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Magnesium oxide has also shown to possess catalytic activity for biodiesel synthesis.
Magnesium oxide, produced by direct heating of magnesium carbonate or magnesium
hydroxide, has the weakest basic strength and solubility in methanol among group II oxides
[6]. In order to increase its basicity, MgO has been loaded with an active metal. Wen et al.
[33] prepared a Li-doped MgO for biodiesel synthesis. The results showed that the formation
of strong base sites is particularly promoted by the addition of Li, thus resulting in an FAME
yield increase. The catalyst with 0.08 Li/Mg molar ratio calcined at 550C exhibits the
highest FAME yield (93.9%) at 60Cusing 12:1 methanol/oil molar ratio and 9 wt.% catalyst
amount. On The other hand, Mutreja et al. [34] prepared potassium hydroxide impregnated
MgO as heterogeneous catalyst for the transesterication of mutton fat. Impregnation with 20
wt.% KOH increases the basic strength of MgO. Transesterication of mutton fat with 22:1
methanol/fat molar ratio at 65 C resulted in a 98% conversion in 20 min.
Mixed-metal oxide systems can offer interesting properties, Especially when each
component differs remarkably from each other. For example, the combination of two oxides
(alumina and magnesia) may establish new acidbase properties. The acidbase Properties of
alumina depend very much On the synthesis conditions and post-synthesis treatment. On the
other hand, magnesia features a unique basic characteristic. Besides, the use of mixed metal
oxide as a support can introduce an interesting range of properties [35].Fraile et al. [36]
prepared several M(II)/M(III) mixed oxides where M(II) was Mg or Zn and M(III) was Al,
Ga or La. These catalysts were tested in the sunower oil transesterication reaction with
methanol and methyl palmitate transesterication reaction with isobutanol. Results Indicated
that the strong basicity mixed oxides was always connected to the presence of alkaline
metals, independently of the M(II) and M(III) nature. Tantirungrotechai et al. [35]
synthesized via solgel a series of Mg-Al mixed-metal oxides with Mg/Al ratios in the range
0.1258. These mixed oxides were also impregnated with KI in order to increase their base
strength and their activities for oil transesterication reaction with methanol. The KI
impregnated Mg-Al mixed-metal oxide at 4:1 Mg/Al ratio was the most efcient catalyst for
transesterication reaction at 70 C reaction temperature (>90% conversion after 8 h).

Among these, MgAl hydrotalcite shows the best activity under mild reaction conditions.
Unfortunately, its catalytic activity is unstable because some alkali cations leach out in the
fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) phase. As heterogeneous base catalysts for biodiesel
production, AlZn spinel (Pugnet et al., 2010) and ZrLa (Sun et al., 2010) show good
activity and stability. However, a reaction temperature exceeding 473 K is necessary to
guarantee high FAME yield, resulting in an increase in production cost and energy
consumption. Hence, the search for a solid catalyst with stable activity, which could yield
products at a short reaction time under mild reaction conditions (lower temperature and
pressure at the level of high biodiesel yield), is signicant for industrial applications.
Di antaranya, Mg-Al hidrotalsit menunjukkan aktivitas terbaik di bawah kondisi reaksi
ringan. Sayangnya, aktivitas katalitik tidak stabil karena beberapa kation alkali larut dalam
asam lemak metil ester (FAME) tahap. Sebagai katalis heterogen basis produksi biodiesel, AlZn spinel (Pugnet et al., 2010) dan Zr-La (Sun et al., 2010) menunjukkan aktivitas yang baik
dan stabilitas. Namun, suhu reaksi melebihi 473 K diperlukan untuk menjamin hasil FAME
tinggi, mengakibatkan peningkatan biaya produksi dan konsumsi energi. Oleh karena itu,
pencarian untuk katalis padat dengan aktivitas yang stabil, yang dapat menghasilkan produk
dengan waktu reaksi pendek di bawah kondisi reaksi ringan (suhu yang lebih rendah dan
tekanan pada tingkat yield biodiesel yang tinggi), adalah signifikan untuk aplikasi industri.

