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Primer Ao
Nivel de Educacin Media del Subsistema de Educacin Bsica

Hugo Rafael Chvez Fras

Comandante Supremo de la Revolucin Bolivariana

Nicols Maduro Moros

Presidente de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat

Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Repblica Bolivariana
de Venezuela

Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores

Ministra del Poder Popular para la Educacin

Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte

Viceministra de Programas de Desarrollo Acadmico

Trina Aracelis Manrique

Viceministra de Participacin y Apoyo Acadmico

Conrado Jess Rovero Mora

Viceministro para la Articulacin de la
Educacin Bolivariana
Viceministro de Desarrollo para la Integracin de la
Educacin Bolivariana

Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte

Directora General de Currculo

Neysa Yrama Navarro

Directora General (E) de Educacin Media y Tcnica
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin


Caracas, Distrito Capital
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin, 2013
Primera edicin: Mayo 2013
Tiraje: 400.000 ejemplares
Depsito Legal: If51620134281727
ISBN: 978-980-218-361-6
Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Prohibida la reproduccin total o parcial de este material sin autorizacin
del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin


Coordinacin General de la Coleccin Bicentenario

Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores
Coordinacin Pedaggica de la Coleccin Bicentenario
Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte
Coordinacin General Logstica y de Distribucin de la
Coleccin Bicentenario
Franklin Alfredo Albarrn Snchez
Coordinacin Logstica
Deyanira D Jess Urbaz Salazar
Jhonny Jos Quintero Pez
Yrene Lucrecia Duarte Hurtado
Coordinacin Editorial Serie Ingls
Rosa Lpez de DAmico
Coordinacin Metodolgica
Jorge Enrique Gonzlez
Andrs Carmelo Algara
Jorge Enrique Gonzlez
Andrs Carmelo Algara
Colaboradoras y Colaboradores
Yvemar Peraza
Isabel Faneyth
Rosa Lpez de DAmico
Isabel Carrillo
Manuel Arguinzones Morales
Ligia lvarez
Belkys Blanco
Jos ngel Daz
Jos Romero
Jos Alberto Lostal
Luis Castillo
Jos Luis Garca Nolasco
Correccin de Lenguaje
Julio Cesar Aguiar
Mark Gregson
Morelys Rivas Fonseca
Coordinacin de Arte
Rafael Pacheco Rangel
Gilberto Abad Vivas
Samuel Gonzlez
Vctor Silva

Yassamy Moreno Prez
Gilberto Abad Vivas

Suministro de papel: INVEPAL

A nuestras y nuestros colegas

El gran maestro Luis Beltrn Prieto Figueroa, en su obra El magisterio americano de Bolvar,
resalta el valor que el Libertador daba al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Al respecto, el
maestro Prieto acota que Bolvar se quejaba que sus contemporneos vean con desdn la
literatura francesa y propona estudiar la lengua francesa de preferencia y dos lenguas extranjeras,
el ingls para la ciencia y el alemn para la guerra. Doscientos aos despus, el ingls, el tercer
idioma ms hablado del mundo como lengua materna, despus del chino mandarn y del espaol,
se ha convertido en el vehculo universal para la divulgacin del pensamiento cient6co, el trato
diplomtico, las negociaciones y, en general, para las relaciones entre hablantes de otras lenguas.
Desde sus inicios, el Estado revolucionario bolivariano ha considerado una prioridad la
proteccin y promocin de nuestra diversidad cultural, dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras, y
por ello elev estas aspiraciones al rango constitucional. En materia lingstica, de hecho, se ha
concretado el reconocimiento de la diversidad de nuestras lenguas indgenas, como o6ciales,
junto con el castellano, en los territorios donde stas se hablan. Por otro lado, tal como reza el
artculo 100 de la Constitucin de la Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela, a la par de la rea6rmacin
local de nuestras lenguas vernculas, valores y culturas, tambin aspiramos a proyectarnos fuera
de nuestros lmites territoriales:
Artculo 100. Las culturas populares constitutivas de la venezolanidad gozan de atencin especial,
reconocindose y respetndose la interculturalidad bajo el principio de igualdad de las culturas.
La ley establecer incentivos y estmulos para las personas, instituciones y comunidades que
promuevan, apoyen, desarrollen o #nancien planes, programas y actividades culturales en el pas,
as como la cultura venezolana en el exterior. (CRBV).
Para cumplir con el cometido de proyectarnos fuera de nuestros lmites, la enseanza
del ingls, a travs de textos propios, a6nes a nuestra realidad social y cultural, juega un
papel estratgico fundamental.
Con este libro, el primero de la serie Victory, hemos concretado el anhelo de disponer de
un texto, en cuya elaboracin tuvimos presentes nuestra realidad y diversidad. Esperamos que
nuestros/as colegas docentes y estudiantes encuentren en My First Victory la oportunidad de
ver en el ingls no slo una lengua a travs de la cual podemos participar de la llamada cultura
global sino, tambin, un medio para proyectar, valga decir, mundializar, la riqueza de nuestra
diversidad cultural.

Estructura del texto

Unidades y lecciones
My First Victory consta de ocho unidades divididas en tres lecciones. Cada leccin se compone
de varias secciones, ideadas con un propsito metodolgico espec6co. Por ello, es importante
no alterar su secuencia. Las lecciones se inician con la seccin Lets explore!, donde se presenta
un dilogo, a travs de una historieta ilustrada, en la cual se integran todos los contenidos a
ser estudiados (vocabulario, estructuras gramaticales y funciones comunicativas). Esta seccin
cumple el propsito de motivar el inters y la re@exin sobre el tema de la leccin. Por ello
sugerimos activar los conocimientos previos de las y los estudiantes, a travs de una discusin
colectiva inicial, en castellano, sobre situaciones de su contexto familiar y/o comunitario que
guarden relacin con la historia.
Es importante, estimados(as) colegas, detenernos en este punto: el uso del castellano como
base para abordar y construir el conocimiento de la lengua extranjera. A lo largo de muchos aos,
se ha difundido el lugar comn que se debe evitar el uso de la lengua materna en la enseanza
del ingls pues, supuestamente, as el/la estudiante aprender a pensar en esta lengua. Es por
ello que en la mayora de los textos, incluso en aquellos que han sido elaborados en el pas, se
prescinde completamente del castellano. Sin embargo, en la prctica docente, surge la necesidad
de recurrir a su uso en las clases, sobre todo en los primeros aos, especialmente para explicar
estructuras gramaticales. Al respecto, es pertinente recordar que el mtodo directo, reacio en sus
principios al uso de la lengua materna y, por ende, de la traduccin, comenz a perder vigencia
en Norteamrica y Europa desde la tercera dcada de pasado siglo XX y demostr su ine6cacia,
sobre todo, en contextos educativos formales donde, adems de la escasa exposicin natural a esa
lengua, se dispone de pocas horas para la enseanza del idioma. En My First Victory adoptamos el
enfoque comunicativo, que no descarta el uso de la lengua materna si sta resulta til, sobre todo,
en la primeras etapas de aprendizaje. Por ello, en este primer libro, las orientaciones se presentan
en castellano a lo largo de casi todo el texto. No obstante, en la ltima unidad (lecciones 22, 23 y
24) estas orientaciones se sustituyen por sus equivalentes en ingls.
El cuerpo central de la leccin comprende una serie de actividades dirigidas al trabajo
particularizado de las cuatro destrezas (escuchar, leer, hablar y escribir). En las dos secciones
denominadas Lets listen, read and say se presentan contenidos parciales del dilogo inicial, con
el propsito que los/las estudiantes comiencen a familiarizarse con el vocabulario y su uso, en
situaciones familiares para ellos. Entre estas partes se intercalan una o dos secciones ilustradas de
vocabulario, que llamamos: Lets read and learn, las cuales se desarrollan ms tarde a travs de un
ejercicio de comprensin de lectura: Reading and re.ecting y uno de comprensin auditiva: All ears!
Para el diseo de las actividades presentes en My #rst victory, hemos prescindido de
vocabulario pasivo, tratando, en todo momento, de construir el conocimiento a partir de los
contenidos impartidos, los cuales se reciclan a lo largo de todas las lecciones, mientras se
incorpora lxico, forma y funciones nuevas. Cuando lo hemos considerado pertinente, agregamos,

ocasionalmente, traducciones incidentales. En ello, la incorporacin de palabras cognadas del

espaol y del ingls, fue de gran utilidad.
Los aspectos gramaticales se introducen en la seccin Building blocks, la cual se abre
con una actividad de re@exin, orientada a activar los procesos de induccin y deduccin.
La siguiente seccin, Now, lets practice, contiene ejercicios de aplicacin de las estructuras
gramaticales estudiadas.
La seccin Lets re@ect and create! marca el momento de aplicar todo lo aprendido en la
leccin y de hacer un uso ms creativo e independiente de los contenidos trabajados a lo largo de
las actividades previas a esta seccin.
Al 6nal de la mayora de las lecciones, se presenta la seccin More fun!, en la cual proponemos
la realizacin de alguna actividad ldica relacionada con el contenido impartido. En las lecciones 9,
18 y 24, las cuales deben coincidir, aproximadamente, con el 6nal de cada lapso, sustituimos esta
seccin por otra que hemos denominado Either we invent or we err; en ella sugerimos una serie de
proyectos, que integran los contenidos de varias lecciones.
Guiones de la seccin All ears!
Los textos de los ejercicios de comprensin auditiva de la seccin All ears! estn disponibles
al 6nal del libro, para que puedan ser ledos por el o la docente. Esperamos poder contar en el
futuro con grabaciones de estos textos en formato digital.
Al 6nal del libro se ofrece un glosario con una compilacin del vocabulario utilizado en el
texto, traducido y ordenado alfabticamente.
Esperamos que este texto rinda los frutos para los cuales fue elaborado y que Uds., colegas
docentes, lo disfruten, extrayendo de l el mejor provecho, apoyados en sus propias estrategias
didcticas, su creatividad, su entusiasmo y, sobre todo, en su amor por nuestros estudiantes.

A los y las estudiantes de la patria

Querida y querido estudiante, My First Victory ha sido
elaborado como una herramienta para ayudarte a
ingresar al mundo de las lenguas extranjeras, a travs del
estudio del ingls, idioma que seguramente te resulta
familiar por su presencia en pelculas, msica, el internet,
instructivos y en manuales para el uso de artefactos.
A continuacin te ofrecemos algunas orientaciones
que, con el apoyo de tu docente, tu(s) representante(s) y
compaeros o compaeras, puedes utilizar para sacarle
el mayor provecho a este texto.
Cada una de las secciones que se describen a continuacin
contiene orientaciones que aparecern en espaol en la
mayor parte de este libro, pero que sern sustituidas por
orientaciones en ingls en la ltima unidad. Es importante
que las leas con atencin y las comprendas antes de
realizar cada actividad.
Let's explore!
Te recomendamos explorar visualmente el dilogo
inicial. Observa y describe las ilustraciones, tratando de
comprender la situacin, an sin leer el texto. Puedes
comentar en colectivo lo que percibas en este nivel.
Luego, en la seccin Let's listen and read!, tendrs la
oportunidad de escuchar la historia, en la voz de tu
docente, mientras la lees silenciosamente.
Let's listen, read and say!
A travs de esta actividad, comenzars a estudiar parte de
los contenidos de la leccin. Tu docente leer el dilogo,
frase por frase, y los y las estudiantes las repetirn en
forma coral. Te recomendamos escuchar atentamente
para poder aprovechar la lectura.
Now, let's practice!
Una vez hayas concluido la actividad anterior, ya puedes
poner en prctica lo que has estudiado hasta ahora.
Como podrs ver, esta seccin contiene un dilogo para
completar, en el cual se incluyen algunas orientaciones
(en espaol), para facilitarte el trabajo.
Let's read and learn!
Esta seccin puede aparecer dos veces. En ella te
presentamos el vocabulario que has visto hasta ahora o
incluimos vocabulario nuevo, para ampliar el que ya has
Let's listen, read and say!
En esta seccin, encontrars un nuevo dilogo que incluye
todo lo estudiado a lo largo de la leccin. Al igual que

para el dilogo anterior, te recomendamos escucharlo

atentamente y leerlo en voz alta, bajo las orientaciones
de tu docente, para lograr una adecuada pronunciacin.
Reading and reecting y All ears!
Para estas actividades se requiere enfocar la atencin
hacia lo que se lee o escucha. En ambas, vas a realizar
actividades como, por ejemplo: responder True o False
(verdadero o falso) o seleccionar la respuesta correcta
entre varias opciones.
Building blocks
En la seccin Building blocks estudiars los elementos y
las reglas que se necesitan para formar frases y oraciones
y re@exionars sobre su uso.
Now lets practice!
Esta seccin complementa la anterior. En ella encontrars,
por ejemplo, ejercicios para completar, ordenar palabras,
etc., los cuales servirn para aplicar lo estudiado.
Lets reect and create!
Aqu dispondrs de un dilogo para completar en
grupos de dos o tres, en el cual tendrs la oportunidad
de aplicar todos los contenidos estudiados en la leccin.
Es importante que, luego de completarlo, lo practiques
y representes con tus compaeros y/o compaeras ante
la clase.
Did you know? y Keep in mind!
Durante el desarrollo de las lecciones encontraras pequeas
notas, en las cuales se destacan aspectos puntuales. En las notas
Did you know? (Sabas qu?) encontrars aspectos culturales
y, en las que llamamos Keep in mind! (Ten presente!), hallars
recordatorios o especi6caciones relacionados con contenidos
espec6cos de la leccin.
More fun! y Either we invent or we err!
La mayora de las lecciones concluye con la seccin
More fun! (Ms diversin!), en la cual te proponemos la
realizacin de otras actividades divertidas, relacionadas
con los contenidos de la leccin. En las lecciones 9, 18
y 24, esta seccin se sustituye por otra, que hemos
denominado Either we invent or we err (O inventamos
o erramos), en la que te proponemos varios proyectos,
entre los cuales puedes escoger uno y realizarlo en
grupo, con las orientaciones de tu docente. Te animamos
a apropiarte de este texto y a hacer de l tu primera
victoria en el aprendizaje del ingls.

Introductions and basic instructions








Day after day

Lesson 16: How do you feel?

Lesson 17: Im always on time for class
Lesson 18: Usually, but not now


Time in our lives

Lesson 7: When is Dignity Day?

Lesson 8: What time is the math lesson?
Lesson 9: How old are you?


Likes, needs, desires and possessions

Lesson 13: Do you like arepas?

Lesson 14: I want fried eggs
for breakfast
Lesson 15: What do you have in
your backpack?




People, countries and nationalities

Lesson 4: Are you an actor?

Lesson 5: Where are you from?
Lesson 6: This is my family





Lesson 1: Please to meet you!

Lesson 2: This is my friend Frank
Lesson 3: Please, open your books!



Personal stories and events

Lesson 19: Were you in class yesterday?

Lesson 20: Who was your teacher
in 6th grade?
Lesson 21: There was a book fair
in my school


Home and community

Lesson 10: Are you talking on the

phone now?
Lesson 11: Is there a CDI near here?
Lesson 12: How much is that sweater?






A look back

Lesson 22: Whats the weather like?

Lesson 23: How do you come to school?
Lesson 24: It was a great year!


Introductions and basic

 Presentarse a s mismo/a y a otros/as, saludar y
 Nombrar personas y objetos
 Comprender y seguir instrucciones

Pleased to meet you!

Verbo to be, pronombres personales (I, you, he, she)
Preguntas con What

This is my friend Frank

Verbo to be
Preguntas con What
Preguntas de con'rmacin (Yes/No questions)
 La forma imperativa del verbo
 El artculo inde'nido a/an
 Forma plural regular de los sustantivos
 Sustantivos (objetos de la clase)
 Adjetivos demostrativos (this, these, that, those)
 El artculo inde'nido: a/an
 Adjetivos posesivos (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
 Sustantivos (nexos personales, profesiones y ocupaciones)
 Adjetivos numerales cardinales (0 - 10)
 Preguntas con What y Where
 El artculo de'nido: the
 Sustantivos (ocupaciones, pases)
 Adjetivos (nacionalidades)
 Plurales irregulares de los sustantivos
 El posesivo s
 Preguntas de con'rmacin y respuestas cortas con have,
(Pres. 1ra y 2da persona Sing.)
 Preguntas con How manydo you have?
 Sustantivos (la familia)
 Adjetivos numerales cardinales (0 - 100)
Preguntas con When y What
Preposiciones de tiempo y lugar: in, on, at
There is / There are
Sustantivos (partes del da, das de la semana, los meses)
Adjetivos numerales ordinales (1st - 30th)
Preguntas con What time?
Preposiciones: in, on, at
Sustantivos (eventos)
Adjetivos numerales cardinales (desde el 100)
Preguntas con How old?, What color? y When?
Preguntas de con'rmacin con be
Sustantivos (das, meses, fecha, partes del cuerpo)
Adjetivos cali'cativos (los colores)

Please, open your books!

People, countries and

 Formular y responder preguntas sobre las

Profesiones, ocupaciones, pas de origen y
nacionalidad, nmero de telfono, miembros de
la familia
 Contar personas y objetos

Are you an actor?

