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Realistic Equal Active for Life

Real Women of Canada www.realwomenofcanada.ca

Volume XXXIV Issue No. 1 January 2015

The Entertainment Industry Shapes our Culture

The attitudes and behaviour
of teenagers are influenced
more by movies than any other
forms of media.

It is nothing new that movies are used for propaganda

purposes. In World War II Hollywood produced many movies
portraying courageous American men in uniform (sometimes
even women), to boost morale and patriotism (and to show
how Americans won the war!). Films were produced in the
1970s and 1980s to boost feminism. Some films are now
being produced to promote homosexuality.
For example, in the fall of 2014, film producers have
distributed three new films which portray homosexuals and
lesbians as noble and suffering discrimination at the hands of
hateful and vile individuals and institutions, such as the Catholic
Church. Same-sex unions are depicted as loving and supportive,
even though such unions usually last on average only three years.
Even in those rare long time unions, partners are almost never
faithful to each other as sexual relationships outside the union are
the norm.The incredibly high rate of domestic violence in samesex unions is never portrayed. In short, films on homosexuality
are unrealistic and unreliable myths.
As surely as night follows day, however, film critics heap
praise on any film with a homosexual theme. For example,
in 2006 two homosexual cowboys were portrayed in the
Hollywood movie Brokeback Mountain, and critics couldnt
praise it highly enough, or give it enough awards. In 2013, a
dreary French movie about two lesbians,Blue is the Warmest
Colour, was awarded the Palme dOr at the Cannes Film
Festival, but was a box office dud.
To put this in perspective, 12 of the top 25 movies in
2013 had homosexual references or content promoting
homosexual behaviour. Movie goers, however, dont want to
see homosexuality in their movies. As a result, many such
movies are box office failures.
On the other hand, box office statistics indicate that the top
10 and 25 grossing movies in 2013 reflected Christian themes,
high moral standards and relatively conservative values. These
films earned about $87.07 million per movie compared to only
about $21.64 million for movies with anti-religious, immoral or

negative worldviews.Thats more than four times more money.The

unfavourable movies include, among others: American Hustle,
Were the Millers, White House Down (which portrayed
Christians as terrorists), Bad Grandpa (which presented an
abhorrent role model) and The Wolf of Wall Street (softcore
pornography). In 2013, movies with strong Christian redemption
and moral worldviews included, among others: Iron Man 3,
Frozen,The Hobbit,Thor,Captain Phillips, and Gravity.
The tide began to turn to positive movies in 1999 when
42 movies had strong moral and religious content. Since then,
Hollywood has been averaging 40 to 60 movies or more each
year with strong positive Judeo-Christian and moral content.
In 2013, 179 movies or 65% of movies had at least some
moral, redemptive content. Hollywood executives have finally
got the message that movies with redemptive content are
great for business!
The year 2015 is even more encouraging with four major
blockbusters having a religious theme. These include Ben
Hur, The Ten Commandments and Exodus (the story of
Moses and the parting of the Red Sea) which are all remakes
of earlier films.The Acts of the Apostles will also be released
in 2015.
Teen Age Exceptions
Teen age boys prefer movies with action, sex and violence.
They see more movies than any other demographic group and
thus are very important to Hollywood. This is because while
only 8% of the population, they are among the most frequent


The Entertainment Industry

Shapes our Culture ...................................... Page 1
Syphilis Makes a Comeback ............................ Page 2
How the UNs Being Challenged on
its Pro-Family Policy .................................... Page 3
Canadian Abortion Organizations Merge .. Page 4
The US Ford Foundation ................................. Page 5
Under One Roof in the Ottawa Gay Village ... Page 6

