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Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra - General Info, Characteristics & Compatibility

Extending between the constellations of Pegasus and Andromeda; Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra etymologically implies the 'possession of
lucky feet'. Governed by the divine power of Ahir Budhnya; Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra has its planetary lord in Saturn.
Basic information about Uttara Bhadrapada Birth Star
The nakshatra associated with prosperity, strength and martial qualities is the store house of widely diverging possibilities and features.
Endowed with the aspects of 'vano prastha' and 'Varshodyamana Shakti'; Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra combines in itself the
quintessence power of the zodiac. While the former signifies relief from material bondage and advent into the realm of spirituality; the
latter implies capacity to cause rainfall.

General characteristics of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Malefic or the benefic aspects of ruling Saturn; plays an important role in determining the personality traits of natives ruled by Uttara
Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Essentially adaptable and changeable; natives belonging to this nakshatra are generally known by their
personality traits of determination, wisdom and experience. Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience are the
essential aspects of their personality. Another interesting aspect of their personality is their changeability. Owing to this changeability
according to the varying needs of circumstances, it is difficult to attribute typical traits to their personality. Usually possessing attractive
features and complexion, they excel in attracting attention by virtue of their grace and mannerisms. Usually religious and drawn to high
ethical standard, the natives of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra; are prone to seeking recluse within the folds of spirituality.
Behavioral characteristics
Exhibiting an interesting mix of contradictory traits in their behavioral characteristics, natives of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra can present
as much laziness as firmness and determination. Apart from their changeable character streak, the influence of Saturn has an interesting
role to play in causing the mentioned difference. Unpredictability is one of the most important behavioral characteristics of natives born
under the influence of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Endowed with a fare share of benevolence, reasonability and a sense of impartiality;
their violently temperamental nature can be a force to reckon with.
Positive traits
Natives of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra blessed with benefic influences of other planets are generally kind, logical, and deft at skills of
calculations. Besides these, serenity and sense of equality and justice also characterize them. Intrinsic innocence along with an innate
capacity for mesmerizing people may also be the positive traits of some of the natives. A unique potential for gaining with experience is
one of their positive traits.
Negative traits
One of the major negative traits of people born with Uttara Bhadrapada in ascendance is their susceptibility to fits of anger. On account of
this trait, they are unnecessarily drawn into controversy and disputes. Besides being temperamental, laziness, inertia and loss of control
are their other negative traits.
Career Options for Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Born People
With wealth of knowledge gained by experience, they make favorable impression on careers related to business, entrepreneurship and
managerial positions. Career opportunities centering on consultancy, justice and counseling are also meant for them. Equally effective
they can be in careers based on charity and voluntary organizations geared to social service.
Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility
Purva Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada are non compatible to one another according to the Vedic astrological system of Veda Dosha.
Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Phalguni are mutually compatible to one another. Besides mutual progressiveness and practicality
characterizing their intrinsic nature; the fact that they represent the similar yoni in 'cow'; endows the same with mutual compatibility.
Cow's phallic inimicality with tiger, makes Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra non compatible to the birth stars of Vishakha and Chitra. On the
other hand with cow's compatibility to hare and sheep, the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada is compatible to Jyestha, Krittika, Anuradha
and Pushya nakshatra.

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