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Action-Items that may be deduced from the immediately-prior Blast e-mail are related to the need to

dump-Boehner (and to support Gohmert), see Unbroken (and, presumably, to read the book), ingest
Tamiflu as soon as flu-symptoms arise (even if afebrile), listen to the Wanamaker-Organ (rather than
taking-for-granted an international-treasure, the Worlds Largest), recognize the failure of the Dept. of
Homeland Security (particularly with regard to the Mexican border), note how Dems promote racism
(particularly in NYC), and support Cruz (while awaiting emergence of Walker and eschewing the
Establishment-types). {Also, remember that Cruz is a natural-born citizen.}
These Blast e-mails have addressed international affairs [focused on Kurdistan, and
increasingly on how BHO is trying to displace BB], national affairs [focused on the
midterms, and now on POTUS-16+, and statewide affairs *focused on Corbett, and now
on whether the GOP can advance its agenda despite its being rented by unions+.
Composed since Memorial Day, 2013, they has been compiled in three sets: [1]AntiBHO e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV] remitted during the first
half-year *focused on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund ObamaDontCare
(spotlighting Cruz)]; [2]Action-Items e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII,
and XXX] remitted from December-13 through September-14 *focused initially on
Guzzardi and morphed into analyzing myriad other issues related to BHOs overall
effortsdomestic and globalto destroy American Exceptionalism]; and [3]
Thoughts e-mails [I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X] composed during the past few
months [attempting to ID info being ignored by the Media]. {They now total 4254 pages
*1051 Anti-BHO + 2492 Action-Items + 711 Thoughts+.}
Global Islamic Theocratic Terroristic Supremacism *a.k.a., GITTS or Islamism+ continues its
Shermanesque March to the Sea *destroying everything of value in its wake+: Losing The Peace In
Iraq; ISIS Executed Captured Jordanian Pilot; Either Support Israel or this is Coming to You!; Islamization
of Britain in 2014; and Egypt's al-Sisi: Islamic "Thinking" Is "Antagonizing the Entire World." A reaction
may be emerging both overseas [Open door in Sweden closing to immigrants... Anti-Muslim sentiment
finds foothold] and domestically [Brandeis Decomposes].
Although ISIS Targets 2000-Year-Old Ancient Nineveh Walls in Iraq, the Tomb of a
previously unknown pharaonic queen was found in Egypt; also, it is claimed that The
Jewish Exodus From Egypt Was Real. {Note that the Nazis Secret Nuclear Laboratory
was Found in Austria.}
Legal and Political Observations on the Defeated Palestinian-Jordanian Draft Resolution have been
probed, even as Tensions mount after the PA formally filed within the ICC; as Arab Christians want to
fight for Israel, Israel withholds funds and weighs lawsuits against Palestinians. {Also, know that an
Upgraded 'Iron Dome' allows hundreds of drones to work together.}
Before analyzing the uncertainties of the 3/17/2015 election, note the existence of The
Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI; Hebrew: ;) it is a Non-profit
organization that promotes and secures the Jewish people and Israel. The institute is a
professional policy-planning apparatus and a strategic-thought process for the Jewish
people addressing the most fundamental subjects concerning the Jewish people.


