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rQl P<-..a .. GtIoll Bnt.-\ .. ItIlt br ~ ~

ElmIc Court, a,. Wwy. 8olley. Oxlorll 0)(2 . , .

For Dr.Michael GoreIik. Wllhoul whose encouragemen! ltws boo!<
!he Iogtll of daV. and aim for Galina and Gleb.

WOIAllI'lOl nave _
........ - / \ p M - . . , .... o.Iong

-.O'llIC*nor_. _


"--Aa.l. . ""pM ...... ~ - .

_ _ ... ~ 1IluIIJ.
~ ~_

Artist's Note

- - . _ ...

......... or....- .. ..,"""'orbr.., _ _


- - ... 1'"0' _ _ ...... ""Pr"lI'W



---..-IS8N ! IM3i2 .... 1


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AlglWI UIalIhey e.l


ent. inlo no ~


ilt. \tEllln'AL STATE''i of Rus' cmcrgcet wilhin the forest and
forcst-slcppe regions of \\'hat arc now \\'C~ICnl Ru"ia. Belarus :met
the Ukraine....hilc 0\';11 nOlllad slaws ()f the ~ulh were hased
upon the SlCppc. Both had IO\\'IIS. hO\\'c..'\'(:I". :mel it was the liO"Ctlll'<l

'nOlll:ld Slah..'S which


the lUOI'C ad\711lc<,'<! throughoUl 111051 of Ill('

1\lidclk' Ages. TIIC enure region \\';;LS cri~roSM:d I~' ri,'crs and it \\-"S
alonJ.; their banks thai mOSt sculcmenlS grew L11). Rhcn. prml{k-d the
b<,'si ;lrIcl'ic<; of communication. ~' !lo;.u in SUllllller and as frozen
hi/o;h\\;l\'$ ill \,'iIllCr. nOI surprisingl). rhen. :tho dominated warrOlr~,
111~s(' rivcrs crrcclhcl~ Iin\..cd Sclndin:l\'i:t and "~'t~rn J-:urolle lO Iht,
U\/Oullinc Empire and the worlel ur h);UIl, Trade brought \\'cahh ami
"'c:llth :I11r.IClOO pr~dators, bOlh illlerna.1 ;md eSlem;l1. III rael r.lidill);,
I>il';:lc\' and bri~ndagc rcma.ined :t m:yur fcallu'(' or medic\';:ll Russian

~ Icon of SI.a_IlI' m.IId,

In 1234 AD. Hot. the .pp.renlly

IMMI1IIr culra.., kll'Il'I.~

1lWIcI, end entwlned loll...
pattern on the lower bordlr 01
1M robe. lin .111', CJthedrei 01
Sla.o.v-. Yureve.PoIHom)

The SI~"Pt' or /HJI, rcaturcd promin~l\th' in Ru~ian milil:.lr), histol'}'.

It 1\';tS:1ll arena ror heroic deeds. bllt also ror lI1ilitar~' dis.uter. t\luch or it
,,';:tS dOlled wilh woodland and m:mllu:s as wdl a~ being split up b)' ri\'ers,
AI Ihe ~une lime the nomadic: peoples. though no more warlike than
lht'ir settled ndghlxlllfS, had gr~at~r milit:lq pol('ntial :Illd \\'ere murc
aecmlollled 10 tribal disciplill~. In the carl)' t\liddle Ages lhe Sial'S 1\'eJ't;
rdative lICI\'(Ol11crs ,,'ho continued to coloni~,e new territories evcn while
lIH:dil'\';11 Rus' \\';:IS being cre:lfCd.
Funher nonh "'crc the nomadic: hlllller-gatherirlg pcopl~s or th~
Arctit' lundl';:l, who do nOl seem to h:lI"e had rniliwry or lI';llTior
aristocracies. One the other hand mall)' Finnish or Ugrian lribes or lhe
sul~AI'(tic !fI;g(l and llonhcrn forests (''''ad)' did have warrior e1itc,~,
These lril>cs induded the Esl. Vod, Vcs, Clmd ;md Komi or Z}'T)';l1lS, The
t;t.~Itru Finllo-Ugrian population had a morc advanced c\llIm't and
'\'(~al)tlllr}' plus massin" cilarlcls 111:1(11: or earth and timl>cl' (sce Auiltl (11/(1
Oil' NOli/tid lIord,.,t Ospre)' Elite sCl'ics 30), The)' illdwlt'cl the ~'!crp,
t\lul'olll:l. Tl'rjuhans. Kar'lIars. Mild and MOI'd\'ians, Somc were
assimilated and disappeared dllring the l!th and 12th centuries, but
othcrs l'el:lin a separate identit), to this da)'.
Thcn thcl'c were the Udmul'ts or Vot)';lb who, aner scpamting rrolll
thc i'.P")~IllS in the 8th ccntur)'. were pushed castward~ h}' rh'ill tribes to
their filial homeland along the upper rcaches of the Vptka :llld K:lllm
rivers, The lands or the KhanlJ or t\lansi or the III/It" regions ill the far
nonh-c:lSt or European Russia were incof!>or:llcd illiu the rapidl),
~spanding Russian Sl:nc or NO\'Horo<l in the hlle 12th cemu!'}'. Ik')'oncl
the Ul';:llllloulltains lived Olher Ugrian lI'ihes. I\'hu M.'ellled SO terrir)ing
thai lhe Russians hcli(,.,,"cd thc) had been locked behind a copper gol\e
IIntilJlldgclllclll 0.'1)'-

11:111 trihe:~ 1'l'!;lIe:d 10 lIuKlcflI 1..;It\'iall~ ;and Litilimnialls inhabited

much IIf llunh-\\l,'te'fn Ku~i;l in thl' Xth cl'ntuq - IX'l'haps ~hafill~
11'IThol'\ Ililh lll'\\h-;arrh'('d 51.1\", Il'hn lIlo\l,d in from the soulh ;"ul \\'I'~l.
Othl'l' U;,hir"lx'akillJ:: pe:oplcs we:r(' ",.tt1l'l'l.'1! "cros... cel1tr.t1 RII,-"i", tilt,
Goliad or<;alindi not bdllg: '51;l\'i/l:d' un Iii the 12tll CelllUl'\,
lksccncl;llIb of thoS(' Iranian"pcakinR 1I0mad" \\ hu h;l(\ domin:ucd
Ihc \\I"ICru ,lc'!}I>I:s IX'fon.' Ihc IIUIl ill\';l~iOlls of till' 51h CClltlln lltill
pl.l\t:c1 ,I :oiRnili"lllt mint,ln mle: ill \';Iriutl' Mlcc(.'ssnr states in bOlh IlIc'
"lcPlx' ;mel fUI'I"1 fq.~itlll'" FUI' ('''':;IIIlI}!<.', Alan l1lili(ar~ c1ilt.:~ ~elll 10 h;we
dOlllill,lIt't! "'-'\c'''11 51:1\ lI'ihcs ill SOlllhcl"ll Russia, and "OITlC of Ihdr
milll,ln ('('n.'!Ilollic's W('I'{' .lollh)l.'(IUCIIII\ adoplcti b\ tht, Kits', AItIllK the
,hure." (If Ihe.' Ubd: &:1 a l1umher of 41ri~illall)' r;n.,"d: chic.. "III";"ccltlw
llplU:;I\';lls of 1Ill' e."II'I)' lIlcflil:\';ll c'l';l ami rt'm:lilwd CCllIres of Grcd:
cullUrc', l\" lilt' 91h ;mel 10111 n'lll'lfic~ Ihcy abo hccamc CCllll'c'S tlf.lc\I'isll
lc'arnill~ aftl'!' pan (If the Khal.af Turkish Khanate adoplinJ,t .Illdai.lolll'
EWIl :,fh'l Ihl' Kh;II;1l'll' collap~, ,It'wish COllUllllllilies ("Olllinllcd 10
f10lll i~h ill Iht, Tamall pl:ninsllla allli as far away as Kit'", ~1('allWhik th\.'
(;cfm;lI1ic (;nlhs had ('IJIll\.' alld jJ,OllC, ka\'ing (:c::rrnanic words for
wC,lpmlJ'>, amI \\'arran' ill \.'aSll'1'll Sl:i" lal1J.:uaJ.:cs,
!\ l;lr",~' 11Ulllbc:r of Ma~,')~Il's, ;U1C'C','lnrs of lht: modern l!lInKariall~,
still li\'e.'d lIt',ll lilt' middlc VUIWI rher anel were smnclinll'S knoll'n as

Runl ftd h. people. c,810 ,1,0

_ noto th.t to .ccomod.te the
north'south doplh the m.p h
btMn Nvolved so Ihllt north I. to
the letl, lOuth 10 the right, e..t
to the cop .nd w..t to the




\\1\itc Ugri:lIl', III f:u,t Ihe I'ulill}.: ditl' of the Kiev

rtgion 1II11\' han- hl'l'll ~laj.\:rar alli..:~ of Ihl'
sophistical..:d Khal:lr rt'alrn I\'hich dominawd
much of 1\l'ltlthrrn Ru'sia, SUbSCqUCllllv Ihe)'
trekked w":\l\\.Lfd tn (I'('alt' Ih..: stale of Ilungar)',
~'er:al TlIn"()o~lnnJ:l1I1 Ilt'opll" witH had ruled the
Slrpf>CS ~Illh uf Ihl' RIl~ian foreslS left 'rdic
populatioll~' in I~lritlm arl',1l> (l'l:l' air-lin Elitt' 30),
For exampk till' Black Ulllg;l sun;n:d between
the Dnieper ancl nOll !"inr whik thl' VoIK<l
Bulgars had miJ:lT';ut'd nCIl'th\\'lrd~ ill to for,,:sls \\'L-st
or the l'r.11 lIlUllIH.lin-., Tht'n' tht'\, l~tabli~h('c1 :I
rich tr.l(lin~ '1:111' \\hit-h n'Ill:lim'e1 ,I COllll11l'rci:11 ri\'3.1 tlf Rus...ia ulIlil "II
were COllqllNt'd hI till' ~lolIgtll, itl tht' I:1lh Cl'nllll'"),
11K' Kh'Vdll~ 1t,Id l'"t:lblished ;I Ile\\ Glpit:tl ,II Ilil where tlte might}
\<lIga 110\\("<1 itlltl lht Cispian StOOl \\'hill' Kico.', flllllre capilal of lhe
medit",011 RIl~'o prol>:"I!>" slill consisled of a fortilled hilhop for K.h'll.<lr
tribulr-g;ulU'rt..... TIll' K.hazar ann\' \\~tS also 1I01l."(1 for itrlllOllrl'd ("""'\,lln
'IIttOSt: rolt \\'uuld h(' illllC'riU'f1 1)\ thl' lI1ldit,\OI1 Rus' milil:lr) e1ile. WeSI
0( Ihe K)Ml,Ir'l>, ,lilt! .'>Utili In ,kit, Ihl' 'teppl's as lilt Kh:l1ar~ tlt-dinec!,
Wfft.. till" I't'dll'llt'~'. This 1.ll'gd\' IJ:Ig<1Il fX'Ople rCllt:lincd :t Ihom ill
w sick uf Ru," fut' Cl'nllll'ks ulltil Ihl~' in lurn were ousled In'
th~ Kipchals.




Kmched on

.nowInt IIorMrnM. from

north.....t ol

of Azov,

8th9th cenluM-. Dn.pl1e the

cNdIty 01 the fIgu.... _
hn been tUOft 10 6eplct the
Mgh porn..... end c.nUe 01 the
Addle and the c""PPDI" .nd
brea.t-.I...p of the ~ .. and
nole the fty(nv nbboM Of plumes
behind the rider's IMM,

(H-ttaee M_,

The Slavs

lboughoUI thl"it' (('nlUrH.."5

51tJ>1X' Ix'Opll" ~1"ppl.'(1 Sla\"'.
&om exp:lI1dinK ",nlll1\\';:lrck
Instf".KI Sl:t\'l dllng In lilt'
forests, rolol1i7inJ{ nt)l"t1m~11'(1
and e:L,II\';lrcl intu :II'I':IS
inhahitl'flll\ 1\:11t:. :llld Finnc).
Ugrial1l., TIlt' l.imit Atlll"
\lilo il1hahill'll p,LrI til the
Ulrnint ami luwt'" Danube
basin in 1111' lillt C't'IIIHr}' I\D
arc, for cxamplc, SOl1lctjl1WS
call(',1 proto-Slal'S, 'Illt' liull'
th:ll is knOI\'1l ahulil tllI'lll
sugg,,:sIS:l pall'i:lI'('hal.rihal
soci('t), in \\'hich till' slalUs of 1I'01llCll WllS nOlablr lull', This, alltl theil'
reliance un hloud \'eIIKc:mt'l' as Ihe IOllnd;ation of 1I Icg:11 S)'SIl'rll, I,'ould
rtmain char:tfll"'islk of l1le(lic\,;:11 Russia, SIal'S SlCildil)' presscd
northwards 10 n"ach Likes I)cipus :lnd Ihncn by the 81h ccnlnt')',
seemingl} ('nCOlll';Ij.l('(! h)' Iht' A"II"l' who dominated \':Ule areas of eaSICl'1I
Europe until (k~ll'O\'ed I" CharklllllKnc around 800 AD,
UI' Ihl" 91h ,'('llIllf)' Sla\ "ClIlcnlt'lIts It'mlt'd to he gmup('c1 along l'1\'cr
b.lnks for llIulnal ddi..'lIn' and \\'l'n' oftet1 siu.'d in fUfl"sts ur marsll('s.
AlthonKh IheM' people \\'CI't' f;II'lI1el~ r;llhcr Ihan 1I';lniors, their 1);1g:1II
pamlwon \\,t:. he;l(kd I' S\~lrOf.;"" the '.,rod of white light', who mar lI;an.'
bttn p.11ron of \"l""poIlYlI1aking. Sl:iv Iribal nalllcs now 'Ippear: e,K, Ihe
DregO\ichi. Kri\'khi .mel SIO\'ClIcs inhabitc<llhc north-II'cst and NO\l{orod

(A) Recon.lructron of III.

p~n period bulldl",. DI
Slaryl t..dogl (Sllryl ladop

Hilloncal Museum),
(8) SKl}on IhtlKlth II

reconlln>cl" limber hili In Ihe

8Ih.. 1()tn C lortln" monallory
of Sl,NoYlkh nellr Pe"''''lvI,
made 01 plank. coyered In
earth-p1a.fer (litter PlIflll.tlenkoj,
ICI ReconlllVCtlon 01 II
Hml-lUbtDrQneln ttn C hou..
In NOYOfroitpoo lalte.


Forti"" hUhop ..... kbonlt

ltnown .. l'r\rtcIn Sind. ntH
to .n. 8t11t!:h C; thot ......... I
convpUon 01 11M None phrase
7l9Ir W_ .......1... 'fIlth""


IAJ Tr\Nor"I Slo"

tift... Kotiochltlnj.
(81 t Hit-12th C IMUtcatlonl


01 SOut/l4>rn
tift... Klrpl1chnlkowJ.
ICIIEI"hworttl 01 12th C town
01 VotoUm,k (lftO' KOllochklnl.
lDl EI"h rampl", 01 Qublno.
12th-t3th C llnl' KOlloc:hltlnl,

rc.:gions b)' the Illh (emuI')'

(ill r:ICI Siovellt's Ill:l)' have
buill Ihe lirsl ~lllel1lent al
whal be(.';lI1le No\'gol'odl,
Thl'}' also had ca\~III'),
\\hereas llIOSt Olher 51;1\'
Il"ilx.... fOllght :t1m~1 enlird~
on foul.
In Ihe SOlllh-\\'1..~t o(\,'lIal
\\'ould hl"COIue Rus.,ia Ihe
Tiwrt!>i :lIld111ichi illhahil1..'d
Ihe upper reaChl1> of Illl'
Bug I;n.'r, where thC'\ deCem!L-d thelllscl,,1..'S with large
earth and limber fonilic:.llions, To Ihe e:15t. :tl'Ound KiC'\ 011 the ri"cr
Ilnieper. the IllOSt impol'talll 5k\\' lribe were the Poljane. Easl of the
Unieper 51;", forts hc<-amc 1Il0l'C .lbund.un and sll"Onger. somc of them
r('-using long-llb;mdolll'd Sn,thi;lIllarth\\orls. Thi!> \1';L!o a d:Ulgl'l'OlIl> but
fertile frontier lone. tlftt'n shan'd with stl'plX' nomads \Iho ('dille in
\\im":I' 10 graJ.c thdl'l1ocll.. B) tilt' tim(' thl' Sc;tndin:l\;an Rns' arrill"fl in
till' 91h Cel1lUr) the Poljane ;11111 SUIIlI' mher SI:I' tribcS \Icre 011 Ihe \'crge
of l'Slablishing theil' o\\'n mini-sc.uL'S around SCI'cl':ll .lollmlltU\1 m. F";lch nd
or clan had its own dearl) dcfinL"f1 localil) and consisu'c! I)f S("\'eral
uldrugfl - extended families. Tribal aristocr.trit!i t'xi.loled. SUllll' of AI;m
urigin. :lnd these c\'oh'ed illlo the mwJII 'II01ahlc~' uf nll'die\~ll Rus',
Further tlSt and norlh other 51:\\' Iribt."l plISh1..'(1 imo Fillllo-Ugmin
terl";tor~'. defending nt'"I) colollil.1..'(1 l;lIlds with earth rolluparts lopped
h} wuoc.lcn ~tockades, Some wcre built I)\' the Se\eriane tribe. while
U1ht'l"~ i1rc aSSIx:i.ucd \\;Ih thc Vi:ltechi.
Se\,ero.1 eastern 51:1\' groups. like those :lI'olllld Kic\'. rcc(IKllil.ed
Khalal' o\'el'lordship as l:tle as Ihe mid-lOlh ('CIIIIII')', though
exccssh'c Kha1.ar demands rna)' han: prurupted ulhcr Slm's llllCh as
the Raclimiche to l1li~r.lle
flll'lhcl' 1101'111" 'nlis proceSS
of SI:lI' cxp;ulsiun continued
while the firsl real Rus' stale
\\~L~ hdng formed along the
rh'crs bClween Kil'\' ami
NUI'gorod. 1\)' tht' 11th
CClltUI')' lIlost fonller inhab
ilallL~ had becll :\SS;llIilatl'(\.
Ne\'erthelcss, differences
.U1101lgM Ihe easlern Sh,\,s
II'CI'C still gl'cm. and Ihert'
\I~IS all )'el 110lhing \I'hich
could be l'L"Cogn;7L'(1 :L~ a
Rus,;i:1Il 01' L'\"CII Ukr.tini:m
01' Uc!al1.lS p(:ople,
Me:lllwhilc lhe old
tr:.lde pallerns bct\'"L't:1l Ihe

S.:t.ssani:tIIlrnnian empires

h;,,1 cull;lpscd in the 71h celllur)'. unl)' 10 be l'eplaced by an (.....en richer

ami more extensivc tl~ldc nttwork froll1 Ihe lIlid-8th cemlll')' onw;:uds.
A new eeollomie powerhouse had developed in till: :-'Iiddle Easl. centred
upon lhe capillil of the 'Abhasid e:lliphs at Uaghdad ;mel fuelled by free
circulation of gold and sih-er Ishunk coinage, Nothing likt' it had been
M:CIl before. and it 'IUr.lcted mcrchants fmlll Chin,l, India. Weslern
Europe. Ihe Uritish Isles and Scandinavia. It W;IS lilt' lure of 'Sih'crl;lIId'
- as the Scandina\'ians called Islamic rt'gions of thc Middlc E;I$I - which
eire'" Sc;lIldiml\;,H\ rdidel'S OIl> ,,'ell a.~ traelers along the 1;\'el'S of Russia,
<;c.'arching for the source of all lhat wealth. A ntw chapter \\~lS about to
bc:gin in the histor}' of the eastern Sla\1i.

Scandinian sell..lemcnl :11 St:tq~1 I.adoga.
Emergence ofa Rus' 'stale' under a Khagnll.
Possible arri\':ll of'Prince' Rurik from Sc:mdill:l\;a.
Rurik takes area around Kk"" from pl'(,\ious MagprKha:mr
First Rus' attack on Brl;mliue CoIIst3ntinoplc.
Rus' raids ag-.linst Isl:lmic rc:gions around C:LSpi,m Sc-d_
Rlls' possibl)' take culllrol or to\\,n of Kit."".
Rus' camp;:ligns against Bp:uuine Empire ,1I1c1lsl;lInk world.
Kh:lgan Igor of the VoigOl Rus' lilkes eonU'ol of Kit"'.
Rus' dt:\':lSt<lte Khazar c<tpital or hil, "lid Islamic arcas, win
access to Bl:lck Sc:t. aU:lck Vol&" 8ul&,,1'$ in 3tlCmptto control
eastern lrade routes.
Vladimir S\'iatosla\ iell becmne Prince of Kic\'. crushes 51:1\'
lribal r;sillhTS.
PI;!lCC Vladimir converts Rus' 10 Onhodox Cluistianit},.
!Jt)()" JO 15 Inlenniuent \\".lrrare betwcen RliS' and Pechencgs,
Ch;1 wars between princes for throne uf Kie\',
NO\ogol'Od sends expedition to 'Iron Gates' in the I:u' north
cast, probabl)' meaning: PechOl~1 ri\'er or be)'ond,
Treat}' between Rus' and Poland: "~L1' belween Rlls' and
Brl 'llltiun1o
FirSI appearance of Kipchaks 011 \\'estel'll steppe".
Kipchaks raid Rlls' terrilor)',
War bell,'eell Kie\' and Poland.
Kipchaks defeal Rus' armies 111 ri\'cr AIl;I: Prince S\'imos1:1\'
defeats Kipchak micltu:::Ir Chernigo\'.
Prince Volodimir 1IIonoll1:l:O: of PcreY;I~I:l\'1 is Ill'st 10 emplo)'
OJ"")'/! Kloouki auxiliaries agolitut fellol\' princes.
Disappeamnce or mililar), expedition 10 the ri\'el" Ob.
Conrerence of princes at Liulx.-ch fcgul;II;1.CS S)'StCIl1 of
inheritance of princiJl:llities and throne or KiC\'.
Rus' defeat Kipchaks and dcstroy Kipchak u;bcs in northern
Rus' mlack VolK'1 Bulgars.
113234 Rus' ci\il "'~lr.
No\'gorod accepts no further rulers appoinlt.'1! b)' Kit.,\'.


ollwnlamefl on 1001
and ..".ar, d.tt'd to

1113-17; oth4... In the . .me

.... ..-.ow hunt.... on

1lor..o.<:1l. lin ,llu C.tttect..101

0iIllb1 Sobor, Vlulmlr; .uthon


~ ~


II il

MilloI' conl1icts bet\\'c:en NO\'gorod and larosl;l.\'I'.,Suzcl;d.

Prince:: of Vladimir im-ade:s VOIWI Bulgan.