Where are you from?
This is my family

Time in our lives

 Referirse al tiempo y al lugar de un evento

 Hacer y responder llamadas telefnicas
 Referirse al da, al mes, y a la fecha
 Referirse a la edad
 Identi'car algunos colores
 Identi'car partes del cuerpo

When is Dignity Day?

What time is the math lesson?

How old are you?

Home and community

 Hablar acerca de acciones en progreso

 Preguntar el precio de las cosas
 Preguntar la localizacin de lugares y
establecimientos de la comunidad
 Ofrecer ayuda

Are you talking on the phone now?

Is there a CDI nearby?

How much is that sweater?

El presente continuo

Preguntas de con'rmacin/informacin
Sustantivos (partes de la casa)
Adverbiales de tiempo (now, right now, at the moment)
There is y There are en oraciones a'rmativas, interrogativas y
Preguntas con where
Sustantivos (lugares y establecimientos)
Preposiciones de lugar (near, far from, next to, across from...)
Preguntas con How much? Which one/ones? What size? y Can
Preguntas de con'rmacin (Yes/No)
Sustantivos (la vestimenta y el calzado)
Adjetivos demostrativos

Likes, needs, desires and

 Hablar acerca de los alimentos
 Manifestar gusto y desagrado
 Hablar acerca de las posesiones
 Manifestar necesidades y deseos

Do you like arepas?

I want fried eggs for breakfast

Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en presente
simple, con do/does y like
Preguntas con How do you/does he like...?
Sustantivos (alimentos)
Adjetivos (formas de coccin/preparacin de los alimentos)

What do you have in your backpack?

Day after day

Personal stories and events

Hablar de la rutina personal

Hablar de la salud/el estado de nimo
Contrastar acciones rutinarias y acciones en

Hablar sobre el pasado usando el verbo to be

How do you feel?

Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en presente

simple con verbos de rutina
Adverbios de frecuencia (never ... always)

Usually, but not now

Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en presente

simple y presente continuo
Conjunciones but y and
Conectores temporales ('rst, then...'nally)
Adverbiales de tiempo (Ej.: usually vs. now)
Pasado del verbo to be
Preguntas de con'rmacin y respuestas a'rmativas y
Adverbiales de tiempo (yesterday, last week...last year)

Were you in class yesterday?

Whats the weather like?

A look back

 Repasar el verbo be en pasado

 Referirse a situaciones pasadas, mediante el
uso de oraciones a'rmativas y algunos verbos

Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en

presente simple con have/has
Preguntas con What do you/does he have...?
Sustantivos (objetos escolares y mascotas)
Preposicin in
Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en
presente simple con feel
Preguntas con How do you ...? How are you...?
Sustantivos (malestares fsicos)
Adjetivos (estados de nimo, salud)

Im always on time for class

There was a book fair in my school

Hablar de la forma de trasladarse

Decir el lugar de residencia

Who was your teacher in 6th grade?

Hablar del estado del tiempo

Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas en

presente simple con want y need
Preguntas con What do you/does she want...? y How do
you/does he want...?
Sustantivos (el men: comidas y bebidas)
Adjetivos (formas y grados de coccin/preparacin de los

How do you come to school?
It was a great year!

Pasado del verbo to be

Preguntas de informacin y con'rmacin con Who, How,
Where y When y sus respuestas
Sustantivos y adjetivos relacionados con la fecha
Oraciones a'rmativas, negativas e interrogativas con there
El sustantivo (eventos) y modi'cadores
Preguntas Whats the weather like? y How is the weather?
Verbo to be: presente y pasado simples
El pronombre it en expresiones de tiempo
Sustantivos (estaciones del ao)
Adjetivos (estado del tiempo)
Present simple
Preguntas de con'rmacin e informacin con How
Preposiciones at, to, by
 Verbo to be presente y pasado (repaso)
 Presente continuo y presente simple (repaso)
 El pasado de algunos verbos en oraciones a'rmativas


Lesson 1: Pleased to meet you!

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la
historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Hello, class! I am your
English teacher!

Oh! Sury. Thats a

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y leen la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de tres. Completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres o escoger otros.

The teacher: _______________(Hola), class!____________________your English teacher.

Student A: Hello, teacher!
Student B: __________________________(Buenos das), teacher!
The teacher: My name is _________________________. Im pleased to meet you!
The students: Pleased to meet you, too (tambin), Mr _________________________ (apellido)!

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


E. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.
Greetings and introductions (saludos y presentaciones)


Pleased to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Good morning!

Good Afternoon!

Forms to address people (Formas de tratamiento personal)

Miss (Seorita)


Ms (Seora)

Mrs (Seora)

Mr (Seor)

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos)

Escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Rina: Hi! Are you Antonio?

Antonio: Yes, I am, but (pero) please, call me Tony. Uh
Are you Rita?
Rina: No, Im not. My name is Rina. R-I-N-A.
Antonio: Nice to meet you, Rina!
Rina: Nice to meet you, too, Tony!

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

En parejas, deletreen los siguientes nombres.

1. F-R-A-N-K

3. And now, your name

(Y ahora, tu nombre)

2. J-U-L-I-A

(Todo odos!)

I. All ears!

1) Escucha y marca la opcin correcta en cada par de letras. Ej.: M

1. A

2. D

3. Z

2) Ahora, escucha y marca la opcin correcta en cada par de nombres

1. L-I-N-D-A



2. T-I-C-O


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1) Lee las frases en cada ilustracin. Observa los pronombres que cada personaje utiliza para referirse a s
mismo/a y a otra persona. Presta atencin a cmo cambia la forma del verbo be en cada caso.
Personal pronouns, you, she, he and verb be
(pronombres personales yo, t y el verbo ser/estar)

2) En los siguientes cuadros encontrars las formas a#rmativa, negativa e interrogativa del verbo be y algunos
ejemplos de cmo usarlos.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo be o del pronombre personal.
a. A. Hi, I _______ Luis.

b. A. Good morning! _____ am Ms Garca.

Are _______ Paul?
B. Yes, I _______.

B. Hi, Luis. My name _____ Mary.

c. A. ______ you David?
B. No, I____ not. My name ____ Jess.

d. A.

e. A. Is _____ Dora?

______ he Antonio?
Yes, he _______.

B. No, she _____ not. She ______ Laura.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos)

En grupo de dos, lean los dilogos anteriores y el vocabulario de la leccin. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo
y dramatcenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres y un nombre corto.
Student A:

Hi, are you ____________?

Student B:

Yes, I am, but (pero), please, call me ________. UhAre you______________?

Student A:

No, Im not. My name is _____________. ___________ (deletralo).

Student B:

Uh, nice to meet you, ______________!

Student A:

Nice to meet you, too, ______________!


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

More fun!
(Ms diversin!)

Lets sing!


ABC song

La cancin del ABC

Y and Z
Now I know my ABC's
Next time won't you sing
with me?

Ahora yo s mi ABC
La prxima vez la cantars conmigo?


Lesson 2: This is my friend Frank


A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Julia es una nueva estudiante proveniente de otra ciudad. Su mam y ella vienen a presentarse a la directora
del plantel
Excuse me. Are you Ms.
Romero, the principal?

Good Morning, Maam!

Good morning!

No, Im not. I am a teacher.

Ms. Romero is in her o_ce

Good morning!

Are you Ms Romero?

Yes, I am. Can I help you?

Good morning,

Unos segundos

Nice to meet you, too!

Yes. My names Sandra and this is

my daughter, Julia. Shes the new
student. We are from Tucupita.

Oh, hi, S
in, please
Thank y


ery much,

Goodbye, see

de conversar con la
directora, Sandra
y Julia agradecen
y se despiden
Im 6ne Hey, is he
your classmate?

Hi, Julia, how are you?

No. This is
my friend Carlitos.

Al da siguiente, en el
recreo, la directora se
dirige a Julia, quien est



Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dialogo.

El Sr. Fernndez y su hijo Octavio tienen una cita con el director de la escuela. En este momento, entran a la
o#cina del director y se presentan.

The principal: Good afternoon! (Buenas tardes!), sir. Are you Mr.
Mr Fernndez: Yes, sir (seor). Good morning!
The principal: Its a pleasure to meet you, (es un placer conocerle)
Mr Fernndez! I am Francisco Prez, the Principal.
Mr Fernndez: Nice to meet you too, Mr Prez! This is my son
The principal: Hi, Octavio!
Octavio: Hello, Mr. Prez! Pleased to meet you!
The principal: Pleased to meet you, too!

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de tres, completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres u otros.
Student 1:

_________________ (Buenos das), _____________ (Sr o Sra). Are you ___________?

Student 2:

Yes, ______(Sr. o Sra.). ________________________ (Buenos das)!

Student 1:

__________________ (encantado de conocerle). I am Mr/Ms __________ .

Student 2:

Nice to meet you too, _______________! (Sr. o Sra.). This is my son/daughter

(hijo/hija), _____________________.

Student 1:

Hello, ___________________.

Student 3:

Hello, (Sr. o Sra.)___________________________ (es un placer conocerle).

Student 1:

Pleased to meet you, too!

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas para a) saludar y
b) despedirse.
Saying hello (saludando)


Im 6ne, thank you.

And you?


Hi! How are you?

Saying goodbye (despidindose)


Bye! See you later!

Very well, thank you.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo.

Otro da, Octavio y el director de la escuela se encuentran en un pasillo. Octavio est con Frank, un compaero
del liceo.
The principal:

Hello, Octavio! How are you? (cmo ests)?


The principal:
The principal:




G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite
Introducing someone (presentando a alguien)
Frank, this is Monica.
Monica, this is Frank.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

Hi, Monica! Nice to

meet you!

Hello, Frank! Pleased

to meet you, too!


H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento. Luego, responde true o false.

Hello! My name is Dario. I am a student. My sister Dalia is a student, too. I am in section A and she is in
section B. Every day in class, we say: Good morning, teacher! and our teacher answers: Good morning,
class! After class (despus de la clase), we say: Good bye!.



a. Daro and Dalia are brother and sister.

b. Dalia is a teacher.
c. Every day, they say: Good afternoon!

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. (Good morning / good afternoon), Mr Romero.
b. (Nice to meet you/pleased to meet you), Ms Fernndez!
c. (This is / he is) my friend Frank.


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

Observa atentamente la primera de las siguientes tablas. Hay algn patrn? Qu podemos deducir? Luego lee
y re.exiona sobre los ejemplos.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


(Leyendo y re.exionando)

K. Now lets practice!

1. Completa los espacios en blanco. Usa las palabras o frases siguientes:

m not






a. Mr Lpez_____my history teacher.

d. Are you in section B? No, I_________.

b. Whos she? _______ my friend, Iris.

e. They ________ Ana and Toms.

c. Are you David? Yes, I _______.

f. Who are ______? Im the new student.

2. Ordena las palabras para hacer preguntas y luego responde. Observa el siguiente ejemplo.
Ex: a teacher / you / Are / ?
Question: Are you a teacher? Answer: No, Im not. Im a student.
a. a student / you / Are / ?
Q.: _______________________________ A.:_______________________________
b. your / name / Whats / ?
Q.: _______________________________ A.:_______________________________
c. is / your / Who / history teacher / ?
Q.: _______________________________ A.:_______________________________

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Formen grupos de tres. Lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores y luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo.
Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:

Hi, ______________ (nombre estudiante 2).

Hello, ______________(nombre estudiante 1). How are you?
Fine, thank you. And you?
Very well. Thank you. _______________(nombre estudiante 1), This is
_____________(nombre estudiante 3).

Student 1:

Nice to meet you _____________(nombre estudiante 3).

Student 3:

__________________(encantado de conocerte), too.

Luego de hablar un rato, se despiden

St. 2 y 3:

_________________ (hasta luego)_______________ (nombre estudiante 1).

Student 1:



Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


Lesson 3: Please, open your books!

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? Qu trata la situacin?
En la clase de hoy, la profesora Garca y sus estudiantes practican algunas instrucciones en ingls e identi#can
objetos de la clase
Very well, thank you. Can
you please sit down?
Now, please take out your
English book and open it
to page 6v

How are you

Good mor

Good morning
Ms Garca!

La profesora hace
preguntas sobre
los objetos de la
, thank you.

Excellent, class!

Please, Richard
Whats this?
its a not

y good!

B. Lets listen and read!

y good!

(Escuchemos y leamos)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Teacher: Good afternoon, class!
Students: Good afternoon, teacher!
Teacher: How are you today?
Students: Very well, thank you. And you?
Teacher: Fine, thank you. Please (por favor), sit down! (sintense).
Students: Thank you, teacher.
Teacher: Ok. Now, take out (saquen) your English book and
open it (branlo) to page (pgina) 6ve (5).

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de tres. Luego, completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Uno/a de Uds. ser el o la profesora.


Good___________________ (tardes), class!

__________________________, teacher.
________________________ today?
Very well, thank you. And you?
___________ , thank____. _________(por favor), _______________(sintense).
Thank you, teacher!
Ok. Now, _________ (abran) your__________ to page ___________.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


E. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

School objects (objetos escolares)

a pen

a sharpener

a desk

a chair
a table

a laptop

a calculator

a box

a board

an eraser


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Como parte de la clase, es normal que se den instrucciones para poder realizar algunas actividades. Hoy,
el profesor Prez y sus estudiantes practican algunas.

Teacher: Nora, can you please go to the board?

(puedes ir al pizarrn?)

Nora: Sure, Mr Prez! (claro, Sr Prez).

Teacher: Thank you. Now, please write (escribe)
your name. Excellent! Please sit down!

Nora escribe su nombre y se sienta. La clase contina

Teacher: Felix, please, whats this?

Felix: Its a marker.
Teacher: Ok. Good! Is that a window, Gretel?
Gretel: Yes, it is, teacher.
Teacher: Very good, Gretel! Lenny, are those English
Lenny: No. they arent. They are dictionaries.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

La profesora Garca est sealando a sus estudiantes varios objetos de la clase. A veces se re#ere a un solo objeto
y otras, a varios. En el cuadro de abajo, coloca los nombres de los objetos que la profesora nombra, segn se
trate de uno o de varios.
These are pencils and thats a dictionary. This is a calculator and those are laptops. Thats an eraser and
these are chairs.

one object

several objects

Ex.: a dictionary


Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a) This is (a / an) eraser

b) (This / These) are pencils

c) (That / Those) is a book

d) A: Is this a desk?
B: No, it (isnt / arent). Its a table.

e) A: Are (this / these) chairs?

B: Yes, (it / they) are.

f ) A: (Is / Are) these sharpeners?

B: No. They arent.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las ilustraciones siguientes y re.exiona sobre cada una. Qu podemos deducir?

This is a pencil.

These are pencils.

That is a chair

Those are chairs.

2. Ahora, observa la siguiente tabla con los pronombres demostrativos y el artculo inde#nido.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos)

1) En el siguiente ejercicio, observa las #guras a), b), c) y d) y las preguntas correspondientes. Subraya la
opcin correcta entre parntesis.





a) A: Whats (this / that) ?

B: Its (a/ an) dictionary.

b) What is (that /this)?

(Its / Theyre) (a / an) eraser.

c) A: What are (these / those)?

B: (Its / Theyre) calculators.


What are (this / those)?

Theyre (box / boxes).

2) Completa las siguientes preguntas y respndelas:


A: Whats this? (eraser)

B: Its an eraser


A: ______________ these? (books)

B: __________________________.

c. A: ______________ those? (desks)



A: _______ those tables? (Yes)

B: __________________________.

e. A: Is this a laptop? (No)


L. Lets re+ect and create!

a. A: ______________ that? (window)


(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

En grupos de cuatro, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo. Pueden
representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.
Student 1
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 3:
Student 1
Student 4:


Can you please go to the board, ____________ (nombre estudiante 2)?

Sure, teacher!
______________ (Por favor) write your name and spell it!
_____________________(estudiante deletrea su nombre).
Very good! Now _____________________(nombre estudiante 3). What are those?
They are _______________ (ventanas, teacher?)
Excellent! Is this an ____________ (borrador), _________________ (estudiante 4)?
No. it isnt. Its a calculator.

Unit one: Introductions and basic instructions


Lesson 4: Are you an actor?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Oh, hello! Im your neighbor
(vecino). My name is Armando
Riverol. Nice to meet you!

A pleasure to meet you, too, Mr

Riverol! I am Rafael Lpez and
this is my wife, Fanny.

Pleased to meet you!

By the way, what do
you do?

What about you,

Mr Riverol?

un poco ms tarde,
y ya en con#anza,
se hacen nuevas

Oh, are you an actor?

Im a biology teacher and

my husband (esposo) is a
taxi driver.

Im an artist.

Al #nal,
buenos vecinos,
intercambian sus
nmeros de telfono
para seguir en

my telephone number is
0416 578 9

Oh, no! Im a painter.

