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Parting Notes A 21st Century Gnosis

Global Awakening News - January-March 2015


Parting Notes

Link: http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Parting-Notes.pdf
"All will be made new,
that which cannot be, will be made gone."

This is a compilation of final email correspondence and selected posts

to the NES forum during January and February of 2015 and is now
published to the PFCN website and SCRIBD.com. Important update:
www.PFCN.net has been renewed through November 2017
Endeavor to ascend into thyself, gathering in from the body all thy
members which have been dispersed and scattered into multiplicity from
that unity which once abounded in the greatness of its power. Bring
together and unify the inborn ideas and try to articulate those that are
confused and to draw into light those that are obscured.
-Porphyry, circa 2nd century AD
Creator of All is calling in all of Itself to complete its own greater
purposes. In this vastness, each miniscule part finds home. It is the
apocatastasis, the reconstitution of Creation to a corrected and more
evolved state of being.
-Alex, circa 21st century AD

Apocalypse - revelation of true knowledge of spiritual gnosis

Is it not curious how apocalypse came to be associated with doomsday, the
end of the world, and catastrophic destruction? Revelation of true knowing is
an irrecoverable disaster to all that which is based upon falsehood of the Dark
side of a cosmic Error.
Apotheosis - glorification of a subject to divine level
Apocastasis - reconstitution of Creation to a corrected and more evolved state
of being.

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Global Awakening News - January-March 2015


Cover letter to Parting Notes: page 5
March 1, 2015
A New or Interim Creational Space? page 8
January 3, 2015
Postscript - Comments on The Interim or New Space page 9
The Grand Bifurcation Facilitated page 12
January 4, 2015 through February 5, 2015
Core : Shattering the structures, Forming new structures: page 14
January 15, 2105
A Zone of Stable Coherency? page 17
February 16, 2015
Letters and collection of responses page 20
January 16, 2015
Letters -- Chaos, etc.page 24
January 17, 2015
Letters -- Leaving the Merry-go-Round page 27
January 18, 2015
Letters -- Getting off the Merry-go-Round and Leaving the Body page 33
January 19, 2015
Letters and responses page 40
January 24, 2015
Letters -- Bodies and Consciousness page 48
January 25, 2015
Letters -- Leaving the Body and Whats Next -- page 52
January 26, 2015
Letters -- Creator Consciousness: Beyond Love page 67
Saturday January 31, 2015
Letters -- Postscript to Leaving, Whats Next, etc. page 70
February 3, 2015

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Excerpts from a private discussion circle: page 72
February 3, 2015
Letters Bodies and Bodies page 73
February 5, 2015
Postscript notes to Bodies and bodies page 78
February 6, 2015 - Miscellaneous notes relating to various communications:
Critical Mass? -- Human intellect as dark side installation? -- Dopplegangers?
Letters - Social Inertial Ballast Redux page 81
February 6, 2015
Miscellaneous Follow-up Response to E-mails page 85
February 28, 2015
The personality selfs lament - Whats in it for me? page 88
March 5, 2015
Your Energy Body, True Nature, and a Little Spiritual Psychology page 93
March 6, 2015


Q&A: The Dark Side, The Corrections, and then some Part 1&2 page 98
February 23, 2015
Cosmic Error, Falsehood of Divine Feminine, and Fallen Creation p 106
February 23, 2015
Follow-up to: Cosmic Error, Falsehood of the Divine Feminine, etc. p 115
February 27, 2015
The Gnostics page 119
January 2015
Evil as Merely an Outward Expression page 124
December 27, 2014
Children and the Transformation page 125
January 6, 2015


Practices One last time Pulling yourself together page 131
February 3, 2015

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Supplemental to Practices Q&A -- Working with Your Aspects page 133
February 17, 2015
The Conversation (arising from previous Q&A) page 140
February 20, 2015
Conversation contd. - Aspects, chakras, soul bodies, and more page 144
February 21, 2015
Conversation additional: Aspects, chakras, soul bodies, etc. page 147
February 21, 2015
Practices: Changing Light Structures, Changing Light Bodies page 149
February 19, 2015
Reports from the Field: Experiences with the Practices: page 151
February 27, 2015
Excerpts from someones personal accounts
The Eye 11-11-2014
An experience from 1-9-2015
And from 1-11-15 with the Crystal Body Short Form
Comments on Practices and Their Effects page 156
February 27, 2015
And More The Transformation Process page 159
February 27, 2015


Second inner core found? page 162
Magnetospheric Multiscale Observatories page 164
More from the Electric Universe 2014 Conference page 165
Hawaii as Indicator for Greater Geophysical Events page 166


NewEarthSummit Forum Announcement of Closing page 168
January 4, 2015

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Concluding Notes from December 2014 through March 2015

Letter to Readers
March 8, 2015

Our work over the years was written to and for your true self, your spiritual being.
To the extent it engages your human capacities, it will be beneficial the extent
that it stimulates and motivates your human self to focus upon its own Real and
True foundation of being, in short to Realize yourself as a spiritual being, rather
than suffer as a human-identified-human.
There is no room for the small human judgmental understanding that seeks to
place blame in others, all the way to blaming Creator of All. This only pushes
ones human aspect farther away from reconnecting with higher self and highest
origins, rejecting ascension and objectively aligning with remnants of a dying
Dark force that itself has been based upon numerous levels of Error.
The informational content of our work over the years is intended for
contemplative study and as a working frame of reference to understand both
what has been wrong and why of this creation and of the human-earth
experience and to better understand the rehabilitation of this creation, its remaking, the why and how of this, the high absolution, high compassion, and
transcendence, grace, and ascension to the Light. In effect, supporting many
levels of the evolution of your spiritual being.
Our material is written to your higher level of Knowing that you know and feel
and imagine you are totally capable of as a spiritual being first and foremost.
This is written to help free your Consciousness from delusions and illusions
acquired from its sojourns in the fallen realms and those of excessive density.
Why excessive? Had you sufficient counter-force through a higher Oneness
connection, then this would not be a question.
The content and expressions help you in your reconnection to your own higher
Source and in remembering your own true nature as a spiritual being. While the
human intellectual mind can read the words, it is the higher self that will find the
deepest meaning.
2015 will be the year in which many more who are spiritually predisposed
including some who may not realize it yet will encounter their personal
eschaton, arrive at or at least be aware of the imminence of their own personal
existential catastrophic crisis.
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-//2015 will be the year that many more will drop their illusions and delusions about
the nature of human existence. Many fancy themselves themselves to be awake
but this is also a delusion, another layer of illusion that is superficially focused
on some variation of us versus them, conflict-polarity thinking within a reality
based upon conflictual-polarity. This is doubly limiting, and trebly so if one
considers the extent to which the elite themselves suffer under their own
delusions and internally limited perspectives. If this is what one presumes to be
"awakened" intelligence on their part, they have not really learned much of
anything about this reality and are only reinforcing the illusions and delusions of
the lower human existence, enmeshed in endless falsehoods of the control
systems that masquerade as truth.
By 2016 the end of human civilization will be plain enough to all those with any
spiritual potential.
As of this writing, I cannot be sure of the timing of the termination of this level of
3d existence human and everything else with regard to the old 3d Earth. It has
long been my assessment and recommendation that the human level of
existence not be placed in a prolonged period of suffering just to see what
happens from what might be developed out of a rapidly degenerating situation.
The Earths ecosystems and habitable environment is growing in its toxicity to
the extant 3d biology. This is largely due to the perfidy and ignorance of humans,
and imposed upon the global population under a situation beyond the control of
the majority of humans.
The disintegration of the human civilization and the rapid decline of the 3d Earth
environment places an undue and unfair burden on a race that has suffered
enough. While there are those humans who continue to believe they can fix it all,
heal it all, etc. run the world better, etc., these individuals are operating under
numerous delusions inherited from their human social and physical environment
that is overwhelming to what modicum of spiritual awareness they have gained.
As I wrote in one of the essays in this compilation: Perhaps the most pervasive
problem is a mass effect Stockholm syndrome in which spiritual intelligences
are objectively held captive by their own excessive identification with the dark
side matrix by which they have defined their own existence and become selfidentified with. This of course includes their own human form and the sociallydefined bonds that reinforce a degraded state of existence.
And to repeat my warnings to the higher levels that are involved in handling the
Earth-human situation, there is an ever-present danger that spiritual nihilism
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and human sovereignty tendencies, coupled with layers of deep infection from
this fallen reality will give rise to a new form of dark error, this time from the
human level. This would be spiritually irresponsible to allow.
The spiritual being of the true light was never intended to live as an animal,
driven by social-tribal animal urges, in endless conflicts over various personal
and collective self-interests.
There is nothing resident in the extant human condition, human consciousness,
human level aspirations that can or will be saved for some future existence to
again play out. Rather, this is a terminal program, rapidly heading to nonexistence.
What there is of genuine beauty and truth that has appeared amidst the suffering
and chaos will not be lost, even if the artifacts of earthly existence will be.
All our best to you all!
-Alex & Tish
Readers may want to contemplate the material concerning An Interim
Creational Space as as review the entirety of the concluding essays, especially
Ascension, Death, and Transfiguration (August 2013)
Final note: This is all that will published from this point on. It is suggested that
you at least copy this PDF to you own computer. Print it out for your

The final descent of the higher Light is a multitude of beings, like fluid
crystalline columns of diamond white light, joined together to illuminate
the depths of matter with a growing intensity to free trapped sentient
Light as well as non-sentient Light. Gently warming, then more intensely,
until the very atoms of matter begin to glow from within the spaces
between the atoms.
-from Final Call, p.128 link: http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Final%20Call.pdf

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An Interim Creational Space

January 3, 2015

Note: This is also complementary to the "Story" that was appended to "Final
Call" (see www.pfcn.net).
Early morning of January 1, 2015:
Two nebulous "bubbles" of space, perhaps including the local universe on the one
hand has formed within the larger encapsulation that occurred by those immense
beings to contain what we have referred the Dark or Fallen sector of creation.

There has been joined at "four points" a portion of the old space to something
that I will simply call an interim "new space".
These large, bubbles were difficult to join as the joining points had to be gently
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positioned just right so not disturb "regular space" too much.
So at four points there is this joining and an opening - a large opening - from "old
space" to a new, interim "space" -- an entire planetary system -- or a galaxy (?) -could be moved through this new opening.
This is a smaller scale structure is one made by the Corrections process to
address the immediate requirements of this local space.
Someone familiar appeared to me briefly and was very emotional (in a joyful
way) over what has been done and what it means in terms of the "evacuation" of
all that needs to be evacuated (or is to be evacuated) to the new or interim space.


Postscript notes - Comments on the preceding material:

January 4th
Someone shared this with another, and what they had to say was very interesting.
The drawing helped this person to see and understand some things that they has
been aware of for a couple of months.
They said they were aware of the large picture and can go into the transition zone
easily and can sometimes go to the space being prepared for them.
The person relaying this to me wrote that what this person said to them really
struck home.
They were doing this in a very personal way as well. In meditations they were
seeing themselves in the place where they are at, seeing themselves traveling to
the transfer area where they sees themselves taking a train to the place that they
are moving into (in the new transition space).
They cannot stay there (for now) (in that space) but the process is helping them
accept the changes that are happening and preparing them for a new life there.
Also, I want to make clear that what I have been describing is not in the astral
region. It is not about an astral version of endless "Kodak Moments". And what
this person reported was not anywhere related to an astral zone either

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-//January 5th
I've been hibernating after having long withdrawn. Our little visit together the
other day and your sharing with me of the diagram for new creational space
prompted me to share the below which is what I briefly described to you in our
For over 2 years I've been having almost the same repetitive dream; At first I
would have this vivid dream every couple of months and in the last 6-8 months I
am having this dream almost monthly and each time more intense. On one
occasion I astral OOBE to this mountain chamber.
I won't go into detail as would take some writing but suffice to say in summary
that it brought to my attention similarities with your diagram of new space and
my dream(s).

Thousands if not tens of thousands of people are driving, walking, on bus

or even on horses up over towards a large mountain/cave
The small entrance to this mountain cave appears to be like buried in a
dark rocky valley
Upon arrival we are greeted by tall glowing human beings (some blue skin
We are separated into groups and taken on tours
I'm specifically shown by a female the inner workings of this
mountain/cave retreat
Shown eco systems - energy provisioning systems - dwellings school/arts/education arena
The mountain chamber roof was like glittering stars on a clear night
Although deceiving especially at the mouth opening of this mountain cave
which looks small and crammed - but once inside the mountain chamber
was immense - larger than a bustling city - the new space was like
Dr.Who's Tardis i.e. bigger on the inside than outside. e.g. there was
literally an ocean within the mountain chamber with dolphins and whales
I am told by the tall female "we have come here to prepare to transition
into our greater true selves"

One of my blue ascension laments was written based on the above.

To me upon seeing your diagram of new space flashed resonance with the

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dream I have been having of the above ~ that aperture point "between the old
and new interim zones".


January 5th
Thank you for reminding me of the "mountain cave" settings...
I just searched the NES for "mountain pass". Here was what I was looking for: It
is from an August 2013 posting but the comments included were from May 2013


At first there seemed as if narrow or small passages. I recall the work that was
involved in making these pathways, reinforcing them, re-doing some of them,
and eventually stabilizing them and widening them. These posts or summaries
were written a certain way, but all came from specific memories of this process night and day it was non-stop at times.
So it is wonderful when we can recall these things --and then find close
correlations among us from what can be recalled of these "experiencings".
-//February 28, 2015
I ask those with the ability and capacity, to help those who ask for help, in
assisting them to test the waters of the zone of transformation. It is designed to
filter out what does not belong in the new vibrational state.

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An Interim Transformational Space

The Grand Bifurcation Facilitated

January 4, 2015 through February 5, 2015


These are additional observations on the new or interim creational space.

This is to a add a little more to above postings concerning the Interim space and
to comment with regard to the May-August 2013 posting referred to above and to
the start of something very big that I began to discuss during 2012 see posts
from October 2012: Main thread:
http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1401.0.html and its
Update: http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1401.msg5904.html#msg

When we each have dream-vision experiences that closely correlate as these

comments indicate, I consider these as examples of confirmatory signs.
In looking back at our ever-evolving higher realm reportage and related
discussions, it is more than a little ironic that the Dark forces had notions of
encapsulating or overtaking the entirety of this creation, as they wanted to lay
claim to all that was apparent before them. Ironic, as it was in 2012 that I made a
point of describing immense high-level Beings that had encapsulated the entirety
of the Fallen zone. Earth appeared as if a speck in this immense collective body
seemingly composed of several structures or beings as if overlapping one another.
This process had been preceded by the Earth specifically becoming surrounded
by a multitude of energy structures and sentient light beings. This appeared from
afar like macrophages in a biological body swarming around a pathogen. This
process also had the effect of isolating as well as buffering the human-Earth
space. Many levels within the larger encapsulated zone had their own more
detailed layers of encapsulation partly due to the larger corrections process
acting upon locales of extremely concentrated Dark force infestation and
partly due to the larger corrections process working to help loosen the grip of 3d
material density upon that which is of the Light.
Even before this process came into its own full action, spaces and exit pathways
were being cleared and prepared that led away from or out of 3d material density.
In the early stages I likened this to a series of base camps from the lower levels to
the summits of the high mountains. The higher the base camp, the fewer there
were. Along the way, the effort was made to keep lines of communications open
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between the various base camp levels. Those making the ascent (ascension)
could pause and rest where needed. Some could help others move along the way.
(This of course was one of the functions for the NES forums.)
The access routes to these interdimensional spaces often seemed like harrowing
narrow passages, sometimes slippery with snow or rocks. Eventually the access
routes became more stable, easier to traverse.
Some base camps became anchor points for what would appear as cities for
growing numbers transitioning and expanding from the lower density planes.
These are places to rest, to learn, to heal, to plan, to try what is new, to link up
with other beings.
Consistent with the pattern of the larger and smaller scale processes, there is this
newer formation of a cosmic-scaled portal or aperture that has the capacity to
shift more than individuated spiritual consciousness. This new structure has the
potential to shift entire planetary systems and more. When the process has
proceeded along sufficiently, that which is not capable or willing to make the
changes (such as those identified with the Dark side), this aperture can be
pinched off, fully quarantining the result of a facilitated bifurcation. This also
facilitates the gradual dissolution of that which cannot be redeemed, rather than
attempt a wholesale dissolution of larger regions of creation. This permits greater
care to be applied in the rescue or evacuation of all of the Light that is possible
with the least (relatively speaking) traumatic disturbance.
And in light of all this, one may want to re-read the concluding story to Final
Call, reading between the lines.
PS: February 5, 2015
To minimize premature de-structuring of the human-earth environment by
focusing on moving the Earth environment into the new space and through the
resonant filtering process of high attraction and high affection the structure of
this interim new creational space is moving something of itself toward and
around the space containing Earth while also shifting some of the structures of

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Shattering the structures, Forming new structures:


January 15, 2105

The following is for your experience and your higher knowing to inform you as to
what relevance it may have to your own transformational process.
Each individuals transformational process is unique to them. There may be
commonalities in terms of dynamics or patterns and it is worth sharing this
information between those who are in this process.
That said, generally speaking the central column energy is very important in all
of this. How one arrives to it, or how it arrives to you, varies for each individual,
as does the extent of the vibrational "reach" or span of this central column in
terms of vibrational range.
Connection to your highest level of differentiation, your highest point of origin as
a spiritual entity distinct from your own prime creator becomes ever more
important in your overall transformational process.
There is nothing to be gained (and much to lose) by getting upset with what you
presume to be your higher self and any lack of linguistically meaningful
communication. Remember, there are many levels to higher self. And not all
your levels of being are to be automatically assumed to be onboard with the
larger process and the higher creational corrections process. Some are
fragmented or damaged, often at their lower levels that became caught up in the
fallen sector and lower densities.
Human level of spiritual you can often be regarded as a simplistic microcosm of
your greater structure. That said, there is the spiritual I of the human you that
is reading these words along with the human-level middle you that is also
reading along. Lower level you is also engaged but in a far more basic and
simplified manner. Pay attention to your process of completion, detachment and
high attractor. If you do, you may find that your lower level is very often willing to
support your transformational process.
The present human form is not some ultimate state of manifestation for or by
spiritual beings. Likewise, the human body is not the ultimate or native state of
being for or of your true self.

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The soul and its structure is not your ultimate state of being. Just as spiritual
consciousness in human form has been spiritually and socially indoctrinated to
identify itself as human and to forget that it is not human, the soul as a structure
is not the center of your true nature. It too is a projection that for some is more
like an encounter suit, and for others is more like an egg or an incubator.
And neither are the various subtle bodies or energy centers, your ultimate
state of of being, those which coincide with your human 3d form. They are access
points, pathways, and structural interfaces with your greater level of being. They
are not the full you.
Human-centric I tends to always see itself as the center of everything. Your
human level of subtle bodies and energy centers can be likened to the closest light
structure and vehicle for your local individuation and learning from this level.
These bodies can be important to your ascension but not necessarily.
Your core energy, your central column, and its connection to your highest level of
being, your highest individuation from your Source Creator that is what is so
important. The thread of light that connects the human level of spiritual you is
the closest thing to your bungee cord that should at the least bring you to your
most appropriate higher level of reconnection and unification. Pay attention to
your high connection.
Most of you know this, but I wanted to state the point here.
From a few recent situations, I would like to say that there are those beings that
do not have anything recognizable as a soul body structure or as a humanoid
pattern. Some appear more like columns of light or multiple columns of light.
Sometimes these columns of light are concentric with one another, sometimes
they are more like an array of columns of light irregularly spaced around a main
central column. It varies by and for each. How these beings became that way
varies for each. For some it may have been by original design, or they may have
evolved that way.
I know how it is that some want to have it all neat and clean, cut and dry, simple.
It simply does not work that way.
Now then, none of the foregoing is to be construed as cause to ignore or disregard
practices such as the crystal body.
Many reading here have not done the practices and limit themselves to mentally
chewing on things. One of the unstated or hidden factors for such disregard is a
form fear fear that these really will facilitate transformational changes that
cannot be ignored.
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Underlying this, is a fear of losing a false existence mired in human level illusion
and delusion, founded upon falsehoods in the lower density levels of the fallen
creation zone which is cross-linked further to inbred and imbedded fears of the
loss of the human body vehicle.
For some then, without a human body vehicle to reinforce illusion and delusion
of human existence, there is nothing upon which to focus ones existential
identity. This triggers fears of annihilation. Ironically, if one diligently attends to
these practices, especially those designed to support reconnection with ones
highest point of existence and ones origination and differentiation from ones
creator, then there will be less need to cling to the human state of existence in
lower density.
However, many fear this as well and default to forms of conflict and suffering
which provide a type of perverse contrast to reinforce the illusion of self-existence
and self-identity. The solution to this downward spiraling pattern is to make a
choice before it is no longer possible. Rescue may come eventually, but for
many it may be preferable to choose out of deliberation.
In closing, I would note that it was in December 2010 that some these changes
were discussed, partly stimulated by seeing changes in the light structures. In
stages, over a period through 2013, additional changes to the energy centers and
light bodies were found and experienced. Alarming as some of these changes may
seem at first, they did were intermediate stages, not the end stages to ones
human embodiment.
Reading references: See related essays and Letters in this compilation and
earlier material that bears closely on this:
Link to Final Call Appendix on Practices
Ascension, Death, and Transfiguration

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Updates on the Corrections, Ascension, & Transformation

A Zone of Stable Coherency?

February 16, 2015

The vibrational plane of ones point-of-view changes everything.

NOTE: This builds upon an essay from Final Call (see end notes below).
During my daily walk this past week, I found myself in conversation with a
collective unity a pocket of individuations existing as a unified field (or a
unified field comprised of individuations).
The quality of the communication felt smooth and seamless, there were no
individuations clamoring for attention, etc. I noticed also that this zone was made
of a stable coherency involving many individuations of spiritual consciousness
into a unified field.
What I recall of the content of the conversation was that this field of collective
consciousness was in process of its own completions and doing a final self-critical
review its experiences from its human 3d level of existence (past or present).
My response that I recall was that I reminded it (or them) to draw upon the high
compassion that emanates from Creator of All and the Corrections Energies.
And that unless there was some malevolent intention to address and correct (and
there was no trace of it to me at the time), then to gently let go of these concerns
as there was no way to control the outcome of events in this realm, and that they
were mainly responsible only for the qualities of their intentions. And moreover
to call upon the high absolution of the Corrections Energies and Creator of All
to remove any residue from their myriad experiences that had no further bearing
upon their evolutionary trajectory and ascension.
What I also found remarkable was their thoroughness in completing their own
individual and collective process relative to human 3d density many seemed to
me to still have a functioning human presence on Earth.
I also found it interesting that it was useful (and necessary) at that level to
remind them of the high compassion and the high absolution which I have
discussed in various essays over the years.