Prince of \'ladirnil' sIcks Ki(."\' during ci\iJ \\"ar.
Kipchal.. tribes united under Konchak Khan.
Ru~' ;1I1:1d. Volga Bulg:n"S, Kipchaks and Mord\'i:IlIS.
Prince Igor of No\'gorod-&...crsk attacks Kipchaks bUI is
defeated (origins of 'tin Igor epic).
Army senti' NO\);orud 10 ptlllish PCChOr.l and U~ri;II1S
almosl I',';pc:d 0111.
1199-1205 Ci,'i! \\'31' (01' thmmo of Grand Prince of Kie\'.
Ri\'cr nt.'et scm to "C,lSSCrl RlIs' hq;:cmOll)' O\'e( l.en :lIId 1.ho
tribes is defeated by German garrison.
Civil \'':11' between Rus' princes culminates;1t bailie ofLipilsa.
121 S.20
SUlclal attacks Vol~:t I\lligars: ",inct: MSlisl,l\' of NO\'gonxl
retakes Galich from HlIllg::tri;lns w;lh IIdp or Kipchaks undcr
Kutcn Khan.
First Mongol ill\~lsion urWCS!Crll stcppcsdcreals Rus' priuces
and Kipchaks:l1 Ri\'cr K.,lka.
1\IOIlgols :lttatk Saksin. Volf.:a L\ulgars and Kipchaks.
Coillbincd armicsorSuzd:a1, Ria1.all and Murom ravage
I\lur(\\'i:l11 tCl'I'icol")'.
Rus' ch'il \\~lr ror throne or Kic\'.
M011,.;ols dCSIl'Oy Volga Ililigar cities.
1237-39 I\lungols ill\~ldc Rils' territory, conquer Vladimir. c1ereat
nunhel'll prilltcs:1I balllc or Sit', conquer Chcrnigo\'.
I'rinte Alexandcr dCrelUS Swedish itwaders on r;\'cr Ne\'3:
M01l1;0ls conquer Kic\'.
Prince Alexander Nc\'Ski ddcats German Crus."ulc on Lake
124346 Mongol Grcat Khan confirms ceftain RliS' princes in lheir
124849 Rus' princt."S ill ci\il ....' 3.f ror thronc or Vl:tdimir, Andrei

W.II p.lntl"'S! of hllnbm.n

flthllft9 bur. (In t/tll Ctlh.,tral
01 $tnt.



confirmed in pos."C~ion of Vladimir hy ~longol Great KIt.m,

thcn forms allli-~lunJ.:01 alliance with Daniil ofVolh)'nia.
1)linct.'S Andrei and Daniil defcatcd b) ~longnls..
OrtJlcKlox Church in Vulh\11ia-GaIKh accept.~ r:,p;:11 ;uHhoril)";
Mindaug-dS of ullmanill and D;lIliil onblh"lia.<:alich cstablish
lll\u.~longol alliance': filure of\\'eslern powers to hdp C.lUSCS
Prince Daniil to make lerms \\ilh Mongols.
MonRols enforce census of popul.nion in mos. Rus'
pri nd p;:ililies,

Frmll the 8th 10 10th centuries the onl} tOl\'ns ill eaSlel'll Europe \\'erc
S('lllc::mcnls, wherc Sc;lJldinal'ian merchant.~ werc onl)' one J.:rullp
:1lI101l}:SI lH:lny, Thesc Scandinavians could :.lso he seen as 'nomads or
the seas lmd ri\'t:rs', jusl al Tmco-MtJll}:ols I,'cre 'nomads of Ihe sleppes'.
Theil eadiesl preSt;nce in Russia is recorded ill lalcr leJl;cl1ds, thllllj.Ch
archlleoloh'}' can lhrow dditiul1illliKllI, Only ill the lal('I' 81h cenlury did
tlll.:sc newcomers start 10 dominate the loc-al I)tlpllla!ioll, ScandillltVians
:.Iso Ulisled Ihe !lmftmi)'n .Iewi~h merchanl.s who had previousl)'
dominated ea.~tern European trade, As a result men from S",'eden were
.1 powl'I'ful pn.:~nce belweell the 11:Ihic and Rbd: Sca.~ and along the
Volga river lOll!'; before th(' 'lCllli,k-gl'lUbr)' ligul't, of RUlik lUTin:d. TIleil'
h:Olders "'l're knOll'll h) the Turkish title of KhaJ(munUL who well.' these Rus' who CSl<lblish(:d lhe first Rll~~bn sc.. te? \\t'n:
Illl'\' Sc:lIldina\;.ms, or did Iht.')' include Other Europeans or indigcnmlS
5Ia\....: and what pan did Turks. Finn~Ugrians or Ir.U1ians plil)'? TIle first
rcfcrel1ct.'S tu the Rus' appear in the 9th C::CllIury, and lhe,' seem to ha\'C
bl-en more \\ilting to lISC 'iolcncc thall e.lrlie:r tr.KIcN had 1)("'11, TIII'Cl"
major scuJclTlell1S ,,'ere crealed Ill' mken mer in lIurlhen\ Russi":
Old l":ldt~l, known to Sc:mdin:l\i'lI1s as Aldcgjuborg: Gorodische.
which remained the main
northern lrading and
perhaps political cenlre
lIutil the 10th cemury:
and Novgorod. which
Ihe SC;lIldin:l\'ians called
Holmgarthr, Of Ihese
Novgorod wa.~ the besl siwd
for tr...dc and e\'entuall)'
supcl'cedcd the others. It
overlooked the \'olkho\',
\\'hK::h formt.'(1 a \itallink in a
chain of ri\'Crs from the
B,'lltic:: 10 Kin' and on tOYt'aJ'ds
Constantinople. as well as \ia !he Volga and Caspian
Sea - 10 the Islamic world.
TIle second cent.re of the
Klln/{fuuof Rus' \\WdS ,!found

MNI .... 01 the .;t. 01 the 1m

lortlfl<lcl Hnl_t 01




larosl~l\'l nc,w lhe upper "nib'" ri\'er: hill here their hislor)' is less dCllr,
Nc\'cnhcles.o;, thc}' wcrc dead)' 11~lding :Ind raidill/{ down the VOIJf<IIO tile
C,aspian and tilt' Islamic CIIIClISUS b), Ihe !hh Cl'lllllf)', The~' had no wbh
to dmllellge the \'011,'" Bu1b"'l's militalil)', ;md Ihe fcw dcfemil'c SUllC"lllfl'o;
tht'\, huill rolCtd a tllre:1I frOIll OIher Rus' to the wnl.
The Ihird centre or Rw; power araM: in the M'cuml half or the 9th
cemur,., A.'i the powcr of C:I'iICrn Islamic Iiltlds declined. Ihat of the
Ilw,ullille Empirc rt.'\'ived. This made trade with ll)'lantiulIl more
aur:teti,c. the most ol)\;olls roule being down tht' Dnieper river llnd
across the mack Sea. ThollJ.:h the Kh:v.ars cOlllilllll.'tlto dominate areas
e;tst of the Illliepc:.r ",cli illto III(' 10th ccntur)'. the Rw; \\'on acC"t'pt:mcc'
from thc Slavs around Ki(..,,' ~' dcmandiug k-ss Iribulc. Ch'il \\~Irs al"'l
wellktn(.'tl Ihc Khazars and probabl)' e!l:lbk-d a leading Rus' c1:1II to be
n.,<:ognizt.'d as local KhaKI"/,! b)' 839 AD. with S('\cral centres or power
including Slar)",;1 Ladog:l. Corodische ,md Ix'rhallS thl' SI:'lrskii Fon Oil
the tipper VOIJfd,

ReconllN(:llon 01 MIIIII.....1 II

would MY' 'PIIe.red In Ih.

ctntury. IAPNI


Rurik, Igor, and the Khazar decline

According to I.~end, a Sc:.mdina\;allllohlrm;mllallwd Rurik \\~LS im;ll'd
10 thl' No\<gorocl are<! ill 862. Some scholars haH' idl'lllilkd him as Roric
of.lulland. a Danish "~Irlord mentioncd in In'stern 'iOurcc:."1. In J'c;llit\
Rurik prob;.lbl}' arrived almost Iwcnt) )cars earlier, ;IJicr \\'hich he :Ind his
followers spn.....d their authorit), southward ;1!Ullg thc [hina and Dnieper
rh'ers, dri\;ng out or incorpor.uing the prc:....ious S\l'cdi~h RlIs' merchalltachcnturers. A gcn,r.uion later :1 I:trgc p;llt ur tho.\oC ~hlb"'~lrs who had
domill:tIt:t1 the Kic\' arC:1 migrated west\\~lnl illlo 1\'h:1I is noll' I-Iung::lr)',
though whether thc)' wcrc pushed I)\' Hlllg;'lI'i,IIl", !>lchcn(.'gs, Rus' ur :111
three rClllaills undcar.
Thc Rus' lila)' not }'et h:l\e bcen am:yor mililary power, but the)' and
Iheir local supporters huill large rivcr neets. sellt thcm thoUSl'l1lds of
lIliles tn raid or tmde. :llld also controllcd lIU':llegic pol'lages bclI,'cen
lIl;~or rivcrs. In rolct the hard-pressed Khaz:11'5 pl'Ohahl)' a~rced 10 a Rus'
t:lkeover if lhe laucr continued 10 n"cognil.c Kh,ll:ar o\erlordship.
Finall)'. ;around 930 AD, the RItS' It'ader IgUl' lOok lonna! conll'Ol or Kie\'
,,'hich s0011 becamc the main cenln' of Rlis' pOWl'l". Within a few decades
Igor of Kk\' 1"<lS recogniwci
as a hneditol')' prince
who. I,'ilh his Dru:MII/I
:armed follO\\'inJ{, made
:tllnual /IOUI/lli, IriblllCJr-llhering journe)'s around
his amorphous realm, A
rccogn inble 'state' was
dead)' ill the making,
TIle most rdi:able desclipliOlls of the carl)' Rus' arc
round in Ambic sources,
Rus' sodct)' was dearl)'
\'cr)' Sc-.lIldin:l.\;an III its
appearance:, attitudes anel
beliefs. \\'hile the KllfIgrlrl W<lS
Lvge~' a figurchc<KI rdiant

on 400 ",:In;nl' romp.mion....

The ll;mw 1(,'7":; 01, in
o,'l'Intilll' (;ntk. \imlllj.,'lf1ll.1
1il'aS sonwlimc..... ~i\'t'l1 hI tilt'
lil"Mrior diw
,hi... IIt'W
lOMan RIl~. hut in 1.1('1 1111'




a :i('I>,u~lll' ~nlup

Scalldina\ i,lI1 ,11I\'('nturtrS, \\ 110 iudlKktl 1I1.l1l\

pagan.. al a linll' \,ht'll
Olrisliilnil\ ,,~l~ 'pn';ulinJ.:
across St,lI1din,l\'ia il\dr.
SOOIC lr.lldkcl in 1.lr~c
groups iii,,' n',uh ,m;uk



kd 1)\ SI\tclhh,
Nor,,','):i:.n III' 1),lIli,h nohkmclI, TIll' I;,tjn:i ")50 fomlt'd "Oirlikt,
brolht'rhlltKllo, ,,!lu "<'ft' 1101 ollh cxpt.'l1si\'(' tu hin' but "'crc oneil in ;1
positioll III tkm:llul prmnpt p:l)IIlCIlI, Oil(' \atjnti lIml\ \\';l~ hirt'(l 1)\
\'bdimir uf Kit'" \"hilt, ht, "Ol_' l'xilcd ill Srnndinm;a. Ill' used lh('lll to
tU:r till' Kit"\,111 Ihrum', hill Iht'n "'i"4.'h shipped mosl of them nil' In llll'
8)ulltil1l' 1'll1lx'wr, Olht'r Rll\' mt'f('('l1arit,~ ,,'ho scr\'l'd lilt.' Kh;17..lrs in
~""Irh 10th ('('IlIIlf\ lIl;n h;IH' been 1~lIjl'u',Hm",gi",u;ls,ptTh.. p~, \"('fI'
!host' "Tn ill ~lu ...lillH'lIlt'c1 (~or~ia and Anneni..,
Ii "'UllltI, hU\\t'\('I', Ill' 1,'m1iK III !!oCl' Ihc ncalioll of Kie\':1Il RUll' sold~
ali a Sr:lluliu,l\i:1ll \t'Ulmc,
t:XiSlill~ Sl:t, u;!>;.ll dili':S Wt:re il1\"oln.'l1,
50 Ih;ll In Ih(' thill' uf \'1.lclimir lhc l'OIrrior and merch"nt ariSlOcracics
of Kit"\ 11('1"(' ,I lIliXlIm' (If Sc;uldin:l\i:tn allli SI:I,' f;unilies. III raci
th~ ptJI\er uf till" #-:IIIIJ,;"'/\ dt'!X'l1ded Upllll all ;alliance of inlerests
bct\\'ccl1 til(' !"ull-r, hi~ l:lr~dr Sr.mdin:wiall Dru;;hi'/ll. and Iht., ur!>al1
m~r('hal1"" - who \\'('I"t lhclII"4:.'h'Cll of mixcd origins.....\;Khalar Irill'll
group... pIait'd :t 1.1') ml(' in adlllini~I ..Ltitln ami tllc arm)', sincc tht.'ir
cuhm'(' \\':110 IIIm'I' afh~UlI't'd Ihan that of lile Scandina\'i;ul Rus'.
Meanwhile..' 1\:l1t... and Finns n'l:lillt'd Iheir own sorial and ~rh:lps
milil'H'~' ~11'1l('IIlr'I' under lhe di~lalll ()I"crlunlship uf Kic\',
Nor W('re Iltc Rtls' 1l1erd)'
w;".-rio!"s. They ,~wilChcd
ea.~ilr 1>1'111'('1'11 ..,idillj.{ and
tm<lin).;, t11'IX'l1lliIIK 011 what
seel\lt'd \lIun' profitahlc,
From &iO om'~lrds lhc)' 1','Cll
challcn~cd Ihc mighl of
Bp.11lIillrll, IhollJ.:h lhe first
aWlcks on II\(' l\}'laluil1l'
Empirt, rmll' h,lI'c bcen
untll'l'takl'll Wil11011l IIIC
KhaJ!UlI j- offit.'ial aW(~'lIwnl,
Th(' same l1Ii~hl h;m.' hl:ell
U11(' uf Rus' raids aWlimt
lilt.' wC:lhll\' IslamiC' lJOllth\fl"SIl'f1l rO:l~ts of Ihc
Caspian Sto;I, A~ a result Ihe
B'""UHilil', Kh:mlr and

Remaln. 01 the .arth I'M1tH'rU

around the Swht K,.mlln tocla1lAlllt\or'tI pIIot09. .1

Model 01 the Swd.1 KratTllln It

would hay. appaa~ In the
11tt1-13th c:ftlturIH, Not. ttl.
Imprn.IYa .11. oltha earth
ramp.r1, topped with a IUblU>ntl.1 limNr wall c:ompl.t.
wlttllowan at Int.rnl.
{Hlltorleal Mu..um, SuldalJ

















IMalII Incl It. people. c. t 180

AD lnofmIl orlef>lltlon, wllh
JIIl1tI" lop).

1lIc_INCIIon olille fIItl 01 I

...,. llltH 2lh nntury fortified


Islamic start's srartcd 10 mkc lhe warlike RllS' seriollsly, and sent ollidal
ellllxl...~i('s to I\.ic\'. As an carl)' IOlh ("cllltlr)' Isl;tmic gl'~'1:.pher wrole;


"'111' Hili
.llmllg find "igivml. (jlll/ IIlI'ir mitis 0'" /lot ""U/" 011 hmv/lark
111I1 (/111' rflld (/lid /.'(1 III war (/n~\' i" ,l/,ilJJ, ' 1\\' hrihinJ::' or lhrC'aicnillg Ihdr
\\~I\ lJ;l~1 I\.lml.lU' ~Inistlns al lhe 111""lh of thl' VoIWI. Rlls' ar!\'Clllurel"S
hmuJ.:hl lIa\~11 \'~Irlilrc In Ihc C:lspian Sc.. lor the lirst time, NI..'1'cnhek'SS,
lhl' pid..ing:. \,'erc nOl "Iw,\\'s e'b). 'llull..'1en the cufcc'hled Khal.ill'5 {"ould
ddc;11 Rus' r;aiders On their homc ground in 9-11 AD,
Such r.lid~ sometimes Imd a dear Mr.ucJ.:ic purpose. III lin: 96(h, for
e~,ullplc, a serie!> of ambitious RliS' e~p(.'diliolls \\Crl' intcnded 10 ",;n
{"nntrul of Ihe emirt, lradc Ill'lwurL ,ICros.'I easlc'rn Sl:.\ lands and thl'
\\t''Ill'fll 'Ieppt..... Tilt, rt'Slih \,~tS;1 disastl'r, l'l'('11 fur lilt' Rll"', sinn' IInnl'
of till' compc:ling StlCCl..'ssor states could impost' peacc upon the stl'PI>l'''
a.~ til{' I\.hazars had done. Thc Rus' 10s1 \\'hal comro! Ihe, enjo),I..'d o\'er
Ill(' we'llern steppes. whert' Iiercc: I'crhcncgs nomads \\'ere fitr lIlore
indirll'd 10 :tuac\.: the Rus' than the Khvars had heell, TIlis was doubh
unfonlln,lll', hc.."C'.HlSC Ir.tde \,;Ih B)"l;tlllium \\';t$ increasing and Ihe rollie
to (:UII~t;llllinoplc 1:1\ ltlung rivcrs '" hich rom through I'I..-c::hcnq; (crrito..,_
Ilcre tr.l\dlers eilher p.....id Ihc nomads' lnlllSit flOC!> or had 10 fight their
\\,1\ Ihmugh.
R\ 9-1-1 Ihe Rus' hatl cSlahlishetl olltpnSL'I \,'here Iht, main riWrl'i
now('d inlO lh(' B1:td: Sea. The mOSl illll)Onant w('re al tilt' 1ll00uh of
lht, I)nil'lX'f. where Rus' ships \,'illlered ,,-hilt: their ere\\ rcsledlhoug-h lhis worried the Ik/antinc.'1, \\ho imislCt'1 lhal Ihe Rus' erect
1111 pt'nnllllenl fnnilir.uion'l, An :Ihern:lli\'t' SIr.Ilc..l.')' \\';l~ III rOl'ln :Ill
:tlliancc \\ith the I'echenl'gs lll,r.tin"t thl' UW:lllline [rnpire, This
was :lllelllpted in 9il-2 when Svhllosla\' lrk'fl to c~I:lhlish:t ne\\' c:.piml
nn the lower Danube river 0\ i1l\<lding ooth BIlIg<lri.. and Byzantium,
lit, 1:lilcd. and \\~L'I killed on his war hOllle b) his cMt\\'hi1c redlcnl;::

Ru.' warfare
III Url..lllliut' e)'es the annic!>
which foughl Ihese farr.mging campaigns were
nOl imprcssi\l'. According
10 PhOlios, onc \,'as '(/1/
IlIutjjirn1'l1 (11'I11)', rquilJIJflJ il/
sl'n,ilr fiHltirm .. , 1III1/IfI/Iir...
Irf/(Irrlr.u'. This was an

as lhe ellrly
Rlis' did have a l'udimelll<U-)'
command Slructurc. Their
armies consisted of three
pans: the ruler's own
Dni:Jlitut or arnll:d hOll~,'
hold, mercenary I'rlljtl::.i, and
assonc..'(1 uil>;11 k'\'it..'S, Annks
also diOcn:d according to
the call1l><tiRn; the amI)'
which S\'j,ltos!:l\' led 10 the
Danuhe \o\';l.~ nOI like lhose


aK<lil1st the Khalill"S. In the n:llk:lll~ the Rus' 1ar~cl)' fuught :IS
infant!")'. with camlr)' supplied b)' sH.'ppe or II11nWlrian allie'. DW'ing
steppe c;unpaigns most troops lr:wdled b)' l'in'l" and rought UI1 fnOI.
though man)' Rus' were alread), lllollllled. Thl' {!l-n'lopme11l of RIIS'
cow:'llr}' was a major fe;Hure of the 10111 Cenlllr)' ami. not sU")l"isin~ly.
mUSI techniquL'S wcre learned from Ilw l1umads.
Anullwr feature uf 10th Ce/lIUl"} RII~' \\~trfarl' \\'a... its exu'clIle
bnualit\. the Rus' and \("jm.i honil)'ing Ilwantine1> and Muslims 1)\ tlwir
1I5C of tl'Hor, Ritual COI11I>;1I \\':.lS another fealllrc of carll Rll~' ,ncil'l\
\\h;ch COluinued into the Chri.ilian pcriod. Vcngc,ulH' and blood-mom...
I'elllainl"ti celllnil 10 Ihe laler 1lIlJ.dm.l"U PU",tlfl 1e~11 ('CKit'. which ~"l1ed
lhm: '/f a mml kills II mllll. In him'" m'f'IlKffl 11)' hIS 'MJlI,,, or/lIlh,., or Wtl III'
II1Jhnl\ If thn'" 15 1/0 (1/" 10 (lI'f'nJ(!' him. (I'I thf' liriff' on his l,n,,1 ", snOf'lI/y
Krill/III!> if hf' Jw a JmII(f'~C ",fIIl m'" llri,,,,", /)",:)11I11I i //fan. If Itf' br a U,I5' or
lat'lll IUP/lOTt" or mmhant or /lobIf'//fan $ lJrrt:hi,,1l or ~l.'01"tb"um or hapll'u
"'11I1 or Slav lrllM I"irl' 011 hiJ hmn brfori, p1l'IIIU, '
1\e\'Crthcless lilt' TlIIl.-s of curreC1 warfare wert 'I riel. Fol' ex;unple
\ladimir, afler returning from exile. M.'nt OJ fnnnal challenge to hi!'> ri\lIl
Y,lropulk in Kie\' - ./ infnld IQ (Jllan .\'011' - thi~ Ixing a proper
delllonSIr.uion of honour and eouragt.', \\11t.'n YaropolL shut himsdf
lip ill Kit.... Vladimir's \flJjtd dem;lIlcled lhe righl to allack and pillage
Ihe cit\ 'IIt flrr mIl' D/ two grivllY pn- IIIml. BUI Vl.ldimir had no wish to :ol,('
his fUlure GlpitalloolCd. SCl he 1It.'J.;OIi;ucd a surrender in~tC'..d,


Reconltructlon, ground 'nd "",t

floor pI,nl 01 tlte w,J1 01 ,t'fge
l1lt\_I2th l:tnlul"jl' lOr1med lown,


_. r.:'
.....<.. -~.




Iklorl' eom'crling 10 Chrislianh)'. Vladimir uild 10 USC.';l rt....isc...d version

of p~lg;ulism 10 sirengthen his dominalion (J\er Rus' lerl'iturr Thi!'
included hUlllall sanilicl' and \I'hat (;hr;~tiau chuniclers described as
ddxllIdli'q. Islamic ohSt.'f\'en. \\'ere more ol~t.'clive. 11m RIl~I;1 tluling
Ih,lI: '\I'l'l'n II boy iJ bom /0 lilly IIIml all/oll!!'1 till'/ll. /'1' fllhn {/ drf/llm JII'Vnl to
III, IInvoom (IIUd alUl Idllr~ if bl'111't'I'1I !iiI /w1II6 I/ml Vlyf 10 IIi",. I Jhlll/
IxI/lImlh 10 JOII 110 lI'tuflli (md JIJII lI'il/lull''' IUlllllllg ,:r:ujJlwllal JOII W';'llor
JOIlrMfJ Ify Ihi~ yo"" !J1/JlmL III Vladimir's da)' Rll-lo' and easlern Slav
paganism \\~s a sophblk'llecl religion \\,;th large temples, decoraled
idols, perhaps an organized
prieslhood aud onu:les.
Pcnlll, as god of \\'ar, \\~IS
r:lI'ourecl by lhe \\';II'I'iul'$ of
lhe Of/I1.hilill II'ho. if llll.'}'
w;lIHccllO confirm all oath.
laid lheir' \I'eapOll bclilre
an idul of Pel'llil while
dccl:.u'ing Ihal 111OM' who
hroke their ualhs would
become )",I/Qll/ fU /{Old alld
!If' df'!JfrfJ)'rd b)' IIInr OW"
lI"IIIIOIIS', With the eornillJ;
of CllI'isliallit)' 11I0n~ter
particularl)' PUllulilr in
RIl.s..~iOl, 51. George bcing
idel1lificri wilh lht.' pagan

l{od SmmJ:: ami also I>cing seen :l~ 'l1I:l~ter of the wohe5', Perun with his
a>:e ew hammer "'as merged ,,'ith SLElias, who cros.~d the sky in :t lier)'
dutriot, and with Russian folk heroes like 11').1 ~luromel~,
Viadilllir'~ sU'camlincd pagall pa1llhcon failed to provide thc
1l{ces.~1l1' IXllitical re".tnls. so ht snught a Ill'''' religion, lllcJudaism of
the pre\;o\ls Kh:l7~"trs was comiclert'f1, ailing \I;th 1~lam and Chtistianil),.
[n the ('nc! Vladimir made a politicoll choice, Thc Ilrl.,ulli,w Empire "OIS
duM' ,,'ithout being threatening:. It \\';L~:111 illllXlrt:l1It 1I.ule I),;trlller ;Inc!
h,td much to teach the Rlls'. There were aln';ldy llI:tIl\' Chrbti:lIl:< in
"1:ldilllir'~ I'ealm, nCIl in SOlllC f)nd,il1as. Consequellll\' he 1>laced the
Rus' lIndt,' Un.ultim Orthodox IIltd:tKC t.tther thOln that of C"atholic
\\"c~tern Europe. N('\crthclc...~, thl' Rus' ('olltinued to cultivatc their
mhuSl illla~e, leadinj.t a simple life, ",.tShing infrefillenth. ;llIIl eating
nM~tl:d IOlther than boiled meal, J.le:lIlwhile the sla\'(,' lr.tde ronlillul:d.
Ill.tlt\ of its \;ctims being Christi.tIIs capulfcd in \,lnOIlS KItS' mids,
"bdimir\ decision to accept Orthodox Chri:'lli.mit\, had cnormous
illlpliGuiom 1)\ changing the ruler of Ru~' from a TlIrki~h-st\ Ie KJmgrm
to a Europe.t11 prince. and ultimatel\ a I\w..anlillC TJar or (".."tesar. 1lle
imp'ic-.ation~ of choosing Onhodox rdthcr lhan l.alin-C'.atholic
ClU;l>li.mil\ were not app:trCIlI for S(."\er.al cemuril", hUI the would

c."\entualh scp:trdte Russia almOSI ,l!l markn:lh frOIll \\'~tefll Europe as it

\\01:'1 frum Iht' Turco-J.!ollgol .md hlOimic world.s.


