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Baby Blue

Design by Laurie Gwynne



6 months to 1 year

Pompadour baby fingering

yarn: 6 oz blue print
Pompadour sport weight
yarn: 6 oz soft blue
Size F/5 crochet hook or size
needed to obtain gauge
Size E/4 crochet hook
10 (10mm) light blue ribbon
roses with leaves
8 (38-inch) white buttons
Sewing needle and thread
Tapestry needle

4 sc = 1 inch; 5 sc rows = 1 inch

Check gauge to save time.

Weave in loose ends as work progresses.

Reverse fpsc: Working right to
left across or around, insert hook front
to back to front again around post of
next sc, yo, draw up a lp, yo, draw
through 2 lps on hook.

Row 1 (RS): Beg at lower edge

with hook size E and blue print, ch 43,
sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem
ch across, turn. (42 sc)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each sc across,
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc, sc in sp
between sts 2 rows below, [sc in next
st, sc in sp between sts 2 rows below]
rep across, turn. (42 sts)
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first st, sc in sp
between sts 1 row below, [sc in next st,
sc in sp between sts 1 row below] rep
across, turn. (42 sts)
Row 5: Rep Row 4.
Armhole shaping

Row 6: Sl st in each of next 2 sts,

ch 1, [sc in next st, sc in sp between

sts 1 row below] rep across to last 2

sts, turn. (38 sts)
Row 7: Rep Row 4. (38 sts)
Row 8: Ch 1, sc dec over next 2 sts,
sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1
row below, [sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1 row below] rep across to
last st, turn. (36 sts)
Row 9: Ch 1, [sc in sp between sts
1 row below, sc in next st] rep across,
turn. (36 sts)
Row 10: Ch 1, dec 1 sc over next 2
sts, [sc in next st, sc in sp between sts
1 row below] rep across to last st,
turn. (34 sts)
Row 11: Rep Row 4. (34 sts)
Row 12: Rep Row 8. (32 sts)
Row 13: Ch 1, [sc in next st, sc in
sp between sts 1 row below] rep across
to last st, sc in last st, turn. (32 sts)
Rows 1420: Work in established
Left shaping

Row 21 (RS): Ch 1 (counts as first

sc, [sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1
row below] 3 times, dec 1 sc over next
2 sts, turn. (8 sts)
Row 22: Ch 1, (counts as first sc),
[sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1
row below] rep across to last st, sc in
last st, turn. (8 sts)
Row 23: Ch 1, (counts as first sc),
[sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1
row below] rep across to last 2 sts, dec
1 sc over next 2 sts, turn. (7 sts)
Row 24: Ch 1, dec 1 sc over next 2
sts, [sc in next st, sc in sp between sts
1 row below] twice, sc in last st, turn.
(6 sts)
Rows 2535: Work in established
pattern. (6 sts)
At the end of last rep, fasten off.
Right shaping

Row 21 (RS): Sk next 14 sts of

Row 20 for neck opening, attach blue
print in next st, ch 1, dec 1 sc over
next 2 sts, [sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1 row below] 3 times, sc in
last st, turn. (8 sts)
Row 22: Ch 1 (counts as first st), sc
in next st, [sc in sp between sts 1 row
below, sc in next st] 3 times, turn. (8 sts)
Row 23: Ch 1, sc dec over next 2
sts, [sc in sp between sts 1 row below,
sc in next st] rep across, turn. (7 sts)
Row 24: Ch 1 (counts as first st),

[sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 1

row below] twice, dec 1 sc over next 2
sts, turn. (6 sts)
Rows 2535: Work in established
pattern. (6 sts)
At the end of Row 35, fasten off.
Make 2

Row 1: Beg at lower edge with

hook size E and blue print, ch 22, sc in
2nd ch from hook, sc in each rem ch
across, turn. (21 sts)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across,
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first st, [sc in sp
between sts 2 rows below, sc in next
st] rep across, turn.
Rows 4 & 5: Work even in pattern.
Row 6: Work even in pattern to
last 2 sts, turn. (19 sts)
Row 7: Rep Row 4.
Row 8: Work even in pattern until
2 sts rem, dec 1 sc over next 2 sts,
turn. (18 sts)
Rows 912: Rep Rows 4 and 8.
(16 sts)
Rows 1320: Rep Row 4.
Row 21: Work in established pattern across 7 sts, dec 1 sc over next 2
sts, turn. (8 sts)
Rows 2224: Rep Rows 4 and 8.
(6 sts)
Rows 2535: Rep Row 4. At the
end of Row 35, fasten off.