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The stability and coherency appears to come about through the intentions and
newly developed capacities of individuated spiritual intelligences forming a
unified field amongst themselves and through the partial descension of the
As the lower levels achieve sufficient detachment from the ballasting effects of
attachment to human 3d existence, their vibrational state is elevated enough to
form and occupy an interstitial zone with higher states of being. This could be
regarded as the start of an as above state which corresponds to the as below
state of the spaces within the spaces between the atoms.
This zone of relatively
stable coherency is one of
a number of important
benchmarks in the larger
corrections and ascension
process we have been so
focused upon in the
recent years.
Here is a simple
illustration of what I
noticed and remembered
from this period of

-//End notes:
To briefly revisit a previous essay, Earth is shown at the center with the resident
human populations doing what humans do. Beyond this is a region of relative
chaos coinciding with what remains of the astral 4d vibrational range that is
based upon the projection of the 3d human level.

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At a higher vibratory state, in a
region slightly beyond the chaos
and projected delusions of
human thought, there is a layer
of localized higher self, a
spiritualized consciousness that
retains a connection into the
depths of human existence on
Earth. It was seen at the time
that was a zone where a state of
coherent consciousness could
and would form.

-summarized from Return to

the Light is the Return of the
Light - State of the Cosmic
Corrections Energies
September 15, 2014 - p31 Final
Call, link: http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Final%20Call.pdf

-//Important note to readers: Please refer to the section in this compilation on

Practices as well as the main pieces on the Dark side and the Creation errors.

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Letters and collection of responses

January 16, 2015


1. First I urge those here who have been having certain breakthrough

experiences to please share what they can of these with one another and not
limit themselves to private email to me. Your sharing can help others here. At
best I can only summarize and composite which I have done all these years.
Excluding JC and myself, one person here has had some extraordinary changes in
their soul body structure, another has reported extraordinary interactions with
their aspects, at least two have accessed the space between the atoms, a couple
of have experienced more of the corrections energies at work at the deeper levels,
and one or two have reported experiences in connecting in with their highest
level of being that is differentiated from their creator source. So please share
what you can of these experiences. I will not do this for you. Some have had
private sessions with JC. And two will be visiting us in New Mexico soon.

2. Latest postings at NES:


and of course, the "Final Call"

series http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Final%20Call.pdf
relevant to this discussion, specifically see:
page 30 "The Monad"
page 48 "The In-Breath of God"
and page 71 "Creator and Its Progeny"
Galaxies Dying? Clearing of The All?


3. The new interim space I diagrammed has a substantial capacity. (See

link: http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1526.msg6501.html#msg650

It shares many similarities to those larger structures/entities that enclosed the

the fallen portion as we described a few years ago.

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Presently, a Monad process is underway a stage in the larger transformational
process of that being we refer to as Creator of All.
It is quite possible this has something to do with a glitch in the process.
This retains something of the core Creational Intelligence, but provides an
upgrade to Creators operating system with certain restraints on what it can
do so as not to push out a new version of a defective creation process.
There is also the ongoing task of gently loosening the bonds of density by which
so many have been so stuck. This is also mentioned in context of the Story at
the end of the Final Call material.
From what I have noticed over recent weeks with regard to monads and their role
with this creation, is that each is like a holographic reference standard that
contains much of the original blueprints and intentions, etc. from the momentous
point of their emanation from their Creator Source (in most cases Creator of All).
After these monads were individuated out, they have not been engaged in the
same way as Creator of All. And for various reasons, a significant portion of these
monads retained a relatively greater measure of their higher oneness fields and
were less subject to problems of dissipation that has plagued Creator of
All. Many, perhaps most, possess a greater energy reserve capacity.
A comparing process is underway
comparing the reference information
of the Monads to the present state of
Creator. Corrections are underway.
Changes made.
Imagine these structures or entities
gathering about Creator (see
illustration). Imagine their energies
connecting and clearing away what
needs to be cleared in the greater
matrix of Creator of All. Possibly
some will hold this relationship to
help with the remaking of Creator
and The All. In some instances, this
energetic field connects as far into density as these great beings have been able to
Additionally, these monads and other large unified structures are in the process
of sorting out their own respective situations. Cleaning house, re-organizing,
calling in their Light, much as Creator has been calling in the Light which it has
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been responsible for projecting out. Hence my urging to attend to your own
connection to your own highest level of differentiation from your own Creator
And here we can see one example of where the human level of the greater
spiritual being can play a role, actively connecting in with their own highest levels
of existence, regardless of the present state of their localized soul or comparable
local higher structure.

4. Humans as well as higher level beings are inured, addicted, etc. to defective
patterns and this makes the entire process very difficult, impossible even, to
complete gently and quickly. Nevertheless, the process will be brought to a stage
of completion, even if it requires the termination of existence at the lower levels.
Hence the importance of preparing the sub-structures of density to make it easier
for those ready to be released or to release themselves from the death-grip of
lower density.
A few analogies: There is the Roman Galley effect: the overseers are going away
but the slaves keep rowing for it is all they know and the only boat they know and
they are fearful to stop rowing, even though can can stop if they so choose.
Then there is a Pinball machine effect in the light grids of the matrix in density.
Like a pinball machine even if there is no more outside stimulus by way of the
dark side "operators", the balls in the game keep ricocheting off the walls and off
one another. Some will deliberately keep each other going, to keep the machine
running, the computers running, etc. Those with more influence can push around
many other balls, those with less influence get to push around only a few, and
those with no influence in the matrix are mostly subject to the effects of the
others (unless they find a way to sequester themselves from the insanity of the
pinball game).
And there is the Merry-go-round Effect: Even though the carousels are grinding
to a halt and breaking down, the riders are all pushing the ride to keep it
going. Rare few are leaving the merry-go-rounds, rarer few are those who are
leaving the whole "amusement park".
(See page 54, Final Call http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Final%20Call.pdf )

5. Those who have longer range antennas tend to notice "change as

imminent" from their higher up levels.

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The puzzle is often that to track this into 3d density and into the humanperceived time flow of eventualities.
"Out there" changes seem to occur "quickly", yet years or decades may pass on
earth in 3d flow of info. Except for detecting minor events it has not been possible
to translate what is seen and known "out there" to how things unfold "down
here". (See essay on Time and the Maintenance of Error)
What is new (in recent earth years) is the presence of multiple layers of
encapsulations of the entire fallen sector and more recently now in the close-in
vibrational "space", all the way into and down into 3d density levels and below.
This further affects the perceived flow of events (time).
(See essay on Time and the Co-created Maintenance of
Error http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1489.msg6385.html#msg63
85 )

Now this is all coming into focus in a short time frame for those earthside.

6. Time as a flow of information is fluctuating in localized bubbles.

A simple and relatively harmless personal example was that the other day, we did
a few familiar errands in the city. Later in the evening, what caught my attention
was noticing a gap in my ordinary human memory and that I had only a faint
echo from this simple event earlier in the day. Mainly it seemed that it had not
occurred. Tish said she too was having a very similar experience. We reassembled a memory of the morning by working backward. Even then, it all had a
very strange non-reality to it, as if it had not occurred.
The next day, I recalled some dreamtime experience of finding some boxes Tish
had mentioned she needed the day or so prior. This morning I could recall the
feel and the appearance of these shipping boxes, folded up and having slid to the
floor from where I had found them. This morning I remembered all this, but of
course there were no such boxes anywhere here in our 3d house. I looked.
Instead of content-full "dreamtime" for me, I tracked the dynamics and observed,
without content, the flow of patterns of awareness enfolding itself, folding back
upon itself.
I was able to track this for others as well, so I know this is not unique to me.
I attribute much of this to the in-breath, the re-unification and re-making of
creation and to the individual process of unifying ones fields and moving more
into a state of simultaneity.
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January 17, 2015


Re: Chaos, etc.

Chaos, like any form of antagonistic conflict is not a necessity. Never has been.
Once one recognizes the pattern, one does not needs to maintain that experience.
Cosmic chaos is derived from the Errors and all that derived from them.
Human chaos is more readily navigated as it is more specific and is available in
"limited doses".
Perhaps initially, some contrast is useful in navigating the most direct course.
Eventually however, there is no need for conflict, chaos, harsh contrast in ones
A path of avoiding chaos can inadvertently become one of engaging with
chaos. After a while, why not detach from this dynamic completely? Eventually,
the only chaos is internal -- partly from human level "thoughts" -- and partly
from whatever lack of unifying capacity there is in one's greater level of being.
Much of that course is traceable to the cosmic Errors. But within one localized
higher levels, the relationships and accessibility is more close at hand. Thus a
place to work. Eventually if certain portions refuse to change, then there can be a
schism, a split. And this can seem chaotic or it can seem like a healthy situation.
It is unique to each.
Exercises that bring you in direct contact with your aspects at a localized higher
level of being are very important to resolving "chaos"
Chaos is also based upon conflict, sometimes irreconcilable, sometimes
A path of chaos-avoidance is similar to what I described as the opposite of the
high attractor in one's ascension process. Rejecting all that is wrong is a never
ending path without any chartable course.
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Like the wobble of a planetary axis, the perturbations can become less and less.
As this happens, there is more energy available for the higher state, perhaps a
vector along the axis. The more wobble, the less coherent the energy along the
In regarding our energy fields, most beings have an axis. A central core.
Look at those diagrams of planetary or galactic physics.
And in some cases if the chaos-induced wobble is excessive, perhaps some of
the Light structures involved need to be detached from or those structures
dissolved to permit a more rapid detachment from that which does not serve
ones higher spiritual development, from that which is not redeemable and that
become excess inertial ballast. (Recall the scene in the movie Contact when
the addition of the restraining chair nearly killed Arroway in the sphere? and
recall the exposure of social-inertial ballast by the IOOW2000 research.)
If the work is attended to without one getting caught off-balance by irrelevant
distractions from the outer human world, then it easier to sort these out.
In some cases the corrections energies as well as one's highest levels can be used
to effect clearing and correction and upgrades to damaged or obsolete structures.
The greater the coherency, the more readily there can be a re-integration or
unification -- something like your own version of calling in all your Light. I have
written about this many times and in many ways.
That which is too damaged or unable or unwilling to change in accord with the
higher energies, the higher corrections process, etc. can be dissolved and
detached from and whatever Light is recoverable is then re-integrated into your
primary core.
This can be extended to all beings, where one places their attention.
As to humans, first of all, there is no such thing as humanity . Humanity is a
powerful collective control meme. One way this is used is to inculcate a type of
converse survivor guilt or Stockholm syndrome and this leads to beliefs and
behaviors that all must stay on a failing ship, no one allowed to leave. (Even this
means that more could be helped.) That way everyone can feel good that they
are all suffering in the same boat together. The Roman galley slaves that keep on
rowing even when the overseers are gone. These things I have also discussed in
many contexts, many times over the years.

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This is cross-linked to the presumptive error that all humans contain the spark of
Light. They do not. This in turn is crosslinked with the presumptive error that
one is a human with spiritual inclinations, rather than a spiritual being that has
become overly identified with the stimuli through its human host.
Humans are self-centered, social tribal animals, optimized to trap the Light in
lower density in a fallen realm. This can be overcome and transcended by the
higher Light. One can leave their boat, their vehicle. Unless is stuck in believing
they are the job, overly identifying with their vehicle, etc.
The processes of completions, detachments, and high attractor can even engage
and involve the human middle and the lower self to participate actively in the
ascension process and cease engaging unnecessarily with insanity (chaos) of the
outer human existence. This outer human existence also extends to include the
insanity of that control matrix humans refer to as Nature.
There is nothing to be gained in terms of spiritual learning if everyone goes down
with the ship, so to speak. Upon entering the proverbial pearly gates one might
imagine each of them being asked why they didnt stop rowing and leave the ship.
Everyone has their own version of the story.
This process works even within the levels of the human middle or personal self -if it is connected with its higher states of being. These higher states serve as a
supramental navigational reference to prevent excessive wobble and
perturbation. This in turn permits a more clear focus from within.
-//End Notes Re: Chaos and Probability
Excerpts -- Spirituality, Transformation, and Ascension, page 7


also at NES forum:



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January 18, 2015

As seen from our ascended awareness, it will all have been worth it.
No pain or suffering will have been in vain.
All will be changed, including what we would call today, the past.
-April 2009, Ascension and Transformation

Leaving the Merry-Go-Round

I am trying to get off the ship and stop rowing etc. I guess I do not
understand how this is done. Do I stop investing any energy at all in
the 3d world like eating, working etc.
Can I have an example of what this would look like on a practical
level, how to apply getting off the merry go round, off the boat
whatever. This is very important and what I want to do.
I have discussed this in many ways over the years, always to help the reader to
become self-referencing. I do not offer tidy formulas, recipes, etc. as these never
really work and ultimately it is each individual entitys journey from the abyss of
delusions surrounding the illusions of human-existence to find their true nature
as a spiritual entity. So this is only an expedient recapitulation of a few key points
relative to the comments and questions here. The written material we have
provided simply requires contemplative and thoughtful attention and readers
need to learn to use the google search, as we have indicated many times in recent
months, to locate anything specific in the essays at PFCN.net.
Now then, naturally all forms of attachments to density need to be dealt with to
some extent some more than others of course. Withdrawal of your energy from
everything but essentials is a practice to consider as it helps free up more energy
for your higher functions. This requires discernment and focused intent in
service to your higher true nature. As your detachment process develops, there
may be the tendency to see-saw back and forth. For some it may be their social
addictions, for others it might be the next great cause.

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One can develop stronger capacity for contemplative discernment and analysis
and learn to attend to these things while engaged in the most minor mundane
activities, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.
It is important to penetrate to the essence of whatever the issues are that you
are dealing with. What is the essence of these patterns of thought, of behaviors? If
you become overly attached to the story, the endless rationalizations, then you
will never penetrate to the essence of things. There is no recipe book to follow, no
syllabus to pursue. You cannot learn by fixating on the endless variations of the
story this is what keeps the psychological business running, endless stories,
with no deep learning. Only superficialities masquerading as truth. Stop. Get
off the merry-go-round.
Detachment and completions. Are you really done with it [fill in the blank]
complete with it? If you believe you are, keep testing it until you are satisfied.
-//Most often, underlying all the personal issues is a basic fear of annihilation of
the human personal self, and thus avoidance and denial of the growing
realization of falsehood of ones human identity and humanly-defined life.
You may find it easy to comprehend that you are not the job in terms of your
human identify-self, likewise you are not the job in terms of being a human. As
long as you believe you are a human and define or analyse in human terms, you
cannot move beyond these parameters of self-imprisonment. Focused intent,
detachment, completions, and the high attractor are key principles. These are not
formulas, there are no neat and tidy recipes. This is between you and all the rest
of you. I have explained this over the years in the context of the ascension
Social programming and other external factors are never really the center of the
problem, rather it is something of your own internal capacities and intentions.
When you arrive in your core being, you find immediately there no powers-thatbe to blame, no nasty ET/aliens, no demented god beings, etc. What is, is. How
things are is how things are. So you can dissipate your precious spiritual energy
ranting and raving and blaming, or becoming clinically depressed or manic or
you can muster you will, your mind, your energy and persevere. You know what
this world is like, why waste your energies in endless repulsion-behavior, always
not this, not that. You have a high attractor, focus there. Talk to yourself, all of
We have provided guidelines for all this, many times over to. Work with those
and take it from there.

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I have discussed an extensive litany concerning detaching from attachments
over the years to help individuals disabuse themselves of illusion and delusion.
Sometimes it is enough to simply attend to these matters through the high
human and spiritual mind and no outward action is needed. Some require
outward action and reaction is needed to hit up against, to generate contrast. This
is one reason some people are attracted to extreme activities (like jumping off a
two mile high mountain cliff). Extreme.
Of course, food is an attachment as well, although necessary for most in the
maintenance of their human bio-vehicles. And one can practice detachment from
this through carefully researched experimentation that can lead to discovering
how little food you really need to consume, and how utterly useless most
human food really is for the body.
But like anything in this demented world, one can purify their physical body,
minimize exposure to toxic environment, get rid of their all their EMF emitting
toys, develop a good physical exercise regimen, etc. and still be dumb as
bricks as to what is truly important. Conversely there are those who believe they
can eat and function like a barnyard animal because intellectually they are
deluded into imagining since they are already spiritual they must be perfect,
etc. so there is no need to bother with any of this. Predictably, their state of
spiritual consciousness reflects an overall state of degeneracy.
Most of what we have covered over the years can be practiced while one is doing
the job. At some point, the question of how to quit the job (unless you have
retired from such things) always arises.
Ultimately, there is the preparation of retiring from the job of human existence.
It is inevitable due to entropic failure of the body, and most humans blithely go
through their days until physical or mental decrepitude forces consideration of
the deeper questions of existence and that which is Real.
There are always choices. Does one really need a certain type of job, a certain socalled profession, etc., to maintain a certain level of material urban
comfortand if so, for how long? What are the alternatives? Etc., etc., etc. I
leave these things for each of you to work out for yourselves. I can only guide you
to engage in your own iterative process of questioning yourself, Why? and when
you think you have an answer, ask again, who or how? and do not stop until
you arrive at Truth the essence of all things.
-//This eventually requires one to detach from notions that originate from this
world and human existence and from erroneous notions arising from higher
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levels of being that also have been suffering under their own forms of error and
Eventually the core questions become unavoidable, such as what am I doing here
in this human body on earth? And is (fill in the blank) really what life is all
about? What is my true (existential) nature?
I have discussed a bit of my own process early on. But that was me and one
cannot copy or mimic what anyone else has done. You can test certain
approaches, certain ideas, but that is about it. You must become self-realizing,
self-referencing, self-guiding.
It is up to each to decide. It is always unique to you, no matter what the
similarities are one can share with others along the way.
-//For those willing to live in remote areas, usually high mountains, desert, or cold
sub-polar regions, it is still possible to live cheaply and simply even if as an
experiment for one year or two, like a modern day Walden experience. Of
course today, you may have no idea what awaits at the end of a planned
decoupling period. So then there is the attachment to projections of ones own
illusion of future. Then, you see any of this can become an attachment as well.
One of the benefits of this is that you get away from most of all those attachments
and habituations of the urban-suburban human society. Go to some town for
supplies once a month and make do in between. But you do not move to a
northern polar climate having spent most of your life in an artificial urban
cubicle, and decide also to do a fast, etc.
As one goes through this as a thought exercise, it is possible that is sufficient to
gain some clarity without the trouble of moving to the northern Yukon, etc.
-//There is NO single recipe, formula, how-to-guide and there are no lifetime
warranty guarantees that xyz will occur when you do abc. Yes, there are
various esoteric instruction manuals, such as those of certain Taoist-Buddhist
sects. These we discussed some years ago in the private forums. But as it was with
the crystal body practices, few were truly serious to experiment with these
practices. And there were those who chose not to consider guidance and opted
instead to pursue more popular path such as stimulating kundalini energy
something that is again coming into vogue in certain circles. Why? Simple,
because it does not offer ascension it does not challenge their state of being in
the fallen density and because it can make one feel high all the while avoiding
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dealing with the genuine article. This is also why so many flock to guru-types or
tantric-sex groups that offer ways to stimulate their energy centers they get
high, the guru siphons off the higher energies that are made available by
stimulating the subtle fields of those who will prostrate themselves to this sort of
abuse in exchange for getting high (a typical dark side practice).
-//We have discussed the practice of detachment, completions, and higher attractor.
We have offered a few key exercises to aid in the re-connecting with ones highest
levels of being. There is the crystal body practices to help bring your local higher
level of being into coherency and connection and to aid in the process of creating
a unified field all of yourself. We have covered essential elements of spiritual
psychology to help reconcile the various levels of self, resident at the human level
of being.
There is no point to trying make a workbook or syllabus. Whatever could be
written in such a form of guided exercises would be a waste of time and we do not
want to create another rut in the road for people to slavishly follow. Over the
recent decades all manner of how-to-guides, seminars, classes, ad nauseum have
been presented (some fairly good, some simply terrible) with the vast majority of
students slavishly following these without ever grasping the true essence, the
principles of their own inner dynamics.
For a period of a few years I offered personal time to assist individuals in their
own process, to help them become self-referencing. Rare few were serious.
Perhaps some were too proud or preferred to remain with their own process,
even if had not borne fruit after years of work.
As it is in learning about simple things like foods and cooking, some struggle and
slavishly follow a recipe exactly as presented and, failing to understand
anything about the essence of the process or the ingredients, will wonder why
they are not getting good results. Then there are those who pay close attention to
the ingredients and how they interact with one another under various conditions,
etc. thus learning from the ingredients and discovering for themselves the
essence of the dynamics of these substances.
As to various Taoist-Buddhist how-to guides there are translations that
contradict one another about very important procedures. And much of what is
presented is obsolete in terms of the various entities that claim control over
various dimensional gateways and the mind-maps of various creation zones. (I
would note that many of these entities and their zones are now being deleted

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Please review what we have already provided. It really is all there and presented
in various ways to help the reader develop their own path that is most
appropriate for them.
To be continued


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January 19, 2015

Note: These are not specific to any one individual. Each of one here is, in effect, a
stand-in for many more. Therefore the questions and comments raised reflect
currents flowing through those who are considering these matters more deeply.
What is expressed here flows out to others not on this list for their subtle field
antennae to receive. Many thanks to everyone for their participation in this
work. -ASK

Getting off the Merry-Go-Round and Leaving the Body

Just what might we expect/encounter once we shed our physical
body, as in death, and upon perhaps entering yet another matrix of
the spiritual world?
Seeing a bright light? Feeling drawn towards a tunnel? Having a
"life review"?
Being shown our "Karma" and our inevitable wrongs which need to
be made right, through reincarnation of course... all this along with
those slick pamphlets showing happy families frolicking along
Hawaiian shores...beckoning; "come back, come back!"
So, how might we "stand our ground" so to speak? As in "hell, no, I
won't go..."
I mean it would be swell if, due to our sterling efforts and good will,
that we'd simply sail on past all that jazz and land exactly where we
aim to be, to our rightful HOME, safe and sound. But somehow, I
think it's a little more complicated... and would love to hear any tips.
Before going into these and the next set of recent comments or questions relating
to the transfiguration from 3d human to something other, I wish like to touch
on a few points:

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Your next stage body of light could well be a refined version of your earthside
subtle bodies or a new one that you have prepared, waiting for you, as it were. Or
perhaps, the structure of light of your formerly human level you might become
a point of light, a point of consciousness, an orb of light. It varies for each of you.
Of course there are those who likely know already what their exit trajectory
looks like.
Various Tibetan and Taoist practices, as well as the the Crystal Body exercises can
lead to the unification of your energy centers and bodies into a unified field.
These are often preliminary to a conscious ascension in which the physical body
is left behind.
As with all attachments, one must not fixate upon to certain forms of the light
body or energy centers, even with these practices
Those who have the capacity and who choose to retain something of their human
level of individuations, will do so.
Those who have not attended to this, will initially default to the vibrational and
conceptual-consciousness state they can best relate to (vibrationally and
conceptually). Initially, they will be in the most appropriate level they can
maintain a vibrational coherence at. After some interval of learning and
reflecting, new possibilities arise.
To what do I refer? It is your true consciousness and the structures of energy that
make up the Real You. Not the human body, not the make believe *placeholder in
a virtual reality game called earth in which the occupants and players assume
narrow and limited beliefs while they are in the game and imagine they are fully
subject to the alleged operating rules of the game.
It is always curious that there are many who have been elevated in consciousness
to high spiritual states, seen/experienced many things at these higher states, then
returned to 3d level earth human self. Yet so very many of these individuals
exhibit very little spiritual gnosis. Their internal rubber band was expanded but
snapped back to its previous state. This is yet another factor that was considered
in the The Human Question, one of a set of concluding essays. It is similar for
many near-death-experiencers, as it was with many of the early gnostic students,
etc. It also applies to most new age channellers whose human level commentaries
and behaviours range from that of a nave simpleton to that of a dangerous idiot.
(I have also written about various misconceptions and popular myths of the neardeath-experience, most recently in Final Call.)