TIM Golden Otteel "'lev,

origlntliV built In 1037 but
_.tnx:ted In 1182,

The n'oriclll:llioll of Kic."\":.m idclllit\ made Ilcce~r) " 1lI,lSSi'e Illohilil..lIion to sirengthcn the \'ultlcrahle soulh. Nc",' forL~ II'cn: also built and
galTisotted I' rcluClant northern lribes: Kic.... had to rewin control of lhe
north, \\'hich scn"c.'(1 ,IS a laul1c1tiuJ:: pad for VikinK r.tid.s in lhe U:lltic.
Ci\'il \\":.lr~ also tore Rus' apart afler Vladimir's c1c,lth in 101:', and lhe
ll'lll!-toldcn agt' of Kiev onl)' hCg:UI with Illl' acces..~iotl of \'OIrosl;l\ a.~ \'t/iki
Kujflu- Cr.llld l'tiIlCe' - in 1036.
Man)' cr.tfts1l1l'n. prob:tbl), illc1ucling arrnourcr.~. mo\"ed to KicI' after
tlU' fall of the Khazars anc! till' population bec.lltlc l'>:trcnwl)'
cosmopolitall, \,'ith imlllig''.'IIHJ> arriving fmlll the Ishunic world and
Sc,uulill,l\"ia as well as Slal's and FillllS from the reSI of Russia, 111 militar)'
lenl1S Kie\~1ll RIl~' heGunt .. melling pot of C,L~tt'l'II ,lI1d westcl"ll
1l":.lClitioIlS. lactics. arms ,tilt! armour, The military and political elite I,'as
iL'I(:lf (If mixc(l origins, including families of Slav, Sralldiml\'ian, Alan,
Osscti:lll. CircOIssian, eastern M:lj.,')~\r, TltI'kish :Iud other ot'igills, though
all nnw spoke a Slavic language. Most IOlI'nSllll'll were lcgal1), frc(',
though tlwl'c \\'erc also sl:lI'cs. and the lill)' middle class pl'O\'idcd III'ball
militias \\'ho~ milit:II')' ill1l}(ll'tancc gt'CW T'.'lpidlr. ~leal1l1'hile Ihe slatus of
women. evell those from Ihe 1xJ;IlIral'istocr.IC}', remained 101".
Thl' ne\\' litks of K/!jmi ('Prince') and \'rliki Klljmi ('Cr.md or '~Iost
Ikil1i.mt I'rince') gr.aduallr replaced Ihc old tide of Khllgfm in the 12th
C("!HIlI)'. SuccClisioll 10 the 1I11'ollc 01 C:"II111 I'l'illce \1'aS thcorcticall)'
1>:tse.~1 1I1Xlrl 01 spllcm of t'()tatioll amongst thoS(' digible. but in realil)'
might I'emained more import:tlIt Ihan right. This led to "Imost
continuum ci\il \\'aNi. IIIl1il a conference of Rus' princes in 109;
rcgulal'i/ed thl' S\'Stem - thuuKh (....en thi~ did not stop COlllpelioll


TOP O.I.II'rom Ru..hln or

Bruntln. Inl.ld bronl' bowl,
t.t. 12111'13tll C, .howlng. rid
wllh _ couched .~_r, IH.rmlueM_m, SI.P.",.bUllll

NiJOIIE Del_II lrom ,Ildl'd

MH.lln.m Ruul_n
or Bruntl~, l1th'12th c.

-''"' bowl,

ca...I"""", with bolh

'ptI_, _net

bow ... thown, __ ri"" long

garmenl. Mpkll'd In _ 1Y1l....

01 dlill'llOf\d_1hapH c11"'~"
wIttI cenlral dol.. (HemIltage


IXI""cen l'i\~lk c;trh ~lIpponed hl' theil' 0\111

DI1IUlil/fl, Tile l'e'lll1 II~I~;\ ~on of It-dcmliOllwhich
\\~I.~ mOl"t' ~t;lhll' and dTel'li\'(: Ih:1ll is ~l'l1el';\lh
rt.,<o~ni/l'd, TII\I'Il~ cOlllinllcd 10 ~mw, rult'd
citht'r!l}:t mcmberoflhc Rurikid prinn'h f:unil)
or lw a pa.~1II11111t j.tO\'enlur :tPI>lliIHCd Iw onc
such pr;Il('c :md suppnrtl'c\ Iw an ;Irmt'f! I"t'I;l1l1e.
Anollll'l' hlll'n'stint:: :lSpt'ct uf Kil'\~1Il ;l(lmini",
Ir:uion, partiru!;lrll in till' north, "'-.IS Ihl.' UloI' of
birchbarl I';Hilcr than parchmcilt as :t ",'riling
mall.'rial. Thl' l"'ldilion:.! U,,,Jir"\'fI "mlliin !I,,,,r.tl
cf){k W:I.' allo\l upllalt'd - rWIl 'Ix,<if\in~, for
cxample, IIII' COIl1I>1'IIli;ltion fCllllirNI if a
lX'r<;OlI \1<lS strurl "";Ih Ihe 11111111 hilt of a ~\\'Orc\
or wilh a mClal gobll,t, C1t,:trh kgal finl." wert"
an import.1l1t ,uurCl' III n""'II11t' "illl "'hkh 10
P:I\ Ill(" IJru:hinfl ;lIId purch:l)C militan
t\ f)ru:.h;ufI rt'm;lint'll 3
pl"iTlre'~ inullL'tlialt' "Uurct'
of milil:tl') 1>0\\1.'1': but
duriuJ; tht, 11th ccnlUrr
urban militias took OI'er
frol11 lrib:d Ic,'ics a~ the
~cond most illll)on;IIIl,
Ikc1illl'cl III the status of ill(,lluipl>l'd ruml :Il1xiliarit:s,
;lIld more illlpon;uu third
'lOlIrcc~ of troop~ wcre
nomadic pt:ol>les from lilt'
licighbouring SICppl:S, It
"'':I~ lllt'~l' \':Iried fOl'ce5
I\'hkh cnahkd Kic\~n Rus'
til ~tc;lllil)' expand, Most
~Uf'rl'~' II'as achic\'ccl in
IIII.' nOl'lh ;mcl cast, sincc
Vlaclim;r's al1cmpt 10 IhruSI l\'t'SII\~lrd~ had Eliled, To lhc SOllth the
pm,'crflll 1't'chcIll'gs and sub~cqucntlr Ill(' I\ipchaks halTcd cxp;msiou:
:trull'\'CH in lilt' east lhe VOIg:1 Bu1!t;u's r('m;tincd l('dlllOlt~ic:all\' more

thm the Rus',

In No\):'ol'txlthe rllling "dnn's 11'1.'1'1.' lill]t' llltll'C than f'ol1llllamlcl'S of
rill' !t.>eal ann}', with olher power~ heing ~han'd hy Ihe hishop ;mel
thc Iwlt,. !1l11'11 council. Nnt th:!t 1Ilis arr:m);ClI1l'lll made NO\'gorod lcss
11~lrlike: lht, l'xpansiull uf the princip;llil)' (IalC'r repuhlic) of No\'gol"od
II~\S more c1r:nmllk Ihan Ilml uf 1111)' olht'r RIIS' state, III Ihe \~ISt, inho...
pil,lblt, CXp:lllCCS of tl1l' t;\iKiI ;lIld llilldl'<l the indi);CIlOliS Filll1S lllld
l'gri;II\') ""t're tOO few 10 offer much rcsisl:lnce, Mcallwhile IIsMlliymlt
rin:r piratcs and Rm' l1J('rch;UlL~1>I)lh liled ;11 lhl' eXI)(,'IISt' of lool!triht,s.

II hu II crt' forced 10 pro,idc fUf~, fi~h and illlgclv \~llu:lhlc 11,;\lrlls i\ol'), B)'
the mid-12th CCllllin l'\tl\'goroc.l h;KI n;tabli..hl'(l a network of /JOI!Ofi
;ldrnini"lr:llhe l'ClltI'CS;1S far;l..' till' \\'litt, &:1 :md lhe I'incga ri\'('r, whl.'re

uilxnc "~IS nll1l"(II'cl :tud J.r-Irri~lJllS kq)1 Ill(' lnlck nllLle~ 11Ixll. i\lllrl'
txpencllCt'd N'II):l'l'l)(li;Ul lllt'l',h;lllls C'\'I'II WIlllll'er! hq'Oml lhe llr.11
moul\t:lill~ 10 11~ldl' \,';lh ll~f;allS ,me! el'I'1I Sall\meds or the Ob hasill.
In Illl' sHLHh IIIC' I(ll~' t"<lI1lrulkd Ih(' An'" rc..l\Wu anrl TllHllarabn,
5lr(:nglllt'lIin~ llllil I11I11.1t1 Wilh lk';ll1lilUll all<llhe Chrisli;m SI;lIe:. in 1111'
Olu(",l!itls. Tlw pnnn' OrTll111I:lr.\l:,;lll ;llsn S!.-'('lIlS Itl han' Irkd In lake' m'er
l'ortnel' Kh,llal' l:tmb IUII~lI'(h Ihl' Ca~piall Scot. 'nli~ opli1l1i~;t' 'iCen,uio
coUaps...d. howIwr. "ith Ih(' .lI"Ii\'al III' Ihl' s.,'ljl1k TlIl"k.~ ,11111 ,I rt'\iml nf
l51amir pt)\llr. "Ililt Tnl\lI;II~lkal1 ldl III Bp.amin(' cuntrul hy IIIK
III Ih(' Ii.ni!t "lllllh'I\"('sl Kic'I' "'~IS in ('Ull1pl'I;On "'ilh S('\('l;tl
~hh()UN illdll(\in~ UW;UlIitllll. lien'. ill whal l'\'I'nlll;I\I\, h,:r.llllt'
"''tMt'rll lll.r.lilw ,mil i\llIlIl.lli,I~llIld(oI~I, Rill: ,unh;linll'" daslwd Wilh
PoIcs. l-hmJr-t1i.lll~ .1IIt! ...ItPIle' numad.... llit" situ;!l;un \\';1.' c-quOllh IC'Il"L'
in me soUI!l-t"... t. ",h('n' 11ll' Rus' pnn('ip;II;1\ of Pl'rl')';lSlml "'~IS p;II"i<'uIarh' ("xpttst:d III \1('plX-' r.lideo:. I n the Ilorth-t.ast 1I14: ROSlol:-SuJ:(1;c1 llre;1
fell ullclt-r Rm' ('muml in thl' IlIth rClllun, hUI did nOI h:ln' il~ OWII
prinn"i until",'11 tm,I1... lI'I'f,' ,'~mhli~ll('d at SlIzcl:ll and \'1;lClilllir. In flll I
Suzr13li;l. :I.~ il 0111(' III Ix' 1..1I0WII. 1':III:tilllOCl :t ~ild frOlllil'l' fq,;ioll. rirh
in rUl'S :11111 UppUrlllllit;I.... "Ill'r!' Rus' uiblll('1f<uluorinK l'xpl"(lilinns
rompt.llocl ";lh IIIl' \hl}:;1 RIlI~.lr~ rOl' dnmin:uilln 11\1'1' Ill'i}:hhullrin~
p;!g",111 lrihl'S.
The I~bh rt'llIl1l"\ S:;I~' 1;"ill' tOl'11 councils :lnd mililia.~ tx>("UIll('
incn:-.uill~h illlIJtlrl:UlI. ~h'Ill\\ hill' Iht' kadef1i of Ihe 1\"(;'111111' IIlCrch:1ll1
cW.s unell :llIk'd with Ilw 111(';11 pfinrt;s t>ndl/llff 10 c!uminallO tlw \"hl'
council. 'nU' I)ru:Jllluu 01 IhttS(, prince who ruled wc"lth)' prillcipalilic:.\
1""'" inlt' bf)1;I'. wdl-t.cluippc'tl rUl'rC~ rh'llIill)1; thctS(, of Ilh' (:r.lI1d I'..inr('
h;m'i('lr. VI'1 lhl'\(' pn Ilindal l)m;)1I1Uf.1 "'crt' r.1l'c1)'
stron~ t'nnll~h Itl faCI' all l'xII'rllal a~,':Tl"'iUr on
thdr 1)\1'11. III ~urh drnllmlancc'~ p.. iuft'S Il'lIllt'd
to juin fllrrt:.. INl.Ilh Ilnclc'r Ihl' leadl'rsltip Ilf Ihl'
Graml !'rinn'.
Thnll~h Ihl' 1'1'1 hl'Ilt'~S rtsi tl:d Rlis' allCmp15
[0 duminall' tht' \\1'~H'nl 'Icpl)l lht), wC'rc' pllshc..'f1
rllrtllt'r '>Illllh. c1011hlil1~ 1111' widlh Ol";l 'll(ulr.11
lOll(" from 11111' III I\\'o da)'~' 111,11'1'11. Tile Kil)dmk.~
rc--c.. I:lhli.~llt'd 1111111:,,1 "tllIIH,1 uf' tltt wc...llnl
slcPI)ts hr 11:W. :lIlcl cTc'all,(1 a I'ISI Ill'\\' l'mpirc
lIhuS\. 1\"0 'winl\s' 1\'1'1'1' dil'icll'cl h)' lhl' lIr.ll fi\'er.
Onl\' Ill(' \\"1...,Im '\\"il1~' nlll('('rll('d thl' Rus. and
a rll;ui\,I'lI' ~Iahlt' frtll1lil'r was ('1'cllIlIally
rst:lhli,Ilt'r1. Stllllt' I\;l'ch;lk, t'IIIlI'I'I'lnl In Islam.
OIhl'l"S In Chri,tialli[~' or .Il1l1ai~1Il ill Ihe m;d-12Ih
Cl'IIlIlr\. TIlt' Ialll'r plaYI'(\ :tIl ;mplIl'talll mil' ill
thl' J:\th t'C'III11I"l' RlIs' I'ric-ipalil)" 01' Calirll. allc!
lhl'i .. r11".Ctllrlalll~ ~Iill c'Xi~1 :I~ lhl' K:tI'<lims,
Ihl' I\iprhak... ,,'t'rl' lilflllidable
nl'i~hl)(IIII"'. Ihl'l \\"t'rt' ;11.\11 plltl"ll ..lIil's wilh
lI'hulI\ ..... '\cml Ru~' ,,"1iIl~ l:unilic'S ;IHIfmarried.
Ru~' n'b,inll'" \\"ilh lIei~hl)(IUI's 10 til(' Wl'Sl
Iarl\d, .\Cllkcl c!O"'u II)' Ihl' 1.1Icl" lllh CCllIUl')'.
\\"hik rcl;ltillll~ "'ilh thl' H~"lIuilU' Empifc could
be: c1c'I-riht.'c1 .1' IhoSt 111.'1\\"('('11 1I br.tsh.

Model 01 the medl.....1 cit)' 01

VladltMr. lHl-lork:aI M _ .



t'Sp:l1lsiunisl ;111(1 ;rl("fta.~illl-::l\ I>uwcrlill SIIII]I'!11 :lIld :111 andCIlI. rll]lu!"td

hUI militalil\ dcclininl-:: tt'adwr. III f,lel Ihl' Rlls' llliJ,t11l han' lala'n OIer
Ihe nunp of H~'l.alllil\(' U'rri1<ln ill tl\(' It:llk:nl' fllIlU\\'iIlK thl' r;ua...tnlphk
Sdjul rnllqUc.!>1 u( Ik/;lIlli"nl'~ Al1alOli:1Il prm;uC('s, had lhl' Crll.!>.uk"i
Ulll hulslel'l'd a Brt,mulIl' rl...il,l!.


The Golden a.te 01 \lledlmlr

lodor. /I w.. oritlnllll~ buill In
11M wIthoctIlhe c:1~l.I1IIr c:omet'


(Autnon pholO8"!pI1l

AllltlllK llll' most rlistinrli",.. Irflop~ itt RIl~' \\'t'rt' tlw VlUjazi or. ;lS th(...
\\I'IT luuv:!l ill t:n'C'l, 1t1l1/1/KfIllIJ. A... in Ihe Ih"I.,uHin(' Empire, thl.;e
fu"mtd ;1 di.!>tinC"1 I-tTUlIP uf Sc.-'llIdin;whlll lI1t'rccn:lrit'~ whu ",,-'ned un"
til(' rkhe~1 p";I\('(". ~laJl\ ;Irriwd in Rus.,i;1 as rClldHnaclc :'rlnit" k(!I~
I'silerl lIlemhc:rs df 11ll' Scdllclin;l\i:m :tri...IlIC"r.ln, o(lt'n \\ilh their mIll
~hil)S as \\'dl as WC:lpUlln. Stmll' l':lrh 1~''1'IU tXllIds wcrt' likl' milil:ln
hrnlhr..h()U(b "id! Iheir (Own pagau rdiKiutb lu:irilrrh\. 1t,lJUu k':ldcf1
\H:n' ",rnl,tim~ Ki'cn L111' rul.- or l'fjI'l'Jtlu IIr arlll\ cumm;mdCI". ('\'1.'11 ill
lilt' <:hristilln 11th n'nllln,; tlllC of Ihl' hest lnflwn \\";IS HamIel Ilal'rlr.lda,
\\lIu 1'\t'l1lUillh lx'(';.tIllt' King of NII""';I} and tlicd whilt' im,;!dinK En~land
ill IlHiti. Ilis l').tl'illmlillan ran'c'r """... rl'Corc\t'd ill I\;,,~ flllmltli ,\('pIThiJ> qlloll'd 1IIll' ur llar.lll!'~ CHurt pCJl:I,., TItitJ<IIIIf, ,m hml 1l,Imid
rtlll~lll altlll~,iclc E.,r1 Rt'KI1\~lld ill lhe .!>l..'n;('c uf Prim't' \'arllJ>I;1\ \\'ht:1I
Ilar.lld ;1lIc1 R~II\';tr~ 'il111 W,'ft 'llppu't"l'lh madl' CUlI1I11;lIldcrs uf lhe
Oru:),;",r. '.\111, by ,\11/, tJuo I/,.'fl In/lfl'fT !OIfJ.,-RI. SlIulllil,.,. 10 .lhO,.ItI,.,. Ilrrir I11I'II
1111,1/ "/" Tlrry dm.. ""II, Slm/j wlull,{Nlllwd ~t/",'Ir, 1'"1,, 1(01" 1flnJT. 'In r:ICI
11:lrald M;!\I'd ill Rus.,i;1 for 'C.'Hr.I] \'t'ar hcful'(' going to B\"l:lntilllll,
II hl'rc' lit' had t'\en slr.mt:;lr ;l(!\'CTIIUrls. Illmcn'r, tilt: l1uI\ of
Sr.l1Ic1ll1m'ian \\';Il'riors largl'h drit'rI Ill) h} thl' (':11'1\- 121h ('('lIt1ln, I.. hill'
thl' tk..celld;IIlL~ ufllmst' whll sclllcd in RIl...,i:t \\I'fl' :t....~illlil;all11.
1.c'iS eSOlie hill ral' ilion' imp'ort:ml I\CI',' Ih,' Druzhill:l ...tandillK
:trrnie' I,'hich f"I1II11'1'(1 t'adl Rus' pr1nn.. TIlt' l1:1rnc IJru:1liml miginall~
me:llIt a 'coll1l1lll1litr', whl,.....
hllllild lUJ.lelhcr h)' l,tII/m:m
'nmlllllltla]' hOIl(k DllIillg
lIlt' 1;IlC 11th Of ead}' l:llh
Ccnllll'\' Mllllllfl ('small')
/'1'11:),;11(11 :lppcared, TllCS('
I'onsi...led of h!'(I\'\'I'1l 2:1
anll Sl:\'eml 11lmdrwl do!ic:
eompaniolls ami ad\i."tlfS I>llfliliclIt
proleclioll ami law cllli,rn"
lIlelll, h1l1 lIul IiiI' larg"
lllilil:lf\' l,;ul1paign,s, TIll'
dust'sl alll! mosl trU"lt-cl
hlxln;llal'd til' (Jfmki '\lllllhs'
\\'en' (h,lI\11 Irom the M"lnin
/)111:1,;'/11, \\ltik tilt' (;ml' 'N'
:iuniOl" /)1ll:)1II1t1 fllll,.i'll'(!of
Ilnlin.ln l'l'I:tincl'5, 't'n,lI1L,
;"''';J>IaIlLS and "oldit.'I'l'.

Till' dblinllitln hel\"t'I'U (:ritl',lI1el ,\II/lfli" Om:Jlil/ll inrrr:l\('lllw tilt'

1,111..' I:!lh l..elllU!")', So did the t'll~1 of lllailllaillillJ.: a IJndllllll, I.ilt, Ihl'ir
W"Merlt ami Isbmic couillcrpans. Iht' \{1I~' princ't" 1\"I'rt' t'on~lanlh
atlClIlplillJ.: to lIl,tldmil.c dlC'ir rt'\'t'nllt'~, ,\It',U1I\hilt, Ill(' lllt'n of "
IJl'Ifz.JlI/UI II'Cl't' bound Iw o,uh~ In llidr prillt't' and 10 cOld, nthn, Iht,S(,
r1mill~ llfl')\~lltl' h:l\'inj{ morc' in rtlm1l111n II ilh lilt, i.lli,w ',Xllrtll1aj.;"e' <;tTII
in 1,;... 11' nwclit."\~d lshllllic :Irmic~ th;m \\i1h 111l' hllll1a~c W\It'll1 Hf\\'I'~lt'rtl
Em'IIIA', In return lilt' IJnd"",u forml'lI hiJ.thh 1llllhilt, lIllllmlNi forC('~
"IIXlblt, of cml'nllK hllj{t, lli'lann's ,mil Il'ilh fl'\\ 1'K<lllit... III ,Itlp tht'lIl
liJl1uII';nj{ Iht'ir prince wher'-"\'I'r he 1I't'IH, As 'urh tht"\' alr-lill had Im)l'l' in
('Ollllllon I,'ith their Isl;l1uic CIIII11II'I'I);ln" lhan Wilh \\'t"lt'l"l1 EUOIpt'.m
\..lIiJ.;hts.. The !'talll!' of a IJruz.Jl/IUI i<; de~rihcd in lilt' Adl...lIll1rfJ oJ /'ri,,,,
/j{l'I'. a I,lte 121h ('("niliry ep;c which !'lInin-s in " btt'r lill'm: 'Aliff In:r Inn!
of A'UN 1/1., J!lonfllH lLlfflCII), !ll'flfldlt1f IIl11f" Iflfm/Jrl" nfldl,,'
I/llrvdl/I Ih,. 5/_,i J1o'ltl. T" Ih,m III,. rutlfl, fl" 1111I11I'11 III"II/~ 1"llu,'1 fUr
jam;lmr. bml "IY' Ih";, bm~, flP"" III", 'ltlll'f\, 1111I1'/11'",.11
'lll.rlb, '
1I:ot alll,lIldt"d aristocr.IL~ q'f\',-"(! ill:1 /)ru:)IIIm, \\hilt' nOI :lllllll..'mbt.,rs
"'I..'rc of noblc urigin, Fill tllt'nnllf('.1 IIIt'mht'r tlf,1 1",,:)11I/(/
c1iclllot In....' his 1:lllds if ht., dt-cidt,c! 10 \\illull':m f'-lUll tIlt' f"rn:, Snl1w "f
lht' f)nl:hultl C"dmt' from humhle h:tdh'TOUllcis. diTl1bin~ lU pfominl.'lIce
lhftJll~h ,l..ilI, IOY:'IIt\ ;1I,d luc\... Other, CIlllt' from ( ..IIi1iI" which had
"'I"\'t'll 01 1l:lrtit'ular prilln:1\ d,lll fur g:c'lwl':uiun.<;, c'itlwr ill his f)f1f:1t1l1fl
or ,IS JxIublilt 101"1 gO"el'llOfll. Musl had 1)('('11 SI;l\",>t:,.. \..ill~ sinet' lilt,
IItI1 l't'lItur), lhtlllHh nWll of flilTt'H'1ll edlllif' ()riJ:::in~ - induclill~
Sc':lIl1lin:l\;:llIs, Turk.~. KClStlj.,';'III..Cin::'Is.,i:1I1' ,mel Ck"'li:m, fmlll thc'
C:lltC't.:>U' - "'crt' prtlb:thl) also found :tInonj{ Ihc' /~" 'hirl."(l men' in




....,\1..1':11 /)rUUl/luiJ"

TI'Mo onl)r flgu.. on til.- mkt-l::tlh

etnlury bronu doo~ of
IioYtorod C.lhedr.llh.1


IIIIda In Au..I., II por1r.~.

