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As we mentioned the six people of the Khazraj went back to their people and spre

ad the message of Islam. The next year they send a message to the prophet PBUH t
hat "we are coming back for Hajj with 12 people all of whom have converted". And
this is amazing as this is the largest group of people outside of Mecca to conv
ert since the beginning of the dawah. Never have 12 converted from any group out
side of Mecca/Quraysh. Therefore in the 11th year, 2 years before the Hijrah, 10
people from the Khazraj and 2 from the Aws came and met with the prophet PBUH.
Note there was no secrecy - it was just 12 people having a conversation with the
prophet PBUH.
Also we notice for the first time the Aws and Khazraj seemed to
out their war and hostility and coming together for the sake of
ore have both parties come together for anything. For the first
s Islam will cement bonds and unite the people. Note during the
are from Khazraj, 2 from Aws showing it will still take a while
e fully. However Islam will slowly but surely unite both fully.

be forgetting ab
Islam. Never bef
time we see sign
second visit 10
for them to unit

In this meeting with the prophet PBUH this was the first time a formal conversio
n took place. In those times whenever anyone converted they would give an oath b
y placing their hand in his hand and swear a conversion. And Ubad ibn Samit was
one of those who witnessed this first formal covanent. It's called the first cov
anent of Akabah. Note what happened the year before is not a covanent or bay'a.
We dont know if these six accepted Islam then but in this year the first formal
conversion happens.
So Ubad Ibn Samit said "I was of those who participated, and it was the 'oath of
the women'". This was an oath that had no political connotations. Just an oath
of theology and morality. Because later on there would be an oath of protection
and alliances etc. When women converted the prophet PBUH only asked them to live
good lives and be worshippers of Allah. So this oath was called the 'oath of wo
men' because there was no political connotations. Nothing to do with protecting
the prophet PBUH etc. So Ubad said the first covanent was like an oath for women
s. He said "And we swore to worship Allah alone, and not fornicate, steal or kil
l our children. We will live righteous and good lives". Note even at this time t
he pillars weren't established besides salah and kalma. Zakat, fasting, hajj - t
hese were not obligatory. Not even alcohol! That was banned in the third year of
Hijrah. So the aim was to worship Allah alone.
The prophet PBUH said "whoever fulfills this, his reward will be with Allah. Who
ever falls short, repent and Allah will forgive you". So its purely a religious
oath. When these 12 converted to Islam the prophet PBUH chose Musab ibn Umair to
teach them the Quran and salah. Its narrated within a few weeks of Musab reachi
ng Yathrib, 40 people had converted to Islam. And therefore the prophet PBUH tol
d them they may establish juma'ah salah. And so the very first juma'ah was deliv
ered Musab, not the prophet PBUH. Note the ansar As'ad ibn Zurara was housing Mu
Side point: whats the minimum number for juma'ah? Some say 40 based on this narr
ation. They say because the prophet PBUH instructed them to pray juma'ah when th
ey reached this number 40. But if you think about it, was it really because they
reached 40, or was it coincidently that there were 40 when the prophet PBUH sen
t the letter to do juma'ah. Further the prophet PBUH didn't know how many people
converted! Some scholars say there should be a 'large gathering'. Another opini
on is the minimum required for congregation salah is two people so this is enoug
h for juma'ah. Another is three people.
Eventually every single subtribe of the Aws and Khazraj had at least a household
of muslims. So theres not a single locality without muslims. And the conversion
of two people in paticular led to a mass conversion. These two were the up and
coming leaders of the Khazraj as a result of the massacare in the battle of Bu'a