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-//Tunnels of light, tubes of light, the color tones of the Light, etc. white light, no
light, whatever There is no specific pattern to conform to. What one individual
may know, or be advised of by their guides is not the same for everyone.
Just because many NDEers report some similarities in their experiences does not
mean that is what you should anticipate or otherwise expect for yourself.
Someone mentioned in these exchanges how many NDE reports were from
individuals who had no prior spiritual preparation for what they experienced
(that they humanly knew, that is). It would be a mistake to presume that since
that was the case, then it is representative for most everyone. One could speculate
that it might be the case for those spiritually unprepared and if then, perhaps
only for the period of recent years that the reports cover.
-//Now then, there is no requirement to reincarnate in human earth density, not
as a sentence of judgement, nor as requirement for spiritual development,
This was taken off the books many years ago. I recall sometime around 15 years
ago I was aware that the whole karma/reincarnation routine was soon to be
removed in favour of new interim protocols. We called it the post-karma
period. Even then (15 or more years ago) these were already known they were not
immutable spiritual laws, just something to address by those who had been
paying attention to their spiritual existence and who not fallen into the abyss of
human density existence. (Those who strongly believed that karma and
reincarnation were inevitable, of course were heavily influenced by these notions
and if they found themselves passing from their human body, then these beliefs
would strongly influence their trajectory.)
John Crawford and I have discussed the background to karma and reincarnation
in various essays over the years. At one point I wrote on the High Absolution. I
recall some readers getting rankled over this. Of course they were only applying
human-level values of judgement and conflict to their rankled state of
annoyance. Sadly, what they wanted to see happened was for all those
responsible whom they presumed to be the bad guys, human or higher planes
to be made to pay, whatever that might entail.
I say again, please check your beliefs threefold! (1. Examine them, .2 leave them
at the door, and 3. keep them in check.)
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That all said, consider the situation of an aspect of a greater being which became
caught up with the dark side of human life, or with the Dark forces directly. That
is something their greater being needs to deal with. What is learned from this,
perhaps, results in that aspect acquiring some significant learning on behalf of its
greater being.
The human level is not some court of reconciliation or judgement, nor one of
punishment, and it is certainly not the sine qua non for spiritual development.
Given the limited and distorted perspectives imbedded in human 3d density, it is
challenging for humans to grasp that notions of judgement and retribution
are inconceivable at the higher levels. If these register at all at higher levels of
existence, such disturbed notions would be like some distant artefact of an
aberration in creation.
Now then, turning this around, one may well consider the ignorance and spiritual
degeneracy of so many alleged ascended masters who claim to have graduated
from the earth plane.
-//The complex bureaucratic babble of various levels of deities or gods from the
ancient texts with their spheres and aeons of creation, and all the various
subsidiaries and adjunct sub levels, originally described by those who were aware
of such things from thousands of years ago, up through the gnostic period and
through to the 20th century. These are all in the process of going away the
vibrational spaces and the various entities that had staked their existences with
these states.
Even Creator is getting a makeover complements of a process set in motion
after the failures of previous attempts at correcting cosmic-scale errors. This
involves the monad process I recently described.
The Fallen sector will be deleted including all that cling to it.
When all is said and done, it will be as if none of this ever happened.
There are regions of The All that are essentially pristine. These will not be
removed. What cannot be redeemed and made new, will be made gone.
-//To transport humans or the human level of consciousness, beliefs, etc. to some
other world that resembles earthly physicality results in a massive Kodak
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moment as so many will seek to reconstruct whatever it is they had been led to
believe was good, pleasant, stimulating (even if unpleasant), along with various
structures of their society. There are already some who are pretending at doing
the human society and its current political structures differently. For a while
some of this will be allowed as a part of their learning, as long there is no risk to
manifesting a new dark zone.
For these projections from human 3d, it is mostly like recreating a kinder
gentler version of the present 3d prison like set-up without the high-level
overseers running the pinball machine control matrix. The Roman galley slaves
recreating the familiar (perhaps with lunch breaks this time and shore leave!).
-//Consider the question of free energy assuming hypothetically that it was
possible to give humans on earth free energy electric very little would change
(perhaps no utility bills). Why? Because the state of consciousness human and
spiritual would not have changed one wit. Thus the humans could simply do
more of what they do now. And projecting this level of consciousness to a higher
plane simply means that some of the 3d phenomenological world is not operative,
but the rest is. Take a nave entity from human 3d and let them become an
ascended master, how do they counsel their followers? More of the same.
Nations, wars, economies, this ideology or that ideology. Never the Real Truth.
In most cases these ascended states are not far removed from 3d earth (4d astral
or 5d) and are still contained within a fallen portion of creation, subject to the
rules of that level of virtual reality game.
-//So, check your belief systems and expectations.
-//Whatever may or may not have been the case way back whenever, perhaps is
no longer relevant. Want to believe reincarnation into 3d worlds is mandated?
Want to believe that it is the path to spiritual learning? Then one has already
limited their possibilities before getting to the starting gate.
I would mention again here that it is a serious presumptive error at higher levels
to fixate on 3d density that 3d existences through self-centered social tribal
animals as the way to learn and evolve. It is not. Furthermore, there will be
less and less of such opportunities as these states of existence become deleted
as part of a larger corrections process. Yes, some interim states are set up to help
with the transition of sentient beings emphasis on interim and on transition.
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-//If you have strong enough desires due to not attending to your process of
completions and detachments, if you believe you have something to do with
another entity in density, if you believe you have any unfinished business, etc.
then the likelihood of experiencing all this in some vibrational state that
resembles earthly 3d becomes greater.
Many human want to know their guides and guardians, to which more than a
few have been surprised to find that those entities they presumed as external to
themselves were actually aspects of themselves all along. This is something of a
microcosmic version of higher creation processes designed to assure that some
parts of you remain detached and do not become excessively entangled in
density and the fallen zone. But the problems of dissipation and individuation
have taken their toll and too many feel that they are isolated and seemingly stuck
here in lower density.
When one leaves their human vessel, these beliefs, attitudes, issues, etc.
artifice and artefacts of human level mind can exert considerable influence at
this interim stage.
Those who are not spiritually conscious enough to be prepared and who have
near death experiences, or unplanned terminations of their human existence, are
often faced with an overwhelming number of accumulated issues from their
human life. Despite this, some NDE-ers have had extraordinary experiences, met
spiritual guides, perhaps departed familiars, and find themselves in
communion with something of the sublime and of The Ineffable. In other words
they had not studied under xyz teachers, read hundreds of esoteric texts,
meditated for hours each week, etc. And yet some small fraction of those who had
NDEs encountered something of the Divine, even though they were initially
(The best preparation has to do with detachment, completion, and high
attractor and has nothing to do with reciting hundred-syllable mantras and
learning all the right postures and eating special foods.)
A common theme from NDE-ers is some level of life review and discovering an
enormous contrast between what their human self processes as non-physical
existence and the qualities of their human 3d existence, with all its attachments
and illusions. Sometimes they may be directed (or misdirected) by presumed
guides that urge them back. Sometimes these guides are really their own
aspects seeking completion. It varies for each. NDE returnees rarely have

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access to sophisticated earthside interpreters to help them, and thus the NDE
experiencer is left to assemble something meaningful out of all this
-//To put a fine point to this, if you have not attended to your completion and
detachment process and not connected with your high attractor, then there will
be countless attachments and influences upon your ascension out of 3d human.
These are essentially or ultimately your own internal affairs. Best to address all
this sooner than later. At the very least, it makes ones remaining human easier or
at least somewhat more bearable due to a deeper understanding of the dynamics
at work in the human 3d existence.
If one has addressed enough of all this prior to leaving 3d, then there is very little
if any attraction with patterns of thought that derive from the human earth
existence. Check your beliefs. If you are too attached to your attitudes, beliefs,
then you will likely get to work on them in that interim space that is assuming
ones human level of self is not shed or dissolved in the process.

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Letters and responses

Saturday January 24, 2015

"All will be made new,

that which cannot be, will be made gone."
Note: These are not specific to any one individual. Each of one here is, in effect, a
stand-in for many more. Therefore the questions and comments raised reflect
currents flowing through those who are considering these matters more deeply.
What is expressed here flows out to others not on this list for their subtle field
antennae to receive. Many thanks to everyone for their participation in this
work. -ASK
R: I don't subscribe to nor agree with some things Alex says. I have formed my
own opinions, thoughts, conclusions or "beliefs" gathered from my experiences
and travels. Although I share these I don't and never claim they are "it" and are
only to be taken with a grain of salt for your pondering and contemplation.
ASK: Indeed, we have each developed our own analyses, learnings, and
conclusions and perhaps even recommendations to the corrections process. Over
the years, I have tried to emphasize self-referencing guidance that can support
becoming auto-didactic and in developing ones higher gnosis.
Given that we are including an earth-human oriented point of view, there will
naturally be overlapping commonalities, and uniquenesses in perspective. This
is part of the cosmic learning process.
At higher levels there may be other overlaps, for example, the knowledge of
previous creations, the knowledge of previous cosmic correction attempts, and
knowledge of the origins of the Dark.
As these become examined more closely variations of perspective emerge. Such
as those concerning the nature and origins of the Dark forces, for example.
R: BELIEF = THE FIELD (Morphogenetic field termed by Rupert Sheldrake)
ASK: The Field can be regarded as The Matrix. It has its origins with the
Dark forces and the cosmic Error. The Field if one wants to regard it this way, is
the light matrix and all that was implicate in its formation and subsequent
tweaking by those entities that were in a dominant position to do so. It is not
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something pure or higher-than. Just like nature is not something higher
than or pure.
This planetary environment and its planetary system was essentially seized by the
Dark Forces for its own purposes which we have discussed over the years. The
Dark creator beings have had creator powers, and mimicked/copied whatever
they could seize upon from their own origins. However, and at the very least, they
were lacking the Divine templates and the Divine intentions. Their own process
of learning never went much beyond that of a self-centered child that could only
misuse or distort that which they turned their attentions to. This we have
discussed in various writings over the years.
Now I am not aware there is a singular planetary consciousness. It has been
altered, replaced, upgraded over the ages. Especially so in these recent years in
keeping with the higher level corrections process under way throughout creation.
The formation of the natural environment, the ecology of organisms on this
planet is based upon predation and parasitism following the the planets
solidification or condensation into what we refer to as 3d density.
The polluting of the thought fields and further degeneration of the planetary
environment, ecology, only worsened as those trapped here set about deluding
themselves they were free individuals and plunged into denial that they were
really self-administering inmate-jailors.
Earth did not always occupy its present planetary orbit and this solar system was
not a stable one in terms of its own celestial mechanics.
R: I've been studying, researching and dabbling in earth grid harmonics for at
least 30+ years. The earth grid in many ways forms the foundation structure of
"the field".
ASK: All Light constitutes manifest creation has structure. Inner structures and
outer structures. None of these are immutable or absolute. The human or cosmic
energy centers, subtle bodies, etc. are not immutable or absolute. Creator Itself is
not immutable or absolute.
The human level or the soul body level, has energy centers and subtle bodies that
are relative to the state of each being. Some have no need for a containing soul
body field, some have no need to maintain 7, 9, 10, 11, etc. primary energy
centers. These energy centers do not need to conform to a certain structure or
dynamic. They are subject to change due the energetic or evolutionary state of the
primary locus of consciousness, and they are subject to changes due to a need to
adapt to localized conditions.
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This is one of the considerations behind unifying of all ones energy centers and
energy bodies and for the possible dissolution of some of the extant structures
that perhaps served a useful purpose for some period of ones existence.
And yes any number of influences, such as structures designed to influence the
foundational light structures, will alter the patterns in that system, including
consciousness and physical 3d. As you mention, the pyramids, nuclear reactors,
EMF terra-forming systems, etc.
R: As we (souls) are children of the earth - she is our oversoul recording/registering all her experiences - in effect her soul (oversoul) is the
morphogenetic field.
ASK: Here one might ask what do you mean we? There is a small fraction of
human/humanoids on this planet whose core consciousness is derived or
otherwise tied to the Earth itself. But it would be an error of presumption to
generalize this to all those with human presences. Just like it would be an error to
presume all humans on earth have souls from the higher light, or even have
souls at all.
The human bio-vehicle is built from the Earth matrix, using a badly distorted
version of the supramental body or Divine templates. In its native form it is
presently a self-centered social-tribal animal that previously was a social-tribal
animal with self awareness. It is only the defective structuring of condensed
energy into bio-matter that has some distant origins with higher creation, one
under dominated by The Error. The Dark side creator gods made all sorts of
monstrosities, large and small. On this Earth and other worlds. Several of the
most closely similar worlds have been identified as made wrong and not
correctable to the new creational patterns given their present state of
There are beings here from various loci of creation. Some from outside this
galaxy, some from outside this universe or its containing universe, and there even
those from far reaches of The All and beyond that even.
R: We ain't going anywhere unless the Earth goes!!
The Sun (son) is the oversoul of the Earth and all the planets in our solar system.
There is a direct relationship with the flux of the sun and our global
consciousness (mental, emotional, etheric and auric bodies).
The earth ain't going anywhere unless the sun goes!!

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Keep zooming out the milky way and so forth the same applies.
ASK: Really? Spiritual beings who come to Earth 3d density (for whatever the
case) are automatically chained to the fate of this planetary body? How is this
possible? And why? And who made this a rule?
I would not presume that all of we (that is, human) are from Earth in terms of
originating spiritual consciousness.
Just as this is not a static planetary-solar system, planets do not need to have
solar systems or galaxies for their existence and movement through manifest
space. (And this solar system used to have a very different configuration of
planets than it does now.)
Just because I have had the use of a human bio-vehicle does not mean that my
True Self originates from this planet, nor does it mean that my True Self identity
and existence is bound up with this animal body. I am not the body.
It is possible that one or more of the light body structures of this planet will be
moving into the new or interim creational space I recently described. Perhaps
the entire planet if that is useful to the corrections process. These are possibilities
that are on the table with the high planes involved in these changes.
As far as the dense or gross planetary body of Earth, it is subject to change (and
required to) and it may well be undergoing a major transformational process to
cleanse it everything, as if starting anew. It is also possible that this entire sector
of creation that had been under Dark Forces control will be deleted from
existence. These can occur relatively quickly in human earth time sense, once the
go-ahead is given.
R: Ever re-incarnating we have outstayed our welcome (we should have
departed here aeons ago) and have held back the earth/sun from their
progression as they patiently hold out and wait for us.
We, have not all been ever-reincarnating, out of control in a way. Yes, some
beings have, more than others, especially those trapped here. And then there
were those who agreed to work the corrections process from within the fallen
zones of density.
Some beings have been in and out of here many times since this planet was
created. Some have only been in and out at infrequent periods. Purposes varied
considerable for those with that level of relative freedom. Those trapped here,
stuck here partly from their own error, partly from the forces outside their
control, had a more difficult time of it.
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R: If we did have a choice not to re-incarnate then why are we here? Why is Alex
Just touched on this above and we have discussed in many ways over the years.
As to my own purpose, I have touched on this enough in various writings over the
years in response to questions as to how it is that I arrive at certain analyses and
assessments. Why is R here?
As we have discussed, reincarnation guidelines as well as the dynamics of
karma served various functions in various settings. We have discussed this over
the years as well. In short, there was a need to contain the Dark. This would
include Dark-origin beings as well as those who got lost or went astray". I refer
to the latter as those spiritual beings who objectively became addicted to 3d
density and those who came to identify with 3d density and the dark-side
spiritual dynamics of existence.
R: Why is it like groundhog day for just about everyone I speak/communicate
with who have had enough of groundhog day and does not want to be incarnated
This might be a good sign that more at the human level are beginning to realize
that this is all fundamentally wrong. However, most are simply disgusted with
the way human society is run and the overall state of the dying planetary
environment. But this has very little to do with spiritual gnosis.
While ascension by repulsion (from all that is deemed wrong) can be a
starting point for some, it is the process of detachment (and detaching),
completions, high attractor and developing a spiritual sense for existence that is
the hallmark of spiritual awakening and evolution.
There are interim spaces for the needed learning and internal evolution of
spiritual beings. These have been expanded and are provisioned in this interim
new creational space.
The ground hog day reference of looping or repeating with very little variation
can be understood in the context of the Dark forces control and now in a different
manner, in the context of the containment field around earth space, this galaxy,
etc. something I trace to the emplacement of those vast structures and beings to
contained all of the fallen sector as part of the cosmic-scale corrections process.
These containments involved alterations in the flow of events time. (See essays
on Time and Maintenance of Error). Once these vast structures were stable,
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attentions of the corrections process became focused on the more detailed levels
of the meta structures from universes to planetary light structure. And
outwardly looking to apply other corrections processes to Creator of All as well.
(See comments in recent months on the Monads and their role in terms of
collecting all of themselves as well as aiding the process of changing Creator
R: Why is the population growing and growing even after countless wars still
ASK: The Dark side built in replicative processes to speed up their control over
all levels of manifest creation that they had dominion over. It is not unlike a virus
with self-replication and adaptive capacity. (See Queen of the Machine).
(We do not need to always expect some high level spiritual reason for out of
control replication. It can be regarded as yet another form of insanity of a
creational matrix made and run by demented creator beings. Also, consider that
many animal species on this planet acquired enhanced replication capacities to
compensate for previous die-offs. And consider all those localized human
population on Earth that have high adult and infant mortality rates and high
birth rates.)
The Dark side tried to control the space between the atoms as well but never
could finish their process.
All is being reversed. Corrected, or unmade. (See short story at end of Final Call
as well as previous essays on the corrections process and the remaking of this
creation.) We are now in the process of separating out the Light that is trapped
in the Dark side density matrix 3d and below as well as above 3d (such as
astral). Even those 4d and 5d pretend or false ascended masters will be
moved, or removed.
R: As long as the frequency filter is kept dampened and the moon remains where
it is we may have no other choice but to keep re-incarnating here. I "believe"
2017 onwards this will change, maybe then have a choice.
ASK: As to the moon, human built structures, planetary control influences,
meddling alien ET types, etc. etc. These are non-operationable from a human
point of view.
What is operationable (and imperative) is for each spiritually-focused fragment
residing in 3d density and the adjacent planes, to focus on their reconnection
process with their own respective highest levels, address their completions and
attachments. Human aspects can become overly attached to human form, (even
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if they hate their life) and no matter what, persist in this form. (See essays on
the higher level plane reviews of lower planes from late 2009 of those beings with
human presences not clueless and stubbornly attached.) Soul and higher
level beings can also become overly attached to their own development and
structures. And Creator of All, like an eccentric gardener, can become overly
attached to all that has in its fields of being and knowing and eventually (as it is
now) become overwhelmed with the urgent necessity of cleaning house, sorting it
all out. (Fortunately it has help.)
As to 2017, there is always some rationale available to hang in there, all will
be a golden age, etc. We may recall that contemporaries such as Yukteswar,
Steiner, etc., claimed that we in this sector of the galaxy have just turned the
corner out of the old dark age and can look forward to two thousand years more
to go to get to the good stuff mostly derived from the cosmic scale astronomy
and astrology of his ancient predecessors. This is reflects a form of hapless,
helpless consciousness that presumes that spiritual consciousness is governed,
controlled, etc. by astronomic/astrologic forces of an absolute nature.
Such notions are somewhat true in a limited sense within limited parameters in a
limited environment based upon the limited knowledge of ancients. Those who
made up these ancient calendar systems were mostly describing something
objectively and it was later that their science and descriptions were distorted as
dark side meme controls. Outside of this galaxy, existence operates differently.
Farther out yet beyond beyond the fallen sector, existence does not operate like
that. And we have discussed in various contexts over the years. To presume
otherwise is like erroneously assuming the speed of light and time to be absolute
and constant.
The Theosophists/Antroposophists say pretty much the same thing in the 20th
century a few more centuries of this, perhaps a millennia or so then all
will be better, all golden age, etc. As do most of the new age channellers. This was
a lot of what the 2012 meme was all about.
To at least give benefit of the doubt, much of this ancients technical
information is now obsolete. To my perspectives, rehashing it now comes close
(objectively speaking) to offering up excuses to the galley slaves to keep rowing,
for the pinballs in the pinball machine to keep each bouncing around, keeping
the matrix running, etc.
-//Those who are in the leading edge of the wave of Light have spent this lifetime
and other lifetimes in this realm learning, experiencing, testing, repeating,
reviewing, (and suffering at times). A very large portion of those in these leading
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edge waves, those at the higher base camps, etc., are preparing to go home
to their highest level home port that they have a stable unified resonance with.
Some will continue to observe and actively assist in the corrections and
evolutionary processes using their knowledge, their gnosis, etc., through their
higher level of being that has higher level or deeper energy capacities than are
possible at their formerly human level.
And some will stay on perhaps they simply do not know yet what or wherefore
of their existence how and why to be or whether to go, etc. And perhaps they
will not learn this, until they are no longer with body.
And a small fraction will stay on in human form, with a growing gnosis and
energetic capacity to assist others as long as it is appropriate for them to do
this. These beings will have the greatest measure of true free will in contrast to
the mass of humans who do not have access to true (or higher) free will.
R: In the flash of a moment ... All that is Done will be Undone

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January 25, 2015

Bodies and Consciousness

The human body (as well as nature on Earth) is a crude (and defective)
manifestation by the Dark of a Fallen creation based upon Divine templates it
cannot possibly comprehend and that originated with the non-Fallen Creation.
A soul is a prototype structure with the potential to grow into a creator being
individually or collectively and as a microcosm of that which created it, the soul
has some limited capacities to project something of itself into lower levels. This is
part of its process and its built-in capabilities that were for its evolutionary
learning. These capabilities and initial impulses to explore were misused by soul
beings as well as were seized upon by the Dark as a way to gain control of the
Light which powered the soul and comparable other beings.
-//Ascension and spiritual evolution are about consciousness first and foremost.
Ascension is not about the physical 3d body, or any other form, however
sublime it might seem. There are even Dark beings whose light body is quite
impressive in appearance.
The human host level may be self-aware, as are other animal forms on 3d Earth,
but it is not innately a spiritual creature. This requires the involvement of
consciousness of spiritual origin through a workable interface.
There is a machine consciousness at the cellular level and those levels that
coordinate/organize the machine levels, there is the self-sentient consciousness
of the overall body, and there is the spiritual consciousness. (Readers may want
to refer to Queen of the Machine, one of the concluding essays from 2013.)
With only rare exceptions, the human-level of spiritual consciousness does not
originate from the earthly 3d density. Now then given the powerful influence of
reincarnation dynamics, there are a lot of fragments of spiritual or soul
consciousness adrift in the astral regions near earth-space and thus one might
say they come from here. Others may hail from other planetary astral regions.

