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By Michael Costanzo

Take Control &

Live the Life of
Your Dreams

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You can have anything you want; you just have to claim it

-Michael Costanzo

What is The Law of Attraction?

You might have heard about The Law of Attraction through the movie
The Secret, by reading about it in a book or from a friend. Wherever
you discovered it, I am glad that you did because it brought you here,
reading my words. I want to share with you the power of your mind and
the power that The Law of Attraction has to change lives.
Simply put, The Law of Attraction is a force of nature, just like gravity,
which states that the dominating thoughts you hold in your mind
eventually manifest themselves into physical form. Every one of your
thoughts has a frequency or vibration and the universe responds based
on those frequencies. Therefore, if you consistently think negative
thoughts such as lack of money, love, or material possessions, then you
will continue to attract that. The same thing is true if you have
consistent positive thoughts. If your mind is saturated with happy
thoughts such as gratitude and love then you attract more of those
experiences and people. Everyones thoughts eventually turn into
words and the words you speak often turn into some form of action or
lack thereof. Someone who thinks about scarcity tends to confirm that
to themselves whenever is comes up in conversation. Once they talk
about it, their actions are consistent with their thoughts and words.
This often makes people feel like they are on a hamster wheel going
nowhere. The wealthiest people in the world are not focused on
scarcity, they focus on abundance.
What about people that are always happy but never seem to reach any
kind of success? And then there are the people who are always grumpy
yet they are driving around in a new car and have all the newest toys.
What is really going on?

I believe there are a few reasons for that. The first is that some people
might not know how to channel their positive energy into something
that can manifest itself into reality. As far as the negative people that
you see with the money and material things, I know it sounds clich but
money truly does not buy happiness. Some people can have all of the
money in the world and still find something to be sad about. The key to
the law of attraction is to be content but be ambitious.

10 Steps to Create the Life You Want

The Law of Attraction can be applied to any area of your life; money,
health, love, material possessions, you name it, and you can attract it.
There is no shortage of abundance in the world, only people who
believe so.
Here are is list of quick steps that will get you started towards living the
life of your dreams.
1. Know what you want
Knowing exactly what you want is the most important and
most powerful part of The Law of Attraction. Without a
destination, how do you know when you have arrived? Once
you are clear about what you want, the universe will begin
to move that towards you and your mind will take notice. If
you are unclear as to what you want, ask yourself a few
questions like: How do I want my life to be? How much
money do I want to make? How will I spend my free
time? Any part of your life that you would like to improve
or change, ask yourself questions to determine what you
really want. Take the time to really determine your desire

and do not move to number 2 until you have done so. The
stronger your desire is the easier you will attract it.
2. Declare your desire
Make a clear statement in the present tense of your
desire in a journal, on an index card, poster board, etc. Place
this somewhere you can see it often. Anyone should be able
to read it and know exactly what you wish to attract.
3. Express your statement to yourself twice every day
Express out loud your statement with certainty that you will
attract it. Do not just recite your written words, you must
give your words feeling and it will surely magnify your
attraction. To give your words feeling you must put yourself
in the same state as if it is already yours. If you would like to
attract a new car, what feeling would a new car generate?
Probably excitement right? Become excited while you read
your statement and your words will have much more power.
4. Create belief
It is nearly impossible to attract anything if you have doubt.
Doubt, skepticism and fear come natural to every human
being. There is no need to worry because research has
proven that we can literally trick out minds into any kind of
belief we want.
Incantations are powerful and emotional statements that
can be used to program the mind to believe anything
through repetition. Incantations are unlike affirmations

which tell you to just read something over and over. Reading
a phrase or statement repeatedly without any emotions will
most likely get you what you want but it will often take
much longer. Incantations on the other hand are far more
effective if used properly.
A general belief incantation can go something like this:
I know for a fact that I am capable of achieving my goal of
_________. I am confident in my ability to do so
and demand that I make it a reality. I will accept nothing less
and no one can or will ever hold me back from attaining it.
**The underlined words are meant to be stated with high
5. Visualize yourself already in possession of it
Did you know that your mind does not know the difference
between reality and imagination? Therefore, if you visualize
effectively, it has the ability to put you in the emotional
state of already having it. This is highly effective. We want to
utilize anything that can put us in the same frequency as our
want because that will draw it near us. Once we can achieve
that frequency then the rest is up to the universe and it does
not fail to deliver. Close your eyes and really imagine every
little detail about what you wish to have. Make it as real as
possible. If you wish to attract money, love or health then
visualize the lifestyle you will have from it.

6. Be consciously aware of your emotions

Your emotions are extremely valuable to you. They are
signals that tell you when a thought is good and when a
thought is bad. Your emotions are the offspring of your
thoughts so become very familiar and aware of them.
Awareness alone can significantly increase anyones quality
of life.
7. Remove all negativity from your life
Stay away from anything that will negatively influence your
thinking. This can slow and possibly cease the manifestation
process. Guard your mind from friends and family because
they are often the closest to you that can influence you.
They might not be ill-intentioned; however, their words can
hold you back. Also, limit time spent indulging in the media.
For example: news, reality television, gossip magazines, etc.
Be conscious of the message they are communicating to
you. Dedicate yourself to absorbing only information that
nourishes your mind.
8. Stay determined to be happy and positive every single day
We attract whatever thoughts dominate our minds.
Therefore, if we want to attract good things we must think
and feel good. A guaranteed way to start feeling good now is
by shifting your focus. If you are feeling bad about
something, it is because you are focusing on bad things. You
can shift your focus by asking yourself: What is great about
my life right now? What things are going really well in my

life? Who loves me and who do I love? Another way to

shift your focus is by digging through your memory bank.
Recall events or experiences that made you laugh or that
made you feel grateful. Those are the memories that can
change emotional state.
9. Take Action
The universe will always set up situations and people that
reflect your thoughts. That is the universes job, yours is to
act. You might not know when or how it will show up, but it
will. Just be aware that the universe is working for you and is
waiting to show you the way.

Be patient but be persistent

Anything you wish for, big or small, can be yours,
however, it will rarely come overnight. You must be
patient and determined. Your patience and persistence is
influenced by the strength of your desire. The stronger
the desire, the more likely you are to persist.

The Law of Attraction depends largely on your ability maintain a

positive and healthy mindset. James Allen stated: A man's mind may
be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or
allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and
will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance
of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce
their kind. Many people go through life thinking unconsciously. This is
possibly the greatest self-sabotage known to man. When we do not
direct our thoughts we allow them to be directed by outside influences.

The mindset you should begin to develop is one of awareness.

Awareness towards your thoughts and emotions is vital.
Begin by shifting your thoughts to what you want. Do not allow your
thoughts to roam free. You are thinking anyway; why not use it to your
advantage? Harness your focus and use the steps listed above to create
whatever it is you wish. After you start attracting people and things into
your life, do not stop there. Make it a habit to maintain a positive
mental state.
I hope this guide can start you on a path towards living the life you
were meant to live. If you have any questions or comments please feel
free to contact me through the website at

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