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Teachers Book

REDA Edizioni
Direzione editoriale:
Domenico Ugulini
email: ugulini@redaedizioni.it

Consulenza tecnica: Giovanni Cavallo

Redazione e ricerca iconografica: Maria Schiavoni
Adattamento grafico e impaginazione: Sira Dingi, Concetta Accolla, Sofia Accinelli
Revisione testi: Lina Taylor
Realizzazione lastre CTP: Fotoincisa Essegi - Savigliano (CN)
Stampa: Reda Edizioni - Torino


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1a edizione: febbraio 2012

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Teacher's book

Build Your Future: perch un nuovo corso
Nel passaggio al nuovo ordinamento degli Istituti Tecnici, le indicazioni ministeriali relative
allinsegnamento della lingua inglese nel secondo biennio e nel quinto anno sottolineano la
necessit di:
utilizzare i linguaggi settoriali previsti nel percorso di studio per interagire con i diversi ambiti
e contesti di studio e lavoro, al livello B2 del quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue
individuare e utilizzare le diverse forme di comunicazione visiva e multimediale, anche e
soprattutto con riferimento alle strategie espressive e gli strumenti tecnici della comunicazione
in rete;
redigere relazioni tecniche e documentare le attivit, individuali e di gruppo, relative a
situazioni professionali;
utilizzare gli strumenti informatici e le reti nelle attivit di studio, ricerca ed approfondimento
Build Your Future viene perci incontro a queste nuove esigenze didattiche con materiale
aggiornato e adattato alle necessit degli studenti dellIstituto tecnico per gli indirizzi: Costruzioni,
Ambiente e Territorio; Geotecnico.
Piano dellopera
I dieci Chapter sono strutturati per il programma degli ultimi tre anni, seguendo in successione
lo svolgimento di numerosi argomenti delle discipline di indirizzo. Ovviamente, per un utilizzo
pi proficuo e personalizzato del testo, il docente pu impostare una programmazione differente,
che preveda un ordine diverso da quello sequenziale del libro, al fine di svolgere i medesimi
argomenti insieme ai docenti delle materie tecniche.
I testi delle Lesson e tutti gli esercizi sono stati appositamente costruiti per accompagnare gli
studenti a padroneggiare queste conoscenze, costruendo gradualmente le competenze necessarie:
esercizi finalizzati alle conoscenze lessicali, attraverso Vocabulary a corredo di ogni lettura;
Improve your vocabulary e Language check per sinonimi, contrari e definizioni;
Comprehension check e True or False per monitorare passo dopo passo la comprensione dei
Writing activities per imparare a riassumere quanto letto, inserendo le conoscenze acquisite
nelle altre discipline sui medesimi argomenti;
Listening activities con interviste, conversazioni e articoli di giornale per rafforzare le
competenze di ascolto proprie della lingua parlata;
Lets translate!, con traduzioni dallitaliano allinglese e viceversa di testi di differente tipologia
con il lessico specifico dei singoli argomenti.
Completa ogni Chapter la rubrica Get into real life situations! con situazioni della vita quotidiana
connesse allindirizzo di studi, dalle competenze del geometra alluso del GPS, dal piano di
evacuazione della propria scuola al primo curriculum da preparare al termine degli studi.

Teacher's book

La scelta didattica relativa alle verifiche scritte stata determinata dalle competenze, conoscenze
e abilit previste per gli studenti, che alla fine dei cinque anni devono essere in grado di:
organizzare un discorso nelle principali tipologie testuali;
produrre testi comunicativi, anche con lausilio di strumenti multimediali;
esporre oralmente un argomento in contesti professionali;
comprendere testi relativamente complessi riguardanti il settore di indirizzo;
usare il lessico e la fraseologia convenzionale di settore, con variet di registri e di contesti;
comprendere globalmente, utilizzando le appropriate strategie, messaggi televisivi e radiofonici
e filmati divulgativi tecnico-scientifici di settore;
produrre, in forma scritta e orale, relazioni, sintesi e commenti coerenti e coesi, su esperienze,
processi e situazioni relative al settore di indirizzo;
tradurre in lingua italiana brevi testi scritti in inglese relativi allambito di studio e di lavoro e
Non sono stati inseriti esercizi di consolidamento grammaticale (gi svolti in abbondanza nel
primo biennio e, di solito, anche nel primo anno del secondo biennio con il completamento dei
manuali), al fine di concentrare tutta lattenzione e limpegno nel conseguimento di competenze
e conoscenze prettamente tecniche.
Il Teachers Book presenta, oltre alle chiavi per gli esercizi, anche numerosi test di fine capitolo
(Chapter Test) stampabili e somministrabili in classe.
Il testo prosegue online!

Teacher's book

Un notevole punto di forza della proposta didattica dellopera rappresentato dai materiali
aggiuntivi con cui lo studente pu interagire, e tramite i quali il docente pu modulare al meglio
in termini qualitativi e quantitativi la programmazione e le verifiche, materiale che viene offerto
tramite un DVD interattivo allegato al volume e anche direttamente online: unautentica
dotazione parallela che dialoga col volume, straordinariamente ricca e altamente formativa, a
completare consistentemente il piano dellopera, con inserimento di articoli ed esercizi mirati che
il docente pu utilizzare per lezioni aggiuntive di revisione e di rinforzo:
Something More, un considerevole ampliamento dei contenuti, quasi un ulteriore volume
aggiuntivo, che va ad arricchire i contenuti del volume stesso: si tratta di letture, una per ogni
Lesson di ciascun capitolo, con relative Questions di verifica. Le letture, tratte e adattate da
materiale autentico in rete, riprendono e completano gli argomenti del libro. Pensate per essere
agevolmente stampabili, si prestano per compiti a casa, verifiche di recupero, approfondimenti e
come spunto per ulteriori argomenti di ricerca.
Tracce audio delle Listening Activities: per ascoltare, in parallelo alla lettura, le registrazioni
effettuate da lettori madrelingua delle 37 tracce audio, collegate ai relativi esercizi che si trovano
sul volume.
Online disponibile inoltre Lo Sfoglialibro, la versione digitale del volume (e-book) da usare
sulla lavagna interattiva multimediale o sulliPad con tutti gli elementi di corredo attivabili e
utilizzabili in modo diretto.
Tutti i materiali forniti sono disponibili e scaricabili dal sito:
www. redaedizioni.it, dove sar disponibile ulteriore materiale aggiuntivo con prove strutturate
(Online Chapter Test) ed esempi di Terza Prova degli Esami di Stato.

Teacher's book



Indicazioni preliminari
Il primo Chapter dedicato alla professione del geometra. Partendo dalle conoscenze e aspettative
degli studenti inerenti tale figura professionale, le sei Lesson delineano:
le attivit svolte dai geometri in Italia
i principali riferimenti normativi
le abilit e conoscenze necessarie per svolgere tale professione
le scelte possibili dopo il diploma
un testo su unorganizzazione di geometri nel mondo
esempi di documenti stilati dai geometri
unintervista ad un geometra
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo ed unora per lo
svolgimento degli esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e
lapprofondimento della sezione Get into real life situations!, si pu prevedere di completare
il Chapter in poco meno di due mesi. Una collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico
potrebbe essere nel secondo periodo del primo anno del Secondo Biennio, dopo avere portato a
termine il programma di grammatica.

Lesson 1, Ex 4
The land surveyor
To locate your described boundaries on the ground, the surveyor obtains a copy of your land
description from an abstract or other form of proof of ownership (1).
The surveyor researches available records of your property and often adjoining properties for
any possible conflicts. Using this information, the land surveyor takes measurements (2) of the
property lines to identify your property lines. This work may take a lot of time and several trips
to the property.
After measurements and research are analyzed, the land surveyor can determine the boundary
of the property, and advise of any evidence of defects in the description (3) of your property.
Basically, the land surveyor then gives you a professional opinion as to where the boundaries of
your property are.
The land surveyor finds and confirms the correctness of your property corners, or replaces them
as needed (4). Many people find that additional points set on the property line are helpful.
These points might be used for fencing, construction, in hilly terrain, on lines which have their
end in water, or along long property lines. If this is a benefit to you to have additional points set
online mention this to the land surveyor before work has begun. Again, be up front with your
needs to the land surveyor. This will help greatly in the long run.
Most surveyors use electronic (5) distance and angle measuring equipment, as well as the
traditional transit and tape. Some surveyors may use satellite positioning equipment (GPS) as
a measuring tool. Modern computer systems aid in efficiently gathering measurements and in
evaluating all collected (6) evidence required to perform the survey. The surveyor takes pride in
being able to use these instruments and computers to perform land surveys efficiently, accurately
and cost effectively.
The land surveyor advises you of any legal (7) matters needed to perform the land survey, or legal
problems encountered during the land survey, referring you to your Attorney if needed. These
matters are usually not at all obvious to the layperson.

Teacher's book

Lesson 2, Ex 2
1. d
2. g
3. f
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. e

Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. b

Lesson 2, Ex 5
1. topography
2. GPS
3. valuation
4. accountant

Lesson 3, Ex 2

1. settling arguments
2. Cadastre
3. degree
4. colleague
5. educate
6. manage
7. renovate

Lesson 3, Ex 4

The building surveyor

Building surveyors provide (1) professional advice on all aspects of property and construction.
They work on the design (2) and development of new buildings as well as the restoration and
maintenance (3) of existing ones. This is a very wide field and may include advising on various
aspects of buildings at different stages.
The nature of the work may range (4) from the design of large, multimillion-pound structures to
modest adaptations and repairs, and sometimes includes working with buildings of architectural
(5)or historic importance.
Building surveyors may be called upon to give evidence in court in cases where building regulations
(6) have been broken and as expert witnesses on building defects and dilapidations. As they work
in many areas of property and construction (7), their work can vary in a significant way and it is
rarely routine. What about choosing this career?

Lesson 4, Ex 1

1. False
2. True (as far as the current modern
organization is concerned)
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True

Lesson 5, Ex 2
1. d
2. g
3. f
4. e
5. c
6. b
7. a

Lesson 4, Ex 3
1. c
2. d
3. g
4. e
5. b
6. f
7. a

Teacher's book

Lesson 5, Ex 4
Building permits
A building permit is your formal permission from the city where you live to begin construction,
demolition, addition or renovation on your property. The city Building staff must review your
plans to ensure that they comply with the building code, local zoning by-laws, and other applicable
regulations. When is a building permit required?
You will need a building permit if you plan to:
construct a new building (1)
any addition (2) to an existing building
structural (3) alterations
renovate, repair or add (4) to a building
demolish or remove all or a portion (5) of a building
change (6) a buildings use
install (7), change, or remove partitions and load bearing walls
make new openings for, or change the size (8) of, doors and windows
build a garage, balcony (9) or deck
excavate a basement or construct a foundation (10)
install or modify heating (11), plumbing or air-conditioning systems
install or reconstruct chimneys or fireplaces (12)

Lesson 6, Ex 3
Becoming a surveyor: is it for you?
Surveying is definitely not a 9-5 desk (1) job and most surveyors spend at least part of their time
visiting project sites and attending meetings at their clients offices. Youll need to be reasonably
good with numbers (2), handy with an excel spreadsheet, and able to think ahead in order to spot
potential problems and be pro-active in solving them. Many surveying jobs are client facing and
involve working in integrated teams with people from various other areas (3). Being a team player
and able to communicate effectively (4) is therefore of key importance as well.
Many surveying roles involve a fair amount of travel (5), particularly ones that relate to large
construction projects given that youll be expected to travel to where the project is sited. Where
there is travel expected, most employers (6) will offer a company car or car allowance, but the
additional travelling distances can make for long hours. There are also extensive opportunities
to travel overseas as many firms seek expansion abroad, however not everyone will see this as a
benefit (8).
In short, if youre looking for a career (9) that offers a wide variety of experience and a myriad of
ways for you to develop and grow throughout your career then surveying may be the profession
for you.

Lesson 6, Ex 4

5, 8, 12 are not surveyors tasks.

Lesson 6, Ex 5
1. d
2. a
3. f
4. c
5. b
6. e
7. g

Teacher's book

In caso di necessit di ulteriori approfondimenti, largomento si presta in maniera ottimale allesame
del materiale contenuto nei siti internet dei diversi Collegi geometri delle diverse province. Tale
materiale, sempre incentrato sulle caratteristiche peculiari della zona di appartenenza, rappresenta
una vera miniera di informazioni utili, sia come punto di partenza per traduzioni tecniche che per
reperimento di informazioni di carattere generale.

