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El Bon Linajes de Gran Meditacin Finalizacin

cuatro grandes linajes
de Bon Gran Finalizacin meditacin. La
primera, y
probablemente ms
antiguo linaje se
de Buda ston gshen pa rab. Ston gshen parab se dice que ha vivido en una zona de
habla iran de
lo que
conoce comoTayikistn, entonces
de la
gran Zhang Zhung kingdom.5 De acuerdo con la tradicin Ston pa gshen rab manifiesta
como un Buda humano, o Nirmanakaya Buda a travs de la intencin compasiva del
Buda primordial, Kun tu bzang po. Viva
en un
llamado "anillo de
pulmn mo Ol, en un rea que algunos han especulado esahora Tayikistn. All se dice
que ha sometido a los dioses locales y los demonios se oponen a la propagacin de las
enseanzas, y las enseanzas Bon luego difundidosampliamente. l fue el creador de lo
que se llama el linaje de la Eterna Bon (g.YungDrung Bon) linaje, a la que
pertenece la transmisin oral Zhang Zhung. (Rgyud Zhangzhung snyan). Yungdring Bon
es el nombre de una tradicin, mientras que Zhang rgyudzhung snyan es el nombre
de un
ciclo de una
muchas enseanzas dentro
tradicin. Discpulo principal Ston pa gshen de rab era droga ldem Dmu cho,
organiz las enseanzas de su maestro y fue el primero en poner en forma escrita.Luego
vinieron los seis traductores que tradujeron las enseanzas del Ston pa gshendel rab en
varios idiomas de la kingdom.6 Zhang Zhung De estos discpulos inmediatosde un linaje
ininterrumpido surgi. La
primera transmisin
original era la
denueve Masters As-Gone-a-Bliss
(bder gshegs dgongs brgyud) antes
de Ston pa gshenrab. Luego
el linaje
de los Veinte Cuatro Otros Masters
(pandilla zag nyi shu rtsabzhi), cada uno de los cuales se dice que ha logrado cuerpo de
arco iris en una sola vida. Estas preciosas enseanzas fueron transmitidas a partir de
corazn a corazn, de maestro a discpulo, pero a un solo discpulo cada generation.7
El 25 de estos maestros era Tapihritsa. Se dice que han practicado y alcanzado plena
realizacin en el monte Kailash regin del Tbet. l se estima que ha vivido en el
siglosptimo. Despus de alcanzar el cuerpo de arco iris en el momento de la muerte, se
dice que ha regresado a la tierra en el siglo octavo disfrazado de un muchacho joven,que
ofreci a
mismo como
aprendiz a los tibetanos maestro tntrico Gyer spungssnang bzher po lod. Despus
de someter
a snang bzher orgullo
espiritual lod del po,Tapihritsa transmite enseanzas brgyud Zhang
Zhung snyan a snang bzher po lod enDarok Lago en
siglo octavo. A
de snang bzher lod po la
transmisin tom
nueva forma. En
lugar, snang bzher lod po escribi y codificado muchos de losque apunta especial a cabo
las instrucciones, que anteriormente slo haba sidoadministrada por va oral. En segundo
lugar, snang bzher lod po se le dio permiso para ensear a stos a un gran nmero de
estudiantes, rompiendo
as la
de sloensear a un
discpulo por
generacin. Snang bzher lod po fue
de lacancin deustan rey
tibetano Tri (742-797) y tambin de Padma Sambhava.
Tapihritsa pas en dos tipos de transmisiones de linaje. En primer lugar, es el

linajeauthorative (rgyud Bka ') que implica las

enseanzas de
en generacin delinaje rgyud el Zhang Zhung snyan. El
llama el (rgyud nyams) ExperiencialLineage porque las enseanzas se han extrado
de las
experiencias personales de
meditacin y
realizaciones de
5 Lopon Tenzin Namdak Bonpo Dzogchen Enseanzas Kathmadu,
Nepal: VajraPubklications, 2006. p. 4-5.
6 Ibd., P. 7. Los
seis traductores son: Dmu Tsha tra l; Khri thog espato tsa; Hu li mstilya; Lha bdag grol
sngags; Piernas po tang rmang; y GSER thog LCE byams.
7 Ibid, p. 25.

varios maestros, y con frecuencia sus mejores instrucciones esenciales, en la forma de

un ltimo testamento a las generaciones futuras. Entre las muchas enseanzaspreciosas
en Zhang Zhung transmisin oral es las conocidas lmparas Seis, una enseanza AlPassing [ot Salto-Over] (DTO rgal) atribuido
a Tapihritsa.
segundo gran transmisin Finalizacin se
conoce como
ciclo de la Vasta
Extensin, el
la Gran Finalizacin (rdzog chen yang RTSE Klong chen). Sedice que fue descubierto en
el ao 1080 como un texto tesoro revelado, y que se hasido compuesto en el
siglo octavo por Li anillos despedidas shu - contemporneos del
rey tibetano, Trisong Deutsan. El
de este
de enseanzas GranFinalizacin es muy similar al de las grandes enseanzas de
perfeccionamiento budista tibetano rnying ma, derivados de la DGA rab rdo rje en la
India. Es
queTapihritsa y DGA rab rdo rje, o sus
respectivos estudiantes
compartieron enseanzas,de modo que el contenido es muy similar en cada uno de
estos grandes linajes de
El tercer linaje importante Bon Gran Finalizacin es el linaje A khrid, el enfoque de
estelibro. Un khrid significa una
gua prctica (khrid) que
gua al
a la realizacin
final de "A." Este
el tema
libro y se
discutir ampliamente a
cuarto gran ciclo
de Finalizacin de
enseanzas Bn se
llama las LimitacionesEliminando al
Estado Primordial (vosotros khri mtha 'sel), desarrollado en el siglo 11 por el de
pulmn lha ston gnyan8
cuatro linajes de
transmisin de Bon Gran Finalizacin meditacin representanenseanzas similares. Las
diferencias entre estos cuatro enfoques de la GranFinalizacin son ms las diferencias
de linaje que diferencias en teaching.9
The Bon Lineages of Great Completion Meditation
There are four great lineages of Bon Great Completion meditation. The first, and likely
oldest lineage is derived from Buddha ston pa gshen rab. Ston pa gshen rab is said to

