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Acid-base Balance - Body pH Balance

Acid-base Balance - Body pH Balance
To study the fluids of the body, there is a unit of measurement. The symbol pH stands for power of hydrogen. It measures the acidity or
alkalinity of a solution.
The normal stability between acids and alkalis is known as acid-base balance.Where 7.0 is considered neutral (neither alkaline nor acid),
the normal acid-base of bodys fluid varies between 7.35 and 7.45.
The blood is slightly alkaline.
The foods we eat are either acidic or alkaline. Unfortunately, most diets consist of foods that tend to be too acidic. Processed food, sugar,
meat, coffee, dairy, and refined grains are acid-forming foods. Eating highly acidic foods on a daily basis will acidify the fluids of the body.
With time, if these acids are not neutralized and eliminated, a medical condition known as acidosis will occur.Degenerative disease such as
cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, prostatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and M.S sets in.
To maintain acid-base pH balance, the body uses three mechanisms: the buffer system in the blood, and the regulatory activities of the
respiratory and renal system. The kidneys play an important role in the regulation of the pH level. It is through the urine that the kidneys
excrete excess acid and alkali.
With a simple urine test, we can determine if the pH level of the bodys fluid is too acidic or too alkaline. On a scale of 0 to 14, in which 7.0
is considered neutral, urines pH value can be measured with a pH strip. A pH value below 7.0, where the indicator paper turns yellow, is
considered acidic. A pH value above 7.0, where the indicator paper turns green, indicates that the bodys fluid is alkaline.
If the result shows that the bodys chemistry is too acidic, follow an alkaline regime. Avoid the consumption of acidic foods. Consume plenty
of vegetables, especially salads, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Acid-base Balance & Homeopathy

Alcabase neutralizes acid accumulation, it has a mineral base of citrate salts containing potassium citrate, calcium citrate, magnesium
citrate, iron citrate, and manganese citrate.
Argentum nitricum treats acid reflex.
Antimonium tartaricum treats heartburn with the rising of food into the esophagus.
Robinia is indicated when there is burning pain in the stomach after eating.
Condurango is indicated when there is burning pain in the esophagus.
Natrum muriaticum treats acid indigestion with sour eructation.
Capsicum is indicated when acids rise towards the mouth.
Iris versicolor is indicated in the treatment of acid belching, heartburn accompanied with a headache.
Nux vomica fells nauseous after a meal.
Sulphur treats acid belching with a sinking sensation in the stomach.
Magnesia carbonica treats acidity of the whole digestive track.

Alternative Recommendations:
Follow the 10 Food Combination Rules.
Colon hydrotherapy is recommended to remove acidic waste out of the colon.
Measure pH Level with pH Test Strips.

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