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The 2016 Presidential Election

Life is definitely a journey. For years, we have seen Presidents come and go, yet cynicism and
apathy pervade American society. Too many politicians have either broken promises or outright
shown an anti-liberty agenda, which has harmed lives literally. In spite of it all, we should always
shine our lights in the world. We have strengths and gifts. That is why it is vitally important to
continue forward in advancing goodness in the world. One way to advance goodness is about
making politicians accountable for their views and actions. Also, we have to be active in the
movement for social justice. Change never comes by inactivity or apathy. Change comes via
activism, struggle, hard work, mobilizing, and organizing with great human beings. We have to
accept truths too. One truth is that the Electoral College not the American people directly chooses
ultimately who will be the next President of the United States. Another truth is that many members of
Republicans and Democrats have advanced a neoliberal agenda, which includes the support of the
prison industrial complex, the war on terror, the Patriot Act, and other laws that restrict human rights.
We must fully understand the brutality that capitalism, imperialism, materialism, xenophobia,
patriarchy, and other evils has done among the worlds populations for over five centuries.
Things must change. Being politically independent has been growing especially among the youth in
America. There are still tons of Americans who love truth, dignity, and wisdom. Many Americans
sincerely want injustice to be extinguished and seek the human dignity of all to be respected. Right
now, President Barack Obama is in the final phrase of his Presidency. While I have some
ideologically disagreements with him on some issues, I will respect his humanity as a man. It is a
shame that many evil people want to slander the man and his family (beyond legitimate dissent). He
and his family deserve dignity and respect. It was great of him to visit Selma recently in March of
2015. We are going to continue to stand up for freedom irrespective of who is President. Also, we
should always defend the human rights of people. We should respect the dignity and humanity of
black women, because the mainstream media has readily ignores the lives and human value of
black women. Misoygnoir is an evil scourge that must end. A black woman gave birth to me, so I will
always honor black women. Black women (then and now) have a huge role in the overall human
liberation struggle. We have to believe in the dignity of humanity in general.
The 2016 Presidential election will have similarities and differences to the previous Presidential
elections. A lot of it will be dj vu all over again with the corporate funding and the two party
capitalist, neo-liberal parties trying to get electoral votes. The Republican side has a lot of division on
who will be the front runner. There is Rand Paul expressing his views and people like Rubio

believing a reactionary, militarist message. Rand Paul has talked about criminal justice issues, the
militarization of the police, and other matters that appeal to people beyond just Republicans. The
catch is that his views on other issues are reactionary like his views on economics and on some
social issues. Chris Christie, who has shown disrespectful language even against people trying to
debate him in public, could run for President. Chris Christie is very honest with his words, but he
lacks a strong temperament. There is nothing wrong with being honest, but decorum is always
important for any human being who seeks political power. There has been a lot of news about Jeb
Bush. George W. Bush wants Jeb Bush to run for President, but his mother, Barbara Bush, doesnt
want Jeb to run at first. Jeb Bush is a conservative, but many of the Tea Party Republican extremists
dont view Jeb Bush as conservative enough, because of his support of Common Core (and his
center-right views on the issue of immigration). We know how the game is being played.
We have a problem when the United States (which is very diverse country and has over 320
million people with 50 states stretching an entire continent including one island) only offers
two major parties (whose positions except on some issues are virtually indistinguishable).

The 2015 CPAC meeting

The 2015 CPAC meeting has just ended. This is a meeting where Republican Presidential
candidates vie for support among conservatives. CPAC stands for the Conservative Political Action
Conference. The meeting was held in suburban Washington D.C. and Rand Paul won the straw poll.
There were many civil libertarians in CPAC who agreed with Rand Pauls message. One controversy
(out of many) in the conference was when Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin said that if he could
take on 100,000 protesters (who were the brave working class and student youth who protested in
Madison, Wisconsin in 2011) then he could take on ISIS. Walker was one man who passed antiworking rights laws and he defeated many of the actions of the unions in Wisconsin. Yet, the labor
movement is not totally defeated. Many union members are still fighting back for a living wage and
for justice in general. Even ex-Texas Governor Ricky Perry said that Walkers comments were
inappropriate. Walker denies trying to compare protesters to ISIS terrorists. Walker was given
standing ovations for his remarks there including his words about protesters and terrorists. Scott
Walker is leading polls in Iowa and throughout America. He could be the Republican Presidential
nominee. The Koch Brothers are funding the Republicans heavily in 2015 and will do so in 2016.
Unfortunately, some people in the CPAC meeting expressed xenophobic, reactionary rhetoric. Also,
one of the conferences sponsors is ProEnglish, which is led by the white nationalist Bob
Vandervoot. That is ironic, because English was not the original language spoken in America.
There were many languages spoken in America soil for thousands of years before an English
speaking person came into the Americas. That is a historical fact. Yes, you know what Im
going to mention next. Being an American has nothing to do with what language which you speak. It
is about believing and upholding the sound, majestic, and inspirational principles that our people
bled for and died for. It is about having and expressing not only love, but dissent. Many people want
to scapegoat immigrants in a hateful way without setting their own houses in order. Therefore, we
will always show compassion and mercy to the sojourner whether they are born here or not.
Thats the point. No matter if people are born from another nation or not. These human
beings are still my Brothers and my Sisters. Immigrant rights are part of overall human rights.
No true revolutionary would support immigrants being treated as less than human beings.

Regardless if they are undocumented or not, they are still our Brothers and our Sisters. Immigrant
rights are part of human rights. Just because a person in America doesnt speak English, doesnt
mean that this person should be stripped of their human rights. Human rights are superior to states
rights. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin spoke at CPAC as well. One weakness of the CPAC meeting
is that it doesnt advocate real progressive, revolutionary solutions to our problems like ending the
Empire, ending the prison industrial complex, or establishing a living wage.

One March 23, 2015, Ted Cruz was the first Republican to announce his candidacy for
President in Liberty University at Lynchburg, Virginia. His speech tried to appeal to the
youth, Evangelical, and the rest of the Republican base. On foreign policy, he follows a
hawkish take on policy issues. He is known person who has reactionary views.
Ted Cruz
There is a lot of information about Ted Cruz that some individuals dont know about. Ted Cruz is the
44 year old Senator from Texas. Right now, he is in the low single digits in the polls about who is
winning the Republican Presidential primary. Cruz was a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law
School. He worked as a government lawyer ironically, but he has issued massively anti-federal
government rhetoric as a Tea Party Republican. During 2013, he was involved in the partial
shutdown of the federal government, because he wanted the ACA to be gone. To this very day, he
wants the ACA to be eliminated, but he signed up for it (and he offers no real alternative to the ACA
except for a privatization of health care system, which is wrong). Ted Cruz is the son of a Cuban
exile turned evangelical minister. Cruz believes in American imperialism (he supports the reactionary
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) and he has fundamentalist religious views. He married
to a managing director at Goldman Sachs, which is one company who received the Treasurys cash
via the bailouts). He denies global warming and he believes in reactionary views of the economy.
Therefore, I cant support Ted Cruz ideologically at all.

