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International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2(1) January 2013, Pages: 1-7

TI Journals

International Journal of Engineering Sciences


The Design between Creation and Methodology

Furat Jamal Hassan *1, Bian Xiang Yang 2

Design Institute, Donghua University, 1882 West Yan an Road, Shanghai, China.
Design Institute, Donghua University, 1882 West Yan an Road, Shanghai, China




The contemporary thesis focused on studying design operation and concept by many views, which
distinguish by obligated one science side in the studying like creation, method, and design
elements. That what remote the knowledge and thoughtfully production par the totality in limited
and understand characters and properties for this concept, in the same time amplifier the
knowledge base about one side alone except the other by form made it disconnect par other sides.
To miss the knowledge and thoughtfully relationship which can be in case study in a related form
with others?


All that makes the real base and need for the research beginning and aims to understand and show
totality, which is come from study the design concept by depend on two basic side relationships in
it, they are the creation side and the methodology side.
Any design subject to a set of forces contributing to the establishment of relations working to
strengthen the internal elements of the design; any imbalance in these elements can make a
fragmented and weak design, thus preventing it from achieve the goal or performance. Poor
performance can be attributed to various factors: the extent and function of the elements and
principles in the design, realization of the idea, especially in the design.
2013 Int. j. eng. sci. All rights reserved for TI Journals.



The Different narratives of intellectual vision of the design process, and vary between the process design is based on the act of an
individual associated with the potential of the imagination or inspiration, which disappear when the foundations of systematic and
organized labor, In a wider sense, The design work its a systematic step to work with traditional methods and modern in the path of the
production processes.
Consequently, this research aim is to identify the general basic for design concept in the light of linking the creative and methodology
nature for it. Thus the research begin by submitted the knowledge about the two earlier sides, to declare and submit the research problem
which represented by None being total knowledge view for the relationship between creative and methodology sides for the design
operation and its goal which represented by this knowledge view. According to them, to discuss the subject by four parts, the first part, I
am talking about the overall vision for the design, and the general framework of the design. The second part I will talk about Creation in
design, and what are the key aspects of the creation process of innovation? And third part, will discuss aspects of the determinants and
thinking in design, taking into consideration, Find a conceptual vision of a comprehensive way the best, and the path to be followed and put
it with regard to the concept of design in general theoretical level and practical. The last part, will be talking to most general framework of
emerging theories, and their relationship with design. And the debate on the relevance, Raised above, theories of thinking and creativity,
leading to the analysis of theories and findings.


Vision of the general theory

Effectiveness of the design (general framework)

According for preliminary view, in the way of designers think, (Lawson) say: Through an act of design, which has many general in daily
use, and other more privacy in the fields of knowledge of specialized, such as industrial design and engineering design, etc., because the
difference in the design of the field to the other shows, because of the trend towards of design method, its not because the nature of the
problem design [1]. Consequently, the focus was on a process over product design, although the study directed toward the solution, but he
did not neglect the problem in the design process, where it has not been raised the way down to the design, but only guidelines to help
design, according to the source. In order to design happen, there must be a summary of which is made up of requirements to be considered
and understood by the designer, And then tested by, compared to some of the criteria implicit, and finally, the designer must connect the
* Corresponding author.
Email address: furathassan@hotmail.com

Furat Jamal Hassan and Bian Xiang Yang

Int ernational Journal of Engi neering Sc iences, 2(1) January 2013

idea to customer. In a wider sense, the Design its process of showing the problem and solution at the same time, and the problem most
likely not is fully understood without some acceptable solutions. Furthermore, Find help for understanding the nature of the problem and
then solved, and also understand the appropriate way of thinking designer.
While the researchers are trying to define the design or (design problem), there are some researchers view to problem as a (design
effectiveness), Rather, that their definitions of focus toward performance of design, while others focus toward the designer or design-based
process [2], For understanding the design, firstly must understand the procedures and achieve of the feat, and then understand the approach
is applied.
Table 1. Design of Definitions


The Definitions
Decision-making in the face of uncertainty with the adoption of the penalty.





Find the right physical components of the structure or composition of the material.
Pre-visualization, or modeling the thing to be made or done by the author many times.
Work adapts to those parts of any product in contact with human beings or has a relationship
with them.

