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Which activity is suited to the 12 year old with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ?

a. Playing video games b. Swimming c. Working crossword puzzle d. Playing slow pitch softball
Answer: B Rationale : exercise that provides light passive resistance are best for the child with
rheumatoid arthritis. A & C requires movement of the hands and fingers that may be too painful
for the child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Letter D requires the use of larger joints affected
by disease.
A 70- year old female comes to the clinic for a routine checkup . She is 5 ft 4 inches tall and
weighs 180 lbs. her major complaint is pain in her joints . She is retired and has had to give up
her volunteer work because of her discomfort . She was told her diagnosis was osteoporosis
about 5 years ago. Which would be excluded from the clinical pathway for this client.
a. Decrease the calorie count of her daily diet. b. Take warm baths when arising c. Slide items
across the floor rather than lift them d. Place items so that it is necessary to bend or stretch to
reach them.
Answer: D Rationale: patients with osteoarthritis have decreased mobility caused by joint pain,
over reaching and stretching to get an object are to be avoided as this can cause more pain and
can even lead to falls . The nurse should see to it therefore that objects are within easy reach of
the patients.
A client is admitted to emergency department with severe pain and edema in the right foot . His
diagnosis is gouty arthritis . When developing a plan of care which action would have the highest
priority ?
a. Apply hot compresses to the affected joints b. Stress the importance of maintaining good
posture to prevent deformities c. Administer salicylates to minimize the inflammatory reaction d.
Ensure an intake of atleast 3000ml of fluid per day
Answer: D. Rationale: gouty arthritis is a metabolic disease marked by urate deposit that cause
painful arthritic joints. The patient should urge to increased his fluid intake to prevent the
development of urinary uric acid stones.
Situation : mr. Roxas , an obese 35 year old ms professor of feu is admitted due to pain in his
weight bearing joint . The diagnosis was osteoarthritis.
As a nurse , you instructed mr. Roxas how to use a cane . Mr. Roxas has a weakness on his right
leg due to self immobilization and guarding. You teach mr. Roxas to hold a cane.

a. On his left hand , because his right side is weak b. On his left hand , because of reciprocal
motion c. On his right hand to support the right leg d. On his right hand because only his right
leg is weak
Answer: b Rationale : reciprocal motion is very important aspect of rehabilitation. Mr. Roxas has
a weakness on his right leg. If. Human moves his right leg, the left arm will accompany the
movement of the right leg. That is what you call reciprocal motion which is inate , natural and
require to maintain balance.
You also told Mr. Roxas to hold the cane :
a. 1inches in front of the foot b. 3 inches in the lateral side of the foot c. 6 inches in the lateral
side of the foot d.12 inches in the lateral side of the foot
Answer: a is incorrect bec. The client will kick off the cane if it was in front of the foot. D is
incorrect bec. It is too far and it will cause the cane to poorly support. And 3 inches is incorrect
bec. Imagine how short it is.

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