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Entrepreneurship in Romania:
Females versus males

Executive summary

The purpose of this study is to provide insights regarding the profile of the Romanian
female and male entrepreneurs, their motivation for opening a business and factors
influencing the process of opening a business. In order to fulfil the objectives
mentioned above, a quantitative method will be chosen, in order to gather the primary
data. The instrument used was the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be online.
Before designing the final form of the questionnaire, a preliminary research will be
conducted. The advantages of this method is that this method requires minimum costs
and requires less time in gathering the necessary data, than other instruments.
Population and target group
The chosen population is the population from Iasi and the target group is represented
by males and females,that own at least one business, with ages starting from 18 years
Data collection
The method used in gathering data will be the online survey based on a questionnaire.
The respondents will be selected according to the next criteria: being a resident of the
Iasi city, owning a business at the actual moment.
The questionnaire will be spread through e-mail and the data will be gathered in 2
weeks. The estimated time for completing the questionnaire was around 7 minutes.

Proposed analysis and expected results

After the primary research will be conducted, using the survey, the collected
data will be analysed with either using SPSS or Excel. The expected results
should provide insights regarding the motivational factors when opening a
business, for romanian female and male entrepreneurs. the factors influencing
the process of opening a business, for female and male entrepreneurs from Iasi,
Also insights regarding the profile of female and male entrepreneurs from Iasi,
Romania will be provided and the profile of the Romanian female and male
entrepreneurs will be defined.


Nowadays people developing businesses became one of the fastest growing population
in the world. The entrepreneurs are bringing significant contributions in terms of
innovations, employment and economic development. Many authors debate on the
power of running a business from a female or a male perspective. The opinions are
spread on one side or the other, regarding the entrepreneurial field, regarding the
potential of women entrepreneurs versus the potential of male entrepreneurs.

Decisional context
Research problem
The research problem of the conducted research consists in providing insights related
to the profile of female and male entrepreneurs from Iasi, Romania.
Research objectives
According to the research proposal, the objectives of the research are:

Define the motivational factors in opening a business, for female and male
entrepreneurs from Iasi, Romania.
Define the factors influencing the process of opening a business, for female
and male entrepreneurs from Iasi, Romania.
Define the profile of female and male entrepreneurs from Iasi, Romania.

Literature review
History of entrepreneurship
Modern business theory argues that entrepreneurs are the ones that through innovation
and the development of their business, transform the circular flow of economic
statistics in a dynamic flow. But from where do the roots of the entrepreneurship
begin? Mihai Ghenea (2011, p. 31), says that in all historical periods, be it ancient
times, be it medieval age, entrepreneurship has been linked to more than pastoral or
agricultural activities, or engineering and architecture .Many of the castles, fortresses,
churches and bridges that were built in this period, even if they were ordered by the
kings, were still made by architects and engineers who have managed large projects
such as the business today. In this sense, people like Leonardo da Vinci or
Michelangelo were also still some entrepreneurs .Skipping the end of the Renaissance
and Middle Ages, European Industrial Revolution in England was in reality the event
that fundamentally changed the relationship between labour and capital, enabling a
new type of entrepreneurship, the one that we refer to today.
In the opinion of Mihai Ghenea (2011, p.32), Romanian entrepreneur, a clear moment
of entrepreneurship was in 1775 , the year in which James Watt made a partnership

with Matthew Boulton to exploit patented improved steam engine .This year may be
considered the date of birth of modern entrepreneurship because it is important from
many points of view: the business has become a tremendous success in the next 120
years, becoming one of the leading British manufacturer of steam engines .During this
time, it was established the first American company joint- stock, also .
According to Berg Nina Gunnerud in the article entitled Gender, place and
entrepreneurship, starting a business is referred as one of the phases of
entrepreneurial activity, meaning that this isnt seen as a starting point in
entrepreneurship. By searching and finding entrepreneurial opportunities and later,
using them into your own benefit, this is what, according to the article, is seen as the
starting point of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is a complex concept, which many authors, specialists of different
fields like economy, sociology, psychology and sciences, along the years, tried and still
try to define it. Despite all efforts, no consensus has been reached regarding the
margins of the definition of entrepreneurship, but one thing on which everyone agrees
is that the entrepreneurship positively influences on a countrys economy. Another
thing that the majority agrees regarding entrepreneurship, is that it is more a behaviour
rather than a personality trait.
In the majority of the definitions about entrepreneurship, there is a common
agreement, related to entrepreneurship as being represented by a behaviour defined
by taking initiative, organizing and reorganizing of social and economic mechanisms
to turn resources and situations into practical account and accepting risk of failure.
Authors defined entrepreneurial activity in various ways. Kjeldsen and Nielsen (2000,
p.6), are defining it as the growth of newly enterprises constitutes the sustenance in
terms of maintaining a countrys global competing force, economic growth, economic
development, employment, and living condition.
According to Robert Hisrich (2009, p.52) the entrepreneurship is a the creation of
something distinct with value through allocating the essential time and effort,
assuming the accompanying financial, psychological, and social risks that come along
and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction.
Peter Drucker (1985, p.22) is describing the entrepreneur as a person looking
permanently for changes, responds and explores them as an opportunity. The definition
given by him related to entrepreneurship describes it as the process of starting a
business after you identified opportunities. Most often, entrepreneurship is difficult to
initiate and a large part of these initiatives ended up with bankruptcy. Entrepreneurial
activities are substantially different depending on the type of organization initiated and
entrepreneurship, itself, can take different forms, from individual projects to large
scale initiatives that create jobs.
There is a theory according to which the term entrepreneurship or the studies made
on it, can be split in two conceptualization categories (Robert Hisrich,2009, p.54)
Firstly, according to Gartner Gartner (1988, p.62), is related to entrepreneurship as the
development of new enterprises. To be more specific, when selling an invention,
product, if the inventor uses his existing firm there isn't any entrepreneurial act.