Rand Paul
Rand Paul recently announced his candidacy for the Presidency on early April 2015. He has used
social media to proclaim his agenda too. He is running for the Republican Party, so he is a
Republican Party activist. He wants to change the Republican Party in his mind as a way for his
party to embrace more of his views. He has spoken in many locations that Republicans typically
won't go into like in Ferguson, Detroit, etc. His goal is to follow the principles of capitalism (by his
own words when capitalism has been involved in genocide and human exploitation
throughout the four corners of the Earth) and follow neoliberal philosophies. People talk about his
views on the War on Drugs and the criminal justice system. He's right to mention the fact that the
criminal justice system is racist and that the War on Drugs has harmed communities of color. I
believe that the War on Drugs should end and be replaced with alternatives. He's right to condemn
NSA warrantless spying against American citizens. The NSA and the CIA has violated the human
civil liberties of people for decades (long before the President was elected back in 2008). One
weakness of Rand Paul is his views on economic and social issues. Rand Paul has made it clear
that he wants to cut many social programs that are preventing the poor from starving to death. He
wants to cut Medicare, welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, SNAP, etc. That is a blatantly austerity
agenda and it won't work to solve our problems in America, because our economy is extremely
fragile. Rand Paul has opposed a tax treaty which would target tax cheaters overseas. Sen. Paul
has proposed the implementation of a flat tax, which would tax income at a single flat rate and
entirely exempt capital gains, dividends and interest from taxation.
A Citizens for Tax Justice analysis of a similar flat tax proposal found that it would increase taxes on
the bottom 95 percent of Americans by almost $3,000 on average and at the same time give the
richest 1 percent of Americans an average tax cut of nearly $210,000. A flat tax is blatantly
reactionary and retrograde, because the poor will pay a proportionally higher tax rate than the super
wealthy. Rand Paul has not support an end to the military industrial complex (which has murdered
millions in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Central Asia, etc.). He has voted to increase funding to the
Pentagon. He has hypocritically lectured people on abhorring "big government" but he wants the
expansion of the government in the form of growing the military industrial complex. The government
should be by and for the people (and the government has every moral right to provide the General
Welfare to the people). He talks about liberty and freedom, but freedom has nothing to do with allow
any private entity to do whatever it wants to do (in other words, pollution is wrong, racism is wrong,
and legitimate regulations to protect the environment is a good thing. That means that the Voting
Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act must be strengthened not gutted. Even Adam Smith admitted that

the markets must have regulations. Human rights are superior to states' rights). This doesn't mean
that we give the Democrats a pass. We have a Democratic Presidency supporting the spying of
innocent citizens, we see the neoliberal agenda continuing by the White House, we see the funding
of the militarization of the local police, we see the expansion of the evil war on terror (which
Democrats not just the Republicans have supported), the evil NDAA is here, etc. The corporate
elites dominate the leadership of both major parties. Although, it is fair and legitimate to expose the
extremism and bigotry found in the Republican Party (which is a party I will not support at all).
Freedom is about respecting human justice, fighting evil, and promoting goodness as well.
It is a truly a shame that Rubio has to spew pro-neo conservative rhetoric. American exceptionalism
is not pro-masses of the people. It is about enriching the interests of the oligarchy, building capitalist
profits (while using neoliberalism in many nations), and dominating the world's resources via war and
neo-imperialism. The genocide caused by American exceptionalism for over one century (as found
in the Philippines, Africa, the Middle East, etc.) has caused widespread economic, environmental,
and social degradation. We see that the war on terror (which has commenced in 2001) has caused
over 1 million people to die in the Middle East alone too. The middle class should not only be
respected, but the poor too. Some, among both parties, ignore the real concerns of the poor. I don't
agree with the Republican agenda. Marco Rubio is a young man and he ought to wake up and see
that imperialism and the worship of capital has no place in a real progressive society.
Jeb Bush is running for President as well. His brother left the White House in 2009. George W. Bush
is similar to Herbert Hoover in being very controversy and whose economic policies have influenced
the development of recessions. Jeb Bushs Republican opponents include many reactionaries.
Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Governor Scott Walker of
Wisconsin, and others do have Presidential aspirations.

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush has officially said that he is running for the Presidency. Hes a Republican. The amount of
candidates running for President on the Republican side has increased to 12. He spoke at a rally in
Miami. There, he gave a 40 minute speech where he talked about his family, country, and religion.
He promised to increase the growth rate of the American economy to four percent a year without
many details on how he would do this (except for gutting regulations on U.S. corporations and
banks). Jeb Bush is a conservative, so he praised charter schools (which is a form of slick
privatization of public schools), and he believed in church run charities and businesses to impose
their religious precepts on employees. Jeb Bushs foreign policy advisors are heavily neo-cons. He

has promoted a more aggressive foreign policy and greatly increased military spending. He has not
talked about Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other country bombed, invaded, or occupied by his father or
his brother during their Presidencies. Jeb Bush declared in his speech that: We dont need
another president who merely holds the top spot among the pampered elites of Washington. That is
highly silly, because Jeb Bush is part of the establishment. His father is George H. W. Bush, his
brother is George W. Bush, and his grandfather was U.S. Senator Prescott Bush of Connecticut).
Jeb Bush went into banking, real estate, and Republican politics. He was elected governor of Florida
in 1998. His agenda as Governor was reactionary. As Governor, he cut taxes for corporations and
the super wealthy. He created the first school voucher program and he backed the bad stand your
ground gun law, which advanced vigilantism. He played a big role in the 2000 Presidential election
theft. His state government first conducted a massive purge of voter rolls, which was mostly aimed at
African Americans. Then, he acted to shut down vote-counting in south Florida in order to preserve
George W. Bushs 537-vote lead in the state. These brazenly undemocratic actions set the stage for
the Supreme Courts intervention to install Bushs brother in the White House. He is financially aided
by large financers. Some of the other candidates in the GOP are so extreme, that some view him as
a moderate. Many Tea Party extremists abhor his views on immigration and on education. The
election could be between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. We want freedom not massive
unemployment, financial crisis, illegal wars, torture, and other evils. We want liberation.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump has officially announced his candidacy for President for the Republican Party. His
introduction speech for his candidacy on June 2015 was filled with xenophobia, racism against
Mexicans, and demonization of people who disagrees with him. His speech was immature, it lacked
real substance, and it was a total disgrace. He is a man who was part of the birther movement,
which deal with the lie that the President was not born in American soil. He is a hypocrite. He claims
to be for workers, but he works for the capitalist empire, which has shown opportunism, parasitism,
and economic exploitation. Trump was already born into wealth. His family owned a 23 room house
and they had a multimillion dollar real estate development business. Trumps business dealings deal
with channeling government funds to private developers, who destroyed communities and drove
longtime resident out of their homes. In one of his very first acts managing an apartment complex for
his father's company, Trump prevented a Black family from moving into a property in a
predominantly white neighborhood in Cincinnati in the 1960s. Trump's New York real estate

