by health care costs. Jeff, a farmer and a
pastor, had a daughter born with spina
bifida. His cost was $300,000. Roger, a
builder, experienced panic attacks and
a taste of cilantro in his mouthsymptoms of seizures in the brain. His cost
was $70,000.
Neither man, both self-employed,
had health insurance to defray those
costs. It all had to come out of their own
pockets. Why? Because its too expensive, says Gunn, adding that he himself
pays $20,000 a year to insure his family.
In any other industry, some of what
hospitals do to patients would be called
price gouging. Gunn found a hospital
that charged a patient $88 for a little
box of gauze pads that costs about a dollar at your local pharmacy.
There is no price transparency at
hospitals: the patient has no real idea
of what any procedure or medicine will
cost. The uninsured, the self-payers,


Gunn says, wind up paying the highest

costs for everything: The least able pay
the most.
Digging into history, Gunn finds
that health care costs the average American family, just a generation ago, 5
percent of its yearly income. Now its 16
percentwith 45 cents of every dollar
going to the government.
How Did We Get Here?
The American [healthcare] system
is barely capitalist at all, he charges
and goes on to prove his point.
When President Franklin Roosevelt
froze wages during World War II, employers made it up to their employees by
providing company-paid health insurance plans. That was the beginning.
In 1965 the federal government
brought in Medicare and Medicaid.
HMOs, prepaid health coverage, came
along in 1973.
Hillarycare, President Clintons
ambitious stab at a federal takeover of
the healthcare industry, was rejected by
Congress in 1993; but many of its provisions have found their way, incrementally, into law since then.
And of course the climax, so far,
came in 2010 with the passage of the
grossly misnamed Affordable Care
Act, aka Obamacarean 11 millionword legislative monstrosity with the
goal, says Gunn, of creating singlepayer health care: a euphemism for
leaving the federal government as the
only payer. Meanwhile, lobbyists and
their partners in Congress have continually changed the ground rules so

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

that crony capitalists friendly to the

Obama regime rake in enormous profits
at the American peoples expense.
Its Even Worse Over There
I was afraid this film would bombard me with facts and figures until I
went all glassy-eyed and couldnt take it
in. But Gunn is too good a documentarian to let that happen.
Instead, he shifts his focus to the
United Kingdom, where the National
Health Service (NHS), aka socialized
medicine, reigns supreme. This look at
the NHS begins with a visit to the city
of Glasgow in Gunns own native land
of Scotland.
[Editors Note: As an aside, in
September 2014, Scottish voters narrowly defeated a proposal for Scotlands
independence. Among the major motivations of the independence movement
was Parliaments proposed cuts to the
NHS, which is running out of money.
Scottish independence leaders advocated
a separate NHS for Scotland which
would not be cut, but rather increased.]
Obamacare, says Gunn, is already
pushing Americans down the same trail
of tears already opened by the NHS.
The doctor-patient relationship, he
charges, has been hurt. Many doctors have chosen to retire earlyeven
though it takes eleven years, on the
average, to become a full-fledged doctor:
eleven years of working long, hard hours
for little or no pay. Obamacare has
forced doctors to convert their medical
records to an all-electronic systemat
an average cost of $50,000 per doctor.


Faith for All of Life

This law will be remembered, says
Gunn, for the damage it has done.
Meanwhile, in Glasgow, free
healthcare has fostered a binge-drinking culture that has lowered the male
life expectancy to only fifty-five years,
says Gunn. But the propaganda still
works, and people see the NHS as free
money from the government. The perception that no one paysthe NHS is
only free in the sense that its entirely
funded by taxeshas made the NHS
something of a sacred cow. The British
people worship it, says one embittered
Behind the screen of propaganda, all
is not well. The defects [are] absolutely
startling, a government investigation
found. The most basic standards of
[hospital] care were not observed, and
shocking cases of neglect, almost cruelty, were found to be rampant among
UK hospitalsall against a backdrop of
upbeat, almost relentless propaganda.
If I remember nothing else about
this film, I will never be able to forget
its examination of the now-infamous
Liverpool Care Pathway.
It should have been called the
Non-care Pathway, for it established a
protocol of systematically removing from
hospital patients all food, water, and
medicine, subjecting patients to a slow
euthanasiafor which participating
hospitals received some twelve million
pounds from the government for meeting cost quotas. Gunn shows us a British newspaper headline that proclaimed
that, following the Liverpool Care
Pathway, the NHS killed off 130,000
elderly hospital patients in a single year.
It would seem that during the heyday
of the Pathway, every British hospital
patient was a potential Terry Schiavo.
There will be healthcare rationing
along those same lines in America under
Obamacare, says Gunn, as soon as the
government runs out of money. All we


need to remember is that the death

panels, so derided by defenders of
Obamacare, will be called independent
advisory boardsbureaucrats who will
decide when a patient is not worthy of
continued care.
The Antidote
Not wishing to leave his audience
with a case of the horrors, Gunn goes on
to present viable alternatives to Americas maimed healthcare system: The
good news is that the antidote is right
here before us.
Price honesty, the practice of
posting firm prices on the Internet so
that the patient knows what he is going
to pay before having to make a decision,
has already worked out well for some
doctors and medical groups. Reported
one surprised physician, Canadians
were traveling to Oklahoma City to pay
cash for medical procedures. Canada
is another country with more-or-less
socialized medicine.
Paying with cash instead of insurance is another part of the antidote, says
Gunn. It not only helps to restore the
doctor-patient relationship, but also
eliminates the costly (to both doctor
and patient) paperwork required when
the government and insurance companies are involved.
Physicians can also promote and
encourage individual responsibility in
health. Says Gunn, Seventy-five percent of healthcare costs are preventable,
because its linked to lifestyle choices
like smoking, overeating, not getting
enough exercise, etc. As it is, he adds,
our current healthcare system actually
subsidizes bad choices.
Another way to reform the system
would be to let families, not the government, take care of elderly members.
Gunn, who has eight children with a
ninth on the way, quips, So maybe my
super-expensive family will pay off, after

Then there are free volunteer clinics

to serve the poor, funded by churches,
civil groups, and individual charity.
Use your own funds, your own time,
your own efforts to help others. This is
set firmly in the Biblical tradition of voluntarily helping the poora moral duty
which too many of us have delegated to
impersonal government bureaucracies.
Finally, we are introduced to
Samaritan Ministries (see their website,
http://samaritanministries.org/ ), a costsharing group whose members make
monthly payments for the care they
need: a Biblical, non-insurance approach to health care needs. You can
trust God with your health care, too,
proclaims the website.
The great thing about this documentary is, its never dull. Seasoned
with humor, with vintage TV clips from
The Price is Right and other shows,
with here and there a skit serving as a
parable, and concentrating on lively
interviews with real people, patients
and doctors, who have grappled with
real problems in the healthcare system
and already (some of them) experienced
some of the benefits of
the alternatives, Gunns
fast tempo holds the
viewers interest.
If this film doesnt
turn up at your local
theater, you can order
it on DVD, for
$19.95, at Gunn Productions
website, http://www.colingunn.com/
Lee Duigon is a Christian free-lance writer
and contributing editor for Faith for All
of Life. He has been a newspaper editor
and reporter and is the author of the Bell
Mountain series of novels.

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life


From the Founder

Do We Make Too Much of Our Presidents?

(Reprinted from Our Threatened Freedom: A Christian View on the Menace of American Statism [Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 2014] 57)

by R. J. Rushdoony

hen Thomas
Jefferson was inaugurated as president,
it was a simple and brief
act before a few people.
When it was over,
Jefferson walked back to his boarding
house. Dinner was already served, every
seat was taken, and the newly inaugurated president had to wait for a place
at the table. The same thing happened
to President John Quincy Adams some
years later. On a coastal sailing vessel,
Adams was slightly late and had to wait
his turn to eat.
In those days, a president was no
big deal. The federal government was
small and insignificant, and the same
was true of state, country, and city levels
of civil government. Being president was
not too important a position, nor was
holding congressional office.
In fact, the last thing Americans
wanted in those days was an important
and powerful federal government. Even
as late as the early 1900s, when the federal government was much larger than
in Jeffersons day, it was still a minor
factor in American life. During William
Howard Tafts presidency, Washington,
D.C., was still a small community with
a handful of big buildings. In fact, the
Tafts kept the family cow staked out in
what is now the White House grounds
but was then an open pasture.
What was important in those days
was the American people. The people
were the powers in the United States,
and their faith and freedom made
America great.