B. Lets listen and read!

And our phone number

is 0416 123...
(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Julia lleva ya cuatro semanas en el liceo. Hoy conoce a otra chica que se acaba de incorporar a clases. Se
presentan y se dan los nmeros de telfono.
Elena: Oh, Hello. Are you in my class?
Julia: Yes, I am. We are classmates (compaeras de clase). My name is
Elena: Pleased to meet you, Julia! Im Elena.
Julia: Nice to meet you, too, Elena!
Despus de hablar un rato, las chicas se despiden e intercambian
nmeros de telfono.
Elena: Well (bueno), see you later, Julia! Oh! my phone number is
0416 92357... Whats your phone number?
Julia: Its 0426 35115.... Ok. Bye, Elena!

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el dilogo y practquenlo.

Student 1:

Oh, Hello. ______________________ (Ests t?) in my class?

Student 2:

Yes. I am. My name is _____________________(nombre estudiante 2).

Student 1:

Pleased to meet you, ________________ (Nom.Est.2). Im ___________________(Nom. Est. 1).

Student 2:

Nice to meet you, too, ___________________ (Nom.Est.1).

Despus de hablar un rato, se despiden e intercambian nmeros de telfono.

Student 1:

Well (bueno), ___________(hasta luego)! Oh! my phone number

is ____________________ (Tlf.Est.1). Whats ____________________ (tu) phone number?

Student 2:

Its _____________________ (Tlf.Est.2). Ok. _________________(chao).

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

Peoples relations (relaciones entre las personas)

(compaeros o compaeras
de clase)



Husband and wife

(esposo y esposa)

Profesiones y ocupaciones
a teacher

a journalist

a student

a builder

a carpenter

a painter

a taxi driver

an actor

an engineer

a doctor

a nurse


a secretary

an athlete

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo.

Mrs Daz:

Excuse, me! Are you Ms Ynez, our new neighbor?

Ms Ynez:

Oh, yes! Nice to meet you! Are you my next-door neighbors?

(vecinos de al lado)

Mrs Daz:

Yes, we are. Im Isabel Daz and this is Eduardo, my husband

Mr Daz:

It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Ynez!

Ms Ynez:

Pleased to meet you, too, Mr Daz!

Luego de un rato, los seores Daz y la Sra Ynez conversan sobre

sus ocupaciones.
Ms Ynez:

I am a nurse at the CDI: Centro de Diagnstico Integ

What do you do?

Mr Daz:

My wife is an architect and I am a car mechanic.

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Ex.: A: Whats your telephone number? B: Its 0416 235789.

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False, segn el caso.

Anglica and Nereyda are neighbors. Nereyda is an administrator. She is from Lara. Anglica is a secretary.
She is from Carabobo. Their o_ce is in Maracay.


a. Anglica and Nereyda are classmates

b. Nereyda isnt a secretrary.
c. Anglica is from Lara state.
d. Their o_ce is in Aragua state.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente el siguiente fragmento. Luego selecciona la opcin correcta entre parntesis.
This is my (neighbor / classmate). Hes (Colombian / Ecuadorian) and hes an (actor / architect). His telephone
number is (0259-445689 / 0259-425687).

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. En una leccin anterior aprendiste los pronombres personales. Observa en los siguientes cuadros los
pronombres posesivos Para qu nos sirven?


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa las siguientes oraciones con my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
a. Jos Miguel is a student. This is ______ backpack.
b. These are Gretel and Alberto. ________ telephone number is 0416 3389
c. We are in _______ classroom now.
d. I am a student. Ms Garca is _____ teacher.
e. My name is Carlos. Whats _____ name?

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


2. Subraya el pronombre personal o el adjetivo posesivo, segn el caso.

a. Whats (you/your) name.

b. (They / Their) are neighbors.

c. Ms Garca is (we/our) teacher.

d. (It / Its) isnt an eraser.

e. Im Jos and this is (I/my) wife Teresa.

f. That is (he / his) backpack.

3. Encierra en un crculo la forma del artculo inde#nido a/an que corresponda o la x, si no lleva artculo.
a. My dad is (a / an / x ) writer.

b. My mom is (a / an / x) artist.

c. We are (a / an / x) students.

c. Ms Garca is (a / an / x) teacher.

d. Those are (a / an / x ) chairs.

e. This is (a / an / x ) eraser.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos)

En grupos de tres, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego completen el siguiente y practquenlo. Pueden
representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros, y agregando las ocupaciones de sus padres o escoger otras.
Student 1:

_________(Hola). Are you ______________(nombre Estud. 2), our new ___________________

(compaero/a de clase)?

Student 2:

Oh, yes! Nice to _____________ (conocerte). Are ____________ (t) in section A, too?

Student 1:

Yes, I am. Im __________ (nombre Estud. 1) and this is __________ (nombre Estud. 3).

Student 3:

______________________________(encantado/a de conocerte), ________________ (nombre Estud. 2).

Student 2:

Pleased to meet you, too,________________ (nombre Estud. 3).

Luego de un rato, todos conversan sobre las ocupaciones de sus padres.

Student 2:

My mom (mam) is ________________ (ocupacin) and my dad (pap) is _______________What

about your mom and your dad?

Student 3:


My mom is an architect and my dad is a car mechanic.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities



Lesson 5: Where are you from?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente historia.

Al llegar a la clase, la profesora Garca escribe en el pizarrn Where are you from? y explica el signi#cado de
la pregunta a los estudiantes.
Oh, you are from the

Ahora comienza un juego de adivinanzas. Un chico lleva en la frente el nombre de una ciudad, que no puede ver. El chico
hace preguntas para adivinar la ciudad, el pas y la nacionalidad.

Am I from Bogot?
You are from South
Where am I from?

UhmAm I from

om Peru.

No, youre not.

Yes, you are!

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Varios delegados de la CELAC (Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeos) coinciden en una
convencin en Venezuela. Escucha la conversacin.
Mr Sandino: Excuse me! A
Mr Stevens: No, I
Mr Sandino: Im fr
Oscar S
Mr Stevens: Its a pleasur
Mr Sandino: Pleased t

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos para completar el siguiente dilogo y practicarlo.

Imaginen que estn participando en un encuentro internacional de estudiantes, que se celebra en nuestro pas.
Uno/una de ustedes es el/la estudiante de Venezuela y el/la otro/a viene de otro pas.
Student 1:

____________________ (Disculpa). Are you the student from Chile?

Student 2:

No, Im not. I am from Venezuela. ________________________? (De dnde eres t?)

Student 1:

Im from_______________ (pas). By the way, my name is __________________(nombre


Student 2:

Pleased to meet you! Im __________________ (nombre Estud. 2).

Student 1:

Pleased to meet you, too!

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities



Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

El Sr Ortega y el Sr Stevens estn compartiendo un caf en el lobby del hotel donde se alojan.
Mr Stevens: Im a journalist. What do you do?
Mr Ortega: Im an engineer. Im in the oil industry (industria del petrleo).
Mientras conversan, llega otra delegada, la Sra Costa.
Mr Stevens:
Mr Ortega:
Ms Costa:
Mr Ortega:

Mr Ortega, let me introduce you to (permtame presentarle a) Ms Fatima Costa.

Nice to meet you, Ms Costa! Are you from Brazil?
Yes, I am Brazilian, from Ipanema. What about you?
Im Venezuelan, from Cuman.

G. Lets read and learn!

Whats your
nationality, Yazer?

Im Libyan.

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Are you from Vietnam,

Ms Wang?

Where are you from,


I am from Mexico.

No, Im not.
Im from China. Im Chinese.

A: Where are you from? B: Im from Brazil.
A: Whats your nationality? B: Im Brazilian.
A: Are you Libyan? B: No, Im not. Im Lebanese.
A: What is the capital of Argentina? B: Its Buenos Aires.
A: Is Bogota the capital of Ecuador? B: No. It isnt. Bogota is the capital of Colombia.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False segn el caso.

Rigoberta Mench and Daniel Ortega are Central American leaders. Ms Mench is a social activist and indigenous
leader. She is from a small town (pequeo pueblo) in Guatemala. Mr Ortega is a socialist leader. He is the president
of Nicaragua.
a. Rigoberta Mench is from Central America.
b. She is from Nicaragua.
c. Daniel Ortega is an indigenous activist.
d. He is the president of a Central American country.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y luego subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. Augusto is (Venezuelan/Peruvian).
b. The CELAC convention is in (Peru/Venezuela).
c. Zoraida is (Nicaraguan/Nigerian).

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las siguientes #guras y oraciones y presta atencin a a/an y the. Por qu crees que a a/an se le
llama artculo inde#nido y a the artculo de#nido?

This is a man.


The man is Chilean.

This is an eraser

The eraser is Venezuelan.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

2. Aqu te presentamos algunos ejemplos

A: Is that a dog or a cat?
B: Its a cat.

A: Is she a student?

A: Whats the cats name?

A: Oh. Thats right!

B: Yes, she is. She is Julia, the student from Tucupita.

B: Its Misu.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa las oraciones con a/an o the.

a. Montevideo is _____ capital of Uruguay.

b. Betty is ______ artist.

c. Sheila is _____ secretary.

d. Where is ______ teacher?

e. Barranquilla is _____ Colombian city. ______

capital of Colombia is Bogota.

f. Ms Garca is _____ English teacher. _____

Biology teacher is Mr. Galndez.

2. Responde las siguientes preguntas personales

a. Are you Jamaican?
b. Where are you from?
c. Whats your nationality?
d. Whats the capital of Nigeria?


3. Ahora, escribe la pregunta que corresponde a la siguiente respuesta:

________________________________________________? Im Argentinian.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

Formen grupos de tres y lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo y
practquenlo. Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros e inventar las profesiones.
Dos personas conversan sobre sus ocupaciones.
Persona1: Im a/an________________________(una profesin). What do you do?
Persona 2: Im a/an ____________________________________(otra profesin).

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


Mientras conversan, llega una tercera persona. La persona 1 presenta a las otras dos.
Persona 1:

Mr/Ms__________________ (nombre de persona 2), let me introduce you to

Mr/Ms______________________(nombre y apellido de persona 3).

Persona 2:

Nice to meet you! Are you from _____________________(un pas)?

Persona 3:

No, Im not. Im from _____________ (otro pas). What about you? Whats your nationality?

Persona 2:

Im _____________________ (nacionalidad).

Qu necesitars para la prxima leccin?

Para la prxima leccin (Lesson 6: This is my family) necesitars una foto de tu familia o de la familia de otra
persona, para describirla. Puedes traer una foto impresa o una imagen en un celular.


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


Lesson 6: This is my family

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin.

La profesora Garca y sus estudiantes conversan acerca de la importancia de la familia en nuestras vidas.
Families are very important in
our lives (vidas). There are di`erent
ypes of families

This is a picture of my family. This

is my husband, Alex. We have three
children. Their names are Cristina,

And this is my mother,


Ms adelante, dos
estudiantes tambin
presentan a sus respectivas
familias a travs de fotos.
y dad,
y sister
and me. We are very happy.

B. Lets listen and read!


and my
onia. I dont
. I am an only

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Is that a picture of your family, Adela?


Yes, it is, Ms Garca. These are my mom, my dad and me.


Ah, ok, Adela. What are their names?


My mothers name is Natalia and my fathers name

is Agustn.


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

C. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Uno de Uds. muestra una foto de su familia.
Student 1:

Is this a picture of your ______________________ (familia)?

Student 2:

Yes, it is. These are my _________________________________(mam, pap, abuelo).

Student 1:

Ah, ok! What are their names?

Student 2:

My mothers name is _________________ and my fathers name is _______________.

E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

Pedros Family

My grandfather

My aunt

My cousin

My grandmother

My mother

My father

My sister

Im Pedro

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

a husband

a wife


F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Durante el recreo, dos chicos conversan sobre sus respectivas familias
Wilfredo: Im an only child (hijo nico). What about you? Do you have
brothers or sisters?
Toms: Yes. I have one brother but I dont have sisters.
Wilfredo: Whats your brothers name?
Toms: His name is Jos. But people call him Cheo. He is with (con)
my grandma, Yeya, now. And what about your parents?
What are their names?
Wilfredo: My moms name is Luisana and my dads name is Jess.

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Plurales irregulares de los sustantivos






Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

Plurales irregulares de los sustantivos (cont.)



35 students
48 books
73 pencils
87 days

Presta atencin a la tabla y

re.exiona sobre cmo escribir
la expresin:
87 das.

H. Reading and re+ecting



= Thirty-6ve students
= Forty-eight books
= Seventy-three pencils
= _________________________

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente este fragmento y marca True o False segn el caso.

I am Celia Rojas. Im a student. My mothers name is Mara Luca. Shes a nurse. My grandmas name is
Moraima. She isnt Venezuelan. Shes Chilean. I have one brother. His name is Julio and his wifes name
is Yolanda.
a. Celia is a nurse.
b. Mara Luca is Celias mom.
b. Moraima is Celias grandmother.
c. Yolanda is Julios sister.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y luego subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. Ms Jacinta Rivero is from (Venezuela / El Salvador).
b. Ms Riveros husband (is a delegate / is not a delegate).
c. He is at home with their (two children/three children).

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa atentamente el cuadro siguiente y re.exiona sobre el uso de Do, Have y How many.

D ou ha e brothers
or sist

m an

Yes, I do. I ha
one brother

How many brothers and

sisters do y

I have two brothers

and one sister.

or sisters.


Unit two: People, countries and nationalities

2. En el cuadro siguiente presta atencin a la forma de expresar la posesin.

Para indicar que algo pertenece a alguien o a algo, usaremos s.
Berthas o_ce:
My friends grandma:
The cats box:

s signi#ca que pertenece a Bertha (de Bertha)

s signi#ca que pertenece a mi amigo (de mi amigo/a)
s signi#ca que pertenece al gato (del gato)

Cmo podemos expresar la siguiente idea?

El perro de Martn ______________________________.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1.Ordena las palabras para formar oraciones.

a. is / brother / Maras / Juan ___________________________________________.
b. sisters / Soraya and Luisa / Benitos / are________________________________.
c. chair / This / the delegates / is ________________________________________.
2. Responde las siguientes preguntas personales.
a. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
b. Are you an only child?
c. Whats your mothers name?

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Relean los dilogos anteriores y luego completen este nuevo dilogo y practquenlo.
Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregando el nuevo vocabulario de esta leccin.
En la siguiente situacin, dos chicos/as hablan de sus familias. Uno/a de ello/as es hijo/a nico/a


Student 1:

Do you have brothers or sisters?

Student 2:

No, I dont. Im an ________________________(hijo/a nico/a). What about you?

Student 1:

I have _________________________________ (un hermano y una hermana).

Student 2:

What are their names?

Student 1:

My brothers name is ______________ and my sisters name is ___________________.

Unit two: People, countries and nationalities


Lesson 7: When is Dignity Day?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Clara llama a Jos para invitarlo a ir a un partido de baseball.

Hello, Jos! This is Clara.

How are you?.

Hi, Clara. Whats up?

There is a baseball
game at the stadium.

Great game!

Yes. Excellent!
OK. Clara. Lets go home now!

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit three: Time in our lives

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

El telfono suena



Hi, Nestor! This is Belkys.


Hi Belkys! Where are you?


Im at home. Listen! There is a party at Iraimas

house. Do you want to go?


Yes, sure! When is it?


On Saturday evening.


Great! See you there!



D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos y luego, completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres u otros.
El/la estudiante 1 responde al telfono
Student 1:


Student 2:

Hi, _______________ (nombre Estud.1)! This is ____________________ (nombre Estud. 2).

Student 1:

Oh, hello ________________ (nombre Estud. 2). Where are you?

Student 2:

Im at home. Listen! There is a good movie at the Cinemateca.______________________?

(Quieres ir?)

Student 1:

Sure. When is it?

Student 2:

On _________________(domingo).

Student 1:

Great! See you there!

Student 2:


Unit three: Time in our lives


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.
Time expresions

in the morning

the afternoon



in the evening

Unit three: Time in our lives

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Carolina: Hi, Eiker. Whats up? (Qu tal?)
Eiker: Pretty good (bastante bien), thanks. And you?
Carolina: Fine. Listen! When is Venezuelas Dignity Day?
Eiker: Its on February 4th.
Carolina: Oh! Its on Wednesday!
Eiker: No, its on Monday. Today is Friday February 1st.
Carolina: Yes. Youre right! Thanks.
Eiker: Youre welcome! (De nada)

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite los nmeros ordinales del primero al dcimo.

Unit three: Time in our lives


2) Ahora, escucha y repite los nmeros ordinales del undcimo (11) al vigsimo segundo (22). Luego completa
la tabla y escribe la respuesta a la pregunta.

A: Whats the date? B: Its May _________________________

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

H. Reading and re+ecting

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False, segn el caso.

There are many national holidays in our country. In February, there are two important festivities: Dignity
Day, on February 4th, and Youth Day, on February 12th. International Workers Day is on May 1st.




Dignity Day and Youth Day are two important holidays.

Youth Day is on February 4th.
We celebrate International Workers Day in May.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

1. Escucha y marca la opcin correcta en cada par de palabras.

a. Tuesday
c. First

/ Thursday

/ Third

b. Where
d. June

/ When
/ July

2. Ahora, escucha y responde True o false, segn el caso

Betsy and Yuraima are sisters.
It is Yuraimas birthday.
Betsys birthday is in March.


