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Infinite Way Tape Transcript Excerpts

Excerpt from 1959 Manchester Closed Class Specific Principles and Application - 1
Master #277 - Tape 1 - Side 2

You realize now that whatever of the nature of spiritual

good -- harmony, wholeness -- that is to come in to your
life, you have to bring in through an activity of your own
consciousness. You know now the meaning of "ye shall
know the truth and the truth shall make you free", and
that you cannot bypass that statement of scripture. It is
ye that shall know the truth and ye shall know some very
specific truth. There is quite a disagreement at the
present time on this subject of freedom of choice, as to
whether or not you can know the truth or know more of it
than you are now knowing -- whether you can be more
diligent, more faithful, more specific. And according to
the Infinite Way it is not possible for you to be other than
you are. And if it is your nature to spend 15 or 20 minutes
a day with truth there is not much you can do about it,
even to increase it for your own good. Even though you
know that if you could increase it to two hours a day it
would change your whole life. Yet you do not have the
capacity to increase that. And for that reason you are
doomed to just whatever measure of spiritual good you
can assimilate through whatever amount of devotion to
truth you are giving. This is unfortunate because there
isn't any one of us that would not rejoice if we could be
wholly spiritually free. If we could live and move and have
our being in God. If we would remain untouched by
material law, mental law, the universal beliefs. And yet,
until something is awakened in us that compels us to go
further and deeper we are victims of inertia.

And the great question is, "Is there any way to overcome
this inertia that prevents us from giving ourselves
wholeheartedly to the spiritual way of life?" And the
answer is, that there is only one way, and that is to
recognize that it is inertia that is holding one back. It is
inertia that is claiming us, and usually with that
recognition we are enabled to break through because up
until that moment we do not know what it is that is
keeping us back -- letting us read one hour a day when
we know right well that three or four or five hours would
do something to awaken us -- or listen to truth for an hour
or two instead of idling away that time.
Unless our recognition that it is only inertia that is holding
us -- unless that recognition changes it for us -- we are
just going to go along in the mold in which we are going,
until something awakens us. And this is sad because it
has a sad connotation for the world. It means that
because the world, which would love to be free, which
would love to be enjoying freedom, which would love to
be free of all of the limitations with which we are now
surrounded humanly through the new forms of
government. While many I'm sure would like to know
something of the freedom that was enjoyed in the earlier
part of this century, yet this same power of inertia
prevents them from doing anything about it. And so it is
that we watch our freedom slip away from us -- knowing
as one professor brought out at a meeting that the people
who are trying to prevent the separation of -- or rather
prevent the amalgamation of church and state, and who
think that by fighting this support of schools -- parochial
schools to be specific -- that they are accomplishing that,
are really accomplishing nothing, because mathematics
is beating them. It will not be long until there is a

mathematical supremacy of the Roman Catholic

members in the United States. And that alone will entitle
them to the schools and to the government support, and
to everything else that they might wish.
And inertia alone prevents the right solution, which is by
no means a human one. Inertia prevents the Republicans
from coming out to the polls, and in England prevents the
Conservatives from coming out to the polls -- nothing but
inertia. There isn't a person who doesn't want what a
different form of government would give them, but they
don't want it quite enough to go out and vote, even if
voting would be the answer, which of course, it isn't.
Do not forget that regardless of what we receive in the
balance of this lesson -- do not forget that if there is any
reason for us not attaining more of what is promised it is
because we allow ourselves to be handled by inertia. The
promises will be fulfilled in proportion as we can fulfill the
Infinite Way Tape Transcript Excerpts
Excerpt from 1959 Manchester Closed Class Specific Principles and Application - 2
Master #277 - Tape 1 - Side 2

God is individual consciousness. This means that God is your

consciousness and mine. God is the consciousness of the individual
you and of the individual me. God is the consciousness of all being.
Looking at the human scene you would never believe this because
it is so impossible to believe that God consciousness can be aware
of all of the sins and diseases, lacks, limitations, wars, panics,
depressions, that are always on the face of the earth. You have
yourself wondered why if there is a God there can be so much of

