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The present system does not provide any

economic incentive to change the form of husbandry.
All of these measures will require a willingness
to change on the part of sheep farmers and massive
amounts of economic, logistical and technical assistance from the state. At present, there are a lot of funds
available for assistance, although most of it is being used

on unsuitable measures and is tied up in compensation.

However, the willingness to change appears to be absent, at least judging from media reports of statements
from the agricultural organisations. However, the consequence of not doing anything is both an unacceptable rate of sheep losses and unsustainable levels of social conflict that are likely to continue indefinitely.

Publications on which this summary is based

Gervasi V, Nilsen EB, Odden J, Bouyer Y, Linnell JDC (2014) The spatio-temporal distribution of wild and domestic
ungulates modulates lynx kill rates in a multi-use landscape. Journal of Zoology 292, 175183.
Herfindal I, Linnell JDC, Moa PF, Odden J, Austmo LB, Andersen R (2005) Does recreational hunting of lynx reduce
depredation losses of domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management 69, 1034-1042.
Linnell JDC, Broseth H, Odden J, Nilsen EB (2010) Sustainably harvesting a large carnivore? Development of Eurasian lynx
populations in Norway during 160 years of shifting policy. Environmental Management 45, 1142-1154.
Linnell JDC, Odden J, Mertens A (2012) Mitigation methods for conflicts associated with carnivore depredation
on livestock. In: Boitani L, Powell RA, editors. Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, pp. 314-332.
Linnell JDC, Andersen R, Kvam T, Andrn H, Liberg O, Odden J, Moa P (2001) Home range size and choice
of management strategy for lynx in Scandinavia. Environmental Management 27, 869-879.
Mattisson J, Odden J, Linnell JDC (2014) A catch-22 conflict: access to semi-domestic reindeer modulates Eurasian lynx
depredation on domestic sheep. Biological Conservation 179, 116-122.
Moa PF, Herfindal I, Linnell JDC, Overskaug K, Kvam T, Andersen R (2006) Does the spatiotemporal distribution
of livestock influence forage patch selection in Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx? Wildlife Biology 12, 63-70.
Odden J, Nilsen EB, Linnell JDC (2013) Density of wild prey modulates lynx kill rates on free-ranging domestic sheep.
PLoS ONE 8, e79261. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079261
Odden J, Herfindal I, Linnell JDC, Andersen R (2008) Vulnerability of domestic sheep to lynx depredation in relation
to roe deer density. Journal of Wildlife Management 72, 276-282.
Odden J, Linnell JDC, Andersen R (2006) Diet of Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, in the boreal forest of southeastern Norway:
the relative importance of livestock and hares at low roe deer density. European Journal of Wildlife Research 52, 237-244.
Odden, J, Linnell JDC, Moa PF, Herfindal I, Kvam T, Andersen R (2002). Lynx depredation on domestic sheep in Norway.
Journal of Wildlife Management 66, 98-105.
Odden J, Mattisson J, Gervasi V, Linnell JDC (2014) Gaupas predasjon p sau - en kunnskapsoversikt. NINA Temahefte 57.

This lynx has been immobilized to equip it

with a GPS collar in connection with studies
to document rates of depredation on livestock.
Photo: Thomas Strmseth.

Research Article

Silvio Marchini*

Forest Science Department, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of So Paulo, P.O. Box 09,
Piracicaba, SP 13418-900, Brazil
The jaguar (Panthera onca) and the puma (Puma concolor) are the largest terrestrial predators in the Neotropics (male mean weight in kg: 104.5 and 58.9, respectively) (Macdonald et al., 2010) and some of the
most widely distributed (Fig. 1) and charismatic species
of conservation concern in Central and South America. Nonetheless, these big cats are not always welcome
in rural areas and their presence can be intolerable to
many people. The resulting persecution by humans is
a major threat to jaguars and pumas in Brazil (ICMBio,
2011, 2013). It is widely assumed that intolerant behaviour toward large predators is motivated by retaliation
for real and perceived losses of livelihood
(Treves and Bruskotter, 2014). The People
and Jaguars Coexistence Project, however,
proposes a human dimensions perspective
for effectively understanding and resolving conflicts between people and big cats
in Brazil; an approach that goes beyond the
traditional ecological and economic considerations about reciprocal negative impacts, by addressing also the complexity of
the causal relationship between jaguar and
puma damage and human thoughts and
actions toward these animals, and the disagreements between people over wildlife
values and management objectives.