That can observe, the vision the general theory of design, is based, including forms of a natural or artificial way, by directing the thinking
of designers for any design problem. This is the existence of standards, indicators and determinants of the need for clear understanding. As
for design, the researches discuss the early stages of analysis. Indicators provide solutions, but sometimes intersect and create other theories
in design.
The Imagination of creativity
The Researchers have tried in this regard, finding a kind of thinking the relationship between the actions carried out by the mind and the
processes of fashion, and thus the process is the design is a combination of mental acts that seem often unrelated and do not work according
to one model. In a wider sense The difficulty lies in finding such as this links for each stage of production, although the model of thinking,
which was discussed by most of the studies, was based on stages known as a (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), but the overlap with the
elements, and the absence of the boundary in influence, the main reason for the difficulty of finding these links [3]. So much more (Zeisel)
he said the design process include: three overlapping patterns of thought, include (imagination, view, and testing) and the test comes with
two types of information stimulating to the imagination in the form of knowledge goes away to act is a spiral design [4].

Transmission of concepts
Process and goal
Implementation decision
Formation is the initial
The Domination

Imagination, view, testing

Figure 1. Intellectual process of design

Furthermore, the intellectual interactions during the design work, working to form the activities of analytical assessment and evaluation
synthetic continuously, and the separation between them is impossible in practice; design and behavior vary in the amount of its content of
what was attributed to completion of these activities within the specified time.
As for (Hegel) is given to the imagination a big work, by linking the process, as the creativity and innovation depend on this ability, he says
that the imagination, especially the creator, is thought of a process, for this it is difficult to tell a person that (Homer) wrote poetry when he
was sleep, or without thinking. And thus the selection process, without any comparisons, the artist cannot control the content [5].
More specifically, (B. Tversky)) says that the designer is often tempted to events pictorial, or the process of creating forms in the
imagination, when trying to understand or realize the dilemmas visual, what is the process of design, is a process of building a sense, the
installation of vocabulary a sense of fantasy, and installed in the circle of thought and perception the real product in a realistic and tangible

The Design between Creation and Methodology

Internat ional Jour nal of Engineeri ng Science s, 2(1) Januar y 2013

The Creativity (Frameworks and verification ranges)

The Theories of scientific and technical need's imagination. In order to make it's coordinated of image and interrelated. The human is the
source for all methodical discoveries and artistic, where it can be said that the creates production, and the artwork its one new source, the
roots of the first and the deep science and art are one, due to the source of creativity in humans [7].
According to them, (Rochka) see the importance of traits and characteristics associated with creative features such as emotional and
motivation related to mental capacity is indicative of the creativity as well, especially in the art of design. Have reached this researcher to
four characteristics of creativity are fluency, flexibility and originality [8].
In the studies design, it has been expressed about the characteristics of design artistic with qualities unique, in many of the research, has
been discussed by many scholars and critics of these characteristics according to the association to form and content, through the form
which has the superiority in the aspects of design, in addition, to the thought-depth and fresh, non-similar elements, the design creative idea
and is associated with originality, the same as the mole and a core of the product to meet with the new concept in all its aspects and
As explained above, the role of human imagination and wide in order to create innovation is to features associated with it, which is the
basis of creative work and multi-stages. To confirm the link for the details of the various work creativity that arise from communication,
and in a way by which to reach the goal blister that indicates the beginning of the case, inspired, and this applies to the artistic and scientific
contexts that exploit to create a product with efficiency and harmony.







Figure 2. Stages of creativity


The real situation of systematic

The systematic
The framework creative is not the only case marked the work of design, but also to clarify the existence of gradual progress of the steps in
this work, and in this sense, German philosopher (Heidegger) confirmed through the formulation of philosophical questions traditional to
bring a new concept of man and existence in the world through everyday experience. Therefore, can be summarized this philosopher went
as follows:

The Methodology

The Method is the operations or techniques of the question formulated in the correct proportion to the production process, while the
methodology is a set of methods, rules require the specific use of group processes, and are often in the contexts of the term refers to the
broadest and largest of the Method.
Many of the philosopher's tries to connect logic approach, in terms of research methods and analysis, while others were separated between
the science curriculum and the knowledge of other fields.
The researcher (Jean Piaget) indicates that systematic thinking always generates crises in science, which arise because of an error or certain
credibility in doubt, especially in the earlier scientific methods [9].

Furat Jamal Hassan and Bian Xiang Yang

Int ernational Journal of Engi neering Sc iences, 2(1) January 2013

can summarize that this approach is the steps of the operations of aiming to achieve the goals of a private by organizing activity, with the
adoption of feature merits of the match with the existing situation; moreover, the link with the theoretical side strongly through the vision
narratives specialist approach of the design, to analyze problems and the development of rational solutions, and focus on the importance of
clarifying the curriculum adopted in the design.
That the effectiveness of the creative and systematic conceptual vision to find a comprehensive way and the way the best, and the path to be
followed and put in the subject of design in general, and design, in particular, to put the question on theoretical research, which states:
There is no perception of the relationship between cognitive comprehensive creative side and the side in the systematic design process.
In order to access the desired goal of research, it is necessary to achieve the following aspects:
1. Building a theoretical framework of cognitive perception, through a review of aspects related to creativity and methodology.
2. Application of the concept of cognitive models represents individual indicators and design elements.
3. The discovery of the creative and systematic in the design process.