Unit three: Time in our lives

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa el siguiente cuadro y re.exiona sobre los usos de in, on y at.

2) En los siguientes cuadros encontrars las formas a#rmativa, negativa e interrogativa de la formas there is y
there are y algunos ejemplos de cmo usarlos.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1) Subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. A: When is the movie?
B: Its (in/on/at) Thursday.

b. A: Where are you?

B: (In/On/At) home.

c. A: When is Christmas?
B: Its (in/on/at) December.

d. When is Simn Bolivars birthday?

Its (in/on/at) July 24th.

Unit three: Time in our lives


2) Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas: luego escribe las respuestas.
Example: days/are/in/thirty/there/March?
A: Are there thirty days in March? B: No, There arent. There are thirty-one.
a) there/your classroom/twenty students/Are /in?
_________________________________? B:_______________________________.
b) computers/there/Are/in/your school?
_________________________________? B:_______________________________.
c) Is/a table/there/the classroom/in/?
__________________________________? B:______________________________.


Unit three: Time in our lives

Unit three: Time in our lives



Lesson 8: What time is the math lesson?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Oh, really?

And there is a new teacher.

Is this his 6rst y

are excellent.

in the afternoon.

What time in the

t 3 pm.

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit three: Time in our lives

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.


Vanessa, there is a violin concert at school.

Oh. Really? (De verdad?)
Who is the violinist?
Luisianny, my friend from section C.
Sounds great! Shes an excellent musician.
When is it?
On Saturday morning.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres o escoger otros.
Student 1:

__________________(nombre Estud. 2), there is a good documentary on TV.

Student 2:

Oh! ___________ (de verdad)? What is it about? (De qu se trata?)

Student 1:

Its about domestic animals.

Student 2:

Sounds great! _________________________? (Cundo es?)

Student 1:

On_______________________________ (domingo por la tarde).

Unit three: Time in our lives


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

A concert

A play

F. Lets listen, read and say!

A baseball game

A movie

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.


Who is playing? (Quin est jugando?)

Araeras and Zamoranas. Do you want to go?


Sure! When is it? This evening?


No. This afternoon.

What time?
Three oclock.



Listen! Theres a softball game today.

Unit three: Time in our lives

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

G. Lets read and learn!

What time is it?

What time is
it, please?

its ten thirty.

Its four twenty

its two oclock.

Its seven Cfteen.

its one forty-Cve.

Its nine twenty.

its ten thirty-Cve.

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

Today is Wednesday. Its nine oclock in the morning and Ms Garca is at home because she is sick. Now,
there is a new English teacher. His name is Mr Guevara. Todays class is about telling the time (decir la hora).
a. Its (nine oclock p.m. / nine oclock a.m. / nine oclock in the evening.)
b. Ms Garca (isnt at school. / is at school. / isnt at home).
c. There is a (new math teacher. / new English teacher. / a new principal).
d. Todays class is about (time / the new teacher / class objects)

Unit three: Time in our lives




Unit three: Time in our lives



 "  #" 
How many? Where? When? What time? y sus
respectivas respuestas.

Unit three: Time in our lives



Unit three: Time in our lives


Lesson 9: How old are you?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? Qu trata la situacin?
Hey, Tania! Toda
my birthday.

Im 14. What about

you? How old are you?

Im 13. My birthday is
on July 2nd.

Oh. Happy birthda

Henry! How old ar
you today?

Come to my birthday
party on Saturday.

Yes, we are, but were

not identical twins

B. Lets listen and read!

Sure! What time?

Really? How is he?

At 6 oclock. Its my
brothers birthday party,
too. Hes 14 too.

He is tall and I am shor . His

hair is black and m
brown. My ey
and his eyes ar

Really? Are you twins?


(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa


Unit three: Time in our lives

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Hoy es el cumpleaos de Sergio.
Sergio: Hello, Carmen!
Carmen: Hi, Sergio! Im 13 today.
Sergio: Cool! Happy birthday, Carmen!
Carmen: Thank you. By the way (a propsito), how old are you?
Sergio: Im 14.
Carmen: When is your birthday?
Sergio: On September 19th.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres o escoger otros.
Hoy es el cumpleaos del o de la estudiante 2.
Student 1:

Hello, ______________ (Nombre Estud. 2)!

Student 2:

Hi, ____________ (Nombre Estud. 1)! Im ________ (edad) today.

Student 1:

Wow! _____________________ (Feliz cumpleaos)!

Student 2:

Thank you! ________________ (a propsito), how old are you?

Student 1:

Im ________________ (edad Estud. 1).

E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.
How old are you?

Unit three: Time in our lives

Im 13 years old.
What about you?

When is your

Its on May 23rd

y third).


(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Vctor le comenta a Manuel sobre el cumpleaos de una amiga en comn.


Hi, Manuel! Its Yamilas birthday today.

Is she a tall girl with short hair?
No, she isnt. Shes short with long hair.
Her eyes are green, right?
No. They arent. Theyre brown.
Oh, you mean (quieres decir) Yamila, not Yamile. Right?
Yep! She is 14 today.

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

G. Lets read and learn!


The human body
(El cuerpo humano)




Unit three: Time in our lives

2) Lee y aprende los siguientes adjetivos, tiles para describir personas













3) Lee y aprende los nombres de los colores.





Unit three: Time in our lives








H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Examina la #cha de esta chica y responde las preguntas con respuestas completas.

What's her full name? (nombre completo)

Is she short? _____________________________.
When is her birthday? ______________________.
How old is she? ___________________________.
What color is her hair? ______________________.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha y responde en tu cuaderno las tres preguntas que te har tu profesor o profesora.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1) En el siguiente cuadro encontrars ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas con be, how old? what color? y
When? Estdialas y aprende cmo usarlas


Unit three: Time in our lives

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Completa los espacios en blanco con How old, What color, are, is, isnt, eyes, thin y birthday.

a. A: Today is my sisters birthday.


A: When is your __________?

B: Its on February 18th.


A: Is Luis fat?
B: No. He isnt. He is_______.

B: Oh, really? _______________ is she?

A: She ______ 16.

A: My cats _______ are green.

______________ are your cats eyes?
B: They _______ yellow.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos)

En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores. Luego, completen el siguiente y practquenlo. Pueden
representarlo usando sus propios nombres u otros y agregar nuevo vocabulario.
Dos estudiantes conversan acerca de sus familias. El/la estudiante 1 tiene un hermano y el/la estudiante 2 tiene
una hermana.
Student 1:
Student 2:

Whats your brothers name?

His name is ____________________. What about your sister? Whats________ (su, de ella)

Student 1:
Student 2:

Her name is _______________.

___________________________? (Qu edad tiene ella?)

Student 1:

___________________________ (Ella tiene 10 aos) but shes _______ (alta).

Student 2:

My brother is 16. He is __________ (bajo) and _______ (gordo) and he is very intelligent.

Student 1:

___________________ (De qu color) is your brothers hair?

Student 2:

Its ___________ (marrn). Is your sisters hair ________ (marrn), too?

Student 1:

No. It isnt. It is _____________ (otro color).

Unit three: Time in our lives



Unit three: Time in our lives

Unit three: Time in our lives



A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. (Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?)

Bless me, dad! This is my

Oh, yes! We are building
a new room for Lismar.

Thats great, sir!

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa


Unit four: Home and community

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Gabrielas mom:
(mam de Gabriela)
Gabrielas mom:

What are you doing, darling?(Qu ests haciendo, cario ) Are

you doing your homework? (tu tarea)
No, mom. Im drawing (estoy dibujando) a house plan.
Yes. Im thinking of (pensando en) my dream house. (la casa
de mis sueos)

Gabrielas mom:

Good! How many rooms are there in your dream house?


There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a

living room and a garden.

Gabrielas mom:

D. Now, lets practice!

Its a beautiful house!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos para completar el dilogo y practicarlo. Uno de Uds. representar a un/una abuelo/
abuela y otro a un nieto/nieta.


____________ (nombre estudiante 2), Where ________ you?

I____ in my bedroom.
______ you doing your homework?
No, Im ______. I __________ _________________ ( estoy hablando) on the phone with Javier.
Where ______ he?
He _____ at the CDI.
What ____ he doing there? _____ he OK?


Yes, he is. He _____________________ (trabajando) on a school project.

Unit four: Home and community


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

Thinking of a dream house


Talking on the phone

Working on a project

Unit four: Home and community

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo
Gabriela: What are you doing, William?

William: Im reading (leyendo) about our community in the school

newspaper (peridico).
Gabriela: Really? What exactly are you reading?
William: Its an article about the history of our community. What
about you?
Gabriela: I am writing (escribiendo) my homework about the origins
of our community.

G. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False.

At school students are describing their dream houses. This is Jocelyns description:
I am drawing (dibujando) my dream house. My dream house is the perfect house for my family. There are
three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one dining room, one living room and a back yard (patio) for our dog Cacique. My bedroom is green. There is a nice bed and a white closet. There is a desk for my Canaima and a
bookcase (estante) for my books and notebooks.


a. The students are at home now.

b. They are describing their dream houses.
c. Cacique is Jocelyns dog.
d. There is a bookcase for her Canaima.
e. The bedroom is white.

Unit four: Home and community


H. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y, luego, subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

Enrique is at (school / home) now. Hes talking on the phone with his (dad / mom). His mom is (eating /
cooking) lunch.

I. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Lee las frases que acompaan cada ilustracin y re.exiona sobre las palabras o expresiones que se utilizan en
cada caso Hay algn patrn? Qu podemos deducir?

Are they building

new houses in your


Are they building

new facilities
in our high school?

Our community
is changing.

I am walking
to my aunts house.

Unit four: Home and community

Unit four: Home and community



Unit four: Home and community


A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia?
La Sra. Carmen es voluntaria en la Misin Negra Hiplita. Su tarea es ayudar a ubicar medicamentos para
atender a los bene#ciarios de esta misin.

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit four: Home and community

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Inmary: Lets check (revisemos) our community projects.
Alex: Now, there is a Simoncito.
Inmary: But there arent any teachers.
Alex: Oh yes! There are eight teachers.
Inmary: Thats excellent!
Alex: There are a Bolivarian elementary school, a Bolivarian high
school, a Mercal and a PDVAL.
Inmary: But there arent any universities.
Alex: Thats not correct! They are o`ering (estn ofreciendo) Sucre and
Ribas Missions at the Bolivarian school.
Inmary: Thats great!

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el dilogo y practquenlo.

Student 1:

_______________ there a CDI near here?

Student 2:

Yes, there_____ two CDIs near the church (iglesia).

Student 1:

Ok! Where_______ the bus station?

Student 2:

Its________________ (del otro lado del) Bicentenario Bank.

Student 1:

Thank ______________________.

Student 2:

You____ welcome!

Unit four: Home and community


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

This is a Venezuelan town. There are two avenues (avenidas): Venezuela Avenue and Bolvar Avenue; and
there are two streets (calles): Independencia Street and Negro Primero Street. There is a bus station on (en)
Independencia St. It is next to (al lado de) the Sports Center. There is a CDI on Bolivar Av. across from (al
frente, del otro lado de la calle) the sports center and next to Zamora High School. The movie theater is on
Independencia St., between (entre) the shopping center and PDVAL. The school is on the corner of (en la
esquina de) Bolvar Av. and Negro Primero St., next to the Police Station. There is a cafeteria in (en) the park.
The gas station is near (cerca de) the cafeteria but far from (lejos de) the hospital.


Unit four: Home and community

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.


G. Lets read and learn!

Lets do our homework.

Ok, lets go to the CBIT.
Is there a CBIT near here?
Yes, there is one at the school.
Sorry, where is it exactly? Im a new student.
Its across from the auditorium.
Thats good!
There are good facilities here.
Thats excellent!
Its a project of FUNDABIT.

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite.
Are there history books in that bookshop?
Is there a zoo in this town?
Is there a hospital near here?
Where is the cafeteria?
Where is the pharmacy?
Where is the bookshop?
Where are the buses?

Unit four: Home and community

Yes, there are.

No, there isnt.
Yes, theres a CDI on Bolvar Avenue.
Its in the park.
Its near Sucre Square.
Its across from the police station.
Theyre at the bus station.


H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False.

Our country (pas) is very beautiful. There are 23 states and a capital district. There are three Andean states.
The highest (ms alta) mountain, Bolvar Peak, is located (situado) in Mrida, one of the Andean states. In the
north (norte) of Venezuela there are great beaches and islands. In the south, there is a large (grande) rain
forest (bosque tropical), the Amazonia, and the Kerepakupai Ven, the highest waterfall in the world (mundo).
The other states are very beautiful, too.


Bolvar Peak is in an Andean state.

There are beautiful beaches in the south of Venezuela
Amazonia is in the north.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

This is my town. There is a theater. Its on Sucre Avenue, (next to / across from) the library. There are two
schools. My school is on Coromoto street, between the Bicentenario supermarket and the (sports center /
shopping center). The bus stop is (near / far from) the gas station.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Presta atencin y re.exiona. Cul es el patrn?

Where is
Bolvar Peak?


Where are the

Pemn and Yekuana

Are there boys or

girls in your school?

Is there a bus
station near here?

Unit four: Home and community

2. Ahora, observa la tabla y re.exiona sobre los usos de There is / There are.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. A cada pregunta de la izquierda le corresponde una respuesta en la columna de la derecha. Encuentra las
correspondencias, como en el ejemplo.

1. Is there a park in front of the school?

(a) Its on the table

2. Where is the English book?

(b) Its on Baralt Street.

3. Where are the students?

(c). No, there isnt. There is a pharmacy

4. Are there any laboratories at the school?

(d) They are in the classroom

5. Where is the Community House?

(e) Yes, there are two

Unit four: Home and community


2. Vuelve al mapa de la seccin E. Completa cada oracin con una de las siguientes preposiciones.

next to


on the corner of

across from


a. PDVAL is ____________________ Bolvar Av. and Independencia St.

b. The National Theater is ____________ Bolvar Av. __________ the bookshop.
c. The post o_ce is _______________ the pharmacy.
d. The police station is _____________ the supermarket and the elementary school.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores y el vocabulario. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo
y practquenlo. Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres.
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:


Hi! _____________ you a new student?

Yes, I ________________.
Lets walk around to show you the school.
Oh! Is that the theater?
No, its the auditorium. There_____110 seats (asientos).
Where_____the sports court (cancha)?
Its near the _______________ (biblioteca).
And what about the chess room?
______ ________ (no hay) a chess room in this school.
Where _______the dining hall?
Its _________________ (en frente de) the biology laboratory.

Unit four: Home and community

Unit four: Home and community



A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Un chico y una chica entran a una tienda para comprar un par de zapatos.

t those shoes!

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit four: Home and community

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Shop assistan
Shop assistan
Shop assistan
Shop assistan

Shop assistan

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

Student 1: How _____________________ those pants?
Student 2: They _____ 225______________. Theyre not ____________ (caros).
Student 1: Ok. Please, show me the black pants on that shelf.
Student 3: Here you are (aqu tiene). The ______________ room is over ________.
Student 2: Oh, they feel (se sienten) comfortable (cmodos).
Student 1: Yes, theyre very good ________________ (calidad).
Student 2: Yes! And they are made in Venezuela!

Unit four: Home and community


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.



jeans / belt

a blouse

a shirt


a sweater

a t-shirt

a pair of socks






a dress

a skirt









Unit four: Home and community

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Escucha y repite.

A: Look! That shirt is beautiful!

B: Which one? (Cul?)
A: The green one.


A: Look! These blouses are nice.

B: Which ones? (Cules?)
A: The white ones.


A: How much is this skirt?

B: Its 100 bolivars.


A: How much are those pants?

B: Theyre 200 bolivars.


A: Can I try it on?

B: Of course!


A: Can I try them on?

B: All right!


A: Can I help you!

B: Yes, please/No, thank you.


A: What size are you?

B: Im size 10./Im10.

Unit four: Home and community


H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y encierra en un crculo la letra (a o b) que corresponda a la opcin correcta.
What is a 6rst necessity product? A 6rst necessity product is an item (artculo) necessary for living (para vivir).
For example: food (comida), water, electricity, clothing (ropa), school objects and medicines. Luxury (lujoso)
cars and expensive (costosos) watches (relojes) are not 6rst necessity products. People use money to obtain
these things, but money cannot buy (no puede comprar) everything (todo). For example, money cannot buy
love or respect.
1. Is food a luxury product?
2. Are school objects 6rst necessity products?
3. Are luxury items 6rst necessity products?
4. Can you obtain love with money?

I. All ears!

a. Yes, it is.
a. Yes, they are.
a. Yes, they are.
a. Yes, I can.

b. No, it isnt.
b. No, they arent.
b. No, they arent.
b. No, I can not.

(Todo odos!)

Escucha y completa las oraciones con las palabras que faltan.


David __________________________looking for a pair of shoes.


_______________ much _______________________ these pants?


______ you show ____________ that shirt?


How much is this ___________________?

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1.Observa las siguientes ilustraciones y re.exiona. Cul es el patrn?

How much is/are?

How much is

How much are

those shoes?

Which one/ones?
Which one?
Which ones?