discord in the world, and yet the answer has always been known.
In these old religious orders and fraternal orders it has always
been known how to bring harmony into individual experience. And
here and there in the scriptures of the world we have been told, if
we were not told the full truth, we were told near enough to it so
that we could have encompassed the balance ourselves. Even
when we were told the truth we were not told how to make truth
available or tangible in our experience, and this necessarily is an
individual experience. And now we are going back to these ancient
wisdoms and revealing what these ancients knew that made their
lives harmonious, fruitful -- even though they did so little for the
people of their day regardless of which age we speak of -- and, of
course, how little we are doing for our generation, and for the
same reason -- the immediate lack of receptivity and the power of
inertia that keeps this world from making the effort necessary.
The very first and most important truth of all is that every bit of
good has to come forth from your own consciousness. Those who
do not receive this truth always believe that they could pray to a
God and under certain circumstances that God would answer the
prayer and give the one who prayed that for which they were
praying. Of course, there never was a syllable of truth in that
entire teaching, regardless of when it was taught, where, or by
whom. And the fact that all of this praying has gone on these
thousands of years without being answered must be its own proof.
But always this has been truth, that whatever of good is to come
forth in the experience of an individual or group or nation, must
come forth from the consciousness of an individual.
Now this sets aside the masses from the masters. The masters
knew -- the masters of the Hebrew world, the masters of the

Christian world, the masters of the Orient -- have always known

that it is a matter of "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall
make you free". They have always known that whatever is to be
brought forth in your experience must come forth from your own
consciousness. And, of course, a master is one in whom inertia is
not operating to any great extent because they can abide in the
Word twenty hours a day, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three,
and when necessary twenty-four. And there is no power to
prevent it, not even the power of sleep.
Now here is exactly what the situation is -- in ordinary human life
we are acted upon by universal beliefs -- they may be theological
beliefs, they may be medical beliefs, they may be scientific beliefs
-- but they are beliefs, they are not truths. However, these will act
in our experience just as if they were the truth until such time as
we ourselves know the truth and thereby become free.
Let me explain this for just a moment. The human being awakens
in the morning and immediately gets busy about their days
activities -- dresses, eats, leaves for business, works, shops, is busy
all day, returns in the evening, eats, talks, plays, retires -- and all of
this while what the Master calls 'this world' is acting upon them. If
it is a particularly nasty day there are germs about and he may
come home with a cold or a fever. If there is crowded traffic there
may be an accident or upset nerves. Or if there is some contagion
or infection about, this may occur in his experience. On the other
hand, there may be a big business boom, and from this he may
prosper. There may be a period of wonderful weather and from
this he may benefit. Always whether for good or for evil the world
is acting upon the human being. And all the human being can do is
wonder whether it will be good today or bad. Whether it will be

up or down, rich or poor, healthful or not. The human is not to

blame for this. The human has not been taught that it is the
activity of our own consciousness that determines the harmony of
our own lives.
Now you are being told a wisdom that has been known to the few
throughout all ages --that truth maintained in your consciousness - your consciousness maintained active in truth brings forth
harmony. In the Master's words "if you abide in the Word and let
this Word abide in you, you will bear fruit richly." If you maintain
truth active in your consciousness, you are praying without
ceasing. And the activity of truth in your consciousness will come
forth as harmony, wholeness, completeness, perfection. When you
do not entertain this Word, maintain it in your consciousness, then
you are "as a branch of a tree that is cut off and withereth."
Therefore, it is you yourself that determines what your life
experience is to be. Remember that as a human being you have no
such choice. You were never taught this. The power of inertia is at
work. At most you were taught that if you were faithful in your
church going that God would look graciously upon you, if not in
this world then in the next. Or if you obeyed the Ten
Commandments. Well you have lived long enough to know that
some of the nicest people in the world haven't had good in this
life, and hardly dare expect it in the next.
But the point is -- and this is truth -- that you can bring a degree of
harmony into your experience in every department of life. The
degree is always dependent on the degree of your devotion to this
work of maintaining truth active in your consciousness. You may
accept this as a statement of truth, that your mind imbued with
truth becomes the law of harmony unto your experience and unto

the experience of all those who come within range of your

consciousness. Also, a mind not occupied with truth is quickly
filled with the beliefs of the world -- universal beliefs for which
you are not responsible -- universal beliefs which were here ages
before you appeared on earth and merely plague you because you
are on earth, as it will plague all those of the future who are not
taught that it is an activity of truth in their own consciousness that
maintains the harmony of their lives. One exception to this is that
in proportion as we introduce more and more of truth into human
consciousness the next generation will be born with less of inertia,
with less of world beliefs to overcome.
God functions as individual consciousness when consciousness is
imbued with truth.
And what we are going to do and for the rest of this class, we are
going to bear witness to this specific truth. We are going to do it in
many ways. Let us start with one facet of truth. You will remember
that last night we took the first one -- God speaking to you says,
"Son, thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine." Now this
one particular passage must become active in your consciousness
for weeks, for months, probably for two or three years, until the
world's belief is overcome within you that says first of all that you
are separate and apart from God, secondly, that you lack for
You see two world beliefs that can forever keep you in poverty.
The first is that you are separate and apart from God, and the
second that you can lack. Now just think, "Son, thou art ever with
me", is a complete contradiction to the world belief that you have
become separated from God and are perhaps trying to find your
way back. Or that perhaps some sin of omission or commission has