On the other hand, the other category sees the entrepreneurship as the creation of new
economic activity. Any product, invention can be sold, as Robert Hisrich (2009, p.58),
says by existing or newly created firms or through trading them on the market

Types of Entrepreneurship
According to Mihai Ghenea (2011), there are three types of entrepreneurship.
Generally when we talk about entrepreneurs, we think only at those people who
develop their own business project based on an idea, assuming the risks that it implies
and finally benefiting from the results of the business, if it becomes successful. But in
reality, there are many areas in which, based on an idea, people can develop valuable
projects, not only business, but other types of projects: social, political, research.
Social entrepreneurship. This type of entrepreneurship has been identified only after
1960.The most remarkable example of social entrepreneurship is Florence
Nightingale, who developed the first independent school of nurses. Social
entrepreneurship consists identifying a social problem and start solving this social
problem throughout specific business methods like structuring an organization and
adaptation action, financing and development of NGO's.
Netrepreneurship. This types of entrepreneurs have dramatically changed the global
image of the modern economy, starting with the 90s, they are based on an
unprecedented growth that culminated with companies Google or Facebook.
Intrapreneurship. It is an action to support those managers within an organization to
accomplish goals related to development or change, throughout business methods.

Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development

In highly-developed and developing countries, today, entrepreneurship became an
essential fundamental in fast economic growth. Speaking about the role of
entrepreneurship in economic growth, this action is not only about growing the capital
production and income. It is also about initiating and constituting change in the
business and society.
In their effort to carry out such activities , prospective entrepreneurs are supported in
their development by a large number of organizations, government agencies, business
incubators or even NGOs .Entrepreneurship has a significant contribution to society
and the development process of it, some of its obvious benefits are:
creating new markets through creative capacity and resources that they benefit
of, the entrepreneurs can meet new needs with new innovative products
discovery of new resources - entrepreneurs are most dissatisfied with
traditional materials and resources and seek to find alternatives to ease the task
and to improve their performance .
leverage resources - the status of the organizers and coordinators of the process
for obtaining a product , entrepreneurs are directly responsible for the proper

allocation of capital and human resources. Combining them effectively

provides competitive advantage.
the introduction of new technologies , industries and products - innovative and
risk lovers , entrepreneurs take advantage of every opportunity to turn it into a
profit opportunity .
creating jobs -millions of jobs are created by the private sector , being among
the top of employers. The entrepreneur represents often the force necessary to
achieve economic progress throughout innovation , investing the resources and
desire to progress the development of new opportunities. Entrepreneur's work
creates new ways to define problems, he brings innovation, creativity,
initiative, direct action and development of opportunities.

The Entrepreneur
Economical function versus individual characteristics
After defining entrepreneurship, it is appropriate to focus on the person that does all
this activity, the entrepreneur.
As in the case of entrepreneurship, there isn't a clear definition of the entrepreneur, the
analysts defining the role of the entrepreneur in the literature, in different ways and from
different points of view.
The Entrepreneurship's study can be split into two approaches: some authors define the
entrepreneurial activity as being an economical function, while the other approach focuses
on the individual characteristics (Stevenson,2000, p.4).
Individual Characteristics Approach
According to the individual characteristics perspective, the essence of the noun
entrepreneur comes from France and in translation has the meaning of one who
takes in between (Deakins & Freel, 2003, p.3). According to Swedberg (2000, p.11),
the entrepreneur is found firstly in the Middle Ages and had the meaning of the person
who is active, who gets things done. Around 1723 in France the entrepreneur was
described as being someone that manufactures a project In the 18th century, England
had defined the entrepreneur as being also an undertaker or an adventurer.
From Baumols (1990, p.897) perspective, the entrepreneurs are seen as creative
persons in terms of finding ways that add to their own wealth, power and prestige.
Other analysts were defining the entrepreneur as a person which starts its own, new
and small business. One analyst being against these definition is Drucker (1985,
p.45)which says that not every new small business is entrepreneurial or represents
entrepreneurship. Also, not every entrepreneurial business is innovative.
According to Peter Drucker (1985, p.47) the entrepreneurs are people who see
change as the standard. Entrepreneurs regard change as essential and welcome it as
beneficial to the lives of big corporations and small businesses alike.

Some other authors, like,

Joseph Schumpeter(Brouwer, 2002, p.90)define
entrepreneur as an innovator and one who develops untried technology, while David
McClelland (1961)opinioned that entrepreneur is an energetic, moderate risk taker.
From the perspective of Albert Shapero (1976), the entrepreneur is that person which
takes initiative, organizes, some social and economic mechanism and accepts risks of
Economical Approach
A multitude of opinions and definitions have arisen in defining the entrepreneur,
economically. Presenting above researchers opinions about defining entrepreneur in
terms of individual characteristics, the next pages will present the opinions of experts
about the entrepreneur, from the economical perspective
Richard Cantillon and Jean Baptiste Say, two significant economic French analysts,
see the entrepreneur as being an organizer of factors of production (Deakins and
Freel, 2003, p.3).
In Cantillon's opinion the entrepreneur is the key player in economical development.
According to his theory the entrepreneur's role is related to individual property rights.
Cantillon's entrepreneur as a risk-taker, he defines him as being determinate to buy at a
certain price and sell at an uncertain price (Swedberg, 2000, p.78). In other words, in
his point of view, the entrepreneur is motivated to anticipate risk for the search of
Jean Baptiste Say sustains the central role of the entrepreneur in economic change and
growth. Say is seeing the entrepreneur as a trader of innovation, rather than an
innovator (Deakins and Freel, 2003, p.4).
Israel Kirzner, American economist, representing of the Austrian School of Economics,
studies the entrepreneurial activity from a cognitive point of view, focusing on
understanding the intrinsic stimuli that have a certain influence on the entrepreneurs
behavior (Das and Teng, 1998, p.71). Kirzner elaborates a theory of creative alertness,
pointing out the entrepreneurs behavior and desire to discover and utilize opportunities,
that others do not witness (Das and Teng, 1998, p.73). Summarizing, in Kirzners
opinion the entrepreneur is opportunistic in planning and showing evidence of low riskaverting behavior (Das and Teng, 1998, p.74).
Joseph Schumpeter, Austrian economist, founder of the term "creative destruction
through competition" is recognize as one of the most acknowledged figures in
entrepreneurship theory. Schumpeter sees the entrepreneur as being an innovator,
developing new technologies. In his opinion the entrepreneurs is related to the ability
of disturbing the economic status quo through innovations (Goss, 2005, p.206). From
Schumpeter's point of view the primary internal element in the evolution of capitalism
is related to innovation (Metcalfe, 2004, p.163). Innovation, or according to
Schumpeter's definition the carrying out of new combinations (Baumol, 1990,
p.896) is related to a new good's introduction, quality, the introduction of a new
method of production, new market segment's opening, the conquest of a new source
of supply of raw materials and also it refers to the carrying out of a new organization
of an industry (Ebner, 2003, p.130).