I submit that what you and I do,

and other men like us do, is more
important to the future of this country
than what the White House and Congress do.
In the days of Jefferson and Adams,
the people were not controlled, but the
federal government was. The whole
point of the Constitution was to handcuff the federal government and keep
the people free. Today, the courts have
reversed that. They have re-interpreted
the Constitution to handcuff the people
and to free the federal government from
It is a serious mistake to look to
the federal or state governments for
our freedom. After all, if we gain power
and freedom, they lose it. Many of our
presidents, senators, and congressmen
have beenand arefine men. It is
more important, however, for people to
be godly and of a strong, sound character. We cannot vote in men and expect
them to make this country strong when
we ourselves refuse to be strong and
Thus, we do have a problem today:
a much too strong federal government
and an all too weak a people. If this continues, we will be a slave people at home
and an oppressed people abroad.
Freedom begins in your life and
mine, in our faith and character. We
make too much of our presidents and
far too little of ourselves. Most of all,
we make too little of our sovereign Lord
and God, and the result is that He is
making little of us.

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

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Book Review

Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth

of the Gospel by David Limbaugh
(Regenry, Washington, D.C.: 2014) Reviewed by Lee Duigon

ow do I review
this book?
Its well-written,
well-constructed, passionate, and phrased
in language which any
intelligent reader can easily understand.
But its so packed with substance, so
few words are wasted, that every time
I started trying to select illuminating
quotes, I wound up not knowing where
to stop.
Can a lawyer present a compelling argument to prove the truth of
Christianity? Its been tried and done
beforeby Lee Strobel, for one.1
David Limbaugh, brother of talkradio giant Rush Limbaugh, is a lawyer,
and he goes about his task methodically,
summoning his facts, arranging his reasoning, as if he were presenting a case to
a jury. This could have made for pretty
dull reading, but for the fact that this
lawyer believes passionately in his case
and knows how to address his readers
as if each and every one were someone
with whom he was conversing face to
face. Its really quite an achievement.
A Former Skeptic
This is a big book337 pages, several hundred footnotes and citations
and it will take you some time to read it.
But for all its length and depth, Jesus on
Trial never sprawls. Limbaugh is tightly
focused on advocating for the truth of
Christianity, and he never allows outside
considerations, like political issues, to
creep into it. Youd never guess, from


this book, that hes also a conservative

political commentator.
The best thing about the book is
Limbaughs enthusiasm for Jesus, for the
Bible, and for Christianity. Its infectious. I read from the Bible every day,
and I found, while reading Jesus on Trial,
that it made me look forward eagerly to
returning to the Bible. How can that be
anything but good?
Although theres something here for
everyone, Limbaugh reaches out particularly to readers who are unfamiliar
with the Bible and disinclined to believe
in its message. Raised in a Christian
home, with church, Sunday school, and
confirmation classes, Limbaugh nevertheless found himself, as a young man,
drifting away from Christianity.
This was no fault of my upbringing, he writes, or of the fine church
we attended, but probably stemmed
from my lack of seriousness at the
time and my other interests. I either
didnt sufficiently absorb the lessons Id
learned from the Bible or they gradually
diminished in my memory from disuse.
Im sure this sounds familiar to many
people (p. 3).
Yesmuch of the sowers seed fell
on ground where thorns sprang up and
choked the seedlings. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that
heareth the word: and the care of this
world; and the deceitfulness of riches,
choke the word, and he becometh
unfruitful (Matt.13:22). You go to
college, you start a career, and you just
quietly, usually without even noticing it,

stop thinking about the eternal things of

the Kingdom of God.
David Limbaugh was one of those
seedlings that the thorns couldnt quite
finish off. Although he became skeptical
of ChristianityI was unconvinced
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (p.
3)his doubts and questions, with a
little providential help, led him deeper
and deeper into a lifelong study of the
Bible and Christian apologetics: and
this converted him, at last, to an active,
whole-hearted Christian faith and motivated him to testify to its truth.
So he has sympathy for doubters
and questioners, and has undertaken a
great labor to answer as many of their
questions as he can.
This is the jury to whom he pleads
his case. Those of us who are already
Christians, by the grace of God, have
seats in the courtroom. If there be any
among us who never has a doubt or a
question concerning the mysteries of the
Kingdom, let him be excused.
From Paradox to Faith
For those who have studied and
pondered Christian questions, and even
found answers at least to some of them,
its still fascinating to watch Limbaugh
present his case.
He tackles paradoxes of Christianity in two chapters. There are many
lessons in Christianity that may strike
us as contradictory or unfair, he writes.
But if we explore these teachings we
will see they are neither. In fact, difficult
teachings can lead us to a deeper faith,

January/February 2015 | Faith for All of Life


Faith for All of Life

as was the case for me as I grew to better understand Christs dual nature
Ive often thought that some Christian
ideas are so weird that no human mind
could have devised them. At first blush
they seem so wrong but end up being
so rightthey must be from God (pp.
65-66). And here again the reviewer is
hard-put to decide where to cut off the
quote. Once you start reading, anywhere in this book, it isnt easy to stop.
The most important paradox, Jesus
Christ, Fully Human and Fully Divine,
is the subject of Chapter Six. I have
come to believe, Limbaugh writes,
that the full deity and full humanity
of Jesus Christ is not just fodder for
the theologians. Understanding it is
immensely powerful for us ordinary
Christians as well, and its a vital key
to understanding Christian doctrine in
general He is the unifying force of the
Bible (pg. 146)
Four chapters on the Bible follow, exploring its unity, the soundness
of its prophecy, and both internal and
external evidence testifying to its overall
reliability. Limbaugh believes that every
word of the Bible is true, and takes
great pains to show that this is a rational
Concluding chapters are devoted to
miracles, the Resurrection, Christianitys
compatibility with the findings of modern science, and finally the problem of
pain and suffering in a fallen world, and
how Christian faith can deal with it.
Is This Book for Us?
All in all, quite a comprehensive
packagebut is this a book which you,
as a Christian, want to have in your
It never hurts a Christian to reexamine, again and again, what he believes, and to think about how he came
to believe it, and why he still believes it.
Most of us, maybe all of us, will have
opportunities to witness to persons who


are still on the outside, looking in. We

have a duty to do this as effectively as we
can. And because its organized so well,
and its argument stated so clearly and
tellingly, Jesus on Trial might well be a
useful tool for any of us.
Although he makes no bones about
his personal, emotional investment in
Jesus Christ, in Gods Word, and in the
absolute truth of Christianity, Limbaughs main appeal is to the readers intellect, through reason. Although reason
isnt everything, it is something; and it
is very often here that our witness must
begin. In our time, faced as we are with
a resurgent atheism in our culture, the
attacks on Christianity usually charge it
with being un-reasonable: unworthy of
adult belief, at odds with science (which
for some atheists functions as a kind
of god), irrelevant to the problems of a
modern world, and so on. And Limbaugh excels at defeating those kind of
As an aside, when it was first released, Jesus on Trial enjoyed brisk sales
that should have earned it a high place
on The New York Times Best Sellers
list. The fact that The Times pointedly
ignored it, and left it off the list altogether,2 speaks both to the power of this
book and to our suffering cultures need
for it.
This is a book I read with pleasure,
and will someday read again. I think
that most of you will find it so.
1. http://chalcedon.edu/research/articles/
2. http://leeduigon.com/2014/09/22/morereligious-neutrality-ny-times-bans-jesus-ontrial-from-best-seller-list/

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Disc 14 The Tyranny of the Majority
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Disc 16 The Federalist Administrations
Disc 17 The Voluntary Church I
Disc 18 The Voluntary Church II
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on the Frontier II
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Disc 23 Voluntarism and Social Reform
Disc 24 Voluntarism and Politics
Disc 25 Chief Justice John Marshall: Problems of
Political Voluntarism
Disc 26 Andrew Jacksons Monetary Policy
Disc 27 The Mexican War of 1846/Calhouns Disquisition
Disc 28 De Tocqueville on Democratic Culture
Disc 29 De Tocqueville on Individualism
Disc 30 Manifest Destiny
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Disc 33 De Tocqueville on Democracy and Power
Disc 34 The Interpretation of History I
Disc 35 The Interpretation of History II
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Disc 37 Documents: Teacher/Student Guides, Transcripts