separated you from God and you cannot find your way back. Or
that you have not been active in religious or spiritual work and
that you have become separated from God. See how many world
beliefs operate in your consciousness that eventually convinces
you, that you and God are as far apart as the heaven and earth,
and how are you ever going to get together. Whereas, the truth
reveals that "I and my Father are one", "Son, thou art ever with
me", "The place whereon thou standest is holy ground". Just the
remembrance of these passages would begin -- WOULD within not
too long a time if faithfully held to, bring to you again the
conscious realization, it is true -- where I am, God is, where God is,
I am, because from everlasting to everlasting I and my Father ever
have been one. I and my Father have been indivisible, inseparable,
and the mere fact that I have accepted a world belief of
separation, has never separated us.
"I and the Father are one," and this truth need only be realized,
maintained in consciousness, until something within gives -human resistance, human disbelief, human doubt gives. And all of
a sudden we are interiorly flooded with an assurance, "I have
never left Thee", "Before Abraham was, I have been with Thee and
I will never leave Thee", "I will be with Thee until the end of the
And then you realize, how could I have so forgotten scripture.
These are the words that the Master was crucified for giving to the
world. No religious teaching before him ever so completely
revealed this to the world or to mankind. He revealed it fully and
paid the price. It is being revealed to you again fortunately. We
have come so far along in civilization that it is unlikely that any
teacher will be crucified or persecuted for revealing this truth to

you, although they may be misunderstood and slandered. But it is

up to you in that event to know whether or not you have been
told the truth -- demonstrable truth -- truth to which you can bear
witness in your experience.
Do you see that by neglecting these passages of scripture and
leaving them out of your mind that you have left your mind open
to all of the suggestions that the world can pour in? Whereas, if
you maintain this truth, if you abide in this truth, if you dwell in
this truth, live and move and have your being in the truth that "I
and the Father are one", and that this is an everlasting
relationship, so that the place whereon I stand is holy ground, and
there are no human laws or human beliefs of a physical or mental
nature that can separate me from the love of God, or the Presence
of God, or the Power of God, and then maintain this in the face of
all appearances to the contrary.

Infinite Way Tape Transcript Excerpts

Excerpt from 1959 Manchester Closed Class Specific Principles and Application - 3
Master #277 - Tape 1 - Side 2

The way is straight and narrow and still there be few that
enter because this truth must be held to in spite of
appearances to the contrary. When the storm was raising at
sea the Master had to look right at the disciples and wonder
at their lack of faith. When there seemed to be multitudes
to be fed and no food, he must have wondered at his

disciples. In every illustration of healing it must have been

clear that he was revealing that right where you are God is -"What did hinder you? Pick up your bed and walk."
As you maintain this truth you will go on to the next. "Son,
thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine." Well now,
here is the answer to lack and limitation of any nature, every
nature - physical, mental, moral, financial -- this is the
answer. "All that I have is thine." Where is this "I" that has
this allness that is mine? It is closer to you than breathing
and nearer than hands and feet. And every time that you say
"I", that is the "I" that has this allness that is yours for the
Every time you realize "I" will never forsake me, "I" will
never leave me, "I" will be with me until the end of the
world, you are declaring that here where "I" am God is.
Because "I and the Father are one", this is the reason that all
that "I" the Father hath belongs to "I" the Son. Because they
are not two. And there are not two places, and the Father
does not have to send you your good. In fact He couldn't. It
is already closer to you than breathing and nearer than
hands and feet. And we must open out a way for the
imprisoned splendour to escape. We must acknowledge that
"I and the Father are one", that the Father has never left me,
that the Father will never leave me, because of Oneness. I
am your bread, and I am your wine, and I am your water.
And I the Father and I the Son are One.

You can never be separated from food, or clothing, or

housing, or companionship, or infinite good as long as your
consciousness is active in maintaining this truth. Separate
yourself from truth and you have separated yourself from
me -- from the I within your being, for I am the truth.
Separate yourself from truth and you have separated
yourself from what? From life. From supply. For truth and
love and life and supply, intelligence, wisdom, bread, wine,
water, meat, resurrection -- these are all synonyms, one for
another. In separating yourself from truth you are
separating yourself from the good. The good of God's
kingdom manifest on this plane. But as you maintain truth in
your consciousness, you maintain life, love, peace, supply,
companionship, wisdom, guidance, direction, protection,
infinity itself -- but it all depends on your consciously abiding
in truth and letting truth abide in you

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