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Thank to God, finally I had managed to finish this drama project successfully. And
also not forget all the drama members for the cooperation and tolerance during the
drama, from practice until the drama night. Without all of you, this drama project would
not be that success.
We receive this project about a month ago. When first I am received this task, I
am quite happy, because doing drama is my favourite. Doing the dramatization, being
on the stage, do the props, all that kinds of thing make me feel excited. So after the task
was given, an audition was held to choose the main casts, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth,
Macduff, Malcolm, Banquo, The Witches and King Duncan. I have also joined the
audition for the role Lady Macbeth, but I did not get the role. But to tell the truth, I did not
felt disappointed when the result announced that I did not get the role, because I joined
the audition is to have some fun, not really to take the important role. But then I get the
minor role, Lady Macduff, and I decided to accept and take the role. When I get the role
of Lady Macduff, I felt really happy, because Lady Macduff is the role that I aim for in
this drama. I want to try the different characters from what I had taken when I am in my
secondary, because I always got the evil character. Then, after the audition, the
practice then begins. Well, I really excited to wait the practice to start, but after almost 3
or 4 days of practice, I began to feel bored, because they were kept repeating same
scene, same act all over and over. During that time I always wondered, when will come
to my act, my scene, I had bored of watching the same scene same act, and still the
cast repeating their own mistakes. So, despite of doing nothing, I had chosen to join the
choir group which really needs people since my act still a long way to go. Joining the
choir was really amazing because first I no need to keep waiting for my role to act,
second, I can released my stress through singing.
Then, while practicing my part, I have to shout over and over, well, for me its
really a great experience, because through shouting I can release all the stress I have. I
admitted that sometimes, I really had bored with the repetitive practice over and over.
But because of this, I almost can memorize all the scripts from act 1 to act 5. Back to
the networking among the members, well, it was really obvious that first we really had

several groups among us, all was like ignoring each other and some do not even bother
to greet each other. But after we were always met, always gathered together, practice,
doing props, preparing costumes together, slowly we started to close with each other,
started to know each other. Slowly the wall between us had been destroyed, and the
grouping among us did not exist anymore. Like what some of us had said, some of did
not even talk to each other before, but because of this drama, they did talked with each
other. Time management was the most important part in this drama practice, and also
had caused our Miss Director, Colyn, a big headache. Because the punctuality among
us was really low. She had kept repeated the punctuality every time before the drama
practice or even after the practice, and still some of us cannot obey the time. Well,
gossipmongers and telltales were common especially when doing a team works. Do not
mean to accuse anyone, but there were some telltales along the practice.
Our drama night did not really go through very smooth. Due to an event, we had
to do our drama one day earlier. And before the time we started our drama, once again
we had go through a conflict because the one over four of the hall space had been
taken for the events that held the next morning. But luckily, this anger had really given
us the spirit to continue this drama and would not fail. Before we started our important
task, we prayed according to our religious, pray to the God so that our drama will go
smoothly without any interruption. For the time management, we really did the drama on
time, start on time and end the drama just as targeted. All the lightings, the props, casts
changing clothes were go very smooth. All of the drama members cooperate with each
other, cheer for each other. And we really like a one big family now. And the drama just
goes very smooth until all of us did not realize that we already come to the very end,
and we were just feel like, last moment, we just finished our role play, and next moment
we already come to the end of the play. Just like the witches said, Is it over, is it really
over? We want more.
After we had finished our play, we get a really big applause from the audience.
Or should I say, we get the clap from the beginning till the end of our play. And the most
relieving is when our IPG Director, Madam Penny Lim, gave us a very good feedbacks
and compliment. She congratulates us for what we have performed, and what we had

given that night. She said we really had done something that really different, and our
different had really make her excited from the beginning till the end of the drama. One of
the strong points along this dramatization is surely the time management or punctuality
that was really being stressed by our Miss Director and Mr. John. Without a good time
management we cannot really make an event that successful. Second is the teamwork,
if we are not having the teamwork among us, especially like the big group like us, we
surely have much conflict and then we cannot make it through. Every successful there
will be an imperfection, no matter the imperfection are obvious or not. For me, the
attitude among some of us need to be improve, not to pinpoint to anyone, especially
when come to the communication, the correct word, intonation while speaking to others
are important in order to avoid misunderstanding.
When do this project, I did learned a lot. I have learned how to communicate with
others, learned how to project my sound, my voice, and also learned to be punctual, to
manage my time. But the most important thing is, I do learn that each of us is different
entity, we had to respect, to accept and tolerance, and then we can make a task

Thank to God for guiding me during doing this project. Without the blessed from
God, this project will not go through that successful. And also not forgetting to all the
drama members, without you all, we cannot really gain the successful. Thank to the
casts, our lovely narrator, backstage crews, lighting director, and chairman of the play
a.k.a. mascot, music director, the choir group, and the most important person is the girl
behind this magical drama, our lovely Miss Director, Colyn. And also thank for the
guidance of Mr. John and Mr. Gordian, our lecturers when we are doing this drama.
Both of you really had gave us many advice during our drama practice. I really
appreciate the cooperation from all of you to ensure this drama going well. And I also do
appreciate the moments we having together, when we practice until the drama night.
This surely will give a memorable time together.

Kennedy, X.J and Gioia, D. (2005) Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. USA:
Pearson Longman.
Collie, J. and Slater, S. (1987). Literature in the Language Classroom. Cambridge.
Duff, A. and Maley, A. (1991). Literature. Teachers Resource Book Series: Oxford
University Press.
Maley, A. and A. Duff. (1993). Drama Techniques in Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

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