January 2015

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moviegoers. Raised on cable TV, and the internet they want

constant stimulation. If the teenager likes the movie, hell
spend $11.00 to $13.00 to see it again (even more if hes
seeing a 3-D or IMAX version).
Sadly, more and more studies show that teenagers
are vulnerable to media depictions of sex and violence.
Exposure to sexual content in movies leads teenagers to
become sexually active earlier, and to indulge in riskier sexual
behaviour. In fact, the attitudes and behaviour of teenagers are
influenced more by movies than any other forms of media. In
effect, our children and grandchildren are at risk from the
degrading, obscene and toxic acts coming from people in the
movie and entertainment industry, who are making these
films for profit, directed at teenagers.
TV Programming
TV programming is also used as a propaganda tool to
promote homosexuality. The homosexual characters are
always portrayed as impossibly charming, witty and likeable,
which is far from the norm in any cross section of society.
Moreover, the number of homosexual characters on Network
TV tripled since 2007, but it was lower in 201213 when
compared to the previous yeara 25% decrease. It went
down from 4.4% of the 701 regular characters to 3.3% of 796
characters. In the 201415 season, however, the homosexual

characters went up to 3.9% of 813 characters regularly seen

on prime time networks (a total of 32 characters) [Reference:
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation(GLAAD)].
Significantly, 80% of the top Network TV shows in 2013 were
relatively family friendly with strong positive moral content.
The top-relatedTV shows in 2013 included NCIS, a patriotic
program that honours military service and law enforcement,
followed by Sunday Night Football. The TV series Blue Bloods,
which has strong moral, religious and family content, reached
12.7 million viewers in January 2014, and is increasing in
popularity each season. Other positive and successful cable TV
shows in 2013 were the faith friendly Duck Dynasty, The
Last Man Standing and The Middle. The Bible Ministries
set a record this spring with 13.7 million viewers in its debut
program. This series was seen by 100 million viewers overall,
with at least 42 million in home video sales.
It is gratifying that the entertainment industry is now
being carefully monitored so we know at last what is really
happening. This is thanks to the MOVIEGUIDE, The Family
Guide to Movies and Entertainment. If you want to know
about the content of a movie before your family attends
the movie, go to www.movieguide.org. It will tell you all
you want to know. q

Syphilis Makes a Comeback

With modern medical treatment, such as penicillin, one

would think that the scourge of the sexually transmitted
infection, syphilis, would be, if not totally eliminated, at least
reduced to a few occurrences.
This is not the case due to the recent incredible changes in
our culture. Today, it seems sexual gratification has become the
driving force which takes priority over friendship, family, and a
job. Sex is now regarded as an absolute necessity for happiness
and health, and an entitlement, regardless of the circumstances.
No longer can time be wasted on getting to know ones
sexual partner. Instead, it is a matter of obtaining the immediate
gratification of sex. This has been made evident by the casual
hook-up culture at universities, where sex is obtained without
intimacy or commitment. It has become an integral and
expected part of university life as well as in later life.
The hook-up culture is also dominating the homosexual
lifestyle. There are a dozen or more hook-up sites on the
internet for homosexuals. The most frequently used sites in
Canada are Grindr and Squirt.
There are 5 million monthly active users world-wide on
these sites and almost 275,000 registered users in Canada. It
gives location-based data to find sex partners nearby, usually
anonymously. Squirt is a Canadian service run by Torontos
Pink Triangle Press, which also publishes the homosexual
newspaper Xtra. It advertises itself as one of the best
places in the world to hook-up for sex.
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Real Women of Canada

Those who participate in this hook-up relationship

customarily do not know their sex partners name, phone
number or address.This means that public health officials have
no access to the sexual history of their contacts. Because
medical personnel cannot track the source of infection to
encourage at-risk individuals to get tested or treated, according
to its practice carried out over previous decades, there is no
way for health officials to contain the syphilis infection.
As a result, the federal Public Health Agency of Canada
has found a 684.9% increase in the rate of infections of syphilis
in men between 2001 and 2010, with 1,757 cases in 2010.
Syphilis is easily spread at oral, vaginal or anal points of
contact. The primary stage of syphilis may only present itself
as sores that may heal on their own; the secondary stage is
more serious with rashes, fevers and swelling. The symptoms,
however, can be dormant for months while the patient is
still infectious, which is serious if the patient continues with
his promiscuous sexual practices. The tertiary stage of the
disease can result in neurological damage, including insanity
and eventual death. The father of Winston Churchill, the
brilliant Randolph Churchill, who had contracted syphilis in
his youth, spent his last years as a lunatic because of syphilis,
before he succumbed to the infection.
Those who believe they are entitled to promiscuous
sex without consequences, should know that nature
provides otherwise. q

How the UN is Being Challenged on

its Pro-Family Policies
The struggle continues at the UN,
but pro-life, pro-family NGOs
will continue to resist the demands
promoted by the extremists.