With RS facing, matching sts and

working through both thicknesses,
with hook size E and blue print, sl st
shoulder seams and side seams tog.
Turn piece RS out.
Rnd 1: Working in opposite side of
foundation ch, with hook size E, attach blue print in first st of right back,
ch 1, sc in each ch across right back,
front and left back, sl st to join in beg
sc, fasten off. (84 sc)
Button placket

Row 1: With hook size E, attach

blue print at right top neckline edge,
ch 1, work 20 sc evenly sp down opening, turn.
Rows 2 & 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc
across, turn. At the end of Row 3, fasten off.
Buttonhole placket

Row 1: With hook size E, attach

From Crochet World magazine, April 2002, Vol 25, No. 2, Pages 36-38, Copyright 2002 Crochet World magazine

your baby girl
in her very own
hand-stitched jumper,
made with love,
just in time for

From Crochet World magazine, April 2002, Vol 25, No. 2, Pages 36-38, Copyright 2002 Crochet World magazine

blue print at lower edge of left back,

ch 1, work 20 sc across back opening,
turn. (20 sc)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each of next 2
sts, [ch 2, sk next 2 sts, sc in each of
next 3 sts] 3 times, ch 2, sk next 2 sts,
sc in last st, turn. (4 buttonholes)
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc and each
ch across, fasten off.
Sew buttons opposite buttonholes.

Row 1: With hook size E, attach

soft blue in left back at back opening,
ch 1, work 94 sc evenly sp across neckline, do not turn.
Row 2: Ch 1, reverse fpsc in each
st across neckline, fasten off.

Rnd 1: With hook size E, attach

soft blue at underarm, ch 1, work 60
sc evenly sp around armhole opening,
sl st to join in beg sc, do not turn.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, reverse fpsc in each
st around armhole opening, sl st to
join in beg sc, fasten off.

Rnd 1: With hook size E, working

in front lp only of Rnd 1 at waistline,
attach soft blue, ch 1, sc in each st
around, sl st to join in beg sc. (84 sc)
Rnd 2: Rep Rnd 2 of armhole trim.

Rnd 1: With hook size F, working

in rem back lp of waistline, attach soft
blue, ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st to
join in beg sc. (84 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc
throughout), 2 dc in same st, 3 dc in next
st, 3 dc in front lp only of next st, 3 dc in
back lp only of same st, [3 dc in each of
next 2 sts, 3 dc in front lp only of next st, 3
dc in back lp only of same st] rep around,
sl st to join in top of beg ch-3.
Rnds 35: Ch 3, dc in each dc
around, sl st to join in top of beg ch-3.
At the end of Rnd 5, fasten off.

Rnd 1: With F hook and blue print,

ch 169, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in
each rem ch across, with care not to
twist, sl st to join in beg sc, do not
turn. (168 sc)
Note: Do not join rnds unless otherwise indicated. Use a scrap of CC
yarn to mark rnds.

Rnd 2: Sc in each sc around.

Rnd 3: [Sc in next st, sc in sp between sts 2 rows below] rep around.
(168 sts)
Rnd 4: [Sc in sp between sts 1 row
below, sc in next st] rep around.
Rep Rnd 4 until skirt measures 8
inches from beg of Rnd 1.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, [insert hook front to
back through next st, sk next st, insert hook back to front through next
st, yo, draw up a lp, yo, draw through
2 lps on hook] rep around, sl st to join
in beg st.
Rnds 68: Ch 1, sc in each st around,
sl st to join in beg sc, fasten off.
Sew Rnd 8 to underside of waist
ruffle to sts of Rnd 1.
Skirt trim

Rnd 1: With F hook, attach blue

print at center back opposite side of
foundation ch, ch 1, sc in each ch
around skirt bottom, sl st to join in
beg sc, fasten off.