Metal-doped MgO has been extensively studied as an important solid base catalyst in various
organic syntheses, such as aldol condensation (Dez et al., 2006), propane oxidation
(Trionfetti et al 2008), oxidative methylation of acetonitrile (Bothe-Almquist et al., 2000),
and isobutanol decomposition (Lopez et al., 2008), all of which exhibited excellent activity.
To the best of our knowledge, several reports have been conducted on biodiesel synthesis
using metal-doped MgO catalysts. Recently, Macleod et al. (2008) reported that Li-doped
MgO can potentially replace conventional homogeneous catalysts for large-scale biodiesel
production. In our previous study (Wen et al., 2010), Li-doped MgO produced the high
biodiesel yield (93.9%) within 2 h at 333 K, but metal leaching from the catalyst was
signicant. As the valence of Ti ion (4) is higher than that of the Mg ion (2), Ti addition may
theoretically bring about defects on the MgO surface and, hence, improve the activity and
stability of the catalyst. However, there are few reports on biodiesel production using MgO
with Ti addition. Moreover, all metal-doped MgO catalysts reported to date have been used
for biodiesel synthesis starting from rened vegetable oil and not WCO.
Many types of heterogeneous solid base catalysts, such as alkaline-earth metal oxides and
hydroxides, have been studied for the transesterication of vegetable oils [4,7], various alkali
metal compounds supported on alumina [810], zeolite [11], hydrotalcites [12], anion
exchange resins [13], and polymer-supported guanidines [14]. The order of activity among
alkaline-earth oxide catalysts is BaO > SrO > CaO > MgO [12,15]. most supported alkali
catalysts are easily corroded by methanol and have short catalyst lifetimes. However, in most
of the experiments using heterogeneous catalysts, the transesterication reaction proceeds at a
relatively slow rate compared to those conducted with homogeneous catalysts. The slow
reaction rates are due to diffusion problems accruing from the behavior of heterogeneous
media such as a three-phase system (oil/methanol/catalyst) [9]. Thus, the development of a
solid basic catalyst to carry the transesterication of oils efciently under mild reaction
conditions in short reaction times remains an intriguing challenge.
Banyak jenis heterogen katalis dasar yang solid, seperti alkali tanah oksida logam dan
hidroksida, telah dipelajari untuk transesteri fi kasi minyak nabati [4,7], berbagai senyawa
logam alkali didukung pada alumina [8-10], zeolit [11] , Hydrotalcites [12], pertukaran anion
resin [13], dan polimer yang didukung guanidines [14]. Urutan kegiatan antara katalis oksida
alkali tanah adalah BaO> SrO> CaO> MgO [12,15]. katalis alkali yang paling didukung
mudah terkorosi oleh metanol dan memiliki daya tahan katalis pendek. Namun, di sebagian
besar percobaan menggunakan katalis heterogen, transesteri reaksi fi kasi hasil pada tingkat
yang relatif lambat dibandingkan dengan yang dilakukan dengan katalis homogen. Tingkat
reaksi lambat adalah karena masalah difusi yang diperoleh dari perilaku media heterogen
seperti sistem tiga-fasa (minyak / metanol / katalis) [9]. Dengan demikian, pengembangan
katalis dasar yang solid untuk membawa transesteri fi kasi minyak secara efisien dalam
kondisi reaksi ringan pada waktu reaksi pendek tetap merupakan tantangan yang menarik.
The active ingredients in
A solid of great technical signicance, magnesia (magnesium oxide, MgO) is widely used as
a refractory material. Its catalytic interest lies in its essentially basic surface character, which
makes it an effective catalyst and catalyst support [19]. Magnesium oxide exhibits strong
basicity by virtue of the presence of surface O2- ions that capture protons readily. It also
exhibits weak Lewis basic-ity, which is ascribed to Mg 2+ ions [20]. MgO is mainly obtained
by thermally treating magnesium hydroxide or carbonate, and, more recently, by the solgel
method. Textural and acidbase properties depend, to a great extent, on synthesis conditions:
the pH, gelifying agent, sequence of the addition of reagents, calcination temperature, etc.