company was later sued by the federal government for denying rental applications from Black
applicants. The man who recently claimed to "have a great relationship with the Blacks" was sued by
the Justice Department for violating the Fair Housing Act. Trump has slandered the innocent Black
and Latino suspects in the Central Park jogger case. They were proven innocent years later. He
wants to defeat ISIS with brass militarism, but he offers no real political solution to the crisis. He
opposes the ACA, gut will not offer real universal health care. His views on immigration are bigoted
and nativist (by calling for a wall in trying to end illegal immigration. He called many immigrants
rapists, drug posers, and other nonsense). The truth is that we need our infrastructure developed,
our environment improved, and our civil liberties protected. Our trade system should not only protect
American workers. It should protect workers internationally with safety standards, workers rights,
and environmental protections. We want economic justice and social justice in the world.
We have to continue to think for ourselves and advocate for real revolutionary, structural change. I
am opposed to the war on terror. I disagree with the War on Drugs. I am opposed to imperialism.
Imperialism is known for its opposition to all progressive peoples struggles. The interests of the 1%
are antithetical to the liberation of the masses of the people. Billionaires and corporations (which
have been strengthened via the bad Supreme Court Citizen United decision) send money to both
major parties as a means to carry out their agenda. A study says that from $4-6 trillion dollars go to
the ongoing wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, yet nowhere near that amount is being spent to rebuild
our cities, rebuild our rural communities, to improve our health care, to develop our educational
systems, and to obliterate poverty. There is an attack on workers, who want to seek a living wage is

Court cases and other Issues

Some activists and truth tellers have made the accurate point that many bad decisions from the
Supreme Court have damaged the human rights of Americans. Even the legitimate parts of the
Constitution have been harmed by numerous Supreme Court decisions. The judicial branch of the
federal government includes the federal district courts, the circuit courts of appeal, and the Supreme
Court. The Supreme Court interprets the law in figuring out the meanings of constitutional principles
and so forth. Many Supreme Court members are pro-Republican reactionaries not just Scalia and
Thomas. The federal judges have a life long tenure and their decisions can stretch decades and
beyond. The legal system has checks and balances to prevent branches of government from doing
the wrong thing and to prevent tyranny. Now, we have an oligarchy that does almost anything that

they want at the expense of the liberties of the people. Back in December of 2000, the Supreme
Court allowed Bush to be President when Al Gore won the popular and electoral vote. Even the
Florida Supreme Court allowed the recount to continue. The Supreme Courts 2010 Citizens United
decision allowed the oligarchs to buy off elected politicians via financial aid. Corporations were
viewed as people with that decision too. The decision caused no dollar limits in making certain
contributions. That is perfectly why the 2012 presidential election at both national and state levels
cost a total of $60 billion, the most ever.
Last Aprils Supreme Court decision to not intervene in a Court of Appeals ruling that overturned the
district court that had declared the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unconstitutional
was an attack on our civil liberties. The journalist Chris Hedges did the right thing to file a lawsuit in
challenging the NDAAs legality. One bold federal district court judge decided in favor of Hedges.
The Supreme Courts choice to uphold the Appeals Court decision overruling the lower court to keep
the NDAA law on the books, life as we legally knew it in the United States ceased to exist. In effect,
both the Appellate and Supreme Courts violated American citizens Fourth and Sixth Amendments
as well as overturned the Posse Comitatus law that existed since after the Civil War. The Posse
Comitatus Act was the law that banned the U.S. military to act in civil affairs since that job was done
by the law enforcement agencies including the states National Guard. We still are fighting for our
civil liberties. The Supreme Court even gutted part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as well, which the
Court made the wrong decision. The dangers to our environment continue. After 9/11, globalists
have supported an economic system which has allowed the one percent to gain more the earths
natural resources and caused the masses of the people to experience not only massive debt, gut
cruel exploitation. The Western Empire has used NATO, the EU, etc. to promote its hegemonic
power base. Some Western reactionaries want to bait Russia, China, and other countries into an
economic or even a military confrontation, which will cause untold devastation. There is
environmental degradation in the form of the pollution of water, air, soil, food, etc. Monsanto has
been responsible for many evils. We deal with chemtrail toxicity and the rising levels of radiation in
the world. Many animal species are in danger of extinction. So, we have to be mindful of the world
and stand up for our human rights.

Hillary Clinton
People anticipate Hillary Clinton to run for President as a Democrat in the year of 2016. Her views
are very similar to President Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton in essence has a militarist foreign policy
mixed with a corporatist domestic policy. Back in 1969, when she was the Wellesley valedictorian,
she supported Eugene McCarthys presidential run and she studied the organizing tactics of Saul
Alinksy. She served on the board of Walmart, which is a corporation known for controversies on

