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A Reply to “God Hates Lady Gaga”

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

This is my commentary to God Hates Lady Gaga which appeared on the

scribd.com website at www.scribd.com/doc/24454887/God-Hates-Lady-Gaga. I
will reprint the text in its entirety, by sections, thus the author can not accuse me
of quoting him out of context. The text written by “chadgarrison” will be in blue
and my comments will be in black.

“Westboro Baptist Church (WBC Chronicles -- Since 1955) 3701 S.W. 12th St.
Topeka, Ks. 66604 785-273-0325 Religious Opinion & Bible Commentary on
Current Events Tuesday, December 22, 2009 www.GodHatesFags.com”

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa: “God Hates Fags,” please define the word, “fag” and in what
context are you using it? Please re-read the Bible, not the Satanic Bible, but, the Holy
Bible of the Judeo-Christian faiths. For it clearly states that God is eternal love and that
God does not hate anybody for we are all His children; “fags” included. My
understanding is that God hates ignorance and injustice.

“NEWS RELEASE (Supplemental info: background, photos, audio sermons &

hymns, & video footage – available free at www.JewsKilledJesus.com,
www.SignMovies.com, www.GodHatestheWorld.com,
www.PriestsRapeBoys.com, www.BeastObama.com & Blogs.SpareNot.com)”

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa: “Jews killed Jesus,” this is not true. Here you are playing with
words; you are forgetting that poets are master wordsmiths; for words are all we have to
play with. It was Jesus’ destiny that he would die in Jerusalem as the will of God
commended. The fact that it was Jewish men who plotted against Jesus and, indeed,
wished to see him dead, does not mean they actually killed him. They were just pawns in
God’s master plan for the salvation of humanity. Therefore, neither individual Jews or the
Jewish religion as a whole can be blamed for the death of Jesus; it was the will of God. I
spent three years studying for the seminary; so I know a little of what I am saying.

“GOD HATES “LADY” GAGA. WBC to picket this sleazy God-hater at the Fox
Theatre (527 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO) on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2010, from 6:30
– 7:30 PM”

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa: I would recommend that the brothers and sisters of Westboro
Baptist Church should spend their time and resources in more productive
activities than protesting at the Fox Theatre. Yes, they do have a right to protest,
but, by the tone of the text “chadgarrison” has written it sounds negative,
vindictive, judgmental, and very immature; instead, lets have the brothers and
sisters of Westboro Baptist Church lead a rally to support our brothers and sisters
in Haiti in their greatest hour of need. Now that would truly be doing the will of

“Thou hadst a whore’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed…Will He reserve

His anger for ever? Will He keep it to the end? Behold, thou hast spoken and
done evil things as thou couldest.” Jer. 3:3,5.

“Art” and “fashion” are the euphemisms, the guise under which proud whore
Lady Gaga teaches rebellion against God (incidentally, her claim to the title of
“Lady” is sound only if she tacks on “of the night,” thereby alluding to another
euphemism for what she is). As much as she’d like to pretend otherwise, there’s
nothing new or different about this particular hussy’s pretentious prancing. Does
the simple slut truly think that she can change God’s standards by seducing a
generation of rebels into joining her in fist-raised, stiffnecked, hard-hearted
rebellion against Him? Get real! Even as she gives lip service to “liberating” her
young fans, Lady Gaga brings them into slavery to their own corruption,
teaching them to glory in their shame. She hates you! “ For when they speak
great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through
much wantonness…While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the
servants of corruption.” 2 Pet. 2:18-19.”

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa: I would recommend that “chadgarrison” take a course in

ancient history and inform himself as to the true and respectful role “whores” or
prostitutes played in those ancient societies. They were not vilified nor were they
condemned by their societies, in fact, they were regarded in high prestige. It was
not until the introduction of a male monotheist “God” in the religions of the
Middle East and the subsequent dominance by a male ruling elite hegemony did
prostitutes gain an unfavorable social status. A person should not try to impose
their “morals” onto to others; for the moment they do this; they have become, by
de facto, the very antithesis of the teachings of Jesus.
Ricardo Saúl LaRosa: Really? Hell is here on Earth; right this very moment; for
this is the domain of Satan; he is the Prince of this world said so by Jesus:

“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and
hath nothing in me.”
John 14:30 KJV

Please “chadgarrison” re-read the Book of Revelations chapter 21, verse 8: “But
the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in
the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

Consider Mathew 25:46

“And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into
life eternal.” KJV

Consider 2 Thessalonians 1:9

“Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the
Lord, and from the glory of his power;” KJV

Here the key words are everlasting punishment, not punishing; how could be
possible that a person lives 60, 80, 100 years in sin and his punishment is an
eternal punishing; an everlasting Hell? That is not logical and is a complete
antithesis to the whole teachings of the Holy Bible and the concept of a just and
forgiving God; there is nothing just about an eternal punishing for a few years of
sin. The human mind can not even fathom the concept of ‘an eternity,” it is
beyond our understanding.

But “chadgarrison” may respond by saying that these are just the interpretations
of Ricardo Saúl LaRosa and not an absolute truth; to which he would be 100%
percent correct in saying so.

And that is where the problem originates; not one person, clergy or layman; of
any faith in the world has a monopoly on the truth. Not person or religion can
say that they have the complete truth of what God is and what His will is, we
only have parts of it, not the whole.

In conclusion, I wish that “chadgarrison” understands that he does have a right

to his opinions; a right to publish his views in a public forum such as scribd, but,
that with that scared freedom comes a tremendous responsibly; to be diligent
and careful of the words and tone of voice we choose for we do not want to incite
an aggressive or even a violent reaction from those who may be offended by
what we write.

History is filled with the deaths of millions of people because of the differences
in scriptural interpretations; we need love and peace on Earth, not more hatred
and disunion.

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

January 16, 2010
Long Island, New York

About the author:

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa was born on 19 August 1962 in the mountain valley of Santa
Marta, Costa Rica. His family migrated to Long Island, New York when he was
five years old. He attended Freeport and Uniondale Public Schools. He holds a
BA in Political Science from Queens College, City University of New York and is
enrolled in a graduate program in Education-Social Studies. He has over 200
published articles in the local newspapers and magazines. He welcomes your
comments: singers2000@yahoo.com

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