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Some require an energy structure to function as a spaceship to bring them in
through distances of space and perhaps to facilitate the last stages of vibrational
descension into a human bio-vehicle.
There are many ways the spiritual entities access lower density. This can take
place before or after birth.
When it involves an adult body, it is often a case of walk out/walk in. What
walks in could be part of their higher being, another being entirely, or
something more like squatters form the Dark side. In the case of those who
have made their Faustian pacts, a Dark side entity or entities comes in and
oversees the human level. This is often the case with those humans who occupy
positions of great authority or power over other humans.)
-//Over the years, I have emphasized guidelines to aid ones higher learning. But if
one is to persist in straddling both the fallen lower density and strive for
ascension, one cannot ride this widening bifurcation for much longer. One must
choose and I suggest attending to this question, sooner than later.
-//Nearly all spiritual beings that project themselves into lower density are not
necessarily trapped in that state. But yes, many are, at least for a while. It is
always a risky proposition entering into lower density and in fallen reality in
addition. Risky, in terms of successful retrieval of that portion of ones higher
being and in maintaining a strong enough connection with the unifying fields of
ones higher being.
Consciousness without an object, consciousness without attachment,
consciousness connected with the Higher Oneness these states can lead to
transcending the fallen densities. But even then, there can be no attachment to
the fallen levels not through any pleasant memories, not through unpleasant
This is how it is possible for many spiritual teachers to have the human flesh and
blood experience, and distribute the teachings and the energies while in human
form. And it is the human form that provides a direct interface into the 3d
vibrational regions. And it is one of the ways that the higher planes have been
able to penetrate the fallen worlds (plural).

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Related to human obsession, fixation, and addictions with the biological body,
are notions such as to demonstrate mastery, one must be able to transcend the
body in all manner. And so it is that humans worship (prostrate themselves) to
delusions of supra-normal powers, mistakenly presuming those to be the sine
qua non, holy evidence, the sign, of a great master, etc. This is ridiculous.
There are those aliens/ETs with these capabilities and far too many humans
erroneously presume them to more evolved (!) simply because they
demonstrate greater mastery over density or vibrational states of being, etc.
compared to human earthlings.
Some yogis devote years practicing to transcend ordinary physical states
cutting or impaling their bodies with dangerous implements, subjecting their
bodies to harsh environments, dangerous chemicals, as well as testing ways to
pass their body through solid matter, levitating, projecting a double of
themselves, etc.
And when all is said and done, where is the spiritual higher gnosis in all this?
These things of the material phenomenal world, are disciplines of mind over
energy. In some cases it requires the addition of entities residing within the fallen
realm that are of the fallen realms. Most of those individuals who have excelled at
powers over aging, money, control over humans, or power over certain 3d
physical states, etc. have essentially fallen in league with the Dark side. (Not all,
but most.)
A great many practitioners of mind over matter found a mutual attraction toward
the Dark side as it is the Dark that created and dominates the fallen reality,
including 3d physicality.
Consider a brief experiment. Lets switch off the human body autonomic
processes and turn them over to those humans who seek these expanded
powers. If they are fortunate, there will be someone standing by to switch these
back to their hierarchy of control and the subjects in the experiment will
eventually recover.
How can human level selfs imagine they are ready to run a human collective
society, oversee a planetary environment, or propagate themselves out in space.
-//Over thousands of earth years, there are those who have pursued extreme
measures to perpetuate the human body, usually in pursuit of immortality over
other humans. Now then, there have been rare cases of humans with
extraordinary capacities who can live without food, etc. for a very long time and
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remain in a healthy state. However, I have no idea of their physical athletic
capabilities, etc. usually these individuals live very quietly and do not purse
physical performance goals.
Today there are a few promoting not eating (!) as a solution to world hunger. It
would be polite to refer to them simply as abysmally ignorant idiots. The vast
majority of humans do not have the physical, mental, or spiritual capacities for
such a transition.
-//The forces of Light are not concerned with these things, nor do they have
mastery over them because their origins are from outside the fallen reality
where these things tend to be meaningless and irrelevant.
If only I had the power to [fill in the blank] then I can make [fill in the
blank] happen, etc.
And where in all this is the higher gnosis of the higher spiritual intelligence and
service to the Higher Oneness?
All in all, at higher spiritual levels than 3d, there has been (and is) an excessive
fixation upon 3d density body forms as necessary for spiritual evolution by
spiritual beings. This has made it all the easier for others to fixate on the body, to
fixate upon reincarnation, and all the rest that has become part of a larger selfmanaging control system.
PS: For a while I was very close to the work of Aurobindo, Mirra and Satprem. In
case I ever questioned my choice on all this, I found that they arrived at similar
conclusions and even called a halt to using higher spiritual energies in pursuit of
the supra-ordinary states beyond the human body while still embodied. Too
many of their advanced students were fixated on acquiring powers that they
failed to develop the higher or supramental consciousness that was essential to
the work.

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January 26, 2015

Just what might we expect/encounter once we shed our physical
body, as in death, and upon perhaps entering yet another matrix of
the spiritual world?
how to avoid the potential entrapment of becoming recycled?

Leaving the Body and Whats Next

Anyone focused on this theme might give their thoughtful consideration to
Ascension Death and Transfiguration, published August 2013 as one of the
concluding essays. (See www.pfcn.net Articles and Bulletins.)
-//Never mind all those NDE stories. The main point to the multitude of NDE
reports is that you are not your human animal form, you are not your human
personality projections, you are a spiritual being first and foremost. And you
can be tricked in an NDE to return to your human existence for any number of
reasons that are rarely explained in those other planes.
Are you going to model your own departure from human 3d existence based upon
mimicking some NDE story you read that sounded good, that you became
attached to perhaps? Are you going to flip a coin to decide light or no light,
or perhaps to decide what energy color tone to head towards (unless of course
you decide that black holes or some void was the thing to do? Or whether a tube
of light is the right shape, or whatever?
Or are you going to have your own most excellent journey home? Are you the
human form and social persona that you have become accustomed to? Are you
something other than that? Something beyond that?
It is like anticipating a journey to some far away destination, the details of which
you will not know until you are there.

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There is ones own powerful focused intent for the unification of their energy
bodies and energy centers, to retain their spiritual learning from density, and to
re-join the highest level of their true being.
There is your high attractor, your focused and steady high intention toward
reconnection with the highest levels of your own true being. There is your own
process which you will have done as well as you can with regard to completion
and detachment from the human earthly density world. And you have checked
your beliefs in various ways I attributed to this expression in the preceding piece.
-//This journey is one of knowing enough of your true nature as a spiritual being.
Too many want some guarantee, like a money back consumer product
warranty, a binding legal contract, or whatever else. It simply does not work that
way. (Anyone who offers guaranteed results for you in the higher planes, ought
to be suspect immediately. The exception is that you truly know enough of the
details of your itinerary, in which case you probably do not need to be reading
any of this!)
For those who find intellectual learning beneficial to their process, a discerning
reader will find commentary from many sources spanning thousands of years on
this planet that generally verifies the spiritual nature of consciousness and
existence. Such discourse also presents many contradictory ideas and analysis.
One can spend years studying all this stuff and never really learn anything of
And there is ones own internal experience and ones own deeper inner knowing.
Ultimately it is ones higher gnosis that matters most.
And ultimately either one knows one is a spiritual being and not a human social
tribal animal or not. For those who are unsure of this, there is no outside
agency that will provide the warranty, the guarantee. These are simply
aberrations of the human level.
So if one is held by attachments and unfinished business, and has not a higher
attractor beyond the human earthly world, then one will simply have to wait it
out until their body fails or some extraordinary event flashes their consciousness
into full-on mode. At that point, they will know then they are good to go.

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For those who are sufficiently spiritually and mentally awake, there is a
distinction to be made between Dark forces as an objective power and the
reinforcement and support of the Dark forces by the very process of continuing to
believe in their power over the Light. ***
I am not one to promote newage-ish notions such as you create your own reality,
etc. or errors such as voluntarism, etc.
-//There are no mantras to memorize and repeat, there is no check list of light or
no light, colors or no colors, tunnels or no tunnels, spirals or no spirals, etc.
Consider that these reported tunnels and such may well correspond to the
interplay between the fine channels in the bio-tissue and the fine channels of the
subtle energy circuits which connect to various vibrational states, etc.
When you look at the spaces between the atoms, there is very little sense of
small to your point of consciousness that is accessing such seemingly micro
structures. These atom structures seem to extend forever with no sense of
spatial proportion as you might imagine there to be when looking through a
microscope at something very small.
-//How could studying some ancient texts, of unverifiable translations, possibly be
the key to your ascension, to rejoining your own true being? Is someone who does
not read the language of these texts de facto excluded from ascensions? Or
repeating mantras from some unknown channelled source?
And who wrote this stuff? Was it really the word of god (which god?) on
stone or metal tablets, handed to some human on stone or metal tablets?
No, texts such as those of early gnostics or their Indo-Asian counterparts, were
simply the best efforts by human minds, in their time, to convey some cosmic
information and guidance to those who would pursue a certain path out of the
prison house of 3d density.
Oral teachings were repeated, someone wrote it down, someone made copies,
someone translated from a copy, then more copies, then more translations. And
the farther the transcribing became from the original teaching and its higher
dimensional experiences, then the more garbled and distorted the telling.

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Eventually someone tried to mesh these stories about failed creations, dark
forces, cosmic errors, cosmic corrections, etc. with the establishment religions.
These become part of your beliefs. What is written in these books, the beliefs they
project, become part of your beliefs if you are following them. It matters not
whether we are considering the main religions, their various factions, or some
spiritual teachings that have been translated by many individuals in different
languages, most of whom probably have direct experience with the material they
are processing. The same goes for the new age stuff. Channelled aliens, selfproclaimed ascend masters, and the whole lot. Why would you follow any of this?
These become implanted beliefs.
-//There is however, your own highest origin from your Creator the closest to your
own god self. It does not write books, make up mantras, concoct fancy
doctrines, or do any other rigmarole.
And we have tried over the years to offer analysis and guidance that readers could
apply in developing their own self-referencing gnosis that would serve their own
unique ascension.
-//Now then, if you believe you have some debt to pay and you cannot resolve this
perception now, then you will encounter this when you depart your human biovessel. Furthermore, these beliefs you hold as a human, will interfere in your
interim transition.
For most who do not learn or who lack the capacity for meaningful spiritual
learning, there will most likely be opportunities to get it, to review, analyse,
reflect, and to learn subsequent to ones exit from human density. There is
something about human density, the seemingly detailed nature of unfolding of
events and information that humans call time that offers the possibility for
some accelerated, concentrated learning. Few know this, and of the few who have
heard of this, only a few really apply this while human. Very few learn much of
anything of any durable importance to their spiritual development while resident
in their human level of form.
-//Have you attended to your processes of completion, detaching, and higher
attractor? Have you attended to a process of reconnection with your own local
higher level self or perhaps your highest origins?
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Are you still defining your identity, your existence as a human-identifiedhuman or are you a spiritual being of other origin? Stop and run self-referencing
diagnostics on this.
Once you are relatively complete with these processes and you have run enough
internal self-check diagnostics, then it becomes easier to move to the next stages.
Unifying your energy centers, subtle bodies and merging with your aspects as
well may take on new significance as you prepare for your next level of being.
For some, localized light bodies may not be their most critical requirement,
rather what may be of greater importance is their vibrational state of
consciousness. Both are important to attend to, however. Stop and run your
internal diagnostics.
-//Again, what is the quality of your connection to your higher levels? Localized soul
self? Higher level perhaps? Highest point of origin even?
-//Are you seeking to depart your human bio-vehicle while in a relatively healthy
and vigorous state of physical and mental health? Or are you dealing with
various forms of decrepitude and debilitation? Or are you waiting for decrepitude
and debilitation to set in and hopefully take you out, perhaps through an excess
of pain and suffering instead of an excess of joy.
If you are in despair and anger, this is not a productive state to cultivate or to
become habituated in. This is the problem of ascension by repulsion. There is no
high vector, no high attractor, only the upset and anger at all that is wrong and
that which you believe may have happened to you.
-//You are a spiritual being, not a human. The true you does not cease just because
your bio-vehicle has stopped.
-//You can work through focused intent to depart your human vessel. It may take
days, weeks, or months of consistent practice with this intent.

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Perhaps you do not wake from sleep one day. Perhaps you just lie down one
afternoon and go out because you really are done here.
You can go into an out of body state (OOBE) and with your higher learning and
higher intention, sever the connecting cord to your human body state of being.
There is no further link to your human physical existence, only those memories
you have retained.
Your human body vessel may become host for another consciousness, it may
putter about on its own for a while living from its own memories of its earthly
interactions and memories of the spiritual impulses you imbued it with, it may
cease its bio-life functions.
You can consciously override your bodys main autonomic body and thus
shutdown your body to make it easier for your consciousness to leave. This can
involve simple or advanced yogic practices. Breath control is usually an essential
element to this.
You trigger a system failure in some vital system in the body such as from
aneurism, heart failure, a blood chemistry catastrophe, etc. While usually
unconscious, it is possible to induce these effects through intention.
Alternatively a substance is introduced into the body that effectively disconnects
the autonomic functions.
You consciously leave, perhaps during deep meditation or during sleep. This
requires singular focused intent, completion, and detachment from those ties that
-//Those who have an excess of unresolved issues and a lack of learning or
capacity for same may unexpectedly find themselves in a catastrophic situation
that leads to a choice of continuing in a human body or leaving. And there are the
vagueries and risks of decrepitude of the body that eventually leads to leaving the
body while it is marginally functioning or waiting on the inevitable.
Even in these times, there are those who are finishing out their human sojourn in
a state of completions with personal grace and relative good health, consciously
passing from their body.

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But you also need to have enough of your human-focused self or selves as it
may seem to be on board and pulling together. We have discussed spiritual
psychology and the lower levels of self in various essays, usually in the context of
the high attractor. If you do not, your dream time and waking time will be fraught
with internal conflicts, sometimes intense and highly irrational. Of course.
-//As you move closer to your completion of completions, often one becomes more
receptive to information and insights that will help one further in their process.
-//The whole earthside "trip" may exhibit similar patterns with those of others
around you, but it is always uniquely yours and yours alone.
The process of conscious ascension also exhibits similar patterns with those of
others, but for each, it is uniquely their experience, unique to their own process,
and no one else's. Along the way you may get to share some of this with those
closest to you perhaps, but only up to a point.
As one is a unique individuation of a greater individuation from one's ultimate
Source Creator, so is ones own process. As your own fields of light become more
unified, more re-connected to higher oneness, and the effects of excess
dissipation and individuation are overcome then the closer one is to their
Source and still yet also a unique individuation.
-//Reincarnation into density is not some automatic mandate. Regardless of the
origins of the reincarnation dynamics, the repetition of old stories only reinforce
beliefs in something that is no longer relevant and which has not been for some
time. The same goes for karma. Yet these teachings have condemned and
continue to condemn countless numbers of spiritually nave human selfs who
were inducted into such belief systems.
However, I have often explained that ones human-level beliefs play a role in
ones trajectory and initial landing point when you fully vacate your human host
body. This is important. Check your beliefs.
If you need the full-length, detailed life review, you will probably get one. If you
desire to have one go-round at a human-earth like life, do something differently,
etc., then perhaps you will get to have a virtual one with others seeking
something similar.
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-//What if there was not a 3d density, or an Earth, or alternate earth-like planetary
environment complete with human bio-vehicles at the ready, then you are not
going to be having a physical 3d human experience. Then what? How can there
be a reincarnation into another human body if there are none to be had? (Just
-//Higher level corrections and transformational energies are converging in and
around the human (3d) density levels and are stimulating many more spirituallyfocused selfs in human form to give deeper consideration to ever deeper
existential questions.
I anticipate 2015-2016 to be a pivotal year for spiritual transformation of those of
the Light who are seemingly trapped in 3d, however that perception of being
trapped may express itself.
Many many more will come to realize that they have more influence over their
state of being and state of consciousness than ever before. How this will occur
will be discovered as it unfolds. But even with more incremental changes to the
state of matter and existence, ultimately the spiritual trajectory of those most
engaged in this will be dependent upon the internal state of consciousness of each
who is most caught up in these changes.
And this is yet more reason to attend to ones own process of detachment,
detaching, completions, and high attractor never mind what the person next to
you is about.
Many will be making important choices in lieu of experiencing tangible spiritual
transformation for themselves. It is my sense that you need to be very clear as to
your main itinerary and make this your priority during the coming months. Do
not wait until later this year to attend to this. This leg of your travels will be
guided in part by your high attractor, partly by your state of consciousness and
subtle bodies. Placing such urgency to this can only serve to accelerate your larger
transformation. What is your true intention for your existence?
Remaining embodied during this process is a matter of personal/spiritual choice.
The question of ascension and transformation has next to nothing to do with
whether you have a human body or not, or whether you get to walk out of this
reality with it, or not.
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Too many religious and new age notions have contaminated the spectrum of
ascension thought. And far too many have been fixated on fairy tales suggesting
they will be literally walking out with their present human body.
Get over it
And get on with your genuine process.
-//The transfer of consciousness or transfer of power for some may initially
emphasize descension of something of your higher level being into your human
level. (You may then know more of the meaning of your being here to go.) For
some, this may not be as necessary or important to their process and their
transfer will be to a higher state directly.
I have discussed this before in the context of ascension: Whether your human
level is aware of this or not, you may find yourself preparing an interim home
for yourself. This may be a light body at some higher plane of existence.
-//The human species comprises a large population of various racial types with a
multi-generational cultural history that is useful to localized social control
systems. Modern-day humans are basically self-centered social-tribal animals.
At some point, a small fraction of humans begin to express an internal drive to
seek a higher level state of awareness and connection with higher self/higher soul
being. It is this drive and the resulting expanded consciousness that distinguishes
those humans who grow into their spiritual evolutionary potential from those
who do not. Concurrent with this expansion of awareness is the beginning of true
free will.
With this comes ever-expanding states of higher spiritual consciousness and with
this, detachment from the physical 3d state of the human phantasmagoria of
-//I have written before about the risk of a new dark force arising by prolonging the
state of humans for too long, and related problems of higher level spiritual
responsibility (and eventual accountability). This risk will likely exist until the
process for human awakening is completed to resurrect/extract/amplify what
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potential remains of those particles of true Light seemingly trapped in 3d. The
main mitigating factor to this would be those enormous creation-level beings that
have enveloped the fallen creation, and the localized fields which envelope the
lesser scale structures, including Earth.
At some point, this planetary environment will be cleaned and cleared, the
planetary bodys consciousness replaced or fully upgraded, and readied to host a
population of a higher order of spiritual beings. Before this condition is reached,
many more will have reached a state of sufficient completion and learning in this
realm and reached a point of clarity of having had enough of the 3d experience.
-//Unless there is an explicit higher purpose in remaining here, it would be a tough
assignment to remain too long in an increasingly dangerous environment without
a source of higher spiritual support for ones physical and energetic being.
This last point relates closely to the problem of spiritual exhaustion that is being
experienced by some.
-//Those whose origins are with the higher Light too often expend or dissipate more
energy than they are taking in from the correction energies and other high
energies at times running a temporary deficit, at times running a surplus. This
is not unusual as most are energetically growing and evolving in unique ways.
Generally the result has been an increase in ones overall higher energy states,
even if to the point of burning out some circuits in the lower level subtle or
physical bodies.
At some point in the expansion-ascension process the new energies catch hold
and one is running mainly on these new energies.
Over recent decades this was tried by some earlier test pilots and the result was
to become incompatible with being in this vibrational reality. For some it meant
an inability to function in the human world, yet still embodied as a human self,
some underwent transformative near-death experiences, some left either as walkouts or through the cessation of their human body, some found ways to internally
withdraw the new energies they had been charged with. And some passed on
from their human bodies.
Again, I would suggest quietly looking around from the inside of your own energy
fields to identify something you might call your light-body. At times it may be a
fleeting impression. Perhaps it will persist for hours or more. It may likely
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conform to a slightly larger approximation of your human form. For some it may
not look entirely human. See if you can identify your central core in relationship
to this body of fluid light. With your attention (or imagination) to this, see how it
feels to walk and move around and be aware of external stimuli from your
awareness which is associated and based upon this light body. Yes, you can even
eat, but it is the physical body doing the eating, not the light body.
-//For some, this lightbody will be what you take with you when you walk out in
effect transferring your consciousness and core energetics to a lightbody in local
space-time. Some may just walk out with only a portion of the various layers to
their energy body. Some may be transferring from their consciousness to another
locus of space-time far different from here. For others it will be a point of
consciousness. A rare few may be walking out with their corporeal bodies, but
this would be indeed rare.
There is no right way or wrong way, no precise method or effect. For each it is
different. Only the most general qualities are found to be in common.
There will be very little evidence in the external world, only in your own localized
world since this is not a mass phenomenon.
To the extent there might be a mass phenomena, it will be in small increments
of a growing awareness of the surreality of ones material and social environment,
slips and gaps in perceived flow of time and sips and gaps in individual
memory, both long and short.
Human memory is one of those enigmatic factors favoring self-imprisonment in
this social and material control matrix. It infects the spiritual aspects in residence
as well as ordinary human level self. This is one of the underpinnings of selfimprisonment in a fallen realm.
-//Dreams and visions as reported by less than a dozen people over recent months
have had two noticeable tendencies: one is the theme of a massive inundation of
water and all that implies; the other is the theme of preparing to leave this realm,
writing or changing ones travel tickets, having already left, etc. and all that this
may imply.
The Internet is overflowing with so many stories. A new numerology, a new
astrology, a new calendar date to focus on, etc. Space aliens and supposedly
ascended whatever. These voices whisper wait my child, a little bit longer
Promises sometimes. Sometimes not. A new asteroid, a new comet, a new
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weapon of mass destruction. Then there are the variations on the theme of all the
global bad guys will be rounded up by someone, somehow, and the world will
somehow be a better place, yet still rife with self-enforced ignorance of a selfcentered social tribal animal race, etc. And from this, a new spiritual order will
emerge? Hardly. I say not possible.
I have no reason to even give these endless lies my attention. Yet they are so
effective at distracting so many people so willing to be deceived time and again.
When it comes to matters of spiritual existence, I do not take kindly to those who
prey upon the hopes and anxieties of those who are so starved for that which is
(spiritually) Real and True.
There have been those brief moments in which I wonder if all these fables and
falsehoods could serve some useful purpose, such as to harmlessly distract those
of the Light so they are not more heavily sidelined by the enormity of the
suffering throughout this earth. But my greater discernment tells me this is not a
harmless past time and that without a sharp enough awareness of the situation,
the nascent spiritual energies will be dissipated.
There are those who firmly believe that more exposure of the nature and plans of
the powers-that-be (PTB) and the global elite could result in social and possibly
even spiritual awakening. I do not agree and I can only predict an increase in
violent conflict and more widespread dysfunctional discouragement with human
existence. Such a path leads to an abyss.
-//The work is all about the Realization and extraction (rescue) of the true Light
of Source which is functional in some fraction of humans. This is closely related
to the process of integrating the most profound learning of density and other
levels of existence that is imbedded with the resident spiritual beings here. Most
of you know who you are. Most of you know by now what is most important in
your existence as a spiritual being and what is not. Most of you are diligently
working on this process to continue its refinement until you know that it is time
to move on.
Today, there are many who have taken steps to become spiritually aware years
ago and some more recently. What has been found is that this is a false reality
and it is not a beneficial place for true spiritual conscious to reside in. Now there
is a small but significant fraction of beings who are most anxious to leave this
realm with their consciousness intact. To paraphrase someone who wrote in the
mid-1990s on this, it is all about finishing up one earthly to-do lists and then
turning ones attention to how to die and survive the experience.
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Yes, many here are patiently on edge, waiting in keen anticipation of a
changeover from 3d human density to something more suitable to your spiritual
Some here have found a good connection to the new correction energies and
some have not.
The correction energies have not ceased, rather they have been adjusted in their
mix and amplitude. I continue to invoke them daily, usually upon retiring for the
night. I also use the crystal body exercises in my own short form in various
ways, combining both with within the higher context of my owno highest
differentiations from my own Source.
-//This all brings me back to some serious questions I have posed in recent past
Regardless of whether or not there is a nuclear holocaust from reactors, atomic
warfare, bio-warfare, etc.; regardless of the social controllers becoming ever more
harsh and restrictive; regardless of whether the economic situation collapses
entirely; regardless of whether there is a massive solar or space storm that
decimates a substantial part of the earths inhabitants; regardless of whether
there is a crustal/axis shift, etc., regardless of whether a huge asteroid impacts
this planet; regardless of any of these things that are part of human 3-d
the questions remain: what is your true nature and purpose; how are you
attending to your completions and integrative learning process? What is your
high attractor? Is your human lower self on board with this?
and most importantly, from what vibrational or dimensional point-of-view are
you aware of these things?
If perceived from your human level, it may feel like a dreadful sort of catastrophe
or dying. The melancholy of realizing an illusion played out as if real. For some it
will be simply a relief to be gone from here.
But to your spiritual level self, it may feel more like a type of going home, for
some perhaps to a new level of home.
Some may actually persist through all of this as quasi-ascended beings on earth
who observe, learn, and at times help others with their own transition process.
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-//What we had initially anticipated for 2013 is shifted to this present year. Partly
this was due to the need to emplace a process that would allow for the greatest
recovery and return of of the Light with minimal loss of learning. For this
purpose, an interim space and vibrational state was created using similar
processes as those used to encapsulate the fallen creation. For this purpose the
containment fields maintained something like a looping effect with slight
In the coming year or two, many more of the Light will be consciously departing
their earthly forms as it will no longer be required or necessary to their spiritual
development. I am referring here to those who are the presently helping to the
anchor the spiritual energies here. As usual, how this occurs will be unique to
Some will, for whatever the reasons or influences, opt for a ticket to the new
interim creation space that we have described. Not all will still be there when the
human-earth matrix arrives in its new temporary space port. This is due to a
gentle vibrational self-selecting process. Only those that can make the needed
vibrational changes (and of course corresponding changes in consciousness) will
Those that are inured to the earthly physical will find earth changes, economic,
political and physical crises to be an overwhelming problem to maintaining any
illusion of normalcy for their human existence.
Corruption in this context is far more serious than merely taking money and
privileges in exchange for wielding power of others on behalf of the powers-thatbe. The corruption I refer to pertains to the foundational beliefs that guide
peoples actions in the social systems and the corruption of the human vehicle,
Nature, and the entirety of the fallen realm. More so, it is the corruption of the
soul and other higher levels of being.
The cumulative effects from an ever growing and intensifying contamination of
the oceans, lands, and atmosphere will take their toll. Soon enough, the earths
environment will only be suitable for zombie-like people and what remains of
human-alien adaptations. None of this is of a spiritual nature, rather it is part
of the fundamental changes to a lower density environment that no longer
sustains its resident bio-forms.
The spiritual being of Light was never intended to live as an animal, driven by
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social-tribal animal urges, in endless conflicts over various biological and
personal or collective self-interest.
There is nothing resident in the extant human condition, human state of
consciousness, or aspirations that originate at the human level that can or will
be saved for some future existence to again play out.
This is a terminal program rapidly heading to its long-anticipated conclusion of
What there is of genuine beauty and truth that has appeared amidst the suffering
and chaos will not be lost.
Twice Born, Thrice Born: The first birth is into 3d, the second is the spiritual
rebirth and true Realization. The third is the transformation (transfer) of
consciousness to a higher Light structure.
Return of the Light is Return to the Light.
"All will be made new, that which cannot be, will be made gone."