Teacher's book



Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Surveyors in Italy
The profession of surveyor in Italy ranks amongst those protected and regulated by law and the
criterion to gain access within are the same all over the country. First of all, uniform training is
provided all over the country and access to the Official Registers is granted to those possessing:
a secondary school diploma (Technical Vocational Institute) with a 5-year duration;
a professional qualification certificate obtained after a specific State exam after at least 2 years
of professional apprenticeship.
As far as Italian history is concerned, surveyors were entrusted with the task of reconstructing
the country after the end of the Second World War, using their education skills based on three
fundamental disciplines:
the construction of buildings;
topography and land registry;
rural and urban assessment.
After decades, today the Italian surveyor has got a kind of intermediate education and training
aimed at solving technical problems of minor relevance but which are the bulk of the technical
needs of our society. Thats why a surveyor can find a wide range of work and income possibilities
on the market, in spite of the global economic crisis. What is even more important, Italian
surveyors promote environmental protection. Their aim is to build safely, saving energy waste,
taking into account all kinds of pollution and demolishing, if necessary.
Questions about the text
1. Which are the main subjects concerning surveyors?
2. What is the difference between Italian surveyors after the Second World War and today?
3. How does law regulate the profession of surveyors in Italy?
Questions about the chapter
1. What can students do after getting the qualification as surveyors?
2. Describe one of the documents commonly issued by a surveyor.
3. Which are the main skills of a surveyor?


Teacher's book


Questa verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta ad una
valutazione di questo tipo:
le prime tre domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte di 3-4 righe con un punteggio
complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 15 punti
2. 15 punti
3. 20 punti
le altre tre domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 4-5 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 15 punti
2. 15 punti
3. 20 punti


Teacher's book



Indicazioni preliminari
Il secondo Chapter dedicato allambiente ed alle problematiche inerenti lenergia e le strategie
attuali e future per un uso ottimale delle risorse del pianeta. Partendo dalle conoscenze degli
studenti dopo lo studio di Scienze della Terra e di Geopedologia, le sei Lesson trattano di:
questioni inerenti ambiente ed inquinamento
surriscaldamento globale
il concetto di impronta ecologica
fonti di energia rinnovabili e non
energia solare
strategie comuni per un utilizzo ottimale dellenergia a livello europeo e mondiale
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione per la spiegazione del testo ed una lezione per lo svolgimento degli
esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into real life situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in poco
meno di due mesi. La collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico potrebbe essere nella
parte finale del primo anno del Secondo Biennio.

Lesson 1, Ex 1
1. j
2. c
3. a
4. e
5. i
6. m
7. d
8. f
9. b
10. g
11. h
12. l
13. k

Lesson 1, Ex 4

1. endangered
2. climate change
3. fossil fuel burning
4. lack of effective action
5. find a solution to climate change
6. economic interests
7. get worse

Lesson 2, Ex 2
Why so much controversy?
With such strong scientific (1) agreement that global warming is real and is largely due to human
activities (2), why is there so much controversy in the press and among the public? Some reasons
involve communication breakdowns, but even more important is the deliberate campaign by
special interests, including some in the fossil fuel (3) industry, to undermine or cast doubt on the
Climate science can be confusing and is not easily explained in short newspaper (4) articles. Many
well-intentioned reporters are ill equipped to get the story right and their mistakes are often
perpetuated as other reporters use previous articles as source material for new ones. In addition,
most scientists discuss their research (5) in terms that the public cannot easily understand.
But the most significant reason for the controversy is that some special interests have mounted
an active campaign to raise doubts and create confusion (6) about this issue. Not all fossil fuel
companies are involved in this disinformation campaign. Some, in fact, have acknowledged the
scientific realities and are taking steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Teacher's book

Given all this confusion and controversy, it is particularly important that teachers and students
have access to reliable (7) information about climate change: it is our hope that this teachers
guide will be of some assistance toward that end.

Lesson 2, Ex 5

Lesson 3, Ex 4

Lesson 3, Ex 2

Lesson 4, Ex 1

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b
1. b
2. f
3. c
4. g
5. d
6. a
7. e

1. greenhouse gas
2. climate
3. footprint
4. balance
5. fossil fuel
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False

Lesson 4, Ex 3
1. e
2. a
3. g
4. b
5. c
6. f
7. d

Lesson 5, Ex 3
1. e
2. f
3. d
4. a
5. g
6. b
7. c

Lesson 5, Ex 4

Solar energy gadgets today

There is a huge range of small scale solar energy gadgets (1) on the market today. The majority
of these devices are aimed at charging (2) mobile electronic gadgets or allowing their operation
when the battery (3) is depleted. With such a wide range of products available it can be difficult
to identify quality (4) items.
For example, there are now so many different solar battery backup and charging devices available
over such a wide range of prices that finding the right can be a very hard task.
Some of them, however, incorporate such tiny available over such a wide range of prices that
finding the right can be a very hard task.
Some of them, however, incorporate such tiny solar (5) panels they take several days (sometimes
week) to generate enough power to charge up a set of batteries. In addition, there are solarpowered sunglasses, bags, household appliances (6) and even items of clothing.
Among some of the most interesting solar-powered gadgets, there is an actual computer (7) you
can purchase from the vendors website at a very cheap price, with integrated solar panels to be
able to work wherever you are. After learning about all these new gadgets, which solar-powered
device are you interested in?

Lesson 6, Ex 2

Let the children play with energy

Duration: 12/2010-12/2011
Explora, Romes museum for children, has launched a new permanent (1) exhibition called What
an Energy! together with its partner Eni to teach (2) young children about energy.
Energy can be fun. Kids love to play, so why not let them play with energy - and learn about it at
the same time. This is the purpose of What an Energy!, a new and permanent exhibition at the
Explora museum, a museum dedicated to children in the centre of Rome.
There, children can watch, touch, feel and experiment (3) everything. For example, they can
generate energy by jumping on a platform. At the What a power! stand, they produce and store

Teacher's book

electricity by using a crank, measure it and decide on what device they wish to spend it.
In the Energy Island, children 7-12 years old can use a software programme to discover renewable
sources of energy. Explora even has a 33Wp photovoltaic (PV) installation to showcase solar
energy. In another activity, children will start a boat thanks to a spotlight with a solar panel on its
top: the panel transforms light in energy and the boat moves led by children.
Children aged 7-8 can watch the series My friend Boo, which shows how changing habits can
make the difference to becoming responsible citizens. Three episodes are screened: on energy
conservation, renewable sources of energy and sustainable (4) transport.
Explora hosts (5) about 130,000 visitors a year, of which 30,000 are school pupils and a fifth are
tourists visiting the Italian capital. Italian energy giant Eni is partner of the What an Energy!

Lesson 6, Ex 3

Biomass energy
Have you ever sat by a campfire or fireplace? If so, youve seen biomass energy in action (1)!
Biomass means natural material and when biomass energy is burnt (2), it releases heat just
like the wood logs in your campfire.
Biomass energy uses natural materials like trees and plants to make electricity (3). It can also
mean waste products like trash. It is now the second-most common form of renewable energy
we use in the United States, providing enough electricity to power more than two million homes.
There are lots of examples of biomass energy in the USA. For example, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a
company called BFC Gas & Electric recycles more than 150 tons of biomass material every day to
produce electricity for about 4,000 homes. Some of the material they use include: waste (4) wood
from agriculture and forest residues, energy crops, paper and cardboard that cant be recycled in
other ways.
Wood waste or garbage can be burnt to produce steam for making electricity, or to provide heat
to industries and homes, but burning biomass is not the only way to release its energy. Biomass
can be converted to other useable forms of energy, such as methane gas or transportation fuels,
such as ethanol and biodiesel.
Biomass fuels provided about 4% of the energy used in the United States in 2010. Of this, about
46% was from wood and wood-derived biomass, 43% from biofuels (mainly ethanol), and about
11% from municipal waste. Researchers are trying to develop ways to use (5) more biomass and
less fossil fuels. Using biomass for energy may cut back on waste and greenhouse gas emissions!

Lesson 6, Ex 4
1. c
2. f
3. g
4. e
5. d
6. b
7. a


Teacher's book



Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Its not the end of the World
Svante Arrhenius, the father of the greenhouse effect, would be called a heretic today. Far
from issuing the sort of dire predictions about climate change which are common nowadays, the
Swedish physicist dared to predict a paradise on earth for humans when he announced, in April
1896, that temperatures were rising - and that it would be a blessing for all.
Arrhenius, who later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, calculated that the release of carbon
dioxide through burning coal, oil and natural gas would lead to a significant rise in temperatures
worldwide. But, he argued, by the influence of this increasing percentage in the atmosphere, we
may hope to enjoy ages with more equable and better climates, potentially making poor harvests
and famine a thing of the past.

In other words, he was merely expressing a view that was firmly entrenched in the collective
consciousness of the day: warm times are good times; cold times are bad.

During the so-called Medieval Warm Period between about 900 and 1300 A.D., for example,
the Vikings raised livestock on Greenland and sailed to North America. New cities were built all
across Europe, and the continents population grew from 30 million to 80 million.

The consequences of the colder temperatures that plunged civilization into the so-called Little
Ice Age for several centuries after 1300 were devastating. Summers were rainy, winters cold, and
in many places temperatures were too low for grain crops to mature. Famines and epidemics
raged, and average life expectancy dropped by 10 years. In Germany, thousands of villages were
abandoned and entire stretches of land depopulated.

The shock produced by the cold was as deep-seated as it was long-lasting. When temperatures
plunged unexpectedly once again in the 1960s, many meteorologists were quick to warn people
about the coming of a new ice age (supposedly triggered by man-made air pollution). Hardly
anyone at the time believed a warming trend could pose a threat.
Questions about the text
1. Why is this article so different from our current point of view about climate change?
2. Explain Arrhenius theory.
Questions about the chapter
1. What is global warming and what can men do to find an effective solution?
2. Underline the main advantages of renewable sources of energy.


Teacher's book


La verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta ad una valutazione
di questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6,7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


Teacher's book



Indicazioni preliminari
Il terzo Chapter dedicato alle diverse tipologie di case. Con il substrato delle conoscenze gi
acquisite dagli studenti sullargomento nel Primo Biennio, le sei Lesson approfondiscono:
i tipi di case pi comuni in Inghilterra
alcuni esempi di case tipiche in Italia
le fasi della costruzione di una casa
i metodi di costruzione
la domotica
i parametri principali nella valutazione di un immobile
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo ed unaltra ora per lo
svolgimento degli esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e
lapprofondimento della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare
il Chapter in poco meno di due mesi. Una collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico
potrebbe essere allinizio del secondo anno del Secondo Biennio, quando gli studenti sono gi in
possesso di numerose conoscenze inerenti questi argomenti.

Lesson 1, Ex 2

1. Who lives in bedsitters?

2. What is a detached house?
3. What is a cottage?
4. What is a semidetached house?
5. What are terraces?
6. What is a bungalow?

Lesson 2, Ex 2

The Villa apartment in Palau is the most suitable accommodation for this family.
Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True

Lesson 2, Ex 4

House swapping
Italy is Britons top overseas choice for a new holiday trend (1), house-swapping.
Just under 3.5% of UK adults an estimated 1.7 million plan to take their holidays (2) on the
cheap this year by agreeing to temporarily exchange homes with a family in a place they would
like to visit (3).
The favourite foreign (4) destinations are Italy whose rich tradition offers countless opportunities
and Spain, the choice of 15% of house-swapping vacationers. Some 12% would like to go to
France and 10% to the United States.
The number of people taking part in this new kind of holiday has doubled since (5) 2010. More
than half of them cite the economic crisis as the No1 reason that they give a stranger the run of
their home for the chance to spend a free week (6) or two abroad in return.
The practice highlights how the economic downturn has altered Britons vacation habits. Figures

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from the Office for National Statistics show that people in the UK made 10 million fewer trips
abroad in 2009-10 than in the preceding 12 months the sharpest drop for more than 30 years.
House-swappers, first of all, need to register with a website or agency and supply pictures (7) of
where they live. Then, accurate information should be asked (8) about everything which can be
important about your temporary accommodation.
A note of caution, though. Some 24% of holidaymakers who have tried the practice say they
returned to find their homes had suffered some kind of damage (9) in their absence. Thats why
vacationers tempted by the trend should register only with reliable house-swapping websites.

Lesson 3, Ex 2
1. a
2. f
3. e
4. d
5. c
6. g
7. b

Lesson 3, Ex 3

1. foundation stage
2. framing stage
3. pre-sheetrock stage
4. sheetrock stage
5. roofing stage
6. flooring stage
7. interior trim stage
8. painting, cabinets and countertops stage
9. quality assurance stage

Lesson 3, Ex 4

1. foundation
2. frame
3. ceiling
4. wiring
5. plasterboard wall
6. tile

Lesson 4, Ex 3

The Hamburg solar building exhibition

Good morning to everyone! Do you want to listen to a story with a happy ending about sustainable
buildings? For the solar building exhibition which took place (1) in Hamburg in May in 2010
(2), a lot of energy-efficient buildings were constructed on two city areas in the southern (3) part
of the city. The building sites had a size of 1,5 hectares and were chosen as an example for the
conversion of former industrial or military areas.
The main goals of the exhibition were to demonstrate that energy-saving (4) buildings meeting
a low-emissivity (5) standard can be build and sold for competitive market prices even in areas
with rather moderate housing costs. In addition, the aim was to show the results and different
techniques of modern methods (6) of construction to a broader public: the different houses could
be visited during the exhibition which also offered a wide variety of information (7) concerning
sustainable building through seminars and specific exhibitions.
The use of solar energy (8), either with solar cells or solar photovoltaic plants (9), was also an
important objective and the heating of all the buildings was based on wooden-pellets. Furthermore,

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all the buildings were supplied with forced ventilation systems (10) with heat recovery techniques.
Are you curious about the end of the story? At the beginning of the solar exhibition all the houses
had already been sold (11)! That happened because those buildings were a great example of
attractive constructions that used as little energy as possible.

