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2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Feb. 26 - Mar.

1, 2014, Busan, Korea

Voltage Stability Modeling and Analysis of

Unbalanced Distribution Systems with Wind
Turbine Energy Systems
Mamdouh Abdel-Akher, Member, IEEE, Mohamed M. Aly, Member, IEEE, Zakaria Ziadi, Student Member,
IEEE, Hassan El-kishky, Senior Member, IEEE, Mohamed A. Abdel-Warth

AbstractThis paper presents a new method to asses voltage

stability of unbalanced distribution systems with wind turbine
generation systems (WTGSs). In the voltage tracing process, the
Lagrange linear and quadratic interpolations have been applied
to predict voltage magnitudes and phase angles. The predicted
solutions are then corrected using the unbalanced three-phase
forward/backward power flow solver. The solution process
continues until the maximum loading conditions of the system
under study are reached. The salient advantage of the method is
avoiding construction of massive augmented three-phase
Jacobian matrix of the classical Newton-Raphson method. The
direct connected WTGSs have been modeled with sufficient
details to account for distribution system unbalances and slip
variations. Substation transformer tap-setting for voltage
regulation is also considered. Voltage collapse scenarios are
investigated for unbalanced systems using various unbalanced
radial feeders. The results show the robustness of the proposed
continuous power-flow method for voltage stability of power
distribution networks. Assessment of the obtained results shows
that WTGSs of synchronous generator types are more robust
than those equipped with induction generators from the point of
view of voltage stability.
Index Termsvoltage stability, continuation power-flow, wind
turbine generating systems, forward/backward,


ENEWABLE energy systems are gaining more and more

visibility, while the worlds power demand is increasing
due to the increase of the average consumption of energy per
capita.. The wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources
of DERs. A large percentage of the installed distributed
energy resources are wind generation connected to rural
distribution systems. The installed wind turbines are expected
to increase in the future accompanied with decrease in the cost
of the wind power technology. The wind turbine generating
systems (WTGSs) can be classified into two categories, fixed
Mamdouh Abdel-Akher, Mohamed Mahmoud Aly and Mohamed A.
Abdel-Warth are with Electrical Engineering Department, Aswan University,
81542 Aswan, Egypt (e-mail: mabdelakher@ieee.org).
Zakaria Ziadi is with Electrical and Electronics Department, University of
the Ryukyus, 903-0129 Okinawa, Japan (e-mail: ziadizaki@yahoo.com).
Hassan El-kishky is with Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering, University of Texas at Tyler, 3900 University Blouvard,
Tyler, TX 75799, USA (e-mail: helkishky@uttyler.edu).

speed WTGSs and variable speed WTGSs [1-2]. The

integration of these resources is expected to play a significant
role in the voltage stability of the distribution systems [3].
The voltage stability problem is assessed by obtaining
voltage profiles of critical buses as a function of their loading
conditions. These voltage profiles, or shortly PV curves,
provide considerable insight into the systems behavior and
operating conditions for different loading levels, and have
been used by the electric power industry for assessing voltage
stability margins and the areas prone to voltage collapse [4].
The gradual load increment will lead to a saddle-node
bifurcation (SNB) point, which corresponds to the maximum
loading point (MLP) [5-6]. The continuation power flow
(CPF) is an important tool to trace the PV curves and
determine the MLP of transmission and distribution systems
Automatic procedures using conventional Newton- Raphson
method were established by many utilities for carrying out
those analyses in the form of PV curves. Close to MLP, the
Jacobian matrix becomes singular and, consequently, the
conventional method will show numerical difficulties [8]. In
the case of radial distribution system, the system Jacobian is
usually ill-conditioned. This is due to a higher R/X ratio in
distribution systems lines and a resulting lack of diagonal
dominance of the system Jacobian [9]. Further, due to this
reason, power flow methods are particularly unstable when the
radial distribution system is closer to its MLP. This numerical
instability is observed even if double-precision computation
and anti-divergence algorithms were used [10].As a
consequence, attempts at power flow solutions near the critical
point are prone to divergence and error [11].
The CPF sequentially predicts a solution and corrects this
predicted solution to return to the PV curve. It uses an
augmented Jacobian matrix of the system in the predictor and
corrector steps [3], [12]. These methods are also extended for
unbalanced three-phase systems using both tangent and
nonlinear predictor techniques [13-14]. The computation
burden of this process, especially in unbalanced three-phase
distribution systems, is high due to the update and refactorization of the Jacobian matrix of both predictor and
corrector steps.
WTGSs convert distribution systems to active networks.
Ref. [15] developed a complete three-phase power-flow
analysis; however, the injected active power due to WTGSs

978-1-4799-3939-8/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE


has been assumed equally divided among the three phases.