In Mark Casson's opinion, economics professor, the entrepreneur is defined as an

organizer of resources (Deakins and Freel, 2003, p.3). He sees the entrepreneur as a
specialized person in taking judgmental decisions about coordinating scarce resources
(Blaug, 2000, p.85). Cassons's entrepreneur possess a unique set of skills and
resources which enable him in gaining competitive advantage.

Types of Entrepreneurs
In defining the types of entrepreneurs, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor released a
study in 2000, in which uses the following terms to present entrepreneurship adult
Entrepreneurs in training - are those who are actively planning to start a business.
These entrepreneurs have taken concrete actions in the last 12 months to start a new
business which alone or jointly with others will hold. Activities such as organizing a
team, looking for equipment to start saving some money and prepare a business plan
can be considered as activities undertaken for starting a business. These businesses
haven't made payments of salary or any other payments to the owner in the last three
Owners of new firms - are those entrepreneurs who own and manage a business
operation that paid wages or any other payments made to owners for a period between
4 and 42 months. These companies have been started by a period of less than 42
Entrepreneurs in early stage - entrepreneurs include both emerging and new firm
entrepreneurs .Consecrate business owners are those entrepreneurs who own and
manage a company that paid wages or any other payments made by the owner for a
period greater than 42 months

Entrepreneurs - Born or Formed?

One of the issues that gave birth to many debates is whether entrepreneurs are born
with the qualities needed to develop entrepreneurial activities, or they can be educated
in this regard. According to a survey conducted in 2012, Dr.Noam Wasserman, a
professor at Harvard Business School, says that people can acquire skills needed to be
successful entrepreneurs. They can learn the technical processes and the mistakes of
others to avoid them.
On the other hand, Victor Hwang venture capitalist in Silicon Valley says that unlike
accounting, engineering or medicine, entrepreneurship can not be taught in schools.
According to him, the life of an entrepreneur is too messy. You must have a wide range

of personal experiences to help you get through unexpected moments, unprecedented

and difficult to quantify.
Scientific methods say...
A study conducted by auditing and consulting firm Ernst & Young (E & Y) shows that
60 % of successful entrepreneurs have previously worked in a large company, and
30% of them say that this was the key to success .
The Romanian entrepreneur Alexander Lapusan founder Zitec says that it is not a good
idea to go into entrepreneurship right after you finished school and it is advisable to
first work in a company. He mentions the importance of work experience in an
organized system. Firstly you see what a company is, how it works, what processes
and problems are there, how to find clients, how conflicts are resolved between
colleagues. If you enter directly into entrepreneurship, you will not have this
experience. You learn these things, but on your own money. He says it's fun to venture
into business without having the experience, but the chances of successful start- ups
are much lower. Thats because you have to learn and have performance at the same
time, which is difficult, he said in an interview for "The Manager" magazine.

Entrepreneur - Functions and attributes. The "4 A's"

Mihai Ghenea (2011, p. 46), Romanian entrepreneur, explains the classical theory of
the entrepreneurial functions, building a list of the "4 A's". In the next rows I will
present briefly the "4 A's" list built by him.
Aggregation. The first and most important function of an entrepreneur is the
aggregation of the various components that lead to the development of a business.
Traditionally, the entrepreneurs were seen as intermediaries between these components
of economic activity, but in reality, the entrepreneurial function is much more
complicated than a mere intermediary, is an aggregation of resources. An entrepreneur
must be able to put together more effectively, not just sources of capital with labor, but
also ideas, innovations, people's working in the business motivations .
Arbitration. According to Mihai Ghenea (2011, p.47 ), since the ancient times, the
winners were not the strongest or the fastest, but those who were best adapting to the
situation .To adapt as well to the existing situation and to intuit how accurately are the
changes that might occur in the future, you must have and use the best information.
This is actually arbitrage entrepreneurship: entrepreneurs use their own system of
business intelligence that helps them find information faster than the market, than
competitors. This information is critical for business success and the use of
asymmetric information is vital. Successful entrepreneurs use information asymmetry,
managed to turn it into an arbitration symmetry which gives them increased
Advance. The correct term would be innovation, but the term is more suitable for the
advance, when we talk about innovation, people start with the wrong idea, thinking
always that we only talk about these breakthrough innovations that change the
paradigm itself, such as the light bulb when in fact the discussion is about a lot of

small changes in the form of an advance towards a product, a service or a different