In 1994, when US President Bill Clinton occupied

the White House, he made extensive plans to take over
the International UN Conference on Population and
Development, held in Cairo, Egypt in September of that year.
The purpose in doing so was to settle, once and for all, that
abortion was to be regarded as an international human right.
In order to achieve this goal, the US government
worked in close co-operation with the International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The head of the American
delegation at Cairo was Timothy Wirth, Board Member of
Planned Parenthood of America (PPA). The US government
also worked in close collaboration with the New York based
feminist organization, WEDO (Womens Environment and
Development Organization). WEDO was headed by the
one-time New York Congress member and feminist, Bella
Abzug. WEDO operated throughout the conference as a
self-appointed womens caucus claiming it represented the
women of the world.
There were over 200 exhibition booths at the
conferenceall but three were operated by pro-abortion
and population control organizations. It was a strange
coincidence, that REAL Women members attending the
conference, happened to walk past the IPPF booth at the
time when there was no personnel in attendance, and most
of its printed material had been removed. However, on the
counter was a piece of paper that listed the names of 224
members of IPPF, who were included on 91 delegations
attending the conference. The document also listed over 57
of the UN support staff sent from New York in attendance
at the conference, who were supporters of IPPF and Bella
Abzugs feminist organization. This document made it clear
that the Clinton administration had formed a coalition with
UN Officials and IPPF to promote an anti-life, anti-family
agenda at the conference.
Later, we learned that the IPPF delegates on the 91
delegations were actually employees of the IPPFs family
planning clinics located around the globe.
The US State Department (probably assuming that
we were a feminist organization) had previously sent us a
document dated, June 29, 1994, which included 17 pages of
material attacking the Catholic Church for its opposition
to the Clinton position on abortion. The State Department
proclaimed that the Vatican was attempting to deny the
empowerment and advancement of women by resisting

their right to abortion. During the actual conference

itself, press conferences were held during which UN
officials viciously attacked organized religion because it was
allegedly obstructing womens rights. The opposition to the
coalitions pro-abortion agenda were the Muslim countries
and the Vatican. This resistance to Mr. Clinton arose due to
the personal efforts of Pope John Paul II, who had taken an
unprecedented approach to the developing problems at the
conference, by crossing the bridge to the Muslim world to
obtain its assistance at this conference. Their joint efforts
on family and life issues continue today at the UN and have
successfully prevented the take-over of the UN by proabortion, anti-family extremists
Some of the wording inserted into the Cairo Conference,
however, was troubling, such as, a provision for safe abortion
in countries where it is legal, and fertility regulation and
empowerment of women. Nevertheless, the major goal of
recognizing abortion as a human right failed . Significantly,
twenty years since that conference, the anti-life,
anti-family agitators at the UN have not been
able to advance their cause any further than
what they achieved at the Cairo Conference.
Also all attempts to push the homosexual agenda have
failed at the UN. For example, at the UN Conference on
Women held in Beijing in 1995, a resolution introduced
by Canada to provide protection on the basis of sexual
orientation was defeated. Only eleven nations supported that
resolution. In December 2014, fifteen UN member states out
of a total of 193 member states hosted a pro-homosexual
event at the UN. In spite of considerable resources and
influence this event failed to gain traction or support from
the wider UN membership.
A spokesperson at this event for the 15 UN member
states hosting the event, admitted that their small core group
could not work alone but needed support from other UN
member states to be successful. Such support was clearly
not forthcoming. Going from eleven UN members support in
Beijing in 1995, to fifteen members support in 2014 (a twenty
year period) indicates a remarkably modest advancement on
homosexual rights at the UN.
The anti-life/family forces at the UN, understandably
frustrated by this lack of success, are now attempting to get
around the resistance to their agenda, by several strategies.
These include:
1. Using the UN committees which monitor compliance with
the human rights treaties, by filling them with feminists and
population controllers. The committees then proceed to
claim that countries have failed to comply with the treaties
because they have failed to provide abortion and sexual
orientation laws. No UN treaty mentions either abortion
January 2015