The institute is served by most prominent public figures from the

government, the Academy, the private sector in Israel and Jewish
communities around the world, who constitute the think tank of this
body. The JPPI's viewpoint is all-Jewish and long term, and a
cornerstone of its work is the premise that Israel is the core of the
Jewish people. Its think tank systematically and professionally examines
the challenges, threats and opportunities that the Jewish people is
coping with, and develops principles for policies and strategic
alternatives. In addition, it may recommend on immediate steps needed
to be taken in order to secure the continuity and prosperity of the
Jewish people.
JPPI was founded in 2002 by the Jewish Agency for Israel, and is run as an independent
body. It is headed by a board of directors that is now chaired by Dennis Ross. This is not
good news, from my perspective, recalling that hes the main culprit behind the
predictably-failed Camp David II event [per corroborated first-hand knowledge,
acquired both @ Cheltenham High School and in Jerusalem during the past decade],
which almost led to Israel giving away the store; hes an egotist who has mirrored the
interests and behavior of his superiors [notably Clinton].
Obama is secretly-working-to-replace-Netanyahu, an inevitable conclusion following a dispassionate
review of the sequence-of-events that has led to an unprecedented crisis in US-Israeli relations
generated by BHO; obama could swing-the-israeli-election, despite the fact that the Israeli Right is
predicted to Dominate Election. A RINO-lib, David Brooks, has composed a scathing, almost Victorian
anti-BB op-ed [The Age of Bibi] that drips with bitterness born of awareness of BBs ability to negotiate
through political black-holes on both sides of the pond; my reaction *This article reflects the
intellectual bankruptcy of the libs.+ was emblematic.
It has been suggested that a Secret Netanyahu-Herzog deal has been transacted for LikLab government coalition after March vote; it would exclude Naftali Bennett, despite
the fact that his truth-telling appears to reflect what Likud has previously espoused,
namely, the failure of Oslo [the Syndrome and the Accords]. Its exigencies are worth
pondering for, even if inaccurate, they convey otherwise obscure electoral-truths. {Also,
exemplifying the uncertainty facing pundits, know that Campaign Promises are being
issued related to the Legalization of Amona in Coalition Deal; after the High Court
ordered destruction of Samaria town, Jewish Home MKs promised residents action
following Likud calls on Netanyahu.}
The center-left, the Livni/Herzog duo, would not offer Abbas more than the proposal he was offered by
Kerry and turned down; Livni acknowledged how far Netanyahu was willing to go to maintain the
negotiations with Abbas and clearly fingered Abbas as the party responsible for their surcease [contrary
to the blame-Netanyahu game the left wanted to voice]. Thus, some feel this election is between a
Delusional, destructive Left vs. an incompetent, impotent Right; this piece is a must-read [per this
readers candid, published reaction+, for it explains what appear to be the major forces affecting both
the electorate and the leadership that is attempting to capture the public-mood. {Subsequently, a
definitive electoral posture was adopted: My reaction to this article BB has demonstrated the capacity
to take measured-steps, in contrast with these four ideas; this is why he must remain PM [defying BHO]


for Bennett would face a steep learning-curve when confronting BHO (and one false-step would provoke
an onslaught from BHO that could be invoked to erode public-support for Israel in America).}
[By Martin Sherman, JPOST]
The minute we leave South Lebanon we will have to erase the word Hezbollah from our
vocabulary, because the whole idea of the State of Israel versus Hezbollah was sheer
folly from the outset.It will most certainly no longer be relevant when Israel returns to its
internationally recognized northern border.
Amos Oz, Try a Little Tenderness (Interview),Haaretz, March 17, 2000
The ultimate test of this agreement will be a test of blood. If it becomes clear that [the
Palestinians] cannot overcome terror, this will be a temporary accord and we will have
no choice but to abrogate it. And if there is no choice, the IDF will return to the places it
is about to leave in the upcoming months.
Yossi Beilin, Maariv, November 26, 1993
The nightmare stories of the Likud are well known. After all, they promised Katyusha
rockets from Gaza as well. For a year, Gaza has been largely under the rule of the
Palestinian Authority. There has not been a single Katyusha rocket. Nor will there be any
Yitzhak Rabin, radio interview, July 24, 1995
I realize that what follows may raise a few eyebrows some in disbelief, some in
disapproval. I have no doubt it will ruffle feathers on both sides of the political divide
but if the unpalatable truth is to be dealt with, it must be addressed squarely and
For unless the problem raised in this column is adequately addressed before the
election, it will, like the ones before it, be meaningless, with roughly the same policy
being adopted, no matter which party wins, and no matter what they promise their
electorate. Indeed, the only difference is likely to be in the degrees of enthusiasm or
reluctance with which they adopt it.
Grave twin peril
Today, Israel is facing a twin peril, far more menacing to its prospects of survival as the
nation-state of the Jewish people than the Iranian nuclear program or a Palestinian
This is the threat entailed in Israels wildly delusional and dangerous and at times
decidedly disloyal political Left, on the one hand; and a hopelessly impotent and
incompetent political Right, on the other.