approach to the existing market.
Assumption (risks).An entrepreneurial function key is linked with risk-taking. There
are two categories of opinion. On the one hand there are proponents of the theory that
entrepreneurs are, by nature, people with high risk appetite. The second theory refers
to entrepreneurs who have an appetite for risk, assuming only controllable risks.
According to Mihai Ghenea (2011, p.46/47), this is the list of the four functions of
The Entrepreneur - personal characteristics
When speaking about the personal characteristics of an entrepreneur there is an
impediment, related to the difficulty of examining this subject (DeVries, 1977, p.43),
due to unclear definitions existing on the concept of entrepreneur (Deakins and Freel,
2003. p.4)
David McClelland (1987, p.223), American psychologist, sustains in his study of
entrepreneurship, that an successful entrepreneur should have the next key
high need in terms of adaptability achievement in perceiving and acting in
advantageous situations
the entrepreneur should take own initiative or responsibility, in terms of
undertaking an activity or creating changes
the entrepreneur is a moderate risk-taker, trying to avoid taking high risks;
the entrepreneur is spontaneous. He doesn't like to follow an habitual or fixed
way of doing things.
Another opinion regarding the qualities of an entrepreneur, in an Romanian
perspective this time, belongs to Mihai Ghenea (2011, p.41/43) which creates a profile
of the entrepreneur having the next mandatory qualities:
Intelligence and creativity
Knowledge of the industry
Perseverance and determination
Charisma and persuasion
Decision maker
Problem solver
Gut feeling
Positive Thinking
Passion for own business
Personal Ethics
Trust in people


Entrepreneurship environment in Romania

In political economics, entrepreneurship is the process of identifying and starting a
new business venture, sourcing and organizing the required resources, while taking
both the risks and rewards associated with the venture.
In Romania, from 5 youngsters one is an entrepreneur, nowadays, while the other four
have regular jobs!
Entrepreneurship can be a solution to the problems of economic development and
economical system cannot be stimulated without understanding. How does the
Romanian entrepreneurial economical system looks like today?
Surprising well, according to data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the
European Commission .Romania is the first country in the European Union in terms of
entrepreneurial intentions, 27% of Romanian saying they would start off on their own.
The percentage is more than double than the average in the European
However, problems arise when we look at sustainability of the entrepreneurship
.Romania ranks 6th in the European Union (as Austria, Estonia, Latvia, the
Netherlands and Slovakia ) in terms of total entrepreneurial activity : 9% of the
working population is in the process of starting a business or developing their own
start- ups. However it occupies last place in Europe in terms of sustainable
entrepreneurship: more than half of newly established companies fail to survive the
critical period of 42 months (they close or suspend their activity ).

Factors influencing the entrepreneurships environment development

Entrepreneurs characteristics
Entrepreneurs share a common set of features that help them start their own business
and increase their chances of success. These include leadership skills , ability to work ,
the degree of independence desired, risk tolerance or level of responsibility and willing
to assume. According to some studies, Romanians are not prepared in this regard and
feel the need to develop these characteristics through educational programs.
Several factors were identified according to statistics and researches, and they are
related to:
Access to finance sources
A big problem is the lack of Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem access to finance
.Although 48% of Romanian want to start off on their own, more than half of them say
they do not have the financial resources necessary to do so. Fears of insufficient funds
are added and linked to the inability to return the debts. These problems diminish with
increasing age when entrepreneurs realize that there are many financing options
available in Romania and abroad.
Taxes and administrative barriers
Fees and administrative barriers are a major impediment to the development of
entrepreneurship in some regions .Regardless of age , respondents unanimously agreed
that the fees and taxes are high , and corruption and inefficiency in the existing public
institutions have a negative impact on their business development opportunities .
Connection links

In Romania develop strong entrepreneurial communities in large cities, but they are
not yet sufficiently present. Young also accuses the lack of business connections and
mentors relevant to them. There were , however, significant differences by age : the
network of contacts of a person increases significantly with age , which brings
business and new connections and support they need from mentors .In addition , there
are significant differences between entrepreneurs and those who haven't already started
their own business , the first having developed network access connections and
business mentoring .
Culture and social capital
Entrepreneurial culture plays an important role for the development of
entrepreneurship and Romania is excellent in this regard, having developed social
capital and a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship. But when we look at the types
of people who influence the general opinion on entrepreneurship , we note that
successful entrepreneurs , media, events and friends have a high positive impact .At
the opposite pole , however, teachers , career counselors , parents and family , which
affects the probability of becoming a young entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial education
23% of the Romanian states that participated in at least one entrepreneurial education
program , the percentage is equal to that in the European Union. However, they are
dissatisfied with the quality of entrepreneurship education received and believes that
they are supported by people who have no connection with the business .The lack of
connection between school and business entrepreneurship education is the main
problem in Romania, and the solution consists in the improvement of the level of
sustainability of newly established companies.
Public policies
When it comes to the state , instead of fostering the development of entrepreneurial
ecosystem , community measures are seen as a major impediment to development.
Active members of the business community are aware of the policy to support
entrepreneurship, but they consider them inappropriate. The lack of results is due to a
poor understanding of the Romanian business environment and endemic corruption
that affect measures taken at all levels.
Entrepreneurship female versus male perspectives
Nowadays people developing businesses became one of the fastest growing population
in the world. The entrepreneurs are bringing significant contributions in terms of
innovations, employment and economic development.
There is a strong debate regarding the potencial of women entrepreneurs versus the
potencial of male entrepreneurs. Different authors released researches, sustaining the
entrepreneurship from a feminin point of view or from a masculin point of view.
According to statistics released by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the
European Commision in 2010, in Romania, the number of male entrepreneurs was
higher than the number of the femele entrepreneurs. In the next table above are
presented some characteristics that, both female and male entreprenerus share in terms
of business owned.