Faith for All of Life

Ward Wolves cont. from page 11

then apply the law of God in the fight

to which John Whitehead exhorts us,
taking heed that it is only righteousness
in the application of Gods law to every
sphere of life that will deliver us.
In righteousness shalt thou be
established: thou shalt be far from
oppression; for thou shalt not fear:
and from terror; for it shall not
come near thee. (Isa. 54:14)
Co-founder of Garlo Ward, P.C., Jerri
Lynn Ward provides legal representation
of health professionals and business in the
areas of business, employment law, complex
regulatory litigation and health facility
operational matters. She is also an affiliate
attorney of The Rutherford Institute.
1. Daniel McAdams, Lew Rockwell Blog,
http://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/helpless-against-the-state/, November 15, 2014.
2. R. J. Rushdoony, Law and Liberty (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1984), 61
3. John W. Whitehead, A Government of
Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
(New York: SelectBooks, Inc. 2013), 147.
4. Ibid., 6061.
5. Ibid., 2526.
6. Ibid., 185186.
7. Ibid., 186.
8. Ibid., 188.
9. Ibid., 189.
10. Ibid., 189191.
11. Ibid., 191.
12. R. J. Rushdoony; The Messianic Character of American Education, (Vallecito, CA:
Ross House Books, 1963), 110114.
13. The Rutherford Institute, https://www.
14. A Government of Wolves, 219.
15. Rushdoony, Law and Liberty, 3.
16. ibid.
17. Blown out of proportion: Dad
defends teens suspended for posing with
Airsoft guns. FoxNews, October 29, 2014,


18. 7th-graders suspended for playing with

airsoft gun in own yard, Fox News, September 24, 2014, http://www.foxnews.com/
19. Robbins v. Lower Merion School
District et. al, In the United States District
Court For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 2:10-cv-00665-JD.
Lower Merion districts laptop saga ends
with $610,000 settlement, philly.com,
October 12, 2010, http://articles.philly.
20. Rushdoony, Law and Liberty, 29.

the culture so many of us prayerfully


Schwartz Power cont. from page 19

1. Bojidar Marinov, Facebook post November 10, 2014.

2. See Andrea Schwartz, A House for God:
Building a Kingdom-Driven Family (Vallecito, CA: Chalcedon/Ross House Books,
2014), 6676.
3. The Biblical dowry served to demonstrate
the earnestness of the man in the proposal of
marriage. Although too extensive a discussion for the purpose of this essay, see R. J.
Rushdoony, the Institutes of Biblical Law,
Vol. 1, 176ff., 363ff., 417.
4. R. J. Rushdoony, Law & Liberty (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, [1984] 2009),
5. Bojidar Marinov, Eschatology and the
Covenantal Status of the Church in Faith
for All of Life, May/June 2013.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. R. J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law,
Vol. 1 (n. p: The Presbyterian and Reformed
Publishing Company, 1973), 352.
9. Marinov, ibid.
10. R.J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical
Law, Vol. 2, Law & Society (Vallecito, CA:
Ross House Books, 1982), 505506.

rest therein. Parents are required to rule

according to Gods law and themselves
to be under Him and His law. Husband
and wife, in their relationship one to
another, must likewise be in submission
to the Lord, resting in Him, content
and giving thanks, or else they will fall
prey to a root of bitterness (Heb.
12:15) which will destroy them.10

Gods design for the family is specifically to further the Kingdom of God.
Thus the emphasis of both husband
and wife needs to be in enhancing each
others ability to serve God in their
appointed roles and dominion spheres.
1 Corinthians 11:910 speaks of the
woman being created for the man, in
that God proclaimed in Genesis that
is was not good for man to be alone.
Furthermore, it is said that she should
have a symbol of power on her head.
The question remains, power for what
purpose? Surely it is for more than cooking and cleaning and raising her children, for Proverbs 31 gives a much more
expanded explanation of what a worthy
woman is to concern herself with.
When men and women realize that
God wants much more than what we
are currently giving Him, and change
the basis upon which we operate, we
may yet see the transformation of

Faith for All of Life | January/February 2015

Andrea Schwartz is the Chalcedon

Foundations active proponent of Christian
education and matters relating to the family.
Shes the author of five books dealing
with homeschooling and the family. Her
latest book is Woman of the House. She
oversees the Chalcedon Teacher Training
Institute (www.ctti.org) and continues
to mentor, lecture, and teach. Visit her
website www.thekingdomdrivenfamily.com.
She lives in San Jose with her husband of
39 years. She can be reached by email at


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commandment is covered in detail as Dr. Rushdoony
challenges the humanistic remedies that have obviously
failed. Only through Gods revealed will, as laid down in
the Bible, can the standard for righteous living be found. Rushdoony silences
the critics of Christianity by outlining the rewards of obedience as well as
the consequences of disobedience to Gods Word. Includes 12 segments: an
introduction, one segment on each commandment, and a conclusion.
2 DVDs, $30.00


Law and Liberty

By R. J. Rushdoony. This work examines various areas of life
from a Biblical perspective. Every area of life must be brought
under the dominion of Christ and the government of Gods

Paperback, 212 pages, $9.00

In Your Justice
By Edward J. Murphy. The implications of Gods law over the
life of man and society.
Booklet, 36 pages, $2.00


*Buy Pack of 50 Faith and Obedience for only $45.00 (Retails $150.00)

The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum
By R. J. Rushdoony. The Christian School represents
a break with humanistic education, but, too often, the
Christian educator carries the states humanism with him.
A curriculum is not neutral: its either a course in
humanism or training in a God-centered faith and life.
Paperback, 190 pages, index, $16.00

By Bruce Shortt. This book combines a sound Biblical

basis, rigorous research, straightforward, easily read
language, and eminently sound reasoning. It is a
thoroughly documented description of the inescapably
anti-Christian thrust of any governmental school system
and the inevitable results: moral relativism (no fixed
standards), academic dumbing down, far-left programs,
near absence of discipline, and the persistent but pitiable rationalizations
offered by government education professionals.
Paperback, 464 pages, $22.00


Intellectual Schizophrenia
By R. J. Rushdoony. Dr. Rushdoony predicted that the
humanist system, based on anti-Christian premises of
the Enlightenment, could only get worse. He knew that
education divorced from God and from all transcendental
standards would produce the educational disaster and
moral barbarism we have today.
Paperback, 150 pages, index, $17.00


The Messianic Character of American Education

By R. J. Rushdoony. From Mann to the present, the state
has used education to socialize the child. The schools basic
purpose, according to its own philosophers, is not education
in the traditional sense of the 3 Rs. Instead, it is to promote
democracy and equality, not in their legal or civic sense,
but in terms of the engineering of a socialized citizenry. Such
men saw themselves and the school in messianic terms. This
book was instrumental in launching the Christian school and homeschool
Hardback, 410 pages, index, $20.00


The Harsh Truth about Public Schools

The Institutes of Biblical Law Vol. 1 (La Institucin de la Ley Bblica, Tomo 1)
Spanish version. Great for reaching the Spanish-speaking community.
Hardback, 912 pages, indices, $40.00

R. J. Rushdoony reveals that to be born again means that

where you were once governed by your own word and
spirit, you are now totally governed by Gods Word and
Spirit. This is because every word of God is a binding
word. Our money, our calling, our family, our sexuality,
our political life, our economics, our sciences, our art,
and all things else must be subject to Gods Word and
requirements. Taken from the introduction in The Institutes of Biblical Law
(foreword by Mark Rushdoony). Great for sharing with others.
Paperback, 31 pages, index, $3.00


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Mathematics: Is God Silent?

Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Readers

By James Nickel. This book revolutionizes the prevailing

understanding and teaching of math. It will serve as a
solid refutation for the claim, often made in court, that
mathematics is one subject which cannot be taught from a
distinctively Biblical perspective.
Revised and enlarged 2001 edition, Paperback, 408 pages, $24.00

The Foundations of Christian Scholarship

Edited by Gary North. These are essays developing the

implications and meaning of the philosophy of Dr.
Cornelius Van Til for every area of life. The chapters explore
the implications of Biblical faith for a variety of disciplines.
Paperback, 355 pages, indices, $24.00


The Victims of Dick and Jane

By Samuel L. Blumenfeld. Americas most effective critic
of public education shows us how Americas public schools
were remade by educators who used curriculum to create
citizens suitable for their own vision of a utopian socialist
society. This collection of essays will show you how and
why Americas public education declined.
Paperback, 266 pages, index, $22.00


Revolution via Education

By Samuel L. Blumenfeld. Blumenfeld gets to the root of
our crisis: our spiritual state and the need for an explicitly
Christian form of education. Blumenfeld leaves nothing
uncovered. He examines the men, methods, and means to
the socialist project to transform America into an outright
tyranny by scientific controllers.
Paperback, 189 pages, index, $20.00


Lessons Learned From Years of Homeschooling

By Andrea Schwartz. After nearly a quarter century of
homeschooling her children, Andrea experienced both the
accomplishments and challenges that come with being a
homeschooling mom. Discover the potential rewards of
making the world your classroom and Gods Word the
foundation of everything you teach.
Paperback, 107 pages, index, $14.00


