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Linux Architecture
User process

System libraries


System call interface

Input/output Process
File systems Scheduler
Networking Memory manager
Device drivers Interprocess communication

Architecture dependent code

Message Passing

• Pipes
• System V message queues
• Posix message queues
Sharing Information

• That resides within the kernel

• That resides within the user space

• Process pipes

• Pipes

• Named pipes / FIFO

Process pipes
FILE *popen(const char *command, const
char *open_mode);

int pclose(FILE *stream_to_close);

Command : name of the program to run

open_mode: “r” or “w”
int pipe(int file_descriptor[2])

It’s important to realize that these are file

descriptors, not file streams, so we must use the
lower-level read and write calls to access the
data, rather than fread and fwrite
Named pipes/FIFO

It is a special type of file that exists as a

name in the file system but behaves like
the unnamed pipes.
Command line:
mkfifo <pathname>
mknod <pathname> p

Inside the program:

int mkfifo(const char *filename, mode_t mode)
int mknod(cosnt char *filename, mode_t mode |
Struct pipe_inode_info {
Struct wait_queue *wait;
Char *base; // address of FIFO bounded buffer
Unsigned int start;
Unsigned int len;
Unsigned int lock;
Unsigned int rd_openers;
Unsigned int wr_openers;
Unsigned int readers; // currently reading
Unsigned int writers; // currently writing

• Read/Write will not block if O_NONBLOCK is set in descriptor.

• Write operation is atomic (no intermixing of writes) as long as data does not
exceed buffer size.
What can you do with a signal?
• Ignore it
– signal(sig_num, SIG_IGN)
– SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can not be ignored
• Use the default behavior
– signal(sig_num, SIG_DFL)
– by default, all signals presented except
SIGCHLD and SIGURD finish the process
• Treat the signal with your own function
– after the signal, the process is continued from
the point where it was interrupted.
Signal Rules
• After fork the child inherits the user
defined behavior for all signals.
• After execXX all signals are reset to their
default behavior.
• After a signal is treated it is reset to the
default behavior. The programmer must
attach her signal function again after each
– Exception: SIGTRAP, SIGILL
• If a signal is received during a system call,
the system call exits with error and the
signal is treated.
• If a signal is not caught, it is lost for ever.
– Always attach your function to the signal in the
first program lines.
– Exception: SIGCHLD
• int signal(int sig_num, void
– sig_num - the signal number
– function
• SIG_DFL - default behavior
• SIG_IGN - ignore signal
• user defined function
– return the address of the previous signal
handler, or SIG_ERR if error
• int pause(void)
– suspends a process until a signal is received
– returns -1 after the signal is treated
• unsigned int alarm(unsigned int sec)
– generates an SIGALRM signal after sec
– returns 0 or the number of seconds from the
previous alarm request
• int kill(pid_t pid, int sig_num)
– sends a signal to a process or group of processes
– pid
• if positive, the signal is sent to the process with the id pid
• if it is zero, the signal is sent to all the process in the same
group with the sender
• if negative, the signal is sent to all the processes with the
group id |pid|.
– sig_num
• signal to be sent
– returns 0 or -1, if error

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