have lived in an Iranian-speaking area of what is now known as Tajikistan, then part of the
vast Zhang Zhung kingdom.5 According to the tradition Ston pa gshen rab manifested as a
human Buddha, or Nirmanakaya Buddha through the compassionate intention of the
primordial Buddha, Kun tu bzang po. He lived in a country then called Ol mo lung ring, in
an area that some have speculated is now Tajikistan. There he is said to have subdued the
local gods and demons opposing the spread of the teachings, and then disseminated Bon
teachings widely. He was the originator of what is called the linage of Eternal Bon (g.Yung
drung Bon) lineage, to which belongs the Zhang Zhung Oral Transmission. (Zhang zhung
snyan rgyud). Yungdring Bon is the the name of a tradition, whereas Zhang zhung snyan
rgyud is the name of a cycle of one of many teachings within this tradition. Ston pa gshen
rabs main disciple was Dmu cho ldem drug, who organized his masters teachings and
was the first to put them in written form. Then came the six translators who translated the
Ston pa gshen rabs teachings into various languages of the Zhang Zhung kingdom.6
From these immediate disciples an unbroken lineage arose. The first original transmission
was the succession of Nine Masters Thus-Gone-to-Bliss (bder gshegs dgongs brgyud)
before Ston pa gshen rab. Then came the lineage of the Twenty Four Other Masters (gang
zag nyi shu rtsa bzhi), each of which is said to have achieved rainbow body in a single
lifetime. These precious teachings were transmitted from heart- to-heart, from master to
disciple, but to only one disciple each generation.7
The 25th of these masters was Tapihritsa. He is said to have practiced and achieved full
realization in the Mt. Kailash region of Tibet. He is estimated to have lived in the 7th
century. After achieving rainbow body at the time of death, he is said to have returned to
earth in the 8th century disguised as a young boy, who offered himself as an apprentice to
the Tibetan tantric master Gyer spungs snang bzher lod po. After subduing Snang bzher
lod pos spiritual pride, Tapihritsa passed down the Zhang zhung snyan brgyud teachings
to Snang bzher lod po at Darok Lake in the 8th century. Starting with Snang bzher lod po
the transmission took on a new form. First, Snang bzher lod po wrote down and codified
many of the special pointing out instructions, which had previously only been given orally.
Second, Snang bzher lod po was given permission to teach these to a large number of
students, thereby breaking the tradition of only teaching to one disciple per generation.
Snang bzher lod po was a contemporary of the Tibetan king Tri song deustan (742-797)
and also of Padma sambhava.
Tapihritsa passed on two types of lineage transmissions. First, is the authorative lineage
(Bka rgyud) that entails the generation-to-generation teachings of the Zhang Zhung snyan
rgyud lineage. The second is called the Experiential Lineage (nyams rgyud) because the
teachings are drawn from personal meditation experiences and realizations of
5 Lopon Tenzin Namdak Bonpo Dzogchen Teachings Kathmadu, Nepal: Vajra
Pubklications, 2006. p. 4-5.
6 Ibid., p. 7. The six translators are: Dmu tsha tra he; Khri thog spar tsa; Hu li spar ya; Lha
bdag sngags grol; Legs tang rmang po; and Gser thog lce byams.
7 Ibid, p. 25.

various masters, and often their best pith instructions, in the form of a last testament to
future generations. Among the many precious teachings in Zhang Zhung Oral
Transmission is the well known Six Lamps, a By-Passing [ot Leap-Over] (thod rgal)
teaching attributed to Tapihritsa.
The second Great Completion transmission is known as The Cycle of the Vast Expanse,
the Pinnacle of Great Completion (rdzog chen yang rtse klong chen). It is said to have
been discovered in 1080 as a revealed treasure text, and to have been been composed in
8th century by Li shu stag rings--contemporary of the Tibetan king, Trisong deutsan. The
content of this set of Great Completion teachings is very similar to the Tibetan Buddhist
rnying ma Great Completion teachings, originating from Dga rab rdo rje in India. It is likely
that Tapihritsa and Dga rab rdo rje, or their respective students shared teachings, so that
the content is very similar in each of these Great Completion lineages.
The third important Bon Great Completion lineage is the A Khrid lineage, the focus of this
book. A Khrid means a practical guidebook (Khrid) that guides the practitioner to the final
realization of A. This system is the subject of this book and will be discussed extensively
The fourth Great Completion cycle of Bon teachings is called the Removing Limitations to
the Primordial State (ye khri mtha sel), developed in the 11th century by Lung ston lha
All four of transmission lineages of Bon Great Completion meditation represent similar
teachings. The differences across these four approaches to Great Completion are more
differences in lineage than differences in teaching.9

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