This assumption may lead to incorrect results due to ignoring
the internal equivalent circuit of generator and the voltage
unbalance factor at the PCC. In Ref.[16], induction generator
has been modeled only by its positive sequence network. This
model is accepted only under assumption of balanced
operation. The unbalanced system operation and the
assumption of balanced WTGSs operation may lead to
inadequate power-flow solution [17]. Implicit representation
of induction generator of positive- and negative-sequence
networks is introduced in [18]. The resultant equivalent threephase admittance matrix in phase components of the induction
generator is integrated to Newton-Raphson power-flow
solution. However, this model is a machine-slip dependent, i.e.
the model cannot be solved without the assumption of prior
knowledge of the machine slip.
In this paper, the forward/backward sweep method is
selected in this work for power-flow solution [8], [19]. The
first-order and second order Lagrange interpolation
polynomial are used as the predictor in the CPF method
whereas the forward/backward sweep is implemented as the
corrector. The sequential solution of both the developed
distribution power-flow model and the WTGSs are validated
using the IEEE radial test feeders. The paper is organized as
follows: Section II describes the distribution systems and wind
turbines modeling. Section III presents the unbalanced threephase continuation power-flow. Section IV presents the results
and discussion for this work. Finally, the conclusions are
drawn in Section V.
The three-phase distribution network components have been
modeled in the literature including line models, spot and
distributed loads, transformers, and capacitor banks [20]. The
following subsections present the modeling of tap changing
transformers and WTGSs for steady state voltage stability of
unbalanced distribution systems.
A. Tap-changing transformer models
The tap-changing transformers are usually used in
distribution systems to control voltages at specific nodes. The
transformer secondary bus voltage is regulated by tap movements
and the bandwidth is set to correspond to one load tap change,
i.e., 0.625%. The tap change takes place every time the voltage
drop changes up or down by 0.625% [21].
B. Wind turbines
A typical wind turbine model using power Curve such as
for GE wind energy [22] to find power output related to wind
speed is used to represent the wind power plant. The wind
energy power plant is expressed as follows:
Ciw = K w Piw
where Kw is the cost of wind energy paid per kW and Piwis
the output power of a wind farm.
Due to randomness of the wind speed, Piwis function in both
the wind speed and the turbine characteristics. If a wind power

plant enjoyed priority dispatch criteria, the factor Kwis

assigned zero values. Consequently, the wind power is
expressed as follows:

in or out

Piw = Piwr
in r

r in

r out

whereP iw is the rated output power of a wind farm, is the
wind speed, r is the rated speed of the turbine, in is the cut-in
speed, and out is the cut-out speed of the wind turbine.

C. Generator Modeling
In WTGSs, if a generator is connected to the grid through a
power conditioning unit, the WTGSs are simply modeled as a
constant negative complex power load (PQ). This approximate
model is discussed in details in [23]. However, if the generator
terminals are directly connected to the grid, the internal circuit
of the generator should be fully exploited in the power-flow
analysis [22], [24]. Three-phase machines used in generating
systems are usually designed with maximum symmetry [22].
The stator of these machines comprise of three identical sets
of coils. If these coils are excited, they produce balanced
three-phase voltages, i.e. positive sequence voltages. Threephase machines are considered as symmetrical elements [22],
[24-25]. However, due to the unbalance nature of distributions
systems, negative and zero sequence currents are injected into
the generator circuit causing unbalanced operation of the
machine. In order to avoid the complexity of the actual phase
variables, symmetrical elements such as the induction machine
and synchronous machines are usually modeled using
sequence networks in power system analyses [24-25].
A. Three-phase power flow
The three-phase continuation power flow is formulated as
the nonlinear power flow equations as follows [30]:
Pi s = PGis ( x ) PLis ( x ) PCis
(3.a )
Q is = QGi
( x ) Q Lis ( x ) QCis