....1 Abraham, who
_mbled Ih. olh.r b.ol'll.'
",nal, from Q.rm.n~,


C,thedrll of $Iont.
Sofia, Ho~lIOrod: .uthor"

Princes nalUl':llh' IIll'TwclltI Ihc;r Mil/mil f)rw}lII1t1 fur 'Cuiur :tdmini!lIr,nin' allclmililan IWl'S/llll1l'1 sllC'h ,.., tilt' nwli~/lrh(llli" '1);lililr, Ittll/;u!/,i
'm:l'lt'I' of horse', 1;1111 'Slt'I'~ll'll', IKJflir-tlllfH ',II!juI:Ull' and I","rot/ll ':trm\
CUI1l1ll'II1c1cr'. Similarl)' tht, plil1ct,~ llSt:d tht,if IJmullllfll lu tilo1:lIt t'ad,
Htht'I', :tlld it II~IS ('OInmon fill' a /)mzl!;,m III rClI1aill wilh lheil' prillt't'
Ihnlllgh )'I'ars ufi1l-fol"tutle, pri\~lliulI OInd cl't.u t:xilc,
III purd)' 1I1ilil,Il'}' lcrms a IJrrll)Ii/lf1 rill"1ncd a srnal1lml wl'l1-c1luipped
:lncl 11;j.\hl~ tt':litH'd Iighlillg flllTe, Tnl\'c1 rall"'l' th:ul fi).:hlill~ dCllllin:l1t'd
llldr lil'l'~, as onc prillcl' llliJ.:ht nlll' M'\'et':ll Iliffl'n'lll prine ipalit;I',\
dllriu~ hi~ lift, 111 addilion his 1111'11 W"1w1"('d Irihlli l', ,mel nmfl'Oll1c'll
lrollhlcSOlHl' cousins, Thl..' /)l'In1litlfll :trlopll'fl c':lmlry warfare' :IS ;1
rcsu1I or l');pcricl1cc liA:hlin~ slcppe lIoll1ad, in the soulh, Theil' It)\'t'
of lulllliuJ.;. some limes on :1 1"<1.<;1 seal<- 0\'('1' M'l'cnll <lars. ma)' al{oliu
ha\'t rdlet"led slcppt' il1l111nU'C', For any princl' I:t:cpinR" his /Jl'llz1li1l11
intact II~IS a prill1,Il')' COIISil!t'l':uillll - f)II1l'I' In IOP~ foulll ht, SC'lll:lndt'lwl,
hill IIllI tilt' IJrllz.Jlil/". who \\"cn', ill :Ill)' l..<;t', lno It'w to han' ,I
dl'ci,i\'(' imp<lt't, Nor W(,I'(, IJI'IIV';/IfU' t'lllI;Ppt'c\ fill' <;ic'Rt' \,..rfan': in
'ut'h Ci,'CUIllSlaI1CI..'S lhc~ could rlu lillll' lI'itholil thl' 'lIPI)(ln of III'b;111
Thc St.'colll! mosl impol'lanl source of tmops wefe, in fan, tht'SC
militias, TIlt' c:trlit'st wert' dl':lI"1 from S1:t\ :md IIthcl' trilA's, In 1.111' 10th
t'CI1IIII'\' Chel'lligt)\, for ~xamplc, ,I IOt';11 militia lot'cm tu haw dcfl..'lIlkti
thl' ,.n'... while Ihe Rus' \\'arrior dill' wcrt' r.lidil1J.; 1'I""I"lt'n', nlll frnlll
tht' 11th cClllur} on\\~lrds urb;.m lllilili,t.:> bl..'Calllt' ilion' ,i~nilic:ltll, Sincc
Ihl' trib:l! cm milili,lS had lh,-'Oreli(";lll} hl'l'l1 Ili\'idt'l! in In 1.\'(1(/'1111


'lhollS;lm\s', :llthough such l1umhers n:flcClt'd IIIC tl~tdili(JII:t1

SystCl11 of c1i\'idil1J; sleppt' armies on :1 (It'dllml hasis ralher
limn lhc re:tlit), of Rus' milit:lI'~' units, Each \'~IS l>upposcrll)' led I' a
1)'{;"tJky 'cumm:mdt'r of :1 lhousand': :11111 ill I:ller )'elllos lhe rules of
1)'Jifl1Jky and 1/O('llOdo ll1er~ed,
The 51:1\', Finn and Sc:uuliml\i;m rnerch:ml d:tSS which r1olllinall~d
town councils ma)' have bc.:clI the same men who lilkd
the r.lIIk.~ of Ihe milili:I, hUl it is less clt,:tf whelher more lelll!)C)I~If\
inhabit:ulIS look pan, Then' \\'CI"t', for example, Armenian colonies in
sc.:n:r;11 places. ;lIld in 1001 a group ofAnnenian soldiers reponedl)' took
1J;lrl in a c:ulIp.'1ign ..",rainsl 1'01:lIld, Gi\"CII lht: :1l"~U1Ct:d lechlloloro' and
mililary repulation of AJ"IllC-'llians amUIle! this time. their prescnc(' is
like!) to h:we been wf"lconwrl, Oc:C:lsiollall\ a militia \\'as illcorpo"'ted
into :1 /)ru:.hirUJ, though thi~ "~lS l>rolJ;Ihl\' a tempO"'f)' expedienl. The
100';I!t\' of militi.1S \\~lS. how(.'\'er, 10 their own 10WIIS. and :t princc could
IIl1t taLt, them for gr.ulIcd, !J;lniclIl:trh if a c:ulIll.'1ign "~" direCltod
ag;Iilll>1 ulhc.'r RllS' "'ther than a forei~n ill\~lder,
In NU\'gorod :lIId pml>abh in other lowns the militia was h.l-'it,d upon
almost autollOlllOlL~ quarlcrs, e:teh of ~'hich was respull~ible for the
defC'lI,in- "~tll in its IXln OftO"'II, R) Ihe e:lf" 131h
CeUlHr) some 1:lrgl'f mititi:L( had (.'\oh'ed simplc.'
S~'SteIll5 of orJ::.lIlil.;lliulI, Orficer ","L:S nll\\
included the ,wI.uu or MJlII/II COlll1u;lI1ding one of
the MJllI/a 'hundreds', a.~ \"l'lI :t~ the tyJit/tJlty. The
l:lller \\'as sdecwd I~' tlu' '",h, tOWIi coundl wllik
scning as:l wrt of 1>oIice chief,
The local prince 1I0nnall)' pro\'idefl tht,
lIlilili:L~ \,'ere al'IlIS, armour and hoNt's. Perh.lps:lS
a result their we;II>o1I1') \\~tl> simpk, lhough
wealthier cities pmhahl)' armed Iheil' I)\,'n
militi:lS I' the 13th centllr)', t\t:conlillg 10 the
German 1J1'fwirlll IlhYIllf'f1 (J,rol/id,. Ihl' !'sko\'
militia indllfled cn)S.~bllll'mell :L~ well as archel"li,
"'hill' 11I:111)' :llso wnn' shilling 'cuinl"S\:S, Sewr.tl
towllS Clw(~c1 lheir pmspcl'it)' 10 lheir coruml flf
porl:ll-(e routt'S ht,twecn major' r'i\'ers whirh
IIcccled defcnding, whilc mht'lOS pro\'ided guides
who mighl help a pl'inl:c's J)ru:Jlil//i 10 liml their
clmin' nomad fol'.
III Ihl' lllh celllur)' lhe Voi or tribal !cl'ies
fought on loot with ~pe<ln :mel axes, Though tilt'
iml>Orlance of 'rihal I'u; lihlllll:M'd h)' lilt, 121h
celltur)', rural l'ecruiullcllt f'rtllll Ilw \'ill:ll;es
reln:lined necessaf)' for lesser princ.'l'~ who
cUllll'ollecl onl)'ollc lm\'ll, ThWlt. lIlusll'red ill such
a malltler wert' knowlI as Sm",/, which meanl
pcasanls, ;lIld lhl')' (1111)' appc:tn~d during
emergcncies. In Ihl' 1;lIe 121h :lnd e;ull' 1:\lh
cenluries :111 :ll"llll'd pe:lS:lIHI')' \inuall)
dis,'1pl>l';tred, and lho!'oC 1}c:l'\;ul~ who did h:I\'e ;1
mililary rule fulfilkfl it m' prol"idinlo: fool'! :lIId



Itoe 12th c_lury


C a ~ of

Senlll SoRe abow

Itoe 15th century lortffIcallons of



Blick Hoods. Allies and Others

Althollj;lh \lIllU' Sla\' u'il,",':' h:.d lradition:. HI hOl'lil'Il1,lIIship <Inri Ilw
Srandin,l\ ian I{m' \(MIlI 11'.lflIt:r1 Itl liJ.:lll on hnrsch:u:k, 1I1l' prubkl1luf a
bc:~ofr:I\,lln rc,tIl:.im'd, (:tlI11>1:clllelltl\, Ille I{IIS' en[i.~u:.'d hUNCllwn fnull
IIOm:llli. 'It'ppl' p'.'Upll'" AIlIUIll"1 Ihl' lirsl ~Ilch allit.'S wen' 'J(lfk... \,'ho
COO11l:lllit'([ a I{u..' :11 tIl\' ill tile' lalt' IOlh celllufl', "'hill' PITh('llq,"
prtl'idt,d ..t\~lln :tl1cl hnN":lrrht'r, in Ihe 111h n:IlIIll'). The Cr:lIld
Prince tlf Kic... "'1111'111 nil 1Ill1lI'cI IIIt'n'I'llarit'" dst'wlwrc; 1'1111''', CI'I'm:Uls
and Ilun~lri.lIl' .Ih .111 1l1l'lllitmt'fl. ~It'n of Sleppt' uri~in "'en" r;1I' Illlll't'
inport:UI1. huWI...Cf. :11111 anl'f lhe Kipclmb ousled lht' Pt'rhc'nl'W' Ihl'\'
in lurn .Ipl>t'aft'fl ,I' I{U1>' ,llIxiliafic'" (lhtllll'h l{us,si.1Il ehmnirkrs olic'n
IOCIl'iC,d Ihl'lll nl IM'illl' illh'H'\h'd in plllmkr r.nher Ihan fiJ.:hlillJ.:).
Prince M"lisl;t\ tlf Imlllanll:m al",. l'("('ruill'c1 111.111\ \\<trrior~ 'frulIl
bnuucl Iht, 1>II'PI)l,", "hkh "1l~1'1'I" Iltt' M'll.kd "nhl'f Ih;m 1l1111l:1Clir
ptopJ.t." uf Ihc' C:IIIC;I~II' lIluullIaill': whik mid13lh n"IIUlrv NII\)::urocl
l'Kf'uilm ;ltllllllJ.:"1 Ihl" 111(';.11 Fillll Iril)l,'S of ,hl" (;ulf of ....inl.ulC!.
111t scH-:III\'f1 C:h,,-nr' A'/oblllti Uf 'n1"rk Iiouels' Wl"fl' elilTen'll1. \\lltu
Oflt' MI'PIIl' lrilx' "~,~ Ikk:llt'c1 m :ltIOIhl'r, Ihe defc',ut..-1 mililan dill'
eradilillllalh m(l\'t,cI fill III' :In'l'pltc\ '1lIxJnlin:tlc st:ltUS uncleI' Iht, 11\"\\'
rukD. \\lllt1 'lich IX'uple' r\';trlwcllhl' "'I'Slt'l'll ellel of lilt' SI\'PI)C's lhM
d1'li,,'h h;lcI I","ht'ft" d\(., III ~u, a" lilt' ri<;t, tlf ro"'c'rrul Ellropc:an
Jtllh n'Iucl\\'(1 Iht, ul>linlt III' l:llinK C)'I'I"l' the IltmJ.::lri;m I)birt IIr
(OflClllI'rill1-: Ic'Hillln ill Iltc' 1~,lblts.. Cem~rlltcnlh" folluwing Ihe arri\~11
of tile' Kiprlt:lh, p:lrl III' Iht, cit'k;tl\'(1 1','ch\,tlq;5.. Tol'u ;md Ilt"rcnrl..
IOUghl re,ftlJotc' in lh\, \\lKlCkcl:o.tq>pc: borderlands uf slIlIIlwrn Rlts.~i:t,
when' lht... \\lTt' I't1I\r.tlh "'I'I,otllt'cI hr Rw;' pritlCl"S,
llur;nJ.: IIU' I,tlt' I IIh n'Ultln I"l's\" 1lIi1iI:tn iultlliJ.:f:U1lS t... nhI'c1 illU)
~ lA"-",'" A'IIIIlIIkl 01', in Turki..h, lilt' K"mlwlpfllt, Bollt 11.11111'" nwant
Blark IhICKI.. III' l!;clS, an..r Ihl' dmr:lcwrislic he:ldKl',u' of Ih\"\(' nCltIl:tfk
for Iht'ir P;lI'l Ih\' t'l lC'nic' n;llllI'l' of I1lll1larl t'tllturc made iT relali\'ely \:t")
for 1111'111 III iii inlll llllir n\'w \Il\'inllllllt'n1. \\'hl'rl' tlle\ - like those whu
itulc'd wilhill /111I1/(ari'lIl 1I,....illl1'\' - cllofellrlcd their pmnlils' frllllliers
ag:till.~II:\('h ulllt'r ami :1~liIlSI III'W ill\~ldt'r"
For a II'llill' IIU' Tllr~s, who \I'C'fl' rt'lalc'c1111 1111' Oghlll I' III) n,mllll'l'l'c\
mosluflht, C':t1>IC'1'Il Mal1lit' "'orld ill lilt' I Ilh C't'l111lr~'. lumlt'dll1\' maill
elt-lIIt'1l1 tlf 1/lt' (:11'1'/1,," A'lobuki, Tht')' St.111ec! ill lile' I{IIS I'iwf h:tsin, alulll{
Ihe tore'1>! fronlil'l', Ihl' 1\lIkn\'iu:. alld Ihe Ilonhern slopl's of l1w
C:ll'p:llhi;111 tlllHllllallb, IllllllillJ.: ,.111011(1l11UUS warrior COllllllllllilil's
arolllld sltl:ill /...flllWlwoocl :Ullllill1hel' fOrls, Thl' Ikl'ends ani\'l'cI lindt,\,
simibr C'iI'C'llll",alJ('t'~ artllllld lht, sam\' time.
TI1\' sHrial and mililary 1II'I'al1l/;l1iOIl "f Ihe (;1/{"'''J' KIIJ/l/lki II~I~
diffl'I'\'1l\ 10 Ih;\1 or Iht, I{IIS. Fur n:amplc', Ihe Torks' le,Idc'r \\~I.\ 1'(',.
Olo:lli/.t,c1 as a prim'(' II\' llll' I{u,' ;Ind lhl' (J,n'1I.\' KilliJIIlli rClainecllllllCh tlr
their Irih:ll 1>11'111"1111'1', AI't:h,l('t,l~k:t! :tlld ducuIIlCnl"r}' t'\'iclcncl' :IIStI
MUll\''' 111:11 Ih.'\ 1\'I'fI' 11111111'1'1111', \"cll-;Irllled and prospl.'rotls: Ilwir
It':ukrs urlc'n ,,,,rc' ,ilk hC'.ltlI'c';u'. sih'("r ,h"ins :md earrings made ill
Ru""i:l, whik 1II111>1 h:ld rUll\I'rll'c!11I (:llrisli:lllit\'I", lhe laIC 121h <:elilltl')',
B\ IIII'll U'fflly A'Mmlii of lkon'nd and perhaps cuher origins wert'
fonlll,d iUll1 r\1l:ubr mitilan lilrces. Tht.~' pfl)\'(,'(1 dTccli\'(' ag"insl Pule,
and I hll1~;u'i,t1I.\. dt'fcmled lhl' I\'CSI ll:mk of the Dnieper from 'chililecl'
Kil)l,-hal.., hUI W\'ft' l>.Inicularl~' hoslile to lhc Villi, Po/mISty or '"'ild
Kirldmb' t';'1>1 of Ih;11 ri,,'r, Aftl"l' lht" Kipchaks look comrol of IIll'


palntl"", ot SLa-.,

c, t 117, (In .n" ChtHdo .1

SLa-., Stary. I.adofa.l

StonG Icon 01 St,c.motrlUI mild.

In ... uth.w....rn RlI..l., rty

13th conlury, (Hlllorlcll

MUHilm, t1l1m.nol.Podollltl








....tInt - a 13th C
_ t l p t lI.... t..'1on _ rotatN
IMno 101' clMfty _ from Now,

(MS rMI.3, Sbt. Historic.l


P'rinc. k-.tlng ..., _ an

.n;:"-.; 13th century told

Inlaid lIfonu doors. lin ,/tv

Suldel: ~Iho<" phol09l1lptll



'h,' I:Hc

J Ith CCllllll'}' till')' lUll 1,..,al1ll..' a "UlIn"t' of

allies :lI1d IlICITt:lLilric... IhOIll-:h nUl V(" or Cllrr"J" K/olmki. ShuI'll\' IxofOft'
1230 ,\0 IIlllSI uf thuSt, li\'iuj.; in \"hat :Ift' now Muldll\~l and ~lo1fl;l\ia
rUl1wrlt'd \0 C;uho!ir Chl'isli:mil\, :ltlcl it Sl,t'lIlt'd :tS ir til<' Kilx-h:ll..
\\"(lllld be ahsorbcd illln the maill<ileam of European chili1~1Iioll. Hill a
lIc\,'thrcat \\~IS :tlrc:uh' 1111 the hnril.OIl -lht, "1011/0:01". \"lio "'ould 'IWCl'p
11ll" KipdmL dill' inlU o"'i"jnn "'hil" :'h"Orhilll-: thl' fl"I.
ATIllln~ \':lr;lIus 01111..'" st'lllcd and S('mi-nllnmdir pt'lIpks IH'I'(' lhe
IJnll/",kl, "htl were li,hl'lfolL. li\'il1J:; :llunJ:; llll' l);tl1k~ of the soulhern Delli
;U1d othl'r lin:rs within RIl~' ;l1Irl "ilKlmk Il'rri"'f\, -nll-'\ had lIItl<'h in
rOllllllHn "'ilh lilt' lall'r Cus..,,",rl~ in milimn ll'rtm. p;lI'Iiclll;trh in llwir
rdUCI;lIlCl' III ;Icn'pt o11150idc rontnll, ;llId ill thdr IISl' l,r lin'fS ;l~ 'i(lllr('l-';
uf fnod aud n'fuK'-"" from aU;K"L.,
Moule and Motivation
Kan'lllli fnnn plisolll'l-'; i1nd lhl' rapllm..' nf ,I;t\(" "~IS;I lll;~r <;(Iurn' of
incon14: fur the RII~' milil;tf\ ditl' ill the 10th ;mel (';tl'h 11th c('nlliril'$.
1"-1(11\ ;tnd T:mSOI1l n'm.tining 1111' l'e;I'On fnl' condliclillJ!: m'lIl1
("dlllixlign~ thoughoul thl' 12th ('('Illun. ~leanwhi1c mililaf\ ;ltlilll(ll~
ulkn had lIlorc ill CUIlIIl1nl\ with thWIC: uf llll' 1\lculline Empire ancl
"I,lInk world lh'lIl "'itll Wcstern Eurol>C or Ihe Turn)o;\lol1J:;ub, FOlt:1I
,jntt'uce was millimill"fl .1IIt! fllll-'i("ale h.llllt... "l'fl' "I'uided whcne-wr
~ibk, Fcolr of shame "'~b \C..ocl1lillgl) l>lrull~cr Ihal1 dl~ire for I(lon, ;mel
clllKeplS of indh'idllal hOllnur "l'!'e II' hill:hh' dl'\'dopt:d Ihan i1monl{~1
Iht' [nfol>C;llI knighlh d'L~', IlllaCl hOlluur ll'mkd 10 hc :lssoci,lIcel \\;Ih
lhe J:;mup, pom;..;'" lhl' J)m:JIllIfI, or IU 1)1' focus..~d upon scf\;n' 10 :I
prin('t', EWII IO,~th, Will>' il'\\(.'d dincn:1l1h, and lIlclllher~ of iI J)rllz}/II/fl
fllUld \,ilhclr;lI\' \,'ht'lll-'\cr Ihl'\' wi~hl'cl \\'ilhOlll rli'g-r;Kc, Ollh if;1 \\~lrrior
Illfl'rl'd his scfl'ice IU;l f(lrt'i~rt UI';I 1l11ll-()rlh<Klm: (:llriMian rull'r \\"Ould
hI' hI' I"t'Wlrrlcd ;L'" 1l,litor_
Milit;ln SI.llllS had 1)C('Il'lispla}'cd Ihl'OIll{h the colrn'inK of dl-CUlOtlt'rl
we:al>ullr~ in thc IOlh CCllltll'~, thuugh lhi~ fashion dcdim'll ill ~llh
S('(Jlit'llt )'I';I~ The renmrk:thlt' I-':pir of l'n'//" 1J..'Or includes 1I1h('I' ill~ighlS
illln !:tIe 121h and cal'l\' l~lh n'l1!urr Kll~' l1Iililan' :tllillldt,S, a~ \l'1lt'11 il
(1CCl:Il'CS: TIII',wm (if UIIJ' JIIIl.' m,nHI tI" J,.'frtl' l"fII"'~ lI'i," ,Ii",r mill,., ll!idl1l,
li'l'lii"l! IWI/ullr fill' /111'11I.1. 1'/1""
I/Ilf/ f,!fllf)'Jur Ill,. ,ninrr'. I\nel.
'Nil IUllgrr do J ~'t'I' (II III,. 111'111I
(of tilt' hual) III)' hmlJlt'r
I'lirolfall, ,III/Jllg, I'Irh mill
mip/II), ill IlIilrliflr~, ...ilh IIi.l
(1/1'I"lI;gllU bo;,.""" liil Tillli,.1I1
"",/ Shrfbin. flIlIl TQlldwliJ
mill Un/llgt fllilf {jlbrn (slll>onlil1;lle trilles), wilholtl
thi,.I1/~, olllJ lil/ifr-hlml" III
boot, Ifi," IIlf/r-TI'lwo/J1 'Ju')
1'fIlllllli111 JIDSb, WIII/dillg ,,,,,
J!lory 0f'hnrgffllldiim:
pl.wed an
illne;t..~ing~' illlpor1:l1l1 Ixu'l

wi'" ,,,,.


in lIIilil:UI mlllil~llillll. "'ith ;lltachnWIII III Ill" ()nllUf!llx <:hUfCh

bttomin/o: till' prim,ln t'xpH'S.,illll fir Rus.~iall :lCIF.jdenlitv. From 1111' la\('
12th ft'IHun ull\\~.nl~ dint'1I'm',,, ht.t\II('1I 111l' C'llholic anf! Ol'lhodox
Olllfdll"i h.nUllt' nu In' pnllllllmn'(l, 1);lrtkularl\' ..rt"f Ihl' Fourlh Cr1l.sac"!tapIufl'fl Ihl' Ilw:Ullhll' (,11)it;lllIf <.:tlll!<l;mlillell'1c ;1Ilf! IX1f.lII pt.l'se:culing
tI\os(. 111m r,,110111'(!tlll' Orthodox nil'.
\;"1 OnlllKlnx Chrhli,llIil\ II~I~ nn mU!"t pcan.:ablc Ihall Calhulic. aucl
a1tholl~h it elif! l1ut f!t'\dHj> :1 CntS:ldinlt I1l<'nl'llil\. mililan ~linL~
rt:lullwl pnlmi11t'nlh in ()nhudux haKil'K....tph~. l><lniC"ul.lch ;Ullllll~'1
It\( Rus'. II II~I, r.m luI' t'ad, Chrisli,tll Rus' ful('I'S to Ill<l' tel (~KI rill"
\irlon, ,mf! Ihi, mIll hC'(";ulIl' Iltlrm:ll in Iht 12th anf! I:\Ih ("tntlll;N. 1\1
tiK'n ,hroni-c1t,,, h,lhilll.llh asc-rih('f! SutTI~ ill h.1111c Itl di\ill(" r:I\'OUf,
"ilh eltft';l1 he:iul: hl.um'f! till tht ~illfllhll'~~ ur Iht' deli:"IIf! 1'1I1('1' paniclllarh l,ht'lI dd";lInl 1)\ nl>n-<:hl'i~lians. who Wt'n' seen as
inslfltllWlll!< ur (~KI\ \n,uh. 'l1wn' ";IS. hlllft'\'l'r, a dislillCtioll hl:lwl"'n
dt-"'Ih ill h.1lI1t- ,,"ith nlll1,<:ltri,lian~ anf! IrUI' 1lIi1I'l\Tdum. Fell' Iht,
Onhudl)x. lI1:tflHllnm \\";1, :t \\'illin/( ,lCC"I'pl:lIlCe ur dealh wilhout alii
atll"lllpl ill \tIl... kftlIt'l, Ki~inK cmSM.~ Ill' icons soun pla\cd a lIl.yur P';lrt
in o.llh'I",L.inlo: n'H'IIIUllit.... hUI hdi"r ill mir.u \t-..wurl..inJ; iculIS \\'hich
inflllt"lIn'd Ilw Ullll"UI1lI' 01 h;lIIll" \\,tS uul ~:l'1I lllllilll\(' Ihlt Cl'ntun,
~11'lIlhl''''' uf lilt, Chlll'I'h l()ol.. o.tII :Ieliw 1)011"\ in polilk.ll .111<1 lIlililOin'
1lI<l1lt'K "'ul' ill,lann', Ihl' 1:.!Ih n~lll11n mOIlL. Daniel h:td bl't'lI:t <;olclit'r,
and il \\~lS for tlti, H',l>,lllt IIt:tt ht' \\'OL~ ~'1l1 ;b :t diplom:lIk ml's~:ngt:r to
the Crus;ldl'r KiuJ.:t1mll urJt'rlls:tlelll, lie w.t,S 10 set wlwlher Kit'\ C()llld
an lu I,L..... Ihl' P;Il\.~IJ.:I 01 Sr.llldin,l\'i.m rt'Cl'l1iL~ ror lhl' ;Irmi,'s or lite
Cru....dl1' Slalt~. On Ihe Ilthl'l' hand, 11I:111\ p;.lhr:tn hdil,r~ pI.'roi5ltcl
amoll/o:sl RIt~' 11,Il-riur~. rill' S;ltrilkiuJ.: ur f:t\"lllirilt hllr'>t~ t1l1rin~
fUlll'I,ln (l'rt'mll1lil" nlillilllll'c\ despile slIlwrlidal n"l\"t'r~illli III
Olri~tblli\l. nit' /},.,,:Jllllfll II'mit'd Itl hl.'liefill IIl";ICks ur UI1IIns. Antill Ie,'
p;iIfo1l1 ,uni\";ll \\";I~ Ihl' pm/11K rt'l'e1Jlull\', wh"11 :t 10111'- 01' Iin-'rtar.ulcl
bot'5 It:tir\\";ls ('Ul lilr Iltt'lill'tlilne. E\'Cll ill 1111' I!hh Cl'I1IUI'\ this 1I1;IIktd
his IIII1IC 1'1'0111 rhilc1hlMKI III Ilohit' ,t;llll!<, civil' 11~I.)t)llsihilili('.s :md hi~
finol rid, 011 ltor~'h:1t 1...
TIlt' :ldopliOll ot Christi:l1Iit\ ;11,,1 had :1 I'rolOlll1cl impae I 011 I{us'
rnilil:I1'\ wmhulisll1. 1>ul"ill):; thl' IOlh l'I'nlm}' pal{o1l1 Rill" "'/"'1!mlj
art' 'i;lid to hal"l' atlllpltt1
Turki~h'SI\'lI' lI'ih:d //I/IIKI/I
as ll1al'k~ Cli aUlllurily.
11Iel'ealil'1' t1w Rlis' wlill}:
dittO alit! pt'I'h;IPS Ih"il'
miliml"y fll1tIl\\'l'I~ alluplt'fl
thl' Ih/:lIllille' h:thit of
l);lillliu~ '11:111I,' SOlillt' WI
thcil' ,hil'1ds. Tht' 1:/11( lif
1'0"" Igm :11!>l1 H-r(I'~ ttl
scu"kl shidcls ,11111 :1 whilt
n;lg llIl :t o;;j,II"lt-I1>l:tn',:lS \1'1.'11
(r;lIkl hClr~I"I,lil
bill1Ill'l' ill :I ,illl'l" ,"O("I..It Iht' latter 01....;01l~1\ ("lIpied
(rom stl'Plx: Ix.'''plt1>. \'1'1'\
till It' i, I..no"'n ,Ihullt

Dtttall _ Prlnc:e Y-wtv


ott.... his

cl'lUn;h to Chrtst; weH pa!ntlr\fll.