wages, discrimination, and other issues. Now, we see a new generation. Hillary Clinton easily
became Senator of New York. As Senator, she voted for military action against Afghanistan, she
voted for the Patriot Act, and she voted for the Iraq War Resolution. The Bush-Cheney junta was so
overtly corrupt, that she modified her views back in 2008 on foreign policy matters. She voted for the
Obama administrations troop surge in Afghanistan too. Wikileaks shown that she (like Condoleeza
Rice before her) ordered the U.S. diplomats to spy on United Nations officials including
representatives of friendly nations and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Ironically, Hillary
Clinton criticized the Wikileaks document release as an attack on the international community. On
many foreign policy issues from Russia to Syria, Hillary is to the right of President Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton has ideological similarities and differences to Bill Clinton. Bill Clintons actions are
known. The Bill Clinton presidency established free trade agreements (which dont promote real
fair trade. What these agreements are all about is to allow Western corporations to offshore their
production of goods and services sold in American markets. When you have the moving of
production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices. This will
bring down capital gains to shareholders and send multi-million dollar performance bonuses
to executives. The rewards to capital for the super wealthy are large, but the rewards come at the
expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states), deregulated the
financial system, use military attacks on many nations (like in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Somalia, etc.), and
used deadly force against American civilians. Bill Clinton supported the repeal of the Glass-Steagall
Act, which contributed to the 2007-2008 great recession.
We have a system where two capitalist mainstream parties run the political show with Wall Street
backing. We live in a new era where the growth of PACs and the recent Citizens United decision
have caused corporations to influence elections heavily. Both of the major parties have members
who follow the agendas of the financial sector, the military/security complex, the Israeli Lobby, Big
Pharma, agribusiness, and the rest of the establishment. These same interests support financial
bailouts while ignore how Monsanto harms the environment. Hillary Clinton was once the Secretary
of State and now she is a private citizen. The neo-conservative extremists are promoting war against
Russia too. Her popularity is extremely popular. If she runs for President, she could easily win the
Democratic nomination if she goes unopposed. Right now, reactionaries hate the views of Hillary
Clinton, because of obvious reasons. They say that the Benghazi scandal and the recent email
scandal dont give her much credence in running for the Presidency. Time will tell where the email
scandal will lead into. As a citizen, Hillary Clinton has the right to run for President. She shouldnt be
disrespected (as some attacks on Hillary Clinton have been blatantly misogynistic and we are all
opposed to misogyny against any women of any color), but people have every right to disagree with
her political views in a reasonable fashion. I just happen to disagree with Hillary Clinton on her
foreign policy positions and on her support of neoliberal philosophies.
Hillary Clinton is not the only person that could run on the Democratic side. Joe Biden, Martin
OMalley, Jim Webb, Bernie Sanders, Paul Strauss, Elizabeth Warren, Vermin Supreme, Robby
Wells, Jeff Boss and other Democratic and/or Independent candidates are either running for
President or could run for President in 2016. So, if Hillary Clinton runs for President, then she could
face political competition. The 2016 Presidential election represents the narrow field of the political
establishment. These events occur in the midst of the growth of economic inequality. The political
elites are allied with the Wall Street oligarchy. The Pentagon, the CIA, NSA, the FBI, etc. defend the
interests of corporate America (here in the States and abroad).

Bernie Sanders
There has been a huge discussion about Bernie Sanders. He is the most progressive Democratic
candidate running for President. On his website, it shows his platform which advocates the ending of
the War on Drugs, having a tax on Wall Street speculation, opposing the Keystone XL pipeline, the
demilitarization of the local police, the strengthening of unions, and the elimination of mandatory
minimum sentences (which I agree with). Huge crowds in Denver, Phoenix, Boston, etc. come to
witness him speak his views. He is extremely popular among many progressives. He has caused
huge audiences to witness him speak from Denver to Vermont. These crowds never existed out of
thin air. We face an economic and political crisis in America. We see the 2 party system dominated
by corporate, oligarchic, and capitalist interests. We see the record bailout of financial large banking
interests. We see a lack of mortgage relief for people burdened with foreclosures, debt etc. No one
in the major 2 party system (among its leadership) is calling for the nationalization of the financial
institutions that harmed the economy. Some people have praised a health care reform law, but
refuse to call for single payer health care. There have been raids on union pension funds. There
has been the undermining of desperately needed carbon emission reduction efforts in Copenhagen
(2009) and in Durban (in 2011). We see offshore and Arctic drilling. This is why grassroots
organizing is important. The CIO or the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the SCLC, SNCC,
and other anti-war groups decades ago did grassroots work, demonstrations, boycotts, and other
forms of social activism to combat injustice. So, we have to work in the streets, in the factories, in the
restaurants, in religious locations, and in other locations to get our voices heard and promote
political including economic solutions.
Bernie Sanders strength is that he has talked about the evils of economic inequality and he has
spoken on social justice issues that few of the other candidates speak about. Hes right to advocate
a higher national minimum wage and making sure that universal health care exists in the world. Hes
right to expose the Koch Brothers as buying politicians and how they are involved in a reactionary
agenda. There is a serious problem of poverty in America and many families plus other individuals
are struggling with just a small amount of annual income. Some people have no choice, but to work
2 jobs in order for them to provide for themselves and their families. He is right to expose the
disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, which has increased the power of big
corporations who want political power.

His weakness is that many of his policies are pro-military industrial complex and his foreign policy
views in general (which are reactionary) are not well known. Sanders wanted to confront Vladimir
Putin of Russia when it was the US/NATO forces that are funding the reactionary government of
Ukraine. He supported Bill Clintons and Barack Obamas U.S, imperialism and militarism in
Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Africa, the Middle East, and Ukraine. Sanders refused to expose the truth
that the United States murderous and expensive global empire must end if a progressive,
democratic society will exist in America. In 2006 he supported the failed Iran Freedom Support Act,
which called for the overthrow the Iranian government through US "soft power" coup attempts and a
color revolution facilitated by the infamous National Endowment For Democracy. Last July, Bernie
Sanders co-sponsored the Obama-supported USA FREEDOM Act in the Senate, which
would regularize NSA spying under the guise of regulating it. Sanders unconditionally supports
Israels assaults on Palestinian children and other civilians in the West Bank including Gaza (Bernie
joined in the 100-0 stampede of the US Senate to endorse the Israeli bombing campaign against the
Palestinians of Gaza in July-August of 2014. This was Netanyahus Operation Protective Edge,
which killed 2,300 captive Palestinians after Hamas fired rockets at Israel).
Bernie Sanders have voted for Bill Clintons 1994s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Act. This law expanded the crimes punishable by death at the hands of the federal government, it
caused more than 100,000 cops in the streets of America, and it funded billions of dollars in
constructing more prisons. This law increased the prison industrial complex, which especially
harmed the lives of black men, black women, and black children. Bernie Sanders views on
immigration are very similar to the Republicans views on immigration. Bernie Sanders and some
members of the Black Lives Matter movement have been in the news lately. Bernies supporters say
that Bernie marched with Dr. King and supports civil rights for black people and people of color.
Many in the Black Lives Matter movement feel that he hasnt spoken enough on racial justice
matters, on criminal justice matters, and on the evil system of the white supremacy. The Black Lives
Matter individuals are right to mention that just because Bernie marched with Dr. King doesnt mean
that he deserves some pass. So, Bernie Sanders must embrace a progressive, anti-imperialist
foreign policy position and some members of the Black Lives Matter movement must reject any
affiliation to a neoliberal billionaire like George Soros too. We know that the Black Lives Matter
movement is diverse, so not every BLM activist is linked to Soros. This fact refutes the reactionary
lie spewed by Bill OReilly, Alex Jones, some Bernie Sanders supporters, and others that the Black
Lives Matter movement is collectively funded by George Soros (which is a lie). There are tons of
sincere, courageous members of the Black Lives Matter movement who are helping people in real
life. #Black Lives Matter. Bernie Sanders have been pressured to speak about the late Sister
Sandra Bland, about police brutality, and about other issues that deal with racial justice (especially
after BLM activists disrupted him. Two courageous women disrupted his speech in Seattle to expose
the massive racism in Seattle and to commemorate the one year anniversary of Michael Browns
death). He runs in the Democratic Party when that capitalist party is in league with the establishment
just like the capitalist Republican Party. At the end of the day, Bernie Sanders has many great
positions on various issues (from economics to health care issues) while his major weakness
is on his foreign policy views and his chauvinistic views on immigration. He says that hes a
democratic socialist, but his speeches never criticize capitalism by name explicitly. Therefore,
some people have to realize that eliminating all poverty will not eliminate racism. Class reductionism
is not a solution to our problems as oppression is beyond just economics problems. They are
intersectional. We have to both fight against poverty and racial injustice, so humanity can have
comprehensive justice.