0 x x end

(3.b )
(3.c )

whereP, Q are active and reactive powers, i subscript refers

to nodes, G, L subscripts refer to generation and loads,
Csubscript refers to power injections, s
superscript refers to
phases a, b, or c, x is the continuation parameter, and
xend is the end of the simulation period.
For voltage stability analysis, the load/generation is
increased till voltage collapse occurs. The three-phase power
flow is illustrated in [14], [31].
B. Lagrange interpolation predictors
The proposed method uses the first-order and second-order
Lagrange polynomial. The Lagrange interpolating polynomial
is given by [32]:


f n ( x) =

(4.a )

Li ( x ) f ( x i )

current flowing in the line segment l is calculated as follows:

J abc
= I abc
j +

i =0

Li ( x ) =


xi x j

where n in fn(x) stands for the nth order polynomial that

approximates the functiony = f(x) given atn+1 data points
as(x0,y0), (x1,y1), , (xn-1,yn-1), (xn,yn) (x0,y0), andLi(x)is a
weighting function that includes a product of n 1 terms with
terms of j = i omitted. The Lagrangeinterpolation method
has been applied to predict three-phase voltages during
continuous power-flow calculations.
1) First-order (linear) approximation
The first-order approximation requires the knowledge of
two-successive points. The predicted solution based on
previous two power-flow solutions is calculated as follows:
x k x k 2
x xk
Fkabc = k 1
2 +
x k 1 x k 2
x k 1 x k 2
where F refers to V or , p superscripts refers to the predicted
solutions, c superscripts refers to the previous powerflowsolutions, and k refers to the point serial number on the
voltageprofile or the tracing path.
2) Second-order (nonlinear) approximation
The second order approximation requires the knowledge of
three successive load-flow solutions. The predicted solution is
expressed as given in (6).
The application of both first-order and second-order
Lagrange interpolation approximation for voltage stability
analysis results in three possible versions of iterative
predictor-corrector solution process. The first method utilizes
the first-order approximation whereas the second method
utilizes the second order approximation. Finally, hybrid
method can also be utilized to apply linear predictor on the
initial part of the curve and as the voltage tracing approaches
the stability limit, the nonlinear predictor is applied.
C. Unbalanced power-flow corrector
The predicted solutionis corrected using a typical radial
power-flow analysis that involves three main steps [25], [30].
1) Nodal Current Calculations
The load currents are initially calculated by assuming initial
voltages at all nodes as follows:
I abc

= ia

S ib

V b

S ic

V c

(7 )

where Iiabc is the current injections for phase a, b, c at node

i,Sia,b,c is the scheduled power injections for phase a, b, c at
node i, andVia,b,c is the phase voltages at node i.
2) Backward sweep
The total current at the source node can be calculated since
the line currents are known at the laterals of the feeder. The

Fkabc =




x xj

j = 0, j i

where Jlabc is the current flows into the line section landM is
the set of line sections connected downstream to
node j.
The injected powers at segmentl are updated during the
solution process[30].
3) Forward Sweep
After calculating the branch currents/powers in the previous
step, the receiving end voltages are calculated using the
voltage at the root node.The line current of each line segment
are updated using the entering powers [30].Then, the voltages
at the receiving end of line segment are calculated by:


Viabc = V abc
Z abc
J abc

After the above three steps are executed at every iteration,

the power mismatches at each node for all the three phases are
calculated as follows:

( )

( )

( )

S abc
V ib I ib
V ic I ic S abc
= Via I ia

If the real or imaginary part (real or reactive power) of any

of these power mismatches is greater than a preset
convergence criterion, the solution process is repeated until
the convergence is occurred.