This one


Those ones

Unit four: Home and community

2. Ahora, observa la siguiente tabla con algunas preguntas y respuestas.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1) Escribe la pregunta con How much? y respndela segn el ejemplo.


that sweater (300 bolivars)

How much is that sweater?
Its 300 bolivars.

those jeans (500 bolivars)


2) Completa la conversacin siguiendo el ejemplo.


A: Can you show me that book?

B: Which one?
A: That one.


Can you show me those shoes?


3) Ordena la siguiente conversacin. Utiliza los nmeros ordinales en la columna de la izquierda. La primera
lnea ya est resuelta. (2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th )

) Its 250 Bolivars.

) No. The blue one. How much is it?

) Yes, please. Im looking for a blouse. Can you show me that one?

( 1st ) Can I help you?


) Which one? The green one?

Unit four: Home and community


L. Lets re+ect and create

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

En grupos de dos, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores y el vocabulario. Luego completen el siguiente dilogo
y practquenlo. Pueden representarlo usando sus propios nombres o escoger otros.


Student 1:

Hello, Can I ___________________ you?

Student 2:

Yes, please, Im _____________________ for a dress.

Student 1:

There ______________________ very good dresses here

Student 2:

_________________ you show me that one?

Student 1:

The yellow one or the blue one?

Student 2:

The yellow ________, please.

Student 1:

Here you are!

Student 2:

How much___it?

Student 1:

2000 bolivars.

Student 2:

Oh, no! thank _____. Its very ___________________(costoso).

Unit four: Home and community


Lesson13: Do you like arepas?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
My grandmother
makes arepas everyday

Oh yes, I love arepas!

How do you like

epas with
a tiny hole in the middle.

does, too!

Los chicos entran a una arepera y ordenan unas arepas

I prefer my arepas
grilled on a budare.


B. Lets listen and read!

An arepa with llanero

cheese, please!

for me, please!

Here you are, guys!

hank y

y much!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee el dilogo en forma silenciosa. Puedes consultar el vocabulario en el
glosario, al #nal del texto.


Unit 6ve:

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

C. Lets listen, read and say!

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Ya a punto de salir del liceo, Alicia est a la espera de Pedro, quien est por terminar de hacer un ejercicio, antes
de irse a comer. Ms tarde se incorpora Ronald.

Alicia: Are you done? (terminaste).

Pedro: Yes, I am.
Alicia: Me too (yo tambin). Gee! (Caray!) Im hungry.
(Tengo hambre)

Ronald: Hi, guys! Lunch time! (Hora de almorzar!) Lets eat

arepas today!
Pedro: Good idea!
Ronald: Why dont we go to a Carmens arepa stand
Alicia: No! Why dont we go to my grandmothers
Pedro: Good idea! She is a great cook (cocinera).

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de tres para completar el dilogo y practicarlo. Recuerden utilizar su cuaderno.
Student A:

Are you done?

Student B:

Yes, I am. And _______________________ (tengo hambre).

Student A:

I_________________________ (tengo hambre), too.

Student C:

Hi, guys! ____________________! (hora de almorzar) Lets ________________ cachapas.

Student B:

Its 6ne with me. (por m est bien)

Student C:

Lets go to ___________________ (nombre de un restaurant)?

Student B:

No! Why dont you come to my house? _____________ (Mi mam) makes excellent cachapas.

Unit 6ve:


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas. Aqu encontrars
los nombres de algunos platos nacionales e internacionales.
Traditional Venezuelan food (comida)
Arepa andina
Andean arepa


Reina pepiada
Reina pepiada arepa

de carne mechada
Shredded beef arepa

Filled with chicken salad

and avocado

Filled with
Shredded beef




Scrambled eggs with onion

and tomato

Combo of rice,
shredded beef, black
beans and fried plantain

Similar to a pancake

International food
Australian meat pie
Pastel de carne australiano

Pita bread
Pan pita

Arepa cabimera
Cabimera arepa

Covered with cheese, ham, ground

carrots, chicken, and boiled eggs


Sliced chicken or beef and

vegetables wrapped in pita bread


Unit 6ve:

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.


Gee! (Coye!) Im hungry. Are you hungry, too?


Yes I am. Im starving. (Me muero de hambre)


Lets eat at a Carmens stand (kiosko).


Good idea! I love their food.

Me, too. (Yo tambin) Their cachapas are great!
Ok! Lets eat at a Carmens!

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Observa la siguiente tabla con la clasi#cacin de algunos alimentos, segn sus aportes de nutrientes. Cmo se
relaciona con el trompo de los alimentos? Puedes consultar los signi#cados de las palabras en el glosario.


Vitamins, minerals and


@our, pasta
cereals, bread,
corn, cassava
and plantain

carrots, lettuce,
tomatoes, onions,
broccoli, beets,
papaya and

I. Reading and re+ecting


milk, yogurt,
meat, 6sh, beans,
chicken, beef,
eggs, ham and

Fats and oil


butter and
vegetable oil

honey, sugar,
brown sugar
jam and

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y responde True o False.

Patricia likes her arepas grilled on a budare and 6lled with cheese and ham. Her brother, Javier, loves arepas,
too, but he prefers his arepas fried and 6lled with shredded beef. He doesnt like grilled arepas.


a. Patricia and her brother like arepas.

b. Javier likes his arepas grilled on a budare, too.
c. Patricia prefers arepas 6lled with shredded beef.

Unit 6ve:


H. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y subraya la opcin correcta.

Pabelln is a Venezuelan traditional dish. Its ingredients are:
a) black beans / white beans.
b) shredded beets / shredded beef.
c) fried plantains / grilled plantains.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las siguientes tablas. Presta atencin y re.exiona sobre el uso de do/does en oraciones negativas e
interrogativas con el verbo like. Dnde se usan do y does?

2. Observa ahora los usos de do/does en los siguientes ejemplos.


Unit 6ve:

3. En los siguientes ejemplos, observa cmo hacer preguntas con How + do/does.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa las oraciones con: do / does / dont / doesnt.

a. A: ______ you like fruits in the morning?
B: Yes, I ______.

b. A: How ______ she like her chicken?

B: She likes it grilled.

c. A: ______ he like his arepas baked?

B: No, he ______. He prefers fried arepas.

d. A: ______ your brother like 6sh?

B: Yes, he ______.

2. Responde las siguientes preguntas personales en tu cuaderno.

a. Do you prefer bread or arepas?

b. How do you like your arepas?


c. Do you like your arepas fried?


c. Does your teacher like chicken?


Unit 6ve:


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

Formen grupos de tres y lean los dilogos y el vocabulario de esta leccin. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo.
Dos chicas estn en el recreo. Tienen hambre y van a la cantina a comprar algo de comer. Esta es su conversacin.
Student 1:

Gee! _____________________ (Tengo hambre). What about you?

Student 2:

I' ___________________ (no tengo hambre), but I' _______________ (tengo sed).

Student 1:

Let's go (vamos) to the canteen (cantina).

Student 2:

__________________! (buena idea)

En la cantina, las chicas estn haciendo sus pedidos al cantinero. (El estudiante 3 ser el/la cantinero/a)
Student 1:

An arepa with _________________________ (queso amarillo) for me, please!

Student 2:

And a bottle of water for me.

Student 3:

With _______________________ (mantequilla)?

Student 1:

No, _____________________! (gracias)


Unit 6ve:

Unit 6ve:



Lesson14: I want fried eggs for breakfast

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Es domingo por la maana y, como todos los domingos, la familia va a preparar un desayuno abundante, pero
se dan cuenta quefaltan algunos alimentos.
What do you want for

No We need tomatoes

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha y lee atentamente la historia anterior.


Unit 6ve:

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Rafael y Nancy estn en un restaurante y en este momento son atendidos por una mesera...

Good afternoon!
Good afternoon! Can I have the menu, please?
With pleasure! Here you are, sir...ma'am!
What do you recommend?
Today's special is steak (bistec), French fries (papas fritas) and


Ok! We want todays special. We're very hungry!


Anything to drink? (Algo de tomar?)


A papaya milkshake (merengada) for me, please! And a glass

of (un vaso de) pineapple juice (jugo de pia) for me.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de tres. Luego, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.


___________________________! (Buenos das!).

_________________________! (Buenos das!). Can I have the menu, please?
With pleasure! _________________________! (Aqu tienen Uds!)
What __________ you ________________________ (recomienda)?
Our grilled chicken is delicious!


Ok! We want the chicken. With rice and vegetables for me, please!


With _________________________ (papas fritas) and salad for me.


Unit 6ve:

_____________________________________? (Algo de beber?)

Yes please! We want ___________________ (jugo de naranja) and water (agua).


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

En el siguiente men encontrars los nombres de diversos platillos: entradas, platos principales, postres y

Main dishes



Chicken soup
(Sopa de pollo)
Vegetable soup
(Sopa de vegetales)

Grilled/Fried chicken
(Pollo asado / frito)
Creole Steak
(Bistec a la criolla)
Fried Csh
(Pescado frito)

Chocolate cake
(Torta de chocolate)
Vanilla ice cream
(Helado de vainilla)

Pineapple juice
(jugo de pia)
Papaya milkshake
Strawberry milkshake
(merengada de fresa)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Una madre y su hija plani#can hacer una ensalada de pollo. La chica toma nota de lo que hace falta para ir al


Mom, I'm starving! (Me muero de hambre!).

Me, too! There is chicken. Let's prepare chicken (pollo) salad!
Oh, great! What else (Qu ms) do we need, mom?
We need potatoes, carrots, onions (cebollas) and eggs.
Ok! Let's go to the supermarket!

Unit 6ve:

G. Lets read and learn!

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento. Luego, responde True o False.

Today is Saturday. Its eight oclock in the morning and Mara and her grandma are hungry. Now they are in
the kitchen. Mara wants perico and arepas for breakfast and her grandma wants a cheese sandwich. There
is cheese and butter (mantequilla) in the fridge but (pero) there arent any eggs.



a. It's lunch time now.

b. Mara wants a cheese sandwich.
c. They need eggs.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y completa el texto con las palabras que faltan.

Nstor and his sister Ana are at ____________________ now. Their mom is preparing __________________.
They want ____________________. Nstor wants his chicken with potatoes but Ana ___________________
her chicken with rice and ____________________.

Unit 6ve:


J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las siguientes tablas, similares a las de la leccin 13. Aqu tambin se trata el presente simple, pero
con los verbos want (querer/desear) y need (necesitar).

2. Observa ahora los usos de do/does en los siguientes ejemplos.


Unit 6ve:


K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos)

1. En las siguientes oraciones, subraya la forma del verbo o del auxiliar que corresponde.
a. Mara (want/wants) a sandwich.
c. She (dont /doesnt) need sugar.
e. (Do/Does) Julia want an arepa?

b. We (need/needs) water.
d. He (want/wants) chicken.
e. (Do/Does) they need butter?

2. Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas y respuestas. Utiliza tu cuaderno.


A: want / What / you / do/ for breakfast?

A: What do you want for breakfast?
a. need / Do / we / water / ?
b. he / What / does / for lunch / want / ?
c. Lucy / Does / vegetables / need / ?
d. your steak / How / want / you / do / ?

Unit 6ve:

B: an arepa / want / I
B: I want an arepa.
we / No,/dont
grilled chicken / wants / He / and rice
she / Yes, / does
well done / want / I / it


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos)

Formen grupos de tres y completen el siguiente dilogo. Luego, practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres
u otros y utilizar el vocabulario de esta leccin.
Student 1: I _________________ (tengo sed). I ______________ (necesito) water.
Student 2: And I _________________(tengo hambre). I ______________ (quiero) a sandwich.
Student 3: Im hungry, too. Lets prepare a ______________________(sandwich de queso)
Student 2: There is bread (pan) in the fridge but we ___________ (necesitamos) cheese and tomato.
Student 3: _______ we need butter, too?
Student 2: Yes, we do.


Unit 6ve:

Unit 6ve:



Lesson15: What do you have in your backpack?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Good morning, class! Lets play a
game today, ok?

Please, Luisa, stand up

and come here!

B. Lets listen and read!

What do I have in my bag?

Its a guessing game.

Now, close your eyes. Put your

hand in the bag and grab

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha y lee el dilogo anterior. y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit 6ve:

Sounds fun!

What is it?

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Pedro: I am happy! We have our Canaimas.

Ligia: Im happy, too! These laptops are very useful (tiles).
Pedro: Youre right! (Tienes razn). And we have the Bicentenario
Collection, too.
Ligia: Lets celebrate!
Pedro: Oh! By the way! Where is your Canaima, Ligia?
Ligia: Its in my backpack.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo. Utilicen su cuaderno.

Student 1: Im so happy!
Student 2: ______________(Por qu?)
Student 1: I have (tengo) the Bicentenario Collection.
Student 2: Great! I _________ (tengo) the Bicentenario, too. These books are very good.
Student 1: _________________________ (Tienes razn!).
Student 2 Oh! __________________ (por cierto), Where are your books?
Student 1: They are in my ___________________________ (morral).

E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende los nombres de estos objetos que puedes llevar en tu morral. Ya conoces algunos de ellos de
lecciones anteriores.
School objects
a backpack

a laptop


a cell phone

a ruler

a sharpener

Unit 6ve:

a notebook

a pencil case


F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Pedro: Do you have a pet, Ligia?

Ligia: Yes, I do. I have a dog. Her name is Spotty. What about
Pedro: I have a 6sh and my sister has a cat. His name is Nando.
Ligia: Oh, I love cats! They are so cute (lindos)!
Pedro: Yes! Nando is black and hes very playful (juguetn).

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende el vocabulario

Our pets (nuestras mascotas)

Cheos 6sh


Irimas dog

Our cat

Johns tortoise

Unit 6ve:

Rosas parrot

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente pasaje. Luego, responde las preguntas.

My name is Richard. In my house there are three pets. We have a cat, a dog and a tortoise. We love animals.
Our cats name is Patty. She is an old black cat and she is thirteen years old. Our dog is big and brown and
his name is Chocolate. Hes only one year old. The tortoise is very small and his name is Beto.

a. How many animals does Richard have?


b. What color is the cat?


c. How old is Chocolate?


d. Is the cat young?


I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y selecciona la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. Johanna and Alfredo are (at home / in class) now.
b. They (have/dont have) laptops.
c. Alfredo (has/doesnt have) a cell phone.

Unit 6ve:


J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las siguientes tablas. Presta atencin y re.exiona sobre las formas del verbo to have en el presente
simple, en oraciones negativas e interrogativas.

2. Observa ahora los usos de have/has en las siguientes oraciones.


Unit 6ve:

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Subraya la forma correcta del verbo.

a. My sister (have/has) a dog.

b. They (have/has) a tortoise.

c. Do you (have/has) a cat?

d. She (dont/doesnt) have pets

d. What does he (have/has) in his bag?

e. (Do/Does) your brother like papaya?

f. What do they (want/wants) for breakfast?

g. Does she (need/needs) water?

2. Organiza las palabras para formar preguntas y respndelas.

Ejemplo: you / brothers or sisters / have / Do ?
A: Do you have brothers or sisters? B: Yes, I do. I have two brothers.
a. pets / have / you / Do / ?
A: _______________________________________? B: _____________________________________.
b. in your school / there / a garden /Is / ?
A: _______________________________________? B: _____________________________________.
c. your teacher / have / Does / a laptop / ?
A: _______________________________________? B: ____________________________________.
d. you / How old / are / ?
A: _______________________________________? B: ____________________________________.

Unit 6ve:


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos)

Formen grupos de dos. Luego, lean de nuevo los dilogos anteriores y el vocabulario y completen el siguiente
dilogo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres u otros.
Dos estudiantes se encuentran en el parque. Uno/a de ellos/as lleva un perrito.
Student 1: Oh, hello, ____________________ $
 %! How are you?
Student 2: Oh, hi ____________________ (nombre Estud. 1)  
beautiful ______________ (perro)!
Student 1: Thank you! Yes, _______(su) name is Mateo. Do you have a pet, too?
Student 2: Yes, I do. I have a ______________________ (otra mascota).
Al da siguiente, en clase, uno/a de los/as estudiantes no encuentra su laptop.
Student 1: Oh! Where is my laptop? It isnt in my _____________________ (morral).
Student 2: Its OK. Look! It is on ___________________ (tu pupitre).
Student 1: Oh, yes! Thank you!


Unit 6ve:

Unit 6ve:



Lesson16: How do you feel?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? Qu situacin se trata?
Durante el recreo, la profesora Garca se da cuenta que uno de los estudiantes se siente mal...
Oh, really? Whats

En el CDI, una doctora

atiende al chico.

Ya en casa...
This is the prescription and
the medicine, maam.

Good bye!

B. Lets listen and read!

Oh, darling, Im sorry! Maybe

you have a fever Lets call



hank y

, mom!

take this

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa .


Unit six: Day after day

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Francis: Hello, Dani! How are you?
Daniel: Hi, Francis! I feel terrible!
Francis: Whats wrong? (Qu sucede?)
Daniel: I have a stomachache.
Francis: Oh, thats too bad! (Ay, qu malo!) Why dont you take
chamomile (manzanilla)? It is good for stomach problems.
Daniel: Oh, good idea, Francis! Thank you!

