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ANCHOR WOMAN: different religions became a part of our tradition. It has

become a guide for our lives. We all have different beliefs and points of view toward
a certain religion.
Today here in “VIEWS AND OPINIONS” we express our reasons and ideas
why should our chosen religion be the best existing one.
Helping us to fully discern and understand our topic we have Pastor France
Baustista of the Wash in Jesus Christ Blood Charismatic Movement and a Deacon
at the Mary Help Major Seminary College of Theology, Reverend Yorick Papa.
Welcome to “VIEWS & OPINIONS” gentlemen.

Pastor France: Good afternoon to you and the viewers. It’s a pleasure for me to be
invited over to your program.

Reverend: Good afternoon everybody. Likewise I feel honored to be here and to be

a part of your discussion.

A.W: could you share with us your opinions about the religion you believe in?

Pastor: many religions were created by people in this world. They have their own
belief, faith and point of views. As a result, they will do their best to defend their
own religion. It is a part of our lives.

Reverend: Jesus once said to Peter “from this rock I will build my church and never
will the jaws of death can overcome it.” Generations have passed and still the
Roman Catholic Church remains strong. Jesus the son of God built her to be strong
and perpetual.

A.W: Can you recall a certain teaching/s which struck you.

Reverend: the Catholic Church teaches his people that the son of God came to the
world in order for the people to be saved from their sins. Jesus Christ came not to
served but to be served. He humbled himself and became a mortal being who
willingly accepted humiliations and even death, death on the cross.

A.W: what virtue would you consider to be essential in this teaching?

Reverend: Humility, Jesus humbled himself and became a mortal being such
humility was incomparable and indeed it has become one of the essential virtues
that this religion teaches his people.

A.W: Pastor, can you share to us your thoughts?

Pastor: if we try to study and analyze the teachings of the bible, we can’t find a
word saying that religion is the way, the truth and the life. It teaches us that only in
the name of Jesus we can receive salvation. What matters to God is your
relationship with him. We can establish this relationship by simply accepting Jesus
as our personal savior and Lord. By taking this step, we must repent from our sins
and accept Jesus in our lives.

A.W: can we have your final message to our viewers?

Reverend: I love my religion and I am willing to fight her with my own life because
it enlightened the world and have showed her dominance not through violence but
through love. She never promoted war but peace throughout the world. She
condemns divisions but acclaims unity. She never desired evil but goodness
throughout the universe. The Master has cradled each and everyone of us with his
power and perpetual love through his church.

Pastor: the reason why I am into this faith is simply because God loves me. From
the thought, I surrendered my life to God, everything has been changed. He gave me
a brand new start and a new way of living. And I know whom I have believed- and
that is Lord Jesus Christ.

A.W: every religion existed have only one goal and that is to serve God. The only
difference is the belief and the rituals of each. Christianity will remain strong
generations to come because she is blessed with the guidance and wisdom of Jesus
If we try to understand there is no such perfect religion. The only thing that
matters is practicing the teachings that we have learned.
This is Khristine Mereille P. Castillo of “Views & Opinions”. Thank you and
See you next time.

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