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Field Address: Don Bridges

Kaiserstrasse 66
6790 Landstuhl

West Germany



consideration, it was decided that we were in

need of a bus here at the church. We wanted


"God is able to make all grace abound to

you, that always having ail sufficiency In
everything, you may have abundance for
every good deed." (2 Cor. 9:8)
When we talk of giving, the first thing that
usually comes to our minds is money. Too
many times we read "Let each one do just as
he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly
or under compulsion; for God loves a cheer

ful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) and there we stop. But

this need not be limited to money! Yet, the
passe following seems to say that if one is
willing to give, God will make it possible for
him to give. Look at how many times Paul
uses the words all, every, or always in that

to use it for various things VBS, camp,

youth group, Sunday school, retreats. We
began with a few donations toward the bus.
Then, while I was home in July through midSeptember, the rest of the money was raised
to pay for the bus. We thank God for the way
that He so abundantly provides.
The bus is a nine seater Toyota with a
dtesel engine. It cost $9,200. Diesel is
cheaper for me to buy (costing about $1.90 a
gallon) and we get about 30 miles to the
gallon! It has been a great blessing so far. It
was extremely important during our Vacation
Bible School. The Sunday school has in
creased because of the bus as has the youth
group. Diane is now able to pick up some of
the ladies for Ladies Bible Study on Wednes
day afternoon. Our ministry has grown
because of it.

I want to give a word of thanks to ail who

made a contribution towards the bus. This in

cludes all the churches where I spoke at this

past summer as all the money that I received
went toward paying for the bus! Thank you!

verse, and see to what and/or whom it refers.

Also, a person may be "sufficient" in one of

two ways, he may be sufficient of himself
and for himself. Or he may be supplied by the
grace of God, and that for every good work! It
is of interest to me that when Christ as

cended to God "He gave gifts to men ... for

the equipping of the saints for the work of

service, to the building up of the body of

Christ." (Eph. 4:8,12)
This past summer has been a very exciting
one for me. In June, after much prayer and


June 20-25 was the date of our Vacation Bi

ble School. We had an average of about 60

children. Debbie Brunsman came to be with

us as our missionary for the week. She works

In Portugal. It was good to have her here and
listen to the exciting things going on in her
part of the world. Several good contacts
were made during this time -- and I am still

following up on these as I had a slight

absence while back in the states.

Talking about the way that God loves to

give, VBS is a good case in point. We started
with 3 people. By the time VBS came, we had
9-10 people to work with the children. As a
result of program, some of the children are
still coming to Sunday school and the youth

At the evaluation for the VBS, it was de

cided that next year the teachers would write
their own

materials. There were several

reasons for this, but I think the main one is

that most of the kids with which we work

have no real concept of God, Jesus, or what

being a Christian is really all about. Please be
praying for us here as it will take a lot of work
to get this done!

In July, we traveled to Molveno, Italy for

summer camp. It was well attended (about 70
people), and the subjects were great. Harold
Fowler taught a class on "Encountering
Culture." Raymond Bodley taught the book
of Hebrews. Dale Mallory led a class on
Christian Doctrine. Fred Miller taught the
book of 2nd Corinthians. Guy Mayfleld had a
class on restoration principles. Bob Warner
taught about Jesus and Paul's teaching
methodsr-AII in afh-it--was a very good time
with a lot of valuable information gleaned.
This year, I traveled in a caravan to camp
with the Gary Goble family and the Tim
Bushacker family. We went through the
Bavarian Alps on the way down. Quite often I
got left behind when we were crossing the
mountains ~ having a diesel engine does
tend to slow one down on mountains. It was
the first time that the Bushackers were able

to go to camp, and they really did enjoy it!