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo:

Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:

Hello,__________________ (nombre Estud. 2). You look sad (te ves triste).
Hi, _______________. Im not sad. Im sick (enfermo/a).
_____________________? (Qu sucede?)
I___________________ a headache.
____________________ (Ay, qu malo!). Why dont you go to a CDI?

E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

1. Lee y aprende las siguientes expresiones tiles para manifestar cmo nos sentimos.
How do you feel? / How are you?


Unit six: Day after day


2. Lee y aprende los nombres de algunas dolencias menores.

Ailments and aches (enfermedades y dolencias)


He has
a fever.

She has
an earache.

She has
a toothache.

He has
a headache.

She has
a stomachache.

She has
the +u.

He has
a backache.

She has
a sore throat.

Unit six: Day after day

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Ahora, escucha y repite la siguiente conversacin telefnica:

Maura: Whats the matter? You sound terrible! (suenas terrible)

Andrea: Yes. I feel terrible!
Maura: Whats wrong?
Andrea: I have the @u.
Maura: Im sorry to hear that! Why dont you drink lemonade
or take a hot shower and go to bed?

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

G. Lets read and learn!

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento. Luego, copia y responde las preguntas en tu cuaderno.
Wilmer and Leonardo are brothers. They study at Simn Rodrguez High School. Wilmer is in 6rst year and
his brother is in third year. Today they are not in class. They are at home because they are sick. Leonardo has
a fever. He is in bed now. Wilmer has a sore throat but he doesnt have a fever. He is watching TV.
a. Are Leonardo and Wilmer at school today?
b. Where are they?
c. Where do they study?
d. Is Leonardo in 6rst year of high school?
e. Who is in bed now?
f. Does Wilmer have a fever?

H. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha los dilogos y escribe qu siente cada personaje. Usa las siguientes palabras.
a sore throat

a toothache

a stomachache

1. Judith has ___________________________.

2. Germn has _________________________.
3. Miriam has __________________________.
4. Roberto has __________________________.

Unit six: Day after day


es he/she feel?

2. Observa cmo formar oraciones con los verbos to have y to be, para expresar el estado de salud y/o nimo.


Unit six: Day after day

j. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas.

a. feel / How / you / do / ?

B: I feel terrible.

b. she / good / feel / Does / ?

A: _______________________________?
No, she doesnt. She has a headache.

2. Ordena las palabras y forma oraciones.

a. fever / a / have / I
b. has / She / sore throat /a terrible
c. well / feel / Juan / today / doesnt


3. Completa las oraciones con feel, feels, have y has.

a. My sister ________ a stomachache.
b. Antonio is not in class today. He _________ terrible.
c. Mirla and I _________ great.
d. I ________ a sore throat.

4. Completa las oraciones con am, are, is, do, does, have y has.
a. Lets eat. I ________ hungry.
b. A: _________ you have a headache?

B: No, I dont.

c. She _________ a terrible toothache.

d. A: How _________ your brother feel?

B: He feels 6ne.

e. Johanna _________ very sick. She is at the CDI.

f. A: _________ they at home now?

B: Yes, they are.

g. Mara and Julia _________ the @u.

Unit six: Day after day


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

1. Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres u
Dos jvenes conversan por telfono. Uno/una de ellos/ellas est enfermo/a.

Student 1: Hello!
Student 2: Hi, ______________ (nombre Estud. 1). This is __________________ (nombre Estud. 2).
___________________________ (Quieres ir?) to the basketball game this evening?
Student 1: Im sorry. I cant (no puedo). ________________ (estoy enfermo).
Student 2: Oh, really? _________________________ (Qu te sucede?)
Student 1: Im in bed. _______________________ (tengo gripe).
Student 2: Why dont you have chicken soup?
Student 1: Thats _______________________ (una buena idea). Thank you!

2. Responde en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas personales.


a. How do you feel today?


b. Do you have a headache?


Unit six: Day after day

Unit six: Day after day



Lesson17: Im always on time for class

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?

Im sorry, Ms Garca! Im
sometimes late. My house is
far from school.

I usually wake up at 5. Then I brush

my teeth, take a shower and leave

Oh, I see. What time

do you wake up?
Well, sometimes I bring

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit 6ve: Day after day

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Lenny : Youre late again (Llegas tarde otra vez) Alicia!

Alicia : Yes. I live (yo vivo) far from school.
Lenny : Oh! What time do you get up (te levantas)?
Alicia : I usually get up at 5:30 a.m., brush my teeth, have
breakfast and leave home (salgo de la casa) at 6.15. What
about you?
Lenny : I live near school. I get up at 6:00, take a shower, get
dressed and leave home at 6:45.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:

Youre late ______________________ (hoy)!

Yes. Im ______________________ (algunas veces) late.
Oh! ________________ (A qu hora) do you ______________ (te levantas)?
I get up at 5 and ________________________ (salgo de la casa) at 6:30. What
about you?

Student 1: I get up at 6:00 a.m., _____________________ (desayuno) and

______________________ (salgo de la casa) at 6.45.

Unit 6ve: Day after day


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende las palabras y expresiones que utilizaste en el ejercicio anterior y otras nuevas.

I wake up at 5 a.m.
(Me despierto a las 5)

I have breakfast.
(Me desayuno)

I get up.
(Me levanto)

I brush my teeth.
(Me cepillo los dientes)

I get dressed.
(Me visto)

I leave home at 6.
(Salgo de mi casa a las 6.)

F. Lets listen, read and say!

I take a shower.

(Me ducho)

I go to bed at 9 p.m.
(me acuesto a las 9 pm.)

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Robert: When do you do your homework?
Antonio: I always do it after lunch, and then (luego) I play soccer
(juego ftbol). What about you?
Robert: I often do my homework after lunch, too. Sometimes
I do it at home and sometimes I go to the library.
Antonio: Do you play soccer, too?
Robert: No, I dont, but I play (yo toco) a musical instrument.
Antonio: Oh, really? (De verdad?) What do you play?
Robert: The guitar.


Unit six: Day after day

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Presta atencin a la siguiente tabla y aprende los adverbios de frecuencia.


100 %




(algunas veces)

(a menudo)



H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y marca True o False

Hello, my name is Mapi. This is my daily routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at 6 oclock in the
morning and have a shower. Then I brush my teeth and go to (voy a) the kitchen. I have breakfast with my
parents. I often have an arepa 6lled with cheese but sometimes I have a sandwich. Then I leave home at
6.45. I am never late for class.


a. This is Mapis routine on weekends.

b. She usually gets up at 6 a.m.
c. She always has an arepa for breakfast.
d. She is sometimes late for class.

Unit six: Day after day



Unit six: Day after day

3. Re.exiona sobre la posicin del adverbio de frecuencia con respecto al verbo, en las oraciones siguientes.
a. I usually watch TV in the afternoon.
b. She never plays music in the evening.
c. They often arrive at 6.00.

d. I am usually on time for class.

e. He is never late for his guitar lessons.
f. They are often tired in the evening.

Encontraste alguna diferencia entre las oraciones marcadas a,b, c y las oraciones d,e,f ?

4. Preguntas con How often? (Con qu frecuencia?)

A: How often do you have breakfast at school?
B: I usually have breakfast at school. (O, simplemente: Usually.)
A: How often does he play baseball?
B: He plays baseball every day (todos los das). (O, simplemente: Everyday.)

Unit six: Day after day


K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Ordena las palabras para formar oraciones. Recuerda colocar el adverbio en el lugar adecuado.
a. Mara / eats / for breakfast / always / an arepa
b. They / late / never / are / for class
c. usually / Juan / at 6:30 a.m. / gets up
d. busy / My mom / often / in the morning / is
2. En tu cuaderno, responde las siguientes preguntas personales.
a. What time do you get up everyday?
b. Do you usually have breakfast at home or at school?
c. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
d. When do you have your English lessons?
e. How often do you watch TV?

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

Student 1: Do you usually __________________________ (desayunas) at home?
Student 2: No. Sometimes I _____________________________________ (desayuno en la escuela).
Student 1: ________________________________________________. (Yo siempre desayuno en casa).
Student 2: What about lunch? __________(Dnde) do you have lunch?
Student 1:

I ____________(a menudo) have lunch at home but ______________________ (algunas veces)

I have lunch at my grandmas. What about you?

Student 2: I always ___________________________ (almuerzo) at school.


Unit six: Day after day

Unit six: Day after day



Lesson18: Usually, but not now

A. Lets explore!


Observa las historias siguientes y describe las situaciones. Dnde se encuentran los personajes? Qu estn haciendo?
No, never; but today moms

Yes, we do, mom. But dont

Samuel? What are

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit 6ve: Day after day

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

Alicia: Where are you, Julio?
Julio: Im sitting at the cafeteria.
Where are you?
Alicia: Im at the community library.
Im studying for our English test.
Julio: At the community library?
Is it open now?
Alicia: Yes, it opens from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. everyday. Do you
want to come? We can (podemos) study together.
Julio: Sure! Please wait for me! (esprame).

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Luego, completen y practiquen el siguiente dilogo.

Student 1: Hello!
Student 2: Hi, ______________________ (nombre Estud. 1). Where are you now?
Student 1: Im at home. I am ________________________(viendo TV). What about you?
Student 2: Im at home, too but ___________________ (yo estoy estudiando). I always _______________
(estudio) in the afternoon.

Then I watch TV.

Student 1: I usually _____________________ (veo TV) for an hour and then I study.

Unit 6ve: Day after day


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

Lee las frases que acompaan la ilustracin y presta atencin al uso del tiempo presente simple y
el presente continuo.
Jos Manuel usually jogs (trota) in the morning.

This morning he isnt jogging. He is cycling.

F. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo.

El Sr. Vctor Lugo est interesado en aprender computacin. Hoy martes, llama a un centro
comunitario para pedir informacin sobre los cursos de alfabetizacin tecnolgica.
Ms Prez: Good morning! Community Center. Carolina Prez
speaking! Can I help you?
Vctor Lugo: Good morning, Ms Prez! Do you offer computer
courses in the evenings?
Ms Prez: Yes, we do. We usually offer a computer course
on Wednesdays, from 6 to 7 p.m., but this month
we are offering one on Fridays, too.
Vctor Lugo: Do you have a vacancy (tienen cupo) for the Friday
Ms Prez: Yes, we do. Our new course begins next week.
Vctor Lugo: Great! Please, save a place for me (gurdeme un
cupo). My name is Vctor Lugo.


Unit six: Day after day

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Apoyndote en las siguientes ilustraciones, lee y aprende los usos del tiempo presente simple y del presente
Luis Britto Garca is a Venezuelan
Bertha and Juana cook for
Merly does her homework
writer. He usually writes books and
their community every day.
every day in the afternoon.
gives lectures (conferencias).

She is doing her

homework now.

H. Reading and re+ecting

They are cooking lunch

at the moment.

He is not writing now. He is

giving a lecture.

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y responde las preguntas en tu cuaderno.

Fanny is a nurse. She works (trabaja) at a CDI. She gets up at 6 oclock because she begins work at 7:00 a.m.
She lives (vive) near the CDI. She usually walks to work but today she is taking the bus because it is 6.40.
a. What is Fannys occupation?
b. Where does she work?
c. Does she get up at 7 a.m.?
d. Does she live far from the CDI?
e. Does she usually walk to work?

Unit six: Day after day


I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente los enunciados y marca True o False.



a. He usually eats a sandwich for breakfast.

b. My mom is cooking lunch now.
c. Pedro is wearing jeans today.
d. Janette isnt playing the cuatro now.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. En las siguientes tablas, observa cmo formar oraciones a#rmativas, interrogativas (de con#rmacin) y
negativas, en presente simple y en presente continuo.


Unit six: Day after day

2. Observa las expresiones de tiempo y de frecuencia que normalmente se usan con el tiempo presente simple y
el presente continuo.

3. Lee atentamente los siguientes ejemplos. Comienza por la oracin de la izquierda (present simple) y contina
con la oracin de la derecha (present continuous).

Unit six: Day after day


K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Subraya la forma correcta del verbo. Ej.: He ( leaves / leave/is leaving) home early every day.
Every day, from Monday to Friday, Luisa (wake up / wakes up / is waking up) at 6:00 a.m. Then she
(get up / gets up / is getting up) and (take / takes / is taking) a shower. At 6:30, she (have / has / is having)
breakfast. After breakfast, she (brush / brushes / is brushing) her teeth, (get / gets / is getting) dressed and
(leave / leaves / is living) home.
On weekends, Luisa never (wake up / wakes up / is waking up) early. Today its Saturday. It is 8:30
a.m. now, and Luisa (sleep / sleeps / is sleeping). Her brother (dont sleep / doesnt sleep / isnt sleeping). He
(do / does / is doing) his homework. Her mom and dad (cook / cooks / are cooking) breakfast.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

1. Formen grupos de dos. Luego completen el dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden representarlo usando sus propios
nombres u otros.
Student 1: Good afternon! Community Center. _______________________ (puedo ayudarle)?
Student 2: Good afternoon! ___________________________ (Uds. ofrecen) cooking lessons
on _________________________ (sbado)?
Student 1: Yes, we usually o`er weekend courses but this month we
___________________________(estamos ofreciendo) our cooking course on
_________________ (lunes) only (solamente).
Student 2: __________________________________? (Tienen cupo?)
Student 1: Yes, we do.
Student 2: Great! Can you, please, save a place for me? My name is
2. Responde las siguientes preguntas personales en tu cuaderno.
a. What are you doing now?
b. How often do you use your Canaima laptop?
c. What time do you go to bed?
d. When do you do your homework?


Unit six: Day after day

Unit six: Day after day



Lesson19: Were you in class yesterday?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
OK class. What day
is it today?

Where were you

yesterday Felix? Why

Right! And what day

was yesterday?

B. Lets listen and read!

And last month,

was it January, Luis?

Great, class!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Mr. Padilla, el profesor de biologa, se dirige a una estudiante que no estuvo en la clase de la semana pasada.
Mr Padilla: Yajaira, why werent you in class last Friday?
Yajaira: Im sorry, Mr Padilla. I was sick.
Mr Padilla: Oh, really? What was wrong (qu andaba mal)?
Yajaira: I had a terrible headache.
Mr Padilla: Im sorry to hear that, Yajaira!
Yajaira: Its OK, Mr Padilla. I feel great now.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Luego, completen el dilogo y practquenlo.

En una clase, el/la docente se dirige a un/una estudiante. Uno/a de Uds. representar a un/a docente y otro/a a
un/a estudiante.
Teacher: Why werent you in class last Friday,________________ (nombre del/la estudiante)?
Student: __________________ (lo siento), teacher. __________________(estaba enfermo/a).
Teacher: Oh, really? _______________________? (Qu suceda?)
Student: I had a terrible ___________________________ (dolor de estmago).
Teacher: Are you 6ne now?
Student: Yes, teacher. ____________________________(S, estoy bien. Gracias!).

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


E. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

1. En la leccin 16 aprendiste a referirte a algunos malestares fsicos en tiempo presente. Observa, ahora, cmo
referirse a algunos de esos malestares en tiempo pasado.

These students were not in class last week. Why?

Because they were sick.

Luis had a fever.

Layla had an earache.

Yury had

They are Cne now.

2. Observa el siguiente calendario y presta atencin a las expresiones de tiempo relacionadas con el pasado.
Segn el calendario, hoy es 21 de junio .





Unit seven: Personal stories and events


o al da de hoy.

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


(Leyendo y re.exionando)

H. Reading and re+ecting

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y luego responde True o False.

Today is Monday, September 10th. It is Antonios 6rst school day. Yesterday he was at the beach and the
day before yesterday he was at his grandmas house in the countryside (en el campo). Last Thursday and
Friday he was in a youth camp (campamento juvenil) on the mountain. His vacation was terri6c.


a. Antonio is at the beach today.

b. Yesterday was Sunday.
c. Last Saturday he was in the countryside.
d. His vacation was terrible.

I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente. Luego, selecciona la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. My sister (was / was not) in class last week.
b. My sister (was / was not) on vacation last week.
c. My sister (was / was not) sick.
d. My sister (is at school / isnt at school) today.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa las siguientes tablas y re.exiona sobre el verbo to be en pasado y sus usos.
Verb to be (Past simple)
A_rmative and negative statements


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

Verb to be (Past simple)

Yes/no Questions and answers

2. Observa las siguientes oraciones en las que se emplea was/were y re.exiona sobre sus usos.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa con was/were.

a. ___________ you at Francos party last night?
b. My friends __________ at the stadium this morning.
c. Jose6na ___________ at home last Tuesday.
d. ___________ Merly and Francisco at school this morning?
e. My moms birthday ___________ last Wednesday.

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


2. Completa las oraciones con la palabra o expresin que corresponda. Escgelas de la caja.

Today is Friday, January 15th. ____________________ was Wednesday 13th but yesterday was
_____________ 14th. ____________________ was January 12th.

3. En tu cuaderno, responde las siguientes preguntas personales.

a. Was your birthday last month?

b. Were you at home last night?

d. Were you in 6th grade last year?

e. Were you 10 years old last year?

f. Were you in class last Saturday?

f. What day was yesterday?