Constraints of Design

The Design work has a range of Constraints of internal and external Constraints, the Interior is represented by the problem, and this is
Constraint by the receiver, and then adopted by the designer to obtain solutions, and second one is representing the content of the
situational problem associated with the effects of the solutions and has a border temporal and spatial of the problem [10].
On this basis, the design problem can be divided into the following Constraints:

Radical Constraints: Are the Constraints that deal with the objectives of the system and contain the main problem?

Practical Constraints: The considerations that deal with the fact of production, which makes possible the performance of the
product before, so this type its responsible for the technical aspects and artistic design.

Symbolic Constraints: This type is responsible for the language of communication through the expressive aspects in build of
design, and therefore, makes sense of aesthetic design.
The Idea of design
Idea of design is the starting point where the designer attempts to transfer impulse's heart and all his experience to make forms on paper.
Before taking any action relating to content or the models shape, the designer displays that the idea of design forms a close link between
the designer and creative ability. Designed to be aware of the conditions, art work is correct. In order to achieve full integration the designer
must create a loop link between the model or the shape hand, the consumer and receiver. To find this missing link, we can say the designer
is organizer of integration process through the expression experience. The designer attempts to transfer social values and cultural heritage
into the design so that results are consistent with the societys nature.
Sources of design idea
The source of substantive: The content and the models shape tries to fit with the idea to form a close link between the designer and
creative ability as noted previously.

Source of social: The designer transfers customs, social values, and cultural heritage into the design so that the results are
consistent with the societys nature.
Source of selective: A selection of factors, surrounding the designer is applied to the idea.
Source Impressionist: The combination what it takes to design, stockpiling of knowledge, the accumulation of information, and
the receivers experience-- establish a dialectical relationship to get final ideas that serve the designs theme.
Source influential: One of the sources for obtaining a concept by a designer is directly influenced by the content of the form to
make appropriate effect on the recipient.

The Design field merges the intuitive logic and the transition between the two cases to provide regular mechanisms of action, the fact that
the starting point be related to raising the questions preliminary to which the answer in memory, to find solutions of the problems of design
and put research in three phases of thought to the design include: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

How Designers Think?

"Jones" adopts idea that the design is integrated into the space of intuition and logic, and gradually moving towards the first steps that lead
to be rational, and trying to progress towards approach gives the designer techniques regularly to save his information out of memory[11].

The Design between Creation and Methodology

Internat ional Jour nal of Engineeri ng Science s, 2(1) Januar y 2013

Depending on" Jones" point of view the design process consists of three stages of thinking:

Divergent thinking: Expand the boundaries of the problem at hand in all directions, to reach the maximum extents.
Transformation thinking: It is intended, the stage of Creation in the solution, and in this case, the goal is to change the thinking of
the problem is more complex for the simplicity and clarity.
Formal thinking: Dealing with the properties or the optical organization of the visual system and performance of formal and
therefore, establishes general rules of the determinants of proportions, color and texture, and others.
Convergent thinking: A kind of reductionist thinking is the result of decision-making processes in the previous phase, and is
aimed at assessing general or partial solutions that have been given in order to reach the final solution.

The Design field merges the intuitive logic and the transition between the two cases to provide regular mechanisms of action, the fact that
the starting point be related to raising the questions preliminary to which the answer in memory, to find solutions of the problems of design
and put research in three phases of thought to the design include: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Table 2. Stages of the design work for the kinds of thinking







The Knowledge framework of design

the discussion here; the frameworks of a cognitive adopter per the concepts were discussed earlier, in addition to building perceptive
correct for production design, as it can be said, the main stages of the work of the design are (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) of that
understand that the intellectual vision of the design with a key role in the formulation of border and endings that is the essence of the design
problem, thus the possibilities of creativity lies along the path extending between those limits, with the idea of owning and coverage, even
if they were private.

Table 3. Preliminary vision to study the problem

The problem


The middle path

Building frameworks
The Studies show that the frameworks of knowledge adopt four theories of design to explain the sources of shape, or four classes, methods,
design interferes with each other to form a form of knowledge. And thus the final production with a vision tends to the creative more than
the systematic. From here that can say that these frameworks are based on a set of scenarios based upon the initial design process [12]:

Perceptions of Common: Distribution patterns shape the interpretation of sources on the movement of the idea of the stages of
production equally.


