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Evidence-based research has shown that there are hundreds of known and effective

cancer cures. Here are some very simple protocols that will give you an edge if you are
afflicted with cancer.
1. Baking Soda
1 tsp. of baking soda and the juice of 1 organic lemon in 8 ounces of water several times per
day is a very easy way to alkalize the body. Cancer cells can't grow in an alkaline body.
2. Blood Root
Blood root is a perennial plant that contains a plant alkaloid called Sanguinarine.
Sanguinarine kills cancer cells only and does not harm your healthy cells. It can be used
internally or applied externally in a salve for superficial cancers.
3. Chaga
Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that has been studied in laboratories for many years. It has
shown much promise as an immune system modulator and has many anti-cancer properties.
4. Vitamin D
Checking your blood serum Vitamin D levels could help you prevent cancer and speed up
your recovery from cancer.
A study conducted in 2006 indicated that lower levels of blood serum Vitamin D were
associated with a poorer overall survival rate of post-menopausal breast cancer patients.
5. Essiac Tea
The original formulation of this tea was actually an old Native Indian recipe that had been
used for hundreds of years. A Canadian nurse learned about it and started sharing it with
some of her cancer patients and she began to see amazing recoveries. The tea, comprised of
several anti-cancer and cleansing herbs, can be consumed several times per day.
6. Flax Seeds and cottage cheese
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and physicist, is credited for this healing
concoction that has seen a 90 percent success rate spanning over 50 years. The combination
of these two foods provides essential fatty acids and lipoproteins that reduce tumors and
restore health.
7. Hemp Oil
The cannabinoids in hemp kill cancer cells. Period. And like all other herbal remedies, the
plant chemicals do not harm healthy cells. There have been numerous studies conducted with
reported beneficial effects on many types of cancers, including breast cancer.
8. Iodine
It is estimated that over 85 percent of the world's population is iodine deficient. Since
estrogen production increases with iodine deficiency, make sure you have your iodine levels
tested every year.
9. Melatonin
Melatonin is a powerful breast cancer cell inhibitor. In fact, in laboratory studies, it actually
put breast cancer cells to sleep and slowed down the growth by 70percent. Melatonin also
counteracts the effects of environmental estrogens.

10. Broccoli Sprouts

While cruciferous vegetables in general have been promoted for their anti-cancer properties,
broccoli sprouts are up to 100 times more potent. The sprouts contain Sulforaphane which not
only kills cancer cells, but actually suppresses the growth and spread of many types of
There are literally hundreds of known cancer cures that have saved countless lives. Of course,
healing cancer involves healing the body as a whole. Lifestyle and dietary changes are also
essential since cancer is just the symptom and NOT the cause. If you know anyone who is
afflicted with cancer, please share this information and be a messenger of hope.
About the author:
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, has maintained successful practices in the
Wellness Industry since 1979.
Specializing in Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Thermography and
Chiropractic, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
After personally overcoming Breast Cancer without the use of chemo, radiation or surgery,
Dr. V currently helps to empower women about healing and preventing Breast Cancer,
For more information about Dr. V's personal Cancer Coaching visit
Learn more:

Cum sa vindeci diabetul in 4 saptamani:
Scortisoara (scade si colesterolul)
Scaderea consumului de carbohidrati si zahar din alimentatie
Picolinat de crom (impreuna cu scortisoara in proportii bine determinate)
Seminele care nlocuiesc insulina
Schinduful este o plant ierboas ale crei semine trateaz diabetul de
tip insulinodependent. Se face o cur de 12 luni cu seminte germinate

de schinduf consumate simplu sau in salate.

Schinduful este un hipoglicemiant puternic n timp, care va necesita
reducerea gradat a dozelor de insulin. Pentru valori crescute ale
colesterolului, se ia cte o linguri de pulbere de patru ori pe zi, naintea
meselor principale. Intervine n metabolismul lipidelor, reducnd aanumitul colesterol ru, protejnd sistemul cardiovascular de apariia
ischemiei cardiace. Seminele sporesc secreia lactat i mbuntesc
starea de sntate a mamei. Dou lingurie de pulbere amestecat cu
miere, luate cu o or nainte de mas, vindec anorexia. Infuzia de
schinduf e de ajutor femeilor aflate la menopauz, prevenind eliminrile
masive de calciu i ajutnd la pstrarea forei musculare. Mai vindec i
sterilitatea, dar are i efecte antiinflamatoare asupra intestinului.
Cataplasma cu semine de schinduf ajut la terapia ulcerelor varicoase,
eczemelor cu mncrimi. n cosmetic, ntrete unghiile i prul, iar pe
femeile prea slabe le ajut s-i rotunjeasc formele, fr a crete
esutul adipos.
INDICATII pentru Semintele de armurariu
Hepatita virala A, B si C numeroase studii efectuate in Statele Unite au
aratat ca flavonoidele din compozitia semintelor germinate de armurariu
favorizeaza regenerarea celulelor hepatice, maresc capacitatea
organismului si in special a ficatului de a se apara de infectii
Icter, insuficienta hepatica silibinina continuta de armurariu impiedica
procesul de acumulare a toxinelor in ficat, favorizeaza activitatea
celulelor hepatice, stimuleaza eliminarea compusilor toxici din celulele
hepatice .
Ciroza hepatica o comisie medicala oficiala din Germania a dat in
urma cu doi ani avizul favorabil pentru folosirea armurariului in
tratamentul bolnavilor de ciroza. Aceasta planta, se spune in raportul
comisiei, este un foarte bun stimulent al activitatii ficatului, impiedica
fribrozarea acestuia si ajuta la regenerarea sa
Un pahar cu suc de sfecl poate aduce beneficii imediate asupra
sntii inimii, arat cel mai nou studiu n domeniu. Este foarte
promitor rezultatul, mai ales c putem vedea efecte pozitive dup doar
o singur doz de suc, a spus omul de tiin Leah Coles, de la
Institutul Baker pentru boli de inim i diabet din Melbourne, Australia.