L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

En grupos de dos, lean los dilogos anteriores y el vocabulario de esta leccin y completen el siguiente dilogo.
Pueden utilizar sus propios nombres u otros.
Un/a estudiante llama a otro/a por telfono para preguntarle por qu no estuvo en la #esta de cumpleaos de
un/a amigo/a.
Student 1:


Student 2:

Hello_________________ (nombre Estud. 1)! This is_______________ (nombre

Estud. 2).

You ____________(no estuviste) at Roxanas birthday party,

__________________ (el sbado pasado).

Student 1:

Oh, no. I wasnt. I __________________ (estaba enfermo/a). I had a terrible

___________________________ (dolor de garganta), but Im OK now.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

Unit seven: Personal stories and events



Lesson20: Who was your teacher in 6th grade?

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustraciones y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de
la historia? De qu situacin se trata?
Pedro, Juan y Mara estudiaron en diferentes secciones, en un mismo centro educativo hace un ao. Durante el
recreo, conversan acerca de personas y eventos del pasado.

My teacher was Ms Blanco. She


De vuelta a la clase, la
profesora Garca realiza una
actividad con sus estudiantes
sobre hroes, heronas y
acontecimientos histricos

He was very nice.

here and when w
Simn Bolivar bor

When was the battle

Uhmon June
24th, I think.
acas In
I think.


Now, who was Simn


Yes, he was born on July

24th, in the year 1783.

as a grea
and Simn Bolvars teacher

. Perfect!

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo

Tania y Gresly fueron amigas en la infancia pero hace aos que no se ven. Hoy se reencuentran en una
competencia de volleyball.

Tania: Hey, Gresly. Long time no see! (Tanto tiempo sin verte!)
Gresly: Hi, Tania! Wow! youre playing very well!
Tania: Thanks, you too! Well, I was lucky. (tuve suerte). I had a
very good volleyball trainer in school.
Gresly: Oh! Who was your trainer?
Tania: Ms Ana lvarez was. She was excellent!
Gresly: Wow! She was my trainer, too!

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. Luego, completen el dilogo y practquenlo.

Dos estudiantes se encuentran en un festival de canto en su estado.
Student 1: Hey, ___________________ (nombre Estud. 2). Long time no see!
Student 2: Hi, ___________________ (nombre Estud. 1)! Wow! ___________________(t ests cantando)
very well.
Student 1: Thank you, _________________ (t tambin). Well, _______________________ (tuve suerte).
I had an excellent singing teacher.
Student 2: Oh! Who was your teacher?
Student 1: Ms/Mr __________________ (un apellido) was. She/He was great!
Student 2: Oh, my singing teacher was_____________________ (otro apellido)!

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


a hablar de das y fechas pasadas.

omputadoras Canaima.
, Guillermo!
as Juana La Avanzadora?
as an important heroine of our
ar of independence.
as her nickname. What was her real

as she born?
amas, on January 12, 1790.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

1. Observa las ilustraciones y presta atencin a las fechas de nacimiento de estos personajes histricos.

An indigenous leader
(around 1535-1568)

Hiplita Bolvar
Simn Bolivars

Simn Rodrguez
A philosopher and educator
/ Simn Bolvars tutor

Jos Flix Ribas

A hero of the
Venezuelan war of

2. En la siguiente tabla, observa cmo decir los das y las fechas.

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee atentamente el siguiente fragmento y responde las preguntas en tu cuaderno.

Guaicaipuro was an indigenous Venezuelan leader. He was the chief (jefe/cacique) of the Teques and Caracas
tribes. He was born around 1535 in the center-north of Venezuela, in an area called (llamada) Los Teques
today. Misin Guaicaipuro is one of Venezuelas Bolivarian Missions. Its objective is to protect and defend
the rights (derechos) of our indigenous communities.
a. Who was Guaicaipuro? __________________________________________________________________.
b. Where was he born? ____________________________________________________________________.
c. When was he born? ____________________________________________________________________.
d. What is Mision Guaicaipuros objetive? _____________________________________________________.

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


2. En la siguiente tabla, observa cmo hacer preguntas con where.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

3. En la siguiente tabla, observa cmo hacer preguntas con when.

4. En la siguiente tabla, observa cmo preguntar sobre el lugar y la fecha de nacimiento.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa con was / were

a. A: _______ you at home last Saturday?

B: No, I _______nt.

b. A: _______ your grandma in the hospital

B: Yes, she _______. She ______ sick.

last week?
c. A: Where _______ the concert?

B: It _______ in the auditorium.

2. Completa con Who / How / Where / When


A: _______ was the soft ball game?

A: _______ was it?
A: _______ was the TV documentary?
A: _______ was Luis Beltrn Prieto?

Unit seven: Personal stories and events

B: It was yesterday at 1:00 pm.

B: It was at the stadium.
B: It was great!
B: He was a great educator.


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

1. Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo. Para ello escojan uno de los tres
personajes histricos que se incluyeron en la seccin G.1. de esta leccin: Hiplita Bolvar, Simn Rodrguez o
Jos Flix Ribas (ya hemos ledo sobre Guaicaipuro).
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:
Student 1:
Student 2:

Lets do our homework, ________________ (nombre estudiante 2).

Sure! ________________ (Yo tengo) my history book here.
The 6rst question is: Who was ____________________ (nombre del personaje)?
He/She was ____________________________________.
When ________________________________ ? (naci l/ella)
He/She was born in _______________ (solo el ao).
Ah! And ____________(dnde) was he/she born?
He/She was born in ___________________ (lugar).

2. En tu cuaderno, responde las siguientes preguntas:

a. Where were you born? _________________________________________________.
b. When were you born? _________________________________________________.
c. Were you in class last Saturday? _________________________________________.
d. Who was your teacher in 6th grade? ______________________________________.
e. Where was Francisco de Miranda born? __________________________________.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events


Lesson21: There was a book fair in my school

A. Lets explore!


Observa la siguiente secuencia de ilustracion y describe la situacin. Dnde se encuentran los personajes de la
historia? De qu situacin se trata?

B. Lets listen and read!

(Escuchemos y leamos!)

Escucha la conversacin anterior y lee la historia en forma silenciosa.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

C. Lets listen, read and say!

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escuchen y repitan el siguiente dilogo.

Rodney y Carla estn hablando por telfono.

Rodney: Was there a fair at your school yesterday?

Carla: Nope! There was a music festival.
Rodney: A music festival? Wow, was it fun? (Fue

Carla: It was terri6c!. There were singers from my

high-school and the community.

D. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

Formen grupos de dos. completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo.

Rodney: Was there _____________ (una #esta) at your school yesterday?
Carla: Yes! It was my schools 10th anniversary celebration.
Rodney: Wow, _______________________? (Fue divertida?)
Carla: Yes. It ___________________! (fue grandiosa!). There were many _____________

and ____________ (personas) from the community.

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


E. Lets read and learn!

(Escuchemos y aprendamos!)

1. Observa y aprende los nombres, en ingls, de algunos eventos. Presta atencin al orden de las palabras.

a fair

a Clm festival

a book fair

An International Theater Festival

F. Lets read, listen and say!

a Bolivarian food fair

(Escuchemos, leamos y digamos!)

Ahora, escucha y repite el siguiente dilogo:

Ayer hubo dos eventos importantes. Un concierto folklrico en un parque y una feria agrcola. Yorman y Zulmary
conversan al respecto.
Yorman: Hi! Where were you yesterday? There was a folk
music concert in the park. You werent there.
Zulmary: I was in the countryside with my grandparents.
There was a farm fair in San Fernando.
Yorman: Oh, really? How was it?
Zulmary: It was fun. There were lots of fruits and vegetables.
And there were many people, too. What about the
three folk artists.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

G. Lets read and learn!

(Leamos y aprendamos!)

Lee y aprende los enunciados resaltados.

is my favorite dish.

Reyna Lucero
is a great folk singer

Dame pa tala
famous music band.

Cuentos del Araero

is an interesting book.

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Lee el siguiente fragmento y marca True o False.

There was a Bolivarian Fair in my community. There were many stands (quioscos). There was a book stand
with books from di`erent states. My favorite book, Cuentos del Araero, was there (all). There was a food
stand, too, with dishes from di`erent regions. There was pabelln, pisca andina, pastel de chucho and
patacones. Venezuelan folk singer, Reyna Lucero, was in the fair.


a. There was a Bolivarian festival in my community.

b. There were books in the fair.
c. My favorite book wasnt in the fair.
d. There was a Venezuelan singer in the fair.

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


I. All ears!

(Todo odos!)

Escucha atentamente y subraya la opcin correcta entre parntesis.

a. There was a (food fair/book fair) yesterday.
b. It was (last Saturday/last Sunday) morning.
c. (There were/There werent) many people in the fair.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Observa y compara el orden de las palabras en las siguientes frases en ingls y en espaol. Hay dos clases de
eventos: ferias y festivales Dnde se colocan las palabras que sirven para especi#car cada tipo de evento?

2. En las siguientes tablas, observa cmo construir oraciones con there was/were.


Unit seven: Personal stories and events

3. En la siguiente tabla, observa cmo preguntar y responder con there was / were.

K. Now, lets practice!

(Ahora, practiquemos!)

1. Completa con was there, were there, there was y there were.
a. A: How many Venezuelan dishes _______________ in the food stand?
B: _____________________ ten.

_____________________ a yellow cat in the garden.


__________________ an accident on the street? Yes. It was terrible!

2. En tu cuaderno, ordena las siguientes palabras para formar oraciones.

a. There was / last weekend / a / festival / 6lm
b. fair / an international / book / There was / in my town (pueblo).
c. many people / museum / in / the art / There were
d. competition / a baseball / Was there / at the stadium / ?

Unit seven: Personal stories and events


L. Lets re+ect and create!

(Re.exionemos y creemos!)

Formen grupos de dos, completen el siguiente dilogo y practquenlo. Pueden usar sus propios nombres u otros.

Student 1: Hi. _____________________________ (Dnde estuviste?) last

night? There was a good ______________________ (pelcula) at the
Student 2: Yes, I know, but ______________ (yo estaba) at my uncles house. There
was a family dinner.
Student 1: Oh, really. __________________________________? (Cmo estuvo?)
Student 2: It was fun. My ________________ (primos) were there. What about the
movie? What was the title (ttulo)?
Student 1: Miranda Regresa. It ____________________________ (fue muy


Unit seven: Personal stories and events


Lesson22 Whats the weather like?

A. Lets explore!
Look at the following stories and describe the situations. What are the stories about?
Today Ms Garca is talking to her students about the seasons (estaciones) of the year.

Its Sunday and one of the students is staying (se est quedando) on the coast, at his aunts house, for the
weekend. His mom phones him.

B. Lets listen and read!

Listen to the conversation above and read the story silently.


Unit eight: A look back

C. Lets listen, read and say!

Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue:
Dayana: Hi, Marcela! Hows the weather in Argentina, now?
Marcela: Its winter (inverno). Its very cold today. How about in
Venezuela? Is it cold there, too?
Dayana: Oh, no! Venezuela is a tropical country. Its rainy and
warm today. I live on the coast. Its usually warm in
Marcela: Here its warm in December and January.

D. Now, lets practice!

Make groups of two. Then, complete the dialogue and practice it.

Student 1: Hi, __________________ (nombre Estud. 2)! ____________________ (Cmo est el tiempo) in Chile,
Student 2: Its ________________ (invierno). Its very ______________________ (lluvioso y nublado hoy). How
about Venezuela? Is it ___________ (lluvioso) there, too?
Student 1: Yes, it is. But Venezuela is a tropical country. Its ______________ (usualmente) rainy and warm
in June.
Student 2: Here its warm in _________________________________(diciembre y enero).

Unit eight: A look back


E. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following words and expressions.
The seasons in tropical countries

Rainy season

Dry season

The seasons in non-tropical countries





F. Lets read, listen and say!

Now listen and repeat the following dialogue.
Dexy is a softball player. Now, she and her team are taking part in a softball competition in Mrida. Her
brother Ender calls her from home, in Cuman.
Ender: Hi, Dexy! How was the game yesterday?
Dexy: The game was great but the weather was awful. It
rained all day. Today is sunny but cold. Whats the
weather like in Cuman?
Ender: It is very sunny today but yesterday it rained all day.
By the way, Im at the beach now, with mom and
Dexy: Wow, youre lucky!


Unit eight: A look back

G. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following words related to the weather.

Its sunny

Its cloudy

Its rainy

Its windy

H. Reading and re+ecting

(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Read the following e-mail. Then, check True or False.



a. Teresa is in Mrida.
b. There is a softball competition in Mrida.
c. Yesterday it was sunny in Mrida.

Unit eight: A look back


I. All ears!
Listen to yesterdays weather report for Caracas, Valencia and Mrida. Then, check the right options for
Valencia and Mrida.










J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

Re@ect on the uses of it in 1., 2., and 3. Pay attention to the examples.
1. In previous lessons, you learned that it is a personal pronoun. In the following sentence, it refers to an
object (this sweater):

2. In the following sentences, it does not refer to an object. It is an impersonal subject. Its use is obligatory
when talking about the time, as we learned in lesson 8 (unit 3).


Unit eight: A look back

t is also (tambin)

K. Now, lets practice!

In your notebook, unscramble the words to make interrogative, a_rmative or negative sentences.
a. is / What / like / the weather ?
b. Is / sunny / it / Maracaibo / in?
c. was / It / in Barquisimeto / yesterday / cloudy
d. rainy / this morning / It was / in Ciudad Bolvar
e. in Venezuela / seasons / How many / are there /?
f. seasons / two / in / There are / tropical countries
g. a dry season / There is / and / a rainy season

Unit eight: A look back


L. Lets re+ect and create!

1. Make groups of two. Read again the dialogues and vocabulary for this lesson. Then, complete the
following conversation and practice it. You can use your own names or di`erent ones.
Two students are talking on the phone. Student 2 is in La Azulita, Mrida, and Student 1 is in Barquisimeto.
Student 1: Hi, ________________________ (nombre Estud. 1). How _________ (estuvo) the movie
Student 2: It ________ (estuvo) good and ________________________________________(el
tiempo estuvo fantstico). It was sunny all day. Today is ______________ (soleado) but cold.

___________________________ (Cmo est el tiempo) in Barquisimeto?

Student 1: Its very sunny today but it was ______________ (nublado) and ____________ (lluvioso)
yesterday. By the way, Im in the park now.
Student 2: Wow, youre lucky!
2. In your notebook, answer the following questions:
a. How many seasons are there in Europe?
b. Is it hot in January in Argentina?
c. Whats the weather like in your town today?
d. How many seasons are there in Venezuela?


Unit eight: A look back

Unit eight: A look back



Lesson 23: How do you come to school?

A. Lets explore!
Look at the following sequence of images and describe the situation. Where are the characters of this
story? What is the story about?
Four students are talking (hablando) in front of the school.

B. Lets listen and read!

Listen to the conversation above and read the story silently.


Unit eight: A look back

C. Lets listen, read and say!

Now, listen and read the following dialogue.
Alan: Wow, Jonathan! You look tired.
Jonathan: I am. I always walk to school and today its really hot
and sunny.
Alan: Yes, it is! I sometimes come on foot, too, because
(porque) I live very near, but I usually cycle to school
(voy en bicicleta).

Jonathan: I live near, too. Just three blocks from here.

D. Now, lets practice!

Make groups of two. Then, complete the dialogue and practice it.
Alan: Wow, _________________ (nombre Estud. 2) you look ____________ (cansado/a).
Jonathan: I am! I ________________________ (siempre camino) to school and today its
really hot and sunny.
Alan: Yes, it is! I sometimes come on foot, too, because I dont live _____________
(lejos), but I ______________ (usualmente) come by bus.
Jonathan: I ___________ (vivo) near, too. Just ______________ (cinco) blocks from here.

Unit eight: A look back


E. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following words and expressions.
They go to school...

...on foot

...by bike

...by bus

...by car

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Now listen and repeat the following dialogue.
Its Monday morning. Francia and Waleska are talking in front of their school. Francia is always early because
her father, a taxi driver, takes her to school at 6.30 every day. Waleska is very punctual, too, but today, she
is unusually (inusualmente) early for class.
Waleska: Hi Francia!
Francia: Hi, Waleska. Hey, its 6:40. How come (cmo es que)
youre at school so early (tan temprano)?
Waleska: Well, Now I use the new cable car (metro cable) from
La Dolorita to Palo Verde subway station (estacin
de metro).

Francia: Wow! How cool! (Qu chvere!)

Waleska: Yep! And I dont need to wake up at 4:00 a.m. any
more (ya no ms).


Unit eight: A look back

G. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following words.
Means of transport

School bus

Cable car

H. Reading and re+ecting

Trolley bus


(Leyendo y re.exionando)

Read the passage and then check True or False.

Many students go to school on public transportation. Some (algunos) take the bus or the subway but those
who live near their schools usually walk or ride their bikes. Nowadays, in Venezuela, we have new means
of transport such as the trolley bus, the cable car (metrocable) and the subway (metro). Pablo and Mara dont
have any problems with tra_c. They always take the cable car and get to school on time.


a. The bus and the subway are public means of transport.

b. Some students take the bus to school.
c. Some students walk to school.
d. Pablo and Mara are usually late for school.

