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Java is one of the most fertile islands in Indonesia.

Soil nutrition on the island is

constantly supplied by many volcanic eruption activities. It is no wonder that Java becomes one
of barns in Indonesia, with its main products are rice, vegetables, fruits, eggs and meat. I live in
one of the provinces on the island of Java, namely Yogyakarta Province. The Province is
currently experiencing significant development process, so it would potentially destroy the
agricultural land that is still remaining.
Yogyakarta is located on the south of Merapi Volcano. This mountain has a fairly
short eruption cycle, ie 3-5 years. Due to the presence of volcanic activities over thousands of
years, Yogyakarta has a very fertile soil. The amount of groundwater and surface water in this
province is also quite a lot, supported by good Merapi aquifer system. Yogyakarta is long enough
to be one of the province with a fairly extensive farmland. Due to the good environmental
conditions, then Yogyakarta becomes a quite developed province. Yogyakarta is also known as
one of the most comfortable provinces to live in Indonesia. Life expectancy in this province is
the highest in Indonesia. Not only that, this province also is referred to as a province of the
provincial education and culture in Indonesia. So no wonder, many students, college students and
even the general public who came to this province to learn or just travelling. Various dynamics of
community life can thrive in harmony in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is like a mini Indonesia, given
in it all tribes, nations and religions can walk in rhythm.
Where theres sugar there are many ants, thats the Indonesian proverb which describe

the condition of Yogyakarta. The amount of the appeal of this province has increase the amount
of coming migration. Responding to the challenges of development, this province had to give in
the fertile agricultural soil to build a wide range of properties. Currently the construction of
residential, shopping centers, offices, hotels and so has reached a critical stage. As more and
more demand for land for buildings, productive agricultural land should be replaced with
concrete high-rise buildings. The demand of land is increasing each year, even the price of land
and property rental prices in Yogyakarta is no longer rational because of the continuous high
demand. So no wonder if the remaining agricultural land already owned by large investors,
waiting to be built soon.
Uncontrolled urban development in addition to reducing the area of agricultural land
also damage the irrigation system. Irrigation canals become clogged and even lost by the
construction.The condition of Irrigation channels that have been made since the first colonial era
is now untreated. In some locations, irrigation that doesnt flow and even those that are dry has
been found. As a result, farmers found difficulties in irrigating agricultural land. Then, Many of
them let the farm without being treated so that it is only a bare land. Automatically, food
production and farmers' income will drop drastically.
Other problems that arises are the loss of young people who became farmers. Jobs as
farmers are no longer able to meet their basic needs. This condition is worsen by the prices of
necessities of life that are always increasing due to high inflation rate. In addition, work as

farmers is regarded as a lowly job, so that the younger generation of this province would prefer
another job. The young workers prefer to go into the cities to look for another job, because the
salary they could obtain is much higher than those who work as a farmer. In addition, they feel
that other jobs are more dignified than having to go to the field for planting.
Another problem that is quite complicated is the economic value of land used for
agriculture is much lower than the land which is used as a business location. Making the land as
a place to sell or rent will be more profitable than making agricultural land. Therefore, the
conversion of agricultural land into land for buildings is very high in the province of Yogyakarta.
If this condition is not addressed, then in the next few decades, Yogyakarta province will not be
able to produce food on their own and will have to bring it from other regions. Of course the
prices of food will be more expensive due to the transportation costs becoming more expensive.
In fact, the local government has provided regulation on spatial and land use.
However, it is unfortunate because the applicability in the field often do not comply with the
regulations that have been made. In addition to the lack of strict implementation of regulations as
well as farmers and public economic demands. Farming community cant maintain the
agricultural land countinuosly due to agricultural lands will not yield enough to make a living.
They will get more income when agricultural land is transferred to other businesses. So no
wonder if the spatial planning maps that have been made does not fit in the field. It is our
common concern because the absence of agricultural land that is capable to produce food, surely
will make us starved.
Such problems often arise in some developing countries, even in the developed
countries. The biggest Food-producing countries in the world such as China, India and some
countries in Southeast Asia which is still doing construction and development. This development
can be ascertained that it would threaten agricultural land, especially the lands that is still
productive. Some countries even had difficulties to overcome the problems, since they do not
anticipate it earlier. For example, Japan has lost a lot of farmers generations due to the younger
generation no longer wanted to go to the farm. Although this time the farmers has use many
mechanical tools, but when the number of farmers is decreased, the process of agricultural
production will still be disrupted.
The above problem is not a partial problem that does not correlated to one another.
However, this issue has become a cyclical and complex problem so that comprehensive manner
should be implemented to overcome the problems. Therefore, I offer some possible solutions to
overcome this problem. This is particularly applicable in Yogyakarta, but there is a possibility for
it to be applied in other areas that equally have similar problems. Here are some possible
1. Build the house for people in a vertical, and high rise as high buildings (apartment). People
are required to occupy the house with a particular mechanism. However, they still own rights





over their land. This is done in order to prohibit the people to not convert the agricultural land
to any other uses, because most of the agricultural land area reduction is due to conversion to
other uses.
Provide clear rules of land use. If needed, offenders should get very severe legal punishments.
This is due to the violation of zoning and development in Yogyakarta is still very common
Provide incentives to farmers, so that farmers feel the ease of production and sell their
products. The government also should set the prices of agricultural products, because the
farmers are often at a disadvantaged position due to high production costs but very low selling
Provide high appreciation to the farmers and enable them in the affairs of others, even perhaps
freeing them from the burden of taxes and the cost of education. Thus, more and more people
are keen to engage in farming. Do not let the number of farmers decreased drastically due to
the younger generation no longer wanted to be a farmer.
Provide good agricultural education for all young people, starting at an early age would open
their insights into agriculture. This is expected to spur the spirit of the young generation to
develop agriculture in a way that is better.
Establish and maintain irrigation canals again. damaged irrigation would be very difficult for

I know that when I say this problems and solutions as a person, or write to the
government, the letter will only add to the stack of paper in the government office. I also know
that the proposed of common people in the region I live in is not going to be heard if only
delivered by themselves. I'm sure if I expressed my concerns through the Youth Ag-Summit, my
aspirations will be heard, even by the whole world. I would be very proud if a farmer in my
country can be further developed as well as my country free from the problem of hunger.
Providing food for mankind not only the obligation of farmers, but also our collective obligation.

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