(:,124t1.l'n tItu CllUreh of tile

s.lIIotlr, M.reditHl

A.ri.l vl_ 01 tiM Kremlin of

Movgol'Od...ken belore tile

s.c:ond World



l1Iilit;u'} music in mcllicml RllS', thf)u~11 Ihe (:l'nn:1ll l,il'O/li/1II UlI)'IIU'f1

(JmJllirl" smled Ih:1I the Rlls' u~d clnllll~ :mel tifc~ or trtUllpels te)
1"<.... as.'1mhle their mell arllT:l fClI'cal 01' ,I ri\'t'r ('lIISJ;ill~.


S!.":U1din;l\"i;lIl SI)'k-s l:lSlt.:d for :l tillll' ill dUlhillJ.t :lnd dCCUl,,:uioll of
\\l;II>ons. hill Olher inflllence~ wen' "OeJl\ :IPI):lrenL A IlF,lluine
IIt:scriptioll oflhe Mf/WU! S\;,lIosl;l\' afler hi, 1":lplUre ill 9il AI) .s1;1I11I
t";11 lit' wun':l pl'lin "hilt' IImir Ihe -'O;une as his fulll)\\'e~' hUI rk;Ull'r,
:11111 a guld rill}t in IIIit' I'ar, "hile hi~ hl':Ie1 \\~I' .sh:l\"t'c1 ('),;I"t'pl for Oill' lonR
Iud;. "hieh \\~IS tlwuglu 10 incliC:lIt, nohilil\. Thi, A.,i;ltk haiN\k
"t't'n :unllnA~1 I-hmwu;;ms. Ilulhr.triam. )tlllll' :-teppt n;lx'l; :ul(l tlf course
tht' latcr COqac\:.s, According In ;molht'l" Ilwantim' wrill'r lilt'
\(,I}',:i/Hmlllgifilu did lIt1t ~h,'\l', plud:. lheir t.'l'('bfOW~ or uS(' mall"up
lile Ilw halo-l\1l1rman~ :mt! I\wantille(. rht.' Amh lr.l\'eller Ihn f;ltlt;m
ck...ribt:d Ihl' RlI,s' \\ho lradt.'fl wilh lh(' Vollofol liulJr.lI'l> a.~ "'('aring qllihecl
jerl:in.s,llld I:lrge ckl:ll~ Ihmwn m't'r aile ~hollldt.'r ~I Ilml Iht.'ir ~word,
,Inn rc'IIl;lillt.'f1 f'rt-c,
1\\ Iht, 12th relllUr}' a more Oricnml Kus.q;1Il cmtttme had t.'\olwd.1t
W;lS much the sanlt' for all c1a.s..~'S eXCl'pllh;lItlw w(,';lltlw wore irnplw!l'tl
..ill., hroc;uks. In sununl'r nlen wurt.':1 liTlel1 shin ancltrnuscrs \\ hidl I,'crc
lI!ol:d ;1J!i undt.rdolht.~ in winler, pIlls :I l:tft;U),lil:c ,svi/a, a IttKn O\crnl:lI
alit! ;1 mlll/"Im 1Il;1I111e 01' dU:ll "'hit.h \\~IS IMlplll"r
in wt.'~lcrn Russia. The kon/ll) "~I!> tht.' dalMU;UC
rn:lIltlc uf IItt' rulinJ.t c1,I~'. Shcepskin :ultl lht fur
of "t'ar, I\'olf ur mflrlCll \\~l~ \\'01'11 in I\imcr: Ihe
Ito://llkll \\~l~ c1n~I'-I\~li!>ll'd :md Innj.t'.slce,'e(1.
where;l.~ Ihe \/"'flll "~IS louseI', Fur hal~ Wl'n' \\'orn
b\ ;111 d;I.~S('S. ,'WI!J<lE.,ti hij.th hunts :md rllnnll ..hllt.'S
could he made uflil1e leather, antllllany luuud In
afeh:tclllnJ.ti~l.s ;\1 NU\'J.;urnd had del'ur.lli\c
pallcms. In COlllmSt 11ll' lMXlr had toclIlI'e:1l' m..de
of bu.I/ hinh harl:,
COllrl dUlhill~ \\~" I'lfUllJ.;ly illllm'IH'I'd hy
l\p,:lIllilllll, whilt.' 111ll' I;,lwics II'l'I'(' i11l1)W'lecl frum
Consl:ullilllfplc, lhe Islanlic 1\'\U'ld til' \\'estern
Emope. TIll' (;/llirll (:I1/'{1I/;rI" illflic;llc(t Ihal tIll'
IIIJ)'/ir aristoC!":lcr of sOlllh,wCSH~1'I1 Kus.~ia IOllkt:d
similar 10 Ihe' klli~hll~' r1ass of neiJ.;hholll'in/o:
Poland, whilt Friar William uf Rllbl'llcl: c1c"Cribed
the men IIf mid13th t'elllllry RlIlhcnia-Galich:1S
I\'t':ll'illg '(//Iln tikI' II,,, (~""II("'{, fII/ll UI' /11/';1' Itrtllh
tl,,,, wl'flr 11'/1 mI's, 1IOIIIIrti mltll'"] high, .
RlIS.~i:1 II~IS relati\'e1y rich in irlill and Ihc
I'Olj:llW lrihl: of the Kit'\' legion had ear~;lhle
:lfJnOIll'CI'S in lhe 91h lenlllr~'. Newnl1t'less, most
Western hisltil'ians ha\'e (,lIlph:ISilt.'d e),;lCrnal
techllulogit.":ll inlhlt.'n(t'~ r.llhel' th;1ll 'H(}l:ill~ at
loe;11 51:1\' lmdilions, while 50\;('1 hi,sluri;l1ls
lentlt'tl III del1i~mtt' "urce)-~I(}nj;l;ol inlhlcllct' ill




13tt1 C A... ~

Iqn of S L ~ WhM

eppean 10 boo K8Io culraM 10

\'Islble 01 1M UlIIMl' _ _ Mol

1M a.p; 1M lower
-.ppM with cloth _trips pun...




THE FIRST RUS', 9th1Oth Cs

1: "1a1'1, of KM. t71 NJ
2: WMlarof,...~


3: ~ chlettaln


1: ComInllOdef" 01 princely ItmlY
2: W.niof 01 Nnlot Oruzhlnlo
3: Urban militiaman




INI.Y 13111 C

atl ...........
_ i.

faw)ur of 111.11 Irum Sc-:l1lllilla\ ia. (AUI<\t'(!IIC:IIIIII:' dblol Ic:d illlav;c:

has ellll'rged.
Ih' the mid-101h CCI11Hn anllS, :lI'Inour and horS("hanJc!>S \(erc heing m,ldt' in St....cr;11 Rus' cities. 11) lhe
121h CClltun the \'olume and qu,lIllil\ of production was
high, ahhouV;h a) \t'l Rus.~ian ~led remained of a brilllc
~pc, :>uil;lblt' lill Ii1l'~ hut rlut daMit t.'nuugh fur
b1ade~, ~k,U1\\hi1l' impcll'led l'quiplllelll remained
fashionable among the dill', uftt'n dcror;tted lucall)
or modifil'd for lhl' spl:da1i~cd lIet'd~ uf Rm'
.,m;c)f~, Ilr0I111' ~1.ord hilL!. ;mel 'iGlhb:m:1 filtin~s
wt>re III,U!c IOGllh, \\hik NCI\}:;urud \\;l~ falllolb for
ilS \\urJ:.l'N III IC',lllll'r ,md \\tlllel - Ihe lauer
r:mging frum hox\\lHKI d.lggCl" h:lIl(lIe:> ;lIld
shil'lds III ~hip-blliJdiI1K'
~Iigr.uillg \\,II... iur~ h;lhilualh tlHll Iht'ir own
"'(31)onl"\ \\ilh 1111'111, .mel \imilarh, "l.)Inc
brouKhl t,(!llipllll'lIt hUl1It., .IJor-lin, Fur e;\.,lInp!c.
Har,t1(1 SiV;llnl~1l lcpl it 1\\I,IIltilll' armour
whirh Ill' lIltln,llllc'd 'Emlll.I', I.hill- .IIIIIIhc'r
Ird;lIldir V;U,tlIKi.1II rt'lllflwd in ahmn lOW
.'th gildt't! arlll~, ;lrl1l0Ur, hOf'i('-harne~. and
;II shield till Ilhidl ,I ~lIppc)'O(~d 'llli~llI' W<l.S
painled - .Ih,llbt n'n,linl\ ,I 11.lrnor Slilll. 11le llvn,_v Klooll"i
similarh t'llIcrt'(l Rus' 'l'n'ice with their o....n arms, armour
:Iud hanle"~' I. hirh 11,'n' de'\Cnhed <IS ~\IrK'rinr lei thO!)e of the
Rus' themsc-'hc~. Wilhin RlI~' it was al'iO normal for pnllC('S
to n'\I~lrci faithlul fnlllll\l'I"i I" J.::i\inv; t1WII1 arlll~. armour
and hiV;h qualil\ 1IIIIhillJ.::.jU'1 ,I~ \\";l~ dOlle in 11ll' 1~I:unic ""11M.
TllHu}::h 1II'illxllll rhall}::l'cl OIl'I' thl' v~,ml. it did lICIt fulluw
the "-lilt\' p;Hh ,l~ in \\'1'~I~rn Euml>C' III till' Rtli and 91h CClUllnl:'S tile'
Slill"s used shidd~, J'pear~, j:llclim, aXI'~ ;md hll\\"J'. hUI hI lh~ Ifhh
Crnlm) lhl'} IH'fl' i1fmcd ill \ il"l lIall)' lhl' Silltll' malllll'r a~ tht'
Scandill:lI';;1lI RII~. TIle' 1;1111'[ II'C're' t'f1llippc(1 lill' lypic',ll Viking~ with
mail h,ulhcrks. ~\\"llrch, ~illl-:lt--('(I~I'd aXI'~, 1;lrgl' "'UOdl'll J'llil'lcl~ wilh irllli
boS~I'~. :I11e1 (kl'ClI~ltil'e al'm-rinl-\"s.
Uy the clul or lIlt' Ilhh [('nlllr\" a morl' dhtilll:th'dy Russi,lll :1l'1lI0UI'~'
had l'I'oh'crlll"hich did nOI rh,IIlV;I' 1lI11l'h oWl'lhe' neXllWO r~lllllrics. TIle'
besl mighl Clll1Si.~1 of a sih'tl'- 01' g-old'plall'd iron helmet. Ill:til h"1I1)l.:rk,
bllwal1(1 !t';ulwr (l'll\'('r, s;\11fI' ill a .~iklr-muuIlI,'d sGlbhar(l. sil\'I'rcd 111011'1'
anrl iron sl)C',Il', "hi.~ ..,., 1'~Mnti;i1I~' :t miXlllre or Easlern ;uld Weslern
sl\lcs. II'hCrC,l~ lu.r'l.. h;lrne~s remained Easlern unlil Ih{' 12th ({'nlur)'
when WC!;II'm limns \\"I'["C' al.lopll'd by lhe /)m:.hilllls- Nl...cnhe!t.'ss sleppc'
inOlu'lIrc rern:lillcc! mort imponalltlhall all)' udler. E\en the f)nl:J,illlU'
\IlJ(" of Iwa\'\' 1.IllCl", ~lIh~I:1ll1ial I'I\KI~ arnlOlI[" and dosc.' COmb<l1 shock
tactic~ \\~J.s as lil:.t'h 10 sll'llI fmm lhl' armnurc.'d (.';I\1Iln' c1iles (II' tIl('
5\('PI)l,'5 ;Is frum \\blcnl Emupl-' or Iklilllliulll. III lhis 1'('SI)('('I the
Kh;v~lr~ and M,IJ.,"'U-'; \\ele' Ihl mUlol siJ,:nilil.,ult innUl'llCC~ (!lll;nJ,: til\'
fnrm:lliw \l'a,,, of RlIs'. Rus' adoption of hOrli('-arclt('n' \.'<I.~ ;lIt C.'WIl
dt';u'('1' c>o;unpll' of lIIilit.lrI iullulnCt frulII thl' .steppes: while lhe speed
with which SOllll' IJrIl:.hiIUH ;ldOPlt't! MonKol arms and armour in the
131h Cellllll'\ sllRv;t.'~L!. lhal dincrencto<; \I'cre 1I0t lltat b....ea1.

HeI.... t 01 PriMe Yal"OSlh

YHvaladalch. c.12O&-S7.
(Kremlin M....... m. Moscow).


Nt'H'l'llw1c'iS, Ru~' lI1i1ilal')' ef!u;l>mclH relllained a It) hl'id :'1)'le

copc Il'ith sialic Eut'CIlwall armies ill Ihc 1I0nh :lIId 11l0hik
slq)pt' forccs in thc ,muh, /)1'11:,.11;'/(1 (amln' lIscd bolh sword aud S:lhre,
rnurlwd 1.1111 c ami l;gl1lcl' 'I>car, singll'-cdgcd Scalldina"i:m 1f'(l,1( ami
l-";ISlt'fl! man', while arclwrs ll"Cd b:II'bed European arrows as 1\l~1I :l~
arlllnlllpit-rduJ.: E:lSll'l"I1 :U"I"OII'S. One descriplion of the Prin(e HI
SII7flal'l> /)nt:Jllllfllllt'nlioll) SIIOrcb., 1.111 or pointed helmet:,. (xlI'Iml{(/lIlaii
:lH'lllail" :IPI>:lreulh cuil'lls-"Cs r:llher Ihan mail h'lllbel"1-s, l>crh"ps ICJ;
dcfcuct,~, :mel \..;u.-.sh"IK'd shield:.. Northern Rus' GII,III')' werc loirnibr,
bUI .)int"c Ihl' Illh ccUllln Ihe ;nfant!") II'ho played a m,yol' role ill lhis
rt'/o;iull It.ltl 1x.l'lI cfluippcd "ilh j:wclill or sl>car. ~lIlall :t.w, large d:l~t'r.
bUlI'~ for I"Ollllgcr mell :ulll hdllwl.S fOl' thc wcahh~'. ~Iail had bc.,t'n USl't!
~il1Cc thl' ith (('lIll1r\', Ilhilc;1 fflrm of loClle or lamcll:u' cuir:L"'~ "'PIll.':Il"L'{1
ill Iht, 11th or 121h cClllurie~, lX"Comillg more COlmllUU ill lht, 1:'lh,
Archat"OlU)tiGlll'XGII<lliuns ;Ibn IlIlc,lnhl'tl othcr weapolll"\ al Nrn"gorod,
incllldinj.; tUl "oodCIi ..wunb. ,11111 SIII:III hCMS for children. C~I)(J\\lo
Il'ere uSNI fmm lile' lalt.' 121h clr l':tl"lV 13lh cenu1I1 ollwarfl.. hUI :IS \cl Ihi~
",'c';lI)01I unh ,,-'t'lm In h"lc l)(:ell lI'iCd in nonhwt:sleru RUSloi:!.
d('si~lIed lH


~ ....t



I _ I c:hlettaln" tn'te" CIngul

I(urpn. (MUHum of



~lcdi('\'11 Ru:....,i.lll Glilipaign~ Ilcre UflCII conducled OI'cr huge di:'>I;IIICC~

in a COUl1ln Illwrc riH'n. dOl1ullated SIr-til"")', The\ o;crwd as "OIter".I\"!'
ill '1III1I11l'r, "hilc III tht' 1I0rth "nd l':lSt rhers scn'c::d as smooth p;uhl\,""'1
lill" ,kclgl", IIU'II ,llId :luitll.lb ill willlcr, FrO::.1 nails' for Ihc fecI of lIlell
and hnr,,-"~ h;ld heell known sincc Ihe 91h centllr,. cllahlitl~ hOlh to \\0I1\..
UI'cr ~lIIoUlh in wilholll slipping: "ml ;11 thc north OIl'.-I:IIUI 1r.t\"('1 IIOI~,
in f:lct, ea.'itor in "'imcr th:1II uthel' )Casons, TIle ,,'or~t tillll'~ lor
rtIO\'ellll'lll Iwrl' 'pring ,lIul :ttlllllllll, lill'sl" Ix'ing Ihc mlldd~ st:aSOllS of
ms/mtilJlI, 'rCl,lcllt-""IlC"'~, C:lIIo;cc! !w r:lin, lIldling SIIOW or lh:twin~ icc, All
UllM'.IM)lIal lh,l\l cuuld "I"'ll .;end kl' floes llo:lIing dOII'lH"ivcr ttl :.rnaslt
Iloudcn hl'idj.tI'S, In lhc ,ulllh Rus' anuies t1St'd large \\OIg){0I1' whcll
cllllpaiguillg tl\'er long fli::.lallcc" but sinc(' Ihese casH)' 1)(lJ,:gi'd dO\,'n in
Illud boal,~ 1\'I'rl' preferrcd,
'nll' sill' of rivers \I~I::' llill illll)Ort:Ull )() long as Ihl')' could take
rc1:llivd)' sh.. llow...l.... ft 1>11:11.', I{i\'l'r n(,CI.~ IWl'lIlallr Ix'ached lor lhl' niJ{ht,
.. Ild althulIJ.:h selllt'Ult'II1S ailing Ihc riwrs pro\'idcd food ....Iltl fCSI ..
nelll'urk of such :.tuppill}; places w:ts nOl compleled hefore lhe 1~lh
Cl'1I1Uf)', Nl'\'('nhe1css sl'wlO,1 inland hases werc establish"d (hlrill!; lilt'
10th t:('1111ll"l'. lhl' 11l0:'>1 fl'umrl:able being' a large funilied harhour :11
VO)'t111e:LI'II1l' conflucnce of'thc Sub :tlld Dlliepcr, with ,,"othel' 'ua\~ll
b:1SC' IWO kiloilletres up:.ln:alll. ThcM' WCI'C ;L'iSClIlhly 1>I,inlS for COIl\'O)'S
sailing :Icrlll>::' IIIl" ::.leppl', aud thc)' prohahl)' had c:lIOlII")' If'U"IiSUIlS,
perh:lp~ uf (;}"''-'')"' A."/fllJIIlti, \\IUI wOllld ride along lhe b;Ulk.~ Iwside the
bO:lb 10 \I~lf(l 011" nomad ,llIack, all lhc Dllieper rivcr eSluar)' Ole,h'c
\I~IS clt'\"l'lopc'd bll' ill lhe I Olh celllUr)' ,":l safc ha,'iC frolll II'hich CfIII\'O)'l>
could &Iil :Il"OlIlId 11ll' llIack Sc:t cnas!.
Similar cl:tngco. f"cl'd rker ll'aI'cllers in olhel' frolllie, regions, bOlh
from Finnu..llgTian trilx-s ,unl II.I/'kli)"lIk river pir.lU.'s, Iionagl.'s, "here
ships h;ld to h(' h.m1c'd metl:l1ld fmlll olle riler 10 ;Illother or aroulld
mpich., I"c'ma;lIl"d p!at"e' "fdallgcr, lhough the lllOSI il1lporlalll II'Cr<'



PI" 01 I 12th C C:lfVflf wooden

dlK trom Novgon>d thowlll9
w.rrlor with. tword .nd kit..
thaped .nleld. (Kremlin MUHum,

W ~I " - OtlIol.
lIIIforIed '""" I


ftIrmItatte M


81h,IIh C
m. $1,

llJl From N_~, ,roblIbIy

""'" ".,n or llyUnll...",

SOIllClinH:S garrisoned h)' local lruop), Sl.HI1t' \,'I'rc C\'('1I p;l\"cd with
limhcf. \,ltile canals "'CfC dug arolllld 1111' musl scl'iom uh~lade),
1'111'1:1/0:1... WCI'C, of COUl'SC, slr.uqticall)' as w('ll as ('collomk'lllj )igllilicaul:
fm l'x:ullpk. Ihe Dllirpcl' 'lIpid, l'elll:lilH'd :1 majm milit..r) head:telll'
lhrougllout the \'Cal', '"kI'C huals \\"t'f(' nonnall) unloaded and li~hlcned
so lhal lI'l"l' could Ix: poll:d or pulled Ihrou)th hdof(: bcinK l'c!o;ldt:d on
lhl' 0111\'1 ~ide ufthe r.tpicb,
Sca ,Olllllllll1icalioll \\'a..~ of secondaf) imporl'IIl(,( and rnedie\~ll Rus'
Ill...'cr l'Slablished a M..-CUfe outlel 10 Ihe Il:thic, \\hill' lhe \\1Iite.sci! led
onl) 10 1111' frozen Arctic. 111e mack St':t \'';.1' notoriousl)' Slorl11)' and W,l\
lIomin:uc-'(llil'sl b) Ihe Brlalllinc-"S and "uh~.-queUlhI",the Italians, Utile
i~ in rolCt known ahoU! RII~' ,hip'" and il i" undear \\helher IhC-1' h:ld
milch in common "ilh Viking \;$.~"~, \\11el"t' ri\el'C-'~tfl \\'1'l'e (OnC("fIll'(!
lhl' Rus' had m:u" tr.\diliom to dr.I" ul>un, Tht' Slav, Finno-llKri;U1.'>
.md Turks h:ld rnfl5. inllalec\ skins, du~o()ut <:<lIloe:s. l'II'ge hidl,,<O\"t'rt.'(!
cUl~ldcs and boms of SC\\11 planl m.. llcr. \\ hilt:' Ih(' Rlls' mOSlh IIS(."(I flalhntlulllc-'(1 boO.llS and r.u15.
TCl"rnin ,mil "ealher inllucllcM hOlh .mnk'S and tactics. In gener.ll
iul;ullr\ r1omin:uc-"(1 RlIs' warfare lip III lilt' IOlh cenlllr\', and <:<1\';111'\
from Ih(' 11th ccmur} on\\';Irds. Uuring lhl' 121h n'!HIII') the hUl'lIClllen
\\,I're thl'msd\'(~ .. di\idc-"f! into two typc."= hUl'ool....archl'l... and dose' (Qmllill
lann"'arml"(l lroolwrs. Thc lll=90ril\ of hONeslrcheN wen' pmb;lhh
CAt'rnl' Klcimftl and auxiliaril'S of "ll'Plx' origin. II hilt' IIIOSI dosc.,<olllb;-u
1It1N.'IlII'n \\'c'rt' from the Oru::himu\\'hich fOllgl1l in di...ciplilll'(luniis lilt"
Ih/illllllll"l or Wcstern Europcan kniRhLS.
FIlH'i/o:llers uflell (OnHllCl\lcd 1111 lhe numher of Rus' ardlcrs. bUlthis
Gill hl' misleading, Illfal\ll'\ :tn:heI'5 ll!>inlt IOIlj.\be)\\~ had pla\ed :1
,ij.\uilil';.uH roll' in Viking \\';.lI"rolrc and Rus' inf:ulll'\ ,kirlllbhel'~ \\'ere 011'0
l\"piCllh :trilled wilh hu\\'s. In faCII\"fiul'll '>Own', fmlll lhl' IlI'ighhourin);
l!olltic Cnl""-lder lililles shO\\' Ihal Ru..., ian :lrc!,I.... \\,('re It':Ir('d h) bOlh

ISG-llOO AD lHltlorlc.1 Mu.....m,


ICI Vartngl.n .tyte,

from _tern
All.... or ...lem Pol.nd, 121h,
1m C (Amly Mu.... m, W....w)
10 l f) From GMlclovo. 100h C
!SliM HlllorIc.1 M......m


lFl from ChtmIIlOV. mid-10th C

[SIll. HI.IOrlc.1 MlI..um.


