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Motivation in the workplace | LearnEnglish | British Council


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Motivation in the workplace

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Interviewer: How important is motivation for a manager?
Professor: Oh, motivation is extremely important. Id say its the most important aspect of a managers job. A managers job is to get the job done, whatever that job
might be. So a manager has to motivate the workers, both as a team and also on an individual basis. Without motivation, the job just wont get done.
Interviewer: So how do managers go about doing this? It doesnt sound very easy.
Professor: No, it is a complicated issue. But managers have special tools. They are trained to use them to boost motivation and increase production to a maximum.
Interviewer: Tools?
Professor: Yes, tools like praise, approval and recognition. And then there is trust and expectation. They are all important for workers.
Interviewer: And money? What about money?
Professor: Yes, money is a factor but you might be surprised to learn that it comes out last on the list of these tools that we are talking about.
Interviewer: So, what comes before money? What sort of things are more important for workers?
Professor: Well, all of the things that I have already mentioned, and then job enrichment and good communication between the workers and the bosses.
Interviewer: And have you got any examples of real life situations to back up your claims?
Professor: One good example is the firm Western Electric. When managers started taking an interest in their workers, there was a huge increase in production.
They started to talk to the workers and encouraged them to get involved in decision-making. Workers began to feel that their contributions were important. And it paid
Interviewer: Productivity increased?
Professor: Yes, hugely. The Swedish company Kochums is another example. The company was on the verge of collapse when managers decided to try a change
in motivation practice.
Interviewer: What did they do?
Professor: Well, basically it was a change in attitude towards their workers. Managers decided to stop giving orders and to try persuading them instead.
Interviewer: And it worked?
Professor: Absolutely. In just ten years they managed to turn a 15 million dollar loss into a 100 million dollar profit.
Interviewer: So, lets get this straight. Are you saying that workers are not interested in earning more money?
Professor: Im saying theyre not just interested in money. It is important of course. We need to enjoy a certain standard of living. But, as I mentioned before, there
are other things that are just as important: praise, approval, recognition, trust and expectation, job enrichment and good communication.

Listen to an extract of an interview with a professor of Business Studies about the subject of motivation.


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Motivation in the workplace | LearnEnglish | British Council

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(/en/user/75479) replied on 2 February, 2011 - 15:16 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8131#COMMENT-8131)

The test is easy to complete and easy to understand.



(/en/user/76098) replied on 4 February, 2011 - 18:06 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8209#COMMENT-8209)

Hi Adam,
can you tell me what "let's get this straight" means?

Thank you for your help!

(/en/users/jack-radford) replied on 7 February, 2011 - 05:18 PERMALINK

Jack Radford

Hi TheDebora




Motivation in the workplace | LearnEnglish | British Council

You use the expression 'let's get this straight' when you want to understand something or make it clear. If you want to check that you understand someone,
you might say this before you check that what you understand is correct.
In this podcast, the interviewer is surprised by what the professor says and wants to check that it's true.
I hope that helps.
Jack Radford
The LearnEnglish Team

(/en/user/76098) replied on 15 February, 2011 - 11:34 PERMALINK


Thank you very much Jack,
I've got it now.

(/en/user/76098) replied on 5 February, 2011 - 09:06 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8218#COMMENT-8218)



Whi did you discarded my post?

I only asked what "let's get this straight" meant.

(/en/users/jack-radford) replied on 7 February, 2011 - 05:20 PERMALINK

Jack Radford

Hi TheDebora
We didn't discard your post, it's just that every post on the site needs to be checked before it is published. Sometimes it takes a while to check all of the
Jack Radford
The LearnEnglish Team

salah leila


Hi adam
thanks for all of you "the british cousil team " . it was very easy and i'm waiting forward your next tasks



(/en/user/54697) replied on 8 February, 2011 - 20:17 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8345#COMMENT-8345)

(/en/user/80227) replied on 15 February, 2011 - 19:47 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8636#COMMENT-8636)

Thanks Adam,

thanks for all of you "the british cousil team



(/en/user/82947) replied on 21 February, 2011 - 15:18 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/8953#COMMENT-8953)


Hi The LearnEnglish Team,

This is the first time I login in the web however I am really happy because of many interesting topics which are suitable and
interesting with my career and life. The web seem to be the "Today for Tomorrow" slogan in my soul. Thank you for your valued contribution.
Best Regards, Hai Nguyen.




Motivation in the workplace | LearnEnglish | British Council

Tanya from Kiev

(/en/user/89581) replied on 15 March, 2011 - 20:45 PERMALINK (/EN/COMMENT/9978#COMMENT-

Hi! I want to praise all British counsll team for great topics. You have my recognation and my daughter's love (she is a member of BritishLearning Kids). And
what is interesting - I kept in my mind almost all new words which I met on this site - and it is a little bit more than my expectattion.



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