Lesson 4, Ex 5
1. e
2. g
3. f
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. b

Lesson 5, Ex 2

1. What is domotics for?

2. Is domotics always something expensive and managed by professionals only?
3. Are these systems usually preset during the construction of a building?
4. Can you mention an example of remote monitoring as far as domotics is concerned?
5. Which are the household appliances that can be controlled and monitored automatically or

Lesson 6, Ex 3

A flat in Los Angeles

Im sure you will like (1) this magnificent flat.
As you can see, the whole building is nestled among five acres of large green trees (2), abundant
foliage, shady walkways and meandering streams (3) Rancho Los Feliz is a private tropical oasis
(4) offering many first-class amenities.
Enjoy a golf (5) course view from select spacious apartment homes featuring vaulted ceilings (6)
before exercising in our 24 hour state-of-the-art fitness centre (7).
Afterwards, relax in our heated pool (8), read a book in the library or surf the web in the Internet
Caf (9). Rancho Los Feliz is located on Los Feliz Blvd. near the 5 freeway (10) where you will
enjoy easy access to Griffith Park (11), downtown Los Angeles, Glendale, Pasadena, Hollywood
and other major freeways. We now price our apartment homes based on your needs and our
availability. Please contact us (12) for the best pricing option for you.

Lesson 6, Ex 4
1. c
2. f
3. g
4. e
5. d
6. b
7. a

In caso di necessit di ulteriori approfondimenti, si possono effettuare svariate ricerche relative
alle tipologie di edifici a scopo residenziale in Italia e nel mondo. Annunci immobiliari, informative
sulle fasi di costruzione degli edifici e recensioni inerenti agenzie immobiliari sono soltanto alcuni
dei potenziali ambiti di ricerca.


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Traditional cottages as holiday resorts
These extraordinary traditional cottages are located on a private property belonging to the
Parvins brothers, amidst olive groves, vineyards, fruit trees and vegetable garden all organically
cultivated. Although Elpink Villas are located on the outskirts of the town, the group of cottages
is strategically close to the city center, only 600m far from the well organized beach in Molivos
and 4 km from Eftalou, famous for its therapeutically hot springs.
Enjoy peace and quiet in the harmony of nature on our property, while viewing the medieval
castle of Molivos and the surrounding mountains. Take nature walks in the fields and olive groves
towards Vafios or overlooking the sea while going to Eftalou. On the west limits of our property
you can find a threshing floor which was constructed sometime in the 1850s by a Turkish master
or the region and which remained in use for wheat threshing until the 1950s.
Some additional information:
Accommodation: our traditional stone-built apartments are furnished with a country style dcor
and are fully equipped with the following:
Air conditioning, electronic safe, fireplace (in 5 apartments), fully equipped kitchen with
refrigerator, oven, water kettle, coffeemaker, iron and iron board, first aid kit and fire extinguisher,
hair dryer, satellite Television and DVD, wireless internet connection, spacious exterior private
verandas with wooden furnishing, internet connection and parking.
Swimming pool: spend your time away relaxing at our swimming pool, which has a beautiful view
of Molivos and our surrounding gardens.
Childrens playground: located next to the pool in a protected area.
Barbecue: feel free to plan a family barbecue next to the pool and dont forget to inviteus!
Questions about the text
1. Which are the main features of this group of cottages?
2. Write a review of a potential tourist that stayed for a two-week holiday in such a resort.
Questions about the chapter
1. Write about one of the methods of house construction, mentioning advantages and disadvantages.
2. Describe an ideal house, from the point of view of its structure, its neighbourhood and facilities


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Questa verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta ad una
valutazione di questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6.7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Il quarto Chapter dedicato ai diversi materiali usati per costruire gli edifici. Sulla base di quanto
gli studenti di solito apprendono nella consueta programmazione del Secondo Biennio, le sei
Lesson sono focalizzate su:
i tradizionali materiali da costruzione
il legno
il vetro
cemento e calcestruzzo
il panorama dei materiali di nuova generazione e quello inerente le tematiche del rispetto
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo, pi una per lo svolgimento
degli esercizi proposti, leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in poco
meno di due mesi. Una collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico potrebbe essere a met
del secondo anno del Secondo Biennio, quando gli studenti sono gi in possesso di numerose
conoscenze inerenti questi argomenti.

Lesson 1, Ex 2

1. thermal conductivity
2. hardness
3. strength
4. density
5. specific gravity
6. corrosion resistance

Lesson 1, Ex 3

Lowells & Lowells

Welcome to Lowells & Lowells, the biggest online (1) store for building materials ever. After
a quick subscription you can have access (2) to a huge number of catalogues, articles and toolguides. Not only will you be able to buy (3) the cheapest and highest-quality materials on the
market at the best price, but you will see videos that will help you step-by-step in any building
activities, from foundations to plumbing and carpentry.
Our current promotions are about cement (4) with a complete range of products for the
professional builder and home improver including our general purpose (5) cement, ideal for all
building works, then extra- rapid (6) cement for repairs and also mortar (7) mix, for brick and
block applications.
In case you need information about building regulations (8) we also deal with the minimum
standards of design and building work for the construction of domestic, commercial and
industrial buildings. They contain a list of the requirements designed to ensure the health and
safety of people in and around buildings (9), provide for energy conservation and provide access
and facilities (10) for disabled people.


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Lesson 2, Ex 2
1. d
2. g
3. e
4. f
5. b
6. a
7. c

Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b

Lesson 2, Ex 5

1. selected
2. harvested
3. trimmed
4. transported to mill
5. rough cut
6. cured and dried
7. the by-products are sent for other uses
8. transported to fill orders

Lesson 3, Ex 2
1. fused
2. double-glazed
3. to mould
4. to anneal
5. coated
6. broken
7. waterproof

Lesson 3, Ex 4
Waste glass recycling
Recycling glass is an effective way to save energy and the environment (1). However, not all the
glass items are recyclable (2). The glass in light bulbs, cook ware and window panes are not
recyclable due to some special additives used to the glass. These additives are ceramics and other
impurities that generally contaminate the recycling process. The glass that cannot be recycled
only plays a small part of the glass that is put into landfills (3) though. The process of glass
recyclingis less extensive than the process of making (4) it from raw materials. Once glass is
picked up and taken to the recycle center it is separated by color and then broken (5) into small
pieces. The broken glass pieces are then crushed and sorted before being cleaned and added to
raw materials to make the final glass product. Crushed glass melts (6) at a lower temperature than
the raw materials and therefore the more recycled material that is in the mixture the less energy
it takes to melt the materials into glass.
Benefits for this type of recycling are crystal clear: recycling lowers (7) the demand for raw
materials and the cost savings of recycling is in the use of energy. In this way, glass produced
from recycled glass limits related air pollution by 20% and related water provide (8) by 50%.
In addition, recycling glass reduces the space in landfills that would otherwise be taken up by
used bottles and jars. That said, never throw glass in the bin anymore, unless it is a bin for waste
separate collection!

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False


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Lesson 4, Ex 3
1. g
2. f
3. e
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c

Lesson 5, Ex 3
1. e
2. c
3. g
4. a
5. f
6. b
7. d

Lesson 5, Ex 5

Polyurethane composites for windows

Bayer has recently developed Top Therm 90 a new concept for slimline windows and facades
which has excellent insulating (1) properties.
Top Therm 90 is made using a combination of Baytherm polyurethane insulating foam (2) and
a thin, weather-resistant and dimensionally stable outer shell made using the Baydur casting
system. The end-product is an insulation solution which cuts heat (3) loss by around 50% in
comparison to other solutions on offer. The Baytherm foam ensures there is virtually no contact
between the warm and cold sides (4) of the frame profiles and adapts perfectly to the Baydurcasted polyurethane shell that surrounds it.
In addition, during the production of the Baytherm foam, a reaction (5) takes place with the
polyurethane, bonding the foam core permanently to the units structural surfaces as it cures. This
adds strength (6) as well as optimizes the insulating properties. Baytherm allows therefore for a
design with thinner walls and style, while still providing improved energy efficiency.
The concept is based on an integrated approach, treating the windows and frames as a single unit
both in thermal and structural terms, thus optimising (7) insulation. The process of manufacturing
and installing the frame system is straightforward and thus cost-effective.
It is an ideal solution in terms of both insulation and mechanical strength, for example for
windows with multiple (8) glazing and despite having a profile thickness of just 90 millimetres,
the windows still meet the necessary requirements for use in passive houses.
Making windows that meet the passive (9) house standard; how else could polyurethane prove
its key role in a sustainable future?

Lesson 6, Ex 2

Your house made of straw

If you dream about an alternative to standard (1) and conventional home design, we offer organic
and ecological approaches that provide practical, functional, and not to mention aesthetically
pleasing solutions (2) to your desires. My name is David Hoffmann and Im an English organic
designer. Ive been planning houses made of straw for eight (3) years now and I can do it for you,
too, wherever you live. I can design you a straw bale that fits your needs(4), is beautiful, healthy,

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and energy efficient. You can save time and money with a great design utilizing the most current
techniques (5) and I can give you the tools it takes to get you started designing your straw bale
I have had many years experience designing for straw bale, so I can quickly help you with your
designs and work with you to get the most out your straw bale projects (6). If you live far from
here, I can travel to your location (7) for on site consulting. The cost (8) for on site consulting
depends on many factors, so email (9) me for availability to my website.
Straw bale building is becoming one of the best alternatives (10) to conventional construction,
so contact me!

Lesson 6, Ex 3
1. cheap
2. light
3. stiff
4. water proof
5. low
6. high
7. high
8. high
9. natural
10. compressible
11. soft

Lesson 6, Ex 4
1. c
2. e
3. g
4. f
5. a
6. d
7. b

Il capitolo si presta ad approfondimenti sui materiali trattati e sulle peculiarit della regione di
appartenenza, con particolare attenzione alle tematiche inerenti la tutela dellambiente. Risultano
particolarmente utili riferimenti ad inserzioni pubblicitarie sui diversi materiali, tradizionali
e non, soprattutto seguendo il filone della bioedilizia, con le numerose fiere dedicate da anni


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Casaclima is one of the best examples of how systemic change can lead to high performance,
comfortable, healthy hyper-efficient and carbon neutral buildings. It is one of the most effective
programs of this kind in the world today, as it is strongly accepted, adopted, and supported by the
public, and it is generating a wave of imitation in a wide region in southern and central Europe.

The program started in 2002 in the alpine region of Alto Adige and today hundreds of buildings are
certified by Casaclima not only in Italy, but also in Germany, Switzerland and Greece. Generally
speaking, Casaclima is a combination of the LEED certification system and the standard energy
efficiency certification in the Middle and Northern Europe. Its an independent agency of the
regional government, which assesses and rates buildings on a energy scale ranging from Gold to
class A, B and C. The assessment system evaluates the total environmental impact of the building
like the use of renewable energy, the choice of materials and other technologies. Going into
details, the assessment is not performed on the design, nor during the construction phase: the
inspection on the building site takes place only upon completion, thus leaving total freedom and
responsibility to the designers and builders during the construction. The final phase ends with a
paper certificate and a metal plaque, to be glued onto the wall by the main entrance.

The performance is achieved through intelligent siting and orientation (to maximise solar gain
and minimize wind losses in cold regions or minimize it in hot ones), hyper insulation, elimination
of all thermal bridges, provision of adequate thermal mass to store heat or cold, air tightness,
hyper performing windows, and a forced air circulation system with air-air exchangers for heat
recovery. From green materials to modern and efficient methods of construction, Casaclima is the
demonstration of the feasibility of buildings that are really ecofriendly.
Questions about the text
1. What is so special about Casaclima?
2. Which are the technical features of a Casaclima building?
Questions about the chapter
1. Write about one of the traditional materials you have just studied and specify its properties and
2. Describe what the ideal construction material is like, from all points of view.


