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package com.petersoft.advancedswing.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;


* A JOutlookBar provides a component that is similar to a JTabbedPane, but inst
ead of maintaining
* tabs, it uses Outlook-style bars to control the visible component
public class Accordion extends JPanel implements ActionListener
* The top panel: contains the buttons displayed on the top of the JOutlookB
private JPanel topPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
* The bottom panel: contains the buttons displayed on the bottom of the JOu
private JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 1, 1 ) );
* A LinkedHashMap of bars: we use a linked hash map to preserve the order o
f the bars
private Map bars = new LinkedHashMap();
* The currently visible bar (zero-based index)
private int visibleBar = 0;
* A place-holder for the currently visible component
private JComponent visibleComponent = null;
* Creates a new JOutlookBar; after which you should make repeated calls to
* addBar() for each bar
public Accordion()
this.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );

this.add( topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );

this.add( bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
* Adds the specified component to the JOutlookBar and sets the bar's name
* @param name
The name of the outlook bar
* @param componenet The component to add to the bar
public void addBar( String name, JComponent component )
BarInfo barInfo = new BarInfo( name, component );
barInfo.getButton().addActionListener( this );
this.bars.put( name, barInfo );
* Adds the specified component to the JOutlookBar and sets the bar's name
* @param name
The name of the outlook bar
* @param icon
An icon to display in the outlook bar
* @param componenet The component to add to the bar
public void addBar( String name, Icon icon, JComponent component )
BarInfo barInfo = new BarInfo( name, icon, component );
barInfo.getButton().addActionListener( this );
this.bars.put( name, barInfo );
* Removes the specified bar from the JOutlookBar
* @param name The name of the bar to remove
public void removeBar( String name )
this.bars.remove( name );
* Returns
* @return
public int

the index of the currently visible bar (zero-based)

The index of the currently visible bar

* Programmatically sets the currently visible bar; the visible bar
* index must be in the range of 0 to size() - 1
* @param visibleBar The zero-based index of the component to make visibl

public void setVisibleBar( int visibleBar )
if( visibleBar > 0 &&
visibleBar < this.bars.size() - 1 )
this.visibleBar = visibleBar;
* Causes the outlook bar component to rebuild itself; this means that
* it rebuilds the top and bottom panels of bars as well as making the
* currently selected bar's panel visible
public void render()
// Compute how many bars we are going to have where
int totalBars = this.bars.size();
int topBars = this.visibleBar + 1;
int bottomBars = totalBars - topBars;
// Get an iterator to walk through out bars with
Iterator itr = this.bars.keySet().iterator();
// Render the top bars: remove all components, reset the GridLayout to
// hold to correct number of bars, add the bars, and "validate" it to
// cause it to re-layout its components
GridLayout topLayout = ( GridLayout )this.topPanel.getLayout();
topLayout.setRows( topBars );
BarInfo barInfo = null;
for( int i=0; i<topBars; i++ )
String barName = ( String )itr.next();
barInfo = ( BarInfo )this.bars.get( barName );
this.topPanel.add( barInfo.getButton() );
// Render the center component: remove the current component (if there
// is one) and then put the visible component in the center of this pane
if( this.visibleComponent != null )
this.remove( this.visibleComponent );
this.visibleComponent = barInfo.getComponent();
this.add( visibleComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER );
// Render the bottom bars: remove all components, reset the GridLayout t
// hold to correct number of bars, add the bars, and "validate" it to
// cause it to re-layout its components

GridLayout bottomLayout = ( GridLayout )this.bottomPanel.getLayout();

bottomLayout.setRows( bottomBars );
for( int i=0; i<bottomBars; i++ )
String barName = ( String )itr.next();
barInfo = ( BarInfo )this.bars.get( barName );
this.bottomPanel.add( barInfo.getButton() );
// Validate all of our components: cause this container to re-layout its
* Invoked when one of our bars is selected
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
int currentBar = 0;
for( Iterator i=this.bars.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String barName = ( String )i.next();
BarInfo barInfo = ( BarInfo )this.bars.get( barName );
if( barInfo.getButton() == e.getSource() )
// Found the selected button
this.visibleBar = currentBar;
* Debug, dummy method
public static JPanel getDummyPanel( String name )
JPanel panel = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
panel.add( new JLabel( name, JLabel.CENTER ) );
return panel;
* Debug test...
public static void main( String[] args )
JFrame frame = new JFrame( "JOutlookBar Test" );
Accordion outlookBar = new Accordion();
outlookBar.addBar( "One", getDummyPanel( "One" ) );
outlookBar.addBar( "Two", getDummyPanel( "Two" ) );
outlookBar.addBar( "Three", getDummyPanel( "Three" ) );
outlookBar.addBar( "Four", getDummyPanel( "Four" ) );
outlookBar.addBar( "Five", getDummyPanel( "Five" ) );
outlookBar.setVisibleBar( 2 );

frame.getContentPane().add( outlookBar );
frame.setSize( 800, 600 );
Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
frame.setLocation( d.width / 2 - 400, d.height / 2 - 300 );
frame.setVisible( true );
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
* Internal class that maintains information about individual Outlook bars;
* specifically it maintains the following information:
* name
The name of the bar
* button
The associated JButton for the bar
* component
The component maintained in the Outlook bar
class BarInfo
* The name of this bar
private String name;
* The JButton that implements the Outlook bar itself
private JButton button;
* The component that is the body of the Outlook bar
private JComponent component;
* Creates a new BarInfo
* @param name
The name of the bar
* @param component The component that is the body of the Outlook Bar
public BarInfo( String name, JComponent component )
this.name = name;
this.component = component;
this.button = new JButton( name );
* Creates a new BarInfo
* @param name
The name of the bar
* @param icon
JButton icon
* @param component The component that is the body of the Outlook Bar
public BarInfo( String name, Icon icon, JComponent component )
this.name = name;
this.component = component;
this.button = new JButton( name, icon );

* Returns the name of the bar
* @return The name of the bar
public String getName()
return this.name;
* Sets the name of the bar
* @param The name of the bar
public void setName( String name )
this.name = name;
* Returns the outlook bar JButton implementation
* @return The Outlook Bar JButton implementation
public JButton getButton()
return this.button;
* Returns the component that implements the body of this Outlook Bar
* @return The component that implements the body of this Outlook Bar
public JComponent getComponent()
return this.component;

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