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Reviewing A Research Article


Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd.
Novita Husna Nasution

1. The research design
Classroom Action Research (CAR). According to Elliot (1991:69), an action research is
the study of a social situation, with a view to improve the quality of the action. In
addition, Mc. Millan (1992:12) states that a classroom action research is a type of applied
research with the purpose to solve a specific problem or to make decision at a single local
site. It is clear that a classroom action research is an appropriate research design to solve
the problem of the teacher and the students in the classroom.
2. The language skill
Reading comprehension
3. The research area
SMP Negeri 29 Medan
4. The sample or the research participant
The second grade students of SMP Negeri 29 Medan
5. The technique of data collection
Essay test, observation, and questionnaire
6. The method of data analysis
The results of the students reading comprehension test in each cycle were
analyzed qualitatively by using the following formula to get the mean score of the
students reading comprehension achievement.

= mean


= The total score of the students reading test.

= The total number of the students (research subject)
(Adapted from Hadi, 1989:246)
The result of the analysis were continued by applying the following formula to

find the percentage of the students who get at least 75

= The percentage of the total number of the students who get 75
= The total number of the students who get 75
= The total number of the students doing the test
(Adapted from Ali, 1993:186)
The results of the observation checklist in each cycle were analyzed quantitavely
based on the students active participation in teaching and process. The data was analyzed
by using the following formula:

E = The percentage of the students who actively participated
n = The total number of the students who were categorized as the active students.
N = The total number of the students
(Adapted from Ali, 1993:186)
7. The conclusion
The students achievement in reading comprehension of the second grade students
of SMP Negeri 29 Medan had improved through KWL strategy. The students reading
comprehension had improved from test I to test II when KWL applied as the strategy in
teaching and learning process. The mean score in test I was 59.32 then it was improved in
the test II became 77.76. it means that the mean of the students score from test I to test II
was improved 18.44.

Based on the result, the strategy was helpful for the students that they could
improve their comprehension of the text passage. This resulted the increasing of both
students individual score and students mean score.
In conclusion, the research findings of the classroom action research were
satisfied. The achievement indicators of success had been fulfilled. The students mean
score increased. The KWL strategy helped the students learn and made them easy to
understand the content of text in learning English.
8. The web address

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