2.1 Methodology
Research design
In order to fulfill the objectives mentioned above, a quantitative method was chosen,
in order to gather the primary data. The instrument used was the questionnaire, applied
on a sample of 41 respondents. The questionnaire was held online. Before designing
the final form of the questionnaire, a preliminary research was conducted. The
advantages of this method were that this method requires minimum costs and requires
less time in gathering the necessary data, than other instruments. A major disadvantage
is that it contains many opened questions, hard to quantify. In the beginning, the
instrument chosen was the interview, but due to the fact that the respondents didnt
want to participate in the interviews, for several reasons, I had to stick to this method.
Even so, it was hard to gather the necessary data, because people were not interested in
the study: in order to obtain the sample of 41 respondents, I had to ask 70 persons.
Population and target group
The chosen population was the population from Iasi and the target group was
represented only by women and males, that are owning at least one business, with ages
starting from 18 years old.
Preliminary research
A small preliminary research was conducted before designing the final form of the
questionnaire. The preliminary research was conducted on a sample of 7 students from
the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and it had the purpose of
helping in designing the final form of the questionnaire.
Questionnaire design
The questionnaire had 14 questions and it was structured in 3 parts.
In the first part (questions 1-5, 13-14) was created to gather data related to details of
the business owned by the respondents.
The second part (questions 6-9) focused on finding out details about obstacles and
beliefs of the respondents according to entrepreneurship
The third part (questions 10-13) was designed in order to gather data related to
attitudes and beliefs of the respondents towards entrepreneurship field.
The questionnaire was held online, using the mail, during a week and it was designed
in Romanian. It was applied on 70 persons, having a rate of return of 51 answers, 25
females, 26 males.
Data collection
The method used in gathering data was the online survey based on a questionnaire.
The respondents were chosen according to the next criteria: being a resident of the Iasi
city, owning a business at the actual moment.


The questionnaire was spread through e-mail and the data was gathered in a week.
From 70 questionnaires spread only 51 were gathered due to the lack of interest and
time of the persons. The estimated time for completing the questionnaire was around 7

Data analysis
Descriptive analysis
In the next pages, the results of the questionnaire will analyze to see if the established objectives
are achieved. In order to do this data related to personal profile (age, studies), business profile
(year, domain of activity, obstacles), personal perception on entrepreneurship, will be gathered.
After this the results will be presented, in the next pages, using Excel graphs. In order to have valid
data the respondents questioned had to own a business.

Figure 1 - working condition of respondents/ females

Figure 2- working condition of respondents/ males

According to the questionnaires respondents, 88% of them are owning a business, while 12 %
of them are Freelancers. Freelancing is a form of entrepreneurship. According to other
entrepreneurs, the ones that are in this position are entering in a similar activity like one of a
company, from the beginning he is a business owner of his own work. A difference between a
freelancer and an entrepreneur is related to time. The freelancer sells his time on money, while
the entrepreneur invests his time to produce passive income. On the right chart, according to
the respondents, 100% of the are owning a business.
Firstly, data regarding the business profile, of the female and male entrepreneurs from Romania,
were gathered.


Figure 3 Business domain of activity / females

Figure 4- Business domain of activity/male

According to Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4 Business domain of activity, the female and male
entrepreneurs have a common domain of business, Trade/Selling, in which the difference
relates to the number of businesses run. Businesses run by males are found in a higher
percentage (80%) in comparizon with business run by females (24%).

Figure 5 Size of the business owned/females Figure 6 Size of the business owned/males

As the figures are showing, in terms of the size of the business owned, the majority of the
female respondents run a micro business with 1-9 employees, while most of the male
respondents own a medium business with 10-49 employees. A common point that both sides
have is the fact that none of the respondents runs a large business with more than 250

Figure 7 Year

of opening the business/females Figure 8- Year of opening the business/males

In terms of the first business opened, according to the figures above, 24% of the female
respondents opened their first business in 2011 or 2013, as well as 35% of the male
respondents. As presented in the literature review, at the beginning of the thesis, researches

estimate that, in terms of profitable years, 2014 will be breakout year for female entrepreneurs
opening their businesses.

Figure 9- Type of business owned/females

Figure 10 Type of business owned/males

The figures above present results related to the type of businesses Romanian entrepreneurs run
nowadays. On the female entrepreneurs side the majority, 69%, run a business opened by
themselves. On the males side the number of entrepreneurs that opened their own business is
greater than the female entrepreneurs, with a percentage of 89.
Another objective of the research was to provide insights regarding the motivational factors n
opening a business, of the romanian entrepreneurs, which will be a step in defining the profile
of the Romanian entrepreneur. The next results were gathered:

Figure 11 Reasons for opening a business/females

Figure 12- Reasons for opening a business/males

According to Figure 11 and Figure 12, there is a higher desire of having control and freedom
when running a business, among male respondents (65%) in comparison with the female
respondents. Another stated reason for opening a business on the males side is related to the
desire of taking own decision, while on the females side the second met reason is related to
the fact of not wanting to work. Regarding the financial reward. Seeing this results, a
conclusion could be that a common characteristic that female and male entrepreneurs are
sharing is that they want to be independent, having freedom and control on their own
decisions and work.


Figure 13 Obstacles in opening a business/females

Figure 14 Obstacles in opening a business/males

In terms of obstacles met when opening a business, according to figure 3.13 and 3.14, a
common obstacle of the romanian entrepreneurs is related to low financing sources, being
more often met on the male entrepreneurs side (65%), in comparison with female
entrepreneurs (34%). A second obstacle stated by the female respondents is related to combing
the personal life with the professional life (17%), which might lower their business
performance, in comparison, a small number of the male respondents (4%) found this as an
In the questionnaire, the respondents were asked to describe, shortly, how they overcome the
obstacles met and checked previously, in Figure 5.6, these results contribute in defining the
features of the romanian entrepreneurs. The next results were gathered:

Figure 15 Ways of overcoming obstacles/females

Figure 16 Ways of overcoming obstacles/males

According to figures 15 and 16 a common way of the managing obstacles when opening a
business, for the male and female respondents, is related to selfconfidence. The male
respondents think that a way of overcoming an obstacle is by being perceverent. Mostly, they
are focusing on their own abilties in order to overcome the obstacles.