*We need to not only fight income inequality. We need regulations to clean up our rivers
and streams. We need to end mass incarceration. We need immigrants to have their human
rights protected. We need to stop imperialism and any injustice in the world. So, we have to
maintain our political independence.

The First Republican National Debate in August of 2015

I have watched the Republican debate on Thursday night, at August 6, 2015. The Republicans dont
sugarcoat what they stand for. Their reactionary rhetoric may be popular for some, but much of
their rhetoric is archaic, xenophobic in many cases, and militaristic. There were many controversial
moments of the debate. One big part of the debate was the conversation between the chauvinist
Donald Trump and the FOX News journalist Megan Kelly. Megan Kelly made a legitimate question
about Trumps misogynist comments about women (in the sense of asking about temperament
when running for President. Trump lied and said that without him, the discussion of immigration
wouldnt have happen when people have discussed about immigration for years and decades in
America) and Trump never apologized from his previous misogynistic, disrespectful comments at
all. Any candidate will have tough question, so Trumps complaints are very fallacious and invalid.
Donald Trump has not ruled out running for a Third Party candidacy in 2016 either. After the
debate, Donald Trump endorsed a Tweet calling Megan Kelly a sexist slur. Trump is a disgrace.
Trump also said that laziness is a trait of blacks (which is an evil comment), so he is a racist. He
disrespected Jeb Bushs wife without apologizing, so I have no respect for him as a man. All 10
candidates on the stage had a chance to speak their minds. Rubio talked about focusing on the
future and how he brings leadership into the race.
John Kasich (who wanted to promote more compassionate in society as a conservative person),
Scott Walker, and Chris Christie spoke about defending their records as Governors (they talked
about economic statistics, but New Jersey and Ohio still suffer massive problems via their union
busting and austerity policies. John Kasich is known for union busting policies. His 2011 Ohio antiunion Senate Bill 5 referendum was defeated (via a 61 to 39 percent landslide) in November of
2011. Senate Bill 5 was draconian in trying to reduce the number of topics subject to collective
bargaining, ban public workers from striking, etc. Im glad that SB 5 was struck down. The people
have spoken clearly. You dont ignore the public, stammered the Ohio governor, reeling internally
from this reverse. Kasich, when he was in Congress, voted for NAFTA, and chaired the congressional
committee to gut the welfare system. Kasichs plan is just like the plans of Walker, Jindal, and other
Republicans. They want to bust union, shift the taxes onto the poor, and cut the public sector
(without advocating a Wall Street sales tax, which can bring massive revenues in America. Wall
Street pays no tax on $5 quadrillion per year in sales of derivatives, stocks, bonds and other
Austerity never works to bring about long-term economic growth).
Not one candidate on the stage talked about the minimum wage, child care, the Voting Rights Act,
police brutality (in an in-depth way), the environment, the Black Lives Matter movement, and other

important issues. Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich expressed their views a lot
in a more mature fashion than others on that stage. Jeb Bush had a decent performance. He didn't
fail, but he wasn't spectacular either. Mike Huckabee was the most conservative candidate on social
issues. He said that the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being, which is true. Yet, Huckabee is
not the Supreme Being either. All of the candidates opposed the Iranian deal and they wanted
more militarist, imperialist policies in dealing with Iran (which will cause more suffering for the
people of Iran via economically crippling sanctions. The Iranian deal is a very strict deal with huge
burdens for Iran).

The GOP believes in states rights. I have heard that before. 50 years ago, reactionaries had
platforms that included racial intolerance, segregation, and blocking any civil rights legislation.
Today, some GOP members are advancing policies that suppress the right to vote, support
Stand Your Ground laws, defending health care services for communities. Frankly, human
rights is superior to states rights.

The candidates criticized Planned Parenthood and abortion and they had a debate on national
security. Rand Paul and Chris Christie debated each other on the issue of civil liberties. Rand Paul
accurately said that there is nothing wrong with having a warrant to conduct surveillance, while
Chris Christie (who called a grown black man in Patterson, New Jersey boy, which shows his
disgraceful character as a person) was arrogant to exploit the deaths of people on 9/11 to justify his
support of anti-civil liberty policies done by the NSA and others. The Cybersecurity Information
Sharing Act or CISA targets fundamental civil liberties. The debate lasted for about 2 hours. It was
not boring. We know that both parties are funded by corporate interests and big foundations. The
debate talked about terrorism, but they ignored white supremacist terrorism going on in America
(with one white supremacist terrorist killing 9 innocent people in Charleston, South Carolina). There
was no question, however, about the threat of right-wing, white supremacist mass violence, which
has killed many more Americans since 9/11 than attacks by those inspired by Islam. American
Muslims have carried out 20 plots in the last 13 years resulting in 50 deaths. In contrast, right-wing
extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.
A survey of 382 law enforcement agencies conducted by the Police Executive Research Forum also
found that police cited right-wing, anti-government extremism as a threat than extremism
connected with Al Qaeda or like-minded terrorist organizations. There was also another Happy

Hour debate with Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, Jim
Gilmore, and George Pataki, who didnt make it to the 9 pm. debate. Carly Fiorina criticized
Donald Trump, to her credit, for Trumps divisive rhetoric and lack of policy strategies for solving
problems. Carly Fiorina is the one with the courage to confront Trumps extremism in a debate
forum. All of the candidates expressed huge opposition to the policies of Hillary Clinton. The
candidates wanted to target Medicare, Social Security, and other parts of the New Deal which
workers and other people fought and died for. Social Security has nothing to do with theft. Its a
benefit earned by work, which is part of a legitimate social contract (of the general welfare).