1GI From .0..IIl'WiI.lern AIIIII.,

pon.IbIy 8yzentlne 12th 13th C

lKlltor1cel MUHUm, Kiev)

\HI from Nlkollkoye. c,I2oo AD

(Hennltege MUHUm,
III from BIlbkht, III,,. or1llln
1150-1250 AD IHermltege
Ill........., St....te..bll'1l)
lJl Chemye Klobukl with ~
Nlted 10 1M front, lrom UpovIU,
12ttl-13th C

(KMJ from Ukralnto,

12thl3th c

~M ...........

St.... t ~


l\.llLS lind Crusoulcn.. E1ile J)m:.hma C3\~dlr~ ",.ert' I..'quipped \\;lh boooI"5

prob.lbh IIsed the same stalic 'shO\\cr ~hOOlillg' Iactics as did

in olher lIon-nOllladic annie!>, llolabl)' tho~ of Brl.;uuiulII
:md ~\crallslamic stales.
Long distances h:ld a 111:~ur impaci Oil medieval I{us' smut'S}'. grC:11
,mentioll being Ihlid to rOlllC SCkClioll and the ohslaclc~ an anll}
might fOiCC. TIll.' c:lrh IJooJt of Allltab included sl~cifk gcogmplucal



~ Sword from K........ z.

PocloIslI. lOthl1th C

l8} f
lC) F

Noweorod, ttJ>.lOth C
Gnu6owo, tth-1Oth c

101 F

!lor. tlft.10th C
(E.F) 's.ft of C ~ ' .
AuuIan or H~ .50-1025
AD {KunlthlllorlKIleI MUMum,

(01 From FOR'Vlt_'I, e.l000 AD

(HI From Grodno, 11th C



UkralM, 12'1h C
I'" f ...... KIw, 12th-13th C
(IQ Fl'OIlI Ullt8lrle, 12th C

14 f ......

lomb of Uthuar>lan
P'rirlocto DaullIanI... mid-13th C
(Mlltorio;al M_m, ....... 011).


inform:lIiun. Seasonal fanors nUl onl\ cffcclt,.'tl ro.lds and ri\C~I"S bUI also
;11I ClICIll\'S SlfCllgth, The horses of stepl)(' lrioc,:> were considered 'read,
for w;ar' in ;autumll, \\hereas the nomads wcre lllost \1llncrable in late
SlIllltllcr \\hcn stepl)(' paslLIrf' hOld OC"t'1I dried up I the sun. "inter
1'~Il'larc \\~I~ (on1l1101lpl<1ce, though it pl'Ohabl)' consisled of 1,liding,
"OmCtirnl'~ by SII1:1I1 groups using dds l~ull(.~I than large armies. The RllS'
did. hO\H~\'cr. campaign in btl' willtcr whcn frosts kcpt Ihe e,lnll hard
:lftcr much of thc SilO\\, ~l:ld lllehcd,
Rlis' princes prcfcrrl'd to aH:lck nom:HJ fOt:~ aloug the riler rO\ltc~,
with infantl") tr,lI'c1ling in boats \\hile Cil\'ltln rode along lhe 1);'lI1k. On
the other hand choke-points such as fonb or portage~ could be lhe
scelle of .ullbushl"S. 111e use of i~lal1d~ in ri\'t~rs. lakes or ncar eo:1"its as
militan' h.1.~ \1,1' an eSlension (If lhe s.'me ~U'all1.'). I.. land~ similaq'
provided Rll~' al'lnks with seemit)' whcn calnp:ligning OllL~i(I(' thcir own
Icrrillll')', SiIIC(' 111CI' conlrollc"'(llllOSI \\~llen'~l}'s,
Ril'{'l r.liding tactics \,'crc used hy the I'rince of 1'010isk when
:Ulemplilll; IInslleeessfull)' 10 re:tMCfl his hegemon~ ()\cr I..'ll and IJ,
tribes in 1206. The am" SCIII b\ the Prince of SUldal agaimt the VOIg;1
Ilulg;ll"\ in 12'10 :llso \lent I" bom. "fter di'!oCIllb.1.rhLion it drl.'\\ up 1:1')
units c-dlkd polJu- thm from RoslO\ on the right \'ling. lhat of I'cr~~I.1\1
on 1111' len. Ihal or the Gr.Il1c1 I'rillcc of SULCI.11 in lhc centre, \\hik

:anOlht'r !1I1/1; Kll;mkd lht' htla~. Three \'ears latcr a murh largt1' arlll)
:lSS("ll1hlt-dttl 11t'11' Iht Kiprh.lks farc' the Mongols.. 111is timc Iht mcn or
Galich ;md \'ulhmi;1 '-likd elm'll tIlt' [)llicSlel'. Ihen ;dong lilt' Ulack Sea
Coasl 10 join tlllic'I' RUl>' IJrrl:nirl(U (Ill :tn island in the: [)niqx:1' riveI'. t\
brgt' Rus' rorn. with il) Kil)('hak allics. Ihen made all al1lphibious
bndiuK undt'l" Ihl' ,hnlvf Mllll~tli archeI'S. ;.Ind lhe (;r;llld Prince' llf Kil'"
trr<'lt"fl a fidel funific;uiun bdol'(, joining a nint'-da)' pllr'uit or II Ie
app.ll'lnlh hC';llc'n MonJ.:ols. Unfortun:lleh' Ihe camp'lign eneit'd in
disastt'r.1t lilt' hallIt tlr Ill(' K:llb Rher. In other step~ rthoion~ when'
ml'1'll werc' larL.llIJ.:. Ru)' rurn'5 oneil dung 10 IiCal(cn"(1 woodland or
mmhl~ r,llht'r th;1Il \"l't11llring mit 011 10 the Opc'n ~r.lssl;trId~.
Battlefield t.lClic\ dl.lIIgtd ",ilh the adoption or IIIUn. t"m~IIf\. In Ihe
nrh {\;t\~. fill' example. a Sc:1I11lilla\i;m-st\le SJtjaldborti or ',hidd fort'
would Ix fOfnll'(1 aruund a le;\ck1'. Rh~"l armies lhen tried to !In'ak till'
oppoo;illCIll \ ,hit'l<l''''~ll1 ancl kill their le;lder, Sllhscqucll1 taetind ch;mges
rdk'cll,<llM.ult 1\\1;11111111' ami \tl'PPC' innuellcl"S, particul;lrh iU;I Rill>' Il'lC':
ol"'~'K)(ons a..~ lit,ltllortitit';t1Il1Il\.
:>:t...lnhdc..., . 1I:1't';l\t'r l'mph,L,.j~ '\I'1.I11l> III h,,\"(:- IX"CII KiH"n to nl1\oli.
:alion~ in '\("riOIlS ;ll\I'mp" til rl"..,,,I\I' (Ill.lrrl"l~ "'ilholll bIHllcl..lwc!. Irthis
faih."(\ :1 prilln' ""uulrl lii",u,.. mniN. ""ith his Oru:n;'l(l :Ind tilt' !t-;I(1I'I'S nf
urlxlllllliliti;t,. IUIIIC' uf\\hum ('lIl1ld be ignored. Skinllbhillg "'..... r;lrl"
and lIIost I"tull'~ wI'n' rou~lu illlrlll,<li;tll'I\. ""ilh \-ariOlI) units ellll"rin~
thr lij,llu $C'p,;Il~lll'l\ or ill SC-'<lllc'lln.
TIlt' illll)ol"l.ll1n' or Iht right IbuL. is .s;lid to rene<t pa/f,lll sh"m,mi\ti('
bcliC'r... thllllgh in 1'1';llit\ il "'~~ Iht' 'lIIl1' :IS in ..11 Asian and Middle
Easlern :lf111il"" 1,Ill'rl" the ril1;hl tradition;llh' look the orr~lIsi\t' roll".
8\ Ihl" 121h n'.lltll\ lx)th Willg~ nOrllt:ll1~ consislc"Cl or r.1\~lln'. "'ith
inralllfl fllfmiTlJo: Ihl" 1"("l1Irc' ""hidl l'Ol1Sislcd or " shit'ld''''~ll1 uf
KDprphdul; ~pI'"rl1ll'n Iwhillli \,'hich lhl" ",,,1,,,;1; or Strmfs :lrdll'N; nmlcl
shoot. ~lt';IIl",hik tslM.'ril'nn'1Jff:,(';n~ lIolll:.d fnrces taught the: RUS'1O
guard lhdr 1);lrI,.~ and ILUlls wilh ohstacks such ;1$ roresls or li\CN;.
Numerous minor conllict~ belWeell ri\~11 princes were liellleci hl':1 show
of forct', 'I!)lJWliml'\ Wilh :1 bric-I" dash berort' the weaker ~iclt- h:trked
do"n. As;\ rl's1l11 S,,'riOliS :lllci pl'lllml~ecltighling hcIWl'l'lI {)n/u/;'1II.1 "~IS

o.t.ll fl'OI'lI paneIpalnled 1c0f'l 01

St.Theodo<e, tHO; nolO tM

Kale cut...... (1(,"","

MVHIoIm, M_owI


Thl' R\ls' :I]..U IOll~hl OIl Ilito;ht ;IS ",'hell. ill 1016. \';u'II~IOl\' r:tet'd
Slialopolk. Tht' Ill/III/III I'rim,,') r:lmm;r!, described holl' ' 1'11111 non,j"J!
liJrlMItW Jt'illllli~ IllJUf!' rrv~.\J''' I(J fill (JIll" IIf/llk of /J1fDlIil'fH"r, (//ullh/')'!JII)I,rtl
1M bixllJ IItIVI,\'/rmll III., IlIlIIk /IIul InryNl1n111J /IIf/kl' Qaul, Ilwl "iKlIt. J'mmlfIJl

llIid 10 ltiJ /)ftI:lIillfl.lIl11 tl IIIIII'k Oil )'QlfI'5rlj. lI';"d )'0111' !lmtls ill kffl'1li"J~. tlllfl
111m 1/!t1J II l".riM, fiKlIt, 1IIII11JIfm'l dawlI 11If')' dtfmlrtl SlIialo!Kllk. ~
Though mUSI RlI~' ;II'mies Wl'I'e small, larger forces or 3.00010,000
Int'n t'tluld 1M.' l!lus!t'n'd fill' m:tiut' camp'ligns. Prillces would :'Cnd en\'O)'\
Uillil'r lht'ir SUlllt'limes llumillal control, requesting milil:u')'
support lIlId hirill~ lIlt'l'nn;lril~. Allies would Ix: sought, olien amOIlg.~1
nomild tribl:s, ,mel "l1i;mn's ,,'I're cell1t'nll.'tl b)' public O<ltlHakin~.
AC311lp:lign Iw the {;I~lIld I'rin('c ofSuzdalia "g<linS! tht' \'olK'1 IlILlbrrll'S in
IZW "''as proh"hh't\Vic:11. Ilere lhe Grilnd I'linee stu1l1ll0nl"d help rfOm
ItssC'r prillCC'~ ""Im "I'r~ his hrnlhcrs, cousins and llepht"ws. Most did not
lod tlwir (1\\'11 1111'11 lu lht, 11llt~tel' but placed thell1under the cOlllm;llld
or Io,,'Od,l anll\ ('l)llllllal1fil'rs. III I;I('t it was normal for junior princcs to
otJ,c... milil;trV cOlmmuub rrolll Sl:ninr princc_'5 ",ithollt compbint.
10 are;t~


Fortification and Siege Warfare

There "-d~ plt'n\)' of fonifiGltioll in Ru~b IX'furt, lht, :1I'ri\~11 of lIll" Rus.
1~lllgillK front lhl' famous ',,'hile ~IOIlC' forL:. built 1)\' the Khal;lr:i 10 rhe
!'arlll :Hld timber dcfcllccs eH'CI\,(1 1)\ 51:\1 ('olonislS funhl'l' north. nUl

"llt:reolS Kh:l1.ar fonfesses were largcl} s\'1IIholic and Ix'rh:tl>'- \C.'nt"fl as

willler (,olllpound~ for ,ribuI("-Culknors. Sl;l\' l!',md.iI"h, fort!> \\c!"t' k-ss

impressi\(" 11111 more

, ' - leon of $Lo-ee '"""

IIOItMm ""-ala, c.I:l$O. (Slal.


of S*y. Udoge:
of _ I
-'ooIl1ng LadN:IloIul
In 1M


13th ~ (S~ a..do9a

Hiltonc.l M - J

.... In 11U AD: 1 - modem

I'ound 1rteI. 2


IIwoI. l.tt.. Klrpllcllnlkovl

(CJ Plan ......, 12t~'31t1 c"""n.-,
(OJ WIIM, dllclln Ind ach-.

1*1...... "'endl"lll the-.them

.jlptOKftH. (Itt... Klrpl1cllnlkovl


Thc\' gcncr:lll) IlJocd 1l:lIu;'lll\

defensible sl\(.'S and \\','re dt...iglll"fl to n:lill a lingl!' :Ilt:lck 1:1\' ,Ill 1'Ilt'l1I)'
brling siege C::11l:lbililiN.
1111.' Sc-.lIldin:l,i'lIl Rtls' llrri\l:d \lith lillie t'Spl:riellce of foniJicuion.
hill Ru)' hi~lOn' S:IW Ihe: (lc\dopnW1l1 of IWtI di~till(l forlll~ of limhc'r
archill'tun' and fortificlIion. In IIlit' litr north hou<;I:'\ and fnru \lt'n' huill
....ilh S1r.1ight coniferous lrt"tlnll1ks. FUflht'r 50mh lilt' dl"t:idu(>us timher
....IS .-.Ire!\ qr;tiR:lu and;l.\:1 rt....dl ...OO(ll:n \I~dlls had 10 he "'1.':llh.'rproof"cd
\lilh pl:tSlcr and str;l",- In lh(' dt~p SOIllh )l:mi...unlell houS'" pfO\ided
insulation iljf-,in)l lht' sc.-;uing he-olt and bilinK rvkl of Ihl' SlCppl.....
The first Rlls' Slon~ fonilic.-dlion 111:1\ h;l\(' oc"Cn ,I dn lillll'S!onc
cirnlit \1':111 built :11 St.ln':l 1.ad('!f.I ,nutlntl900 1\1l. lIere slabs "'I're 1;lid
diR"Cth on lht earth \lilll Ileilht'r foundation) nur mOrlar. though lhen'
\I-.t.~ III k'aSt ,ml' lower atla<hl"tIIO llll: inside of lhe "'.111. EISl.'\Ihere car"
Ru)' fonilicalioll) ",'t:re much the :'i:UIlC as thlC of the prl...;olls Slitl'
tril)l'(, bcilll!; Sillilll. rt:l\inl{ on a n:tlurdlh Stroll): pnsition. ditch llllll
r,lln!"';lrl. TIll' onl} t:sC'cptioll o;('('m( to ha\'c Ik'('u ,I )lone SlrtielUrC \I'ithin
tr.lditional fnnifiatlions 011 olle of lht" hill) of Kit""
ThillJ:;( dl'll1ged consi(kr.lbl) under \'tldimir. durilljl; "ho)t.' reijl;I1
lI11IllCroll~ forlS Wlrt.' en:etcd lllol\R: lhc rrl'er rollte). Most COIl(i(tl"t1 of
WOIXIt'II \I'llIs abo\'(' earth rnllll>ilrts reinforced Wilh log.t. Ollt eS:llllpk
\1.1) lhe: cimdc! ofV'l'>iliC\. whos(" r,Ullp;1fl " ....~ rni'ICd O\cr wOI)dcn fr.mll'S
\I'jth the Clutermfut st.'lion filled with rows of llllfirt'ill)l'id;,s. 'I'll(' \I..l1s of
lhe Ilt'W lowns nf l\clgorod :Uld lerl1~1.~1;1\ I Imel :1 cure of Ilnlired blirk
cOlllp;mlhlc to those in the ritadc! (If Kie\, thi( S)"Stem prohabl)' haling
heell inlroduced b)' Up.mlillc :In:hilcclS wOl'kill/{ 011 the nearl
C:uhcdml of$:mtJI Solia. The 1',~uhinJ:; mllll):ll'ls ""Cre pre~ullll,blr toppcfl
I' a timhcr "~Ill 01' p:llis:,dc.
It S('em) that OWl' :,
htllull'l:cl of lhcsc funilkd

1(J"'Il( Jlllel sclliemcnl.~ werc

huilt ill stlllthcl'll Rus.~ia
Vbdirnil: In slr;uq:ir Icrms
lhe)' also had :111 offellsil'c
pllq>II.'IC, M:1'I'inlo; ltS h:ISCS





"'. ....


for esp:llbioll.
Th,,' most signiliclmt
dt:tng(' \1~IS from the
dcfence of onl)' tIll' mOSI
millcrahic sioe of il nalIImll)' slrong
all'l'olllld defence, u)ing a
misture of Slone, Cilflh,
eI'l)' Jmd timbcr. This i1l
turn rellcel/.:d iner"'asing

. - . - ot



hllloullt In tt.. 11th C ...cl


.... hl'ttI.

.,ophi"tiCliiOIl 011 th~ pare of

IhoM' Ihn':lII'niI1K such
fortifil-.uioll~, In fael a
spc'dfi"llh RU5~ia" sl~k
of mitilan al"('hil~clUre
dt'\'c!opefl alunK till' Sl~Plx'
fmnlit'l" r;lIlIt'l" lhan in Ill('
\\'N of tilt' CCllUUry, Ill'fe
"-,.1111t' prinn.>s ft'('cl\t"fl
Ikl.alllinc allil-r.. The 1Il<.1"l
:lIl1hilinus loc!WlllC \I~IS
GI~l1ld Prinn' Yarmla\"<; nL"\\'
forliflrnliolls in :md around
Ki<".'. \I'hie-h \I't"fC illlcndt'ti
III indlldt, :111 '{KIlt" shit'lll' c.fforb ;Ind an 'inner shKId clf rnml~rl.<; Illft't
and a half kilomclI"t'1i Iollg. Kic"\ \ IlYiIl eanhYiorls Yicrt lip In ~ 11)('11"(":010
\lilil' allht, lxlSt', II nK'ln-s high, and \I;th a fUflher:, mClfCS of\l'OOl:kn
p;llisal"k, Tllll.'t' ~.ttt"S piefn.'tllhis ramp;lIl: llw \l11O(1\'n Jt","5 and I'ok's
(;:111'" .md Ihe MOnt' GoIdc'lI C"UC. TIllS \I~lS 'IO-nallll"fl hL.....oIusc aho\'t" iu
l\'l~O"l"\"linhWtlC\\~I\ \'I'aS a church \'I;lh a gikk'tl dOllle (~.... p;!!Ce I:;).
In Ihl' Yit~ a form of rOllnd fortrt'S.<> had dl"\"t'lupt-c.1 aillonKSI \,Irious
SI;I\ trilx'<;, :lIId Ihis S1~1e a1s.:, loprl':ld (':t-\I"~lnls in lhe 11th and l:!lh
nulllne-:<. ~h-anwhilc in lilt' r;tr soulh'YiI"'I, in Galkh, tile' innucnn' of
bIlOpC:UI "lOlIt' was $(.'('11 11\ lht I:llc'r 121h CC'1l1Ur\. A fl"\\' :w.tlil;u\' :tlone
tOYil'ro; appt'an"f! ill \olhulia hUl mOSl \\'l'n' Hnl\ hHilt in Ihe I;tler 13th
rnuun. In Ihe blC'"olk nonh"",';lsl lhc' rUlt'N uf 5ul.d.ll :md RHIoIO\ built
,mall timher fort... 10 prolc'Cl lhdr merc!t:lltls frum NO\};ftrud ;lnd lhe
\1I1~;l I\IIIWIfS. In Ihe mid13lh rcnllln thl' incrt'3.\illg lhre:'l pt.ISfill)\'
l,ilhu;lIIi;1ll I';liders It.'f11lI llil' I"onificuion Hf the lltll'lh,wt'SlerJI frolllier,
willt TtlrtJpets ill lilt' princip;tlil~ (If Pultll:;k;C.;l slr;uq::ic lJ;tsc,
Sie~e ",:lrfare ",a.~ \"err rmlillll'mary ill lilt' early Rlts' \'I';t, I}~ Ihe 12lh
renltln'. howe\"Cr. Ihl' !:hrf'll}r f,:fn/lllki illlxili:lrie.'l ,,'ho g:lrri"lmed
"IHuhnll IOrlrc!i."':S "'cre' ~killt'd ill defensin' sil:):e ",;u'I:n'e. lhou):h such
I':lp:thilitil':; were nOl c\'{'nll' :tprl':ld :KroS.~ the counlr)'. III I:!Ofi, fOl"
I'X:Ullpl~, Rlis' helpillg" defl'ud lht, l.ithll:wi:U1 t':l~tk of Ilolrn u'iecl 10
imil:t1I' tl\(' (;l'rman r.rus;llkrs SlOllt'-lhro"'ing lIlaehim', Imt nnl),
MIITI'I"fll'd ill Illirtin~ nICks h:\t'k"~lrlls :lWlillSl lhdr 0I1'rl tuell. l.cs.~ tll:lll
:t J.::1ucr.tlion lalcr. when helpillg !lloft'nd T,lrlU, Rlis' lmllp:t werl'
prolMhlr responsible fOl' :1 '"'heel filled with lire' whie'll till' rkft'lllic'rs
rtIl1nl :tg:lillsllhe Crus;l(lcrs' sie):e l'uKilWS, follo"'ed hy <II")' wCltltlthrowlI
Imlll thl' r:nnp:uu, Me:U1whi1c' RHS' fonilic:uicm:t thernst:lws rdkCl\,t1 a
murc' :Kliw f"rm uf:luack Itsin): siq~e m:lchillc's and direct ;Is.... luh.
Another rem:u'k:tbk ft'allin' nf Rill" Ikft'Hc('~ "~tS :l .'\Cril'~ of IlInl::
\\~Ills, Clllnp,II'ahlc linc:lr \,~\1h :lppe:U'I'cl in Scallllill:\\"i:I, hUl \\"h~ther
VikillJ:S look Ihe conn'pl In Rus~ia or It"tnlt'd il in III\' ~:l ...t relll;lins
ullknuwlI. Enormous lilll':lf <kfl'nn's had, "f (Olll'st. ht'C'll a fc:uure of
lite Sass:mi:m [lIIpir~ St.."\"l'r...l c~lllurics earlier. !'rinn' Vladimit \\,t"
:lppart'1I11) rC'slxllIsibk for till' .so<alic'<i 'Snalt' R:ullp:ms' which aI'\, 100
kilomelres long. TIWM' Ctlllsi,led of stlcCt"SSiw lints of r:mll):.lfl!lO s(ltllh
:llId caSI of Kil"\', as lI"ell :L~ r:ulil):.lru nil Iht lefl b,1nk of thl' Onicper ;tnd
;tlnllK Ihe lowcrt:OIIf!it.' Ofllw Sula ri\er. hoth :lS.lOCi:tll.-"(! wilh Ihe fortilkcl



uf Voin which incurpllr:llcd :l harhuur. Another scril.-'ll of

VitichM'. Ol 1II;II"$hallill~ point for' lICCL~ s:JilillK down
ri\'er to nl'J.<Ifl1illm.
'~\I11');lrlS ....ncloS('l!

