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Mindscape Transportation

Power/Ability Transform physical matter into


Power to convert physical matter into thought waves. A sub-power of Reality Warping,
opposite of Mental Projection. Not to be confused with Dream Manipulation or Dimensional


Also Called

Astral Lock-up
Dream Prison


The user can trap things in their mind, where the subject is rendered under the power of the
users imagination. The user can release objects from the mindscape at will, and collect items.


Trap people in their mind.

Trap people in their minds during their sleep.
Store items in a dimension in their brain.
Telepaths may hesitate to use their telepathy as their mind might be sucked into the
User can siphon psionic energy.
Minor immunity to psychic attacks.
Drain powers of the people trapped in the user's mind.
Certain users may actually be able to enter the mind of another and travel through their
subconscious or the realms of one's imagination.

Alternate Reality is the name of two similar abilities. The first is the ability to psychically
generate realities, or frequencies of imagination within the mind, and to project
consciousnesses into ones own mind or ones own mind into the imaginations of others. The
second entails the presence of an actual alternate universe within the mind, which changes
according to the will of the user. If one with either of these abilities touches or mentally

contacts a subject before entering the alternate reality, they can even bring other
consciousnesses to the reality.

If the user left a passenger in the alternate reality, the passengers mind would be
trapped there, until retrieved by the user.
o Note: The users mind can divide into as many mindscapes as the user can
remember (mental strength increases over time); this mental schism does not
cause mental disorders (dementia, schizophrenia, multiple-personality
disorder) or any other side effects, because the users mind is adapted for such
Note: The user can shift from any one mindscape to another with only the slightest
concentration needed. If the user uses this ability, either their mind can keep the body
running (similar to, or employing, False Cognition) so it is not left inert and open to
harm, or it goes into a state of Dormancy.
Note: If the users body keeps going as they enters their alternate reality, then the only
time the user goes into a full trance to explore their mental reality is when they are

Users Self level

Some users omnipotent, can create a dimension within the imagination and put
universes and multiverses even within their own mind, that can only be applied to
users of infinite power
If the user is omnipresent it may be present within subconscious and even within the
dimension, universe or multiverse, the user can place inside your mind

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