Indeed, were it not for the existence of both these components of the dual danger, it is
quite possible that neither the Iranian nor the Palestinian threats would exist or at
least, both would be greatly diminished.
If the Left were not so dangerously delusional, it would not matter that the Right was so
hopelessly incompetent. Alternatively, if the Right were not so appallingly incompetent,
the dangers entailed in the delusions of the Left would be far less severe.
It is the simultaneous occurrence of these components that generates the deadly
combination, which renders Israel not only incapable of contending effectively with the
harrowing range of external threats it faces, but in fact sustains, indeed intensifies them.
The guru, the architect and the general
The three introductory excerpts starkly underline the veracity of this grim assessment.
The one from author Amos Oz, widely revered ideological guru of the political Left; the
second by former left-wing politician Yossi Beilin, arguably the principle architect of the
Oslo Accords; the third, and perhaps the most stunning, from the late Yitzhak Rabin,
lionized as Mr. Security, responsible for the practical implementation of those
On the one hand they illustrate how utterly out of touch with reality the left-wing
proponents of political appeasement and territorial concession are. On the other, they
bear damning testimony to the hopeless ineffectiveness of the right wing.
In view of the catastrophic failure of the Lefts policy paradigm, it is inconceivable that
anyone continuing to espouse such hazardous hallucinations could still be, not only
politically relevant, but comprise a significant, arguably dominant component of
mainstream political life in Israel.
The fact that the Right has not been able to marshal the intellectual depth, ideological
vigor and political acumen to dispatch this demonstrably delusional doctrine to the
garbage heap of history, with all the scorn and ridicule it so richly deserves, is as
incomprehensible as it is inexcusable; that advocates of this dangerously detrimental
dogma not only persist in peddling their fatally flawed formula, but can still mount a
credible challenge for leadership of the nation, is beyond belief.
Oslo the defining divide
In Israeli politics, of course, the real divide between what is called Left and Right is
determined far more on positions on defense and foreign policy, than on socioeconomic
Indeed, an avowed free-market advocate, who avidly supported a policy of dovish
concessions, would be considered a Leftist. By contrast, a strong advocate of enhanced
social welfare who held uncompromisingly hawkish views would be considered a right472

winger, even an extremist a term somehow reserved only for that side of the
political divide which in itself is a reflection of rightwing political ineptness.
(Accordingly as a methodological aside it is quite plausible that changing the
prevailing political jargon from the misleading Left vs. Right to a Doves vs Hawks
divide, may not only be far more appropriate, but have practical implications in the
marketability of hardline positions that extend well beyond the realm of mere
terminology. But that is a topic for a separate column.) In this regard, the Oslo process
was in many ways a seminal event that crystallized the essential fault line that separated
Left from Right and threw it into sharper relief than ever before. For the first time, overt
support for what once had been a bipartisan anathema i.e. Palestinian statehood and
negotiations with Arafats PLO became an acceptable part, indeed the hallmark
centerpiece of mainstream left-wing political identity.
With impressive resolve, resources and resourcefulness, the radical Left managed to
convert a position that was not only negligibly marginal, but borderline treasonous, into
a respectable mainstream opinion, and a fashionable badge of enlightenment and moral
superiority to be proudly flaunted.
Dramatically disproven but never discarded
This in itself is a harsh indictment of the political capability of the Right. But things are
much worse.
For little has changed despite the horrendous consequences of the endeavor to
implement the Oslo agenda, that wrought trauma and tragedy on tens of thousands of
Israelis, and death and destruction to even more Palestinian Arabs.
Thus, with facts and logic in its favor, with prudence and experience on its side, the
Right has been manifestly incapable of vanquishing its left-wing rivals.
Inexplicably, despite the fact that the Lefts political credo of land-for-peace has been
dramatically disproved, somehow it has never been discredited and certainly never
After all, ever since ceding the Sudetenland to the Nazis in 1938, the endeavor to
appease despots by offerings of territorial sacrifice has failed catastrophically. In the
context of the Arab-Israel conflict, territorial retreat whether negotiated or unilateral
has failed whenever it has been attempted: Almost immediately as in the 2005 Gaza
disengagement; within months in Judea-Samaria, which erupted into a gory post-Oslo
surge of suicide terrorism; after several years in south Lebanon, following the IDFs
ignominious flight in the wake of Ehud Baraks capitulation to left-wing NGOs in 2000; or
after several decades as in Sinai, which is fast deteriorating into a savage jihadistcontrolled no-mans-land, with no good outcomes remotely conceivable.
But for the grace of God