[21]. Several studies have focused on modifying the cation of MgO acidbase characteristics
in the presence of other species, such as other oxides, metallic ions, and noble metals,
establishing this approach as a very effective way of tailoring the activity towards many
organic processes [13,22].
Bahan aktif dalam
Sebuah solid besar teknis signifikansi, magnesium (magnesium oksida, MgO) banyak
digunakan sebagai bahan tahan api. Bunga katalitik terletak pada karakter permukaan
dasarnya dasar, yang membuatnya menjadi katalis yang efektif dan dukungan katalis [19].
Magnesium oksida menunjukkan kebasaan yang kuat berdasarkan kehadiran permukaan O2
ion yang proton capture mudah. Hal ini juga menunjukkan lemah Lewis dasar-ity, yang
berasal Mg2 + ion [20]. MgO terutama diperoleh termal mengobati magnesium hidroksida
atau karbonat, dan, baru-baru ini, dengan metode sol-gel. Sifat tekstur dan asam-basa
tergantung, untuk sebagian besar, pada kondisi sintesis: pH, agen gelifying, urutan
penambahan reagen, suhu kalsinasi, dll [21]. Beberapa penelitian telah difokuskan pada
upaya memodifikasi kation MgO karakteristik asam-basa dengan adanya spesies lain, seperti
oksida lain, ion logam, dan logam mulia, membangun pendekatan ini sebagai cara yang
sangat efektif untuk menyesuaikan aktivitas terhadap banyak proses organik [ 13,22]
These studies emphasize the advantages that can accrue from the co-existence of two
different basic oxide components in the catalyst for transesterication. To the best of our
knowledge, no study on the catalytic performance of magnesia modied with strontium in the
transesterication of vegetable oils has been published. In the present study, we have
examined the activity of strontium-modied magnesia catalysts for the transesterication of
palm olein. The catalysts were prepared via a conventional impregnation method, and their
physicochemical properties studied using various characterization techniques. The study also
investigated the impact of catalyst preparation conditions and the transesterication reaction
conditions on the methyl ester content.
Studi-studi ini menekankan keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dari co-eksistensi dari dua
komponen oksida dasar yang berbeda dalam katalis untuk transesteri fi kasi. Untuk yang
terbaik dari pengetahuan kita, tidak ada studi pada kinerja katalitik magnesium dimodifikasi
dengan strontium di transesteri fi kasi minyak nabati telah diterbitkan. Dalam penelitian ini,
kami telah meneliti aktivitas katalis fi kasi magnesia strontium-modi untuk transesteri fi kasi
olein sawit. Katalis dipreparasi melalui metode impregnasi konvensional, dan sifat
fisikokimia mereka belajar menggunakan berbagai teknik karakterisasi. Penelitian ini juga
meneliti dampak dari kondisi pembuatan katalis dan reaksi kation transesteri fi
kondisi pada isi metil ester.
The basicity of catalyst was studied by temperature pro-as a probe molecule. Prior to CO2
grammed desorption (TPD) using CO 2 adsorption, catalysts (0.3 g) were pretreated under a
nitrogen stream at 120 C for 30 min (10 C/min and 20 mL/min). Then, the temperature was
decreased to room temperature, and a ow of pure CO 2 (20 mL/min) was subsequently
introduced into the reactor for 150 min. The system was ushed with N 2for 60 min. The
TPD of CO was carried out under a helium ow at a ow rate of 20 mL/min. The temperature
was ramped from 40 to 960oCand held at this temperature for 60 min with a temperature
ramp of 10 C/min. The CO desorption was monitored by an online gas chromatograph
provided with a thermal conductivity detector

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