The Homeschool Life: Discovering Gods Way

to Family-Based Education
By Andrea Schwartz. This book offers sage advice
concerning key aspects of homeschooling and gives
practical insights for parents as they seek to provide a
Christian education for their children.
Paperback, 143 pages, index, $17.00


Teach Me While My Heart Is Tender: Read Aloud Stories of

Repentance and Forgiveness
Andrea Schwartz compiled three stories drawn from her
family-life experiences to help parents teach children how
the faith applies to every area of life. They confront the
ugly reality of sin, the beauty of godly repentance, and the
necessity of forgiveness. The stories are meant to be read
by parents and children together. The interactions and
discussions that will follow serve to draw families closer together.
Paperback, 61 pages, index, $10.00



By Sam Blumenfeld. Provides parents, teachers and tutors

with a sensible, logical, easy-to-use system for teaching
reading. The Workbook teaches our alphabetic system
- with its 26 letters and 44 sounds - in the following
sequence: First, the alphabet, then the short vowels and
consonants, the consonant digraphs, followed by the
consonant blends, and finally the long vowels in their variety of spellings and
our other vowels. It can also be used as a supplement to any other reading
program being used in the classroom. Its systematic approach to teaching
basic phonetic skills makes it particularly valuable to programs that lack such
Spiralbound, 180 pages, $25.00


The Alpha-Phonics Readers accompany the text of Sam

Blumenfelds Alpha-Phonics, providing opportunities
for students to read at a level that matches their progress
through the text. These eleven readers move from simple
sentences to paragraphs to stories, ending with poetry.
By the time a student completes this simple program, the
phonetic reflex is well-established. This program has also
been successfully used with functionally illiterate adults.
This set consists of eleven 12-page readers, totaling 132 pages, $22.00


How to Tutor by Samuel Blumenfeld demystifies primary

education! Youll learn that you can teach subjects you
already know without requiring specialized academic
training or degrees. Heres what youll discover:
READING: In 117 lessons, teach any student to read
virtually any word in a comprehensive phonics program
HANDWRITING: In 73 lessons, train any student to
develop the lost art of cursive handwriting
ARITHMETIC: In 67 lessons, enable any student to master the essential
calculation skills, from simple addition to long division
Paperback, 271 pages, indices, $24.00


American History & the Constitution

This Independent Republic
By R. J. Rushdoony. Important insight into American
history by one who could trace American development
in terms of the Christian ideas which gave it direction.
These essays will greatly alter your understanding of, and
appreciation for, American history.
Paperback, 163 pages, index, $17.00


The Nature of the American System

By R. J. Rushdoony. Originally published in 1965, these
essays were a continuation of the authors previous work,
This Independent Republic, and examine the interpretations
and concepts which have attempted to remake and rewrite
Americas past and present.
Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00


The Influence of Historic Christianity on Early America

By Archie P. Jones. Early America was founded upon the
deep, extensive influence of Christianity inherited from
the medieval period and the Protestant Reformation. That
priceless heritage was not limited to the narrow confines
of the personal life of the individual, nor to ecclesiastical
structure. Christianity positively and predominately (though

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not perfectly) shaped culture, education, science, literature, legal thought,
legal education, political thought, law, politics, charity, and missions.
Booklet, 88 pages, $6.00


Biblical Faith and American History

By R. J. Rushdoony. America was a break with the
neoplatonic view of religion that dominated the medieval
church. The Puritans and other groups saw Scripture as
guidance for every area of life because they viewed its author
as the infallible Sovereign over every area.
Pamplet, 12 pages, $1.00


The United States: A Christian Republic

By R. J. Rushdoony. The author demolishes the modern
myth that the United States was founded by deists or
humanists bent on creating a secular republic.
Pamplet, 7 pages, $1.00


The Future of the Conservative Movement

Edited by Andrew Sandlin. The Future of the Conservative
Movement explores the history, accomplishments
and decline of the conservative movement, and
lays the foundation for a viable substitute to todays
compromising, floundering conservatism.
Booklet, 67 pages, $6.00


The Late Great GOP and the Coming Realignment

By Colonel V. Doner. For more than three decades, most
Christian conservatives in the United States have hitched
their political wagon to the plodding elephant of the
Republican Party. This work is a call to arms for those
weary of political vacillation and committed more firmly
than ever to the necessity of a truly Christian social order.
Booklet, 75 pages, $6.00


American History to 1865 - NOW ON CD!

By R. J. Rushdoony. The most theologically complete
assessment of early American history availableideal
for students. Rushdoony describes not just the facts
of history, but the leading motives and movements in
terms of the thinking of the day. Set includes 36 audio
CDs, teachers guide, students guide, plus a bonus CD
featuring PDF copies of each guide for further use.
Disc 1 Motives of Discovery & Exploration I
Disc 2 Motives of Discovery & Exploration II
Disc 3 Mercantilism
Disc 4 Feudalism, Monarchy & Colonies/ The Fairfax Resolves 1-8
Disc 5 The Fairfax Resolves 9-24
Disc 6 The Declaration of Independence & Articles of Confederation
Disc 7 George Washington: A Biographical Sketch
Disc 8 The U. S. Constitution, I
Disc 9 The U. S. Constitution, II
Disc 10 De Toqueville on Inheritance & Society
Disc 11 Voluntary Associations & the Tithe
Disc 12 Eschatology & History
Disc 13 Postmillennialism & the War of Independence
Disc 14 The Tyranny of the Majority
Disc 15 De Toqueville on Race Relations in America
Disc 16 The Federalist Administrations
Disc 17 The Voluntary Church, I
Disc 18 The Voluntary Church, II
Disc 19 The Jefferson Administration, the Tripolitan War & the War of 1812
Disc 20 The Voluntary Church on the Frontier, I
Disc 21 Religious Voluntarism & the Voluntary Church on the Frontier, II

Disc 22 The Monroe & Polk Doctrines

Disc 23 Voluntarism & Social Reform
Disc 24 Voluntarism & Politics
Disc 25 Chief Justice John Marshall: Problems of Political Voluntarism
Disc 26 Andrew Jackson: His Monetary Policy
Disc 27 The Mexican War of 1846 / Calhouns Disquisition
Disc 28 De Toqueville on Democratic Culture
Disc 29 De Toqueville on Individualism
Disc 30 Manifest Destiny
Disc 31 The Coming of the Civil War
Disc 32 De Toqueville on the Family/

Aristocratic vs. Individualistic Cultures
Disc 33 De Toqueville on Democracy & Power
Disc 34 The Interpretation of History, I
Disc 35 The Interpretation of History, II
Disc 36 The American Indian (Bonus Disc)
Disc 37 Documents: Teacher/Student Guides, Transcripts
37 discs in album, Set of American History to 1865, $140.00


The American Indian:

A Standing Indictment of Christianity & Statism in America
By R. J. Rushdoony. Americas first experiment with
socialism practically destroyed the American Indian.
In 1944 young R. J. Rushdoony arrived at the Duck
Valley Indian Reservation in Nevada as a missionary to
the Shoshone and the Paiute Indians. For eight years he
lived with them, worked with them, ministered to them
and listened to their stories. He came to know them intimately, both as
individuals and as a people. This is his story, and theirs.
Paperback, 139 pages, $18.00


World History
A Christian Survey of World History
Includes 12 audio CDs, full text supporting the
lectures, review questions, discussion questions,
and an answer key.
The purpose of a study of history is to shape the
future. Too much of history teaching centers
upon events, persons, or ideas as facts but does
not recognize Gods providential hand in judging
humanistic man in order to build His Kingdom.
History is God-ordained and presents the great battle between the Kingdom
of God and the Kingdom of Man. History is full of purposeeach
Kingdom has its own goal for the end of history, and those goals are in
constant conflict. A Christian Survey of World History can be used as a
stand-alone curriculum, or as a supplement to a study of world history.
Disc 1 Time and History: Why History is Important
Disc 2 Israel, Egypt, and the Ancient Near East
Disc 3 Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Jesus Christ
Disc 4 The Roman Republic
Disc 5 The Early Church & Byzantium
Disc 6 Islam & The Frontier Age
Disc 7 New Humanism or Medieval Period
Disc 8 The Reformation
Disc 9 Wars of Religion So Called & The Thirty Years War
Disc 10 France: Louis XIV through Napoleon
Disc 11 England: The Puritans through Queen Victoria
Disc 12 20th Century: The Intellectual Scientific Elite
12 CDs, full text, review and discussion questions, $90.00


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The Biblical Philosophy of History
By R. J. Rushdoony. For the orthodox Christian who
grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine of
creation, the mainspring of history is God. Time rests
on the foundation of eternity, on the eternal decree of
God. Time and history therefore have meaning because
they were created in terms of Gods perfect and totally
comprehensive plan. The humanist faces a meaningless
world in which he must strive to create and establish meaning.


