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<h3 class="title"><a href="#">Touch Typing Lesson 7: Symbols</a></h3>
<p>In this lesson we will learn how to type the symbol characters. You have
already learned several of them in previous lessons, but now we will complete y
our symbol typing skills. We will begin by revisiting the number keys you just l
earned in the previous lesson, but this time we will have a look at the associat
ed secondary symbol characters with those keys.</p>
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">The Ampersand and the Asterisk</a></h4>
<p>The first two symbols we will learn, <strong>&</strong> and <strong>*</st
rong>, are the secondary characters for the <strong>7</strong> and <strong>8</st
rong> keys, respectively. Type the <strong>&</strong> key by reaching up and to
the left of the <strong>u</strong> key with the right index finger while holding
the left <strong>shift</strong> key. Likewise, type the <strong>*</strong> key
by reaching up and to the left of the <strong>i</strong> key with the right midd
le finger while holding the left <strong>shift</strong> key.</p>
<div class="typer" id="typer1"><div class="quote">&&& &&& &&& &&& *** *** **
* *** j&j j&j j&j k*k k*k k*k k*k &j& &j& &j& &j& *k* *k* *k* *k* &&& jjj &&& jj
j *** kkk *** kkk &*& &*& &*& *&* *&* *&* & & & & * * * * && && && ** ** ** &* &
* &* *& *& *& j&j j&j k*k k*k &&& &&& &&& *** *** ***</div></div>
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">Parentheses</a></h4>
<p>Let's learn to parenthesize (with the <strong>(</strong> and <strong>)</s
trong> characters)! The left parenthesis, <strong>(</strong>, uses the same key
as the <strong>9</strong> key, and the right parenthesis, <strong>)</strong>, u
ses the same key as the <strong>0</strong> key. You will reach the <strong>(</st

rong> key with the right ring finger, above and to the left of the <strong>o</st
rong> key, and type it while holding the left <strong>shift</strong> key. The <s
trong>)</strong> key is typed with the right pinky finger, reaching above and to
the left of the <strong>p</strong> key, and is also typed while holding the lef
t <strong>shift</strong> key. Please note that the <strong>l</strong> character
in this lesson is a lowercase <strong>L</strong>.</p>
<div class="typer"><div class="quote">((( ((( ((( ((( ))) ))) ))) ))) l(l l(
l l(l ;); ;); ;); ;); (l( (l( (l( (l( );) );) );) );) ((( lll ((( lll ))) ;;; ))
) ;;; ()( ()( ()( )() )() )() ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) (( (( (( )) )) )) () () () )( )( )
( l(l l(l ;); ;); ((( ((( ((( ))) ))) )))</div></div>
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">The Dollar Sign and the Hash Mark</a></h4>
<p>Let's learn a couple of left hand symbols: <strong>$ #</strong></p>
<p>The dollar sign, <strong>$</strong>, uses the same key as the <strong>4</
strong> key. Type it with the left index finger while holding the right <strong
>shift</strong> key - it is located to the upper left of the <strong>r</strong>
key. The hash mark, <strong>#</strong>, is typed with the same key as <strong>3<
/strong>, reaching up and to the left of the <strong>e</strong> key with the lef
t middle finger while holding the right <strong>shift</strong> key.</p>
<div class="typer"><div class="quote">$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ### ### ### ### f$f f$
f f$f d#d d#d d#d d#d $f$ $f$ $f$ $f$ #d# #d# #d# #d# $$$ fff $$$ fff ### ddd ##
# ddd $#$ $#$ $#$ #$# #$# #$# $ $ $ $ # # # # $$ $$ $$ ## ## ## $# $# $# #$ #$ #
$ f$f f$f d#d d#d $$$ $$$ $$$ ### ### ###</div></div>
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">The At Sign and the Exclamation Point</a></h4>
<p>The next two left hand symbols are: <strong>@ !</strong><p>
<p>The at sign, <strong>@</strong>, is the secondary character for the <stro
ng>2</strong> key. With the left ring finger, reach up and to the left of the <s
trong>w</strong> key, and type it while holding the right <strong>shift</strong>
key. The exclamation point, <strong>!</strong>, which you may remember from the
<a href="/touch-typing-lessons/how-to-type-punctuation/">Punctuation Lesson</a>
, uses the same key as the number <strong>1</strong>. Type it with the left pin
ky finger, reaching up and to the left of the <strong>q</strong> key while holdi
ng the right <strong>shift</strong> key.</p>
<div class="typer"><div class="quote">@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ !!! !!! !!! !!! s@s s@
s s@s a!a a!a a!a a!a @s@ @s@ @s@ @s@ !a! !a! !a! !a! @@@ sss @@@ sss !!! aaa !!
! aaa @!@ @!@ @!@ !@! !@! !@! @ @ @ @ ! ! ! ! @@ @@ @@ !! !! !! @! @! @! !@ !@ !
@ s@s s@s a!a a!a @@@ @@@ @@@ !!! !!! !!!</div></div>
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">The Percent Sign and the Caret Symbol</a></h4>
<p>Excellent work! You are nearly done with this lesson!</p>
<p>The last left hand symbols are: <strong>% ^</strong></p>
<p>Both of these symbols are typed with the left index finger while holding
the right <strong>shift</strong> key. The percent sign, <strong>%</strong>, is t
yped using the same key as the number <strong>5</strong> and the caret, <strong>
^</strong>, is typed with the same key as the number <strong>6</strong>. To typ
e the <strong>%</strong> key, reach up and to the right of the <strong>r</strong
> key with your left index finger, and type it while holding the right <strong>s
hift</strong> key. You will type the <strong>^</strong> key by reaching up and
to the right of the <strong>t</strong> key with your left index finger while hol
ding the right <strong>shift</strong> key.</p>
<div class="typer"><div class="quote">%%% %%% %%% %%% ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ f%f f%
f f%f f%f f^f f^f f^f f^f %f% %f% %f% %f% ^f^ ^f^ ^f^ ^f^ %%% rrr %%% rrr ^^^ tt
t ^^^ ttt r%r r%r r%r t^t t^t t^t %^% %^% %^% ^%^ ^%^ ^%^ % % % % ^ ^ ^ ^ %% %%
%% ^^ ^^ ^^ %^ %^ %^ ^% ^% ^% f%f f%f f^f f^f %%% %%% %%% ^^^ ^^^ ^^^</div></div
<h4 class="title"><a href="#">All Together</a></h4>
<p>Let's put all the these symbols together now and see how well you've lear
ned them: <strong>! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )</strong></p>
<div class="typer"><div class="quote">2 #4 hotdogs, 50% off @ 1$ ea. for Jim
& I (*** w/o ketchup)! I use CTRL^C 90% of the time (and CTRL^X the other 10%).
I'm your #1 fan! I'll have a #9 & a #5 & a #47. That will be $20,847,817.92 (**

* plus 5% tax)! Learn typing, make $$$! Fact #417: 2^8 is 2^(2^2)*2^(2^2))!</div
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