th. And these two were Usayd ibn Hudayr and Sa'ad ibn Mu'ad. And Usayd ibn Huday
r is the one who whenever he recited Quran he would see the angels come down to
listen - hadith in Bhukari! That he would see some light coming down and he went
to the prophet PBUH saying "every time I recite I see these lights etc" The pro
phet PBUH said "these are the angels of your Lord listening to your Quran". And
then Sa'ad ibn Mu'ad, a famous hadith that when he died the throne of Allah shoo
k out of anger than someone had killed him.
So Usayd and Sa'ad were close friends. Sa'ad and Usayd are talking and Sa'ad say
s "this new religion has come to our city and my cousin As'ad is housing the man
who is spreading the faith. Because he is my cousin I feel akward going so why
dont you go and expel this man". So Usayd went with his spear and when As'ad saw
him marching with his spear, he said to Musab "oh Musab this is one of our lead
ers of the Khazraj". So Usayd came and said in an angry voice "why have you come
to our land? To brainwash us? To take our women and children away? Go back if y
ou value your life!" Musab responded with a calmness and confidence that only im
aan allows. He said "why dont you sit and listen to what I have to say. If you a
gree thats good. If not I will go". It was only after listening to the basic tea
chings Usayd's heart opens up. Within 5 minutes he converts to Islam. SubhanAlla
h. And so Musab said "go do ghusl, say shahada and pray 2 raka'at". Usayd said "
if you can convice Sa'ad you will have no oppisiton left".
So Usayd went back to Sa'ad, and Sa'ad was sitting his friends. But when Usayd a
pproached Sa'ad said "by God this is not the same man that had left us". Indeed
when you embrace tawheed you change compeltely. Sa'ad says "did you succeed?" an
d Usayd said "I tried talking to them but why don't you try". And to add some sa
lt and fuel he said "I've heard the tribe of so and so want to kill Us'ad for ho
using the man, so I recommend you go now". This isn't a complete lie - there was
truth behind this. So Usayd is just stirring it up. So Sa'ad became alarmed and
he took his weapons and went marching and he said to As'ad "oh As'ad, had you n
ot been my cousin, thse weapons were not been hanging at my sides. Its because o
f our blood that I am not taking this more. Get rid of this person and tell him
to stop spreading his pollution". Musab took over immediately and said "please l
isten to what I have to say. If you agree, good. If not, I will stop". SubhanAll
ah this shows his immense confidence in Islam. And so the same thing happens. Th
e calmness and confidence of Musab makes Sa'ad think "ok thats valid". And this
time Musab recited with beautiful recitation and this completely changed Sa'ad i
bn Mu'ad. Indeed the Quran is the miracle. Having heard it directly, Sa'ad immed
iately said "how do I convert? Where do I sign?!" So Sa'ad aswell converted. Wit
h the conversion of both, the entire tribe, the Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal, that was a
sub tribe of the Khazraj, converted. And this was the largest mass conversion ev
er up to this point in time.
There was however one exception - Usayreen. The only pagan of the tribe of Banu
'Abd al-Ashhal for the next three years. He refused to convert even while slowly
but surely everyone converted. Abu Hurairah said "who can tell me the name of t
he man who entered Jannah without having prayed a single raka'at?" Abu Hurairah
would say "he is Usayreen of the Banu 'Abd al-Ashhal, he remained firm on his pa
ganism until the day of Uhud. On the morning of this battle he decided to conver
t, and when he fought his people said 'Oh Usayreen we have no need of you'. But
he said 'I am here to fight'. They said 'are you fighting for tribal loyalty, or
for Allah and his messenger?' They realise victory is from belief in Allah only
. So they quiz him and Usayreen said 'I am now a muslim and I fight for Allah'.
And he embraced Islam after Fajr and before Zuhr he died. So the prophet PBUH sa
id "he did very little, but was rewarded alot, with Jannah". Indeed because ther
e was no time to pray he died without praying salah.
So Musab converts a good amount of people of Yathrib. Therefore in the 12th year
of the dawah, 75 muslims come to give their bay'ah to the prophet PBUH in Mecca
. Note these are only the 75 who went to do the Hajj. For each of these people t

here is at least 3 people at home in Yathrib. So 75 people actually travel from

Madinah to Mecca. Thus in the 12th year of the dawah, one year before the Hijrah
or to be more precise just a few months before the Hijrah. Because the hijrah t
akes place in the first month of the 13th year, so within a few months of the se
cond bay'ah the hijrah occurs. The first year is the year of the hijrah. Its 1AH
. A few months before is the second bay'ah which occured in the 12th year of the
dawah, or 1 year before hijrah (BH).
So Musab returns with around 75 converts. In 1 year he converts a minimum of 300
people. This is the largest group outside of Mecca, rivalling the quantity in M
ecca. Over 13 years the quanities are the same. And why? Many reasons, the main
being the tribal leadership had been decimated in the civil war. And so there wa
s a younger, fresher generation who hadn't been raised up in paganism - rather t
hey've seen the foolishness of paganism. So they wanted a change. And so the pro
phet PBUH says "we shall meet up on the last night of the Hajj before everyone r
eturns home - meet me before the Fajr prayer in the valley behind Akabah". Note
they are still people of Yathrib. They will become the Ansar. Jabir ibn Abd Alla
h, one of the most famous of the Ansar, was an eye witness to this mass conversi
on. The prophet PBUH said "the prophet PBUH stayed for more than 10 years preach
ing Islam in Mecca, trying to find support from the other tribes when the Qurays
h rejected him, and he asked 'who would support me so that I can spread the mess
age of my Lord?' And he wouldn't find anyone except for a man or two. Until fina
lly Allah guided us to Islam. A group from the people of Yathrib accepted, and w
e believed in the prophet PBUH and we recited the Quran. Until not a single subt
ribe existed except some were muslims. And then Allah caused us to come together
and we said 'for how long will we allow the prophet PBUH to be repelled from on
e valley to another outside of Mecca and live in fear?'" In other words the idea
came that we should now take in the prophet PBUH and protect him.
Ka'ab ibn Malik also narrates this story and said "when we went for Hajj we hid
our Islam from our relatives. And we snuck out of our tents at night time to mee
t with the prophet PBUH". Eventually the prophet PBUH came out with his uncle Ab
bas, who is still a pagan at this time. So Abbas looks and says "oh my nephew I
dont know any of these men and I don't feel comfortable". Because Abbas is think
ing there is no senior people from Yathrib. Indeed he knew many of them. Abbas f
eels a sense of loyalty out of tribalism and thinks he needs to negotiate his re
lease to the people of Yathrib. Abbas eventually converts to Islam - he dosen't
come to Madinah for a long time. Abbas took a while though but he has genuine lo
ve. Also Abbas and the prophet PBUH were foster brothers at a similar age so the
ir was a strong bond of friendship. And so Jabir says "we came in front of the p
rophet PBUH and Abbas is the one to speak". And Abbas, out of almost embarrasmen
t that he cannot protect the prophet PBUH and that his own nephew has to leave s
peaks of typical tribalism. That he is a noble person and the prophet PBUH is a
honoured man. "If you are sure you can live up to your protections and protect h
im, then bear him otherwise let him be. Realise he is honoured amongst his peopl
e". Abbas is clearly not trusting but also embarrased. So he's trying to over co
mpensate. He says the prophet PBUH has protection but its not true! But Abbas fe
els infintely embarrased. So he says "we are great people etc". He talks about w
hat good he's done even though he did very little.
The people reply "you have spoken, let the prophet PBUH speak. Ya rasul of Allah
, put up the conditions". The prophet PBUH stood up, in the middle of the night,
bleak darkness and coldness, the prophet PBUH began by preaching about fearing
Allah, he recited the Quran etc. And then said "I shall give you the bay'ah in r
eturn for Jannah, that you shall protect me like one of your own (i.e. if I was
apart of the Khazraj)". So one of the ansar, Al Biraar, said "we are experianced
in the art of war - this is an easy condition. We will protect you, no one will
touch you. Stretch forth your hand and we will give you alliegance". This was a
hasty repsonse but also one of imaan. Another ansar stood up, Abul Haytham, the
famous ansar who fed the prophet PBUH, Umar RA and Abu Bukr RA when they were a