Figure 17 An entrepreneur shouldnt/females

Figure 18 An entrepreneur shouldnt/males

In the questionnaire the respondents were asked to provide an advice for the future
entrepreneurs. The results are presented in the tables above as it can be seen the male
respondents advice the future entrepreneurs to have knowledge in business before starting a
one (65%), while the female respondents are relating to the communication with others and
the advice the future entrepreneurs to to never listen to others (24%),

Necessary things in entrepreneurship/females Figure 20 Necessary things in

Figure 19

In terms of advices that the respondents would give to the future entrepreneurs, concerning the
necesar things for success in entrepreneurship, are presented in the figures above.
In the opponion of the respondents, the necesity for success consists in self-confidence (31%)
on the females side, while for most of the male respondents the most important thing to
succeed when running a business is related to perceverence (46%).
In the questionnaire the respondents were asked to rank the following statements in terms of
how the entrepreneurship managed to meet expectation regarding them. How did
entrepreneurship influenced the stated statements. The statements were ranked on a scale from
1 to 5, 1 extremely weak, 2- weak, 3 well, 4 good, 5 extremely good. The following
results were obtained:


Figure 21 relationship between entrepreneurship

balance between personal and professional life

Figure 22 relationship between

balance between personal and

professional life

Regarding how did the entrepreneurial activity influenced the balance between the personal
life and the professional life, the most frequent answer, on the female respondents side,
describing this relationship was well (35%). The next frequent answer, with a lower
percentage, was good (29%). No female respondent considers that the entrepreneurial
activity satisfied extremely good their expectation in terms of balance between personal and
professional life. On the male respondents side the majority stated that the entrepreneurial
activity satisfied good (77%) their expectations regarging the balance between personal and
professional life.
In terms of ranking the statements related to how did the entrepreneurship met the
expectations of the respondents in terms of financial reward, the next results were obtained:

Figure 23 Relationship between entrepreneurship

and financial reward

Relationship between
and financial

According to table above most of the female respondents are quite satisfied with how
entrepreneurship succeeded to meet their expectations regarding the financial reward, the
majority (41%) describing these relationship as being good, while on the male respondents
side the majority (81%) has the same oppinion. No female respondent is completly satisfied
regarding the financial reward as they expected when it comes to entrepreneurship, while in
the males side an significant percentage (19%) agrees that entrepreneurial activity met
extremely good their expectation regarding the financial reward.
In terms of ranking the statements related to how did the entrepreneurship met the
expectations of the respondents in terms of career development, the next results were

Figure 25 Relationship between entrepreneurship and career/females

and career/males

Figure 26 Relationship between entrepreneurship

According to results, 56% of the female respondents appreciated that the entrepreneurship met
extremely good their expectation related to career development, while 88 % of the male
respondents appreciate that the entrepreneurial activity met good their expectation related to
career development. From the gathered results, the female respondents are more statisfied in
terms of career development due to the entrepreneurship, than the male respondents.
In terms of ranking the statements related to how did the entrepreneurship met the
expectations of the respondents regarding equal opportunities between men and women, the
next results were obtained:

Figure 27 Relationship between entrepreneurship and equal opportunities

and equal opportunities

Figure 28 Relationship between entrepreneurship

According to the results above, 41% of the female respondents appreciated that the
entrepreneurship met good their expectation related to equal opportunities. A bigger
percentage of the male respondents (73%) agrees the same thing.


Another step of the conducted research was to create a profile of the romanian entrepreneur, in
terms of qualities, in the opinion of the respondents. The respondents were asked to write
three mandatory qualities that an entrepreneur should have, according to their opinion. The
following results were obtained:

Figure 29 Mandatory qualities for a women entrepreneur/females


Figure 30 Mandatory qualities for a women

According to the figures above, the female respondents consider as mandatory qualities for an
entrepreneur are: responsability (23%), perceverance (20%) and hard working (11%). On the
male respondents side, perceverence(46%) is one of the most important qualities that the
majority stated. The other two are related to creativity (23%) and will (15%).
In terms of preferences for business partners of the respondents, the results were the

Figure 31 Business partners preferred/females

Figure 32 Business partners preferred/males

According to the results above all the male respondents agreed that they preffer working with
both female and male business partners, while on the female respondents side a significant
percentage (24%) preffers working mostly with women, when it comes to business.


Figure 33 Respondents age/females

Figure 34 Respondents age/males

According to the figures above, most of the female respondents had ages between 26 and 35
years, while the majority of male respondents had ages from 36 to 45 years. According to the
results gathered romanian female entrepreneurs run businesses from a younger age then male

Figure 35

Respondents level of studies/females

Figure 36 Respondents level

of studies/males

In terms of studies, according to the results above, the majority of the female respondents finished a faculty
(76%), while the majority (84%) of the male respondents have a master degree.

Analysis testing Correlation
In order to see if the variables chosen are correlated between them and to see what types of
relationships exists, the variables are tested using the SPSS program.


Table 1 Correlation between reward and

balance in career with life

From the following table you can see that the Pearsons r value is .40 which is close to
1. This means that there is a strong correlation between Balance between career and
family life variable and the reward variable. Any increase of value in the first variable
will lead to an increase in the second variable also, related to Reward.
The Sig (2 tailed) value is .00, less than .05, which shows that there is a statistically
significant correlations between the two variables. Increases or decreases in one
variable do significantly relate to increases or decreases in your second variable.

Table 2 Correlation between financial reward and equal opportunities

In the table above, there is a negative correlation, due to the fact that Persons r value
has a negative value of -.063. This means that as the value of Equal opportunity
variable increases in value, the value of Reward variable decreases in value.
According to the Sig. (2-tailed) value, which is .069<.05, shows the fact that there is
no statistically correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or
decreases in one variable do not significantly relate to increases or decreases in the
second one..