The Word of Flux:

Modern Man and the Problem of Knowledge

By Otto Scott. In this study, Otto Scott writes about one

of the holy fools of humanism who worked against the
faith from within. This is a major historical work and
marvelous reading.
Hardback, 472 pages, $20.00

Paperback, 127 pages, indices, $19.00


James I: The Fool as King


Church History
The Atheism of the Early Church
By R. J. Rushdoony. Early Christians were called
heretics and atheists when they denied the gods of
Rome, and the divinity of the emperor. These Christians
knew that Jesus Christ, not the state, was their Lord and
that this faith required a different kind of relationship to
the state than the state demanded.
Paperback, 64 pages, $12.00


The Foundations of Social Order: Studies in the Creeds

and Councils of the Early Church
By R. J. Rushdoony. Every social order rests on a creed,
on a concept of life and law, and represents a religion in
action. The basic faith of a society means growth in terms
of that faith. The life of a society is its creed; a dying
creed faces desertion or subversion readily. Because of its
indifference to its creedal basis in Biblical Christianity,
western civilization is today facing death and is in a life and death struggle
with humanism.
Paperback, 197 pages, index, $16.00


The Relevance of the Reformed Faith (CD Set)

The 2007 Chalcedon Foundation Fall Conference
Disc 1: An Intro to Biblical Law - Mark Rushdoony
Disc 2: The Great Commission - Dr. Joe Morecraft
Disc 3 Cromwell Done Right! - Dr. Joe Morecraft
Disc 4: The Power of Applied Calvinism - Martin Selbrede
Disc 5: The Powerlessness of Pietism - Martin Selbrede
Disc 6: Thy Commandment is Exceedingly Broad - Martin Selbrede
Disc 7: Dualistic Spirituality vs. Obedience - Mark Rushdoony

The Death of Meaning
By R. J. Rushdoony. Modern philosophy has sought
to explain man and his thought process without
acknowledging God, His revelation, or mans sin.
Philosophers who rebel against God are compelled to
abandon meaning itself, for they possess neither the tools nor the place to

Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00

By R. J. Rushdoony. Modern man has a problem with

knowledge. He cannot accept Gods Word about the world
or anything else, so anything which points to God must
be called into question. This book will lead the reader to
understand that this problem of knowledge underlies the
isolation and self-torment of modern man. Can you know
anything if you reject God and His revelation? This book takes the reader
into the heart of modern mans intellectual dilemma.

Paperback, 138 pages, $22.00

7 CDs, $56.00

anchor it. The works of darkness championed by philosophers past and

present need to be exposed and reproved. In this volume, Dr. Rushdoony
clearly enunciates each major philosophers position and its implications,
identifies the intellectual and moral consequences of each school of thought,
and traces the dead-end to which each naturally leads.


To Be As God: A Study of Modern Thought

Since the Marquis De Sade
By R. J. Rushdoony. This monumental work is a series
of essays on the influential thinkers and ideas in modern
times such as Marquis De Sade, Shelley, Byron, Marx,
Whitman, and Nietzsche. Reading this book will help you
understand the need to avoid the syncretistic blending of
humanistic philosophy with the Christian faith.
Paperback, 230 pages, indices, $21.00


By What Standard?
By R. J. Rushdoony. An introduction into the problems
of Christian philosophy. It focuses on the philosophical
system of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, which in turn is founded
upon the presuppositions of an infallible revelation in
the Bible and the necessity of Christian theology for all
philosophy. This is Rushdoonys foundational work on
Hardback, 212 pages, index, $14.00


Van Til & The Limits of Reason

By R. J. Rushdoony. The Christian must see faith in Gods
revelation as opening up understanding, as thinking Gods
thoughts after Him, and rationalism as a restriction of
thought to the narrow confines of human understanding.
Reason is a gift of God, but we must not make more of
it than it is. The first three essays of this volume were
published in a small booklet in 1960 as a tribute to the
thought of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, titled Van Til. The last four essays were
written some time later and are published here for the first time.
Paperback, 84 pages, index, $10.00


The One and the Many:

Studies in the Philosophy of Order and Ultimacy
By R. J. Rushdoony. This work discusses the problem
of understanding unity vs. particularity, oneness vs.
individuality. Whether recognized or not, every argument
and every theological, philosophical, political, or any other
exposition is based on a presupposition about man, God,
and societyabout reality. This presupposition rules and
determines the conclusion; the effect is the result of a cause. And one such
basic presupposition is with reference to the one and the many. The author
finds the answer in the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity.
Paperback, 375 pages, index, $26.00


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The Flight from Humanity:
A Study of the Effect of Neoplatonism on Christianity
By R. J. Rushdoony. Neoplatonism presents mans
dilemma as a metaphysical one, whereas Scripture
presents it as a moral problem. Basing Christianity on
this false Neoplatonic idea will always shift the faith from
the Biblical perspective. The ascetic quest sought to take
refuge from sins of the flesh but failed to address the
reality of sins of the heart and mind. In the name of humility, the ascetics
manifested arrogance and pride. This pagan idea of spirituality entered the
church and is the basis of some chronic problems in Western civilization.
Paperback, 84 pages, $13.00


Politics of Guilt and Pity

By R. J. Rushdoony. From the foreword by Steve Schlissel:
Rushdoony sounds the clarion call of liberty for all who
remain oppressed by Christian leaders who wrongfully
lord it over the souls of Gods righteous ones. I pray that
the entire book will not only instruct you in the method
and content of a Biblical worldview, but actually bring you
further into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
Those who walk in wisdoms ways become immune to the politics of guilt
and pity.

Hardback, 371 pages, index, $20.00

Revolt Against Maturity

By. R. J. Rushdoony. The Biblical doctrine of psychology is
a branch of theology dealing with man as a fallen creature
marked by a revolt against maturity. Man was created a
mature being with a responsibility to dominion and cannot
be understood from the Freudian child, nor the Darwinian
standpoint of a long biological history. Mans history
is a short one filled with responsibility to God. Mans
psychological problems are therefore a resistance to responsibility, i.e. a revolt
against maturity.

By R. J. Rushdoony. For years this compact examination
of Freud has been out of print. And although both Freud
and Rushdoony have passed on, their ideas are still very
much in collision. Freud declared war upon guilt and
sought to eradicate the primary source of Western guilt
Christianity. Rushdoony shows conclusively the error
of Freuds thought and the disastrous consequences of his
influence in society.
Paperback, 74 pages, $13.00


The Cure of Souls:

Recovering the Biblical Doctrine of Confession
By R. J. Rushdoony. In The Cure of Souls: Recovering
the Biblical Doctrine of Confession, R. J. Rushdoony cuts
through the misuse of Romanism and modern psychology
to restore the doctrine of confession to a Biblical
foundationone that is covenantal and Calvinistic.
Without a true restoration of Biblical confession, the
Christians walk is impeded by the remains of sin. This volume is an effort in
reversing this trend.
Hardback, 320 pages with index, $26.00

The Mythology of Science

By R. J. Rushdoony. This book is about the religious
nature of evolutionary thought, how these religious
presuppositions underlie our modern intellectual paradigm,
and how they are deferred to as sacrosanct by institutions
and disciplines far removed from the empirical sciences. The mythology of
modern science is its religious devotion to the myth of evolution.

Paperback, 134 pages, $17.00

Alive: An Enquiry into the Origin and Meaning of Life


Hardback, 334 pages, index, $18.00


By Dr. Magnus Verbrugge, M.D. This study is of major

importance as a critique of scientific theory, evolution,
and contemporary nihilism in scientific thought. Dr.
Verbrugge, son-in-law of the late Dr. H. Dooyeweerd and
head of the Dooyeweerd Foundation, applies the insights
of Dooyeweerds thinking to the realm of science. Animism
and humanism in scientific theory are brilliantly discussed.