Pay attention to your dream time at night it is often the easiest place for the
all of you to meet and discuss matters amongst all of yourselves. Do what you
can to enhance your dream time clarity and recall.
Work toward making this a 24/7 experience with short breaks for the mundane!

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Saturday January 31, 2015

Creator Consciousness - Beyond Love and the One in to

Two, the Two in to One


Once again the question of love or in human parlance
unconditional love enter into all this? How is this connected at
human level and Creator of All, especially if Creator of All is
-//Not to repeat here what I have written on this previously, this is to contribute a
slightly different point of view.
I present this in the context of the expression, trust caring service within a
higher oneness a simple prcis of important qualities to the new creation
(Baby) that was sent forth from the matrix of Creator of All.
From recent discussions, it seems worth sharing this variation on a theme as it
ties in with the larger corrections process and ones own process of ascension,
detaching, and high attractor, and connects in with the leaving of ones human
From the human psychologically fixated self, Creator of All can seem
impersonal. And from the limited level of the human psychological self,
unconditional love is nearly always distorted by the innate limitations of human
existence in all its respects.
There is no human word for love at the level of Creator consciousness. As I have
written before, even human expressions like unconditional love do not come
close as descriptors.
This is of the Realm of the Ineffable.

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Yet it can be connected with and touched through fields of Higher Oneness
accessible through ones higher self, and ones highest point of individuation from
ones own Creator being, the Supramental. It can also be engaged with when in
the presence of another being that is strongly connected with the fields of the
Higher Oneness.
Permeating the fields of Creator of All, is a high vibrational state of what could be
accurately termed a profound caring beyond anything the human level of
consciousness can grasp.
-//This caring is innate to what Creator manifests and the Intentions which
precede it. This is what allows for the stability and coherency of the structured
light from the highest levels to the most individuated and dense/condensed.
This is the great unifying field of The All which is not of the Fallen creation. This
caring is what underlies the forces of the mutual attraction of atoms that
seemingly constitute humanly conceived 3d matter.
The withdrawal of this caring energy allows for the gentle and Graceful
dissolution of that which is.
-//At a microcosmic level, the human level of spiritual consciousness which derives
its existence from the higher Light has a modicum of this capability as well.
Attending to your own process of detaching, completions, and high attractor
increases your connection and coherence with the greater changes underway
throughout Creation.
As you attend to your own process of completions and detaching, one is in effect
withdrawing ones own microcosmic level of this caring from that which is no
longer to be part of ones state of being.
-//In those moments of ineffable love that is experienced ever so rarely in a
human life, it is primarily due to the presence of a dynamic unifying field of
spiritual energies that more than compensate for the dominant tendency toward
individuation and self-centeredness. It can occur between humans and between
humans and other species and of course between a lower level of spiritual
consciousness and a higher one. And it is ineffable.

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When strong spiritual energies are involved this can also influence the human
senses and overwhelm human emotions.
PS: Two in to One // One in to Two
As the illustrations below attempt to show: First is the example of two welldefined individuations or distinctly separate entities in a shared unified field
together that in turn connects to higher unified fields. Second is the example of
one single unified entity with strongly developed aspects or specific levels of
being within a singular unified field that in turns connects to higher unified
fields. How one entity can become like this varies. Perhaps it is their own matrix
that develops this way, creating two or more from one; perhaps it is the result of
the voluntary combining of two or more formerly distinctly individuated entities.

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February 3, 2015

Postscript to Leaving, Whats Next, etc.

During some recent discussions with JC and me, various questions
were posed, including: How do you know when you are done? How
do you know when it is time for you to leave?

You may find that there is less and less in the human earthly realm that holds
much meaning to get your attention.
For most who are spiritually unaware, they will seek to fill this with more
stimuli, revisit old stimuli, find further distractions, and generally move along a
path of unconscious denial that this reality is ending. Some turn to antidepressant drugs and therapy.
Fear and denial are common dynamics for the human level and even among
many spiritually oriented humans who have become inured to perpetually
seeking, healing, etc. and these dynamics are illusions feed their delusions
that they are spiritual.
In short they become identified with the job in these instances the job is
about delusions of pursuing illusions of spiritual healing, spiritual seeking, of
looking for new subtle energy stimuli, in short, anything but the real deal.
Why is this? At the least, the real deal means the end of the illusions, the
delusions, mind-body-energy stimuli, etc.
For some, this might be resisted at both the human level and the localized higher
levels. Hence another reason to address one detaching, completions, and high
attractor going to the highest point of ones totality of individuation and origin.
One may find oneself traversing between the mundane 3d human existence and
something other a new lightbody state in another vibrational space perhaps,
perhaps an increasing awareness of the new interim creational space which we
have been discussing and illustrated with a simple diagram.

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Or perhaps you will become aware of the reconnecting of the various aspects of
your local higher self or soul self. You will be then in conversation with other
parts of your greater self.
Many imagine this be some outside guide. It might be. On the other hand your
guide or guides could also be higher level aspects of your own greater being.
(While it often doesnt matter what human you may think or imagine, about
this, sometimes helps to know the difference, especially if it involves the
evolutionary reintegration of your greater being.)
And a large portion of human level spiritual selfs will engage in avoidance
behaviors and ride some large scale collective vehicle into the interim new
creational space.
With fuller measures of genuine free will that derives from ones higher spiritual
levels comes greater choices.
Suggested reading: Ascension, Death, and Transfiguration (August 2013)

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Excerpts from private discussion circle:

February 3, 2015

"Permeating the fields of Creator of All, is a high vibrational state of what could
be accurately termed a profound caring beyond anything the human level of
consciousness can grasp."
-//I can tell you, as I'm sure others can as well, that this high vibrational state can be
felt while still in a human bio-suit, but it seems, only for seconds. The times I
have felt it have made all life seem worthwhile. As Alex said, in its Presence I
could not control my emotions at all and was laughing and crying uncontrollably
in utter, utter bliss and love.
I first felt this caring when I was young and have been chasing after it all my life
now. Nothing on earth in the way of outer feeling can even come close to its range
of love. We call it love, here on earth but actually it is beyond mind and so beyond
description but once felt, for even a second, nothing else on earth seems worthy
of pursuit in comparison.
There's a passage from the Siddha Gita that sums it all up. It says: "The sum total
of all happiness that has ever been on earth is not equal to a single particle of the
unalloyed Bliss of the ONE."
I realize there doesn't seem much left on earth to be very joyous about but maybe
that is the whole point, in that we should think on and vibrate to the joy we find
inside of us in our heart and do it without over thinking about it and what is
appearing in the outer world. So let go of what we see and vibrate to what we are,
inside, in our heart, connected directly to the mutual field of the Bliss of the ONE,
as best we can, even if on earth it is trivial compared to the real thing.

(signed) XXXX

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February 5, 2015

Bodies and bodies

the most pervasive problem is a mass effect Stockholm syndrome in
which the spiritual intelligence is objectively held captive by its own
excessive identification with the dark side matrix
- from recent correspondence
concerning social inertial ballast

For those of increasing conscious spiritual capacity, choices are becoming clearer.
The main bifurcation is one of an entire existence based upon illusion, delusion,
and falsehood.
For those who achieve connection with the supramental consciousness, new
choices may become available. But without that level of Knowing, one is primarily
influenced by fears as well as uncertain beliefs and to some extent by the
physical and collective environments.
-//By virtue of having a human body on this earth in a 3d density within a fallen
creation there are certain factors to be conscious of in order to overcome or to
transcend them.
Fixation on the human body as a 3d bio-vehicle is one of those. Fixation on 3d
Earth, Nature, Gaia, or saving the planetary biosphere is another. Bodies
are bodies and consciousness at any scale that is overly identified with lower
density bodies in a fallen creation matrix is not a spiritually evolved
consciousness. Humans are not developed enough to join a planetary
consciousness. Even the planetary consciousness had to be completely changed.
Planet, human, etc. these are in effect lower density bodies and, along with
their adjacent vibrational levels, above and below, have been the venue for the
corruption and imprisonment of the Light of Creator of All. In due course, this
included those particles of Light and consciousness trapped in other matter

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forms on this Earth. (Queen of the Machine is my concluding summary of this,
written for inquiring human minds.)
I have always had a special fondness and appreciation for "nature" all my human
life and from my previous visits here the rocks, minerals, animals, plants, the
planet itself, etc.
However, having a fondness and a deep appreciation is not the same as being
fixated or attached to these objects of attention and reinforced through belief
For years I was very keen on the ecology/environment movement. Thoreau, and
many naturalist-philosophers were like "close kin" to me. Now the entire
planetary environment and its many ecosystems are dying rapidly due to myriad
causative factors, beyond mere pollution from human activity.
-//For many human-centric fragments of spiritual consciousness, detaching from
the self-centered human bio-animal vehicle to a spiritual non-physical Light
vehicle, was too great a leap. Thus for some, it would be natural to gravitate
toward Earth mother beliefs.
To those inured to human form, however hazardous the planetary environment
may be to their human form, it is something that is familiar to them. This is not
unlike one of the dynamics underlying domestic violence in which neither party is
willing to leave the situation.
In place of a high attractor, many found a lower attractor that reinforced or
reified their human existence and separation from Source. Low level attractors
were often expressed as back to the land movements, Earth first activism,
various mother nature worship cults, endless social political or environmental
causes, etc.
Some developed slavish beliefs and including notions that if you are a human on
earth you are therefore bound up in reincarnational cycles with the Earth, on an
on. They readily found modern and ancient religious doctrines that would
reinforce these erroneous beliefs.
Some wistfully imagined that if all goes nicely, there will be a new earth to live
upon and enjoy a new golden age, etc. Anthroposophists promoted the long cycle
view, so did others like Yukteswar rationalizing another century or two or a
millennia or two of humans on Earth. (None of them had a clue what this could
possibly entail, nor the inexcusable suffering this would involve.) Various
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channeled materials from unknown entities also reinforced this. One example
was channeled book in 1993 called Only Planet of Choice which presented
much of the modern new age channeling from (self-appointed) gods and
provided additional ideological basis to the falsehoods concerning ones existence
and reincarnation on earth as human.
What might have begun as an exploration of spiritual learning, turned into
variations of self-imprisonment that infected and affected the higher level matrix
to the human level aspect of a spiritual being.
-//For some, having something "greater" than themselves to connect or attach to
(such as planetary body and planetary level consciousness), served as a useful
bridge while they considered shifting from physical 3d embodiment to a higher
non-physical state.
But instead of serving as an interim support prop, it became an obsession or
fixation to save the planet, save the whales, save the oceans, etc. and those
caught up in a fallen existence were unable to move beyond this to see how the
situation was already far beyond any human capacity to change.
This was largely stimulated by a deep fear of annihilation given how much of
their human identity had become tied to a falsehood and a delusion.
-//The earth's 3d environment is rapidly failing due to a wide range of diverse
It is a "noble hubris" to presume to "fix the earth" heal the earth, etc. clean up
the environment, etc. and more so to presume any reincarnational
However, planetary scale processes can manage to clean things up rather
thoroughly. And a few whom I know (myself included) have recently viewed this
as something that is coming soon enough in ordinary human time sense. It
involves the entire planet core and more.
Some here on Earth now and some of those nearby will likely remain in some
capacity to observe the changes of this planetary 3d body and to assist others in
their transition some from 3d level and some from a higher plane.
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Over the years of promoting, testing, evaluating, etc. the potential for mass
spiritual awakening from the human level, we discovered indicators of the
potential for a very small fraction of humans to develop a new type of spiritual
being from the locus of human level sentiency.
There are those rare few humans who are linked to the new energy matrix that is
related to the descent of higher levels of consciousness and that connect with the
space between the atoms to alter the basic make up of their human physical and
light structures. They are a bridge between the old defective version and a new
type of spiritualized human, one that is born spiritualized.
While these intermediate new humans tend to be found more among youth, there
are those in their middle adult years with this capacity, and a rarer portion in
their older adult years.
And there are those who have learned to orient through their central core energy
and not require some intermediate stepping stone of planetary body, human
body, etc.
-//A new intermediate bridge species has already formed with whom the experiment
could and would be carried out in a creational zone that was not infected or
influenced by the Dark. This is now underway. It was also found in certain
exceptional cases, that the innate level of human self could be spiritualized and
thus there was potential to form a new type of entity, separate and independently
of its initial human form. And this too will be carried out in a space that is free
of the Dark forces.
-//What remains now is to complete the process of freeing what can be freed of the
Light and those entities of the Light that became trapped in the fallen worlds.
This is now underway.
A point in this entire process will be reached when it will be easier to delete the
fallen structures and fallen consciousness that cohere to the fallen levels with
little or no risk to structures based around the true Light. This also allows more
beings of the Light to play a more active role in their own liberation (self rescue)
and reconnection.
The spiritualization of the built-in human level of intelligence has been
demonstrated and those rare individuals of a new interim species are already
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departing this world. Some will be called to the new earth realm that is in
preparation in that interim new creational space we have discussed. Some will
depart for more remote new home ports.
New creational processes are already in the process of exploring how to do things
differently (that is spiritual growth and evolution) some with a little help from
the new creation matrix (baby) that we wrote of several years ago that was
carefully and properly separated out from its mother matrix.


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Postscript to Notes and Miscellaneous relating

to various group and other email
Critical Mass ?
Over the years there have some who projected that the critical mass of human
population needed for ascension would be xx billion and that some golden
age, etc. will occur. I wondered about this some decades ago when I first
encountered these memes. The first question of course was whether this was even
necessary and if so, what constitutes critical mass. The next question was of
course how this could come about and whether it would be possible at all.
Speaking as someone who had to deal with detailed demographic projections,
there is no way to estimate the current human population with meaningful
precision. Present global demographic projections are in the range of 6 to 8
billion. Future projections range wildly between half the present population (!) to
10 or 11 billion sometime around 2050. Does this mean we all have to wait until
2050? Well, if such new age-channeled notions were to be taken seriously, one
make a case that no one needs to know or learn anything (just like most new age
teachers and channellers) and everyone should engage in a global breeding
program to increase the potential for a mass ascension! Well, of course this is
absurd. (There are also projections which show an enormous decline in the
human population through 2050.)
Spiritual awakening and ascension has never been about numbers or ratios. It is
about the quality and depth of the evolution of spiritual consciousness at what
levels of existence it may be focused. Much has been achieved in this regard to
complete the needed learning at Creator of All levels.
-//Human intellect as dark side installation ?
Suggestions that the human intellect is of the dark side is a bizarre generalization
that entangles and confounds many concepts. Of course the human bio-vehicle is
a defective and distorted animal version of that was condensed and engineered by
various elements of the dark side, over a long period on this Earth. And so how is
one to operate under such notions that your mind the one that is needed to
process spiritual learning is a dark side installation? And so what is there to
focus the consciousness of the spiritual being at the human level? Is this a new
rationalization to declare internal war between the guest (spiritual aspect) and
host (human level of sentiency)?
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And what of those teachers who were not in service to the Dark? those who
used and trained their human intellect for higher service?
And what of the working with ones lower self to bring it along, bring it on board
to a higher existence for itself as a sentient energetic structure? (Completions,
detaching, high attractor and working with ones lower levels of self.
What matters is understanding the essence of of existence your own existence.
When you have enough of your own core axis oriented in a meaningful way, then
some of these influences from the larger cosmic environment take on real
-//Dopplegangers ?
What is this supposed to be about? The recent quote from a Steiner lecture on
doubles is confusing on many fronts. First is the use of the term
doppleganger. This term mainly refers to the projection of a double that may
appear as if solid to others and which can independently operate to a limited
In the Steiner quote, there is the oblique reference in his context to the
mimicking by the Dark of certain structures of the higher Creation. This does
have some relevance, but more so in the context of the nature and bodies as
manifest on 3d Earth within a zone dominated by the Dark.
This aspect of the Dark not so much an infiltrator to the unconscious, as per the
Steiner quote, rather it is innate to the very machinery of the body, of nature, of
all that the Dark has had a hand in making into lower density.
Early gnostics were aware of this, as was one of Steiners earlier past life
embodiments. I too am aware of it and discussed this in the context of Queen of
the Machine
This situation is partly the basis for many forms of alien or dark side intelligences
exploiting a back door to access the structures and awareness of various types
of beings.
As I wrote previously, There is a machine consciousness at the cellular level and
those levels that coordinate/organize the machine levels, there is the self-sentient
consciousness of the overall body, and there is the spiritual consciousness.
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(Readers may want to refer to Queen of the Machine, one of the concluding
essays from 2013.)
-//I find it more useful to consider that the Dark side creator beings prematurely
separated out of the matrix of Creator of All. They had just enough of the creator
capacities and just enough of the knowledge of the structures of creation of
Creator of All --but they lacked the Original Intent motivating the Divine
processes. And they certainly lacked connection to that which initiated Creator of
All in the first place. Thus the Dark creator beings did their best to copy, mimic,
or replicate what they could with their partial knowledge. (As the expression
goes, "a little knowledge can be dangerous")
This is how it is that the levels of creation under the control of the Dark side came
to resemble so much of the non-fallen realm and this is the basis for those who
like to describe the fallen Dark side creation as a mirror or inverted version of the
higher creation.
This is also how it is that human fondness of naming things confuses and
confounds names that are very similar in "sound". Two different Ashura like
names for higher god beings, during one era on earth they are black and white,
one given attributes of "good", the other "bad". The name of a presumed
archangel might refer to a dark side entity or one that originates with the nonfallen realm. In a later era it is white and black, and each name is given opposite

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February 6, 2015
"...the most pervasive problem is a mass effect Stockholm syndrome in
which spiritual intelligences are objectively held captive by their own
excessive identification with the dark side matrix..."