I was able to take along my dog, Kuia, to
camp this year. She was labeled with a new
name at camp ~ Killer Dog! It seems that she
protected my camp site very well. Yet, she is
somewhat of a missionary herself. In Ger
many, many people ask me what happened
to her (she has only 3 legs). The same thing
happens in Italy. Yet, I let the Italian Mis
sionaries handle the question if they are
around. She is quite a conversation starter.

and ve^ active in the church life. Janet

taught in the Sunday school and helped in
VBS. Pat helped with the construction of the
new auditorium. They will be greatly missed.
Lynn and Nancy Mauler left in June for Il
linois. They were active here for about 3
years. They will also be greatly missed as
they worked in the Sunday school, and Lynn
headed up our men's meetings.
Ron and Patsy Bouslay left in July to go to
Mississippi. Ron got out of the Air Force and
will be looking for work in the states. I ask
that you pray for him and the family. They
were a great blessing to us here. Working in
the Sunday school, they also helped in the
construction of the auditorium (that room
might stiil not be done if Ron had not been
back there working!). Ron was our treasurer
for 2 years.
Tim and Peggy Bushacker left here in
August (while I was in the states) to attend
school in San Antonio. One of the thrilling
parts of the ministry here is to see people
growing in the Lord. Tim and Peggy were
both baptised here. To watch them grow was
a real blessing. Tim became head of our sunday school, and Peggy was a teacher. Tim
would make some calls on some of the

people in the barracks, lead devotions, and

even taught a few Sunday school classes.
Pray for them in their new field of service.
I would like to keep these people, but for
now God will be able to use them in a new

field of service! There are more, the

Hensleys have gone to Florida, and the Links
to Arkansas. Mary Link gave her life to the
Lord just before they left for the states. She
had been wrestling with it for such a long
time. She knew that she needed to be bap
tised, but she was not ready to give in to
God. (She told me that she understood
everything that I said about the plan of salva
tion, but she just was not ready! Knowing is
not salvation!) The Links have become very
dear to us here. Pray for them in their new


This next summer we are planning to have

summer interns come and work with us here


This past summer has been a hard one for

us here at Landstuhl. We have seen in the

space of just a few short months six families

leave. Pat and Janet McAllister moved to

southern Italy. They were here about 5 years

at Landstuhl. If you or someone you know

might be interested in working as an intern,
please send me a resume as quickly as
possible. Please include the basic items like
age, height, marital status, parents name.
Also, give information about your education.

previous work, abilities, interests and hob

bies. I would like to have also a picture of you
(smali passport size will do), and a letter of
recomendation from your church. I will need
this Information {as the interns will be
selected by the middle of January) to give
adequate time for the raising of support.
Some of the duties that will be required of
the interns will be secretarial, preaching,
teaching, VBS, camp, calling, and sharing in
whatever ways may open up. It will be a good
time to see the work that goes on in Europe
and more specifically Germany. You will
have an opportunity to get acquainted with






Knowledge of German is helpful but not


Again, please let me have your resume as

soon as possible!

A new family that has been coming is Ron

and Lisa Wadowski. They have been a real
blessing since they have joined us here. I ask
that you pray for them. Adjusting to a new
country may be exciting and frustrating. Yet,
they seem to be doing real well. They have

youth group for some of the older kids here

at the church. Dawn will be doing some of
the secretarial work while Diane is in the

states this winter and spring. Pray for them

and their work. Working with the youth may
be a challenging as well as a rewarding work.

I am presently getting ready for our MidWinter Rally which will be In Frankfurt again
this year. The theme of the rally is Epheslans
4 - GROWING INTO CHRIST. It will prove to
be an exciting time as we are anticipating a
good turnout. Say, why don't you come?! I
will be leading a class on the first six verses
in Eph. 4. We are going to do a lot of talking
about presen/ing the unity of the Spirit. A lot
of things have been written on this subject.
I do ask that you will pray for me during
this time as it is going to take a lot of work to
get ready for this time.

ly that have joined us here. Both are proving

to be a great addition to the church family
here. They will be starting in November a

We express our deepest sympathy to the

family of Wiley Rood who passed away the
last of October. Mr. Rood and his wife Ruby
were a blessing to the Church In Landstuhl. I
was privileged to visit in their home while I
was back in the States this summer. Wiley
was a personal blessing to me and I will miss
him greatly, along with his family and many,
many friends.


1. Guidance for the Church

1- Names of Christian or Church of Christ

2. Growth of the Congregation/Calling


military or civilians here in Germany

2. Letters of encouragement

3. Book Store

3. News of God's dealings with you

4. Bible Correspondence Course

4. Prayers

started a conversational German class.

