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Amrican University in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Introduction to Multimedia GMMD 110

Fall 2014

The Social Media

(Seminar paper)

Ana Teanovi
prof. Maja Kordic - Grujic
Index nr:

Table of Content
15.01.2015, Sarajevo

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 2
2. SOCIAL MEDIA ............................................................................................ 2
3. DIVISION OF SOCIAL MEDIA .................................................................. 2
3.1 Social Networks ......................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Facebook ........................................................................................ 4
3.1.2 Twitter ............................................................................................ 5
3.2 Sites for Content sharing .......................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Photo sharing ................................................................................. 6
3.2.2 Video sharing ................................................................................. 7 You Tube .................................................................................. 7
3.3 Blogs ............................................................................................................ 7
4. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 8
5. References ......................................................................................................... 9

Every day we have more and more different services of social media. Many people have
several accounts and that takes a lot of time. Probably we are already convinced that social

media greatly reduces productivity and while doing something, they should not be used,
because they can attract our attention. A characteristic of all social media is that they require
the engagement of individuals, mutual exchange of content, comments and their
interconnection. I used the internet as entertainment and for education from the start in BiH.
Education requires me to constantly be informed of the changes and developments binding for
my field of study.Social media are for me a great source of information.
This paper will present the best known services that are now used in the world. The paper is
divided by chapters in which I present, in my opinion, the favorites from each group of social
media. I hope I will manage to show yout the benefits of these services at least a little.

It is important to delineate the distinction between conventional and social media.The
conventional represent the traditional form of public information, and are more prevalent than
new media, but the situation changed rapidly from day to day.
Social media is difficult to define with one definition. There are a number of definitions, and
some of them are:
Kaplan and Henlein have defined social media as "a group of Internet applications that build
on the ideological and technological basis of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and
exchange of user generated content ."
Solis, one of the foremost experts in the field of social networks, analyst, sociologyst and
futurist. Acclaimed author of several books on social media and marketing, in June 2007, gave
his definition of social media. Short version of it is: Social media is any tool or service used
on the Internet to facilitate communication.


Many social media sites appear in the form of blogs, microblogs, podcasts, videocasts,
forums, encyclopedia and others. All of them can be classified into the following groups:
Social News: This group includes sites such as Dig, Spin, Njusvajn, Balhip. Users can find
there current news, vote and comment on articles. Articles with the most votes get a higher
position and thereby become more popular.
Social sharing: These sites include Flickr, Snafish, YouTube, and there you can create user
profiles, post and share videos and photos with others who use the same services.
Social networks: Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Twitter. When creating a
profile, users can find friends and connect with them, put their photos and videos.

Social bookmarking: These sites include Delicious, Feivs, Stamblapon, Blog Marks and
Digo .They allow users to find and maintain websites and the information they are interested
in. Registered users can store a desired web pages or parts of the text and access them
whenever they want or share them with other members.

3.1 Social Networks

As the first in the hierarchy mentioned are social networks. The name of the social
network is received by the fact that they connect people around the world, various and similar
interests in a large global network. Social because they emphasize socializing and interaction
among the users. The positive thing about this category of media is that users among
themselves create, share and react to the content which is attractive to the marketing and
mostly profitable. We will remind that social networks are very simple and most importantly,
free. Something that is free is very popular and accepted by users. This paradigm is expanding
every day, and there are more new users of social networks. There are various types of social
networks, and they are specific to a particular geographical location, occupation, interests,
needs. Today, a very large number of people and companies use social networks, literally it
became a rule that if you are not present on social networks- you do not exist. Some say it's
just a waste of time, which in a sense is true and, if they are used for leisure. Most of the users
of social networks, the vast majority are these types of users, who deal with quizzes, games
and a variety of other applications that are entertainment on social networks.


Facebook is the first network to be covered, also

the largest social network in the world at this time,
with more than 400 million active users worldwide.
The founder of this network is Mark Zuckerberg, a
Harvard student who created Facebook as a student
project, to enable better communication among
college students, and later became a global fenomen.
This service is prohibited in the following countries:
Syria, China, Vietnam and Iran. Since 2004, it has
evolved to today's looks in his recognizable blue white color.
Generally this network looks, and is used very simply.
Registration is very easy, you merely nees just e-mail and
Facebook is, with the number of users, considered the fourth
state in the number of people in the world. To promote something with this service, you must
first determine which of his tools to apply. There are profiles, groups, fan pages, paid
advertisement, events, and chat that can be used for direct marketing purposes.
Facebook profile - usually used by individuals, who created it due to personal, social, and
very often for self-promotional reasons. You can add up to a maximum of 5,000 friends,
uploud photos, video files, description and interests, of the owner of the profile.
Facebook group - is the solution for gathering people around an idea, or phrases. The
advantage is that it can be sent to mass calls for membership. The Facebook group is one of
the bad tools, which has many disadvantages.
Fan page - is one of the most useful Facebook tools. The word "fan" you automatically
associat with some well-known brand or celebrity. The main advantage of these fan sites is
that your fans see what you publish in their news feeds.
Paid ad - the ad that appears on the right side, usually a couple of pieces and is mainly
targeted to specific audiences. This principle is very economical, because you pay the ad only
when someone clicks on him, PPC model (pay per click).
Event - Facebook has a great tool for promoting events. When creating events, we have
information where, when, how and a guest list. Of course we also have reviews of guests who
can further help with their suggestions.
Chat - Enables direct individual communication with friends, clients, customers.