Fig. 1. Distribution maps

of jaguar and puma.
Maps from Panthera - www.panthera.org

Corresponding author: silvio.marchini@usp.br



Ecology and economics of the conflict

The study and mitigation of the problems involving jaguars and pumas has focused on the negative aspects of the interactions, within the framework of human-wildlife conflicts (HWC). More specifically, it has
given attention to the patterns and predictors of damage caused by jaguars and pumas; the description of
the damage to livestock; the monetary costs associated
with such damage; the implications of the situation for
the conservation of these big cats; and the prevention
of damage and mitigation of monetary losses.
Livestock losses to jaguars are generally small when
averaged over time and space. Average losses attributed
to jaguars in Brazil range from 0.2-2.3% of livestock
holdings over 12 months in the Cerrado (Palmeira et
al., 2008), the Atlantic Forest (Conforti and Azevedo,
2003), southern Amazonia (Michalski et al., 2006),
southern Pantanal (Azevedo and Murray, 2007; Cavalcanti and Gese, 2010), two ranches in northern Pantanal (Dalponte, 2002), and a larger portion of the northern Pantanal (Zimmermann et al., 2005). Large cattle
ranches (>1,500 head of cattle) were found to endure
the highest monetary costs, reaching US$1,770.80 in
a 2-year period (Michalsky et al., 2006). Sometimes,
a major factor predisposing a particular herd to jaguar predation is poor husbandry (Azevedo and Murray,
2007; Michalski et al., 2006). While the risk of predation is greater among cattle left unattended close to
forest cover (Azevedo and Murray, 2007), documented
losses of cattle to jaguar predation are generally much
fewer than those attributable to accident, snake bite, dis-


ease, parturition problems, flood

(Azevedo and Murray, 2007)
and even theft. In the Pantanal,
for instance, Azevedo and Murray (2007) found that of 169
cattle mortality incidents, 19%
were due to predation by jaguars. These authors recommend
that cattle ranchers in the Pantanal region concentrate on losses
due to nonpredation causes that
could be more easily controlled.
Furthermore, on some ranches,
livestock depredation by puma
may be more common than
predation by jaguars, but it may
be difficult for ranchers to distinguish predation by jaguars and pumas.
As for pumas, even though they can cause great
losses to livestock (e.g. maximum losses in southern
Brazil were 78% for goats, 84% for sheep, and 16% for
cattle; Mazzolli et al., 2002), their impact has received
less attention from wildlife professionals than that of
jaguars, as they prey mostly upon sheep and goats in
smaller properties instead of cattle in large ranches, and
as their significance has most likely been overshadowed
by the exceptional prominence of their spotted cousins (Marchini, 2010). Nonetheless, pumas have recently
been brought to the forefront, through exposure in the
press due to the apparent increases in the frequency of
their appearances in unsuspected places and of their
collisions with vehicles. Once restricted mostly to remote natural or rural areas, these incidents have been
happening in populated places. There is evidence of
high behavioural plasticity of pumas in using highly
anthropogenic habitats (Magioli et al., 2014), but population trends are unknown and the species is still listed
as endangered.
Results from such studies have provided the basis for
a number of recommendations of prevention measures
(e.g. fencing, guard dogs) and husbandry practices that
have the potential to decrease livestock losses caused by
jaguars (Hoogesteijn and Hoogesteijn, 2005; Marchini
and Luciano, 2009). Recommendations include night
corrals, maternity pastures in areas closer to the ranch
headquarters and provision of drinking water to prevent cattle from excursions to forest streams (Michal-

ski et al., 2006; Azevedo and Murray, 2007).While data

on the effectiveness of these prevention measures are
still scarce, Cavalcanti et al. (2012) recognize that inherent characteristics of the Pantanal (e.g. large ranches averaging 12 thousand hectares in size, where cattle
are raised extensively) make it difcult to effectively
control the access of predators to cattle, and as long as
this is an issue, it is likely that predation will occur to
a certain extent. The authors suggest that, along with
curtailing losses due to rudimentary herd management
and poor husbandry practices, ranchers should focus
on increasing their production potential (e.g. maintaining native prey populations).
Regarding the economic incentives that have been
proposed to encourage tolerance, compensation and
sport hunting have shown little promise due to operational, financial, legal and cultural constraints. Jaguar-based tourism, on the other hand, has boomed in
the last decade, with several tour operations in place in
the Pantanal and central Amazon. In 2008, a fisherman
was killed by a jaguar while sleeping in his tent on a
riverbank of the Paraguay River near Taiam Ecological Station (Neto et al., 2011), a major destination in
the Northern Pantanal for jaguar sighting tours. This
was the first officially documented, unprovoked, fatal
attack of a jaguar on a human in Brazil. In 2010, in
the same region of the Pantanal, a tourist was seriously
injured when a jaguar jumped out of a ravine onto
his boat, biting him on the head
and right shoulder and tipping
him into the water (Neto et
al., 2011). These two incidents
fuelled controversies involving
tour operators that were accused
of baiting and habituating jaguars to increase sightings. In response, the government of Mato
Grosso enacted, in 2011, regulations for jaguar viewing tours in
that state (e.g. attracting jaguars
with food or sound is prohibited, boats must keep a safe distance from the jaguar, avoiding
being in its presence for more
than 20 minutes).