Table 3 Correlation between reward and balance in career with life

According to the table above, the Pearsons r value is .35, being close to 0, determines
a weak relationship between the two variables. Changes in the one variable are not
correlated with changes in the second variable
According to the Sig. (2-tailed) value, which is .13 <.05, shows the fact that there is no
statistically correlation between the two variables. That means, increases or decreases
in one variable do not significantly relate to increases or decreases in the second one.

Table 4 Correlation between reward and equal opportunities

From the following table you can see that the Pearsons r value is .55 which is close to
1. This means that there is a strong positive correlation between Duties delegation
capacity variable and the team communication capacity variable. Any increase of value
in the first variable will lead to an increase in the second variable also.


The Sig (2 tailed) value is .00, less than .05, which shows that there is a statistically
significant correlations between the two variables. Increases or decreases in one
variable do significantly relate to increases or decreases in your second variable.

According to the resuls obtained of the conducted research, the objectives established in the
beggining of the research have been achieved.
For the first objective related to motivational factors in opening a business, according to the
gathered data the respondents there is a higher desire of having control and freedom when running
a business, among male respondents (65%) in comparison with the female respondents (40%).
Another stated reason for opening a business on the males side is related to the desire of taking own
decision, while on the females side the second met reason is related to the fact of not wanting to
work. Regarding the financial reward. Seeing this results, a conclusion could be that a common
characteristic that female and male entrepreneurs are sharing is that they want to be independent,
having freedom and control on their own decisions and work..
A second objective of the research was to define the factors (obstacles) influencing the process of
opening a business, for female and male entrepreneurs from Iasi, Romania.
In terms of obstacles met when opening a business, according to figures., a common
obstacle of the romanian entrepreneurs is related to low financing sources, being more often
met on the male entrepreneurs side (65%), in comparison with female entrepreneurs (34%). A
second obstacle stated by the female respondents is related to combing the personal life with
the professional life (17%), which might lower their business performance, in comparison, a
small number of the male respondents (4%) found this as an obstacle.

The third objective was to provide insights regarding the Romanian entrepreneurs profile. In terms
of business domain of activity, the female and male entrepreneurs have a common domain of
business, Trade/Selling, in which the difference relates to the number of businesses run. Businesses
run by males are found in a higher percentage (80%) in comparizon with business run by females
(24%).In terms of the year of opening the business, 24% of the female respondents opened their
first business in 2011 or 2013, as well as 35% of the male respondents. As presented in the
literature review, at the beginning of the thesis, researches estimate that, in terms of profitable
years, 2014 will be breakout year for female entrepreneurs opening their businesses
In terms of reasons for starting a business, there is a higher desire of having control and freedom
when running a business, among male respondents (65%) in comparison with the female
respondents. Another stated reason for opening a business on the males side is related to the desire
of taking own decision, while on the females side the second met reason is related to the fact of not
wanting to work.
Regarding the financial reward, seeing this results, a conclusion could be that a common
characteristic that female and male entrepreneurs are sharing is that they want to be independent,
having freedom and control on their own decisions and work.

When it comes obstacles when opening a business, a common way of the managing obstacles when
opening a business, for the male and female respondents, is related to selfconfidence. The male
respondents think that a way of overcoming an obstacle is by being perceverent. Mostly, they are
focusing on their own abilties in order to overcome the obstacles.
In terms of advices that the respondents would give to future entrepreneurs, the male
respondents advice the future entrepreneurs to have knowledge in business before starting a
one (65%), while the female respondents are relating to the communication with others and
the advice the future entrepreneurs to to never listen to others (24%),
According to the results above all the male respondents agreed that they preffer working with
both female and male business partners, while on the female respondents side a significant
percentage (24%) preffers working mostly with women, when it comes to business.
According to the figures above, the female respondents consider as mandatory qualities for an
entrepreneur are: responsability (23%), perceverance (20%) and hard working (11%). On the
male respondents side, perceverence(46%) is one of the most important qualities that the
majority stated. The other two are related to creativity (23%) and will (15%).
Having this results the next conclusion related to the profile of romanian entrepreneurs are
Romanian female entrepreneur:
owns a business in domains like Trading and production
she opened the business in 2011 or 2013
she opened her business by herself, being motivated by the feeling of control and
freedom in business, independence being the characteristic that defines her
the main obstacle met in opening the business is related to low finance sources
she overcome the obstacle due to the fact that she is very confident and perseverant
in her opinion, other entrepreneurs shouldnt listen to others and in order to succeed
self-confidence is a must.
She doesnt care about what gender do her business partners have
In her opinion the 3 must qualities of an successful entrepreneur are: responsibility,
perseverance, hard working
Romanian male entrepreneur:

Owns a business in domains like Traiding and production

Opened his business in 2013

Opened the business by himself, being motivated by the desire of having

freedom and control and by the desire of taking its own decision

A common obstacle of the romanian entrepreneurs is related to low financing

sources, being more often met on the male entrepreneurs side (65%),


The male respondents think that a way of overcoming an obstacle is by being

perceverent. Mostly, they are focusing on their own abilties in order to
overcome the obstacles.
In their oppinion, the future entrepreneurs to have knowledge in business
before starting a one (65%)
they preffer working with both female and male business partners
they consider that the three most important qualities are: perceverence(46%)
,creativity (23%) and will (15%).

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Appendix 1
English Questionnaire


Hello! My name is Prihor Adina and I am a student of the Faculty of

Economics and Business Administration. I conduct a research on the
success and development of women entrepreneurs in Iasi. Completion
questionnaire lasts about 5-7 minutes , and the information is strictly
confidential. Thank you !

1.What is your current employment situation?