Twitter is a social network that is the same as Facebook, but with a little simpler layout. It
is based on the microblogging platform, and is characterized by short statuses or publications.
Launched in 2006, and since then constantly growing with the number of registered users.
Name tweeter comes from the English word tweet, meaning bird tweet. The little blue bird is
the symbol of this network.
The study showed that in a sample of 2000 tweets in English, for a period of two weeks, six
content categories of tweets have been allocated:
pointless waffle 41%
Conversation 38%
Passing value 9%
Personal promotion 6%
Spam 4%
News 4%
Statuses are limited to 140 characters, but can also be longer.The story outline is that users
read other people's statuses and publish and send theirs. Tweets appear on the user's profile,
and the profiles of people who have signed up to follow them.
Twiter is often described as "an Internet SMS" in that regard that the site provides users the
ability to send and receive new entries by using various tools, so that often it is not necessary
to use the original site. Twitts may contain tags composed of the term with the prefix # (eng.
Hashtag ), such as #Usa. In this way, you are allowed to select tweets on a particular topic,
simply by searching for used tags. Znak @ in front of the user name, such as username @, is
used to make replicas of a particular user , or more.
Twitter is a great thing to promote your site and make the most of visits from the Internet. On
this service are also some important and influential people, so it is very important that this
service is used rationally and thoughtfully. Twitter is very popular in the world and the
developed network, with a large number of users.
Use of Twitter:
Use in campaigns
Application in education
Use in emergency situations
Use in protest and politics
The use in public relations
Use in business

Use in fundraising

3.2 Sites for content sharing

Sites for content sharing are essentially very similar to social networks .They require
registration, and you have a home page through which you find links to friends. However,
they are focused on sharing content of various types. These sites are very popular among
users, because it the rule "Content is king" is very famous, which means that the content is the
most important, and that it is the one who attracts customers. This rule applies to trading and
catering business, but slowly more and more starts to apply in social media. Sites for content
sharing are mostly based on sharing photos and video content, as well as popular links. We
will analyze several sites of this type, I will focus on the most popular and best-known sites
for each group.

Photo sharing

Flickr is one of the most popular sites for

sharing photos. He is the most popular service of its kind in the UK. Users upload their photos
to the site and decide whether to allow access to all, or they will be shared only with friends
and family. There are thousands of groups that have been formed on Flickr about their
owners. There are plenty of groups that gather around the various categories eg. Graffiti,
cities, sports, animals ... If you have a brand, you have a photo or content that you share with
users, you can do so via Flickr. If you have a catalog, or photos you want to share, Flickr is
the right place for that. Users can respond to your comments, and it can serve as a free online
directory. The Flickr service is since 2005 owned by Yahoo. There are many similar services,
and one of the better known is Google's Picassa.

Video sharing

Sites for video sharing have changed the view that we had on the media. With the help of
the Internet, video enthusiasts can share their recordings with thousands of other users and
ordinary people and be able to steal the attention of Hollywood stars.

When you watch a clip from your favorite movie, important news, some instructive video, or
some fun, you'll find it on the Internet. Sites for content sharing make it easier to find and
watch your favorite videos.
Very easily you can become famous and popular overnight. Sites for sharing video content
offer tools and resources in place, to facilitate the creation and installation of video content.
You can access useful articles and tools for processing. Some sites allow everyone access to
the contents of users, while others have limited access. On the Internet there are many sites of
this type and their number progressively increases every day. You Tube
The most famous site of this kind is of course YouTube. This service is the largest in the
world and every day there are more than 100 million video views. You Tube started as a small
private company, but since 2006, it is owned by Google. Members of this site can create their
own channels (profile) and through them, post their favorite videos. At this point a lot of
previews, movies, TV shows and various other video material are stored at You Tube.
3.3 Blogs
Blogs are websites that are online diaries, and out of the ordinary sites differ in the
following matters:
Blogs tend to be written in a distinctive personal style of writing. They are usually led by one
person, and they may be from a group of authors. The theme on which we will write on the
blog may be very narrow, by example. Football, marketing, recipes, to some broad themes
about politics, everyday life etc. Each blog has a section for comments, where readers react to
the text and leave their opinions. Popular blogs have hundreds of comments leading to a real
debate. Monitoring blogs is usually done through the RSS aggregators, where we get
notification of new articles or commentary on our favorite sites.

Social media is rapidly changing the classical concepts and life itself. New possibilities,
opportunities and benefits are opning. One only needs to recognize themselves in the whole
story and use them in the right way.
Currently I do not think there is an answer to the question if social media is the most
important part of internet activity. If you want to be successful, you need to follow
developments and use a channel for information. If you do any serious Internet research and

want to establish communication with the community, you "must" be active in this field. You
do not have an account on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, seems like you do not exist!
Like everything in this world, social media entail the dark side if used irrationaly. Along with
them it is very easy to spend your time during the day (comment picture, tweeting, or other
activities), so that you do not finish your obligations even if you have 48 hours instead of 24.
But through good organization and planning it can be successfully managed.

5. References

A Users Guide to Talent Recruitment, through Social Media, 2008. Career Builder. 1st ed. .:
careerbuilder. Available at: http://www.careerbuildercommunications.com/pdf/socialmedia.pdf

Mayfield, Anthony, 2008. What is social media?. 1st ed. .: iCrossing. Available at:
Trampedach, Tim, 2007. Introduction to Social Networking. 1st ed. .: rockyou. Available at:

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