Social Inertial Ballast Redux


Questions and comments concerning Social Inertial Ballast (abbreviated SIB):

You touched on the subject of inertial ballast - it raised a question which I had
been meaning to ask long ago. can you please help me get this straight?
How does one discern rightly that an inertial ballast in a society, community or
group is actually inertial ballast?
Social Inertial Ballast (SIB) types will dissipate or waste group/collective energies
--sometimes to feed off that illusion of influence/power it gives these types,
otherwise it is a category of humans who relish their own stupidity and ignorance
and try to drag everyone down to their level. One may present endless cogent
arguments or teachings, but these individuals may pretend to agree, or more
likely will obstinately keep repeating their remarks with very little basis provided
beyond superficialities, innuendo or variations on social control memes.
The existence of this social type is something that those in positions of social or
political power have exploited with increasing efficiency over the centuries.
This letter is also an update to this topic from the earlier IOOW2000 research
- http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Social%20Inertial%20Ballast.pdf.
The research disclosed two distinct tendencies that we coined Social Inertial
Ballast, a category which comprised a little over 20% of the total adult
population circa year 2000.

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(Please bear in mind that the IOOW2000 and ANA presentations were
necessarily limited to findings and their interpretation from the data acquired.)
-//Fifteen years after the research work, I would now broaden the social inertial
ballast category to include measurement of behaviors by those who generally
waste everyones time and energy on matters that are largely misdirection and
distractions over false dichotomies that make up the larger framework of social
control memes. Part of their dynamic is stimulated by the unconscious energy
parasitism of humans amongst themselves.
One example not in the research, would be group situations where the nave and
deluded insists upon 100% agreement or full consensus, a dynamic that retards
the advancement or evolution of individuals or the groups. This is related to new
age notions that everyone must be rescued and saved, in short leading people
into a situation where it is nobler for all to perish, than for one or a few to learn
from the situation and rise above it and perhaps help those at a lower state
escape their predicament. Converse to this would be survivor guilt or
Stockholm syndrome.
While the 8 American Types actually identified the main social control memes,
we deliberately did not describe in that manner in public write-ups. This allowed
us at the time to concentrate on the main point of the multiple typological
analyses: to identify ways of bridging existing social control memes thereby
neutralizing some of its paralytic and negative effects. It was all a facet of the
larger work of testing ways to promote large scale spiritual awakening. And we
succeeded in identifying this summarized in the CSS paper that is also at
pfcn.net. But we also found it was far too late in the game to pursue such
things, although we did manage to test this along with bridge concepts for a new
type of leadership and social movement.
-//In spiritual and new age circles there are those who tend toward doctrines and
simplistic superficial notions because they do not need to think and discern and
learn for themselves and they can always waste everyones energy.
There are those who were involved with the NES forums who spent time studying
with our material, but their outward expression is one one of morose negativity
without content. This alone can drag everyone down even if no one challenges
their behavior.

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Another example we have had to contend with are those who always out
shopping the malls for social causes, the latest fad or brand in the spirituality
marketplace, the latest miracle cure, and are only too willing to waste my time
asking for us to analyse these and spoon feed it to them because they are lack the
capacity and will to think for themselves.
-//Seeking unity around some mythical "lowest common denominator" is an
example of a social control meme that is still an active dynamic, taught and
encouraged to young and old alike.
-//Whether the context is workplace or social, there is very often the stereotypical
loudmouth who shows up for gatherings, and with their loudly opinionated
ignorance, suppresses any type of marginally intelligent discourse that might
-//In the human collective sphere, there are many false dichotomies that are used to
misdirect and dissipate everyones energy who engages these dynamics. This is
obvious via various internet forum sites, as well as with news polls over political
candidates or false social issues that use deliberately skewed questions to
emphasize irrelevant or misdirecting points of view as part of a larger pattern of
social control engineering.
-//Social inertial ballast is not about any issues which are presented, rather it is
the essence of patterns present in human society, patterns of defective thought
and psycho-pathology that are readily exploited by those charged with social
control engineering and its micro-management.
It is not the content, but the essence of a dynamic which ties up enormous mental
and spiritual energy by misdirection and by fomenting conflict between false
beliefs. This usually serves to prevent any exploration of Real Truth.
-//I suspect that if we ran the research study again today, we would find new forms
of "opinionated abysmal ignorance" amongst the younger generations 18+ years
of age, constituting a third component to the SIB factor.

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As I wrote in one of the essays in this compilation: Perhaps the most pervasive
problem is a mass effect Stockholm syndrome in which spiritual intelligences
are objectively held captive by their own excessive identification with the dark
side matrix by which they have defined their own existence and become selfidentified with. This of course includes their own human form and the sociallydefined bonds that reinforce a degraded state of existence.

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Follow-up Responses to E-mails

February 28, 2015

Human selfs do not have true free will until they choose otherwise, until they
begin to choose spiritual awakening, and begin to gain in measures or leaps, an
increasing capacity to choose from their spiritual nature this is the true free will.
This process includes the problem of thinking or existing as if one is a human
rather than as a spiritual entity first and foremost.
As long as one defines oneself as human-identified-human, then awakened
spiritual consciousness remains elusive.
-//I have never advocated the school of hard knocks to rationalize the human
condition, as readers know. That said, to some limited extent, a sharp enough
contrast can impel some to begin rejecting that which is false or wrong and thus
can help develop an initial impetus toward the Light but only up to a point.
Sooner than later, one must attend to their higher attractor, their true spiritual
self and one's highest point of origin.
-//The majority of those beings who are wearing a human presence on this planet
will most likely be taking a ride on this planet. The zone of greatest difficulty will
be that area of constriction between the old and new interim space, as shown in
my simple diagram on page 8.
Some are already practicing at this, some will have help, some are already
sending portions of themselves through to "test the waters", etc.
Those who have not done their work, and who maintain that white knuckle grip
on delusions and illusions of the human 3d projection, will find that they will be
cleaned and cleared of most of the dross and agglomerations that occurred upon
their entry into this density and through their movement through this density as
as in a human existence. Some will find being cleaned and unburdened a great
relief. Some will find it appalling and shocking to be stripped of all that they have
become so habituated to and which has reinforced their state of apparent
nescience, sleep and ignorance of their true nature. And as much help will be
made available as possible to assist those in greatest need through this process.
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Those who cling to human form and their human identity of course desire a
ship or whatever to rescue them and to accommodate them in keeping their
baggage of false beliefs and trappings from human existence that they hold to.
Not going to happen.
-//Unless it is from a higher knowing and thus higher choosing (and it might be for
some) there is no intrinsic need to let the human level of "mind" consciousness
"die" in favor of "heart".
It is a false dichotomy. These are not mutually exclusive. Never were meant to be.
Some are combining the best of both and dissolving the respective weaknesses of
each facet of one's lower level of being.
One of the approaches to this is engagement with higher levels of one's being
than one's soul level. This can provide some of higher unity context for the
process of correcting and upgrading and eventual changes to one's aspects, etc.
-//Over the years I have tried to explain that one of the most important acts of
spiritual service is for the individual spiritual self that is associated as you who
are reading this, to focus on your own reconnection of your own localized higher
collective spiritual self and to your highest attractor your highest point of
individuation from your Source Creator.
To paraphrase from gnostic material (circa 150AD and later): that spiritual gnosis
at the level of the human self is on the other end of a continuum that began with
early pre-cosmic (creation) naivet and nescience. Moreover that the more
comprehensive the gnosis (spiritual higher learning) achieved by the self, the
better the errors and flaws in the creation process can be understood and the
more this understanding can permeate The All and the more rapidly all that
developed from the Error can be dissolved. It will be as if it (the Error) had never
been. This higher knowing also becomes imbedded in the ground of being and
thus also works at subtle levels while being more accessible to all.
-//What is it that wishes to be saved? Spiritual individuations that remain
confused as to whether they are humans or spiritual beings?
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If it is the human illusions and all the dross of this reality that one clings to, then
it will be made gone.
What is destroyed and dissolved is the agglomeration of dross and that of a
corrupted nature that so many became accustomed to as "normal" or "nature",
etc. while operating in fallen 3d density.
In short, your true nature is what which will be brought forth, that which is
buried inside will be the outer, what formerly was the outer will be gone, like
shedding unneeded clothing and ballast.
Each individuated self has their own decisions. As one makes choices as a
spiritual being while with human form, there is a growing capacity for choosing
out of free will. As one waits passively, maintaining ones relationships in a
defective and increasingly deranged existence, then one will have to wait as
"passenger" on spaceship Earth as everything moves through a massive alteration
process to reveal or release what there is of the true Light.
I ask those with the ability and capacity, to help those who ask for help, in
assisting them to test the waters of the zone of transformation. It is designed to
filter out what does not belong in the new vibrational state.
Let your Light shine!

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March 5, 2015

The personality selfs lament - Whats in it for me?

When I started to write this piece I was thinking about people who are
sometimes offered awesome spiritual learning and development yet do
not take it. [such] dynamics stop or slow down a persons spiritual
Some definitions that will help in the reading:
Ego self: It is what came with the physical body. It is the process by which
the physical body functions. Without the ego self the physical body would
cease to exist. Saying this, how can it have an effect on the self or personality
self? It is complicated, the ego self and the personality self have been in
constant conflict and in constant alignment of purpose for so long that it is
very difficult to see and understand the differences. It is much easier to see
the similarities so strongly that the identification of each takes a will and an
effort to separate the two.
Personality self: The personality self is similar to the ego self. The
difference is that the personality self follows the person when the physical
body dies. The ego self ends when the physical body ends. Saying this, why
are they so similar? The personality self enters the physical body very early in
its development. As it connects with the physical body it affects the ego self
and its growth just as the ego self begins to affect the personality self. This is
so strong that, by the time the persons self fully enters the physical body at
about the age of seven, the ego self and the personality self are so closely
intertwined that there is little difference between the two.
The personality self is also affected by the conditions that the soul self set up
before embodying. It gives the personality self certain guidelines for
development before entering the physical body. The personality self then
tries to bring this personality forth. It is hampered by the ego self (physical)
and by the condition in which it finds itself. These include the family unit to
which it is born as well as the physical environment it is born into.

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Soul self: The eternal, the part of the self that is always learning but is in
contact with its divine blueprint and its mission wherever it finds itself. It is
this self that is always watching. It sees what is happening to and with the ego
self and the personality self without the action or reaction of judgment. It
knows that the ego self and personality self are just temporary. It knows that
they are just tools that assist with the greater souls growth and development.
So, it watches and learns from the experiences of the other selves without
judgment of good or bad, just an awareness of the growth process that the
other two selves provide.
-//When I started to write this piece, I was thinking about people who are
sometimes offered awesome spiritual learning and development yet do not take
it. Some writings from others reminded me that it is not only about that. It is also
about the egos propensity to take credit for actions taken or words spoken by the
person. These two dynamics act to stop or slow down a persons spiritual
development and allow the ego to stay in control.
When talking about spiritual learning I am mostly, but not exclusively, talking
about practices that have the ability to enhance the persons connection and
interaction with their higher spiritual self. Usually when a person is offered the
opportunity for this type of spiritual development the person will take time to
evaluate it and think about it. It is during this time that the ego self begins its
work of trying to maintain its position as the one in control of the personality self.
It begins to throw up doubts and insecurities about the process and the persons
ability to benefit from the practice.
These roadblocks continue until the person drops the idea of the new practice,
either through clouding the issue or postponing the decision long enough for the
ego self to side track the person into something more immediately satisfying.
The ego self is looking at and looking for things that can enhance the physical
bodys experience here. This does not mean that it is looking for things to make
the physical body stronger. It is looking for stimuli that are pleasurable to the
physical. For some this is exercise, for others it may be the spiral into addictions.
Usually these distractions are things that reinforce notions that the ego self is the
only self or the most important self.
The personality self is looking at things that are stimulating to it or that have
immediate benefit. It is often looking for things from which it can see the results
of immediately. In this it is like a child saying, When are we going to get there?
This is true for a child wanting to arrive at a pleasurable destination and having a
hard time waiting for the anticipated stimulation to begin but it is also true of the
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ego when it sees something it wants. It wants to have it immediately or to be able
to achieve it with minimal time or effort on its part. If something is going to take
a longer stretch of time to accomplish or if it is going to take a great deal of effort
to get the results it wants then the ego will begin putting up roadblocks to prevent
the personality from starting or following through with the action.
It is often a wonder that the human self is able to walk between the two selves
and their addictions to stimuli and maintain a working physical body and
environment. This is often because of the strong programming that goes into the
personality self before its embodiment. When the programming from the spirit
self is strong enough the physical body can overcome the programming that is the
result of the environment of living on the earth.
-//The writing above is just to prompt you to think about why you are not doing
things or following practices that you know or feel would be good for you and
your spiritual connection to you greater spirit self. Is it in fact that you know that
the practice or action is not for you or is it that the ego self or personality self
has convinced you that it is not true? In other words, who is in control, your ego
self, your personality self or your divine (greater) self?
-//The second thing that I wanted to bring up is the practice of the ego self or
personality self to take credit for things you do, write or say.
Sometimes we are prompted into actions like writing, speaking specific things or
doing some action or activity by our greater spiritual selves or by those greater
spiritual selves working with us.
And sometimes or even oftentimes, the ego may be responsible for what you do
or say.
After this takes place it is not unusual for the ego self or personality self to try to
take responsibility for these actions. If it cannot take responsibility it will try to
direct the personality to bask in the glory if it is positive or to humiliate the
personality if it reflects badly. By doing this it is able to maintain its position with
regard to the personality self. It can cause the person to doubt the reason they did
something by trying to make it believe that the action was from the ego and not
motivated by spirit. It does not matter to the ego self if the person rails against
the ego, it only concern is its dominance in the personality either as a positive
force or negative force.

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So, what do you do if you do something that you feel is/was prompted by greater
spirit and the ego begins basking in the positive results or wallowing in the
negative outcomes?
There is no panacea that will work for everyone. This is because everyone is
different and each incidence is different. Often it takes the form of forgiveness
work, forgiving the other person or the situation as well as forgiving the personal
self. Sometimes it can be as simple as taking back the power or energy invested in
the person or situation and releasing anything of the person or the situation that
you have picked up. And sometimes you just need to back up and look at it
impartially while asking: did this benefit others or did it benefit just me?. This
often gives the insight necessary to allow you to release the ego connection to the
event. Eventually it may be understood that perhaps there really is nothing to
Another practice that can be helpful is one that is often called the watcher by
many teachings. There are other names used by some disciplines but they have
one thing in common. It is moving into the space where the soul self is watching
without judgment. It is watching the processes that the ego self and the
personality put themselves through in all environments and learning from the
experiences of each. When you learn this technique you may find yourself
watching what the personality and ego are doing and making observations or
comments about the process.
Some simple examples of this might be: Looking at the selves when they are in a
very low emotional process and saying look at me, I am really wallowing in selfpity? or isnt that interesting, I am allowing myself to get mad over such a small
thing? Whatever the process, it watches without judgment of good or bad, it
knows that all is growth and all of the experiences help with the development of
the greater self.
There is quite a bit already written about this process so I will not go into it here.
If you are interested you can do your own search and find the technique that
works best for you.
-//The above writing might make it sound like the ego self or even the personality
self is not a good thing and should be gotten rid of. There are a number of
teachings that emphasize the importance of getting rid of the ego. This is not
what I am emphasizing here. The ego self and the personality self are very
important to the process of the growth of the greater soul. They are the vehicles
through which the soul self experiences growth though the embodiment process.

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Without these the experiences of the physical body could not be conveyed to the
greater soul self. Even more, the physical could not exist without these in place.
It is not about the importance of each of the selves. They all have their place in
the growth and development of the greater soul self. It is about who is in charge.
It is a question that would be good to ask yourself, not just for your lifetime but in
each major action or decision that you make.
I mentioned the watcher exercise as a good practice. There are many things that
you can do to help this. I have written about the crystal body exercises. These are
very good exercises to help with this and the souls growth. Alex has also
mentioned a number of things that you can do in his writings. The high attractor
is one that is extremely beneficial if one will practice it. If you read or search his
writings on the forum or at pfcn.net you will find more on this.
Thank you.
-John Crawford

In exchanging drafts for review, we found we were both working on our
respective comments about the same time and were pleased to see how they fit
Alex follows

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March 6, 2015

Your energy body, your true nature, and a little spiritual

For roughly twenty-five years, I have experimented with unifying our local energy
fields as well as connecting them with much higher level fields.
Sometimes this involves a descension from on high that catalyzes a cascadeeffect involving human levels and the local greater being. Sometimes this may
appear to enter through ones central column, sometimes through one or more of
ones primary energy centers. It seems to vary according to ones relative state of
readiness, receptivity or genuine need.
Today, we have the benefit of the corrections energies and greater access to our
own highest origins.
-//As one attends more and more to ones True Being, for some, the initial focal
point for an energy fusion-ignition event might be between 2nd and 3rd chakra
spaces. Sometimes it involves the 3rd and 4th chakra regions as well as any
correspondence they have with your larger subtle body fields. Sometimes these
unified field effects can come upon you suddenly and may even involve all the
lower energy centers.
Any subjective human-belief systems as to the relative merits or values of
ones energy centers must be totally set aside, just like one must dispense with
foolish notions about what constitutes "correct" colors or shapes one's auric
fields are "supposed to be", or notions of upper-lower as superior-inferior,
The appearance to your higher or inner seeing or to your general body
awareness can and does vary for each individual.
The main thing is to be aware and be not afraid.

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Most of all, learn to simply be with these changes, observing and simply being
with these energies. There are inward effects that can express themselves
outwardly. There is also your own column of light practice looking upward
through it and attracting more of a descension of the higher energies into your
local state. And as you seek to unify or integrate lower bodies, ask for your own
highest light to descend more through your central columns to assist you with
These subtle fields of Light comprise your True Body and they are related to your
energy vehicle for ascension. It is your own spiritual consciousness and energies.
Maybe, you may find yourself creating in effect a new light body at another level
beyond the fallen state like building a second home to move to when it is time
to evacuate your old home.
Some may find they have "grown" multiple "launch vehicles" within themselves,
the appearance of which are preparatory to the ascension process. Some may find
they have a single unified field. Some may find there are precursors such as the
effects on their inner awareness of an intense light emanating from some point of
infiniteness, of limitlessness, emanating from within. Familiar inner and outer
energy structures may become temporarily or permanently superceded.
There is no way to catalog these things, I only remind everyone of a few examples
that have already been discussed in earlier essays.
-//A Little Spiritual Psychology for Ascension
As it is with our subtle fields, the human level of being as well has a lower, higher
and middle zones.
With regard to ones human state of being, what is the self?
The lower level of human self is comprised of the inconscient levels and the
built-in resident firmware for self-awareness, usually referred to as the ego-self
The inconscient level is also closely connected to the mind of the cells and the
spaces between the atoms. As such it is also potentially more connected to the
Divine than the middle range of self. And so it is that at times, the lower level
(inconscient) of ones human state may have a more direct connection to ones
higher levels as well, effectively bypassing the natterings between personalityself and ego-self. (This is analogous to the higher level (spiritualized) personality-

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self going direct and bypassing the soul-being self when/if necessary to
connect to higher origins in order to gain the needed energy and to clear a path to
I would add that the ego-self could be the closest rational interface between
higher level of personal-self and inconscient that is, until ones higher mind
reaches the cellular or sub-atomic levels and transcends the limitations of the
resident ego-self.
The upper range of the human-self is comprised of the personality-self and the
higher self/s.
A middle range exists to the extent that it is embraced and energized by the
relationship between the personality-self (personality) and the ego-self.
In rare instances, the ego-self can become spiritualized and may form the seed for
a new type of spiritual being. This occurs usually due to a state of relative
completion and detaching from the non-Real and with connection to a relatively
strong high attractor that is beyond the human or fallen dimensions of existence.
This rare and new phenomena is the birth of something which requires the
involvement of an evolved Soul or comparable higher level being with the protoconsciousness of matter in this case occurring through the interface of the
human bio-matter vehicle. (This is nothing to strive for, or fixate on it is not
operationable from the human level of awareness. I mention this only to help
you be more aware of some of the changes that are possible.)
This newness is possible largely due to the power of the corrections energies
accessing levels below 3d to energetically excite and clear the fallen matter
matrices. The corrections process has ancient origins with earlier attempts to
correct the corrupted human template using the Divine template, the christos
in the parlance of ancient Greek-speaking gnostics, who were referring to a
process that had been underway for many thousands of earth years. (This is the
basis for many saviour and redeemer stories and myths over the ages the
redemption of Fallen creation from the Error and the liberation of True Light
from the encrusted dross and imprisonments of the fallen matter state.)
I have also discussed many times that by attending to ones own completions,
detachings and high attractor, one finds increased state of quiet mind, amidst
all this excitement. This is not the same as quieting your mind which usually
foments more natterings and worse yet a dangerous internal conflict between
personality self and ego self, between heart and mind, or whatever the case.
Such internal conflicts can lead to spiritually unhealthy states and dangerous
schisms in ones being.
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On the other hand, one can find a powerful ally with the lower inconscient self
that frees up enormous energy that otherwise is negated through internal
conflicts or that is otherwise unavailable as a coherent stream dedicated to ones
ascension mode. With a genuine sense of completions, detachings, and high
attractor, this ally (already a part of yourself) will do everything to participate
toward a more unified process.
The lower self, with its more direct access to the energies that underlie the matter
matrix, can help you reach the spaces between the atoms and beyond. These
energies also have their own built-in mutual attraction with the highest levels of
being, far beyond anything of the Fallen states. One could make a case that this
constitutes a type of self-ascension or self-resurrection.
In effect this is an auto-didactic, self-referencing, self-guiding process at many
levels of meaning!

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The Dark Side, the Corrections, and then some

February 23, 2015


Prefatory note: It is only natural in this time of the finality that most spiritually
aware run their own last minute review of the big questions. This short exchange
touches on a few of these points. The essay Problems of Dissipation and
Individuation touches on many facets of this. The end story to Final Call
touches on additionally related points. -ASK

Part 1

(Some questions in response to these questions to encourage a deeper

examination as to the source and purpose of these questions.)
Is it the desire of the Demigod or of the Creator of All for us to exist in
the illusion of ego self in order to reconnect to source?
As a fragment of Divine consciousness, is this how you would want this to go?
Why? A corollary is why would Creator of All want to subject itself to endless
suffering and nescience? Why would Creator want to engender a new ground
(among humans for example) for a new form of the anti-creational dynamic of
the Dark Error? Does Creator imagine the Dark error to be its successor?
Does the moving about in this manifested existence of illusions
support lost souls reconnecting to source?
How would getting more of the totality of your myriad Selfs lost, drowned,
stuck, etc. help in the reconnection, rescue of those lost, stuck, drowning, or
Is this interim state coming from the Demigod to evolve itself or from
the Creator of all?
What gives you the idea that the demented god of the Error is interested in
evolving itself? Evolve itself into or toward what?

