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Class X

Marks: 80

Time: 1.5hr

Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head is allowed for writing the answers.

Section I is compulsory, attempt any four questions from section II.

The intended marks for the question or parts of question are given in the bracket [].

[Attempt all the questions]
(a) Why the single movable pulley is considered better than the single fixed pulley?[2]
(b) Show the graphically relation between mass and acceleration for exponentially increasing force.
(c) Why the class III levers are used when they offer mechanical advantage less than 1?
(d) What is the work done when a ball of 1 kg is rotated with uniform speed in complete circle with the
force of 20N?
(e) State Newtons Second Law of motion.
(a) What is the objective property that is related to loudness?
(b) What is SONAR?
(c) A lens gives the image of same size as the object. Identify and show it by ray diagram.
(d) Water tank depth is appearing th of its actual depth. What is the refractive index of the water?
(e) If 2 kg of water at 34oC is mixed with 5 kg of water, its temperature rises to 40oC. Find the initial
temperature of 5 kg water.
(a) Name the part of spectrum which has frequency range more than visible wave and state their two
(b) How do bat find their prey in night?
(c) What fuse rating you will use for a device having 2KW/ 200V?
(d) Why the armature of the electric bell is made up of soft iron?
(e) What are background radiations? Mention two sources.
(a) How does the mass number changes when a beta particle is emitted?
(b) Express eV in joules.
(c) Arrange , and in the increasing power of penetration.
(d) What is the difference between forced vibration and resonance?
(e) Why transformers can not be used with DC?
[Attempt any four questions]
(a) Give one example each of the following conversions:
1) Mechanical to Heat energy.


2) Electrical to Mechanical energy.

3) Light energy to Chemical energy.
(b) What do you measure with KWh? A pulley system with three pulleys is having efficiency 75%. If a
load of 400N is lifted to 5m in 3 second then find:
1) Mechanical advantage.
2) Velocity ratio
3) Power output.
(c) Why do stars show the twinkling effect whereas the moon does not show? [3]
(a) Show how a right angle prism can turn a ray of light by 90o with diagram and state the phenomenon
responsible for the same.
(b) The diagram shows a point source S, a convex lens L and a plane mirror M. the three are arranged so
that the, rays of light from source returns to S after refraction and reflection. What is the distance
between O and S is called? State how image position will change if (i) the mirror is moved left and
(ii) it is moved right to the lens L.

(c) A radar is able to detect the reflected waves from an enemy jet. After a time interval of 0.02 ms. If
the velocity of the wave is same as light then calculate the distance of the plane from the radar.
(a) In the following circuit diagram find the current in the 6 and potential difference across the 4

(b) How will you determine the polarity of the faces of the coil on the basis of direction of flow of
current? And state the poles in given arrangement.

(c) Write any three safety precautions for handling radioactive materials.
(a) A current of 2A passes through a conductor and produces 150J of energy in 20s. Find the resistance
of the conductor. What is the power output of the device?
(b) What do you understand by free electron? How can they be made free?

(c) Identify the parts of the CRT and write their workings (A, B, C, D).


(a) A bullet is stopped by a wooden block in 5cm distance. If the resistive force offered by block is
3000N then find the kinetic energy possessed by bullet initially.
(b) Draw a neat diagram of a device which converts 20V AC to 200V AC.
(c) What are the characteristics of the metal working as thermionic emitter?
(a) Show the working of DC motor with the help of neat labeled diagram
(b) What are the three main advantages of ring system?
(c) A radioactive substance emits some radiations which go undeviated through a magnetic field. Name
the radiation and state two properties of it.

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