Unit eight: A look back


I. All ears!
Listen to the sentences and select the right option in brackets.
a. Daisy is in (5th / 6th) grade.
b. She (walks to school/ goes to school by bus).
c. Jons is (14 / 13) years old.
d. He (often / never) goes to school by bus.

J. Building blocks

(Bloques de construccin)

1. Re@ect on the uses of the following prepositions. Pay attention to the examples.

2. Questions with how.


Unit eight: A look back

K. Now, lets practice!

1. Complete with the right preposition (at, to, by or on).

Alfredo usually goes _____ school

_____ bus.


Mr Prez isnt _____ work now.

Hes ________ home.


She often walks _____ the library.


Were you _____ home last night?


Do you come _____ school _____ foot

or _____ car?


Does he get _____ work _____


2. Unscramble the words in order to make sentences.

a. your brother / does / How / school / get to / ? _________________________________________.
b. the movies / at / were / last Sunday / They ____________________________________________.
c. you / to school / cycle / Do / everyday / ? _____________________________________________.
d. people / many / Were there / the party / at / ? _________________________________________.

Unit eight: A look back


L. Lets re+ect and create!

1. Make groups of two. Then, complete the dialogue and practice it. You can use your own names or
di`erent ones.
Student 1: Hi _______________ (nombre Estud. 2).
Student 2: Hi, ______________ (nombre Estud. 1). Hey, its 6:30. How come youre at
school so early?
Student 1: Well, now I use the new ______________ (metro cable) from San Jacinto
___________ (estacin) to _________________________. (Estacin Mrida).
Student 2: Wow. Thats great!
Student 1: Yep! And I dont need to wake up at _____________ (las cinco en punto)
any more.
2. In your notebook, answer the following questions.
a. Do you live near or far from school?
b. How do you usually get to school?


Unit eight: A look back

Unit eight: A look back



Lesson 24: It was a great year!

A. Lets explore!
Lets look at the following sequence of images and describe the situation. Where are the characters of this
story? What is the story about?
Today is a special day. It
is our last da

Lets imagine we are in second year.

Its the 6rst day of class and Im Ms
Sarmiento, your new English teacher.

Good morning, class! Im Ms Alicia

Sarmiento, your new English teacher
this y . Pleased to meet you!

s play!

What s the game about?
y friend?

s talk about last year!

or you?

many fr
Oh, great, class! Last year was
t year f
, too. I had
. Enjoy your

Yes, Ms S
I pla

I had a g
on the c
to the beach every day.

Garca! Goodbye!

B. Lets listen and read!

Listen to the conversation above and read the story silently.


Unit eight: A look back

C. Lets listen, read and say!

Now, listen and read the following dialogue.
Its Monday morning. Dayana and Mayerlin are speaking in front of their school.
Dayana: Hello Mayerlin! How was your weekend?
Mayerlin: Oh, Hi. Dayana! It was fun. We went (fuimos) to the
mountain on Friday and came back (regresamos)
Dayana: Oh, really? I went to a river (ro) with my parents. It
was my cousin Antonios birthday. I made (hice) two
new friends.
Mayerlin: I made new friends, too. I met (conoc) a girl and her
brother. They were from Apure.

D. Now, lets practice!

Make groups of two. Then, complete the dialogue and practice it.
Student 1: Hello _________________ ! (nombre Estud. 2) How was your weekend?
Student 2: Oh, Hi, ____________ (nombre Estud. 1)! It was fun. We __________ (fuimos)
_________________ (al campo) on ______________ (sbado). We had (tuvimos) a
picnic. How about your weekend?
Student 1: Great! I __________ (fui) to the Fine Arts Musem (Museo de Bellas Artes) with my
parents yesterday. It was very _____________ (interesante).
Student 2: I ___________ (visit) that museum last month, too and I loved it (me encant).

Unit eight: A look back


E. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following words and expressions.

Places to visit

The countryside

The beach

A sports center

A 6ne arts museum

F. Lets listen, read and say!

Now listen and repeat the following dialogue.
David and Romn are talking on the phone.

David: Hello, Romn! How was the swimming competition

Roman: Hi, David! It was terri6c! My brother won a medal. He
came (lleg) second. By the way, why werent you at
the sports center?
David: I stayed home all day. I had a stomachache.
Romn: Oh, really? Im sorry to hear that!
David: Im OK now. My mom gave me chamomile tea.


Unit eight: A look back

G. Lets read and learn!

Read and learn the following expressions.


They went
to the beach

He won a medal

They visited
a museum

He came 6rst

H. Reading and re+ecting

Read the following passage. Then, check True or False.
Ms Garca and her students went to the Fine Arts Museum yesterday. They arrived at the museum at 9
oclock in the morning and stayed there (permanecimos all) until (hasta) noon. It was very interesting. There
were beautiful works of art (obras de arte). There were paintings by Venezuelan and Latin American artists. At
noon, we went to a beautiful garden next to the museum and had a picnic there. We had sandwiches and
orange juice for lunch. Then we went back to school.


a. They visited the museum yesterday in the afternoon.

b. There were beautiful paintings.
c. They had juice and sandwiches for lunch.
d. They had lunch at the school.

I. All ears!
1. Listen and underline (subraya) the verb form you hear. Look at the example.
a. arrive



b. go
c. visit



d. have



Unit eight: A look back


J. Building blocks
1. The past simple
Study the following chart. Pay attention to the form of the verbs in past tense of the following verbs.

2. Review of tenses
a. Read and re@ect on the uses of the verb to be (present and past).


Unit eight: A look back

c. Read and re@ect on the uses of the present simple.

d. Contrast the present simple and the present continuous.

Unit eight: A look back


K. Now, lets practice!

1. Complete the sentences. Use the past form of the verb.
a. There was a concert in my school. I ________________ (love) it.
b. She __________________ (go) to the beach last Sunday.
c. My mom _________________ (make) pabelln for lunch.
d. We ____________________ (be) in class yesterday.
e. They ___________________ (visit) the Panten Nacional last Saturday.
e. We _______________________ (learn) a lot of English with (con) Ms Garca.
2. Underline the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
a. We (make / made / is making) a cake last weekend.
b. My dad (watch / watches / is watching) TV right now.
c. She always (have / has / is having) lunch at home.
d. He (doesnt / dont / do) like chocolate ice cream.
e. My father and I (am / was / were) at the hospital last night.

L. Lets re+ect and create!

Make groups of three students. Then, complete the conversation and practice it. You can use your names
or the name of the characters (personajes). In the story there are two teenagers (adolescentes) and an adult.
Jos Felix and Juana are brother and sister. They are students at Zamora High-School but now they are on
vacation on the coast. They come across (se tropiezan con) their neighbor, Ms Paz. She is in the same town (el
mismo pueblo) on the coast.
Ms Paz: Hello, guys! _____________ (estn Uds.) here on vacation, too?
Jos Flix: Hello, Ms Paz! Yes, we are. We are staying (nos estamos quedando) at our grandmas house.
Ms Paz:
Jos Flix:
Ms Paz:
Ms Paz:
Jos Flix:
Mr Paz:


We 6nished school ______________________ (la semana pasada).

Oh, nice! Was it a good year for you, guys?
Yes. We passed all the subjects.
Adriana, ______________________ (mi hija), passed all her subjects, too. She liked (le gust)
English very much.
Oh! ____________(quin?) was her English teacher?
Ms Garca was.
Ah, she was lucky! ______________________ (Ella fue) our English teacher, too.
She is a very good teacher!
Oh, yes! She is excellent!

Unit eight: A look back

Unit eight: A look back


across from (al cruzar; en frente)
and (y)
ankle (tobillo)
apple (manzana)
architect (arquitecto)
arm (brazo)
around the corner (al voltear)
arrive (llegar)
artist (artista)
at school (en la escuela)
at night (por la noche)
at noon (a medioda)
athlete (atleta)
aunt (ta)
awful (horrible)
back (espalda, atrs)
backache (dolor de espalda)
backpack (morral)
backyard (patio)
bad (malo)
baked (horneado)
ball pen (bolgrafo)
bathroom (bao)
be [am, are, is] (ser, estar)
beach (playa)
beautiful (bonito/a, bello/a)
bed (cama)
bedroom (cuarto)
beef (carne)
beet (remolacha)
belt (correa, cinturn)
between (entre)
big (grande)
bill (cuenta; factura)
black (negro)
blouse (blusa)
blue (azul)
board (cartelera, pizarrn)
boiled (sancochado/a)
book (libro)
boot (bota)

boy (muchacho)
bread (pan)
brother (hermano)
brown (marrn)
brush (cepillo, cepillar)
builder (constructor)
bus driver (conductor de autobs)
but (pero)
butter (mantequilla)
buy (comprar)
by bus (en autobs)
by bike (en bicicleta)
by car (en carro)
by plane (en avin)
by the way (por cierto)
cake (torta)
calculator (calculadora)
Can you? (Puedes t/Ud.?)
carpenter (carpintero)
carrot (zanahoria)
celery (apio espaa)
cell phone (celular)
chair (silla)
chamomile (manzanilla)
cheese (queso)
chest (pecho)
chicken (pollo)
child (nio/a)
children (nios/as)
chocolate (chocolate)
class (clase)
classmate (compaero/a de clase)
close to (cerca de)
co`ee (caf)
cold (fro)
come (venir)
computer (computadora)
cook (cocinar, cocinero)
country (pas)
countryside (campo)

cousin (primo/a)
cup (taza)
cycle (andar en bicicleta)
dancer (balarn/a)
daughter (hija)
day (da)
dessert (postre)
desk (escritorio, pupitre)
dining room (comedor)
dish (plato)
do/does (hacer / Aux. de Pres.)
door (puerta)
dress (vestido, traje de mujer)
drink (beber)
drive (conducir, manejar)
driver (conductor)
ear (odo)
earache (dolor de odo)
eat (comer)
egg (huevo)
engineer (ingeniero/a)
eraser (borrador)
expensive (caro/a, costoso/a)
face (cara)
family (familia)
family name (apellido)
far from (lejos de)
fat (gordo/a)
father (padre)
feet (pies)
fever (#ebre)
6fth (quinto/a)
6nally (#nalmente)
6ne (bien)
6nger (dedo)
6rst (primero/a)
6rst name (primer nombre)
@ip-@ops (chancletas, cholas)

foot (pie)
for (para)
fork (tenedor)
fourth (cuarto/a)
fried (frito/a)
friend (amigo/a)
from (desde)
full name (nombre completo)
garage (garaje)
garden (jardn)
get (conseguir, obtener)
get to (llegar a)
get up (levantarse)
girl (muchacha)
glad (contento/a)
Glad to meet you!
(Encantado/a de conocerte/le)
glass (vaso)
go (ir)
go to bed (acostarse)
good (bueno/a)
Good afternoon! (Buenas tardes!)
Good evening! (Buenas
Good morning! (Buenos das!)
Goog night! (Buenas noches!)
grandfather, grandpa (abuelo)
grandmother, grandma (abuela)
great (excelente, formidable)
green (verde)
grey (gris)
grilled (a la parrilla)

hand (mano)
happy (feliz)
have (tener)
have breakfast (desayunar)
have dinner (cenar)
have lunch (almorzar)
he (l)

Hello!; Hi! (Hola!)

her (su/sus [de ella])
here (aqu)
Here you are! (Aqu tiene!)
high-school (liceo)
his (su/sus [de l])
home (hogar)
hour (hora)
house (casa)
How? (Cmo?)
How are you? (Cmo est/s?)
How many? (Cuntos/as?)
How much? (Cunto/a?)
How often? (Con qu
husband (esposo)
I (yo)
I'm 6ne (estoy bien)
ice cream (helado)
in (en, dentro de)
in front of (en frente de)
in the afternoon (por la tarde)
in the evening (al anochecer)
in the morning (por la maana)
it (l, ella) [animal o cosa]
its (su) [de animal o cosa]
jacket (chaqueta)
journalist (periodista)
juice (jugo)
kitchen (cocina)
knife (cuchillo)
knives (cuchillos)
laptop (computadora porttil)
large (grande)
later (ms tarde)
lawyer (abogado/a)
learn (aprender)

leg (pierna)
lesson (leccin)
lettuce (lechuga)
library (biblioteca)
like (gustar)
listen (escuchar)
listen to music (escuchar
live (vivir)
living room (sala)
long (largo/a)
look (mirar, verse, lucir)
love (amar)
make (hacer, elaborar)
man (hombre)
May I have a...? (Puede darme
meat (carne)
medium (trmino medio)
melon (meln; patilla)
men (hombres)
milk (leche)
milkshake (merengada)
month (mes)
mother; mom (madre; mam)
mountain (montaa)
mouth (boca)
museum (museo)
my (mi)
name (nombre)
nationality (nacionalidad)
near (cerca)
need (necesitar, necesidad)
neighbor (vecino/a)
new (nuevo/a)
next to (al lado de)
nice (agradable)
Nice to meet you!
(Encantado/a de conocerle/te!)
nose (nariz)

notebook (cuaderno)
number (nmero)
nurse (enfermero/a)
of (de)
old (viejo/a, anciano/a)
on (sobre, en)
on foot (a pie)
onion (cebolla)
orange (naranja)
our (nuestro/a)
oven (horno)
painter (pintor/a)
pants (pantalones)
papaya (lechosa)
parents (padres)
park (parque)
pen (pluma [de escribir])
pencil (lpiz)
pencilcase (portalpices)
person (persona)
people (personas)
pineapple (pia)
pink (rosado/a)
plantain (pltano)
play (jugar, tocar, actuar)
Please! (Por favor!)
pleased (complacido/a,
Pleased to meet you! (Un
placer conocerle/te!)
pork (puerco)
potato (papa)
principal (director de un centro
pupil (alumno/a)
purple (morado/a, prpura)
rare (crudo/a)
read (leer)
red (rojo/a)

re@ect (re.exionar)
relative (pariente, familiar)
repeat (repetir)
rice (arroz)
ride (manejar [bicicleta o moto])
ruler (regla)
sad (triste)
salad (ensalada)
sandals (sandalias)
say (decir)
school (escuela, centro
schredded (desmechado/a)
second (segundo/a)
see (ver)
See you! (Nos vemos!)
sell (vender)
sharpener (sacapuntas)
she (ella)
shirt (camisa)
shoes (zapatos)
short (corto/a; pantaln corto)
show (mostrar, espectculo)
singer (cantante)
sister (hermana)
skirt (falda)
small (pequeo/a)
snickers (zapatos de goma)
so-so (ms o menos)
socks (medias)
son (hijo)
sore throat (dolor de garganta)
soup (sopa)
spaghetti (espagueti)
spoon (cucharilla)
stotmachache (dolor de
stove (cocina)
street vendor (buhonero)
student (estudiante)
study (estudiar)
surname (apellido)

T-shirt (franela)
table (mesa)
take (tomar; agarrar)
take a rest (tomar un descanso)
take a shower (ducharse)
talk (hablar)
tall (alto/a)
taxi driver (taxista)
tea (t)
teach (ensear)
teacher (profesor/a, docente)
teenager (adolescente)
teeth (dientes)
terrible (terrible)
terri6c (buensimo; excelente)
Thank you! (Gracias!)
Thanks! (Gracias!)
that (ese/a)
that one (aquel/aquella)
their (su, [de ellos/as])
then (entonces; luego)
there (all; all)
there are (hay; plural)
there is (hay; singular)
these (estos/as)
these ones (estos/as)
they (ellas/os)
thin (delgado/a)
this (este/a)
this one (este/a)
those (esos/as)
those ones (aquellos/as)
time (tiempo)
to (a, hacia, para)
to be late (estar o llegar tarde)
to be OK (estar bien)
to be on time (estar, llegar puntual)
today (hoy)
tomato (tomate)
tomorrow (maana)
tooth (diente)
town (pueblo, ciudad)
typical dish (plato tpico)

uncle (to)
until (hasta)
use (usar)
vegetables (vegetales)
very (muy)
very much (mucho/a)

year (ao)
yellow (amarillo/a)
yesterday (ayer)
you (t; Ud.)
You are welcome! (De nada!)
young (joven)
your (tu, su [de Ud.])

wake up (despertarse)
walk (caminar)
want (querer, desear)
wash (lavar)
waste-paper basket (papelera)
watch (mirar; reloj)
water (agua)
we (nosotras/os)
week (semana)
weekend (#n de semana)
Welcome! (Bienvenida/o!)
well done (bien hecho; bien cocido)
What? (Qu?)
What color? (De qu color?)
What size? (Qu talla?)
What time is it? (Qu hora es?)
What time? (A qu hora? Qu hora?)
What's up? (Qu tal?)
What's wrong? (Que sucedi?)
When? (Cundo?)
Where? (Dnde?)
Which one/s? (Cul?; Cules?)
white (blanco)
Who? (Quin?)
Why? (Por qu?)
wife (esposa)
window (ventana)
with (con)
without (sin)
woman (mujer)
women (mujeres)
write (escribir)
writer (escritor/a)



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