Sew 7 ribbon roses evenly sp

around front bodice neckline. Sew
rem 3 ribbon roses down center front
of bodice.
Make 2

Rnd 1: With hook size E and blue

print, ch 12, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc
in each of next 6 chs, hdc in each of
next 3 chs, 9 dc in last ch, working on
opposite side of foundation ch, hdc in
next 3 chs, sc in each of next 6 chs, 2
sc in last ch, do not join. (30 sts)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in next st, sc in each of
next 6 sts, hdc in each of next 3 sts, [2
dc in next st, dc in each of next 2 sts] 3
times, hdc in each of next 3 sts, sc in
each of next 6 sts, 2 sc in each of next
2 sts, do not join. (36 sts)
Rnd 3: 2 sc in next st, sc in each of
next 7 sts, hdc in each of next 3 sts, [sc
in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st] 3
times, hdc in each of next 3 sts, sc in
each of next 6 sts, [2 sc in next st, sc in
next st] twice. (42 sts)
Rnd 4: Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc
in next st, sc in each of next 9 sts, [2 sc
in next st, sc in each of next 4 sts] 3
times, sc in each of next 9 sts, [sc in
each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st]
twice. (48 sts)


Rnd 5: Working in back lps for this

rnd only, sc in each st around, sl st to
join in next sc. (48 sc)
Rnd 6: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc),
hdc in each sc around, join in top of
beg ch-2.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in each st around,
join in beg sc, fasten off. (48 sc)

Row 8: Working in back lps for

this row only, attach blue print with
sc dec in 12th and 13th sts from center back of sole, sc in each of next 5
sts, [sc dec over next 2 sts] 5 times, sc
in each of next 5 sts, sc dec over next 2
sts, sl st in next st, turn.
Row 9: Ch 1, sk sl st, [sc dec over
next 2 sts] twice, sc in each of next 3
sts, draw up a lp in each of next 3 sts,
yo, draw through all 4 lps on hook, sc
in each of next 3 sts, [sc dec over next
2 sts] twice, turn. (11 sts)
Row 10: Ch 1, [sc dec over next 2
sts] twice, draw up a lp in each of next
3 sts, yo, draw through all 4 lps on
hook, [sc dec over next 2 sts] twice,
turn. (5 sts)
Rows 1113: Ch 1, sc in each of
next 5 sts, turn.
Rows 1416: Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc,
sc in each st across to last st, 2 sc in
last st, turn. (11 sc)
At the end of Row 16, fasten off.
Rnd 17: Attach blue print with sl
st at center back of slipper, sl st
around entire outer edge of slipper,
working [sl st, ch 5, sl st] in each center corner of tongue for button lp, fasten off.
Rnd 18: Attach blue print on rem
free lp of Rnd 4, sl st in each st around,
fasten off.
Row 19: Working in rem free lps of
Row 7, attach blue print, sl st in each
rem st across front of slipper, fasten off.
Sew 1 button at each side of slipper in line with button lp.

Since Im just learning to crochet and the

terminology can be confusing, I keep a
small, spiral notebook handy. I insert a
pencil through the wires of the notebook
and jot down all the abbreviations that the
design calls for. This helps me keep track
of them and understand what they mean.
Anna Victoria Reich
Albuquerque, N.M.

From Crochet World magazine, April 2002, Vol 25, No. 2, Pages 36-38, Copyright 2002 Crochet World magazine

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Preferred process
R Pcolor version (below).

Discover a
Annies Hook & Needle Kit ClubClub
art, created 5/08, modified 6/09
(You must be familiar with the DRG continuity series
before any usage attempt.)
and knitters!
CMYK version (below)

CMYK version (below)

1 IT!

Black ver







Note: Symbols such as , , and are never to

appear as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of
reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears
too small, that symbol must be reset to the
minimum 5 pt. type size.









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Note: Symbols such as , , and are never to

appear as less than 5 pt. in size. If, in the event of
reducing art to fit a space the symbol appears
too small, that symbol must be reset to the
minimum 5 pt. type size.

Specifications for Annies Ho


All the kits are
The preferred version of the Annie


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and does not change.
A black versio
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