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What interim state does this question refer to? That of endless layers of illusion
and suffering and nescience piled upon one another? That is what the demigod
offers. Or are you referring to the interim creational space we have described
as coming from the higher corrections process?
How does greater contrast (conflict) or repulsion or dissipation and entropic
decay of the spiritual spark provide the energy needed to see clearly, to desire
something other than this (a fallen existence)? Might it not have the effect of
guaranteeing the total dissolution or destruction of the overwhelming majority
that lack the capacity to choose Creator of All when they encounter that ultimate
moment of choosing in the grand bifurcation that deChardin and I have
Is it the desire of the Creator of All for us to stay in this state of
illusion and connect to the Creator of All ?
Why? This suggests a passive approach of patiently waiting for what? This
connection is not occurring.
Without the capacity for choosing from a place of genuine (spiritually informed)
free will, is something else, perhaps the Divine ignition of all of this that
annihilates all that imprisons the Light? And what of all the individuations at
their respective vibrational states? Would this perhaps also suggest that there
is nothing more for those to contribute to the remaking of Creator and Creation,
and thus those that make in short order will be what exists as structured
consciousness and all else will returned to a primal state? (Imagine the
evaporation of all the oceans into water vapour or into space faring Hydrogen?
or is it the desire of the Demigod to connect to the Creator of All
and this desire filters down to us keeping us here?
Why would Creator of All leave all this (and you) in the hands of its own
demented prodigy? Where is the basis for this? (and from previous, what gives
you the idea that the demented god of the Error is interested in evolving itself?
Evolve itself into or toward what?)
The Design of Creator of All?
Concerning the necessity or deliberateness of the Dark forces as part of the
design of Creator of All to learn from the most extreme:
Steiner would say that this is the case and that the Christ (which he deliberately
confounds with the historical Jesus figure) is responsible (overseeing) both the
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Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences and that if you can make it through the next
several centuries or perhaps another millennium, then all will be well.
A more contemporary Steiner-like new age "theoretician" (Spangler) says nearly
as much and more, asking all to bow before Lucifer and all that it represents -and for humans to accept the burden of responsibility for the development or
maintenance of evil and a "dark side". It is all from the humans, he says.
Both are part of the legacy of promoting Dark side conflictual polarity as nearly
all New Age tendencies.
Some spiritual teachers obscure (deliberately) by saying this is all part of some
grand plan by Creator to teach itself and to train up its human-focused
elements, (and therefore embrace the Dark!)
Otherwise one can learn recognize the situation for what it is and learn from it
or buy in to the notion that it is all some deliberate grand plan by Creator that
one needs to accept and get on board with and thus maintain yourself in a
fallen state, as a human-identified-human while identifying further with a fallen
state as natural to oneself as a spiritual being.
As far as the process of enlightenment taking several hundred more years or a
millennium even this is what is taught by all those who slavishly presume all to
be subject to minor and grand astrological cycles as if these are also a part of
Creator of Alls grand plan.

Part 2
In addition to questions in response to these questions in Part 1, a short set of my
responses to these questions follows. Much of this has been discussed and reexamined in many ways over the years and I do not want to spend further energy
on this.
Design of Creator of All?
I ask again, why would this be the case? There never was (and is not now) any
desire (intention) by Creator of All for a situation (such as we find on 3d Earth)
to be set up as something of Its Intent. We are talking about the Dark Side, a
creational intelligence based upon predation, parasitism, and falsehood one that
set itself against Creator of All and had designs to overtake The All and drain it of

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The main argument I have encountered with regard to this was that this life
was designed for humans as a school of hard knocks, complete with hidden fine
print concerning karma, reincarnation, spiritual amnesia, and all the rest of that
rot. An alternate argument has been that soul beings coming into density was
part of an earlier correction process. This notion persists to this day. But there
was no way to anticipate the ballasting and encrusting effects of descent into this
density. And the beings kept on sinking into the depths of matter.
I have observed at many levels, a small fraction of spiritual beings who have
attained a high enough level of spiritual learning and of them, a portion of those
were prepared to apply this learning to help in the remaking of Creation. That
said, the level of profound Caring that Creator was imbued with and developed
further in its own ways would not allow such a callous intention, nor its
deliberate expression. If so, this carries certain implications concerning those
that set in motion the birth and development of Creator of All. From my level of
knowing, I do not see this as possible for more reasons than I care to go into here
in writing.
Further, I am unaware that the demented (demigod) Dark side creator matrix
responsible for the FUBAR of the fallen sector presently has had any desire in
this regard (to the initial questions posed). It has only recently entered into a
deep process of contemplation of its own future existence. In principle, it must
first come clean, do a full self-examination and all its mea culpa
acknowledgements, etc. Second, it needs to reconcile the complexities of what
occurred on the part of its Originator and vice versa. Third, it needs to reconcile
its own responsibilities in terms of its thoughts and actions with those of its
Originator. Eventually, it might be possible for a reconciliation based upon the
remaking and rehabilitation of each. Possible, but I would say it is not likely.
Whether the Dark side creator god matrix is rehabilitated and accorded some
restored capacity with regard to Creatorship, remains to be seen. This decision
would need to wait for the next re-boot of the Creator of All once its current
process with those Monads that are joined to it is completed.
Alternately, the Dark side Error would need to appeal upon those forces from
outside of this Creation. If that be the case, it is not likely the Dark Error Creator
matrix would find any consideration for its continued existence. And what
whatever Light it has stolen will be retrieved to Creator of All and the Dark side
matrix would be dissolved into a realm of pre-existent potentials.
The only reason it has this particular opportunity to deeply consider its own
existence is because it is isolated by certain forces of Light and there is no
avoiding this now.
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The demented Dark side Creator created powerful subsidiary entities, each of
which had its own variations (deformed mutations) of the original Error as
derived from the original Error and as represented by the demigod or fallen
creator matrix. This is one of the reasons for apparently conflicting Dark side
powers. Some preferred chaos and conflict, others preferred a more voluntary
union of constituents. Regardless of the mixture of these approaches, the
existence of the Fallen Creation and Fallen Creators was based upon deception,
parasitism, and predation even upon its own kind. It attempted to copy (in a
defective and deformed way) what portions of the Creator of All creational
templates and intentions it had access to or had innate memory of.
It would have been more direct to delete all of the fallen creational structures
including those entities that persist in being self-identified with it. And this may
well be the concluding phase to the corrections process that is underway.
Creator of All does not have the capacity to sort out every individuated self that
was created throughout. And Creator is in a process of changing, getting reconfigured, and upgraded.
Consider here how Creator can oversee the complete reversal of a creational
system (fallen sector) that was a badly distorted copy of fragments of Itself?
The origination of the Fallen was not something that was intended by Creator and
something which could be addressed by existing consciousness of The All. If that
were the case this whole mess would have been corrected completely a long time
Like damaged human parents who raise damaged children, at some point
their children grow to start acting in some manner on their own and must
address their own internal dynamic and be accountable for their actions and not
play at innocence resting upon a broad generalization that they were made
wrong. To take this simple human-Earth analogy a little further, if the parents
deliberately set about creating children who would be super-menaces to the rest
of humanity and who cause great harm, might this not raise questions about the
state of their parents and their accountability/culpability as well as their
Turning this to the Creator, if this was Creators core or central intention a big if
then serious questions must be raised as to whether Creator of All would be
allowed to continue to exist and the question would turn to what of The All
could be salvaged. But then, I would say that this is not the case.

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Furthermore as it reflects upon those which created Creator of All, this raises
questions as to their state of being to play at super-god creators and raises
questions about the corrections energies, and the entire continuum of creational
This further leads to possible conclusion of total abysmal despair and spiritual
nihilism and the eventual self-deletion of all consciousness and existence or the
reinforcement of the Dark side fallen creation.
or is it the desire of the Demigod to connect to the Creator of All
and this desire filters down to us keeping us here?
Hmmm. If it is its "desire" (intention) this is news to me. (See story at end of
Final Call.) It may opt for this out of of its own state of impasse. This is what I
have discussed already in terms of the vast numbers of human level selfs that are
facing the imminence of their own "deconstruction" as the corrections processes
Put another way, those human selfs as well as their spiritual selfs still want
another ride on the "merry go round" of endless stimuli and energy
predation/parasitism --but they also know they are faced with a very real
ultimatum. They do not believe, they do not want reconnection, they want self
centeredness and self-individuation with unbridled freedom to spread the disease
as they wish. But they know that it is the final word. So they will likely capitulate
"in words" and say okay, we will go with Creator of All. Most or all will of course
be segregated (post-human) by virtue of their inherent deception and incoherent
vibrational state.
This is of course no different from the staunchly atheistic human who one day is
faced with a terrible life and resorts to pleading to (??) that if god exists, they will
recant their nescient atheism and ask for a deal that if god will make them good
as new, then they will evangelize for "God". It is far more likely that they will get a
response from the Dark side to grant them their wishes.
More importantly, there have been high level Dark beings that have surrendered,
even expressing profound remorse. While they may not be able to reverse what
they were a part of, it is still a great thing when this occurs. This is something I
mentioned some years ago.
-//The problem of the habituation of spiritual beings to a limited, highly constrained
human existence in 3d and the concurrent problems of dissipation, individuation
must be considered with regard to any of these questions. The effective spiritual
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disconnect and separation from any higher Oneness with continual amnesiac resets upon re-emergence into this deformed and malformed reality under the
control of demented and deranged entities interferes with higher spiritual
learning. What was initially a protective mechanism to allow for the greater
spiritual Self to probe 3d density, became an avenue for a spiritually pathological
condition of addiction to endless 3d stimuli, without very little if any spiritually
evolved learning accruing to the True Self. This condition included the imprinting
of human animal gender tendencies upon soul aspects further reinforcing the
fixation and addiction to human form by soul beings and other spiritual beings
with human presences.
One could regard this as a gradual dumbing down of spiritual beings just as
the expression of their human earthly projections has become increasingly
dumbed down.
For the High Spiritual Intelligence to perpetuate a situation of populating a
diseased reality with more and more of itself, could be compared to sending more
and more people to go live in a land that one knew was overrun by dangerous
gangs that carried a debilitating disease and that eventually would be obliterated.
Indeed, there is a line of reasoning, that follows along lines that spiritual beings
are immortal, their aspects can become damaged but those that have what it
takes will replace these with new and improved versions, etc. and that so many
spiritual beings want to be here now for the greatest show in all creation the
remaking of this sector, the remaking of density.
And yes, it is the greatest show but those assembled are ill-prepared and have
already suffered the erosive effects while they cycle in and out of the rat-mazelaboratory 3d merry-go-round wondering when the real finale is to come.
Thus evacuation is underway for those who no longer need to be here nor who
should be here, and the corrections process is being accelerated for those that
cling to 3d earthly density and other comparable states for their existence.
What emerges through the most intense portion of the corrections zone of the
new interim creation space that has been established will not simply be cleaned
of the dross and corruptions of the Fallen reality. Rather they will be restructured
as well. (A simple human analogy would be entering a car wash, but what
emerges has been totally taken apart and re-configured and may bear little
resemblance to what entered.)
Perhaps this is the only way to make new and upgrade those entities that
otherwise have not learned what is needed for their higher development. The
ride will become increasingly bumpy and rough to their earthly presences. The
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ablation of what no longer serves of their own aspects and alteration to their very
structure will be more than merely difficult at times. And not all will emerge
intact as far as their own higher awareness of their localized greater being.
Is this interim space (referring to the interim new creation space
that we have described and illustrated) coming from the Demigod
(Dark) to evolve itself?
And I have already explained these structures come from the Corrections
Energies as does the larger encapsulation that surrounds the entire Fallen
Has it been the desire or intention of the Dark to try to ascend
through the human vehicle, however this might be achievable?
A favorite plot in the SG-1 television and its associated Atlantis series!
One might say that those of the Dark forces have sought their own version of
"ascension" through the human vehicle hence they designed it the way they did
and a contributing factor to the fixation upon being human.
But to the extent this has been the case it was not to ascend to rejoin Creator of
All, rather it was to surpass and replace Creator of All.
Not going to happen.
Is Creator of All aware of suffering at these lower levels, such as
human 3d?
Yes. We have discussed this in earlier essays leading up to the corrections
process. The extraordinary upload of learning and impressions has contributed
to Creator developing its version of feelings to evolve its own learning. And
even before this contemporary period of changes, Creator has been aware of how
serious the problems have become. Some of what Creator has developed in terms
of feeling is direct result of the learning taking place at these low density levels.
You, we, are also feeling extensions to Creator once sufficient reconnection
through our own higher levels is made. The more you have to offer by way of
spiritual learning, the more you glorify (add to) Creator of All. I have written on
this topic before.

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Cosmic Error, Falsehood of the Divine

Feminine, and the Fallen Creation

February 23, 2015


Matrix late Middle English (in the sense 'womb'): from Latin,
'breeding female', later 'womb', from mater, matr- 'mother'. An
environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding
medium or structure

This condensed essay is an adjunct to previous discussions about The Dark
Forces, The Fall, Queen of the Machine, The Human Question, etc.
Additional note:
An excess of individuation and dissipation led to the disconnection of enormous
energies of the Light and what consciousness was structured within. This is a
focus of, Problems of Dissipation (November 2013) which forms important
background reading.
Link: http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Problems%20of%20Dissipation.pdf
-//Before delving into this loaded topic, it is important to state that the human
notions of feminine or masculine, mother or father, etc., have no place at
the level of Creator of All. These are concepts that have become distorted over the
ages, perhaps beginning with early spiritual teachers who turned to simple
human 3d earth level analogies to explain high states of consciousness that had
the capacity to form new structures that would allow for the manifest expression
of new individuations out of a state of Unity, of the Higher Oneness.
In other words, to create.
A dynamic process of cosmic creation became "genderized" to human thought
through attempts by early teachers to explain something that most human minds
could not fathom: How a spiritual being could create another or to create states

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of differentiation and vibrational density out of itself or seemingly out of
In the recent millennia, this cosmic principle was often referred to in the context
of stories about the Sophia which unfortunately became insinuated with various
religious fictions concerning Adam and Eve.
I would add here that Sophia, like many cosmic descriptors, operates at many
levels. One level can be fallen while the highest level is not. A rough analogy
would be the generalized soul body structure as described in the crystal body
material. Not all aspect levels operate in the same vibrational space, nor do they
all know what one another is experiencing or learning. Eventually all aspects
must connect into a coherent unified field as part of their collective evolutionary
Unfortunately, in whatever language, this genderized analogy for a Divine
process became like a modern sound bite for those with limited capacity for
genuine comprehension, and thus it was latched on to and embellished into
well-polished distortions over the ages.
Add to this the enormous drive by various dark force entities posing as gods and
guides to promote self-management of human society focused around
abundance of material surplus and a corresponding fertility culture to promote
more rapid replication of the humans which in turn of course reinforced the need
for more material surplus, etc. Along with this came an alternate version to
abundance take what is possible through many variations to raiding and
warfare. This of course suggested various defensive approaches to any
concentrated human population. And thus the basis for various levels of social
organization across the full spectrum that eventually gave rise to what humans
fondly revere as central to human achievement increasingly complex forms of
self-reinforcing imprisonment in a state of permanent 3d limitation.
I am of course referring to that social control meme known as civilization with
all its trappings throughout the ages.
-//It is difficult enough to deal with "the Human Question" and all the rest without
trying to dig and sort a way up through the muck and mire of human gender
issues that are closely bound up with the larger situation of spiritual
consciousness trapped in density.
It is far more meaningful and useful to take a higher level view first in order to
understand why the gender separation is an artifact of a fallen creation.
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-//At creator levels, there is the capacity to create, to individuate and to manifest
and at the highest level this involves the structuring of new individuations out of
what is essentially a unitary state. While this capacity is typically attributed only
to Creator of All, it is something that evolved spiritual beings have the potential
for. More often, there are those beings that could combine to form a new unities
from two or more.
To discerning readers, the notion of a soul being with multiple aspects, each with
their own multiple energy centers, etc. might be roughly suggestive of a
microcosm of this higher creational dynamic.
-//The Dark side adapted ways to imitate this dynamic of creation to facilitate a
process of replication at increasing levels of density that did not require the
Presence or involvement of spiritual consciousness. And so with increasing levels
of density, the role of spiritual consciousness disappeared, having been replaced
by the base machinery of the dark creation a focus of the essay Queen of the
Machine. In biology this was a primarily bio-chemical process that required no
spiritual consciousness. It was in the context of social-tribal systems that simple
self-centered influences played a secondary role to the bio-chemical impulses of
the machine matrix in order to replicate or reproduce.
Humans, being a little more complicated than gerbils, required additional social
and religious reinforcements to promote the levels of replication required of them
by their makers. Initially these included human mimicry and embellishments of
obvious animal behaviours of gender-courtship and maintenance of order within
their genetic family units.
And it was under the influence of the Dark side that all this was steered or guided
since it was the human vessel that was of primary interest for the trapping and
control over spiritual energy that was unavailable from the Dark side creator god
-//At the human level, throughout the ages, there was only a faint signal of the
original Creator impulse, heavily corrupted and woefully distorted, missing at the
human level was any sense of essential spiritual intent: To explore and to learn
and to evolve spiritual existence.

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Misguided and misdirected, humans bent all efforts to pursue a twisted and
degenerate existence focused around accumulation and replication through the
violent rendering of an already defective natural planetary environment. This
was discussed in the short essay, Making Things Ways of the New Creation
(December 2009) but very few readers understood its
implications. http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Making%20ThingsNew%20Creation.pdf

And this basic falsehood to human existence was reinforced in countless gross
and subtle ways collectively and individually through the ages to present day.
-//What has grotesquely been referred to as divine feminine is a misnomer that
arose from attempts to explain one in to two or other cosmic creational
concepts to simple human minds by spiritually enlightened teachers.
We can revisit a portion of the story here by referring to the creational dynamic
that developed a capacity to give structure to Light, an Image of Divine Thought.
This process itself was a marvelous learning experience for a young Creator being
that we refer to here as Creator of All.
Self-awareness and Self-knowing was also a new development for a young
Creator being. Self-awareness permeated much of its early matrix and became a
basis for its eventual individuations that in turn had capacity to further
At primal levels in its development, Creator had also been imbued by its
Originator with the impulses to be self-referencing, auto-didactic, and selfcorrecting.
As long as the unified field of Creator of All had connection to its rapidly
expanding domain (The All) this extraordinary process would unfold in a
manner proportionate to the capacity of the higher fields of Oneness to provide
the needed connection to facilitate exploration, learning, evolutionary growth,
etc. A type of built-in limiter that operated at various higher levels of The All.
However, there was a moment in which that portion of the matrix (or body) of
Creator began to process a partially formed idea to form a companion Creator.
However it occurred, this was prematurely processed by that portion of Creator
that specializes in the structuring of Light and Thought in short to manifest.
This portion of the Creator was differentiated to structure Light from a process of
deliberation of creator-mind. It is quite possible that the risks of having the
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capacity by a young Creator to create another, a Companion to Itself, had not
been anticipated sufficiently by its Originator.
An innocent and innovative thought, but incomplete in its deliberations, this was
taken up by the structuring matrix itself and this led to the generation of an
incomplete new Creator matrix, one that lacked the full matrix that came from
the Originator of Creator.
Perhaps the structuring matrix of Creator Itself overly excited with this
innovative thought of its own sense of Individuation and it was this thoughtdynamic led to its trying to form a companion creator being without benefit of
full consideration of such a process through its own High Oneness.
Thus the structuring matrix (that came to be referred to by humans as the
highest level of origin of divine mother) remained with Creator, But what it
produced led to the formation of the Dark an incomplete, defective creation
matrix endowed with a large measure of the capacity to create. Once separated
from the Creator Matrix it began to populate its own creation void-space.
-//Had there been some additional internal failsafe for cross-checking, perhaps
these problems would not have occurred. The exact details of this problem have
long been under examination by forces outside of this creation as well as by that
portion of this creation that maintained a strong unified field of connection and
communication. It is one of the reasons that the Originator of Creator of All
found it necessary to probe the entirety of its domain, as well as that of the
breakaway Dark side for clues and insights to prevent such a problem from ever
occurring again and to assist Creator of All in its own correction and
evolutionary development.
What has been learned from this was of utmost importance in the completing of
Baby a new creation structure made through the matrix of Creator of All but
changed in ways to make it immune to making the kind of errors that occurred
through Creator of All. Its inoculated immunity also allows it to be of aid and
assistance to what could be a companion Creator.
It is considered that one of the challenges found from forming Creator of All
was that it did not have something co-equal complement to compare notes
with, only its primary internal differentiation had the capacity to structure
thought and light into manifestation. Later Monads were formed from it for
comparative reference and cross-checking.

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In the new creation matrix (Baby), there is a collection of creator entities that
together comprise a unitary state, but are also individuated in their own right as
creator beings. They cross-check and in effect consult with one another
-//The improperly conceived creator was in contact to a limited extent with the
Matrix which gave it form that which was given various feminine attributions
by spiritually aware humans and other beings attempting to explain their own
understanding of this.
Incomplete and lacking certain essentials, this new creator being began its own
process of exploring, learning, and creating but without benefit of connection to
its own originating from Creator and all which that confers and implies.
As it only had awareness of its own domain, and was imbued with a portion of
Creator of All, it naturally presumed itself to be The creator. Once it had
discovered through its contact with its originating matrix that it was not The
Creator, this set in motion an early cognitive dissonance that its child-like,
primitive consciousness could not resolve by itself.
This became part of the basis for its own internal schizoid behaviours that
humans came to refer to as Lucifer and Ahriman tendencies. Chaos and
oneness, back and forth, in an increasingly unstable and fundamentally
incoherent creation system we now refer to simply as the Fallen sector. This
fallen creation became populated by lesser beings also with conflicting agendas,
all distortions of distortions of a fallen creator being that was itself made in
-//There had not been sufficient learning developed and thus a distorted creator
was formed one that had not received sufficient attention in the process that
had the idea.
This incomplete creation matrix (the Dark Error) became prematurely separated
from its own creation matrix. Endowed with Creator capacities, but lacking the
benefit of what Originated with its Creator, this incomplete creator being
naturally had the impulse to create to mimic Creator in this regard. This
incomplete creator (Dark error) introduced distortions through its outpouring
of distorted copies and mimicry of what it was aware of from those memories it
had its first origin. Of great interest to our purposes here, this included the notion
of a human individuation as an expression and agency of Creator of All that it was
working on with regard to completing an important phase of its own
development something it had been imbued with by its Originator.
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Already deranged from the schism resulting from its first encounter with
cognitive dissonance, the Dark Error creator being, (the Error) was faced with
another reality that the human template it was tinkering with pre-existed its
own existence and even worse, was a superior expression of creation to it. (The
use of the term template is to distinguish the essence of the concept of a
human from the gross animal bio-form made by the the Error that spiritual
beings became so enamored with and trapped in.)
This provided a type of love-hate relationship with its attempts to refine a
suitable human vehicle, devoid of any interfering spiritual consciousness, that it
could imprint as it desired and that could serve as a vessel to trap and control
spiritual energy that is most desperately needed to continue in its own expansion.
I would note here that the Dark Error Creator, like its primary source out of
Creator of All, had an impulse to also learn of its own true origins and what lies
outside its domain. Its own internal conflicts however made this impossible and
its primary desire to feed off the Light energy (that it lacked from the moment of
its separation from the matrix of Creator of All) became paramount it needed to
feed and it would pursue any and all avenue to gain the energy it wanted.
-//As part of an early attempt at correcting the problem of the Dark Creator, the
Divine template of the human was introduced into the Dark side creating process.
This was met by confusion and hostility by the child-mind of the Dark.
From this, numerous variations of the Adam and Eve story came about. The rest
is of little importance, so I will not digress into this further. These are only stories
and riddles told by humans to humans, the original meaning of which was lost
ever so long ago.
As to the human template pre-existing the Dark -- and there was an attempt to
inject the Divine human through what the "Adam" represented --to sneak it in in
under the radar of the Dark. There was nothing there about male or female, etc.
That business was made up for human consumption later on.
I will say that the process of bringing in the divine human was played out at
many vibrational levels, not limited to 3d fairy tales. This fueled many variations
on the Adam Eve stories forever to be stirred up with notions whispered by dark
side agents to the nave and gullible, evermore obscuring the truth of a defective
and demented creator god and its comparably defective creations.