Aussl. Divided
U\ the ,tan of the 131h ("cnilln KiI"'~111 Rll~' "-;I~ a dilcrM: lcrrilur~' \\;th
m;lIl\ CCI1ll"l.-"S of IXYlIcr domin:l.l('(IIl) one rulilll( Rurilid ,h-na!'>!\. In lilt'
Cnhllfl'f! :tIId pC;lCl::Ibk SOtllh a ~I;lhk fromier h:lcI hc_'t'n cSlablislu.1.II\;th
th,' KiIM"hal Turks. TU\\'IS "'ere cxp:mcling. ;IS "'~lli agrkullurt". along willi
a sense ofRLlssi,1n idcmil\ ba.<;ccl upon a Sla\ blllgu:tgt-' and the Onhodox
Churrh. The fromicflIi hc'\\"t."(,11 prinfi!>;lIillt-'<! mcam lillie. p;tnicul:trh to
the prin("~ and their I>ndmuu. :md coll.IIN: ill lilt" (;tcr of till' Mongol
jm~lSiOIl \\-;b nut a resnh of fraglllcllI;uion. The prl-...lige of Kit-" :LS lhe
(l'nln' of IhL~' l)()\'o'er h3l:1. hO\\,,\('r. cleclirll..'fI. Indttd lilt' cil\ ImcllX't:1I
SoIrl.L-d in 1169, not b\ foreign fOlOS bUll" n\~,1 Ru~' princ...-s.
UI lho: SClll 0( lilt' 13th (C'ntun RlI~;I'~ r('ntn' ofgr.nill had ~hifu.'d
dSl.",h.. 're, Galich in Ihe SOUIIHoCQ l\~1S incrcOIsinJ.:" p""...,.ful. and l\~1!> Ihe
Ilflll IJOln of m..."(I""",:,l Ru~' whi<"h "'~LS to $Ulllt' t')(lelll feudaliu.'d in a
\\"l'\lertl t:urnpc3.n manner. 'Ill(: ;lfmil'S of\\llhmi;,-G;'11ich also rl-~llIblt"(1
tltoSl." 01 I'llbn(! ...nd Ilung;ln d~>itt' ~Iill hdllK 1l>l<;t"(1 upun tlk"
MIllIllilU " - Io<U _ I of
tr.wlitiulI;'tl /)ndmtn.. urban mililias and (;h,fln, l\Joolllt,. RlI~' rcl;.tlioIlS ",'Ih
IUew, I~ 13th C: _
Lhe Kill(~h;,b ...l-'TC gencrnll' friendl\. C\en 1huugh LIIl.' I.ltlcr welc COli'
cotntMwlrK. Noll
'l'ninK to C:llholic mther th:1I1 Orthodox Chnsti;mill. RIIS.'\ian rcl,ttions
tht ""-~
III tht
"',Ih wh:1l fl'lI\;tinl."(1 ofllic Bn:;lIlline Eml>in' abu fl'nl.linl."(! dose.
..tandInt' collar of In. . . .
Milit;,ril\' and polilicdlh. hll\\'l-,\'er, Stu,d;J1i:l \\~LS now the most 1X)\\'erful
.......... ptI,ttriu! 111_
1>;111 of Rus'. [,'cn lhe lille of I(lilt; 1\11)"..1, Grand Plince, ...<l!i u'\l.l;lll1 hdd
1)\ the rukr of Stu(Lllia, '111i~ t';ll>tern 'l"Kiun h:tel
been Cl111t-d '1)I,.11ll1d the fnrest' ,1Ild il rCmaiUl'f! :1
lOTII.'. Mon' imporl;uull for 1111' fU11l1 c, the
the I'rillr..,. 01" SUl.dalia \\~lS nOI nm,
-25slrainl-"(1 "':1 sI1'IIng boyltr:,nstocr:tq nr inflllenti;d
I;"'''' 10\\11 coundls. Stll.dali;, "'~lS, in f;ln, the
hinhp1act' nfRus.si:\I1 :UIlOCr:IC)';llld oflhl' 'iQ-C;llled
'app;llIagt' ~)'Slem' which "~IS wi(lel) (Ihounh
20-unjustly) bl:uned fCll' Ru~~i:J's (ull;lp~ befill"e the
MOIlAul ll11sl:IUAht. 'n,b S}'1'1t'111 of gU\t'1"111I1l'1l1
._----_._-_ +
al1d military Qflpni/;lIioll I\~IS 1);\St."(1 "1)011 a rel:,liollShip hetll'c'('ulhe Graud I'rillcc ofSu7(lalia aud
SlIlTOlllldilig princes. greal ;mc! small, I\'ho 11'1'1'1' all
'---c60~_-...J ,
meIl11X:l"!i of the Mille fuling fami1)', l\u1hori1)'
----1301---lendcd to pass hurilO1I1;11I)' from hro1her 10
younger brolher mther 111:111 I'enirall)' from father
to son. To ;\\,oid exCt...~i\'e CUlI1pclilioll. Ihl' 'lUllS of
princes who died heforl' Iheir f:llhe" or elder
bmllwr wcre pl:lcel! uUI.~id(' this sllcrcs..~ion S)"'lel11.
11 did nnl :lIlI'a)'l' \\'01'1. smooth1)', hill mol't' uflcn
32than nOI ptincl-os s('11l their {)rrd';I11/j III SUpp0l"l
lhreatencd colle;lb'l.Ics, ""hile Ihose on tIl{' fronticn
rcecil"t.-d milit:tll' assist;mcc fmm the (;'':'nd Prince,
,.-.--------.--, 11
11K' nonht:m p'incipalil)' (If l'oIots!: II~I!> 11011'
OttlSKlc the Kit....~\lI S)~l'lll ;,md "'~IS aJrc-"dl' under
Ihrt"31 frolll l.ithuani;m miders. nUl lhe most





not<lblt ft';uul"e 01 nunl1t'nl RllS.~i:l W~1S tht'

inrrC;lsinjl illdqxIuknft III' NII..gorud. tk....pilt'
001 rill'~ illabilit\ III tlt';.1 Willi m:.jor f(Jl't'i~n
im~illll~ \\;IIIOllt 11I'lp frnm olle of Iht' ~'Tl-.u
pOnn.... ;'\11I~UIl~1 \\.l' inl:":t.lht ouh Russian
IUlt which \\'i'" mil .1 l'';llcip:dil\. 11I~lt':ld il
'rllgni7t'fl till' :uuhunll HI Ih.. Gt<llld Prince
"ili't, its 11\\11 hlshop \I'its tiull.lr ht';ld of ,Ule.
In n-alil\ tht I"'MnIUllI il R0I"l'nlt'CIlht'ot\';llld
its \~l'" "I'pt'lIllt-ill It.,.riull;...... Sinn' 11K' l:tlll
ct'IltUI"' tilt' llI1'oiulllIlt jllllt'mOI" had also !x't'1\
,d("Cu'd hi Ihl' I",hdnun ,lIlltlll~')I NI"'lI:0l"od's 0'0\11
~r :1I;stocr.K\o r.ulwl" Ih:m I" lhe Gr.tlld I'rince.
Funhl"flllOft lht 1m.. Illl\\ >,('k'flt'fl Ihe hishop.
tilt- lrt,M"r of lilt tn:;l"II"\. li1l' lord vf SLUe 1;mds.
\'aricK1S OI.hcr ulTKiaI. indullinl( tht' 1)'5ia1Jky militi:1
COnll1J:uKkr..md >,('UI i1s 0\0.11 pmmtlllJt 10 gun:rn tht'
JtnIf!!Jffld t If 'f1",.'Jilmllllt 111\\'11' of P,ltl\.
'\1l\l:t1l\ld \\'il~, htlW't'\lr. Ihn'";llellt"ll h\ &\lIic
(:rus;Klt'n anti I.!lhll.ull.m r~llfkK :md opinion ill
tM (;n "''il' di\llkd tlwr hO\1 lU tkal with tht'St
WC'StcUlel'. A pn,.(...rm:m f;lClion elllergl-d hut
'!mull! ~n rl.l.,11 \\"illl tht~, who prcfcrt'CI lhc
IOler.1I1l mit' uf Ihl' ~'onJ(ols 10 dUlI1inat;on ""
QlIhutif' SimiJ.lr It'lI,inn w'oukl appc;lr in G:tlich'hlh\lIi:1 helwt't'n thtl!ol' >,(tlin~ :11Ii:mco \I;th Calholic 1'"l.llId or pagan
Li,hu:mi.1 :tl1l!tllnSl' willinl( III ,uh01it 10 the ~lollg{jls.
\!though:1II rxpt"llililln 'it'lllill CTtI~h uilld around the I'('(hora rh'cr
in 119~ rtl.llht"ll ill ;1l1 .lpp:t1lilll( tlt-ft':lt frnm which onl)' 80 mt'n returned,
1\O\~nrud Imd t'xp,ll1dl'l! t'uonnousl\ to the 1I0rth~ast. GUlsing: furthcr
tru'!oiunt \\"ilh !'Iu/II.II'1,ldil11ir. L\!c:U1\\'hilc in lht' ICC) far nnrth. arollud
the \\11ilt &':1. Nll\lt0l'"tI f;\(ed 110 Ihrc:ll (0 itS domil1:11;On dt'~pill'
occa.~iOllal d.l,hl" hltWtI'lI RlIs.,i,m ;\ml NOl'wL1~i,m fishrr11ltn.

A Doomed Resistance: The Mongol Invasions

RlI~' did 110t hl'l'd tilt' \\~ll"l1illgS of the firsl Mongol I':tids ,lIltl :IS <I
rt'~llh cht MOllgul itml~iotl of Ru~sia ill 1~37-:N I"atllt' :t~ :. s\lfpri.'!ol~.
Ij;lrtiftllarl}' :t.~ Ihl' I'llelll)' tllt .... rtc1 lhrough dense foresls 1tl ~Irike tht'
Ilril1l'ip:llil)' of RI~v:m. Fol' lheir P:11"I Ihl' Mongols Wt'rl' no lunj.;:tT a
nomad horde, <llltllhl' Rn~' 11l>W f,lrl'tI:1 Sil1o-~'OIl~ol ,mil} which drcl\'
upon Ihe :lth~\IlCl'd milil:.r) 'il.-i("lll'cs (If Chin:l ,!..I. lI'dl ;15 the 1\~Il'1ike
Imditi'l11s tJf(:CIIII~11 Asia. 1'0 chis chI'\' ftJ1llld no :ms1ler. The ",'ntl~ol
Crc,ll Kh:m ll11kathed ;. c<ltnp:.ign of It'nor to brt",lk tIlt' Rus' l\'ill to
rt"Si,l: Mong:ol armies m:.il1lailwtl tht, field thrOllA;h :111 Sl:t.... I11S. wI IiII'
Mongol ~icjll' Illt'lhotis Ilrew ht':I\'ilr t1ptJ1l Chinese sL.:i1Is :111(1 ~')l'Ci'llists.


In the t[\(1 I'rillrt' Miklmil V'It.'\"nlooo\'ich of Chernigo\'. brother nf the

bctl.. . ri:,n()wll Alt'x:mtlt'r N("I,i:,i :lmlthe lasl Russi:m princt' to ~ublllillO
Mon~ok 111001k h;~ \\~J) to 11ll' (:n'at Khan'scourt in 121ij.11Iere he \\,,~
rsuttd. and W~t, 1,l1t'r tkcl;\n'd :1 l1lartlT..s aim h)' Ihc Russian Church.
Au ll(COmoo.lliol1 \\ith lilt' MUUROls 1I'il1. thc on'" rc:l1i~tir :lh,rn:tti,'t:.
and lilt' c1tlSt.lIt'''-' of the \uh~t:qllent relations bt'lw("('n (:r.md l'I;Il(t
Aks:llldt!" :"t'\'li and hi~ ~lol1gtll Greal Khan O'I"cr!ol'd (IlIharr.J.'Sl"l1

kale c..... whtIlron ......... b

INched 10 I IOn IHIt>er NM,
13th-141h c ~ (Stwo
Hllionc.l M.........., Moscowl


rhwnirll'''', On tIll' olher hand, a lr.lc!ilion of nlnpt'r.uioll

WI"lt'nlnlU~1 RlIlo.,i;1Il principalilies :111(1 lheir Europe:m
l1ei~hhulU" .11"11 'ul'\'ill't1. I[crt' Nm):ornd tsc:tptd prolonged ~lulI~ol
comrol, \\hik n1ufh tlf 1l...lafll', Vulh\l1i;1 ;md (;:Ilich gradu:llh' fell under
IJthu.lIli;uI :ullll'uli'h domin.llion r:lIher th;m Ilmt of tile MUllgols.
IM:tWt'I'1I Ihe

.\non.. I.a (;"'>lil(' du I'nll((' I~()r'. Il.(:r~tlire, RJakohson & :t15lt{lt't
(t"ilil. So: 1I~11I'.1. ",.,111111"-" d,l'hu/llul til' 1'111~ rl d111(/01"" lh,,,,wl,,
rl 'iiilln \'11I (1~15-47)
AnOIl,. ThI' UmrllfV of ,\'m.'fi!O'T'd: IUI6-J4il. IDlichell ' N,FIIIIM"
(trom..). Vl.d", nllld ,\rn1'J, lillXX\' (I.ondllll 1914)
Chadl'l'id.. ="I.K.. 'MllI'gr""",p of Iluulun IIUtOif'J (Camblidgt' 1946)
Chtnll:!\.. kl. M.. TlIlrllntll'f"O/b. S'"dlfS In IlNMinn M,lllu (Nol 1-l:nt1l
Ilimnil., :tL Mlkhml. l"n"". of Cknllf!ltl ""d (;/Ollti l"n"". oj Kinl 1224
1246 Cl'urolllo 198 I)
I)-ukes. I'.. " IImllfJ of liIWl": MI'd,nltll, MOilmI, (.onlnlt/JOmrT (I.ondon
19i I)
Ft'lIndl.j., rhl' (:nll\ of Mmln'fl' Uuwt/ 1'2f1){U (London 1YS.'i1
Fr.lI1l.lin. S. & j.Shep;lrd, "hf' E""'/{ffl'" of HIti nO-/200 (I.ondon 19'-J6)
Gimbm.l" M.. lhf'Slm" (I,ondoll 1971)
(:rt'I.O\. 8.. IVn' flN) (Mn"'()1\ 1959)
Guh/Jo:off. \'.. '1.:1 Rn~k Nl,\inlm' enlre 101 Sr.';mdin:I\'ic. Const:U1linoplc
1'1 It, RII\~lLlrIlt Fr:mr dt Jirtlo\;lltII\. Itn"", d~ l:illtli:J .\1mn LV (1983),
1,,11 fi 1
Il.lm't"":,,,l, K.(t,tlil.l, \imlllJ[lllri l'robl,.,II). Smllf/~t;/m';fII, SIIPI",mrolll I
(CHIIt.nh.IK~n 1!l70)
K:lpl:tn, EI.. 'TIlC' I)t'1.'lillt, of the Khalars :1Ilt! Ih,' Rise of the \':Irnn/o:ian~.
rhl',lmmllln .\lm'" //1111 fml flll'fJ/J"t1ll 'u,'i"" XII I (1934), 1\0
Kirpinil.O\. I\.N.. /)""lIml\.l/tm Orrl::hy" (lA'S t\rllU'5ll,,/(/ /(rm". MrdinYI"J,
in RII"';,1I1 "ith Fl't'lllh 'UIIIIIl:tq (L,-,,,ingr.ld 19i1)
I\irpi"iko\,. A.N.. 'RIl:>"i'i('ht' Iklm ails dell! fnih~n Milldahcr', 1.1'1Ufllrijl
fUr /(II/r!rnr/". lIilffm. /lIlI/1\roliiIllRrtllllf XV (1973). 89-9fl
l\irpillik'II'. A.N.. 'Russische Kt"'>qwrSchlll,.":,n"t11 dl'~ 9.16.
./:,hrll1lllll"llS'. 1,/'//lflllijl jij,./li.I/OIisdl, 11'tIl/n!. 1/11I/ KQ.>liimR/lIII/" XVIII
(I !17li). :!:!-:n
Kirpinikm'. A.N.. 'RIl~~isdl\' Want'n des 9.-15. .l:tlll'hundcrls, 1.ri",/"ijI
fUr /(il/t/ll\d". miff"" IIIU/ KOJI/ill/krl/lllf XXVIII (19&i). 1-22
Kirpinikll\. A.N.. Srllll)'I,:Jmli, 1'$//(/,/111/1 I 1'/')kl/ln~1,I(lI 1\01/)'/1 11I1 lI.uJi. IX
X/IIbII (IIrlrllllrI1l7n/"11 1111 Cmllilirr", 1/"1,, MOII/rl""" UII~sif (IIIX IXXIJI
)1;d,..,J, ill Ruo;si:tll "'ith Fr.lIt h ~llrnrnar)' (l.cninJ{rad 1973)
K,,~wchkin, V.,(t,lIi!.). A'''''llmlll{)f' 1./111,11"1/116 f)rnllliJ' NIH; (/"or/"u
Arrh'f"f,.,."IJjf."'/f IlIO)ill), in Rll~i:Il' "'ilh English snmm:lrr (MoscoI\'


l..;mllllT. (:.V.. l\: R.A.I'it'rn'. f;"sh''tIrtilo Em/Ji,,: ExpiomlltlPl ,IP/I/ COIII/llni

Ill/ II" Ulllwm (JfNPI fro"I""; 10 Ji50 (~Ionlrcal & London 1973)
~1;lrtin.J., Rus."i:m Exp;l1l~ioll in Iht' F:lr Nunh, X 10 mid-XVI (ClIlllr}",
ill M.RIwl.in ('"ilit.). /(/./));,,1/ ('.oIOl//II( I':xlHmJIOII 10 191i (London
I~IR'). 1:\.\:\

W KnIt. 1QH " - IortlfIM

_ '.... M Sl.HowIUI,
1ttI-1Oth C
(8\ KniftI wI1II --.... .......
1I'om ...... _~.11tI


(C) AltMMad fNnt ~ " '

C (K/9m" M _ Nowfor-lI
IDI AltMMad ' - S__ ~

ttJo.101/1 C
IE) .......... " -



10th-13th C ~"" M - .

""M) SH- - ' ~ lMan

" - SWy.


Ith-IOth C

' - an..do.,.,.
Ial. "' C ISlal. Hilloriul


IJI Sllver-pl.ledlllK. lrom

T-vanIKhl. 10th C
(lQ Inl.n"y w....u. '"""
MUthem AlI..I., lotll-l1111 C
(1..1 C.~.11Y w
IOIlIIlllm A l., lotll C

lnl.ld willi tI"',

AlI.tI.n, 1111113111 C

.. Inlltld w.... u. from
,t.1ItI 01 A.ndrel Botoljllbtlcll,

12111 C(N.llon.1 Hitiorlul

MlIulIm, MOKowl
101 F.agm.nt. 01 .1I1.1d lrom
Cllllmy. KI~lIkl , ..... t Yll",~.
Aot .... r. 111h13111 C _ 01,
110.... rOllnd willi freg_l. 01
rim relnlon;_l: 02. bOI. !rom
from; 03. 110.. II'om .Ide.


tPl M.ce lI. .d '""" Kiev, 13th C

tOI M..,. hQd lrom ~.


13tIIC lKl'tfI\lln


lA.I M_ wlIh . .lei Mit,

12111'13th C

IS-Ul ~ - ' I91'ItbvIt

lrom Swdll, 13111 C lHlllorkil
/III........, Sultlal).

M'lIliu.J.. Mrdu'I'l11 RI/J)j(1 C)8(J.1 jN4 ( ::lIl1bridfole 19'1)

Miller. IlU., 'The Man} Frollli('''~ or P"I~;"lon,.::ol Ru~'. !llluirlll IIUfO')
XIX (1~)l.J'l). 231-260
Nooll:lI1. T.S.. 'Medif:''al Russi:l. Iht Mongol~, and Ihe \\b,: ~O\l{omd's
rl'1:lIions wilh the Itlhic. 1100-1:\....0, ,\Ift/in'llf SllIl1lh XXXVII (19i5)
l'awJ,it"icz. II .. TIv Origw of !l,m;a (I..olldon 1%4)
l'rilS;lk. 0 .. Th" Origilu 01 /ll/J'; IlN'unlt' 0"", Uhf S,.,,,,l1il/(ll'tnn Sollrfl"'{ oIh"
tI"", Sagns (CamhridRc M;L~. 19R1)
R:lppoport, I'.. 'RlI,,~i:lll ~kdiL"~11 ~lilil,ln Arthitt'Ctllr('. (;fmli"s VIII
Slwp.lrd.J.. 'The Russian-&epl>t' rrolllier', in A. I\nw (('(Iii.). '1)':Imllll"
8/1/(11 Sm ~.r"'JKWItJlt. Hirnti"J!h"m I 'Nil..,..J1ty Nt-2fJ Marth J9iH) (Alht'n~
19i1l). 123-1:\~
Shep:u"d, J.. 'Yll~'lrs f.xlltdilioll hI tht E.15t :mel a RIl~ian Insoibt'd
Cross'. SlIgn-BooIt of Ih" ,'jJtlllg.'ionrlt XXI (19fl2-S5). 2'l'ltt.rl
nlOml>son, M.W.. .\'m.gorod Ih" GfflIf (I.ondon IOCli)
Topochko (el al.. L-dilS.). 7.nnlt r,,:hnOl' R".)I I' JX-XJ1'bb.. l..an<h or tht'
Soulhcrn Rus in lite 9th-I'lIh cCl1lllrie~ (ill RIls.~ian) (Kit" 19&:')
Vnn:,cbk\. r... " lIis10ry of Rim"" Vol~1J 8.: III (Nt'\\' Haven 191M 8.: 19:1:\)
Vern:ldsk\. G.. Th" Origin.\ of RIIJ,)/11 (Oxford 1959)
\\':Ird. G.F.. 1l1C English I)allcgckl :Iud lhe Rll,,~iall Dan'. Th"AJItt'I'1mn
(/1/11 .\lm;( mul "'n~ /-.urofJt'tl" IV!'Inl! XIII (1954). 2CjtJ.31 ~




SCandinaVlatl traders.

Idventurers lWld ll'IefCenanI'S

who made It.- way ...... dee!*'
lI'ltO !he NSWn Slav IIww;b whICh
...... 10 become J\.Is$III did noc
tighllhelr way Uvough hostile I . '
ntory, They musl have twId al


gt\IdgIng acceplance of
local SlaY tribesmen. Wben Ihty
rMChed lhe lands oIlhe Tl.W1ush
Khazars In the south. no-.
they enteted !he leffl10ry of an







g.arrlsons probably
regarded these ferocIOUS newcom&rS with $USP/ClOIl.

AI: Eastern Slav tribal warrior

ArcNleologlcaI evtOence shows
IMlttle early SlaYS were under greater stltppe than Weslern
European innuence In military 8Q\l'pmenl. horse-tlatness and
clothing. ThIs wamor's IameIaf cUllaS$ IS purely Central
A$IarlIn style, wtliIe his do\lbIedbtNsted coal looks TurlUsh.
His ornamented ben has. howevef. bel13Ilen ffom a FornoUgrian roe. \M3Il'l sources: Slav & Easlern FII"Il'I gr.Jve-finds;

Combll "lw.... I milked min

and wlrrlor, In wall palnUI'IfI
01 c. II 2O-1150. lin III"
C.u..e!rat 01 santa Softa, Kiev)

Hemwtage Museu-n. Sl.P&letStug; HISIOrical MuseoolS.

SuzOaI & VIadinwl

fowId ~ beftealh
Ho9OtOd Ktoemlln. lK.....1In

~ ~Ylan

AI IhIS NIl)' dale ~ MltIers in Aus$la used
weaporwy eother made ., ~ Of manAaC1l,lIed
IocaIy in ~ srytI. Nib travelers In Russoa also
clesctibed the $eandil'lawan'SIy4e quilted elotlwlg and
lowing dotlks 01 those they II.- lIS Rus' Earty Flus'
PIgIl'II$l'll is shown In It.s",,,,,'s dagger WIlli ll"'l carved ..
lhI $hape 01 Odit!"s Raen. (MaIn sources: shield from
GoIl.Slad slUp bunal. earty 9th C, UIlIvetS!letels
QIdsaksarnIng. Oslo; ~e. 9th-10th C, NatIOnal Museum.
inv.9798. ~ helmet In)m LMmond. 10th century,

Medieval aItoe and child.. boot,



AreI'IaeoIogICII MIISeOOI, Oslo: daggef. 9th C. pmale coll8clion)

A3: ea.tern Magyar cavalryman
The advaoced metallwgy of the Khazars and their Magyar
allies is shown ,n many archaeological excavations. lew QI

which are wldel~ k.nown outSide Russia. In addl110n to

hettne1s. mall haubeOls and lameHal culrasS8$, some of 1he
KhalarMagyar military &lila wore plated leg and shoulder
pieces rellectlng Persian and Middle Easllll'n iflllU&r(;e, II
wooIct be man~ cenluries betote such lIClVanCl armour was


in Eoo:>pe. (Main


helmet. 9Ih-' om C.