Page 3

or sexual orientation as a human right. On the contrary, UN

resolutions have addressed this difficult issue of abortion by
recognizing that countries have every right to outlaw and
restrict abortion. Despite this, there have been over 275
instances where UN committees have told countries that
abortion must be made legal because of the treaties.
Failure to provide support for sexual orientation has
recently led to homosexual activists preposterously arguing
in November 2014, before the UN committee monitoring
the Torture Treaty, that psychological treatment to alter
sexual orientation (conversion therapy) was a form of
torture. Obviously the UN committee does not have the
authority to impose its views on conversion therapy, but this
is not going to stop it from doing so.
The UN General Assembly recently concluded a threeyear analysis of these corrupt monitoring bodies, which,
unaccustomed to oversight, strongly resisted this review. In
addition, in the spring of 2014, the UN General Assembly
adopted a resolution in which it commits to monitoring
these out of control committees. This cant happen a
moment too soon.
2. Another strategy currently being applied at the UN by
these anti-life forces is to focus on the UNs Millennium

Development Goals, to try to have abortion and homosexual

rights included. The UN had previously set the Millennium
Development Goals up to the year 2015. The purpose of
these goals was to focus on gaps in human development.
The Millennium Goals did not include abortion or sexual
orientation. The UN is currently drafting the post 20152020 Millennium Goals in which activists hope to include
abortion and homosexual rights.
3.The anti-life forces are also now focusing on having the Vatican
(called The Holy See) removed from the UN, as well as prolife NGOs (including REAL Women), who have been working
diligently to protect the moral integrity of the UN.
A petition is circulating to specifically remove the Holy
See from the UN (contradicted by a pro-life petition to assure
its continued presence at the UN). UN treaty monitoring
committees viciously attacked the Holy See in 2014, claiming
that its policies on abortion contravened the UN Convention
Against Torture and the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child. What a perverse stretch of the imagination!
The struggle continues at the UN, but pro-life, pro-family
NGOs, including REAL Women, are constantly alert to the
dangers and will continue to resist the demands promoted
by the extremists. q



Three Canadian pro-abortion organizations merged

together in November, 2014 to increase their reach and
influence on abortion and sexual rights. This new entity calls
itself Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights (ACSHR).
Two of these merged organizations, Canadian Federation
for Sexual Health (CFSH) (formerly Planned Parenthood
Canada) and Canadians for Choice (C for C) are registered as
Canadian tax exempt charities. Also, two of them, the CFSH
(formerly Planned Parenthood Canada) and Action Canada
for Population and Development (ACPD), receive nearly all
their funding from the pro-abortion U.S. Ford Foundation.
This funding, according to the Ford Foundation website, is to
support advocacy, litigation and reform. Canadian tax exempt
charities, however, are prohibited from carrying out political
advocacy work.
Thus, the newly formed organization is only superficially
Canadian since it is pumped-up and supported by mainly U.S.
money, which enables it to carry out advocacy work in Canada
under the protective umbrella of one of its organizations
(ACPD) which, unlike the other two organizations in the
merger, does not have tax exempt charitable status and is
therefore free to involve itself in political activities.
This newly merged organization, backed by this
generous funding from the U.S. Ford Foundation, has now
hired 8 staff members for its Ottawa office. Its Executive
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Real Women of Canada

Director is Sandeep Prasad, an Ottawa lawyer, member of

the homosexual LGBT community. He was formerly the
Executive Director for one of the organizations involved in
the merger, Action Canada for Population and Development
(ACPD). The background to these three organizations in the
merger are as follows:
1. Action Canada for Population and
Action Canada for Population and Development
was established in 1997 in order to promote abortion,
population control, and homosexual rights both in Canada
and internationally. It was at one time funded under the
Liberal government by the former government agency
CIDA, (Canadian International Development Agency now
merged into Foreign Affairs); the Department of Citizenship
and Immigration, and the Department of Foreign Affairs.
This funding was stopped by the Conservative government.
However, it received $600,000 from the Ford Foundation in
2014, and a total of $2,605,000 from the Ford Foundation
between 20062014.
2. Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
(Planned Parenthood Canada)
This organization is a Canadian affiliate of International