Paperback, 159 pages, $14.00

Creation According to the Scriptures

Edited by P. Andrew Sandlin. Subtitled: A Presuppositional
Defense of Literal Six-Day Creation, this symposium by
thirteen authors is a direct frontal assault on all waffling
views of Biblical creation. It explodes the Framework
Hypothesis, so dear to the hearts of many respectabilityhungry Calvinists, and it throws down the gauntlet to all
who believe they can maintain a consistent view of Biblical
infallibility while abandoning literal, six-day creation.
Paperback, 159 pages, $18.00


Making Sense of Your Dollars: A Biblical Approach to Wealth
By Ian Hodge. The author puts the creation and use
of wealth in their Biblical context. Debt has put the
economies of nations and individuals in dangerous straits.
This book discusses why a business is the best investment,
as well as the issues of debt avoidance and insurance. Wealth is a tool for
dominion men to use as faithful stewards.
Paperback, 192 pages, index, $12.00


Larceny in the Heart: The Economics of Satan and the

Inflationary State
By R.J. Rushdoony. In this study, first published under
the title Roots of Inflation, the reader sees why envy often
causes the most successful and advanced members of
society to be deemed criminals. The reader is shown how
envious man finds any superiority in others intolerable
and how this leads to a desire for a leveling. The author
uncovers the larceny in the heart of man and its results.
Paperback, 144 pages, indices, $18.00



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Biblical Studies

Deuteronomy, Volume V
of Commentaries on the Pentateuch

Genesis, Volume I of Commentaries on the Pentateuch

By R. J. Rushdoony. In recent years, it has become
commonplace for both humanists and churchmen to
sneer at anyone who takes Genesis 1-11 as historical. Yet
to believe in the myth of evolution is to accept trillions
of miracles to account for our cosmos. Spontaneous
generation, the development of something out of nothing,
and the blind belief in the miraculous powers of chance,
require tremendous faith. Theology without literal six-day creationism
becomes alien to the God of Scripture because it turns from the God Who
acts and Whose Word is the creative word and the word of power, to a belief
in process as god.
Hardback, 297 pages, indices, $45.00


Exodus, Volume II of Commentaries on the Pentateuch

By R. J. Rushdoony. Essentially, all of mankind is on
some sort of an exodus. However, the path of fallen man
is vastly different from that of the righteous. Apart from
Jesus Christ and His atoning work, the exodus of a fallen
humanity means only a further descent from sin into
death. But in Christ, the exodus is now a glorious ascent
into the justice and dominion of the everlasting Kingdom
of God. Therefore, if we are to better understand the gracious provisions
made for us in the promised land of the New Covenant, a thorough
examination into the historic path of Israel as described in the book of
Exodus is essential. It is to this end that this volume was written.
Hardback, 554 pages, indices, $45.00


Sermons on Exodus - 128 lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on mp3 (2 CDs), $60.00

Save by getting the book and 2 CDs together for only $95.00 $66.50


Leviticus, Volume III of Commentaries on the Pentateuch

By R. J. Rushdoony. Much like the book of Proverbs, any
emphasis upon the practical applications of Gods law is
readily shunned in pursuit of more spiritual studies.
Books like Leviticus are considered dull, overbearing, and
irrelevant. But man was created in Gods image and is
duty-bound to develop the implications of that image by
obedience to Gods law. The book of Leviticus contains
over ninety references to the word holy. The purpose, therefore, of this third
book of the Pentateuch is to demonstrate the legal foundation of holiness in
the totality of our lives.
Hardback, 449 pages, indices, $45.00


Sermons on Leviticus - 79 lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on mp3 (1 CD), $40.00

Save by getting the book and CD together for only $76.00


Numbers, Volume IV of Commentaries on the Pentateuch

By R. J. Rushdoony. The Lord desires a people who will
embrace their responsibilities. The history of Israel in
the wilderness is a sad narrative of a people with hearts
hardened by complaint and rebellion to Gods ordained
authorities. They were slaves, not an army. They would
recognize the tyranny of Pharaoh but disregard the servantleadership of Moses. God would judge the generation He
led out of captivity, while training a new generation to conquer Canaan. The
book of Numbers reveals Gods dealings with both generations.
Hardback, index, 428 pages $45.00


Sermons on Numbers - 66 lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on mp3 (1 CD), $40.00

Save by getting the book and CD together for only $76.00


If you desire to understand the core of Rushdoonys

thinking, this commentary on Deuteronomy is one volume
you must read. The covenantal structure of this last
book of Moses, its detailed listing of both blessings and
curses, and its strong presentation of godly theocracy
provided Rushdoony with a solid foundation from which
to summarize the central tenets of a truly Biblical worldviewone that is
solidly established upon Biblical Law, and one that is assured to shape the
Hardback, index, 512 pages $45.00



Sermons on Deuteronomy - 110 lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on mp3 (2 CDs), $60.00

Save by getting the book and CD together for only $95.00

Now you can purchase the complete

set of five hardback volumes of the
Pentateuch for $150.00 ($75 savings!)
Pentateuch CD Set (4
Commentary CD Sets)
By R. J. Rushdoony. Rushdoonys four CD
Commentaries on the Pentateuch (Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) in one set.
$120... Thats 6 total MP3 CDs containing 383 sermons
for $80 in savings!

Chariots of Prophetic Fire: Studies in Elijah and Elisha

By R. J. Rushdoony. As in the days of Elijah and Elisha,
it is once again said to be a virtue to tolerate evil and
condemn those who do not. This book will challenge you
to resist compromise and the temptation of expediency.
It will help you take a stand by faith for Gods truth in a
culture of falsehoods.
Hardback, 163 pages, indices, $30.00


The Gospel of John

By R. J. Rushdoony. Nothing more clearly reveals the
gospel than Christs atoning death and His resurrection.
They tell us that Jesus Christ has destroyed the power
of sin and death. John therefore deliberately limits the
number of miracles he reports in order to point to and
concentrate on our Lords death and resurrection. The
Jesus of history is He who made atonement for us, died,
and was resurrected. His life cannot be understood apart from this, nor can
we know His history in any other light.
Hardback, 320 pages, indices, $26.00


Romans and Galatians

By R. J. Rushdoony. From the authors introduction:
I do not disagree with the liberating power of the
Reformation interpretation, but I believe that it provides
simply the beginning of our understanding of Romans,
not its conclusion.... The great problem in the churchs
interpretation of Scripture has been its ecclesiastical
orientation, as though God speaks only to the church,
and commands only the church. The Lord God speaks in and through
His Word to the whole man, to every man, and to every area of life and
thought. This is the purpose of my brief comments on Romans.
Hardback, 446 pages, indices, $24.00


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Hebrews, James and Jude

A Comprehensive Faith

By R. J. Rushdoony. The Book of Hebrews is a

summons to serve Christ the Redeemer-King fully and
faithfully, without compromise. When James, in his
epistle, says that faith without works is dead, he tells
us that faith is not a mere matter of words, but it is of
necessity a matter of life. Pure religion and undefiled
requires Christian charity and action. Anything short
of this is a self-delusion. Jude similarly recalls us to Jesus Christs apostolic
commission, Remember ye the words which have been spoken before by
the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ (v. 17). Judes letter reminds us of
the necessity for a new creation beginning with us, and of the inescapable
triumph of the Kingdom of God.
Hardback, 260 pages, $30.00


Sermon on the Mount

By R. J. Rushdoony. So much has been written about the
Sermon on the Mount, but so little of the commentaries
venture outside of the matters of the heart. The Beatitudes
are reduced to the assumed meaning of their more popular
portions, and much of that meaning limits our concerns
to downplaying wealth, praying in secret, suppressing
our worries, or simply reciting the Lords Prayer. The
Beatitudes are the Kingdom commission to the new Israel of God, and R.
J. Rushdoony elucidates this powerful thesis in a readable and engaging
commentary on the worlds greatest sermon.
Hardback, 150 pages, $20.00
Sermon on the Mount CD Set (12 CDs), $96.00
Sermon on the Mount Book & CD Set (12 CDs), $99.00


Sermons in Obadiah & Jonah

By R. J. Rushdoony. In his study of Obadiah, Rushdoony
condemns the spiritual Edomites of our day who believe
evildoers have the power to frustrate the progress of the
Kingdom of God. In Jonah, he demonstrates that we play
the part of Jonah when we second-guess God, complain
about the work He gives us, or are peevish when outcomes
are not to our liking.

Christianity and the State

By R. J. Rushdoony. This book develops the Biblical view
of the state against the modern states humanism and
its attempts to govern all spheres of life. It reads like a
collection of essays on the Christian view of the state and
the return of true Christian government.
Hardback, 192 pages, indices, $18.00


Tithing and Dominion

By Edward A. Powell and R. J. Rushdoony. Gods
Kingdom covers all things in its scope, and its immediate
ministry includes, according to Scripture, the ministry
of grace (the church), instruction (the Christian and
homeschool), help to the needy (the diaconate), and many
other things. Gods appointed means for financing His
Kingdom activities is centrally the tithe. This work affirms
that the Biblical requirement of tithing is a continuing
aspect of Gods law-word and cannot be neglected.