ll hungrey wondering the streets with a stone tied to their stomach. This is a m
an of intellegance but also imaan. He said "oh prophet PBUH, we have ties with t
he jews, by accepting you those ties will be broken so once you come over and Al
lah gives us victory, will you then leave us?" SubhanAllah very wise. He firmly
believes this is the messenger of Allah and that victory will come. But he is sa
ying his fear is once they have victory, will the prophet PBUH go back to Mecca
with a very difficult position in Madinah? The prophet PBUH says "No, my blood i
s your blood, and my destruction is your destruction". A very beautiful phrase.
So the prophet PBUH is saying he will permenantly now be the people of Madinah.
SubhanAllah. They are worried about the prophet PBUH leaving us. Look at the dif
ference between them and those of Kinnah. They wanted leadership after victory.
Note also these are the kahthaani arabs. The Aws and Khazraj are from a totally
different branch of the Quraysh. They are people of Yemen. The prophet PBUH said
"imaan is yemeni, wisdom is yemenite". Also notice the imaan of Abu Thayhan. Al
so once the prophet PBUH gave his word, obviously he lived up on it. When he con
quered Mecca and he is with his entire tribe, family etc all of whom have accept
ed Islam. And there was the house of Khadijah, the house of Abu Talib where live
d his whol life. What did he do? He turned back and walked to Madinah. SubhanAll
ah. He lived and died in Madinah. And the prophet PBUH praised the Ansar so much
. The prophet PBUH said "you must give the bay'ah that you 'hear and obey' in ti
mes of difficulty and ease, and that you spend in the way of Allah, and command
the good and forbid the evil, and that you speak the truth no matter what, and t
hat you help me when I come to Yathrib just like you help your family". These ar
e the political conditions along with islamic conditons. Once he said this a voi
ce cried out "what shall get in return?" And the prophet PBUH said the one word
they wanted to hear. He said "al Jannah". No money, fame or fortune. Paradise wi
ll be yours. And thats all they wanted to hear. And they all gave bay'ah. Before
anyone could embrace the prophet PBUH, As'ad ibn Zurara held firmly on the prop
het PBUH's hand and pushed it down. Remember As'ad is one of the six, one of the
first converts, the guy housing Musab etc. And this is a freedom of expression
thats unbelievable. He said "oh people of Yathrib we haven't travelled this whol
e distance except that we know this man is the prophet PBUH. And once his people
expel him then you will be asking for war. And so if you're ready to die, then
give him the oath. And realise the best of you will be killed, fathers will lose
their sons, you will cause death amongst yourself. If you're prepared then give
him the oath. If not, stop now per chance Allah will forgive you". Meaning this
is the last chance. This is the intellegance of As'ad. That he didn't want the
punishment of Allah to come. And they said "oh As'ad you have spoken enough, get
your hand off the prophet PBUH, we want to put it". And in return one by one th
ey did so - each time the prophet PBUH directly promising Jannah. There were 72
men and 2 women whom the prophet PBUH took alliegance verbally. As we know he ne
ver touched a women's hand.

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