Planned Parenthood. Under the Liberal government, it was

generously funded by the federal Department of Health as
well as the Ford Foundation. When funding was stopped
by the Conservative government, its income and outreach
decreased considerably as well as its influence in the
formation of Canadian policies.
3. Canadians for Choice
Canadians for Choice is listed as a registered charity
since 2003. Its total annual revenue for 2013 was $142,000.
It has two employees. Its founder was Dr. Norman Barwin,
a tireless pro-choice champion, fairy godmother to
same-sex couples yearning for children and a pioneer in
reconstructive surgery for trans-sexuals (Toronto Star,
February 4, 2013). He was reprimanded by the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for failing to maintain
the standard of practice for the medical profession when
he admitted inseminating women with the wrong sperm on
several occasions at his fertility clinic. His Order of Canada
was revoked. He was also disqualified from the Boston
Marathon and the Ottawa Marathon for skipping a few
checkpoints on his way to triumph at the finish line. He is

prominent in carrying out transgender treatments.

The first project for this newly merged pro-abortion
entity, ACSHR, occurred when it held a press conference on
the report of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
2014 State of the Population Report. In this report UNFPA
demanded that abortion and contraception be readily available,
and for the liberalization of laws restricting prostitution, drug
use and homosexual behaviour, as well as for population
control. The newly merged pro-abortion group, ACSHR, was
in full agreement with this UNFPA report.
The ACSHR also plans to promote a sexual and
reproductive health awareness week in February, 2015, and run
a toll-free support line for teachers to use for sex education
purposes and for abortion information and referrals.
The significance of this merger is that the pro-abortion
movement will now become far more active in Canada since
it is supported by the generous funding from the U.S. based
Ford Foundation. It is a fraudulent organization, nonetheless,
since it pretends to be a Canadian NGO supported by
Canadians, when it is not. It is a front for U.S. population
control activity seeking political change in Canada. q


Advocates, such as the newly formed Canadian proabortion organization, Action Canada for Sexual Health and
Rights (ACSHR), are part of a diverse and broad network
world-wide, funded by the U.S. Ford Foundation. According
to its website, the Foundation works with visionaries on
the frontlines of social change worldwide and claims that
sexuality is an important force for social change. The
grants are listed in the category of gender, sexuality and
reproductive justice, that is, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender), abortion and feminism.
Recipients of the Ford Foundations generous grants
include groups such as:
The environmental Tides Foundation, which is actively
working in Canada against the proposed Alberta oil pipelines;
the National Centre for Lesbian Rights, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian
and Straight Education Network); Gay Straight Alliance
Network; American Civil Liberties Union; and the feminist
Ms Foundation, founded by Gloria Steinem.
The Ford Foundation also funds the International
Commission of Jurists, (ICJ), which received $2,020,000
from the Foundation between 2006-2012. This was the
organization to which several Canadian legal academics
wrote in June, 2014 requesting it take action against Prime
Minister Harpers so-called unfounded criticism of Chief
Justice Beverley McLachlin. The latter, in an unprecedented
action, had tried to interfere with the appointment of Mr.
Justice Nadon, from Quebec, to her court. ICJ, naturally, did
as requested, and duly severely criticized Mr. Harper.

This was not surprising due to the fact that the ICJ
is composed of so-called human rights legal activists
with a progressive perspective. The current president
of ICJ served as the legal head of pro-abortion Amnesty
International, which itself received $2,525,000 from the
Ford Foundation between 20062013. One of the two
vice-presidents of the Commission is former Quebec Judge
Michle Rivet. She also served on the Quebec Human
Rights Tribunal and as a Commissioner of the left-wing (now
defunct) Canadian Law Reform Commission. Honorary
directors of the Commission include former Supreme Court
Judge, Claire LHeureux-Dube, known for her advocacy for
homosexual rights in Canada, both on the Bench and in
her public speeches, and the Australian homosexual activist
judge, Michael Kirby. The ICJ has analyzed international
case law for lawyers, judges and human rights activists in
order to provide evidence to support them in their sexual
orientation and gender identity cases.
The Ford Foundation has wide ranging influence on
academia, hospitals, schools, legislation, public policy and
foreign aid. It funds strategic litigation for anti-family action
on abortion, homosexuality, redefinition of marriage, gender
deconstruction in the form of transgender rights, and safe
schools in the form of gay-straight alliances. Abortion is
merely one part of the Ford Foundation agenda.
The Ford Foundations generously funded network of
left-wing organizations around the world is a constant danger
to life and family. q
January 2015