Social Security and Medicare are highly successful programs that can be improved without massive
austerity measures. We need civil rights protected, the protection of voting rights, the air including
the water cleaned, and the rights of minorities to exist. The candidates didn't provide
comprehensive solutions to handle immigration issues (like a pathway for citizenship, forming a
higher minimum wage, using border security methods adequately and humanely, protecting the
human rights of migrants, using due process, dont intentionally split up families, fight back against
any corporation exploiting workers unfairly, and making laws to treat workers humanely and fairly
irrespective of their immigration status). So, this debate was filled with interesting discussions. We
have a massive economic crisis in America. We have huge economic inequality, police brutality,
unfair sentencing, racism, sexism, discrimination, capitalist exploitation, and imperialism globally.
These evils want be combated. People got their points across. We certain need a national plan for
urban and rural reconstruction in this nation of America. Some have talked about a Wall Street tax,
a higher minimum wage, a addressing of racial justice matters (with a federal policy to ban the War
on Drugs and show alternatives, a federal law banning racial profiling, etc.) , and changing
sentencing laws. I have no problem with these things, but we also need a plan to confront poverty
and discrimination too. The market can't solve every problem. It has to be solved via both individual
and collective actions (in developing our infrastructure which even the Article I, Section 8 of the
Constitution gives Congress the right to fund our roads, bridges, and post offices nationwide). What
is most important is to fight for the equality and justice for all people (and making the world better).

The First Democratic Presidential Debate in October of 2015

The first Democratic debate existed in Las Vegas, Nevada inside of the Wyn Hotel. Anderson
Cooper was the moderator. The debate involved Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Martin OMalley,
Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. The candidates acted prepared. Hillary Clinton wanted to act surgical
in her responses. She acted calm. Hillary wanted to present herself as pragmatic and progressive
while Bernie wanted to present himself as a populist person (as he talked about income inequality
throughout the discussion). Bernie Sanders came prepared too and was shouting on many
occasions throughout the debate. Sanders and Clinton were more passionate in their responses
during the debate. Sanders wanted to focus on income inequality while Clinton wanted to present
herself as a progressive who is pragmatic. One of the big moments was when Cooper asked Bernie
Sanders is he was a socialist or not. Bernie Sanders expressed a nuisance answer. He said that he is
opposed to casino capitalism and that he is a democratic socialist (on previous occasions. He wants
to mimic the modest social welfare actions done in Scandinavia). Clinton wanted to save capitalism,
but capitalism by its very nature promotes inequality, exploitation, and poverty. Also, Anderson
Cooper (who once worked at the CIA when he was 19 years old, which he admitted. Many of these
media pundits in the mainstream level have ties to the intelligence community and the military
industrial complex) failed to see that many socialists and other progressive activists fought capitalist
extremists in order to get Social Security, a higher minimum wage, the 48 hour work day, banning
cruel child labor policies, the development of environmental standards, workplace standards, and
other regulations that tons of people benefit from. Anderson Coopers red bating questions are not
surprising. Many unions fought for workers' rights. Anderson ignored how capitalists were involved
in the Maafa centuries ago.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in late August of 1967 in Chicago (at the National Conference for New
Politics meeting) said the following words on Capitalism:

"... It is this moral lag in our thing-oriented society that blinds us to the human reality
around us and encourages us in the greed and exploitation which creates the sector of
poverty in the midst of wealth. Again we have diluted ourselves into believing the
myth that Capitalism grew and prospered out of the protestant ethic of hard work and
sacrifice. The fact is that Capitalism was build on the exploitation and suffering of black
slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor, both black and white,
both here and abroad

Both Clinton and Sanders want more entrepreneurship. The candidates said that they sympathize
with the middle class, black people, immigrants, etc. We know that the Republican Party readily uses
right wing demagogy to appeal to religious bigotry, racism, anti-immigrant prejudice, sexism, etc.
(and they are funded by the financial elite. Many GOP members are rather clear that they want the
elimination of social welfare programs, deregulation of business, tax cuts for corporations and the
wealthy, etc.). Likewise, the Democrats use populist rhetoric, but many of their policies in the
establishment have promoted neoliberalism domestically and imperialism overseas for a long time.
Many people want independent solutions without genuflecting to the two major parties. That is why
many people know about the crisis of American capitalism. Bernie Sanders said that he wants to
break up the big banks, but he doesnt say that he wants the government to nationalize them and
other corporations. All of the candidates talked about war, poverty, injustice, and the domination of
politics by big money, but they refused in the debate to expose how the profit system connect all of
these evils together (while the working class and the poor suffer via the actions of the 1 percent).
They refused to say in that debate that the money used in drones and militarist policies are stripping
away the resources needed to rebuild our cities, towns, and rural communities.
Hillary Clinton said that she wants regulators to control the actions of the banks, but she has
received the most funding by Wall Street banks than any other Democratic candidate. Hillary Clinton
sat on the board of Walmart before when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas during the eighties.
Her husband was involved in working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare reform, which hurt many
poor families. Bill Clinton supported NAFTA too. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton supported the
TPP and the KXL pipeline until recently when she opposed both. Also, her husband was
responsible for the elimination of Glass Steagall, which eliminated many regulations on large
corporate banks. This is why O'Malley said that he wanted the re-institution of Glass Steagall (this
law separated commercial and investment banking operations until it was gone in 1999). We have a
society where 1 percent owns nearly half of all wealth in America and they want more. Sanders have
talked about the bad Supreme Court decision of Citizens United, which contributed to more
corporate influences on political elections. This is not just. She said that she is a progressive who
wants to get things done. This was, rhetorically at least, a different posture from the campaign of
her husband in 1992, in which he ran as a New Democrat who rejected liberalism and promised to
end welfare as we know it.
The debate dealt heavily with foreign policy. All of the candidates believe in some form or another of
war mongering. They differed on the degrees on which to enact militarism. Hillary Clinton and Bernie
Sanders agreed that they don't want to focus on the emails and they shook hands. Hillary Clinton
and Bernie Sanders agreed with the imperial policies of the Obama administration on Syria. They
want the Gulf States (who funded ISIS directly and indirectly) to be used to fight ISIS in Syria. Hillary
Clinton wanted an U.S. impose no fly zone over parts of Syria on the table. That policy will cause

confusion and more chaos in the region. Asked directly when a President Sanders would use force,
the senator replied, When our country is threatened and when our allies are threatened. He is not a
pacifist, he continued, and had supported Bill Clintons bombing of Serbia in 1999, the invasion of
Afghanistan under George W. Bush in 2001, and the current Obama campaign of air strikes in Syria.
That is not anti-war at all. The candidates didnt talk about how there is a link between the
concentration of wealth and privilege at the top of economic power to the U.S. military aggression
overseas. Hillary Clinton is a notorious militarist.

