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Contoh action research:

Organizational Characteristics and Issues Affecting the Longevity

of Self-Help Groups for Parents of Children With Special Needs
Gillian King, Debra Stewart, Susanne King, Mary Law
In this article, the organizational characteristics and issues affecting the maintenance of nine self-help groups
for parents of children with special needs are discussed. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with
20 parents and observation of six group meetings. For continued existence, groups must deal with the
challenges of encouraging new leaders, attracting new members, obtaining funds or assistance to support their
activities, and meeting the changing needs of members. Important organizational characteristics associated
with longevity are committed and effective leadership, community connections that help provide needed funds or
practical assistance, and the willingness of group members to change activities to meet changing needs. This
information can be used by parents and service providers to plan new groups, recruit group members, and
ensure the effective functioning of groups as they change over time.

Contoh ethnografi:

PostBreast Cancer Lymphedema and the Family: A

Qualitative Investigation of Families Coping With
Chronic Illness
M. Elise Radina, M.S., C.F.L.E.
University of Missouri-Columbia
Jane M. Armer, Ph.D., R.N.C.
Sinclair School of Nursing

The number of women who experience breast cancer is increasing. Meanwhile there
have been improvements in technologies used for detection and intervention. As a
result, more women are living as breast cancer survivors
who are now dealing with issues of quality of life related to the aftereffects of
treatments. For about one third of women who have treatments involving the removal of
and/or irradiation of the axillary lymph nodes, secondary lymphedema of the arm is likely
to develop.We take a qualitative approach to investigating how lymphedema affects
these women and their families in terms of task completion and family functioning. The
Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response (FAAR) Model is used to interpret findings.
These indicate that families who are more flexible in modifying daily tasks and who have
preexisting resources for coping with stressors have more positive outcomes than do
those families who are rigid and cope with stressors poorly.
Address all correspondence to M. Elise Radina, Department of Human Development and Family
Studies, University of MissouriColumbia, 314 Gentry Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211; e-mail:
JOURNAL OF FAMILY NURSING, 2001, 7(3), 281-299
2001 Sage Publications

Contoh fenomenologi:
Intensive Care Med (2007) 33:10331040. DOI 10.1007/s00134-007-0637-8 PEDIATRIC

JanN.M. Schieveld, Piet L. J. M. Leroy, Jim van Os, Joost Nicolai, GijsD. Vos,
Albert F. G., Leentjens

Pediatric delirium in critical illness:

phenomenology, clinical correlates and treatment
response in 40 cases
in the pediatric intensive care unit
Objective: To study the phenomenology, clinical correlates, and response to
treatment of delirium in critically ill children in the pediatric intensive care unit
Design, setting and patients: Descriptive study of a cohort of child psychiatric
consultations from a tertiary PICU between January 2002 and December 2005.
Demographic data, clinical presentation, and response to treatment of children
subsequently diagnosed with delirium were analyzed.
Results: Out of 877 admissions (age distribution 018 years) arose 61 requests for
psychiatric assessment. Of the 61 children, 40 (15 girls and 25 boys) were diagnosed
with delirium (cumulative incidence 5%; mean age 7.6 years). Age-specific incidence
rates varied from 3% (03 years) to 19% (1618 years). In addition to the classical
hypoactive and hyperactive presentations, a third presentation was apparent,
characterized mainly by anxiety, with a higher prevalence in boys. All but 2 of the 40
children received antipsychotic medication: 27 (68%) haloperidol, 10 (25%)
risperidone, and 1 both in succession. Two children treated with haloperidol
experienced an acute torticollis as side effect. All children made a complete recovery
from the delirium; five, however, died of their underlying disease.
Conclusion: The rate of delirium in critically ill children on a PICU is not negligible, yet
prospective studies of the phenomenology, risk factors and treatment of childhood
delirium are very rare. Once pediatric delirium has been recognized, it generally
responds well to treatment.
Keywords Delirium Critically ill children Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
Consensus meetings
Haloperidol Risperidone

triangulasi adalah proses mencari koordinat dan jarak sebuah titik dengan mengukur sudut antara
titik tersebut dan dua titik referensi lainnya yang sudah diketahui posisi dan jarak antara keduanya.
Koordinat dan jarak ditentukan dengan menggunakan hukum sinus.

Triangulasi dalam Penelitian Kualitatif (Rahardjo, 2010)

Triangulasi pada hakikatnya merupakan pendekatan multimetode yang dilakukan peneliti
pada saat mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data. Ide dasarnya adalah bahwa fenomena yang
diteliti dapat dipahami dengan baik sehingga diperoleh kebenaran tingkat tinggi jika didekati
dari berbagai sudut pandang. Memotret fenomena tunggal dari sudut pandang yang
berbeda-beda akan memungkinkan diperoleh tingkat kebenaran yang handal. Karena
itu, triangulasi ialah usaha mengecek kebenaran data atau informasi yang diperoleh
peneliti dari berbagai sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan cara mengurangi sebanyak
mungkin bias yang terjadi pada saat pengumpulan dan analisis data.
Teknik triangulasi terbukti mampu mengurangi bias dan kekurangan yang diakibatkan oleh
pengukuran dengan satu metode atau cara saja. Pada masa 1950an hingga 1960an, metode
tringulasi tersebut mulai dipakai dalam penelitian kualitatif sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan
pengukuran validitas dan memperkuat kredibilitas temuan penelitian dengan cara
membandingkannya dengan berbagai pendekatan yang berbeda.
Karena menggunakan terminologi dan cara yang mirip dengan model paradigma positivistik
(kuantitatif), seperti pengukuran dan validitas, triangulasi mengundang perdebatan cukup
panjang di antara para ahli penelitian kualitatif sendiri. Alasannya, selain mirip dengan cara
dan metode penelitian kuantitatif, metode yang berbeda-beda memang dapat dipakai untuk
mengukur aspek-aspek yang berbeda, tetapi toh juga akan menghasilkan data yang berbedabeda pula. Kendati terjadi perdebatan sengit, tetapi seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, metode
triangulasi semakin lazim dipakai dalam penelitian kualitatif karena terbukti mampu
mengurangi bias dan meningkatkan kredibilitas penelitian.
Dalam berbagai karyanya, Norman K. Denkin mendefinisikan triangulasi sebagai gabungan
atau kombinasi berbagai metode yang dipakai untuk mengkaji fenomena yang saling terkait
dari sudut pandang dan perspektif yang berbeda. Sampai saat ini, konsep Denkin ini dipakai
oleh para peneliti kualitatif di berbagai bidang. Menurutnya, triangulasi meliputi empat hal,
yaitu: (1) triangulasi metode, (2) triangulasi antar-peneliti (jika penelitian dilakukan dengan

kelompok), (3) triangulasi sumber data, dan (4) triangulasi teori. Berikut penjelasannya.

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