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under one roof in the ottawa gay village

The merger of the three pro-abortion groups to form

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, (ACSHR) was not a
difficult feat, since their offices are all located in the same building
on Bank Street in Ottawa. They are tenants of an organization
formerly called Under One Roof Properties now called 25One
Community. The property is described as an environment of
interaction and collaboration for social change, a like-minded
network of groups and individuals engaged in progressive, social
and cultural missions, (homosexual newspaper Xtra, July 5, 2012,
The [gay] Village Expands).
The President of 25One Community is Diane Touchette,
Director of Operations for Canadian Centre for PolicyAlternatives
(CCPA) (see below). She was on the board of the feminist CRIAW
(Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women)
and extremist left-wing web site, rabble.ca.
Other left-wing radical organizations located on these
premises include:
FAFIA, the Feminist Alliance for International Action, which
specializes in reporting Canadas supposed failure to
achieve womens equality rights to the United Nations
feminist-dominated, treaty monitoring committees. These
committees promptly issue their official reports parroting
FAFIAs complaints critical of the government.
rabble.ca, a radical left-wing press and website, launched by
Marxist feminist, Judy Rebick and the left-wing Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives. Rebick was president of the
feminist National Action Committee on the Status of Women,
was a regular CBC commentator, and is politically left of the
NDP, although she ran for the presidency of that party.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, a leftist
advocacy group with charitable status since 1987. It received
almost $512,968 from the federally funded Social Sciences
and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) in 2013-2014. It
received a total of almost $5 million since 2002. SSHRC is a

message board

2015 REAL Women membership renewals are due this month.

To keep our expenses as low as possible, we do not send
renewal notices in the mail. To renew, you may use the form that
is in REALity. If you receive REALity by regular mail, your expiry
date is indicated on your address label. If you receive REALity
by e-mail, please e-mail our Ottawa office if you are uncertain as
to your expiry date. We greatly appreciate the many members
who renewed for 2015 when you sent in a donation as part of our
fundraising campaign last fall.
As a non-profit, non-government funded organization, our
membership fees are an important source of revenue for us.
Also, substantial membership numbers improve credibility in
our dealings with government, media and the courts. Lastly,
membership ensures that you receive REALity to keep you up to
date on social and political issues affecting Canadian family values.

REALity is a publication of REAL Women of Canada

PO Box 8813 Station T Ottawa ON K1G 3J1 Tel 613-236-4001 Fax 613-236-7203

www.realwomenofcanada.ca info@realwomenofcanada.ca

Page 6

Real Women of Canada

part of Industry Canada under Minister James Moore.

Canada Without Poverty: among its honorary directors are
Joe Clark, the former leader of the Progressive Conservative
Party; feminist Monique Begin, former Minister of Health
under Liberal Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, and Ed
Broadbent, former leader of the NDP party.
Octopus Books, a lesbian book-store, self-described as a
forum for radical and revolutionary voices.
CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) local for Child
Care Workers of Eastern Ontario, and CUPE District Council.
AIDS Committee of Ottawa, which recently moved to a new
location, plans to offer safe drug injection and inhalation supplies
once this has supposedly been approved by Health Canada.
A feminist law firm, Galldin and Robertson Law.
The Council of Canadians, under Chairperson Maude Barlow.
This organization promotes environmental issues, opposing
oil pipelines and opposing capitalism, which, it alleges, strips
working people of their rights. It opposed the highly
successful Free Trade Agreement with the United States,
which came into effect in 1994. The Council of Canadians is
currently working to oppose the Canada-European Union
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

This newly merged pro-abortion organization (ACSHR),

therefore fits right in with its fellow travellers -activists who
promote a left-wing agenda in order to change the social values
of this country.
It is obvious that all these organizations located in the same
building in Ottawa will have the common goal of defeating the
Conservative government in the October, 2015 federal election.
If it is defeated, they will once again have free access to taxpayers
money under a government which has so generously funded
them in past years.They will also then be in a position to directly
influence, once again, Canadas social and economic policies.q


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