On foreign policy, all of them promoted war mongering or that war mongering must be made in a
coalition of nations. None of the candidates condemned imperialism in strong terms. The crisis in
Syria (which was made worse by failed Western policies) has directly caused the refugee crisis in
the Middle East and Europe. Russia is bombing in Syria too. Our tax dollars are being spent
overseas to promote Western imperialism where domestically we have problems with our
infrastructure. Drone strikes killing innocent human lives and the bombing of a hospital in Kunduz
are tragedies. We dont want extrajudicial assassinations and we are opposed to the war on terror.
Each of those candidates refuse to expose the oppression of Palestinians and the oppression that
many black people go through in Africa and in Latin plus South America.
All of the candidates talked about the Black Lives Matter movement. Many candidates talked about
how Black Lives Matter or how every life matters (which was said by Jim Webb, which was
disappointing since we have an emergency in the black community with police terrorism, etc. Jim
Webb needs to realize that we have an epidemic of cops killing black people in this country. Police
brutality is real and we want crooked cops to be placed into prison after a trial). OMalley showed the
most progressive views on immigration. He said that we must treat immigrants fairly. O'Malley had
his moments too. He has to deal with his record as mayor (which is about zero tolerance and other
aggressive policies) and his new statements about economic justice. O'Malley wants to present
himself as a more progressive person (while he has a legacy as mayor of Baltimore of zero
tolerance). Each of the candidates followed differing versions of restrictions of gun rights under
certain circumstances. Webb sounded like a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican. Chaffee
explained his views on civil liberties (as the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and other unjust laws are
antithetical to our civil liberties) and on other issues. By and large, the debate focused mostly on
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders including O'Malley, Chafee, and Webb. This debate was much
more substantive than the Republican debates. Bernie Sanders won the debate on substance while
Hillary Clinton outlined great debating preparedness. She was ready. At the end of the day,
regardless of what these candidates say, we have to embrace political independence. We have to
see that we, as black people, need each other to survive.

These politicians aint going to save us. If we are to have liberation, then we will have to fight for it
and establish it for ourselves. This doesnt mean that I dont believe in universal health care, etc. I
do believe in universal health care, racial justice, economic justice, a living wage, human
rights, etc. and I will continue to fight for these things for the rest of my life. Yet, we have to go
out and advance revolutionary, independent politics and strong social activism. By and large, the
debate was interesting. The whole debate represented how the country changed from even 4 years
ago. There is the growth of populism in America.

The Truth on the Global War on Terror

The Global War on terrorism has been filled with crimes against humanity. It began with the
evil, unjust attacks on America during 9/11 (where almost 3 thousand innocent human beings
died from). Millions of people have died from it. The war on terror has been carried on by two
administrations (and other people) and it threatens the future of humanity. The Pentagon for
decades (in their documents, plans, etc.) wants Western hegemonic domination of the Earth. This
domination is digital too. There has been US/NATO forces deployed in many regions of the Earth
simultaneously causes civilian deaths and other atrocities. Now, we see US/NATO ground forces in

Eastern Europe near Ukraine. We see military and covert intelligence operations taking place
simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and the Far East.
Many sovereign states are in the state of destabilization as product of the war on terror. Israel is an
ally of the Western military alliance too including Gulf Monarchial states like Saudi Arabia, the UAE,
etc. This global criminal undertaking overtly violates international law. Even the late Nuremberg
Tribunal prosecutor William Rockler has said that: The United States has discarded pretensions
to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run
amok. Western war crimes have been executed under the guise of humanitarian wars and
counter-terrorism operations. Democracy is not instituted in the targeted countries, but puppet
regimes. Libya is even having a civil war as a product of the NATO destructive actions in Libya, which
started years ago. The United Nations and other international bodies have been co-opted by the
establishment as a means for these crimes to continue.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq has been classified as a crime against humanity by former chief Nuremberg
prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz. We see how the war on terror functions. Many of these terrorists have
been funded or contrived by the West. For example, al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc. have origins from
Western backed entities. The U.S. intelligence community has supported Osama bin Laden during
1979. Many Islamic terrorists have been aided by the West as well. Today, the West is battling some
terrorists as a means to spread their power. Saudi Arabia is a key ally of America and Saudi Arabia
has an abysmal human rights record. The House of Saud has provided financial aid to terrorists for
generations. Some members of the Bush and Bin Laden families are friends. Today, we see ISIS, which
is an evil, counterrevolutionary terrorist group. The war on terror has complexities, but the
injustices of the war on terror can never be justified. The antiwar movement should be
strengthened. There should be no extrajudicial assassinations or drone wars. Our civil rights should
be protected. We must grow our solidarity, so we defend our humanity. We want an end to Empire
and the establishment of peace and justice for all.

The 2015 Israeli Elections

The reactionary Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed victory after the closely contested
national election in Israel. His Likud Party has won at least 29 seats in the 120-seat Parliament, the
Knesset, which caused this party to have a great position to form a ruling coalition. Likuds main
challenger is the Zionist Union. It won 24 seats. The Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog has already
called Netanyahu to concede defeat. President Reuven Rivlin, a longtime Likud loyalist, will
designate Netanyahu to form the next government once the distribution of seats is finalized among
the ten parties that reached the threshold of 3.25 percent of the vote. There have been discussions
about the shape of the next coalition long before votes went to the polls. Netanyahu has pledged
support from his own Likud. He is supported by other right wing nationalist parties like Jewish Home
and Yisrael Beiteinu. These parties have ultraorthodox Jewish people. These five parties combined
to hold 53 seats according to exit polls. Herzog heads the Labor Party. His partner in the Zionist
Union bloc is former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads the tiny Hatnuah party. Herzog had the
assured support of only the Zionist Union, the middle-class left Meretz Party and Yesh Atid, the
secular party of former TV newscaster Yair Lapid. According to exit polls, these three parties may
win 44 seats between them. The Kulanu Party or a split off from the Likud has a huge role with its
ten seats bringing a new right wing coalition to 63 seats, which is a narrow majority. Netanyahu has
offered the finance ministry to Kulanu Party leader Moshe Kahlon, a former Likud cabinet minister.
The parliamentary system has contradictions. The parties of the Joint Arab List won 13 seats, which
is the third largest in the Knesset. They traditionally refuse to participate in government. Netanyahu
fired Lapid as finance minister and Livni as justice minister that brought up a previous coalition.
Then, the elections came 2 years later. Netanyahu used extremist rhetoric all over the campaign. He
made racist attacks on Palestinians (he even said that Arabic people are coming to the polls, which
is race baiting garbage from him). The secular Yesh Atid party backed Herzog.