Hermitage Museum. St.Pe1Msborg: armour !o archety

tqIlIpTleIlt from Cir-Jurl !o arm deferoces from Boriso't'skii.
1oca1lon unknown: leg defences trorn Gend"k-Tl,IlIpse,
NabOnal Histoocal MUS8U'1\, Moscow)



eth10th CENTURY
ThlIQI Rus' rutin of Kiev were pagans. WId Itley Ined to
IISI _ling pagan beliefs 10 weklltle YIW'ied peoples of Usprawling ream IntO unified stat.. But ~fI.(

anacks on 1he powerlul and wealthy Chrislian empire 01

Byzantium, like that altempted by Sviatoslav. probabl~ conVInced tus successors that the Christian God would be a
more elfective ally than the old pagan pantl'leon.
81: S'tfaloslav of Kiev, 971 AD
8yl8ntlne clvonlclers described this eatIy AIls' rulef as
havng shaved his head except lot one long Ioek behind his
ear: he was rvportedly of n1Idcie heIghl With a WfQpy bIard.
straII!Ifing moustache and snub nose. lilt _
Itle same
wt.te tine lIS his ~ lhough his was cleaner. QeaIty
SYIatOSIaY was pn:Jt8CbI'lg twrlseIf as a steppe khl ralher
than a Wung ~t1nl' Of 8yzanhne npetOf. (MlwI
$OUICeS: carved dmUlg hom from ChemIgov. 8th.9Ih C.
National Historicel Museum. Moscow; SW'ClId from BlisIova.
9th-, Olh C. Ilx:et.on unknowI'l)

B2: Orulhlnll WIII'l'Iot" 01 paglln Rus', 10th c.ntury

~ did not tlIkllthe SeandiNVIlIn Rus'long to aOc:lpl Slav and
T1.WIuII1 steppe doIhIng. lIn'M and lIrmOU'. Nevertheless
there was II \JllnSiloonal ~se when membefs 01 the
~ used II rnxture 01 Nor1h E~ and Sleppe
weaponry. FOI ,xample this warrior's sword ,s in
ScandinlVIIIl'l loml but Wlln II locally macle bronze hilt
whereas his .mery eQ\IIPl'IWII .. esuntlally Central Asw1..
nl his two-pece
is WI Romarlo-ByzantIne style.
,..., souoas: helmet Irom Gnezdovo. 10th C. NabonaI
HIstoncal Museum. Moscow: _
from ChernajlI Mogila.
lllltl C. NlItIonaI HISloncal Museu:n, Moscow: s~ from
1ocII\JOIl unknownl
B3:: Pedleneg ehieftaln, 10lt1-earty 11th c:....U'y
The ~ that II known OIl Pedwleg miitaty lIQlIIPII'llll'
tugge5ts lhet they dil:l nol otfeI' muc:h !rem nomad$ 10 the
lISt, lItld IhIl ot'tt II smIII llkIe had I'I'UCh lIrmOU'. n.s
wamOI II from that eIiIe, WIth II one-pec:e .-on heme!
I*1'IaPI OIl MO:Il8 Eastllm ong.n. plus II ffi8iI haubef1l over a
~ed nne. HIs W$IpOIlry"" ~ inc:lude some
di$ln:IlVlI Pedwleg dec:o'elJve elements. ~ scuces:
pi ...".. 110m ~ I<h&l-Masw-, 10lh C,
Kunsth:5lonsc:h ~ v.n.: SlIbte from Klnk area.
9\tt-I31h C, SlatlI AnttvOf:
caI~. Moscow: bndIe
~ GayevkL ~ Museun. Sl.PelIWSbur9: helmet
!rom Vet\dIneYchenkov. 11th C. Hl$torlClf Museurn.





11th C.loc:aloon unknown; helmetlrom Chermgov, 1THdIOth

C. Stale HlSlOOCllI Museum. Moscow)
C3: Urban militiaman, 11 th c.nlury
The map'IIy otl,rl)an militl,1$ Wft pocIIty equppad. \l:Iol.9llM
man's dec:l:IIa1ed axe suggests that he was weaIlhy ~ nol neees5a'iy wartike.. The militias' ITIIIIn role WIIS ~ \l:Iol.9l
mert:h<Wlts WIth ~ of /oleIgn ~ .......:I as glOdes.
c:a'WIlI of man WIth IhIelclIlom Kiev. 11th
C. Slate HisIonc:aI Mu5eI.m. Moscow:
lIth-I~ C.
SIale Histoncal Museu'n, ~




In wonter lhe lrozen nvers

lormecI natural highWll)'S 101
RUSSIan merchants and
lIm'IlK. Nevertheless. the
s,parselypopuiated Nster"
IIgIOr'II w-. home 10
..... F"lIlI1ISh tribes. some
of wtlIc:h resosled Russoan



LATE 10th-11th CENTURY
MlOeviJl ~ was eland 01 vasllotests, ~ WI Ihe
north lItld _1: hete _
..., lalla prO\IIdId !he Mtt really
tIlectJve routes.~. the Rus' com/:llned the $lip-building l1enIage OIl Iheif 5candtnavIan lWlc:eStors WI\h the
lNlIl"boat lte:hnoklgy of the eastern Slavs. F"rns, and forest
Twb. Onc:e the great nvllQ had bee"! mastered the Rus'
could bec:ome rulers 01 a regIOn half the SIZe of E~.
Cl: Commander of a princ:ety army. 11th c:.... tury

Byzantme miIltllly .,Ituenc:e followed immediately the RIJS'

oonverted to Orthodox Clwlltlamty. Yet the main external
WIuences remall'led those 01 steppe c:ultur$$ and. later. of
Western Europe. This SlInIOf commander sti~ has the baggy
sastern Slav trousers. cseeoralect helmet of sleppe style. a
TlrtM: sabte and llI'I Iranian lorm 01 Ught cavalry axe. (MaIn
SO\llCfl: mac:e or SI,t! ot olliee lrom Taglll'llSCha, 10th C,
loc:allOn unknown. helmet lrom Gnezdovo, 10th C. State
HIstorical Mutuem, Moscow; mall hauberll from Chefl'l3/ll
1,Iogl1a. SIal' H,sloocal Museum. Moscow}
C2: Member 011 senior Oruzhlna 01 Kiev, 11th c:entury
ByzantU'le Intlu&oc:e Is more obvlOIn In this young walrlOf
In)on I ric:hIy IQI.llpped Druzhina; yet he Is based on arllstic
raIher than arcl'lHological evidenc:e. HIS helmel and sword
.. genume enough, bul illS unc:lear when medieval Russian
O'uzhulas adoplecllule-shaped shlllds. The pseucto-Romarl
hWdenecl leathel s/loI..Ilder lind WillSI eXlensions on his
CUIraSS mey have been an arllSIM: convention. IMam sources:
relief c:lIIWlgs 01 SIS. NestOl & OImltti. 1I1h C. JrI Sllu
Domttriskayl. KleY: s~hIIt !rom KamanezPodolsk.. ear1y
IlItpllu 01 ,2Ul Cfillurr _ _ bow found .....

................1 _
- _ Plot. 01 (K


lone lind ~

" M.......... HogorocI)

In blrdobortr.

01: Mordovilln warrior,

11th c:entury
Because of the leroc:lOUs
wint" wealhel 1hls man IS
wrapped in a heavy coal
whdl8lso c:<MlfS his bowcase
and QlWllf, whle ~ leggings
. . !I'OIy p8dOed with irJsu.
~ mat8l'l8l. His sable has h
'mg' pommel b.n:I n SIYef3l
p;w: of nonhwesuwn Asia. (Mawl
IICUl:eI; east F...., sable & hWIl8SS
kagments. all. Sedov)


Southern Russia lind the grNl
CllY of Kiev __ ltIe CIAIuraI

centre of the huge bul

ingIy fragmented



Rus. Here an

eJIOllC fl'lIJ(tloWll of
ByzantlOll spIenOour. Slav 8fld
T..-lush arms a'Id arrn<M.W, 8fld
Se.andifIavian IfaditiOnS oouId be
Iound. In eM in'Iaglned scent, the

ittIe SCWl of a boya" nobIemaIl

dares 10 ofter his loy Sword WI
homage to a great pnnce.
1: Grand Prine, 01 Kiev
ByzantlOll inIIuenee was \IfIf'I'lOS.
takable in the Palace of Kiev.
where tefemonial regalia Wllf1l
modelilld upon those of the

Impe...al Cour1 In Conslanhnople.

Even so Aus' princes cont,nued
to be portrayed wearing the f\lf
hats which laler became a fIIafII
of hogh rank in Russocillty. (Ml\Ifl
sources: wall-painllng, 1rl Silu
KriIovskaya Monastery. 12th C.

"""Guardsman 01 ltIe Grand


shows that

arms and

SMrt-................ Mlrt, soutMm A... ... C.......,. Klobvkl,

lou.-13lh _tuf'f - ... I'tlole L (NatloftIol HlaIOtkal



lllh_12lh eerllury
Even lhe weaIIh 01 Rus' princlpalrtJes and U- wellarmed
l)uzhnas did not make ~ eonqoest of prmtMl and
scalterec! n8Ighbours easy Those who led tr'obutegathenng
e~pediliorlS could hope lor nth rewaros but IMMI<Sed to be
well prepared. ThIS boyar has an advanced lorm 01 lamellar
coorass plus lhe shortsleeved mall hauberk preferred by
Russian wa~. (Ml\In sources: saddle fragments from
Lenkovtsl. Grodno & Belaya V1tzha. 111h121h C. location
D2: Bopr

unknown: arlTlO\ll' rragments rrom 1II0vg0r0d. 11thl2th C.

Kremlin MlISe\.m. Novgorod: bridle from Nikol&evlla, lltt1
121h C. Hermllagll Museum. SI.Petet$bufg: 'Sabre 01
Char1emagne'. 111h C. KunsllllSlonehes Museum, Vlema)
D3; Movgorocl mijjtiaman, 1Hh12th century
Amongst severill oqeelS presetVec:l WI the waterlogged soil 01
northIm Russoa _ large bow 01 A'IUIlJple wood eonstrueIJon. I*" 01 skis Met sledQe. The bow was coveted
WI ~ a matenll also used lor S'NOId-gnp$, $hoe$,
q,wers and m1I'Ig .papet', Thrs man', I'llllmeI <:a'I'I81rom.
I.JthuarAn SdfI but was pl'I)babty made in northern Russa
skis. 13th14lh C. sword 110m Novgofod.
lIo.-12lto C. bow from NoYgoroc:I reg.on. lIo.-12lto C. all n




were not the

same .. those shown in
mosl Byuntne-slyle PICtures.
How-evet. so 1_ .xampIes
that guards n

01 8yzantnI _



have looked smilar 10 IhIs


guatdsmarI. who is bIsecl on a fl'lIJ(!ln oIl1ehll8CllOglell and

poetoNl~. {Man ~ w~plI!fllngS. 111325

AD. itt SIflI Calhedral of S.SoIia, Koev: wallp3rntltlQS.

n'lIdl2th C, irI!iIv. Monastery of $paso MllOlhskeye. KlIY:
heImeIlrom TaganlSeha. 12ttHlarty 13th C. Io$t duMg WM:l
W. Two;
01 Andrei Bogoljnbskij' & IragmenIS 01 a
C\araSS from Kil...... 12th 13th C. Slate Hl$1Orical Museum,


E3 & 4: Noblewoman and child

RuMlan female costume was similar to thaI 01 6yum,um
and no! so very dmerent from that ollile fest of EUfop&. In
almosl all fTllIdfeval societies children's Clolhlng Wilt a
smaller version 01 fhal worn by lheir elders. and the same
was true of lhoe Aus'. The wooden toy sword was found
000ng a~eavations 01 medillval Novgorod. (Main sources:
manuseripl parntng or 'Gfand Duke Svlaloslav Yeroslellidl
and his farnily' in the IZbomik SVlaIOWv. 1073 AD, Slate
Historie8l ~. Moscow: wooden lOy swon:b. Kremlin




While Kievan RJs' lore rtselI apart n cMl ........ the ~

CItystate 01 Novgorod got on wrth the business 01 CtUtng
lIS own .... .-npq' in the I. north. TMentaiIed manlanng
bny pogo$J nding and ~ 0UIP0StS aeroM ~

SuelCnes Of the In~table lerraln - ll'tough the dilflCullJeS

carne mainly from lhe wealher rather than from the scallered
tldlQ800US peoples. Monks probably played a Vlla1 role in
mamta'lllllO commuflICalloos. perhaps delivenl'lg the
blrthbaIt docum8lllS which W8fe used inSleact 01 paper.
Fl: Russlart motlk
As eIsewhete ~ lhe Orthodo. Churctl, mooks WOfe SImple
bIW;k habits IWId long bearOs. Tlws marl Cries goveflvnenl
documents wolten OIl rob 01 bn:hbar1c.. IWId his shoes are
-'so made of Itu mat..... - bat
F2: Posadnik ~
By the 12th oenlury RUSSIaI'\ male costume had de'YeIoped
rts own distlllC1lY'1!1 c:haracteosflCS. haYIng Il'll.Ch .., COIl'Vl'lOIl
WIth those 01 IN TUlCO-1slarnlc wortd. It was distngushed
lrom Byzant.,.. costume by greater use 01 fin. lMaI'1
sources: bndle ITom Chet'naYlllO, lllh-earty 12th C.
Hermrtage Mtdaom. 51.Petersburg; stmlpS from Knezha
Gaa. 12th-earty 13th C. Hisloncal Musam. Kiev; saddle
n;ments &om Zelenki. 12th-13th C. Hennrtage Museum.
St.Pelersburg: hemBt 'tISOl'. 12th C. & Won mace head. 12th13lh C.1ocabons ur*nown)

F3: Garrison soIdiIor

SinalltIIlI'llIl't Is ~ byorw 0I1tw north8rn F\Is' Slal8S
'- arms 8nd armcu .., SIlnil to tho5e used n Poland or
~ partICIJarly !'IS SllT'4)le heImel of !wO-pIeC:e conSlNCbOIlIWId lute-shaped shield. The sword Is of a type seeIl
II'l'ICWIg ~ 8aIlJc peoples, wI'IIle !he dagger is partICUarIy RU5SIaIl. (MaJIl sources: cVed wooden panel
showwlg WfJOf3. NoYgorod. 12th C. & leather sheath,
NoIoogorod. 12th-13th C. Kremlin Museu'n. Novgorod: II'llM:I
metII oOtect. 12th C. Hlstorv;al Musel..m. PskoY; sword from
lM:IIlIa. 11th-12th C. LalYlan NaIJOnal Museum, Riga)
Medieval RusSIa was cOI\Stantly try.ng to e~ 'rom the
/oresIS aIlCIlorested steppe rllgIOIls II'ltO the true steppes of
Itle south aIlCI soulheasl Hefe. howeVer. ttllly came up
agadlSl T~klSh IWId latterly Moogol stales whose arrrnes
were 'ar more eHtctrve 011 these open llrasslllllds. TheIr mosl
vaJuabIe steppe a~ie$ _e the Chernye Klobucki. the socalled 'Black HooDs'
Gt: Russian flobl., wamOl'"
Rtlalions betwOOll lhe Chemye Klobukl aoo Rus' ruling
classes were close. MUluallnOuence between their mllitary
equlpmenllS seen in the short mail hllub&rk and new form 01
eWass wom by lhls Russl8ll boyB{. HIS helmel. weaponry
Ind horseharness are. however. more European. (Main
soorces: lrIIaid spearhead from CherIligoY. early 13th C. &
lamellar fragmenls from Zaylsevskoye. 12th-131h C.
locatlOllS unknowfl: helmet hom Moseu. 121h13th C.
NatlOllal Historical Museum. Bucharest: spurs &. stirrup from
Knew Gorl. 12th-ear1y 13th C. HlS101lC11 Museum. Kiev)
G2; S&n10l' member of ChMnye Klobukl
The Il\8lfl fealure which diStlngl6hes this 'Black Hood'
leader from lhe boyar 1$ his archery eQUlpmellt aIlCI lighter
WIIllIU". He uses a wItlp ralher than spurs. rides WIth shoI'Ier
Slm1pS. IIOCl we<n I helmet of Asiatic foon. (Main sources:
bell from \Iolflesti, 12th-13th C, National HI$IOIlC3l Museum.
Bucharest; speartlead 'rom &.'Ii, 12th C. & mail halJblwk
~ KovaII. 12th 13th C. State Hl$loncal Museum. Moscow:
h*net from 8abIdle. lall 12th..-ty 13th C. HermItage

sab..; -.p1.eeI. nu1ee1 MlmOI wllh mull "'-.or; end ....11 IJ/llrl
(nolo con/IIl..... Uon .t neck - .nd deep .llt. up from Mm
lronl.nd b-ek. Indlc-'l"ll uv.lry .....1. Alle.fIy 13th
C,",I...ry, Chom~e !<lob...kl. (He",,1Il1g0 M........m.
$I.Polo..-b... rg)

Gayevll;l. 12th-13th
C. Io<:attort unknown)
G3: Chemye Ktobukl standard-bearer
A number of very dishnctwe lall. fluted helmets Wllh lrort
fa<:e-masils have been fouoo in southern 100 eaSlern RUSSia
as well as 6yzan\Jne Const3fltlllople. OUile where this style
originaled Is slin I mall8f of deba18. though It would laler be
asSOCl3ted WIlh the Mongols aIld Talars. As a standard
bearer this man probably has a lamellar C\J1mss beIleath Iws
decoraled 1\11'l1C.. The banner. wrth In ImIge 01 St.George, Is
based OIl a RusswtICOn. {Malrt SOlMC8S: helmet. face-mask
& sab<e lrom Kova~. 12th13th C. Sta18 Histoncal Museum.
Moscow: tlnC from CioguI Kurgan WIlh decorabYe fabnc
ahered. 13th C. t-k$lonca1 Museum, Kiev; sp83f-blade & butt.
13th C. Histoncal MuseI.m. SuldaI)
Museum. S1.Pel8fsburg; harness from



The armies 01 13th century RUS3la were sopNsticated, wei
8QUIPPed, and drew on several different militllfY tradilionsE ~ Tur1llStVlteppe nomadic. Byuntll'l8. and pethaps
eva'l IslIn-e PefsIIn. When the Mongols burst upon the
scene, however, t!'le RUSSianS lo.nd themselves up agalIlSt
something new. HeAl was an .-wader who was not only mcwe
lftIed Il'ld diseapIned, mcwe mobile and selI-sutlic:lent, bu(
one who oouId draw upon the lIdvancecl military lec:tlnl:IIo{W

H1: Boyar from Galidl

The ITiiQry elil, 01 Glllich and to some extent VOI1ynIa were
IWTnId in ~ rnvlIr 10 ~ and Poles. grWlg
them a mote ElM'CJPNl'l appearance that tIoops from Kiev or
SuzdIl. Nevenheleu ..... basic InTIOU' was oldlashIoned
eompncllo lhIt 01 GermMy, Fra-ooe or eYer! Sca-dinavsa.
The masSIYe healed CfOSSbow boll which has peerced IJ$
sheId was one 01 mlWlY ~ tecttlOloglcal shocks
inltoduced by lhe Mongols. (Mam sources: sword &

... Au,'
~ l"'ltvmenl ..e0fl'1NC1" ....... ......twIng
111: fIUdok or viol.. ph...... Mu_, Nootgorocl)

scabbard of Pnnce Daumantas, 1M-13th C, Hestoneal

~ Pskov: gokf4nlIId blonle door5. 13th C. In SIIU
Cathedral. Suzdal: tMWrl8l at YarOIlaY VMYolodcMc:h. meI13th C. Krerin 14nntNry, Moscow)
H2: VoIhynlan militia crossbowman
The tal. bnmmed _-hilt m.y have tM 01 ctwlIS8 0l'IgII'I
bu( spread westwards before the Mongols; lew example5
SUI'IrYe, and one 01 the smplest !\as ~ giyl1O this CftlSS-

bowman from _lem Rus' e.-th. mail hauber1I his

tunic is ~ f\.Isslan, Ihoogh his ctDSSl:Jow is ICIentJcaI
10 those l.ISI eIsewl'Iete In Europe. (MaIn soo..n:es: helmet
from westem Rossia. 12ttH3lt! C. Histonell MI.ISeI.nl,IGev:
lead seals, Russia. mod-13th C, locatIOn unknown: CfOSSbow
8QUIPl'll8l'II from Novgorod, mod-13th C, HetTMage Museum.

_ ....

...- .....

H3: Uthua"'-" waniof
8ewlg pagans. the ~ wMl(Ir da$$ ~ buned It.dead wilt! arms, InTIOU' and U1ensils lor the afteltife. Much 01
tM was imporIed !Torn east or west, yet the fWIaI assembly


remained disllnClivety l.ilhuar'lIan. The Iowel' legs. obscured

hetv, are wound WIth pUllen. (MaIn SCUC8$: twlImet & sword
from PrussIa, belt from Uvona, 11th-13th C. after SedoYl





CnrKJlof. 'lllht",W"( .II:,vum, or h"IU'1 's In.''''f nll111;1<)'

mrounlrr.. t.lKh 'Ht-p.lJe boo~ rom~ms U'fr '10 ,IIU'll:1llQr1S
IncluoJinllllUl.... "nln'
m k. (lIlo"r I'I~I<'>. ,nd
lhrlX-(hmc",nm~1 ll;\llif m~I""

"r ...

lkfi"lth'f ,.,~h,i, Ih~ 'l'IIf.r.tn'.... Wl:lllUI". l'l.jujllm~m.
lK"(,. (hUX1"'I' .nd '1mdlt,on, "r loe"i,... ur th~ indi,-joJlI.1



nUll llml\J~h"UI h",01'\ 1.:Il,h f"'-Il'~f htKIL indudcs

rull-t'lIl'lUr umfi,m, .<1",1,,,,, ,n (~"'" deuil, and .>fCI~'lIal
.m'urL lhor ",I,llff', ('llIIp""'''1



CAllI\l""'hcn"", h"t,wlC) 1.Ir.1lf .....""~,, .,If' e~,pnl<'nl ,,,d

''IlfT'~'K,tul U'le IIr thor .....wld, ,rmoo....d 'fhifks ,nd ~nilk'ry'
F.-h ~lI-p'~~ booI. run"m, !'lllht I"F> of r"ll-('<.... our

:ul"OI'L ,,,,,IIMl,,,, ,


dew"'' 1.'1.1"....,


l.kmlcd m(ormm"lI1 0fI lhor "lpn".:.lIJOll. 'llp<";lr~na:

,nd fi~hlOn~ m:1.Iru uI' lhor "0I'k1\ nWbl r~lTl(Jll~ milll"'1
bodiD. Thi~ so:r~ (lr fo+p;a~f ht.,~ .... f'(h l~"'''1ninJ
SlInlf )Il1'1xHlIJr~I'hs ,,,oJ ,J,~~r~n" ,1,,1 Il rlill-t'll~lUr
I'btfS. "i11I>ro.1,Jfn in ..."tJ1l<' 10 W'fl I"'N'lUllllC),
s;~n'(Il''''"t m,lit~'1 l\~'hniqu~, ,n,1 "th.cr a'IlI.' (If
th~ h'SI1.l'1 ur w,,(on' "hkh ,J~II"nd, l"tJfl'I!f'('hcm;"f
tIlU<lr111\'\1 In~ltncm.

Focu>fS nch,,,'d) un 1M dllf 11I~"> nrn"jur ,ir

<... ml'.i~, 'ltd mdlltk.... UllIllUf 1.,lml<"'" "ilh \(JI'\''''''~
.M:l$ .'ilHJI"ff<.! 'll1fll.':Ill) fur \''Ch ""(UIlI<" t~h %-p;al(t"
"Illlme- l~>Il"i." III' lu.f() 'f',~I1} roMlm.!>.,KNltd "1",,.. L,.
unit "~llngs, 1If" l>Cik' pbn, ~n,J 111<" bot .;h",1
plwll<.>gnph, a,..bbk'



'I'M lI\olilol tkl~,k-d ,nfumutl(lf\ f\ff pu..b,.hal (01} .hf unit,

.... hKh rOOllht h,loI.... \ Jtf<'~l lullb t.xh %-I"Je bolIL
ron"",~ "'llI\phn"'\f 'Ilpnll.1'1(If\ UI.lJl1llYlI wrponro II,
..J'~Ulk-d "'....... r ""'('Ii. beh lIlk ,h,u ,ndutks , brF
1GI<l...... Nlof INI'

Ta:hn...~1 mf<Jf"IIUII(If\ rrum til<" .. ,wid', kotlln~ "l.lll(1f\

.. nl<TS un .Ik- l...ntllf)" musl ""mr..<lm m,li,;ary "",-nfi
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ronun'~ 'n......L... 1.1.,,, Iblm~ ".... ..ak pbn,
,tid ,Ik- bor .n;h,,<Il phol",,"ph, "lIibbk


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In the centuries following the first expeditions
down the great rivers of northern Russia b)'
Viking traders and adventurers, the foundations
for a new state were laid. Many influences
combined in this colourful culture which grew
up first around the great cities of Kic" and
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steppe Turkish, Byz:tntine. By the time of
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An unrivalled source of information on the
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The series covers subjects as diverse as
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ISBN 1-8553Z-848-8


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