Brad and Dawn White is another new fami

5. The Congregation here

6. The Bus Ministry
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy

New Year. It is my prayer that God will bestow his bountiful blessings upon each of you!
In Christ,

February - October, 1983

Balance on Hand 1-21-83

$ 1,252.34


Rent, Food

$ 3,124.12



Balance on Hand 10-31-83

$ 1.396.91



Field Address: pon BridgesaiB

Kaiserstrasse 66
6790 Landstuhl

West Germany


Group Picture Mid Winter Rally 1983

Since 1 have last written to you, a lot of things have

happened. Let me try and catch you up on a few of

them. First, Christmas was very enjoyable (yes, it has
been that long). I spent the day with the Spencer family
in PIrmasens. The following week the Mid-Winter Rally
was held in Ruesselsheim (outside of Frankfurt). The
theme of the rally centered around Ephesians 4, I was
given the topic "Presen/ing the Unity of the Spirit." Let
me share with you a few of the thoughts that were con

purpose of God the gathering into one the whole

created universe -- is seen. When we realize that we are

not able to create unity among ourselves, but that our

unity comes because of our oneness with God, we will
be participants in God's purpose.
What is the basis of unity? Our first answer is Jesus
Christ. It is through him that we have become adopted
sons and daughters. But. from where did we learn

tained in this topic.

about Jesus? Was it from intuition? nature? art? the

movies? From what source of authority (for there must

What is it that you believe, that I believe, that would

bind us together? If you ask the first ten people you

Testament is our source, or we have no sourcel Our

meet on the street to define what a Christian is, you

would probably get ten different answers. Look at the

Christian world (not the religious world) and you see
confusion. Their voice is not one but many. Not only is

their speech different, but their system of worship is

also at variance. So, in a world such as this, how does

one talk about preserving the unity of the spirit?

It is one thing to create and another to preserve that
which is created. Ephesians reveals to us that the
church is the creation of God. It is there that the eternal

be one) have we come to know him? Either the New

starting point must be the New TestamentI [We may not
dismiss God's clear instruction with "but we all have dif

ferent interpretations." Do we have unlimited freedom in

interpretation. If so, then reason, feeling, or local cir
cumstances are our final authority. Thus, we would be
carried in the direction of whichever popular wind
blew.] It cannot be based on creeds or confessions,
church traditions, or systems of theology (e.g., Calvin's
or Luther's). In speaking like this, we need to realize that
this matter of authority may also be a point of division.

Keith Giles has joined us. He is married with two

children. He and I have been looking for an apartment
so that he can get the rest of his family over here. It is
good to see the eagerness and enthusiasm he shows in
his service to the Lord. As he works and grows here, I
ask you to pray for him and his family.
Of course, as time goes on people leave us also.
Dennis and Lola Carter along with their not quite 1 year
old, Amanda, left in April for the states. Dennis has
been our treasurer for the past year. They willbe greatly
missed here. We do wish for them the best in their new

place of service to our Lord.

In January, we held another Souper Bowl day. We
had about 20 people come and share their soups and
sandwiches (plus a few desserts) in a fellowship meal.
Afterwards, we headed for the bowling alley to tackle a
few games of bowling.
There was a church outing to the Gutenburg
Museum. Some of us were able to see the history of the
printing of the Bible. The children that went with us
really enjoyed some of the different displays that were
available. We got to see some of the city of Mainz
during this trip.
Another church outing took us to the country of Lux
embourg. Although it is a small country, the people
were very friendly. We visited the American cemetary
where about 5400 soldiers are buried. General Patton

is also buried there. We had about 20 people go on this

trip. They did a little shopping, sight-seeing, and got a
little tired. It is good when one is able to visit some of
these places; it is even better when one can do it with
Christian friends.

We have been having a real good turnout for
Wednesday evening Bible study. At the present, the
ladies are studying a survey of the Bible. The men are
studying the history and principles of the restoration
movement. We meet for about an hour. Afterwards,

everyone pitches in and helps clean the church

building. It proves to be not only profitable - but fun.
And it does not take us very long. The more people, the
less time.

The Bible study that was going in Hahn has resumed.

We are presently going through a book by T.A. Smith
useful and helping us to grow. Also, some couples are
becoming acquainted with New Testament Christianity
through the active work of Dave and Jackie Newer.
Much has already been gained. I pray that more will be
gained as we see the growth of the group and those

I am working on a new project for the work here at
Landstuhl. I am trying to purchase a copy machine. The
machine costs about $1800. It is very efficient as a copy
would run about a penny a page. There are a number

uses for


to help with this worthy project, please send your dona

tions to Don Bridges, c/o Forwarding Agents, M/M Al
Ashley, 6627 Roxton, Amarillo, TX 79109.)