D. Adaptive step size control

An initial step size should be defined and used for
calculating the first two points on the curve. However, the step
size is controlled using the following expression:
k +1 = k
(11.a )

xk +1 = k + xk
(12.b )
where C is a step size control parameter andnk is the load
flow iterations number at state k.
As the corrector converges to a visible power-flow solution,
the step size is updated according to (12.a) and then the new
continuation parameter is calculated as given by (12.b). The
continuation power-flow process continues until reaching the
MLP. This MLP can be detected using the stepwisekas
k < MLP
where MLP is a pre-defined tolerance for MLP detection.
Firstly, simulations have been performed using the 33-node
feeder, data is give in [30], to assess the accuracy of the
developed methods by comparison with the conventional
Newton-Raphson CPF method [29]. Secondly, the unbalanced
IEEE 123-node test feederis used to assess the accuracy and
the performance of the developed unbalanced voltage stability

( xk xk 2 )( xk xk 1)
( xk xk 3 )( xk xk 1)
( xk xk 3 )( xk xk 2 )
3 +
2 +
( xk 3 xk 2 )( xk 3 xk 1)
( xk 2 xk 3 )( xk 2 xk 1)
( xk 1 xk 2 )( xk 1 xk 3 )


tool. The voltage stability assessment of different WTGS

models are then studied based on the IEEE 123 node feeder.
The IEEE 123-node feederis characterized with variety of
distribution systems features such as unbalanced voltage
regulators, asymmetrical line segments, unbalanced loads, and
capacitor banks [33]. The data of the wind turbines are given
in [34]. Four wind turbines are 76, 67, 101, and 105. The four
voltage regulators found in the IEEE 123-node system are set
to control 60, 14, 33, and 83 respectively.
A. Accuracy of the developed methods
The voltage tracing curves up to MLP are computed using
the developed method whereas the unbalanced continuation
Newton-Raphson method was used to benchmark the
calculated results. The tracing of the three-phase voltages at
node '18' in the 33-node test feeder are shown in Fig. 1 for
both the unbalanced Newton-Raphson method as well as the
developed first-order and second order Lagrange interpolation
methods. The figure shows that both the proposed method and
Newton-Raphsonmethodgive identical voltage profile of the
stable part of the curve. The figure shows that the adaptive
step control is implemented successfully in Lagrange
interpolation methods resulting in detection of the nose of the
curve after few calculated power-flow solutions.
B. Performance of the developed methods
The parameters of the adaptive step control given by (11.a)
determine the overall performance of the Lagrange
interpolation predictor with forward/backward load-flow
analysis. The effect of the corrector convergence character, C,
is studied for both the first-order and second order predictors.
Results are summarized in Table. 1. When a value of C is
assigned lower values, the stepwise becomes almost fixed
resulting in high number of calculating points and iterations.
However, when the factor C assigned larger values, both the
number of points and the corrector iterations decrease. To
keep good performance whereas the accuracy of tracing the
MLP is not lost, an intermediate value for the factor C should
be selected.
In the absence of on-load tap changing transformers, the
factor C could be assigned a value equal 4 and 3 for both first
order and second order predictors, respectively. When on-load
tap changing is considered, the required number of load flow
iterations required for each step increases due to introducing
of voltage control in the load-flow analysis. This results in
selecting higher values for the factor C to guarantee better
performance. The factor C could be assigned 5 and 6 for both
first-order and second order predictors. In both first-order and
second order predictors, increasing the factor C beyond a
certain values could cause inaccurate results for determining
the MLP.
C. Voltage control analysis
The impact of voltage control operation on the voltage
stability of the unbalanced three-phase distribution systems is
investigated by analyzing the IEEE 123 node feeder which
involves four voltage regulators, modeled as tap changing
transformers. The controlled nodes for the four devices are the