The human dimension of coexistence

Ecology and economics provide a wide array of
tools and techniques for understanding and managing wildlife-caused damage and conservation issues.
These disciplines have contributed significantly to the
control of pests and the conservation of endangered
species. However, in the interactions between humans
and charismatic animals like jaguars and pumas, the
cause-effect relationship between wildlife damage and
negativity toward wildlife is seldom simple and consistent. Besides, people often disagree based on values other than ecological and economic ones about
management goals in HWC: while some people favour
the control of damage to the detriment of wildlife, others favour wildlife for its positive impacts (Marchini,
In HWC, persecution (i.e. persistent killing, chasing,
or other harassment of a species) is not always a simple
function of wildlife damage. There may be a discrepancy between actual and perceived damage. What ultimately drives human behaviour is not reality itself, but
how reality is perceived. In conflicts with high-profile
predatory animals such as big cats, the perceived damage and risk often exceed the actual evidence (Marchini and Macdonald, 2012; Treves and Bruskotter,
2014). A feedback loop between notoriety and sensationalism may be behind the distorted perceptions. For



instance, we found that jaguar attacks on people have

a prominent place in story-telling in rural Brazil and
the attack reports provided by respondents may have
been inflated by the self-reinforcing process in which
a collective belief gains more plausibility through its
increasing repetition in public discourse (colloquially:
repeat something often enough and it will become
fact) (Marchini, 2010).
Furthermore, factors not directly related to the
impacts that wildlife have on human livelihoods may
also be involved in the persecution of jaguars and pumas. Large carnivores elicit strong negative emotions,
particularly fear, with people who are fearful of carnivores usually being more antagonistic to them. Also,
we found that social motivations are important determinants of the intention to kill jaguars in the Pantanal,
where 25% of ranchers justified their approval of jaguar
killing on the grounds of tradition (Marchini, 2010).
These ranchers often refer, with apparent pride, to the
Pantaneiro culture and the conviction that jaguar
hunting has been passed from generation to generation
as an element of that culture.
To make things worse, jaguars and pumas evoke
strong, mixed opinions and feelings. Nobody opposes
the extermination of mosquitos or gets offended by
the non-consumptive use of birds in bird watching,
but the management of iconic animals such as big
cats divides opinions among broad sectors of society, which can result in social conflict. Damage alone
can explain disagreements between groups of people
when the impact of HWC is differentially distributed, with people more heavily affected expecting more
stringent measures against wildlife than those who are
not negatively affected. Social conflicts over wildlife,
however, are often based on subjective factors. People
can disagree over goals and management alternatives
for affective, aesthetic, or ethical reasons, for example.
Besides, charismatic wildlife often becomes a surrogate for deeply embedded cultural discords within
and between social groups (Marchini, 2014). Ranchers and farmers are a minority group in Brazil, and
their numbers are dwindling. As a result, they may
associate wildlife conservation with urban values that
are increasingly imposed on them and might view the
continuation of wildlife killing as part of their resistance to this and their struggle to preserve their rural
heritage (Marchini, 2010).

Hence, intolerance toward jaguars and pumas is not

merely determined by any direct costs imposed, but
is rather the product of a dynamic and complex web
of individual (e.g. perception of risk and fear), societal (e.g., peer pressure and social conflict), and cultural (e.g. identity) factors (Dickman et al., 2013). The
conventional approach to wildlife management and
conservation, with its emphasis on animals and their
habitats, is inadequate to deal with the psychological
and social nature of our problems with these felids. A
more promising approach is one that incorporates a
human dimensions perspective. The emerging field
of Human Dimensions of Wildlife addresses the system
human-wildlife-habitat, instead of wildlife and habitat
separately, with an emphasis on describing, understanding, predicting, and affecting human though and action
toward wildlife (Manfredo et al., 1996). As humans
are the common thread in the highly variable realm
of humanwildlife conflicts, and the course and resolution of conflict are determined by the thoughts and
behaviours of the people involved, understanding the
human dimensions is the most crucial prerequisite for
developing effective mitigation (Manfredo and Dayer,
People and Jaguars Coexistence Project
Our project is hosted by the Laboratory of Wildlife
Ecology, Management and Conservation (LEMaC) of
the University of Sao Paulo, led by Prof. Katia Ferraz,
and aims to understand and improve the relationship
between people and wildlife in Brazil, with a focus on
jaguars and pumas. A key feature of this pursuit is the
articulation of a model of wildlife management that
integrates human and biological dimensions in wildlife