The Congregation here

The Bus Ministry


would provide. Any contributions toward this would be

appreciated. At present, I have about $236. THANKS!
. (Ifa Sunday School Class in your Church would like




from office work. I can think of a number of benefits it

1. Guidance for the Church

2. Growth of the Congregation/Calling
3. Book Store
4. Bible Correspondence Course

it -- VBS

respondence, promotions. It would help in saving time


Names of Christian or Church of Christ military or

civilians here in Germany
Letters of encouragement
News of God's dealings with you
In Christ,

November, 1983 - March, 1984

Balance on Hand 10-31-83.


$ 1,396.91

Rent, Food

$ 1,173.29

$ 8,063.81


Balance on Hand 3-31-84


deciding between faith and opinion. What are the

things that are necessary, and what are not? [Everyone

should take time and study 1 Cor, 8-11 and Rom. 14,
for to deal with them here would take too much space,)
It is in the area of opinion which cause so many pro
blems. When an opinion is elevated to the position of
faith (something that is necessary), we speak where

God does not. Paul used his right to appeal to civil

powers (Acts 22:25-29). to circumcise Timothy (Acts
16:1-3) and not Titus (Gal. 2:3-5), to marry or not{1 Cor,
9:6-27), At the same time, others also have these rights,
but they are not to be bound on another! The question
of eating meat (1 Cor, 8) was an early example of this
problem. Ivlodern issues would be music, style of dress,
drinking, speaking in tongues, prophecy, experiences.

Don Bridges leading a class on "Preserving The Unity of

the Spirit' - Mid-Winter Rally, 1983

To make these issues requirements of faith in order for

one to maintain fellowship with a certain group is mak
ing my salvation determined by your requirements and
not God's.

Even Jesus was confronted by Jews who followed the

law of fvloses as interpreted through their traditions. We
see him healing on the sabbath, harvesting and eating
grain on the sabbath, eating with sinners, letting sinners
touch him. We should emphasize once more that we
should speak where the Bible speaks and be silent
where the Bible is silent. Yet. even that is not enough,
we need to speak as the Bible speaks -- i.e., use the ter
minology of the Bible,
We must ask ourselves the question 'How diverse
can we be and still maintain the unity of the Spirit?" The
answer is that we must see what is necessary for us to
unite our lives to Christ? It is not news that we must hear

the gospel, believe its message, repent of our sins

(change the direction of our walk), and be immersed,

[This last point seems to be debated on grounds of

creeds, traditions, and theological systems - but Acts

Let me end with two thoughts. Unity itself is not the

supreme goal. Loyalty to Christ is! To compromise the

things that are essential for our salvation (e.g.,

substituting sprinkling of babies for immersion into
Christ) is as wrong as making our opinions the norm for

being a Christian,Thus, we need to distinguish between

the revelation of God and the wisdom of men, "We ask

for faith, and not for the deductions of reasons; for the
testimony of God, and not the opinions of men."

2:38 and 1 Pet. 3:21 are still in the Bible with which one

must deal,] These are things which are necessary for us

to enter the kingdom of God, Ifthe apostles' instructions
are to have any value, we have no right to decide on

their validity. Where God has clearly spoken, we can

only understand and obey.

God has not revealed his mind in everything,

however. Where he has not clearly spoken, we are free
to differ from each other. Thus, it becomes a matter of

Harold Fowler leading a class on "Grieving The Holy

Spirit' - Mid-Winter Rally, 1983.

We have some new people who are attending now.
One family is James and Carol Walton, They have three
children. Carol will be helping with the upcoming VBS
program and is presently holding a class for the

children that come on Wednesday evenings during the

Bible study. Jim will be helping in calling and some
other activities around the church. I ask you to pray for
them as they begin the new field of service.

Another family is Ray Roberts, At the present. Ray is

the only one here. The rest of the family will be joining

him this summer after his daughter graduates from high

Service at Mid-Winter Rally 1963.

school. He will greatly add to the work here in various

ways. Again, pray for them in their work here.

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