One can only shudder at the thought of the situation Israel would now be in, had it
heeded the exhortation of the land-for-peace proponents who urged relinquishing the
Golan Heights to Assad, whom they deemed was someone Israel could do business
with i.e. surrender land to.
It is only by the grace of the good Lord (or Lady Fortune), rather than prudent Israeli
policy, that we are not facing the grim prospect of Islamic State platoons deployed on
the shores of Lake Kinneret and the murderous al-Qaida affiliate the a-Nusra Front on
the cliffs overlooking the city of Tiberias and the greater part of the Galilee.
Yet amazingly, in a recent poll, when asked, In light of the spread of Islamic State in
Syria and Iraq, has this affected your stance regarding Israeli territorial concessions in
the West Bank? almost 75 percent of left-wingers surveyed said their attitudes had
been unaffected; while almost 20 percent were now more ready to make such
concessions. Not a single person who identified themselves as Left indicated that
he/she was less inclined to make concessions in view of the rise of Islamic State! Even
more astonishing and unmoored from reality is the left wings response to last
summers military campaign in Gaza, as reflected in the manner in which it is gearing up
for the election.
The persistent public support for the Left especially for a seemingly revitalized Labor
Party headed by the dodgy duo, Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog reflected in current polls
dramatically underscores how ineffectual the Right has been in conveying its credo to
the electorate.
Impervious to facts; immune to reason
For the indelible lesson that Operation Protective Edge should have seared into the
national consciousness is that it starkly illustrated the hazards of a short 50-km. border,
abutting the sparsely populated rural South.
How then could any political entity be taken seriously when it is so impervious to facts
and immune to reason that it ignores this lesson? How could any political entity garner
support for a policy that advocates establishing a long 500-km. border that not only
abuts the heavily populated urban Center, but places the countrys only international
airport within mortar range, and its main traffic arteries within tunnel reach? But this
fiasco is, in many ways, merely the continuation of the exasperating and demoralizing
phenomenon the voting majority has had to endure since the mid-90s the bizarre
spectacle of parties with (relatively) hawkish platforms, repeatedly winning elections,
but then almost immediately thereafter embracing the failed policy of the defeated
dovish rivals, which they urged voters to reject.
It would be far more than an empty clich to state that although the Right regularly wins
elections, it never really gets into power.
(For a detailed explanation of this highly detrimental and distortive characteristic of the
Israeli political system, see my previous columns Understanding Politics in Israel: The


Limousine Theory and The Limousine Theory (cont.): Irrefutable illustrations;

egregious examples.)
Half-baked and harebrained
There is little way to account for this dismal result other than the intellectual bankruptcy
of the Israeli Right.
For with so much in its favor, the fact that it has not consigned the demonstrably
dangerous delusions of the Left to political oblivion or at least to irrevocable
irrelevance can only be accounted for by its impotence and its incompetence.
There are no good reasons for the current depressing political outcomes although
excuses abound in abundance.
It is not a matter of disparity in resources.
The Right ostensibly has held the reins of government for well over half a decade, but
has done nothing to harness the resources at its disposal to promote at home and
abroad the political credo it was elected to promote.
In the field of private philanthropy, too, there are excuses not reasons. After all, for
every George Soros on the Left, there is a Sheldon Adelson on the Right. Sadly, nearly all
the philanthropic funds available on the Right have been channeled into causes which
however noble, can make little impact even if they are hugely successful on the
strategic outcomes crucial to the future of the country.
Finally, there is the matter of the Rights alternative to the Lefts land-for-peace
For years, the Right refrained for offering any detailed alternative and restricted itself to
repudiating the Lefts two-state prescription.
For this it was severely, and rightly, criticized.
Lately, several alternatives have been proposed.
Regretfully, most of these have been, at best, half-baked, at worst, hare-brained, and
likely to produce outcomes no less undesirable than the two-state paradigm they were
intended to replace.
In previous columns I have critiqued several of these proposals, and in the coming
weeks in the run up to the election, I will revisit them with the hope of inducing positive
For unless there is a far-reaching enhancement in the intellectual fare offered the voter,
the grim choice confronting him/her will once again be between a delusional Left and an
incompetent Right.

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