management, conservation planning, and policy-making. We work to develop fundamental understandings

of human behaviour associated with controversial
wildlife and to apply concepts and empirical findings
to real-world problems of conflict management.
More specifically, we have been doing: i) Research
with focus on the individual level, to understand peoples behaviour toward big cats and obtain clues about
how to influence that behaviour for the benefit of jaguar and puma conservation, and research looking at
the socio-cultural level, to understand how tolerance
varies in space, the similarities and differences among
human-big cats conflict situations in different regions
of Brazil (including Amazonia and Pantanal) and evaluate whether interventions found successful in one
context are likely to work in another; ii) Education and
communication based upon the results from the above
research and built upon 12 years of experience in education for conservation of the Escola da Amaznia
Project1, to increase tolerance to jaguars and pumas and
decrease persecution; iii) Conservation conflict transformation, in collaboration with Prof. Alistair Bath
(Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada), by
the engagement of interest groups such as farmers and
parks authorities, gaining trust and building management plans through true consensus processes; iv) Incorporation of human dimensions into conservation


planning and public policy, more specifically through

the collaborative work in the design of two National
Action Plans, led by the Ministry of Environment
one for the jaguar and one for the puma; and v) Capacity building in human dimensions among wildlife
professionals and graduate students.
Our results revealed that, besides the real economic
loss, the subjectivity of feelings and perceptions may
also be behind the killing of jaguars. Specifically among
farmers on the frontier of deforestation of the Amazon,
the fear of jaguars and the belief that killing them is a
common practice among neighbours are main motivations for persecution (Cavalcanti et al., 2010; Marchini
and Macdonald, 2012). It was with these farmers and
their children that we conducted an experiment that
evaluated the effectiveness of different approaches of
education and communication within and outside
the classroom to improve the feelings and perceptions of jaguars and consequently, discourage the behaviour of killing them (Marchini, 2010).
The experiment involved six rural schools and 150
students, averaging 12 years old. The students asked,
with the support of an official letter from the school,
that their parents review parts of the book used in the
activities in the classroom and sign the homework. In
addition, parents received information through People and Jaguars: a Guide for Coexisting2 (Marchini
and Luciano, 2009), an illustrated, colourful book, attractive and easy to understand even for those who

More detail at http://whitleyaward.org/winners/education-conservation-amazon-brazil/

Free download at http://www.amazonarium.com.br/docs/peopleandjaguarcomplete.pdf



cannot read. Another group of adults, in the same rural

community, received the book from the project researchers, identified as representatives of an environmental organization. The impact was greater among
parents who received the book through the school,
from the hands of their son or daughter: at the end of
the experiment, they were less convinced that killing
jaguars is as common or socially acceptable.This result
suggests that parents perceptions can be influenced
not only by the information explicitly conveyed in the
content of books and their childrens homework, but
also by the implicit message that a community institution (and therefore other community members) supports jaguar conservation more than they had realised.
The use of role models, case studies, and examples of
coexistence with jaguars, could conceivably enhance
the power of school-based communication campaigns
to create or redefine social norms concerning conservation-orientated behaviours.
Our project shows that conservation efforts considered as emanating from outside the social group can
be poorly accepted. Conservation educators and communicators should therefore explore the benefit of the
social domino effect and find ways to make their messages appear to originate from within the community;
messages that arrive through other community mem-


bers (e.g. friends, neighbours and relatives) can be more

easily accepted than those that appear to come from
the top down, imposed by outside people or institutions. We have also shown that school-based education
and communication interventions can have a powerful impact on students perceptions of jaguars, and on
those of their fathers; this process could be used to positive conservation effect. The finding that students can
influence their fathers perceptions of jaguars suggests
that conservationists can use rural schools to reach at
once tens of students in a classroom, or hundreds on the
schools soccer pitch, who will in turn transfer the conservation message to their fathers. Given the logistical
challenge of visiting landowners one-by-one at home
in rural Amazonia, this strategy might be relatively
cost-effective. The exceptionally strong prominence of
the jaguar in peoples hearts and minds, combined with
the relatively high rate of primary school enrolment in
Brazil (97.5%) and the willingness of public school directors and teachers to cooperate with conservationists,
renders school-based intergenerational learning a particularly promising approach for big cat conservation.

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