Noble Savages: Exposing the Worldview of Pornographers

and Their War Against Christian Civilization
By R. J. Rushdoony. In this powerful book Noble Savages
(formerly The Politics of Pornography) Rushdoony
demonstrates that in order for modern man to justify his
perversion he must reject the Biblical doctrine of the fall of
man. If there is no fall, the Marquis de Sade argued, then
all that man does is normative. What is the problem? Its
the philosophy behind pornography the rejection of the fall of man that
makes normative all that man does. Learn it all in this timeless classic.
Paperback, 161 pages, $18.00


In His Service: The Christian Calling to Charity

By R. J. Rushdoony. The Christian faith once meant that
a believer responded to a dark world by actively working
to bring Gods grace and mercy to others, both by word
and by deed. However, a modern, self-centered church has
isolated the faith to a pietism that relinquishes charitable
responsibility to the state. The end result has been the
empowering of a humanistic world order. In this book,
Rushdoony elucidates the Christians calling to charity and its implications
for Godly dominion.

Roots of Reconstruction

Taking Dominion

Hardback, 146 pages, index, $12.00

Hardback, 244 pages, $23.00

Hardback, 232 pages, $23.00


Paperback, 84 pages, indices, $9.00

Edited by Andrew Sandlin. This is the surprise Festschrift

presented to R. J. Rushdoony at his 80th birthday
celebration in April, 1996. These essays are in gratitude
to Rushs influence and elucidate the importance of his
theological and philosophical contributions in numerous
fields. Contributors include Theodore Letis, Brian Abshire,
Steve Schlissel, Joe Morecraft III, Jean-Marc Berthoud,
Byron Snapp, Samuel Blumenfeld, Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher,
Herbert W. Titus, Ellsworth McIntyre, Howard Phillips, Ian Hodge,
and many more. Also included is a foreword by John Frame and a brief
biographical sketch of R. J. Rushdoonys life by Mark Rushdoony.


By R. J. Rushdoony. This large volume provides all of

Rushdoonys Chalcedon Report articles from the beginning
in 1965 to mid-1989. These articles were, with his
books, responsible for the Christian Reconstruction and
theonomy movements. More topics than could possibly be
listed. Imagine having 24 years of Rushdoonys personal
research for just $20.
Hardback, 1124 pages, $20.00


A House for God: Building a Kingdom-Driven Family

Christian parents are called to establish Kingdom-driven
families. They are to build a home for Goda house that
is dedicated to the service of the King and His Kingdom.
To aid in this calling, Christian author and education
expert, Andrea Schwartz has carefully put together this
collection of essays entitled A House for God: Building a
Kingdom-Driven Family.
Both your personal life and your family life will be challenged and
transformed through the pages of this easy-to-read, insightful book on
building a Kingdom-driven family.
Paperback, 120 pages, $14.00


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YEAR-END SALE! 30% Off All Orders Through January 31, 2015!
Salvation and Godly Rule

Infallibility and Interpretation

By R. J. Rushdoony. Salvation in Scripture includes in its

meaning health and victory. By limiting the meaning
of salvation, men have limited the power of God and the
meaning of the Gospel. In this study R. J. Rushdoony
demonstrates the expanse of the doctrine of salvation as it
relates to the rule of the God and His people.

By R. J. Rushdoony & P. Andrew Sandlin. The authors

argue for infallibility from a distinctly presuppositional
perspective. That is, their arguments are unapologetically
circular because they believe all ultimate claims are based
on ones beginning assumptions. The question of Biblical
infallibility rests ultimately in ones belief about the
character of God.

Paperback, 661 pages, indices, $35.00


Paperback, 100 pages, $6.00


A Conquering Faith: Doctrinal Foundations for Christian


Infallibility: An Inescapable Concept

By William Einwechter. This monograph takes on

the doctrinal defection of todays church by providing
Christians with an introductory treatment of six vital
areas of Christian doctrine: Gods sovereignty, Christs
Lordship, Gods law, the authority of Scripture, the
dominion mandate, and the victory of Christ in history.

Booklet, 69 pages, $2.00

Paperback, 44 pages, $8.00


By R. J. Rushdoony. Infallibility is an inescapable

concept. If men refuse to ascribe infallibility to
Scripture, it is because the concept has been transferred
to something else. Booklet now part of the authors
Systematic Theology.

Predestination in Light of the Cross

By John B. King, Jr. The author defends the predestination
of Martin Luther while providing a compellingly systematic
theological understanding of predestination. This book will
give the reader a fuller understanding of the sovereignty of
Paperback, 314 pages, $24.00

A Word in Season: Daily Messages on the Faith for All of Life (5 Volumes)
By R. J. Rushdoony. These daily messages on the faith for all of life are
unlike any compilation of Christian devotional ever published. In these
pages, you wont find the overly introspective musings of a Christian pietist;
what youll discover are the hard-hitting convictions of a man whose sole
commitment was faithfulness to Gods law-word and representing that
binding Word to his readers.

Get all 5 volumes as a set for only $50.00 $42.00!

Vol. 1, Paperback, 152 pages, $12.00 Vol. 2, Paperback, 144 pages, $12.00
Vol. 3, Paperback, 134 pages, $12.00 Vol. 4, Paperback, 146 pages, $12.00
Vol. 5, Paperback, 176 pages, $12.00
$8.40 each

Systematic Theology (in two volumes)
By R. J. Rushdoony. Theology belongs in the
pulpit, the school, the workplace, the family
and everywhere. Society as a whole is weakened
when theology is neglected. Without a systematic
application of theology, too often people approach
the Bible with a smorgasbord mentality, picking
and choosing that which pleases them. This two-volume set addresses this
subject in order to assist in the application of the Word of God to every area
of life and thought.
Hardback, 1301 pages, indices, $70.00


By R. J. Rushdoony. Scripture gives us as its underlying

unity a unified doctrine of God and His order. Theology
must be systematic to be true to the God of Scripture.
Booklet now part of the authors Systematic Theology.
Booklet, 74 pages, $2.00

By R. J. Rushdoony. The doctrine of sovereignty is a crucial
one. By focusing on the implications of Gods sovereignty
over all things, in conjunction with the law-word of God,
the Christian will be better equipped to engage each and
every area of life. Since we are called to live in this world,
we must bring to bear the will of our Sovereign Lord in all
Hardback, 519 pages, $40.00


The Church Is Israel Now

By Charles D. Provan. For the last century, Christians have
been told that God has an unconditional love for persons
racially descended from Abraham. Membership in Israel is
said to be a matter of race, not faith. This book repudiates
such a racialist viewpoint and abounds in Scripture
references which show that the blessings of Israel were
transferred to all those who accept Jesus Christ.
Paperback, 74 pages, $12.00


The Guise of Every Graceless Heart

By Terrill Irwin Elniff. An extremely important and fresh
study of Puritan thought in early America. On Biblical
and theological grounds, Puritan preachers and writers
challenged the autonomy of man, though not always
Hardback, 120 pages, $7.00

The Necessity for Systematic Theology



The Great Christian Revolution

By Otto Scott, Mark R. Rushdoony, R. J. Rushdoony, John
Lofton, and Martin Selbrede. A major work on the impact
of Reformed thinking on our civilization. Some of the
studies, historical and theological, break new ground and
provide perspectives previously unknown or neglected.
Hardback, 327 pages, $22.00




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Keeping Our Sacred Trust
Edited by Andrew Sandlin. This book is a trumpet blast
heralding a full-orbed, Biblical, orthodox Christianity. The
hope of the modern world is not a passive compromise
with passing heterodox fads, but aggressive devotion to the
time-honored Faith once delivered to the saints.
Paperback, 167 pages, $19.00


The Incredible Scofield and His Book

By Joseph M. Canfield. This powerful and fully
documented study exposes the questionable background
and faulty theology of the man responsible for the
popular Scofield Reference Bible, which did much to
promote the dispensational system.
Paperback, 394 pages, $24.00


The Lordship of Christ

The author shows that to limit Christs work in history to
salvation and not to include lordship is destructive of the
faith and leads to false doctrine.
Booklet, 29 pages, $2.50


The Will of God, or the Will of Man?

By Mark R. Rushdoony. Gods will and mans will are both
involved in mans salvation, but the church has split in
answering the question, Whose will is determinative?
Pamplet, $1.00


This publication marks the five-hundredth anniversary

of the birth of Pierre Viret with the first full biography
in English of this remarkable and oft-overlooked early
Reformer. R. A. Sheats pens the fascinating history
and life of this important early light of the Protestant
Reformation who, after nearly five centuries of relative
obscurity, is now enjoying a renewed interest in his
history and scholarship. The republication comes at its
proper time, inspiring future generations to continue the work of advancing
Christs Kingdom throughout the world.

