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Night sky, blue lights, fall asleep in an empty house and the next thing you
know your being transported up a beam of light. Everyone has seen those
movies where aliens come to Earth and abduct humans. What if that was a
reality? The universe is an immeasurable area and contains many planets in
which life can be sustainable. As far as we know, we might already have been
visited by extraterrestrials.

Do aliens exist, or are they an aspect of mankinds imagination? The word

alien derives from the word alinus meaning "foreigner" or "unknown species".
With that being said, during ancient times people have defined anything unknown
as an alien. For us, seeing is believing. Since we dont see any other planets with
life, we think we are alone in this universe, but perhaps we are not.

There are about 12,324,324,000 UFO sightings recorded every year.

95% of the sightings are "fake" and considered hoaxes, but what about the other
5%? Almost all of alien incidents that were not proven fraud were taken by the
government with an excuse. The Roswell incident for example is one of the
largest alien cover ups of all time. On July 8 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, an area
of debris was found and it was full of objects mankind had never seen before.
After the incident newspapers said that a UFO had been found. Later, higher
authorities claimed that the UFO was a weather balloon. To add to the mix, the
US air force said that the weather balloon was a top secret experiment and the

alien bodies were "dummies". But why were the dummies 4 feet tall with big
heads. Or were they even dummies?

Other evidence that aliens exist come from the astronauts who were
involved in Apollo 11. On July 20 1969, on what was mankinds greatest
achievement, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans in history
to step foot on the moon. Over 125 million people were watching the astronauts
when for 2 minutes the transmission went dead. The official reason was
"technical difficulty" but others think that those 2 minutes were transmitted, but
censored because of the things the astronauts saw. Neil allegedly says he saw a
UFO rising form one of the craters from the dark side of the moon. These
astronauts were the first but not the last to see UFOs on the moon. Edgar
Mitchell, an astronaut who was involved in Apollo 14, and the sixth human on the
moon, also claims that there was a blue streak of light as a UFO took off.

But the real question is, were the aliens already here on Earth before
we even knew of their existence? Did these extraterrestrials help shape the
world? Well in ancient times, many civilizations used to draw in caves. The
strange part is, most of these cave paintings are similar. The illustrations all had
a god or gods that looked like no other creature found on Earth. Also, these gods
all wore helmets and resembled a typical astronaut. Did these ancient
civilizations come in contact of aliens and have alien astronauts been visiting
Earth this whole time?

There is a lot of evidence backing up aliens existence. But no one truly knows if
there is such a thing as aliens. So are an alien real well thats for you to

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