nodes with the following identification numbers 60, 14, 33,

and 83 nodes. The case when modeling the tap changing
transformers with fixed taps at the starting of the simulation
and kept fix till the MLP is shown in our previous work [4].
The second case, Fig. 2, shows the operation of on-line tap
changing transformers during the voltage tracing towards the
The results show that when the voltages are kept within
0.9~1.1 pu, up to nearly one and half of the base case load
condition with off-line tap changing and up to twice of the
base case loading conditions with on-line tap changing, i.e.,
the contribution of installing on-line tap changing results in
about 25% increase in distribution network capacity in
comparison to the case with off-line tap changing. It is
important also to mention herein that the achieved increase is
subject to the operational constraints of the line segments and
transformers. In the aforementioned simulations, active and
reactive powers are acquired from the main grid which is
subject to the substation KVA rating that may limit the
contribution of the voltage regulation in increasing the
distribution system capacity.
D. Wind energy penetration analysis
The wind power penetration impacts depend on the model
adopted for presenting the generator. In this section, we will
investigate the impact of generator type of the wind energy
systems when four wind turbines are connected at nodes76,
67, 101, and 105. Two generator models are investigated;
direct connected induction generator and synchronous or
induction generators that are connected to the distribution
system through power conditioning unit. In the latter case, the
wind turbine generating system can operate with control
options such as voltage regulation or constant power factor
1) Direct connected induction machine
Induction machines absorb reactive power which is supplied
by a capacitor or directly from the distribution network. The
effect of the induction generator model is investigated on the
voltage stability problem. In this test, voltage control action is
disabled during voltage tracing. Secondly, the effect of the
penetration level on the voltage stability problem is
investigated with voltage control action in the study system.
The developed induction model [25], referred as the exact
model, is compared with a simple steady state generator model
which assumes a negative complex power injection at specific
power-factor. The results of the two models are also compared
with the base case with zero wind power penetration. Also, the
results are compared when a 150 kVAR three-phase capacitor
bank is connected in parallel with each induction generator.
The power available from each wind turbine is assumed to be
200 kW. The various results are collected and exhibited in Fig
3 for node 83 in the study system.
The results show that negative complex power model has
greater voltage stability limit due to the constant power factor
operation. However, in the exact model of the induction
generator, the voltage stability limit is slightly higher than the
case with zero wind power penetration. In the exact model, the


Without voltage control
With voltage control
First order
Second order
First order
Second order

(a) Continuation Newton-Raphson Load flow (b) Continuas power-flow analysis using radial
load flow analysis and first order predictor
Fig. 1 Voltage tracing PV curves at node '18' of the 33-node test feeder.

(c) Continuas power-flow analysis using radial

load flow analysis and second order predictor

Fig. 2 Voltage tracing curves with on-load tap changers

Fig. 3 Effect of induction generator based wind

turbine penetration levels

Fig. 4 Effect of induction generator based wind

turbine penetration levels with voltage control

slip is updated every iteration of the load-flow solution

process resulting in accurate calculation of the reactive power
required by the induction generator. The capacitor reactive
power is voltage dependent that limiting their contribution to
improve the voltage stability of the study system. This shows
that wrong conclusion may be obtained when approximate
model for direct connected induction generator is adopted.
Finally, when voltage control is adopted, the voltage profile
and stability are slightly improved as shown in Fig. 4 even
with 225 kVAR capacitor installed at each generator bus.
2) Controlled wind turbine energy systems
When the wind energy is connected with distribution
systems through power conditioning unit, the point of
common coupling can be controlled to keep the voltage at
specified value or to keep the generator operation at constant
power factor with an option to provide the system with
reactive power support. To test out this scenario, complex
power of 0.9power factor leading was injected at the point of

Fig. 5 Effect of synchronous generator based wind

turbine penetration levels with voltage control
operation, assuming over-excitation with constant
power factor of 0.9 leading.

common coupling. The results are summarized in Fig. 5 at

different wind power penetration. With reactive power
support, over voltages occurs near to base loading at which the
tap changers cannot solve it. As the demand in the system
increases, the effect of tap changers starts to appear keeping
the voltage within the preset values.
The proposed method is compared with the well-known
Newton-Raphson method. The results of PV curves show that
the proposed method gives identical values with NewtonRaphson method with less number of points. The second-order
Lagrange interpolation polynomial displays less number of
points compared with first order one.On-line tap changing
transformer results in increasing the distribution network
capacity in comparison with off-line tap changing transformer.
The direct connection of induction generator based turbines
with distribution systems can cause severe voltage profile and


stability problems even with parallel installed capacitor units.

With proper control of the reactive power injection through
interface power conditioning units, the capacity of the system
can be duplicated many times. Therefore, the capacity of
congested distribution systems can be increased many times
by a proper control strategy for the interface inverters. This
increase in the system operational capacity is subject to
physical limitations of the system components and devices









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