I own your own business
I am an employee of a company ( questionnaire stops here)
Freelancer ( questionnaire stops here )

2.Which of the following statements best describe the size of

your business?
Micro (1-9employees)

Medium (10-49 employees)

Big ( 50-250 employees)

Large ( more that 250 employees)

3.What is the activity domain of your business ?

Telecommunications infrastructure ( networks , software
applications , equipment and systems ...)
Telecommunication services ( mobile telephony , broadcasting,
content )
Commerce / Sales
IT Services
PR / Advertising
Customer Services
Other ( specify)

4.When did you open the first business? Specify year:

5..Which of the following statements describes best the situation of the

business owned?

I developed the business by myself

It's a family affair
It is a bought business
Other ( specify) _________________

6.When you opened the business, which were the main obstacles /
problems you have encountered ?
No obstacle
Low confidence in their own abilities
Lack of information / advice on how to start a business
Finding business partners
Access to support for setting up a business
Lack of managerial skills and knowledge
Lack of entrepreneurial skills
Lack of necessary language skills intercultural foreign markets
Combining personal life with professional life
Gender discrimination
Other ( specify) ___________

7. Present succinctly as you overcome obstacles :

8. What determined you to open a business?

Profit / financial stability

I do not want to work for other companies
Desire for control and freedom
The desire to take own decisions
Social status
Confidence in products / services
The fear that I might become unemployed anytime
Self accomplishment
Other ( specify) ___________

9.If you could advise entrepreneurs just getting started , what would be
your recommendations for :

Never do.........

Absolute necessity for success consists of:

10. How much did entrepreneurship met your expectations , according

to the following statements: On a scale of 1 to 5 rank the following statements (1
extremely weak, 2 weak, 3 - well , 4 - good, 5 - extremely good)






Balance between personal and

professional life
Financial reward
Career/ professional
Equal opportunities

11. As a business partner do you prefer ..

Especially women

Especially men

Women and men

Does not matter

12. What are, in your opinion, the top three features that you should not miss to an
entrepreneur ......................................

13. What is the last school graduate ?


High school



14. What is your age ?

Between 20 and 25 years

Between 26 and 35 years

Between 36 and 45 years

Between 46 and 55 years

Over 56 years

Appendix 2
Romanian Questionnaire
Buna ziua! Ma numesc Prihor Adina si sunt studenta a Facultatii de
Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor. Derulez o cercetare privind succesul
si dezvoltarea femeilor antreprenor in Iasi. Parcurgerea chestionarului
dureaza in medie 5-7 minute, iar informatiile sunt strict confidentiale. Va

1.Care este situatia dumneavoastr de munc actuala ?

Detin propria afacere
Sunt angajat al unei firme (chestionarul se opreste aici)
Freelancer (chestionarul se opreste aici)

2.Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii descriu cel mai dimenisunea

firmei dumneavoastra?
Micro ( 1- 9 angajati)


Mica (10 49 angajati)

Medie ( 50 250 angajati)

Mare ( peste 250 de angajati)

3.Care este sectorul de activitate al afacerii dumneavoastra?

Infrastructuri de telecomunicatii ( retele , software si aplicatii ,
echipamente si sisteme ... )
Servicii de telecomunicatii ( servicii de telefonie mobil ,
audiovizual , de continut )
Comert/ Vanzari
Servicii IT
PR/ Publicitate
Customer Services

4.Cand v-ati deschis prima afacere? Precizati anul infiintarii:

5.Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii descriu, cel mai bine, situatia afacerii
detinute in prezent?
Am creat afacerea singura
Este o afacere de familie
Este o afacere cumparata
Altele (specificati)_________________


6.Cand ati deschis afacerea, care au fost principalele obstacole, probleme

pe care le-ati intampinat?

Niciun obstacol
Incredere scazuta in abilitatile proprii
Lipsa de informare / consiliere cu privire la modul de a ncepe o afacere
Gsirea partenerilor de afaceri
Accesul la sprijin pentru infiintarea unei ntreprinderi
Lipsa abilitatilor si a cunostintelor manageriale
Lipsa competentelor antreprenoriale
Lipsa competentelor interculturale ti lingvistice necesare pieelor externe
Combinarea vietii personale cu cea profesionala
Discriminarea de gen
Altele (specificati)___________

7.Prezentati, succint, cum ati depasit obstacolele intalnite:

8.Ce v-a determinat sa deschideti o afacere?

Profitul/ stabilitatea financiara

Nu doresc sa lucrez pentru alte companii
Dorinta de control si libertate
Dorinta de a lua decizii proprii
Statutul social
Increderea in produsele/serviciile oferite
Teama ca as putea deveni somera oricand
Realizarea de sine
Altele (specificati)_____________


9.Daca ati putea sfatui femei antreprenoare la inceput de cariera, care ar fi

recomandarile dumneavoastra pentru:
Niciodata sa nu ........

Necesitatea absoluta pentru succes consta in:

10. Cat de mult a reusit antreprenoriatul sa va indeplineasca asteptarile,

privind urmatoarele afirmatii:Pe o scara de la 1 la 5 ( 1- foarte slab, 2-slab,
3- potrivit, 4- bine, 5- foarte bine) exprimati-va parerea in legatura cu
urmatoarele afirmatii, privind cat de bine satisface antreprenoriatul
asteptarile dumneavoastra






Balansul dintre viata personala

si cea profesionala
Recompensa financiara
Carieara/dezvoltare personala
Oportunitati egale

11. Ca parteneri de afaceri ati prefer..

Mai ales femei

Mai ales barbate

Si femei si barbati

Nu conteaza


12. Care sunt, in opinia dumneavoastra, principalele trei caracteristici ce

nu ar trebui sa lipseasca unei antreprenoare ......................................

13. Care este ultima scoala absolvita?




14. Care este varsta dumneavoastra?

Intre 20 si 25 de ani

Intre 26 si 35 de ani

Intre 36 si 45 de ani

Intre 46 si 55 de ani

Peste 56 de ani


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