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Questa verifica, da effettuare alla fine del capitolo sui materiali, si presta ad una valutazione di
questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 6/7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6/7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Il quinto Chapter dedicato alledilizia priva di barriere architettoniche. Sulla base di quanto
gli studenti di solito apprendono nella consueta programmazione del Secondo Biennio inerente
disegno e Progettazione, le sei Lesson sono dedicate a:
progettazione di un edificio privo di barriere architettoniche
relativa normativa in Italia e nel mondo
necessit quotidiane dei diversamente abili
cucina e bagno ideali per ogni tipo di esigenza
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo, una per lo svolgimento
degli esercizi proposti, leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in poco
meno di due mesi. La collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico nel corso del secondo
anno del Secondo Biennio, quando gli studenti sono gi in possesso di numerose conoscenze
inerenti progettazione e minimi funzionali richiesti per legge.

Lesson 1, Ex 2
1. wheelchair
2. accessible
3. equitability
4. disability
5. diversity
6. mindset

Lesson 1, Ex 3

Germany for the elderly

The German government has announced a high level initiative for universal design in the
production of innovative (1) products for the elderly including new strategies, product and
service development, design school projects, and a universal design network (2).
The aim is to enlarge the potential that senior citizens can provide (3) to the economy, by
developing new products and services for them, which in turn can secure existing jobs and create
new ones, and by making companies (in construction, interior design, technology, information
design and tourism) aware (4) of the enormous opportunities by this future trend and supporting
them with new ideas.
Small and medium size companies will understand (5) the opportunities of the senior citizen
market through regional cross-sector workshops and forums. To increase the number of new
companies founded by senior citizens, they will be offered customised information and training
opportunities in collaboration with the Chambers of Commerce and the public institutions.
A competence network on universal design will gather information (6) and knowledge with
regards to product development. Moreover, design competitions (7) in educational institutions
will provide inspiration for the type of products and packaging (8) that are attractive and usable
by people of any age group. Then, there are plans about a travelling exhibition, which will show
particularly successful examples of products and ideas that transcend the generations. In this way,
older consumers will more easily find products and services that are based on their needs (9) and
requirements. Obviously, information materials, such as checklists, will make it easier for senior
consumers to find the useful products and services within the market offering.
Thanks to these planned steps, Germany will definitely become the leader in trans-generational
design (10).

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Lesson 2, Ex 2
1. b
2. e
3. a
4. d
5. f
6. g
7. c

Lesson 2, Ex 5

1. impairment
2. deaf
3. disability
4. architectural barrier
5. connotation

Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. c

Lesson 3, Ex 2
Access to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London
This museum is the worlds largest about decorative arts and design (1). First opened in 1857 (2),
the museum is now housed in seven buildings, which form one large construction (3). Being a
heritage site and having 12 Km of gallery space, it can represent a great example of how a historic
building (4) can be adapted into an accessible environment for all users. First of all, lifts and
ramps have been installed to provide access (5) to all galleries and facilities. Then, touch objects
and Braille information panels are permanently installed in all galleries and all galleries staff are
trained in disability (6) awareness so that each single visitor of the museum is considered a firstclass visitor.
Designing services and facilities for disabled people can also benefit (7) all visitors as well as
written and implemented policies can improve building (8) developments. Today, the Victoria
and Albert Museum is definitely more accessible to everyone (9).

Lesson 3, Ex 4

1. to transgress
2. to be bound by law
3. to comply with
4. to fine
5. to issue

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True


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Lesson 4, Ex 4

Village for all is a quality labelthat intends to offer everyone the possibility to spend a nice
holiday and promotes sports (1) for everybody.
We coordinate a network of villages and campsites able to respond to the increasing demand for
accessible (2) tourism and sports.
We provide certainties to clients going on holiday, guaranteeing reliable (3) information about all
the structures affiliated with our network.
We guarantee accurate and updated information which enables people with disabilities or special
needs to choose their own holiday in a village which can best satisfy their needs (4), respecting
first and foremost their tastes and aspirations.
We promote an innovative tourism culture, which is aware of the needs of present day tourists,
including those which are often not obvious(5), or are disregarded.
Just imagine an adventure to enjoy extraordinary emotions, reach magical unknown places, meet
ordinary and extraordinary people, live far from our hectic society, try the sport of your dreams
and taste (6) the joy of living day by day and conquering the awareness that nothing is too difficult
for you and life has still uncountable surprises in store for those who are not afraid of living. You
create your own path and we can only stay by your side because when you organize your holidays
with us, you wont have to wonder whether you find suitable services for your needs, how much
room you should leave in your luggage to bring your own pasta with you or if they will ever be
able to talk to you and understand your needs or whether your children will like it or not.
We will take care of the details, you will only have to use your imagination (7) the choice is up
to you!

Lesson 5, Ex 2
1. e
2. f
3. a
4. g
5. c
6. d
7. b

Lesson 5, Ex 5

Appliances for accessible kitchens

Listen to this programme if you want to discover a couple (1) of simple tips that will help you
make any kitchen a wheelchair accessible kitchen.
First of all, flexibility is the key to successful universal kitchen design. At least one counter (2)
in the kitchen should be adjustable so that it can be occasionally changed to meet the needs
of visitors and future residents. Removable cabinets will also make the home easier to sell by
appealing to a larger market, including people who use mobility (3) aids and people who need to
sit down to cook or wash the dishes.
Then, work space should be planned between the sink and the fridge (4). Because it requires less
strength to slide pans between the sink and stove, it is helpful if they are on the same level and
connected by a continuous counter. Supplemental work surfaces (5) should also be offered at a
variety of heights including multiple-height tables, pull-out drawers, islands and carts.


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Another universal concept is the alternate kitchen plan. With this option, the existing kitchen
counters remain at a height (6) for standing users, while a second kitchen is temporarily installed
for seated users as needed. A breakfast nook, dining room, utility room, or guest suite could have
hot and cold water lines and a drain concealed during construction, so that the alternate kitchen
can be added at a later (7) date with minimal expense.
The alternate kitchen concept is also useful to anyone with a temporary injury or to a house guest
(8) in a wheelchair. If elderly parents need family assistance, for example, a temporary kitchen
could be installed for use from a wheelchair with minimal expense using a portable refrigerator,
a two-burner hot plate, and a small oven or microwave (9).

Lesson 6, Ex 2

Your new accessible bathroom

If you want to live in an accessible (1) house, all the rooms have to be remodelled in order to be
able to accommodate (2) everyone. The bathroom is one of the most important rooms of your
home and so special care (3) should be given to it. Pay attention (4) to these items:
- the width (5) of doors, which should swing out, rather than in
- the threshold of the doorway should be even(6) with the adjacent floor
- there should be space underneath the basin (7)
- install a seat (8) at the head of the tub or inside the shower
- provide grab bars both in the toilet area (9) and in tub/shower
- be certain that all flooring (10) material are non-slip
- use door-locks (11) that can be opened from the outside in case of emergency
- check that the height of toilet bowls and basins complies (12) with accessibility laws.

Lesson 6, Ex 4
1. d
2. c
3. g
4. e
5. f
6. a
7. b

Il capitolo si presta ad approfondimenti mirati allindividuazione delle barriere architettoniche dei
luoghi frequentati quotidianamente (per esempio, la propria scuola, abitazione, uffici pubblici) e
al raffronto con la normativa vigente. In rete possibile reperire in modo semplice e veloce anche
tutti i riferimenti legislativi delle altre nazioni.


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Changing demographics and disabilities

At the beginning of the 20th Century, older adults and people with disabilities were true minorities.
The average human lifespan was only 47 years, and people who received spinal cord injuries had
only a 10% chance of survival. Most people with chronic conditions lived in nursing institutions.
People are living longer today. The average lifespan has increased to 76, largely due to healthier
living, better medicine, and vaccines and sanitation that have virtually eliminated many killer
infectious diseases. Nearly 80% of the population now lives past the age of 65. Last year, 4 million
people in the United States were over the age of 85 and about 60,000 topped age 100. In addition,
more people are now living with disability. Two world wars created a huge population of veterans
with disabilities, and antibiotics and other medical advances enabled people to survive accidents
and illnesses which were previously fatal.
At the end of 1994, 53.9 million people in the United States (20.6% of the population) had some
level of disability, and 26.0 million (9.9%) had a severe disability. It is estimated that among the
population 6 years and over, 8.6 million people had difficulty with one or more activities of daily
living and 4.1 million needed personal assistance of some kind.
These demographic changes result in a population that is older and more disabled than many
realize, and these trends continue. The limitations imposed by products and environments
designed and built without regard to the needs and rights of all American citizens are significant
but often unrecognized. Public acknowledgement of people with disabilities and progress toward
universal design has developed in the last few decades along three parallel tracks of activities:
legislation fuelled by the disability rights movement, the barrier-free design to universal design
movement, and advances in rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology.
Questions about the text
1. What is the connection between these changes in demographics and disabilities?
2. How has Universal Design been changing in the last few decades?
Questions about the chapter
1. Describe an ideal and totally accessible building.
2. Which are the main Italian laws about barrier-free architecture?


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Questa verifica, da effettuare alla fine del capitolo sui materiali, si presta a una valutazione di
questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Il sesto Chapter dedicato ad alcuni aspetti generali inerenti la topografia. Partendo dalle
conoscenze degli studenti in materia, le sei Lesson delineano:
la definizione di topografia, gli obiettivi e alcuni cenni storici
alcuni elementi di geodesia
limportanza dei rilievi topografici
il panorama della strumentazione utilizzata nel corso dei rilievi
la stazione totale
il GPS
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo ed unora per lo
svolgimento degli esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e
lapprofondimento della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare
il Chapter in due mesi circa. La collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico nel secondo
anno del biennio, quando si sono gi affrontati nella disciplina di topografia i moduli relativi alle
diverse aree di applicazione della disciplina, alla strumentazione e alluso del GPS.

Lesson 1, Ex 2

1. What is topography?
2. Where is topography used?
3. Which sciences have very close interconnections?
4. Which country had the first detailed map?
5. Where are aerial pictures taken from?
6. What is aerial photogrammetry for?

Lesson 1, Ex 3
The most complete map of the World
In 2009, NASA and Japan released a new digital topographic map of Earth that covers (1) more
of our planet than ever before. The map was produced with detailed measurements from NASAs
spacecraft. The new global (2) digital elevation model of Earth was created from nearly 1.3 million
individual images (3) collected by the Japanese Aster. NASA and Japans Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry, known as METI, developed the data set, which is available online to users
everywhere at no cost.
This is the most complete, consistent global digital elevation data yet made available to the world
and this unique global set of data (4) will serve users and researchers from a wide array of
disciplines that need elevation and terrain information. In particular, Asters accurate topographic
data will be used for engineering, energy exploration, conserving natural resources, environmental
management, public (5) works design, firefighting, recreation, geology and city planning, just to
name a few areas. The new Aster data expand coverage to 99 (6) percent, from 83 degrees north
latitude and 83 degrees south. Each elevation measurement point in the new data is 30 meters
(98 feet) apart.
NASA and METI are jointly contributing the Aster topographic data to the Group on Earth
Observations, an international partnership headquartered at the World Meteorological
Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, for use in its Global Earth Observation System of Systems.
This system of systems is a collaborative, international (7) effort to share and integrate Earth

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observation data from many different instruments and systems to help monitor and forecast
global environmental changes.
Aster is one of five Earth-observing instruments launched on Terra in December 1999 (8). Aster
acquires images from the visible to the thermal infrared wavelength region, with spatial resolutions
ranging from about (9) 15 to 90 meters (50 to 300 feet) and a joint science team from the U.S. and
Japan validates and calibrates the instrument and data products. Data users can download (10)
the Aster global digital elevation model at: https://wist.echo.nasa.gov.

Lesson 2, Ex 2
1. d
2. g
3. a
4. c
5. e
6. b
7. f

Lesson 2, Ex 4
The topographers career
Which are the most common activities of a topographer? Collect, analyze, and interpret geographic
information (1) provided by geodetic surveys, aerial photographs, and satellite data. Research,
study, and prepare maps (2) and other spatial data in digital or graphic form for legal, social,
political, educational, and design purposes. He/she may work (3) with Geographic Information
Systems (GIS), may design and evaluate algorithms, data structures, and user interfaces for GIS
and mapping systems. A job (4) as a Topographer falls under the broader career category of
Cartographers and Photogrammetrists.
What do topographers do?
Determine map content and layout, as well as production specifications such as scale (5), size,
projection, and colours, and direct production to ensure that specifications are followed.
Compile data required for map preparation, including aerial photographs, survey (6) notes,
records, reports, and original maps.
Revise existing maps and charts, making all necessary corrections and adjustments.
Build and update (7) digital databases.
Examine and analyze data from ground surveys, reports, aerial photographs, and satellite
images to prepare topographic maps, aerial-photograph mosaics, and related charts.
Identify, scale, and orient geodetic points, elevations, and other planimetric or topographic
features, applying standard mathematical (8) formulas.
Determine guidelines that specify which source material is acceptable for use.
Prepare and alter trace maps, charts, tables, detailed drawings, and three-dimensional optical
models of terrain using stereoscopic plotting and computer graphics equipment.
Collect information about specific features (9) of the Earth using aerial photography and
other digital remote sensing techniques.
Delineate aerial photographic detail such as control points, hydrography, topography, and
cultural features using precision instruments.
Select aerial photographic and remote sensing techniques and plotting equipment needed to
meet required standards (10) of accuracy.
Study legal records to establish boundaries of local, national, and international (11)
Travel over photographed areas to observe, identify, record (12), and verify all relevant features.