The election dealt with the issues of the economy in Israel not just about Middle Eastern foreign
affairs and the Palestinian plight. There is great economic inequality in Israel. That is why many
people in Israel have expressed discontent. The right wing Netanyahu gave a provocative speech in
Congress recently which said that Iran wants to have a nuclear weapon, which they dont have. In
the final days of the campaign, Netanyahu shifted focus from Iran to the Palestinians, seeking, with
some success, to lure the racist and settler vote away from Jewish Home and Yisrael Beiteinu. He
publicly declared his opposition to a two-state agreement with the Palestinians. On Tuesday, he
made an unusual Election Day appearance in Har Homa, a Jewish suburb of East Jerusalem built
illegally on Palestinian land, to warn that his government was in danger from a reportedly heavy
turnout among Israeli Arab voters. In actuality, even the Zionist Union party supports the status quo
in dealing with Palestinians. Livnis father commanded an unit of the terrorist Irgun. She or Livni was
famous for being the foreign minister during the 2006 invasion of Lebanon. The sad party is obvious
that the status quo continues. Palestinians suffer segregated buses, checkpoints, blockades, and the
establishment in Israel could not give one inch of concern. GOP reactionary extremists, talk show
propagandists (like Limbaugh, Savage, etc.), the Koch Brothers, Democratic neoliberal
compromisers, and theocratic preachers ally with Israeli policies. They are allied with AIPAC too.
The negotiations between Iran and the P5 plus one continue. The extremists lie and say that Iran is
close to forming a nuclear arsenal. Unlike the secret nuclear power Israel, Iran is a signatory of the
Non Proliferation Treaty and has always been willing to prove its peaceful intent. Both parties of
America (being Republicans and Democratic people) follow American imperialism not just people
like Tom Cotton (who supported sending an incendiary letter to Iran filled with neo-conservative
rhetoric). We have to ally with progressive Israelis and Palestinians who want peace for all in the
Middle East.

From Selma to Ferguson, we still fight for justice.

An Important Message
We have to have hope too. We are breathing. We are thinking. We are living. We are alive. While we
are alive, we can do something. We can defend the poor and the oppressed. We can pray. We can
work in charities. We can allow our voices to be heard. We can support truly independent political
movements that are dedicated in the establishment of real change. Nothing is going to turn us
around. Freedom can never be won or exacted without struggle. We can fund and assist educational
services who are really teaching children the truth (about themselves and the world around them).
We know what real freedom means. That means that we end imperialism abroad where we have a
bloated military budget. We need to reject the unlimited free market, neoliberal rhetoric and believe
in living wages for workers. We want a clean environment. We reject an unlawful, repressive national
security state harming our civil liberties (that means that we should be the elimination of the
Patriot Act and any law that explicitly violates our human rights). Wall Street criminals should
not just receive fines alone. They should be placed into prison. There are many of the same issues
of yesteryear like poverty and human rights issues. Also, we have many new complex issues that we
have to deal with bioethics, GMOs, and climate change. I have no problem with voting, but the issue
is that on many times, people have limited choices on who to vote for. Therefore, we have to
promote more independent political candidates outside of the 2 party monopoly system. We have
encourage voting and protect voting rights (as voting is a human right) while at the same time we
should make sure that we have great choices to vote for. What we do now will definitely effect our
future. Life will have nuisances, so we have to study even the nuisances in order for us to develop
comprehensive solutions to our problems basically. I will continue to live my life, love humanity, and
believe in awe-inspiring wisdom. We will always oppose racism and bigotry. We will defend the poor
and the oppressed. That is what our ancestors did and these actions are part of quintessential,
important, and valuable spiritual including moral traditions.

The image to the right showed demonstrators, in Madison, Wisconsin on March 2015,
who want racial justice.

50 years have passed since the massive Selma marches in Alabama. The Selma movement was a
movement made up of numerous people (of a wide spectrum of backgrounds). This movement
wanted the people to fight for the voting rights of black Americans (and to stand up for human rights
as well). Many people suffered police brutality, firings, and other injustices, because they wanted to
stand up for their human rights. The racist Southern aristocracy wanted to maintain apartheid in
society. Legalized apartheid ended, but Jim Crow Jr. grew in its place (which dealt with mass
incarceration, neoliberalism, mass privatization, bad trade deals, etc.). After the assassination of Dr.
King, the corporate elite allowed a small segment of the black middle class and the black rich to
have some privileges while the masses of poor black people suffered (as accurately said by Glen
Ford). The bourgeoisie of all colors have grown their power at the expense of the poor as well since
the late 1960s. The recent recession have devastated much of the black community's wealth too
(while Wall Street has received record profits from the establishment). The actions of mass
movements have been diminished into the some wanting to follow the two capitalist parties of the
Republicans and the Democrats. Recently, there is the growth of the Black Lives Matter Movement
which has been inspirational. We see still high black unemployment. We need revolutionary change.
There is nothing wrong with self-determination. Some people slander self-determination as
equivalent to hatred when legitimate, sincere self-determination was one factor in which modern
nations existed in the first place. Malcolm X revolutionized his thinking in a higher level just before he
passed away. Black people have every right to affirm their aspirations. Also, we need economic
justice too. I don't believe in the false view that wealth should be controlled by a select few of people.
Wealth and power ought to be redistributed fairly. Not to mention that there is nothing wrong with
universal health, affordable housing, and battling against poverty too. We don't need massive
privatization. We need justice and real, progressive solutions. The whole structure of society must be
From the civilizations of the Motherland thousands of years ago to the digital age near 2020,
we are still here. Regardless of the ages that come about, we are still here living our lives and
standing up for the cause. Our eyes are on the prize. We will always believe in the Dream. The
Dream is rooted in the premise that the entire human race should have freedom, justice, and
equality. The Dream is about living in a world where racial profiling, police brutality, and the other
injustices of oppression are eradicated. The Dream is where justice, harmony, brotherhood, and
sisterhood are made real for all of humanity. There is another great point to be made as well. There
is nothing wrong with joy in struggle. We can have fun. Not all of life is rigid and we have to find time

to experience joy, happiness, and a sense of gladness. There is nothing wrong with humor, having
fun at times, and believing in happiness. We desire a radical social transformation of society where
all human beings have justice, freedom, and equality. We must all decolonize our minds. That
means that we ought to reject regressive, ignorant, and false ideologies. We have to educate males
and females on their great human value, their gifts, and their potential to make exceptional change.
The one percent has gotten massive wealth at the expense of the working class. There must be a
radical redistribution of wealth. So, we have to be true and we fight for the truth anywhere because
of the love that we have (and because of those who have loved us). One solution is to increase the
networks of networks in our communities that address the concerns of our communities. Grassroots
programs can go a long way in solving our problems. Also, we ought to advocate a living wage, an
end to Empire, an end to the neo-liberal, prison industrial complex, & civil liberty-violating national
security state infrastructure. We have to sacrifice our time and effort to make real change. We must
study. We must not only study philosophies and history. We want understand social and
economic dynamics of civilizations, so we can advocate a more revolutionary, progressive
agenda. We have to fight and struggle for our freedom, which we rightfully deserve. That is why I am
living, writing these words, and helping out my neighbors out in real life. We will continue on this life

By Timothy

We have a long way to go, but we have

to keep on moving forward. We are still
here and we ought to have justice without

Keep Moving Forward

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