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The importance of senior level advanced supporting and providing manpower allocation to disaster

management system is not only a corner stone, but furthermore a decisive step into building a wellestablished series of skilled personnel who are capable of taking the plans to a top rank level of
continued success and prosperous faiths.
For tens of decades, all nations are struggling to minimize their loss due to catastrophic events either
caused by nature or human made by building a strong and comprehensive plans to overcome the
inevitable & eventual consequences. That what has been named business continuity plan (BCP)
Nevertheless, wrackful events; mainly mega ones, still have fatal and destructive impacts & resistant to
the most of current BCPs.
All modern institutes are making their BCP alongside with initial leadoff plans as a proactive encounter
to keep business up, running and somehow productive. No matter what approach was used to build
that, rather than missing it in place for use!

Authors and professionals in disaster management are advocating for creating BCP according to size of
business stream and never put off it for later time.
Modern science of disaster and risk reduction is recommending an integrated approach towards having
a stable, applicable, and accountable BCP, which consider all aspects of work stem and the reachable
alternative resources as well as a fully entire BCP that will address all levels of disaster cycle and
consider risk analysis and BIA.
It is the application of scientific knowledge and modern technology tools in keep business tournament
running and effective. Matter of subject for this essay is health care institutes (HCI); with their variation
for scope and size, where reputation and marketing are actual issues to be concerned.
Health care sector is one of the two main governmental-injected disciplines for which any community
can`t be dispensed, with national security.
Factors of strategic planning at senior governmental levels and skilled tactical execution are
fundamental to sustain adequate health care provision.

Civilized nations invest for the best and impose not to dispel their resources, but to incorporate all
chances to be retrieved when need come in reality.
Basic principles of BCP:
It is clear that any BCP pose unique milestones which are model templates demonstrating available
resources and demands for day to-day routine work process. The proper utilization of facility assets help
to recognize ultimate needs and accurately assess the quality of work with less amount or in dim
circumstances that occur during disasters and to avoid any lag behind community basic services
Two main injectors to health care facilities are crucial in sustainability and accountability; supply chain
logistics and information technology components. In some other instances, either of which may be the
sole one.
However, strict adherence to your institute BCP during crisis might not reached, so superseded actions
should be taken by senior management; who are directly involved in providing community based health
care, is ultimate.
Far sight goals to be achieved are safeguard critical assets, minimize potential financial loss and maintain
adequate customer care (reputation).

Lifetime for BCP:

Most of in use BCPs are sustainable and applicable for no more than 96-hours. Recent technology
advances devote lengthening and extra timelines for institutes to run their business during
overwhelming disastrous events.
For any BCP, the following key elements are required:
1- Comprehensive: entails multidisciplinary matrix of essential services to be continued which if
omitted will lead to a negative impact and outcomes.
2- Testified, certified & acknowledgeable: this enrolls your BCP as Testified for validity, certified
for effectiveness & acknowledged by entity staff. Bearing out BCP with definitive regulatory
management approval for carrying out and execution, is a vital component for integrity and
negotiability with target staff. All entity staff should be aware and signed I Comply for it.
3- Applicability: all BCP must have been tested and trained for use in the facility by a
superintendent (with proficient background) and evaluated appropriately and revised for
modifications and/or more adoptions and customizations. Boundaries for the plan should be
clearly identified and cited.

Who should activate BCP?

When BCP should be used?

During any incident management, the hospital incident commander is the directly involved leader and is
the final reference for critical decisions when needed. BCP is on shelf, and only could be recalled by IC at
time with predetermined criteria and for certain purposes during crisis sustainability and resistance to
ceasing by current procedures policy for defined codes status.
In general building up and utilization of valid BCP is not piece of cake! Indeed is a thoughtful task to be
accomplished, and is a not just a lane to the brain.
During response phase of disaster management cycle, the BCP become a real mandate and time to be
introduced and implement is utmost intervention.
In the aftermath of response phase, testing for realism and profitability of BCP will be passed, and just
its implication for running show is the rule to be sainted.

Draft non-final editing

Jan 2015

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