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Lesson 3, Ex 2
1. g
2. d
3. c
4. f
5. e
6. a
7. b

Lesson 3, Ex 4
Derek & Harmon: surveys and much more
At Derek & Harmons, surveyors have considerable experience (1) of carrying out all types of
topographic surveys. Obviously, surveys are performed using the latest computerized (2) survey
instruments. The level of detail recorded depends on the clients requirements and we can
accomplish very detailed surveys, but this will not be required in all cases (3).
We can guarantee professionalism and your total customer (4) satisfaction with the following
procedure, which is commonly used for survey projects.
A unique job file is created for each project.
All relevant documentation is included in each job file. A Site version and duplicate Office
version are created to facilitate the resolving of any queries / questions that may arise on-site,
since both site staff and office staff have a copy of the applicable information for each project,
and can therefore communicate (5) more effectively.
The job file contains all relevant correspondence, including details of the clients specification
and requirements, and any subsequent changes (6) /revisions.
Each project file also contains a Risk Assessment form for completion, with details of any
known risks as advised by the client.
Depending on the nature of the project, the job file may contain specific Health & Safety
QA check sheets are included for each project.
Client satisfaction questionnaires are sent via e-mail, for valuable feedback (7) on quality and
satisfaction with the service provided, with replies monitored and any appropriate action taken.
If you require a topographical survey to be carried out, please contact (8) us and we shall be
pleased to provide you with the information required.

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True

Lesson 4, Ex 4
The plumb bob
The plumb bob (or plummet) is one of the oldest (1) tools in the world. Evidence suggests that
Egyptian architects already (2) used plumb bobs to establish verticals while constructing the
pyramids. This instrument employs the law of gravity (3) to establish what is exactly vertical.
To use the tool, the string is fixed at the point to be plumbed. The weight, or bob, is then allowed
to swing freely; when it stops (4), the point of the bob is precisely below the point at which the

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string is fixed above. (Note that the line must be hanging free to get an accurate reading.)
The plumb bob is useful in establishing vertical for a wall (5) in construction or a doorjamb when
hanging a door (6). A spirit level will also accomplish those tasks, but some jobs are much more
easily done using a plumb bob. For example, you can locate decorations (7) in relation to an
object or surface below (or above) using the plumb line. And once it is hung and still, the top and
bottom points can be marked and used as guides.
Surveyors (8) sometimes use plumb bobs for lining up points or transferring them.For example,
excavation and foundation contractors rely upon the plumb line, and constructing a chimney the
plumb bob can show (9) whether a flue is running true vertical or veering off plumb.
Old-fashioned as it may appear, it is still widely used today thanks to its accuracy but remember,
use it outside only when the wind (10) is not blowing!

Lesson 5, Ex 2
1. g
2. d
3. f
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. e

Lesson 5, Ex 5
The Stonex R9 Robotic total station
The all new Stonex R9 Robotic total station brings a very cheap (1), efficient and flexible line of
instruments to surveyors and construction professionals.
This top performing and accurate motorized (2) total station offers all the exciting features you
are looking for in a modern instrument, hence making the choice for the right instrument very
easy (3) and simple. The Stonex R9 comes in Robotic and Autolock versions. The high-precision
angle measurement (4) system offers a choice of 2 to 3 second angle accuracies. Long range and
high performance reflectorless EDM technology enables measurements of more than 1,000m
range without (5) a prism. The device allows for fast (6) measurements, unmatched reliability and
productivity. An external data collector controls (7) the total station via integrated radio modem
or Bluetooth. The data collector runs an intuitive (8), very easy to use and flexible surveying
(9) software. The Stonex R9 is developed and designed (10) in Europe and offers the highest
available quality in the industry today (11).

Lesson 6, Ex 3
1. c
2. f
3. g
4. e
5. a
6. b
7. d

Lesson 6, Ex 4
How GPS phones work
Imagine driving to a job (1) interview and realizing that youre lost. Your first impulse would
probably be to call (2) the business thats interviewing you and ask for directions. But if youre
not sure (3) where you are, getting directions can be tricky.

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But suppose you use yourmobile phone for another purpose (4) to figure out exactly where
you are and to get turn-by-turn directions to where youre going. New phones that includeGPS
receivers can do exactly that. With the right software (5) or service package, they can locate your
position, give directions to your destination and provide information about nearby businesses.
Today, well review the basics of how cell phones and GPS receivers work. Then, well explore
how phones combine these technologies.
Well, a cell phone is basically a sophisticated two-wayradio. Towers and base stations, arranged
into a network of cells, send and receive radio (6) signals. Cell phones contain low-power
transmitters that let them communicate with the nearest tower.
As you travel, you move from one cell to another, and the base stations monitor the strength of
your phones signal (7). As you move toward the edge of one cell, yoursignal strengthdiminishes.
At the same time, the base station in the cell you are approaching notices the strength of your
signal increasing. As you move from cell to cell, the towers transfer (8) your signal from one to the
next. In remote locations, towers may be so far apart that they cant provide a consistent signal.
Even when towers are many, mountains and tall buildings can interrupt their signals. Sometimes
people have a hard time getting (9) clear signals inside buildings, especially in elevators. Even
without a GPS receiver, your cell phone can provide information about your location. A computer
can determine your location based on measurements (10) of your signal, such as:
its angle of approach to the cell towers
how long it takes the signal to travel to multiple towers
the strength of your signal when it reaches the towers
Since obstacles like trees and buildings can affect how long it takes your signal to travel to a tower,
this method is often less accurate (11) than a GPSmeasurement.
Il capitolo pu essere linizio di ricerche interessanti con la traduzione in inglese di quanto svolto
durante i rilievi, per esempio con relazioni sulluso delle stazioni totali e dei GPS. In aggiunta, tutto
il materiale pubblicitario inerente tale strumentazione si presta ad hoc per tali approfondimenti,
cos come alcuni cenni generali di cartografia o di orienteering.


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

Topographical surveying
As a well-known and established engineering design consultancy, Brown & Brown understands
the fundamental importance of obtaining accurate survey information, in a timely manner, to a
format that allows seamless integration into subsequent detail design.

In the past we have used external companies to provide this information but found the process to
frustrating and inconsistent. We have therefore created our own in-house division who work to a
consistent specification and allow us to dictate timeframes for delivery.

We use the latest generation GPS equipment with live internet links to our office allowing
instantaneous upload and download of data to and from our office based designers.

Of course, our topographical surveys can be provided in 2D or as 3D digital terrain models and
our survey drawings can be provided as traditional paper plans or electronically in many different
software formats, including AutoCAD DWG & DXF, MX (Moss) Genio, PDS and PDF.

Building surveys are undertaken using digital measurement devices drawn real time at site.
Buildings can be quickly traced and reproduced as 3D digital models which can then link to our
3D structural design software.

Our surveying teams work closely with our engineering design teams to offer Clients the option of
additional services, such as 3D modelling, earthworks appraisals and detailed volumetric analysis.
Questions about the text
1. What kind of services does Brown & Brown offer?
2. Why did they create their own in-house division and do not use external companies anymore?
3. Does the company offer any other additional services?
Questions about the chapter
1. Write about the main advantages and disadvantages of using a GPS station.
2. Describe the main phases of a common topographical survey.


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Questa verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta ad una
valutazione di questo tipo:
le prime tre domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte di 3-4 righe con un punteggio
complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 20 punti
2. 15 punti
3. 15 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 5-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Il settimo Chapter dedicato alla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e rappresenta una delle tematiche
principali dellindirizzo Costruzioni, Ambiente e Territorio. Le sei Lesson hanno come fulcro:
limportanza della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro
le direttive europee
il passaggio in Italia dalla 626 al Testo Unico 81/2008
i dettagli inerenti il primo soccorso ed i piani di evacuazione
la situazione specifica del cantiere come luogo di lavoro
luso dei Dispositivi di Protezione Individuale nei cantieri
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione per la spiegazione del testo ed una lezione per lo svolgimento degli
esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in poco
meno di due mesi. La collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico sarebbe nellultimo anno,
quando le medesime informazioni rientrano, in lingua italiana, nel programma di Costruzioni.

Lesson 1, Ex 2
ILO says no workplace is immune to hazards
The International Labour Organization (ILO) says that nearly 1 million workers suffer a workplace
accident (1) and more than 5,000 workers die each day due to accidents or diseases (2) from their
work. Heres an interview with Dr. Al-Tuwaijri, Director of SafeWork at the ILO in Geneva.
AL-TUWAIJRI: The idea is to remember those that have actually lost their lives because of jobrelated causes, but also for a culture of prevention (3), a culture of safety, a culture of responsibility.
JOURNALIST: And what are some of the hazards (4) that we are looking at here?
AL-TUWAIJRI: Actually no work place is immune to hazards. Of course, some are less than
others and some are more obvious than the others. Mining, for example, has always been classified
as one of the most hazardous occupations. Sometimes construction, especially if its a large
construction site where there are a lot of tools (5) but even if you look at an office environment,
whereby you basically sit at a desk, you still have a host of occupational hazards, ranging from the
physical strain (6), carpal tunnel syndrome, the strain that comes from continuous typing, to the
more sophisticated and rather difficult to measure hazard that has to do with stress and anxiety
and then that leads consequently to abuse substances (7), tobacco, alcohol and then gambling,
violence at the work place. So its a mosaic whereby each platform has its own hazard.
JOURNALIST: Right. Is there any particular theme for this years observance of the day?
AL-TUWAIJRI: Yes. Actually the ILO picks a theme every year. And the theme for this year is
Health and Life at Work: A Basic Human Right. We wanted to drive a message across that says
that having a healthy (8) and safe work place is a right. Its not something that is given to you by
JOURNALIST: And who is responsible for ensuring that workers do enjoy this right?
AL-TUWAIJRI: Everyone is responsible. Workers are responsible for their own safety and their
own health by following all safety instructions (9), the promotion of the preventive culture, by
wearing protective clothes and equipment. Employers are responsible by instituting policies that
have to do with occupation and safety at the enterprise level and by making available advice and
counselling. Governments are responsible for overlooking all of this and instituting the national
legislation (10).
JOURNALIST: And what role is the ILO playing to ensure that workers are safe?

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AL-TUWAIJRI: Our business is to set standards (11) in the form of conventions, codes of
practices, guideline, etc. Our governing body, which is the highest level that governs all our work,
is composed of governments, workers and employers associations.
JOURNALIST: That was Dr. Sameera Al-Tuwaijri, Director of Safe Work at the ILO, based in
Geneva. Thank you for listening. Join us again on Monday for more news (12) from the United
Nations. This is United Nations Radio, have a very good evening!

Lesson 1, Ex 3

1. What is the general situation about safety in Europe like?

2. What would happen if everybody complied with safety laws?
3. What should employees do in case of an accident?
4. What does a worker have to do if his/her employer doesnt consider safety issues?
5. Do workers have to pay for PPE?
6. Which are the main hazards in working places?

Lesson 2, Ex 2
China mine blast kills 26 and leaves 11 trapped
Rescue efforts are underway after a deadly explosion (1) at a coal mine in Chinas central Henan
province. The blast at the pit in Yuzhou killed 26 miners and left another 11 trapped underground.
State media said the mine had been hit (2) by a sudden coal and gas outburst which unleashed
tonnes of coal dust. A rescue official told the China News Service it could take four days to reach
the men and there was little (3) chance they would be found alive. In general, Chinas mining
industry is the most dangerous in the world: more than 2,600 miners were killed in accidents in
2009. The government has already shut down more than 1,000 illegal (4) pits this year as part of
efforts to improve safety standards.
The latest blast happened early on Saturday at the Yuzhou pit, which is owned by Pingyu Coal &
Electric Co. Ltd, the official Xinhua news agency reported. The national work safety (5) agency
said the explosion occurred as miners were drilling a hole to release pressure from a gas build-up
as part of efforts to decrease the risk of blasts. The gas concentration inside the mine was reported
to have been at 40%, which is 40 times higher than normal acceptable levels.
More than 70 rescuers are battling dangerous levels of gas and the risk (6) of falling rocks as they
work to free the trapped miners. There is not much of a chance that the 11 trapped miners could
have survived and it will take three to four days to find them, said Du Bo, deputy director of the
rescue operation. Zhao Tiechui, head of the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety, had said
on Saturday the missing (7) men could still be found safely.
All the trapped people under the mine can be located, and then we send people to those located
places to rescue the trapped. I think our goal (8) is clear, he said.
Chinese people had watched the dramatic rescue of the Chilean miners along with the rest of the
world, some months ago. A full coverage of the event (9) was shown live on state-run television,
but the authorities have not been as open when it comes to reporting their own mining accidents.
They dont care about the workers safety, they only care about their production (10) someone
said and the brother of one of the miners killed even said the pit should not have been operating
as the ventilation system was not working.
There has also been official criticism of the mine owners, blaming them for ignoring safety
China is heavily reliant on its mining industry, with coal supplying some 70% of its energy needs
(11). Many of those employed in mines are migrant workers with limited training (12). The
central government has made improving conditions in the countrys 25,000 coal mines a priority,
and the number of deaths has fallen from nearly 7,000 in 2002 to 2,631 last year. The National

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Energy Administration (NEA) closed 1,539 small and dangerous coal mines this year as part of
restructuring efforts, said Xinhua, but safety rules have often been ignored in favour of profit, as
the economy has boomed (13).

Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. e
2. g
3. c
4. f
5. b
6. a
7. d

Lesson 3, Ex 2
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. False

Lesson 3, Ex 3
Community strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at work
Theres an important strategy for promoting (1) health and safety at work in the European Union
from 2007 to 2012. Thanks to the adoption and application of a large body of Community laws
(2), it has been possible to improve working conditions and make considerable progress in
reducing the incidence of work-related accidents (3) and illnesses.
The new strategy for 2007-2012 aims for a 25% (4) reduction in the total incidence rate of
accidents at work by 2012 by improving health and safety protection for workers. In spite of the
progress (5) achieved, the latest results show that many workers in Europe continue to believe
that their jobs pose a threat to their health or safety:
- almost 28% of workers in Europe say that they suffer (6) from non-accidental health problems
which are or may be caused or exacerbated by their current or previous job;
- 35% of workers on average feel (7) that their job puts their health at risk.
Moreover, occupational hazards are not being reduced in a uniform way:
- some categories of workers are still overexposed to occupational risks (young workers, workers
whose jobs are insecure, older (8) workers and migrant workers);
-certain sectors are still particularly dangerous (construction/civil engineering, agriculture,
fishing (9), transport, health care and social services).
A number of challenges in the field of health and safety, which were identified during the previous
reporting period, are continuing to grow in importance.
These include:
- demographic change and the ageing (10) of the working population;
- new employment trends, including the increase in self-employment
- new and larger flows of migrants towards Europe.
An ongoing, sustainable and uniform reduction (11) in accidents at work and occupational
illnesses continues to be the prime objective of the Community strategy for the period 2007-2012.
See you next week to get to know all the details (12) of this strategy.


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Lesson 3, Ex 4
1. e
2. g
3. a
4. c
5. f
6. b
7. d

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True

Lesson 4, Ex 2
ThyssenKrupp CEO convicted of deaths
In a historic ruling on voluntary (1) homicide, ThyssenKrupps CEO for Italy was sentenced to
16 and a half years in prison (2) on charges related to the deaths of seven workers in December
2007 at a steel plant in Turin, Italy.
ITALY: A court in Turin sentenced ThyssenKrupps CEO for Italy, Harald Espenhahn, on April
(3). Five other company officials were also convicted (4) on manslaughter charges and sentenced
to up to 13 and a half years in prison. The German company received a 1 million euros fine (5). In
addition, the company will not be allowed to benefit from Italian state subsidies for six months.
During the same period, ThyssenKrupp will also be banned from advertising its products (6) in
Italy. At the time of the incident the company was gradually dissolving the factory, with only 200
of the former 400 employees remaining, and failed to maintain health (7) and safety standards.
The prosecutions investigation into the incident proved that the CEO was fully aware of the risks
and decided not to take the minimum measures required by law (8) at the plant.
The courts ruling, which can be challenged, is historic as it sets an important precedent in
recognizing the CEO as responsible of voluntary homicide, a first in Italy for a workplace accident.
One worker died immediately (9) in the horrific blaze at the plant in Turin, while the other
six died later in hospital. The deaths prompted anation-wide campaign for improved safety
measures (10) in the workplace.
According to press reports, the verdict in this case was welcomed by prosecutor Raffaele
Guariniello who said it would mean a lot for health and safety at the workplace.

Lesson 5, Ex 2
1. a
2. f
3. b
4. g
5. e
6. c
7. d

Lesson 5, Ex 4

1. POS
2. dangerous
3. scaffolding accidents
4. prevention
5. the safety coordinator

Lesson 5, Ex 5
How to be safe in a building site
If you work in the construction industry you will be very aware (1) of the hazards involved in
carrying out your day to day work on the construction site. No matter what trade you are involved
in, there is always a risk involved when you work (2) on a construction site. So what should you
do to ensure that you minimize the risk of getting injured, or even worse, killed (3) when working
on a construction site?

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The best ally that any tradesman can have when working on a construction site is his common
sense (4). Being aware of your surroundings and the potential threats and hazards will keep you
alert to what is going on around you. More accidents happen on site when people have dropped
their defensive guard than at any other time.
Although there is an inherent risk when using any hand or power (5) tools, which tradesmen do
all day, you can make sure that any potential hazard is kept to a minimum by wearing the correct
protective clothing and workwear. It is becoming more and more common to see tradesmen
wearing gloves (6) and protective eye wear when operating power tools but it is always advisable
to wear these protective items when also using hand tools.
Wearing suitable workwear whilst on site is a must (7). Gone are the days when it is acceptable
to simply wear a pair of jeans, baggy t shirt (or even no top at all) and a pair of shoes or trainers.
Accidents can occur in so many different ways (8) while on site and you should always wear
workwear that offers you a level of protection (9) better than standard day to day clothing. The
clothes that you choose should be both lightweight enough for you to be comfortable to wear all
day as well as being made of a material that will withstand cuts and tears from sharp (10) items.
Finally, you should make sure that your head and your feet are always protected to minimize
injury from falling (11) objects or from standing on sharp objects. Although having something
fall on your foot may not kill you it may lead to a severe injury that will either keep you off work
for a time or worse still lead to you having to quit your job totally.
Construction sites are very risky environments to work in so the more precautions (12) you take
to ensure your safety the more likely you are to come out in one piece.

Lesson 6, Ex 3
1. e
2. g
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. f

Lesson 6, Ex 5

8 ways to get workers to wear PPE

Why is personal protective equipment (PPE) important? We all know the answer, right? But in
the real world, safety professionals are still struggling to get this message (1) across. The truth is
that a lot of workers cant understand how important it is to wear it. Some of them think PPE is
uncomfortable, others that it is not necessary, too hot or unattractive.
So, how do you get your workers to wear it? Here are some suggestions (2) that usually have good
results. Most of these suggestions involve showing. Its my belief that, no matter what message
youre trying to get across about PPE, showing is much more effective than talking.
1. Set an example
Theres nothing more embarrassing (3) to us safety people than being accused not doing what we
say. You must SHOW your peers and co-workers that you are not above the rules and regulations
by using PPE in your workplace wherever it is required.
2. Allow no exceptions
There must be zero exceptions. Stop. If it is a requirement that PPE be used in a designated work
area, then adhere to the policy or the procedure.
Instead, show (4) your workers where to obtain the appropriate PPE and take the time to show
them how to do and use it correctly.
3. Dont look the other way
The absolute worst (5) thing you can do regarding the proper use PPE is let someone get away
without it when it is required. If you ever witness a violation of use, never ignore it.

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4. Spend the money

There are few quicker returns on investment (6) than PPE. In fact, it can be virtually immediate.
Let your workers know you stand behind your message by giving them something unique,
something special (7).
5. It doesnt end with training
Training isnt the last word on a safety topic. Its usually only the beginning (8). The training
session remains one of the most effective venues to SHOW workers how important PPE is in the
workplace. This is also a good place to SHOW the proper fit and care of PPE. You should then
monitor (9) the desired effects of your training under actual working conditions long after the
sign-off sheets have been passed around.
6. Give me a good reason
In use for many years now, but still worth mentioning, is the Why I Work Safe bulletin board.
This is simply a place for workers to pin up pictures (10) of their loved ones to SHOW as a
reminder every time they walk by to work and go home safe.
7. The employee is responsible for safety, too
In addition to the requirements that employers provide PPE where necessary, laws clearly state
that the worker also has a part in being responsible (11) for safety on the job as well. To help
make this happen, make sure you SHOW each worker how to properly maintain and store their
PPE, as well as how to inspect PPE for wear, tear, and malfunctions, and how to get it replaced.
Let them know that PPE wont work if its broken (12), in disrepair, or not cared for properly.
8. Discipline
Unfortunately, the D word may be necessary to use under certain conditions. If you elect to
discipline, it is absolutely critical to discipline in a consistent manner. SHOW your workers you
mean business by disciplining (13) according to your written policy and/or union contract.
Until now, you might have thought that telling your workers to wear PPE was the best or only way.
While the art of verbal persuasion can be a valuable tool, SHOWING your workers by setting
an example, allowing no exceptions, conducting effective checks (14) and exercising consistent
discipline, you can go a long way in achieving success with that perplexing program that has been
keeping you scratching your head.
Now its time to strengthen your resolve and go forth to proclaim the purposeful message of PPE.
It may seem a lot like climbing Mt. Everest, but once you reach your goal (15), theres not another
view like it.

Lesson 6, Ex 3
1. e
2. g
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. f

Il capitolo pu essere il punto di partenza per riscontri sulleffettiva sicurezza nei cantieri della
zona e, pi in generale, nei luoghi di lavoro del nostro paese. Il materiale a disposizione in rete
abbondante e interessante e lo stage svolto dai ragazzi rappresenta una rilevante fonte di
informazione sperimentata in prima persona.


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

The Farber law group
Construction sites can be a very dangerous place because of the heavy equipment, chemicals,
electricity and other hazards on the site. Every year thousands of construction workers suffer
on the job injuries, many of them permanently disabled and some even result in death. In 2006
alone, 87 Washington State workers were killed on the job, according to the U.S. Department of
Labor Statistics.
More than 50% of the workplace injuries occur to workers under the age of 45. Accidents
sometimes leave workers permanently disabled during their prime working and earning years.
It is imperative that workers receive fair compensation for their injuries to cover loss of wages,
rehabilitation and pain and suffering. Families of workers killed on site are also eligible to claim
for compensation to provide a stable future for the family.
Almost all workplace injuries involve workers compensation. In addition, workers and their
families may be entitled to compensation from 3rd party sources such as construction managers,
property owners, equipment manufacturers and general contractors. While OSHA, the Federal
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, is responsible for workplace safety regulations,
because there are so many hazards on a construction site, there is no wonder that accidents still
If you have been injured in an on-the-job-accident or a loved one has been injured or killed, you
should retain an attorney experienced in personal injury. AtThe Farber Law Group, our lawyers
are familiar with workers compensation laws and laws regarding 3rd parties. While money cannot
fully compensate for a serious and debilitating injury or the loss of a loved one, compensation for
medical expenses, lost earnings can help insure a stable future for you and your family.Contact
ustoday for a free case evaluation.
Questions about the text
1. What kind of services does The Farber Law Group offer?
2. Write down all the information about safety in Washington State contained in the text, with
your own words.
Questions about the chapter
1. What would you do if you were an employer, in order to guarantee full safety in your firm?
2. Describe a proper evacuation plan for a working place.


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Questa verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta ad una
valutazione di questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte di 4-5 righe con un punteggio
complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 5-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Lottavo Chapter rappresenta un excursus delle tendenze dellarchitettura moderna. Senza alcuna
pretesa di essere esaustivo, un esempio di come potrebbero essere analizzate alcune grandi
figure legate al mondo dellarchitettura. Le cinque Lesson approfondiscono:
cosa si intende per architettura moderna
Le Corbusier
Frank Lloyd Wright
Renzo Piano
Zaha Hadid
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo e unaltra ora per lo
svolgimento degli esercizi proposti, pi leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e
lapprofondimento della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il
Chapter in un mese e mezzo. In concomitanza con lo svolgimento dei medesimi argomenti nelle
materie di indirizzo, il capitolo si presta alla seconda parte dellultimo anno del corso di studi.