Scderea tensiunii s-a redus dup doar ase ore de la consumul de suc
de sfecl. Efectele pot fi i mai spectaculoase pe termen lung, dac se
consum cte un pahar cu suc de sfecl n fiecare zi, a adugat
specialistul australia
Printai-o i luai-o cu voi la cumprturi!
Etichetele alimentelor
E-100 nepericulos E-170 nepericulos E-240 tulburri
E-101 nepericulos E-174 nepericulos E-241 tulburri
E-102 periculos E-175 nepericulos E-250 periculos
E-103 nepericulos E-180 nepericulos E-251 periculos
E-104 nepericulos E-181 nepericulos E-252 periculos
E-105 nepericulos E-200 nepericulos E260...E268 nepericulos
E-110 nepericulos E-201 nepericulos E-300 nepericulos
E-111 nepericulos E-202 nepericulos E301....E309 nepericulos
E-120 periculos E-203 nepericulos E-311 periculos
E-121 nepericulos E-210 cancerigen E-312 periculos
E-122 nepericulos E-211 cancerigen E-320 colesterol
E-123 foarte cancerigen E-212 cancerigen E-321 colesterol
E-124 periculos E-213 cancerigen E-322 nepericulos
E-125 nepericulos E-214 cancerigen E325...E327 nepericulos
E-126 nepericulos E-215 cancerigen E-330 cel mai cancerigen
E-127 nepericulos E-216 cancerigen E331...E337 nepericulos
- te-E-130 nepericulos E-217 cancerigen E338... E341 modificari
E-131 cancerigen E-220 distruge B12 E400....E404 nepericulos
E-132 nepericulos E-221 modificari gastrice E-406 nepericulos
E-140 nepericulos E-222 modificari gastrice E-407 modificari gastrice
E-141 nepericulos E-223 modificari gastrice E-408 nepericulos
E-142 cancerigen E-224 modificari gastrice E-410 nepericulos
E-150 nepericulos E-226 modificari gastrice E-411 nepericulos
E-151 nepericulos E-230 periculos E-413 nepericulos
E-152 nepericulos E-232 periculos E-414 nepericulos
Germenii sunt hrana cea mai vie!
Germenii de Broccoli sunt o sursa bogata de minerale si vitamine, de
substante cu efect antiinflamator si calmant. Totodata sunt foarte bogati
in enzime cu efect antitumoral, specifice familiei cruciferelor, mai ales ca

in perioada de germinare, aceste enzime pur si simplu abunda.

Cateva studii epidemiologice au aratat ca cei care consuma broccoli si
germeni de broccoli au sanse foarte mici sa faca cancer la colon.
Germaenii de ridichi
Au efect de epurare a ficatului i rinichilor, slab efect diuretic i de
detoxifiere a organismului.
Produsul conine pulbere liofilizat obinut printr-o tehnologie unic de
germinare a seminelor de ridichi, mbogit cu sruri minerale 84M
naturale, oligoelemente i flavonoide.
Pe lng coninutul n vitamina B, este i o important surs de minerale
(Fe, K, P). Necesitatea prezenei acestui aliment n meniul zilnic este
justificat prin coninutul n compui valoroi, cum ar fi uleiul de semine
de mutar sau fosfaii, respectiv enzimele. Datorit coninutului de sorg,
este bogat n flavonoide i fito-antioxidani. Componenii cei mai
importani ai germenilor sunt enzimele,respectiv flavonoidele, care
acioneaz sinergic, prin potenare reciproc a aciunii, formnd un

Ginger destroys cancer more effectively

than death-linked cancer drugs
Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to
shrink tumors.
Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which have been shown to be
completely ineffective and actually accelerate the death of cancer patients. Commonly
consumed across the world in small doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal
properties of ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions.
The subject of one study based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was
revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The anticancer properties
were observed in addition to gingers role in reducing inflammation as well as being a rich
source of life-enhancing antioxidants. But what about cancer drugs? Could this simple spice
really topple the advanced pharmaceuticals that are often touted as the only option for
cancer patients by medical doctors?
It turns out that cancer drugs are not only severely ineffective at permanently shrinking
tumors, but they actually make tumors larger and kill the patient more quickly. More
specifically, the tumors have been found to metasize, meaning they come back bigger and
more stronger than their original size. Whats more, the metasizing was found to be very
aggressive. According to scientists Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, the

premium priced drugs were little more than death sentences for many patients.
Whatever manipulations were doing to tumors can inadvertently do something to increase
the tumor numbers to become more metastatic, which is what kills patients at the end of the
day, said study author Dr. Raghu Kalluri.
These are the very drugs considered to be the scientifically proven solution by mainstream
health officials.
Meanwhile, ginger presents virtually no side effects and has been used as a food product by
many cultures for countless centuries. Instead of creating super tumors, whole ginger extract
was shown to exert significant growth-inhibiting and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of
prostate cancer cells. Over 17 other studies have also reached similar conclusions on gingers
anticancer benefits, with the spice being shown by peer-reviewed research to positively
impact beyond 101 diseases.

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