Perceptions of Detailed:

The emergence of a product depends on indicators within the framework of the analysis phase creative side.

The emergence of the product phase composition depends on indicators in the side of the systematic.

Furat Jamal Hassan and Bian Xiang Yang

Int ernational Journal of Engi neering Sc iences, 2(1) January 2013

The emergence of a product depends on indicators the assessment phase of the creative side through the overlap and


Perceptions of Creativity

Adoption of diverse functions, marking the idea site between the synthesis and analysis.

Adoption of creative imagination, the idea marks the site between the analysis and evaluation.

Adopting the spirit of the times, the idea marks the site of synthesis, analysis and evaluation at the same time.

Adoption of social and economic conditions.


Perceptions of design

Utilitarian design

Symbolic design

Symmetric design

Proportional design

Design Patterns
The Design has different styles is simulated as existing forms in nature and manufactured, by guiding the thinking of the designer with the
contrast simple to solve any problem of design, and this depends, as we have said to the creative side and the side of systematic, but what
are the important aspects that have driven them to the idea [13]. Can explain these to the following:


Pattern depends function for the interpretation of shape, between analysis and synthesis and stabilizes at the stage of synthesis.
Pattern depends on the creative imagination for the analysis of the shape.
Pattern depends the design parameters.
Pattern supports the formal parameters.

Design Theories

Before discussing design further, it is important to develop a common understanding of what design is, and what it is not. The concept of
design is vague because there are many theories of design, which stem from various fields of design, all of which should inform the
discussion. In order to consider the adaptation of design theory, the people, must understand the meaning of design and clarify the
accompanying language.
Lawson illustrates the problem when he demonstrates both engineers and designers designs which execute design and are commonly
understood to be technical or imaginative respectively. He states succinctly Actually both these descriptions are to some extent caricatures
since good engineering requires considerable imagination and can be unpredictable in its outcome, and good fashion is unlikely to be
achieved without considerable technical knowledge. Many forms of design then, deal with both precise and vague ideas, call for systematic
and chaotic thinking, need both imaginative thought and mechanical calculation [14].
In order to discuss design, the reader must be clear as to the essence of the concept under examination. Design is when a group creates in a
codified manner using the balanced elements of art, craft, and science. Reiterated, when a group of people come together to create
something new, constrained by the rationalism of science, liberated by the creativity of art, and informed with the craft of the past, and
creating in a manner, which is recordable and codify-able, they are designing. Therefore, this monograph presents design as dialectic. The
deterministic and procedurally bound science of planning is the research; the Post-Structuralist and creatively critical philosophy of art of
It is useful to examine the design definitions of previous theorists, in order to come to an informed understanding of this set of concepts.
"Christopher Jones" is one of the earliest and most influential authors in design theory, and his definition is the most empowering to the
designer. He defines design as: To initiate change in man-made things [15], And In general, he divided the design theories to:

The first theory: design creates a form depending on the intended function.
The second theory: the shape is generated from design creative imagination.
The Third theory: the shape is generated based on the circumstantial case presented in the community.
The Fourth theory: the shape is produced depending on the social and economic conditions.
The fifth theory: the shape is derived from the principles of the immortal form.

The Design between Creation and Methodology

Internat ional Jour nal of Engineeri ng Science s, 2(1) Januar y 2013

He also places heavy reliance on understanding identity and emergence, and states the designer is able to see an emerging path, rather than
the chaotic jumble that represents chaos, and is now capable of designing strategy. Using these definitions, Design can be seen as a way of
thinking, a state of mind, and a philosophical paradigm.



The summarize Conclusions as follows:

1. The design emulates the existing forms of nature and the artificial way, by directing the thinking of designers with some
variation, depending on the field adopted to resolve any design problem, for it marks the adoption of two essential aspects for the
effective performance of systematic creative.
2. Adopt the creative imaginative side assuming departure for inventive idea, through the adoption of the working relationship with
the degree of originality, design, taking into account the context-based production in the long, temporal and spatial.
3. Change the Visions of a cognitive framework of the subject by subtracting the phases of design work (analysis, synthesis and
evaluation) and introduced the concept of the idea, which is characterized with a comprehensive selection of the correct
boundaries that define the design vocabulary of the problem.
4. Create perceptions of knowledge based on the creative and implementation, through the base of the initial design, or only rely on
the systematic side.
5. Distribution patterns for forms of knowledge in each study in a pluralistic and overlapping.
6. Distribution of the movement of the idea to the three stages of the production path is almost equal. By two types of analysis and
two types of structure, and one type for evaluation.

This work was supported by Donghua University; the author will like to thank for their support.


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