Lesson 1, Ex 1

1. art and technological changes

2. just one of the aspects of modern architecture
3. the strict austerity imposed by the World War I
4. the International Style was born
5. was used in an unexpected way

Lesson 1, Ex 2
1. style
2. column
3. Bauhaus
4. Art Dco
5. parody
6. revival

Lesson 1, Ex 4
The top 5 buildings of the modern era
Here are some of the most revolutionary (1) buildings constructed during the past 100 years.
What do you think?
1.1905 to 1910: Casa Mila Barcelona
Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi defied rigid geometry when he designed Casa Mil in Barcelona.
Casa Mil is an apartment (2) building with a fanciful aura. Wavy walls seem to undulate and a
comical array of chimney stacks dance across the roof. The straight line belongs to men, the
curved one to God, Gaudi asserted.
2.1930: The Chrysler Building, New York
Architect William Van Alen lavished the 77-story Chrysler Building with car ornaments and
classic art deco zigzags. Soaring 319 meters/1,046 feet, the Chrysler Building was the tallest (3)
building in the world... for a few months.
3.1931: Empire State Building, New York
When it was built, the Empire State Building in New York City broke world records for building
height. Reaching a height of 381 meters/1,250 feet, it rose above the Chrysler Building. Even

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today, the Empire State Building is nolthing (4) to sneeze at, ranking within the top 10 for building
height. The designers were architects Shreve, Lamb and Harmon.
4.1935: Fallingwater, Pennsylvania, USA
Frank Lloyd Wright fooled gravity when he designed Fallingwater. What seems to be a loose pile
of concrete slabs threatens to topple from its cliff. The house is not really precarious, but visitors
(5) are still awed by the improbable structure.
5.1957 - 1973: Sydney Opera House, Australia
Jrn Utzon broke (6) the rules with his modern expressionist Sydney Opera House in Australia.
Overlooking the harbour, the Opera House is a freestanding sculpture of spherical roofs and
curved shape (7). A scandalous political affair forced architect Jrn Utzon to withdraw from the
project in 1966. The Opera House was completed by other designers under the direction (8) of
Peter Hall.

Lesson 2, Ex 3
1. c
2. d
3. g
4. f
5. e
6. a
7. b

Lesson 3, Ex 2
1. masterpiece
2. seashell
3. waterfall
4. embodiment
5. spiral

Lesson 3, Ex 4
Frank Lloyd Wright and nature
Wright was unquestionably an architectural genius (1) and was years ahead of his time. As an
architect, in fact, he accomplished more that any other in history, with the possible exception of
Da Vinci or Michelangelo (2). His philosophy of Organic Architecture showed the world that
form and function could both by achieved to create a house that was both true to nature (3) and

Wrights homes have today become monuments of greatness and distinction. Most of them serve
as museums (4), displaying his ideas and the achievements of a lifetime of innovation. It wasnt
until Wright published The Natural House however, that he fully was able to illustrate all of
his ideas relating toward housing (5). In the Natural House Wright defines the meaning of
Organic Architecture and how it can be applied to creating housing which provides a closeness
to nature for the occupants. The great architect was undoubtedly a romantic (6) and individualist
and with strong feelings towards nature. Going back to his childhood, his deep (7) love of nature
and his individualism were formed from the events which influenced him as a child and up
until his days working for Louis Sullivan. In order to fully understand the ideas which Wright
proposed through his philosophy of Organic Architecture, one must first understand the events
and influences that occurred throughout his life. While he was growing up, Wrights parents
always encouraged him to be a free (8) and individualist. Both of his parents were intelligent and
creative people by nature and they had the greatest influence on Wright. Throughout his life they
were extremely supportive of his dream of becoming an architect (9), and always made sure that
he had books and pictures of buildings that he could study and learn from.

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The other major influence (10) in Wrights life was the collapsing of the State of Wisconsin
Capitol Building. At the time, Wright was only 13 when he witnessed the building collapse upon
itself, killing all the 40 workers (11) who were inside it. Severely traumatized and unable to
sleep for weeks, Wright kept wondering why the tragic accident (12) occurred. Weeks later, it
was revealed that the cause of the buildings collapse was a lack of support from the structure
because the architect and the builder both had neglected to test (13) the pillars before they
were introduced into the buildings structural design. After Wright learned this, he vowed that
if he became an architect, he would thoroughly test all of the structures in the construction of
all the building projects. And the greatest factor which Wright put forth in his philosophy of
Organic Architecture was precisely safety (14). Wright felt that all buildings, whether they were
commercial or residential should be built and designed so that they were structurally sound as
well as true to nature. There is no excuse which I have heard, that can compensate (15) for
a poorly designed building. The only thing that I can say about an individual who takes no
responsibility for his ideas is either lazy or a truly uncaring person he wrote in The Natural
House. Wright seldom talked about the tragic calamity which he witnessed as youth, but it was
clear that the memory (16) had left a deep impression upon him.

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False

Lesson 4, Ex 4
Renzo Pianos plans for Athens
The Athenian seafront at Faliro, from the stadium of peace (1) and friendship to the Kifissos
estuary, is to undergo a complete environmental renovation, as part of a plan by the Italian
architect Renzo Piano, which will be financed (2) entirely by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
The anticipated cost of the project is three million euros and the urban renovation project, whose
master-plan was presented to the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, will cover (3) an
area of 76 hectares.
The bay of Faliro, where the city meets the sea, is the end point of Syngrou Avenue (known as
Culture Street because it houses the National Contemporary (4) Art Museum, the Academy of
Arts and Letters and the Opera), and will be the setting for Pianos plans for the Stavros Niarchos
Foundations cultural centre, the national Library (5) and the Opera, as well as the renovation
of the waterfront of Faliro Bay. This ambitious project is a sign of economic vitality at a time of
serious difficulties for Greece. The Italian architect has marked the plan (6) by giving an interview
to the Greek governments secretary general for information.
The driving force behind the whole project is the principle of rebuilding the strong link (7)
between the city and the sea that was lost during the construction of existing infrastructure and
the fillings carried out for the Olympics, Renzo Piano explains.
This connection is rebuilt in both directions - from the city to the sea, with an extension of the
existing urban fabric, and from the sea to the city, with green (8) areas and tree-lined roads built
along the main water channels, which lead to the large park that runs along the sea. The city needs
to be reacquainted with this area, which is today both physically and psychologically segregated
and through the three main connecting channels must rediscover its relationship with the sea.
Athens is a city with extraordinary historical and cultural importance. How will the plan fit (9)
in with this? The renovation of this stretch of coast is aimed at reconnecting the city with its

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waterfront and giving breathing space to a very dense urban landscape, taking the opportunity to
upgrade where possible within the existing urban framework the areas that are not built up with
small gardens, as if the presence of a large green area were to fertilise the entire surrounding (10)
area. This project is not about filling space but about empty space and is less about architecture
and more about nature playing the main role, which is to allow the areas of Kallithea and Moschato
to breathe. The history and tradition of a city like Athens have influenced our entire culture,
Piano continues. The power of its traditions is palpable throughout the city, despite the very
rapid growth (11) that the city has undergone since the end of the war. In the last few years,
the city has begun to re-read its own history and is moving towards a new vision of the urban
landscape, in which even modern architecture can play an essential (12) role.

Lesson 5, Ex 2
Construction started on Dongdaemun Design Plaza
Seoul had a ground-breaking ceremony (1) of Dongdaemun Design Plaza and Park (DDP) on
April 28th, and is planning to complete the project in December 2011.
Seoul City had selected (2) Zaha Hadids Metonymic Landscape as the winner of the
international design competition for the Dongdaemun Design Plaza and Park (DDP). The
Metonymic Landscape is highly acclaimed as a charming (3) design that encompasses the
history, culture, environment (4), and economy of Dongdaemun and creates subtle harmony
between urban design and landscape and architecture.
Covering an area of roughly 83,000 sq metres, the Metonymic Landscape, the Design Plaza
with 4 stories above ground (5) and 3 stories underground is scheduled to be completed at the
end of 2011 along with the Design Park and the restored Seoul Castle wall.The Design Plaza is
home to an exhibition (6) and conventional hall, a design museum, a design exhibition hall, an
information and training center, a learning center, a resource center, a digital (7) archive, a design
and media lab, and other facilities.
It will be a global design hub by attracting (8) various national and international design exhibitions,
building a design-related network at home and abroad (9), and operating a design lab and a
cutting-edge design information system.It will support the fashion (10) industry, a core urban
industry in Seoul, by creating and managing a fashion map, offering information on fashion,
providing support for marketing, production, and training (11).

Lesson 5, Ex 4
1. d
2. c
3. g
4. b
5. a
6. f
7. e

In collegamento al programma di letteratura italiana, storia e disegno dellultimo anno, si possono
effettuare ricerche ed ulteriori approfondimenti, sia relative alle singole opere dei suddetti
architetti che ad altre figure, anche minori, legate allarchitettura moderna e contemporanea.


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ENEL Green Power and Renzo Piano

Rovereto, October 17th, 2011 The prototype for an innovative mini-turbine blade was unveiled
today at Rovereto. In attendance were local authorities, Enel Green Power and renowned
Genoese architect Renzo Piano, who developed it in partnership with the Enel company devoted
to renewable sources of energy. Taking advantage of research into new, lighter, more resistant
materials and new technological solutions, a new concept for the wind turbine which is more
sensitive to low-altitude and more diffused winds was developed.

In fact, the new wind turbine developed by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop has a capacity
of 55 kW and is capable of continuously generating electricity since it can take advantage of
winds travelling as slow as 2 meters/second. The project also seeks to achieve a more natural
integration of the turbine with the area in which it is located through a low environmental impact.
A two-bladed turbine was viewed more favourably than a three-bladed turbine since it throws
one-third less flicker and, when there is a complete lack of wind, it offers a silhouette of a thin
vertical line (the tower) and two vertical blades that are aligned and that hang horizontally.

The prototype was in fact created in Rovereto, home of Metalsistem, in a special laboratory set
up specifically for this purpose called the giraffe house. The wind turbine does indeed look like
a giraffe, whose blades sprout from the open roof of its home. Mass production for the Italian
market will begin once testing is completed. Testing will be carried out over a 12-month period at
the Molinetto test field in Pisa, which is also home to the Enel research centre.

As to distribution, the innovative turbine will be used at Enel Green Power plants in Italy and
abroad, and will also be marketed in Italy through the franchise network of the Enel Group retail
company. The mini-wind turbine created by Renzo Piano is also expected to be used outside of
Italy, in the United States, where the mini-wind turbine has a long tradition, and in France, Spain
and Greece.
Questions about the text
1. Which are the main features of this prototype of wind-turbine?
2. Which kind of information do we have about mass production and distribution on the market
after testing?
Questions about the chapter
1. Write about Lloyd Wrights examples of architectural genius and love for nature.
2. Describe the main trends about modern architecture at the beginning of the 20th century.


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Questa verifica, da effettuare nel corso della lezione conclusiva del capitolo, si presta a una
valutazione di questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 5-6 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 30 punti
2. 20 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


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Indicazioni preliminari
Il nono Chapter dedicato ai grattacieli, dai primi esemplari costruiti alla fine del diciannovesimo
secolo fino agli esempi pi recenti. Le sette Lesson sono focalizzate su:
i primi grattacieli
cenni storici inerenti periodo ed innovazioni tecniche
la struttura interna di questo tipo di edifici
il Burj Khalifa, grattacielo di ultima generazione
la Hearst Tower, esempio di bioedilizia
la tematica della sicurezza nei grattacieli dopo l11 settembre 2001
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo, pi una per lo svolgimento
degli esercizi proposti, leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in poco
pi di due mesi. La collocazione ottimale dal punto di vista didattico alla fine dellultimo anno
del corso di studi, con il supporto di tutte le conoscenze delle materie tecniche e letterarie.

Lesson 1, Ex 2

1. Who invented the elevator?

2. Which are the materials used in skyscrapers?
3. Which devices helped the construction of skyscrapers?
4. Which process made the mass steel production possible?
5. Who is considered to be the real inventor of the structure of the skyscraper?
6. Who imagined a one-mile-high skyscraper?

Lesson 1, Ex 4
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a

Lesson 2, Ex 2

1. Chicago
2. Home Insurance Building
3. 1885, 1931
4. 10 floors, 138 feet
5. fire, 1871
6. a fireproof, metal frame
7. steel and granite structure

Lesson 2, Ex 4

After the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 destroyed a third of the city, including the entire central
business district, Chicago experienced rapid rebuilding and growth. During Chicagos rebuilding
(2) period, the worlds first skyscraper was constructed (3) in 1885 using steel (4)-skeleton
construction. Ever since the city was rebuilt, it became known (5) as the Second City, since the
first city was largely destroyed (6) in the Fire. During Chicagos rebuilding period, the worlds
first skyscraper was constructed in 1885 using steel-skeleton construction. The building (7) led

Teacher's book

to the future in the skyscrapers. In 1888, a Minneapolis architect (8) named Leroy S. Buffington
was granted a patent on the idea of building skeletal-frame tall buildings. He even proposed the
construction of a 28-story stratosphere-scraper--a notion mocked by the architectural press (9)
of the time as impractical and ridiculous.