Paperback, 103 pages, $14.00


Family Matters: Read Aloud Stories

of Responsibility and Self-Discipline
Unless children are taught self-discipline early, they move
into their adult years without a sense of personal, familial,
or societal responsibility. The stories are meant to be
read by parents and children together and serve as useful
conversation starters to educate boys and girls so they can
be effective citizens in the Kingdom of God.
Paperback, 48 pages, $10.00


The Biblical Trustee Family:

Understanding Gods Purpose for Your Household
By Andrea Schwartz. Gods basic institution is the family,
and the Biblical family lives and operates in terms of a
calling greater than itself - the Kingdom of God. In an age
when the family is disparaged, warred against, and treated
as a mere convention, it becomes the duty of Christians to
bring Gods plan for the family to listening ears.

Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation
By R. J. Rushdoony. Revelations details are often
perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main meaning
is clearit is a book about victory. It tells us that our
faith can only result in victory. This victory is celebrated
in Daniel and elsewhere, in the entire Bible. These
eschatological texts make clear that the essential good
news of the entire Bible is victory, total victory.
Paperback, 271 pages, $19.00


Thine is the Kingdom: A Study of the Postmillennial Hope

Toward a Christian Marriage
Edited by Elizabeth Fellerson. The law of God makes
clear how important and how central marriage is. Our
Lord stresses the fact that marriage is our normal calling.
This book consists of essays on the importance of a proper
Christian perspective on marriage.
Hardback, 43 pages, $8.00


Back Again Mr. Begbie:

The Life Story of Rev. Lt. Col. R.J.G. Begbie OBE
This biography is more than a story of the three careers
of one remarkable man. It is a chronicle of a son of
old Christendom as a leader of Christian revival in the
twentieth century. Personal history shows the greater
story of what the Holy Spirit can and does do in the
evangelization of the world.
Paperback, 357 pages, $24.00

In true Titus 2 fashion, Andrea Schwartz challenges women

to reexamine several fundamental aspects of motherhood in
light of Scripture. Beginning with a consideration of Gods
character and concluding with an invigorating charge to
faithfulness, Andrea connects the dots between Gods reality
and a mothers duty.

Paperback, 109 pages, $16.00

Pierre Viret: The Angel of the Reformation

Hardback, 323 pages, $30.00

Woman of the House: A Mothers Role

in Building a Christian Culture


False eschatological speculation is destroying the church

today, by leading her to neglect her Christian calling. In
this volume, edited by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., the reader
is presented with a blend of Biblical exegesis, theological
reflection, and practical application for faithful Christian
living. Chapters include contemporary writers Keith A.
Mathison, William O. Einwechter, Jeffrey Ventrella, and
Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., as well as chapters by giants of the
faith Benjamin B. Warfield and J.A. Alexander.
Paperback, 260 pages, $22.00


Gods Plan for Victory

By R. J. Rushdoony. The founder of the Christian
Reconstruction movement set forth in potent, cogent
terms the older Puritan vision of the irrepressible
advancement of Christs kingdom by His faithful saints
employing the entire law-Word of God as the program for
earthly victory.
Booklet, 41 pages, $6.00


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Fiction (Storehouse Press)

Purchase the 6 volume

set for only $70.00!

The Palace (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 6)

By Lee Duigon. In the sixth installment of the Bell Mountain Series, Gods
judgment hangs over the great city of Obann; but in the endless maze of
halls and corridors and offices inside the Palace, power-hungry men enter
into secret dealings with Obanns archenemy, the Thunder King.
Queen Gurun and the boy who doubles for King Ryons; Jack, kidnapped
from his home and forced to serve the traitors plotting against the
rightful king; and a new lord of Obanns Temple, bearing a weapon with
unthinkable powers of destruction... All are converging on the Palace.
For the first time in two thousand years, Obann will have a Coronation Day,
and a king will wear his crown. But it is not the plotters intention that he
shall wear it for long.
Paperback, 321 pages, $18.00

Hidden In Plain Sight (Bubble Head Series, Vol. 1)

(Reg. $100.00)

By M. G. Selbrede. Young physicist Jenna Wilkes has

done the impossibleand the whole scientific world is
shaking on its pillars.

Bell Mountain (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 1)

Could it be that conventional science has

misunderstood the very fabric of the universe? Could
there be infinitely more to it than anyone has ever
guessed? Could sciences whole concept of reality be ...

By Lee Duigon. The world is going to end as soon as Jack and Ellayne
ring the bell on top of Bell Mountain. No one has ever climbed the
mountain, and no one has ever seen the bell. But the children have a divine
calling to carry out the mission, and it sweeps them into high adventure.
Great for young adults.
Paperback, 288 pages, $14.00

The Cellar Beneath the Cellar (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 2)

By Lee Duigon. A worlds future lies buried in its distant past. Barbarian
armies swarm across the mountains, driven by a terrifying vision of a
merciless war god on earth. While a nation rallies its defenses, a boy and a
girl must find the holy writings that have been concealed for 2,000 years;
and the man who was sent to kill them must now protect them at all costs.
Paperback, 288 pages, $16.00

The Thunder King (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 3)

By Lee Duigon. The Thunder Kings vast army encamps against the city, a
ring of fire and steel. But treason brews inside the city walls... The tiny army
of the Lord is on the march against the undefeated horde, in bold obedience
to a divine command; but the boy king, Ryons, marches all alone across an
empty land. The Lost Books of Scripture have been found, but they may be
lost again before the human race can read them. And Jack and Ellayne have
been captured by the Heathen.
Paperback, 288 pages, $16.00

The Last Banquet (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 4)

By Lee Duigon. In the wake of a barbarian invasion, chaos sweeps across
Obann. The boy king and his faithful chiefs try to restore order before the
Heathen come again - not knowing that this time, the Thunder King himself
will lead his armies. The Great Temple lies in ruins, but another Temple
has arisen in the East. And the heroes of Bell Mountain, Jack, Ellayne,
and Martis, captured by the Heathen Griffs, are to be brought before the
Thunder King. What is the secret of the man behind the Thunder Kings
golden mask? Who will survive Gods shaking of the world?
Paperback, 338 pages, $18.00

Paperback, 334 pages, $15.00



The Fugitive Prince (Bell Mountain Series, Vol. 5)

By Lee Duigon. The powers wielded by the men of ancient times destroyed
all their cities in a single day. Will those powers now be turned against
Obann? There is a new Thunder King in the East, and new threats against
the West. The City of Obann seethes with treason and plots against King
Ryons - and an ignorant slave-boy must defend the rightful kings throne.
And from the Lost Book of King Ozias emerges the first glimmer of Gods
promise of a Savior.
Paperback, 370 pages, $18.00


The Journal of Christian Reconstruction

Vol. 2, No. 1, Symposium on Christian Economics $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 2, No. 2, Symposium on Biblical Law $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 5, No. 1, Symposium on Politics $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 5, No. 2, Symposium on Puritanism and Law $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 7, No. 1, Symposium on Inflation $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 10, No. 1, Symposium on the Media and the Arts $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 10, No. 2, Symposium on Christianity and Business $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 11, No. 1, Symposium on the Reformation in the Arts and Media $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 11, No. 2, Symposium on the Education of the Core Group $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 12, No. 1, Symposium on the Constitution and Political Theology $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 12, No. 2, Symposium on the Biblical Text and Literature $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 13, No. 1, Symposium on Change in the Social Order $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 13, No. 2, Symposium on Decline & Fall of the West/Return of Christendom $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 14, No. 1, Symposium on Reconstruction in the Church and State $13.00 $2.60
Vol. 14, No. 2, Symposium on the Reformation $13.00 $2.60
Vol. XV, Symposium on Eschatology $19.00 $3.80
Vol. XVI, The 25th Anniversary Issue $19.00 $3.80
Journal of Christian Reconstruction Set $233.00 $46.00!

Special CD Message Series by Rushdoony

A History of Modern Philosophy

The United States Constitution

8 CDs) $64.00 $44.80

(4 CDs) $32.00 $22.40

Epistemology: The Christian

Philosophy of Knowledge

Economics, Money & Hope

(10 CDs) $80.00 $56.00

(3 CDs) $24.00 $16.80

The Crown Rights of Christ the King

(6 CDs) $48.00 $33.60

(3 CDs) $24.00 $16.80

Postmillennialism in America
(2 CDs-2 lectures per disc) $20.00 $14.00

A Critique of Modern Education

(4 CDs) $32.00 $22.40

English History
(5 CDs) $40.00 $28.00


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