Lesson 2, Ex 5
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. False

Lesson 4, Ex 1
1. superstructure
2. tree
3. trunk
4. inside
5. support
6. winds
7. beams

Lesson 4, Ex 3

1. After deciding the location of the building,

plan carefully any details about the construction
2. Dig the foundations
3. Get the materials together
4. Build the internal skeleton frame
5. Install the elevators
6. Construct the external skin
7. Complete the finishings of the structure and
get people in it

Lesson 4, Ex 4
1. c
2. e
3. g
4. d
5. f
6. a
7. b

Lesson 4, Ex 7

The Skyscraper Competition

Established in 2006, the annual Skyscraper Competition recognizes outstanding ideas (1)
that redefine skyscraper design through the use of new technologies, materials (2), programs,
aesthetics, and spatial organizations, along with studies on globalization, flexibility, adaptability,
and the digital revolution. This is also an investigation on the public and private space (3) and
the role of the individual and the collective in the creation of a dynamic and adaptive vertical
community. The award seeks to discover young (4) talent, whose ideas will change the way we
understand architecture (5) and its relationship with the natural and built environments.
The first place was awarded to Atelier CMJN (Julien Combes, Gal Brul) from France for their
LO2P Recycling Skyscraper in New Delhi, India. The project is designed (6) as a large-scale
wind turbine that filters polluted air (7) with a series of particle collector membranes, elevated
greenhouses, and mineralization baths.

The second place was awarded to Yoann Mescam, Paul-Eric Schirr-Bonnans, and Xavier SchirrBonnans from France for a dome-like horizontal skyscraper that harvests solar (8) energy, collects
rainwater, and preserves the existing urban fabric at ground level thanks (9) to its large skylights
and small footprint.

EVolo Magazine, which organizes the competition, would like to acknowledge all the competitors
for their effort, vision, and passion for architectural innovation and the members of the Jury for
their knowledge, time, and enthusiasm during the long (10) review process.


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Lesson 5, ex 3

As reported by Associated Press, 4th of January 2010 in the Dubai Emirate was officially opened
the tallest building in the world Burj Khalifa Tower (during construction called Burj Dubai).
The tower is a city in the city with its own lawns, boulevards and parks. It has a usable area
of 334000 square meters, distributed on 160 floors. The cost of this magnificent construction is
estimated at $ 1.5 billion, while the total cost of Downtown Dubai architectural complex is valued
at $ 20 billion. The building is owned 16 world records of different classes. In particular the most
attitudinal pool is located on the 76 floor of the Tower. On the 158th floor, located the most
high-altitude stationary mosque in the world. The project Burj Khalifa embodied characteristic
of Muslim architecture solutions but, at the same time, Burj Khalifa Tower is a construction built
under the modern standards using the latest building technologies. The building stands on the 50
m thick reinforced concrete base, which is supported by 43 meter long reinforced concrete piles
1.5 meter in diameter. Also in terms of seismic and geotechnical analysis it is an unique work.

Lesson 5, Ex 5
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True

Lesson 6, Ex 1

1. current
2. new
3. safer
4. completely
5. installed to be used in case of emergency
6. rescue multilevel elevators, aerial rescue platforms and helicopters

Lesson 6, Ex 2

1. Which event has determined the need for more safety about skyscrapers?
2. Which are the structural solutions for such a problem?
3. Can you remember any other prevention measures?
4. How can you evacuate a greater number of people?
5. Which new devices are today on the market?

Lesson 6, Ex 3

The terrorist act on New Yorks World Trade Center Towers was the first attack on a megacity in the 21st (1) century. How do we reduce the vulnerability of our society (2) to a terrorist
attack? One way would be to simply avoid them through anticipation and prevention (3). The
11th of September, however, proved the limits of that approach. What we suggest is a built-in
redundancy in design (4) and operation of big cities in emergency situations, similar to a second
or third airbag built into a car, which would inflate in progression. This redundancy would not
only extend to structural (5) engineering of buildings, but also to other key systems such as
Recent advances in materials science and engineering make it possible to design construction
materials (6) for specific performances. Under high temperatures, a new generation of cementbased or ceramic composite materials could be employed in innovative ways on critical structural
components, providing redundancy of fire resistance. This would increase the time of dimensional
stability (7)of the structural components, thus increasing the time for evacuation.

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The next generation (8) of skyscrapers must also consider efficient built-in evacuation schemes
in their design and operation, including protection for firefighters, with wireless and wearable
information technology (9).
Finally, the best we can do is to respond to such tragic events in a decisive and swift way so that
they will not occur again, and their impact on our metropolis will be minimized.

Lesson 7, Ex 2

1. What is LEED?
2. What are ceilings and floors made of?
3. What is special about windows
4. How many floors did the old Hearst Tower have?
5. What is the shape of this skyscraper?

Lesson 7, Ex 4
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. doesnt say

Il capitolo si presta ad approfondimenti inerenti i materiali utilizzati nei grattacieli, alle tematiche
interconnesse di stabilit e sicurezza, alla storia relativa agli Stati Uniti nel periodo della costruzione
dei primi grattacieli, oltre che a unanalisi economica con il raffronto tra quel periodo e la societ


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Students name ........................................................................ Class .......... Date ....................

The worlds fastest elevator

We live in a vertical world. Despite suburban sprawl, most of Earths population is packed
into cities that have nowhere to go but up. With skyscrapers climbing to ever-greater altitudes,
the challenge is not only how to scale these heights, but how to do so safely, comfortably and
conveniently. The elevator system installed in Taiwans new Taipei 101 tower (one of the worlds
tallest buildings) pushes the limits of people-mover technology. To get from basement to the top
much faster than what this building affords, warns one expert, would require the sort of training
fighter pilots have to undergo.

Surprisingly, achieving the height and speed required for Taipei 101 was the easy part. The real
challenge was the human factor. To hold down noise -for those in the building, as well as in the
elevators- the observation-deck shuttles are shaped like twin-nosed bullets, reducing aerodynamic
drag. They are equipped with sound-isolation devices, acoustic tiles and isolated floor platforms.
Even the counterweights are aerodynamic.

With a very low cabin noise level, the Taipei 101 elevators are quieter than most cars would be at
that speed, but as anyone whos flown a few times can tell you, its the change in altitude that plays
havoc with the human ear. The middle ear is a bit like a balloon, and if you cant adjust pressure
by yawning or swallowing, the results are unpleasant at the least. The trade publicationElevator
Worldreports the 1346-ft express elevators to the observation deck at Chicagos Sears Tower had
to be slowed down after a visitors eardrum ruptured.

The biggest challenge is on descent, when air pressure rises. So, twin air-pressure/exhaust
control systems have been mounted atop each of Taipei 101s high-speed elevators. They begin
preconditioning the cars air pressure as soon as the doors close, then continue working as the car
starts to accelerate. More elevating challenges are on the horizon, including a mile-high skyscraper
like the one Frank Lloyd Wright proposed for Chicago.
Questions about the text
1. Which are these elevators like from the technical point of view?
2. Which are the issues connected to these elevators?
Questions about the chapter
1. Describe the internal structure of a skyscraper.
2. Hearst Tower and its eco-friendly features.


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Questa verifica, da effettuare alla fine del capitolo sui materiali, si presta a una valutazione di
questo tipo:
le prime due domande, relative al testo, richiedono risposte ottimali di 4-5 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti
le altre due domande, relative al capitolo svolto, richiedono risposte di 6-7 righe con un
punteggio complessivo di 50 punti, cos distribuito:
1. 25 punti
2. 25 punti


Teacher's book



Indicazioni preliminari
Il decimo Chapter dedicato alle attivit di preparazione pre-esame ed ai colloqui di lavoro. Le
sei Lesson hanno lobiettivo di accompagnare lo studente negli ultimi mesi conclusivi del corso di
studi, con consigli teorici e pratici per le prove scritte e orali. Pi in particolare, sono dedicate a:
informazioni preliminari sui punteggi delle singole prove
preparazione di una tesina interdisciplinare completa e incisiva
scelta di argomenti idonei
comportamenti pi idonei per la prova orale
primo colloquio di lavoro e allelaborazione di un curriculum efficace.
Tempi di svolgimento
Ipotizzando una lezione di unora per la spiegazione di ogni singolo testo, una per lo svolgimento
degli esercizi proposti, leffettuazione della verifica scritta, le interrogazioni e lapprofondimento
della sezione Get into Real Life Situations!, si pu prevedere di completare il Chapter in due
mesi, alla fine dellultimo anno.

Lesson 1, Ex 2

1. What is the maximum amount of credits?

2. What is the maximum amount of the three written tests?
3. What is the maximum amount of the oral test?
4. What is the composition of the Commission?
5. How many students take the exam every year?
6. What us the third written tests peculiarity?

Lesson 2, Ex 3
Exams can be easy if you know what to do!
Hi everyone! Its Tim here. Im going to tell you something interesting (1) about the exam I
took (2) last month. Ive always thought about exams in a very uncomfortable (3) way and every
time my mind was set about that day, I felt stuck (4) and terrified, not knowing where to begin.
Luckily, my teachers were very good at showing (5) me the right steps to take in order to be
prepared, relaxed and ready (6) on that day. Its so easy if you study regularly (7) and are well
informed about what the examination will be like. First of all, you should (8) know exactly the
content of the whole syllabus for each subject (9), then you ought to carry out all the written tests
of the previous (10) years to get a clear idea of what you are supposed (11) to know. Finally, youd
better (12) repeat orally everything to be sure about your unwritten skills (13). Are you ready?
Im sure youll manage to do it!

Lesson 2, Ex 4
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True


Teacher's book

Lesson 3, Ex 3
Basic steps in writing an essay
1. analyse the question and define key terms
2. establish a possible thesis/ point of view
3. research the topic and use credible academic sources for support and evidence
4. take notes from your readings
5. write an essay plan and organise your ideas
6. write your first draft to include your introduction, body and conclusion
7. set the draft aside for a day or two, then read it through and make changes
8. edit and redraft your essay
9. have a friend/parent/colleague read it
10. complete or check your references and bibliography
11. final draft completed - hand it in

Lesson 4, Ex 2
Tips for oral exams
Hello to all the students who are with us! Here is some great advice (1) to survive the oral exam
you are going to take and get an excellent mark. First of all, there are some differences (2) to take
into account between written and oral exams. In fact, oral exams can be in the form of questions,
suggestions or topic (3) areas but questions depends on how a student answers (4) previous
questions, which are usually open-ended and ask for opinions (5) and ideas. Moreover, higher
marks may be awarded for problem solving (6), analysis and method, as well as interpersonal
communication and presentation. After getting to know exactly what are the most common (7)
questions, making a lot of practice talking about the topic is necessary. If you have the possibility
to speak in front of your schoolmates and teachers, that would be a great way to get feedback
(8) about your tone of voice and volume, too. Looking and acting professional is decisive about
your behaviour on the examination day, as well as keeping good posture and maintain eye contact
and making rehearsals can help you a lot. And remember, smile as you leave and shake (9) your
teachers hands!

Lesson 4, Ex 4
1. c
2. a
3. f
4. e
5. g
6. b
7. d

Lesson 5, Ex 3

My first job interview

About one year ago, I had (1) a phone interview with a popular local company (2) and I felt so
excited about this great opportunity. As it was my first (3) formal interview, I decided to prepare
it accurately. First of all, I did a lot of homework: I checked through the possible interview
questions and prepared answers, while also researching the companys background. I found a lot
of websites which were really useful (4) to get ideas and solutions.
It took me a whole week (5) to prepare myself. Even so, my voice was still shaking when the
interview started (6). The interviewer told me Tell me about yourself in one minute and give
me an example of yourself as a team leader (7). I answered these questions without hesitation

Teacher's book

because I had already answered them. Then, the man asked, Why would you like to join (8) our
company? I answered his question from both professional advantage and social responsibility
of the company and he seemed to be satisfied (9) with my performance so far.After that, he
continued: Great, now tell me about one of your biggest weakness. Unfortunately, I didnt
expect this question (10). I remembered clearly that it was among the questions list, but I didnt
prepare for this one. Er I am a. This is not an easy question, because these weaknesses may
prevent the interviewer from hiring me. After a long pause, I decided to say (11) what came to
my mind first: I am a quick person, when something isnt done in time, I would get worried and
try to finish it as soon as possible.
Fail. When I finished this sentence, I realized (12) that I had lost this opportunity. You may
not get a job even if you provide many excellent answers, but you can definitely ruin it with
only one weak (13) response. After that interview I had a talk with a career coach and she said,
Take these interview questions seriously and prepare every one of them well. Only so you could
know yourself as an interviewee. You may still meet (14) some questions that you never expected
before. Dont worry at this point; try to bring those answers you already know to prove that you
are the person they are looking (15) for.
Il capitolo si presta ad utilizzare tutto il materiale di preparazione per lEsame di Stato,
tradotto e semplificato in lingua inglese, con il grande vantaggio di un capitolo interessante ed
immediatamente spendibile nel corso delle vicine prove scritte e orali.
Verifica di fine capitolo
In rete sono state inserite alcune simulazioni di terza prova incentrate sul programma dellultimo
anno di corso, con suggerimenti per la preparazione e la successiva valutazione.


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