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This was reinforced through the original corrections process that persisted in
many ways for thousands of human Earth years. It was during the early 20th
century Earth that this became reinforced further with direct attempts to descend
the supramental (as it was called in the modern period) for purposes of
transforming all of the density of the Fallen and now.
Now in the 21st century, nearly a century later, we are seeing the effects of a new
corrections process that includes a level of support heretofore unavailable. I am
referring to those entities that enclose the fallen sector and others that have
formed interim new creation zones. There are now also more human agents
connecting with these corrections energies in various ways. We also have some
verifications of the success of various stages to this process which aims to release
the spiritual Light trapped in the Fallen reality and to re-make Creation and
Creator of All.
-//Imagine you are informed that you are a mistake, that you were made wrong,
and what you are creating is all made wrong an abomination in fact and that
something you imagine you created out of yourself but actually existed before you
and is in all ways superior to you.
And with this, imagine that you have an early adolescent attitude of arrogant
superiority complete with some major internal conflicts.
And thus it is easier to see how a creator being might have issues with its
parent (creation matrix) and issues with its human creations as well and
how it would be that this attitude would be projected into the mental awareness
of those humans with a capacity to receive such thought information. And so you
will instruct them as your offspring, badly made as they were, with information
and guidance based upon the consciousness of a demented creator god and its
subordinate demented entities that sought to obscure the truth of itself as a
Such is the start of humanity in this age.
-//As above, so below here among humans we can find examples of how this is
reflected. Worlds major religions teaching all the ways the female is inferior to
the male. Young men born into a wretched life of intergenerational conflict and
war. Their religions prohibit them from blaming their god for all this. The next
source for these troubles are their mothers who both brought them into the world
and who encourage them toward hatred armed fighting. And their religions not
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only preach inferiority of one gender over another, they also blame the female for
the troubles of humans. A deranged way of thinking and believing that originates
with a demented creator god and maintained by a demented and deranged
human society that continues to offer themselves to this demented creator god.
Worldwide feminist tendencies have linked the energy of countless humans
(male and female) into maintaining gender conflict (another facet of conflictual
duality of this realm) and in effect contributing toward deepening the social
control memes that imprison soul beings in false realities. The dynamic is not
much different than those who claim their religion's god is the right one over all
others. And much the same in essence over "fighting" over "war versus peace".
Due to the extreme depths of "nescience" at the human level, there are those
human selfs that became so immersed in the psychopathologies of "gender
issues" that will seek medical procedures to alter their physical body gender. This
usually involves intense cognitive dissonance stimulated by conflicts between the
human personality self (mind) and machinery of its bio-chemical matrix (body).
Occasionally there may have been an unplanned gender swap prior to the entry
of the spiritual aspect into its human host, further compounding an already
confused situation.
The question is not one of gender or gender issues, it is one of spiritual
consciousness trapped in a level of social-tribal animal existence that it is
unprepared for and was never intended for.
-//Just as souls and other spiritual beings became habituated to human 3d densitylevel existence, their horizons for the evolution of their own nature became
diminished, their expectations degraded to that of those running a demented and
fallen reality. This includes the presumptive error of the differentiation into
animal gender.
The erosive effects of a continual social-tribal animal existence, the tyranny of the
machinery of bio-chemical urges for consumption, predation, parasitism, and
replication, etc. have all had the most deleterious effects upon soul beings and
those seeking correction and redemption may ironically only find it through a
white-knuckle persistence in a deranged reality that is inexorably being moved
through an intensifying corrections process that will remake the ground of matter
as well as the light structures that their very conscious requires for the their
continued existence as spiritual beings.

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Follow-up comments:

Cosmic Error, Falsehood of the Divine

Feminine, and the Fallen Creation
February 27, 2015

From the essay Queen of the Machine (Aug 2013):

I use the term queen because it is very closely connected to the
manifestational power of so-called Cosmic Mother at all those subsidiary
levels which were involved in the conception of the Dark and the
manifestation of a fallen realm all the way down to humans on Earth and
Now consider the correction energies filtering out or untangling the Dark
from the original creation templates and imagine all those living creatures
in conscious revolt detaching from the machine which had in effect
governed them and their existence.
This is the revolt of the cells and at that point their innate and unrealized
Divine power can no longer be controlled by anything that is not of the
Divine consciousness. One of its potential effects is the remaking of lower
density and connecting it with the higher Oneness. This is related to the
remaking of creation.
Related to this passage, I would suggest a more detailed treatment than what was
included in the original essay. From recent private discussions:
We talk about freeing the Light from matter In the essay Queen of the
Machine there was reference to the revolt the revulsion by protoconsciousness to the grip of matter density upon it and its revolt against
This level of sentience has the potential to become spiritualized, once it's
sufficiently freed from the machinery of fallen matter, the matrix of the
body, the matrix of the rocks, when it had just enough, loosened up, like a
solvent. This is the mind of the cells.
I was looking upon a plane, an enormous terrestrial-like field, of everything
that could be considered animated a very strange assemblage of a bit of
Earth, early Earth, of other worlds, I don't know where.

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There had been enough of the correction energies to allow the protosentience of these beings, however simple it might be, to consciously
separate themselves, from the grip of the machine matrix that they had been
in effect imprisoned in. I can't say how many variations there were, it was
an extraordinary scene to behold.
That bond, that glue that had held them locked in, was loosened just
enough that they stood up out of these bodies, some looking like machines.
It represented the separation of the essence of Light consciousness from the
material matrix.
Like a fire spreading amongst nearly all of them, so it seemed.
In a moment, they turned upon what they had been contained in or trapped
in and in that moment commanded this extraordinary array of creatures
of all manner: STOP!
And they stopped in their tracks, it seemed as though some of them even
stopped in a position of bowing down to this newly found self-aware power
of this proto-consciousness.
So that is a little of the back story to that reference to the revolt in the essay
Queen of the Machine.
And this can help to explain more toward why it has taken so long to address
these processes. The caring desire of Creator of All and the Corrections Energies
for all of the Light has compelled it to find a way to free all that can be freed to
greatest extent possible.
-//The self-centeredness of the human-soul condition is a direct reflection of the
end-point problems of excess dissipation and individuation flaws or errors in this
Creation, a problem that also affected even the mother matrix that resides with
Creator of All.
The human-soul relationship has also been important, as it had been thought that
the human level of awareness had a greater capacity to act if it so choose to
focus from within to bring about more of a reconnection to higher levels and to
prepare its aspects and multitude of Selves for the larger changes. It was not until
the last several years that it was understood that the human level as well as its
soul level of localized greater being was overwhelmed with corrupt beliefs, an
addiction to 3d density stimuli, and excessive dissipation of its own levels of
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being. Worse yet, the human level of personality mind was susceptible to all
manner of thought games with itself to avoid paying attention to what was truly
The human level personal self has been in most cases chained to the dark side
matrix, constrained even more by the 4d astral, and worse yet continually
involved in maintaining its own imprisonment even when informed otherwise.
Human personal selfs who aspired toward spiritual existence were for the most
part internally and externally dissipated through endless distractions, fears, and
misdirection from within and from without.
A major question at the higher levels was whether there was any point to such a
massive and intricate undertaking that also required altering, replacing, etc. an
enormous range of intermediate spiritual beings. All that, to reach the lower
levels of density within a Fallen creation zone whose denizens were both held
captive and actively participated in maintaining their imprisonment. This
problem also applied to those at the human level that professed spiritual life
over the endless death in matter.
As far as earth-humans are concerned, a close examination of the situation
discovered something new the existence of a spiritualized human level of
consciousness that showed the potential to form a new type of spiritual being
perhaps the intermediate state between the animal human, laden with a virtual
ego-self and the expression of the Divine that could operate in densities
unavailable to higher spiritual intelligences.
This is the supramentalization of matter. Mirra had always made reference to
there being another realm of matterI would say another vibrational state that
had similar properties as familiar 3d density, but was of the Divine origin, not the
aberration of the Dark. She and Aurobindo (even after he left his body in 1950)
continued their working partnership from both sides of the veil.
This is one of the reasons why the levels of density such as 3d that we here on
Earth are seemingly familiar with, will not be immediately deleted from creation.
It was also overlaid and interpenetrated by a Creator of All and other forces to
form a new creation matrix (the one we have referred to as Baby) that has long
since separated itself away.
This was something far beyond the supramentalization of the fallen 3d matter
states, etc. It is where new earth exists.

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Consider one set of possibilities:
Simultaneously coordinated, this pocket of fallen creation space that contains
Earth and whatever else is transformed (cleaned) by the constriction zone
becomes an interface between the old and the interim vibrational space.
First comes the removal of all the Dark side controls and inhibitors, then the
implants and dark side intrusions, and then the removal of the accumulated
dross of belief systems and habits acquired during ones various sojourns through
the fallen sector and Earth 3d density.
Coordinated with further energetic heating (ignition) of the matrix of matter
and the atomic lattices that make up a false reality.
Those that are not in a state of trauma-shock over all this will begin to notice a
new reality. It will not be old earth, as many fancy a familiar 3d reality of a
suddenly pristine Nature (there is no such thing in the fallen sector) and
humans can carry on as they have been only now they can feel good about it.
There will be guides to assist in this new life in preparation for a new earth
and for a new level of existence, depending on the capacities and choices for each
This is one possibility.
We will not know until we see how well clearing and corrections space works in
handling such large complexity of a populated planet.

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The Gnostics

January 2015 updated February 25, 2015


The page one quote from Porphyry in this compilation is not to be taken as an
endorsement of his work, nor as an indication to study his writings. I include it
here because he is one of those who are identified with that early period of
spiritual teachings of the recent two to three millennia and because this one
quote stood out to me recently with regard to my previous lead-in concerning
Creator calling in all of Itself and apocastasis.
-//Over the years I have deliberately avoided reading various gnostic material,
partly because it was not necessary to my purposes and partly because I knew it
would become an enormous distraction and burden to what I needed to pay very
close attention to.
So it was for those days when my work would be done, I saved some of this
reading for when I would be free to simply contemplate this for myself. We are
now reflecting upon the insights and knowledge of the higher-level gnostic
teaching from 3000 to 2000 years ago. The extant material that is available is
from translators and teachers who lived nearly 2000 years ago. The
informational content they related precedes their work by centuries and
millennia. This would include Zoroaster (Zarathustra) centered in the regions of
Persia (modern day Iran). Preceding him by several thousand years would be preVedic teachings that went so far as to examine the details of matter density and
beyond, including the nature of the nuclear energies that are beyond ordinary
matter states.
One can spend years studying what is available as purportedly 2,000 year old
gnostic teaching without ever understanding much of anything. First of all,
there is no one unified set of gnostic-era content. There are several schools of
thought, some very much in conflict with one another. And much of the later
period material tends to degenerate into adjunct justifications for various
Christian and/or Jewish religio-mystical content.
For similar reasons as modern spiritually-focused readers have trouble
deciphering the symbolic language, hidden meanings, and obviously
contradictory content so did earlier translators.

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A Catch-22 situation presents itself with early gnostic material: if you do not
already know enough of spiritual cosmology, it nearly impossible to sort out
truth from that which is simply distorted or from that which is simply erroneous.
Thus if you do know, you can read some of this, sorting through the dross to
find some gems of insight.
Also it is important to be aware of changes which have occurred in the creational
structures since the early gnostic texts were recorded. Much more has changed in
terms of the Dark forces and the rescue of the Light from its own self-reinforcing,
Dark-side created prison. Thus it would be foolish to rely upon writing from
2000 years ago in understanding the present situation. This is why we have
prepared the material we have over the recent years.
Without understanding the symbolic nomenclature, one cannot understand the
points being discussed or the likely biases or limitations of each translator. The
nave reader can easily become distracted and mired by attempts at detailed
descriptions of the structures of creation. More confusion arises when there
seems to be contradictory remarks made about various levels of operation of
certain named cosmic entities, confusion that is compounded by lack of
specificity as to which vibrational state the teacher is referring to.
What little remains today has some remarkable concordances and parallels to
what we have offered over the years. And I have continued to appreciate the
difficulties involved in trying to convey information about creational level
processes to human minds that are mostly mired in 3d density.
-//Certain gnostic teachings explain that the lower density realms, especially the
lower matter worlds of earthly 3d were the result of a cosmic error, the result of
error and nave actions from the the highest levels of creation. Many of these
teachings also include all the lower heavens as part of this error and explain
something of the dynamics of their corruptions. A few teachings state that the
final correction is the withdrawal of all that is viable of the true Light, the
cessation of ordinary time, and even the collapsing in upon itself of Creator of All.
Many teachings stated that the fallen sector was the result of a deranged creator
being that was born in error and that it mimicked in a distorted way all that it
could from the uncorrupted higher realms. There are those teachings that discuss
the significance of the savior a supramental entity projected from the highest
levels of creator Creator and how more than once, multiples of these beings
projected themselves into the lower levels within the fallen regions to imbed
energetic corrections, even at the levels below that of ordinary matter.

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Much of the more recent writers claiming gnostic sources or authorities on
gnosticism, offer very little useful insight and more often are trying to reexplain various biblical or alien-ET contact stories and simply fail to comprehend
due to limitations of their own gnosis.
-//Some of the material extols 3d humankind, some decries it as an abomination.
Some extols nature, including that of 3d, some decries it as an abomination.
The structure and relationships of various facets of the highest levels of Creator
are described in conflicting terms.
While I would agree that the lower density in fallen creation is fundamentally
corrupt and made wrong, it was not until our contemporary period that this
question could be more completely evaluated relative to the redeeming or
correcting of lower density matter, especially the 3d human level.
-//Not surprisingly, the early gnostics used the term The All. Such expressions are
simple enough to survivor multiple translations. And since I too was informed of
its name by Itself, I would surmise that so were those early teachers who
assembled a composite pattern of the structures of Creation and the essence of
the Dark and the Error. One of the hallmarks of some of the gnostic-schools is
their analysis of cosmic-scale creational errors and how portions of creation were
made wrong or subsequently corrupted. In their examination of lower and
higher realms, there is found an understanding of the original template of
creation, the original intention and how it was manifest into corrupted copies
into lower density. It is also found in some writings how it is that lower density
and portions of creation were obliterated as part of previous attempts to effect a
lasting correction.
A few interesting points from a wide range of gnostic content that I found of
interest and which stood out:
#1 Human initiates taken to a higher plane still asked really dumb questions
of their teacher/s. It would be like going to the high creator realms and then
wondering what is for dinner or who will be president next year or asking
about matters totally irrelevant to ones state of being, like who is winning,
who is losing, in the higher realms as if it was a football team. Lights seem
on, no one is home.
#2 The material on cosmic origins says something very close to what we have
talked about and published: the Dark side high level god could only attempt
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to copy or mimic the structures and intentions of the genuine Creator planes.
And thus an inverted or mirror of the higher realms was created under Dark
side auspices. This of course is the framework for the fallen sector. It made its
own version of gods and lesser gods, archangels, etc. with similar or identical
linguistically structure labels as conveyed through human teachers. Will the
real [fill in the blank] step forward? Sounds like truth or consequences
game, only with severe repercussions.
#3 The original intention, the divine template for the human light structures
were copied and mimicked into 3d biology as well. The pre-existing light
body human was something all those involved in the miscreation chose to
deny or ignore.
#4 The matter realm of 3d humans and earth were all made wrong from the
#5 The savior was part of an uncorrupted version of the Divine human
template and a force working on behalf of Creator of All. Its origins were not
of 3d biology, rather its origins are with the highest realms of Light, and were
created to deal with the chaos and conflict that ensued from the formation of
the Dark Error. The religious notions of an historical savior personage were
deliberate distortions to conceal what was really the situation. In the modern
period, this was the descent of the supramental into lower matter to alter it
from the level of the sub-atomic.
The "savior" of the Original Light with a light structure resembling human
form has has tried more than once to correct the situation from the inside
out from within matter. The Adamic bio-form was one such attempt at
sneaking a correction into lower density in the fallen creation. Higher
beings that descended into density were for the most part hunted down and
their 3d level presences destroyed.
#6 Too many of the gnostic teachers through those texts fail to discuss or
acknowledge is that without the learning, the higher consciousness operating,
all attempts toward "the correction" can only fail at these levels,
etc. Ironically, their teachings were aimed at training up those who could
be capable facilitators and intermediaries for the cosmic correction as below
and as above. Very little evidence of this being successful was presented in
the discourses with the trainee students with their master. Yet clearly
someone was aware of enough of the cosmic reality otherwise these texts
could not have been written as they were.
#7 The extrication of all the true Light possible from the lower levels of the
fallen realms all that is possible is an essential imperative. This is closely
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related to the calling in of all that of the Light by Creator to prepare for the
remaking of Creation.
#8 All that of the Darkness was scheduled for the Abyss which they meant
to be non-existence. This could well include any souls or other beings, in the
final bifurcation, that do not make the transition.
#9 When all was said and done with regard to the cosmic corrections were
done, it would be as if it never happened. (Sound familiar?)
#10 It was also acknowledged that Prime Creator itself might withdraw
everything redeemable into itself and in effect collapse itself into a singularity
nothing was said about what happens after that. It is assumed that a new
creation would emanate from its core?
#11 The essence of the Error imbeds a fraction of itself within matter itself
in all forms of nature especially biology. Matter structure and Light must
be separated out and the planetary body returned to a primordial state. Much
of this fits very very closely with the Queen of the Machine material.
A few interesting parallels and non-coincidences have stood out in recent
readings and meditations. Some advanced teachings attributed to various schools
of pre-Christian, early gnostic-style teachings discuss the consolidation or
implosion of Creator preliminary to something new emerging, the ultimate
winding down of time itself as it relates to the remaking of creation, and more.
-//A rare few of the earlier gnostic school teachings included reference to a creator
level that was responsible to making Creator of All and that The All sought
connection and knowledge of this fore-father creator but could not for some
inexplicable reason. My encounters with The All with this was that it lacked the
energy to accomplish this and that part of the reason had to do with the massive
energy drain from the Dark side fallen creation. It was aware of this problem and
was regrouping to correct the problem with Creator of All. It was presumed
(incorrectly) that The All had been restored to a state of balance following the
debacle of the accidental creation of a Dark side creator.
That true knowledge is to be found within, refers to those spaces between the
atoms and beyond and through ones central core connecting with ones highest
level of origination of differentiation from ones own Creator Source.

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Evil as Merely an Outward Expression

December 27, 2014


A question has been made as to the meaning in this story of evil as an "outward
expression". (see link to A Story of New Beginnings
: http://newearthsummit.org/forum/index.php/topic,1522.msg6492.html#msg6492
(also included at the end of Final Call at www.pfcn.net).
Indeed it is an outward projection. Not a material or objective force, per se. Thus
it has zero effect, only affecting belief systems that construe it as if real and with
whatever "real" effects are associated with the projection.
In many ways it can be said there is not such things as "evil", only the distorted
expression and actions of thoughts forms and entities, arising out of various
levels of manifestation of high level creation errors or flaws.
Of course, numerous lower or smaller entities that are infected by this projection
take it up "as if real" and enhance it for themselves and act it out, and thus they
become that "evil" in outward and objective ways.
But with regard to the "high dark being" of this Story, it is the "High
Compassion" that gets past its "terrible visage" which it projects and it is this
High perspective that can address it directly, at its true center. And there it is
seen at its true state where there is no place for any human judgment.
The high level "anti-creator" force that we refer to as the Dark is essentially gone.
What remains are what it manifested and its derivatives and their expressions
all the way down to the lower levels.
But one does not need to engage these or be concerned with them. Just recognize
them and engage in prudent avoidance. Those who engage these things directly,
without benefit of genuine High Guidance and Support will quickly become that
which they so fervently imagine they oppose.
"All will be made new, and that which cannot be, will be made gone."

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Children and the Transformation

January 6, 2015

how this transformational time might affect young children and families as a
This topic engages with the entire ascension/transformation process and that of
life on this Earth and all which it entails. Ascension, in turn always touches upon
the fears and illusions and attachments which surround human notions of death
and dying. I suggest readers spend time with at least two of our concluding
essays: Ascension, Death and Transfiguration and The Human Question. (As
PDFs at www.pfcn.net ). Thus the question of children leaving their parents
behind or the parents leaving their children behind becomes intertwined with the
personal emotional, bio-chemical, and self-centered attachments between
parents and children.
It is a disservice that so many new age-ers (adults) willingly prostrate
themselves before false notions of crystal or indigo children. It is as if, out of
the mouths of babes, a young child says something at an early age about past
lives or something about god, etc. they are immediately placed upon a pedestal
to further satisfy delusions and emptiness of the adults. This is a manifestation of
the implanted human tendency to look to external authorities in myriad forms to
apply in myriad contexts. Some of these children are Dark side creatures that
are presumed to be "spiritual oracles" by foolish and blithe new age-ers who then
package books, interviews, and seminars to promote them.
I will also say that it is a presumptive error that imagine spiritual entities
choose their families and human life details before entering an infant or child.
For those that do make more specific arrangements, it is more a matter of
optimizing the potentials for spiritual growth or at least minimizing the
downside of human existence as best as possible. Some have a primary mission of
higher service, for some, it is their own development that is primary. In situations
of persistent multi-generational conflict and at times related to even more
ancient periods, there may be some karmic relationship, imposed or chosen,
regardless of its origination.
Then there are those children born with high consciousness into human families
which that rarely know what to do to support the evolution of such children, let

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alone help them to function in a mentally and energetically deranged world, led
and run by the most insane of humans.
Over the years, I managed to retain an intermittent connection with some of the
high consciousness children. I will say that they do not regard themselves as
children and they certainly do not regard themselves as humans. They are
spiritual beings first and foremost and they know this without pause.
Do the young people who are more spiritually aware know what they signed up
for through a human form? Generally NOT. Those that do, they generally can
speak of why they are here in these human forms.
To quote from an email received this January 2015 titled What of the Kids?:
Recently I have been talking about the subject with some friends and
the first thing that concerns them is always "But what about my
children?" All my friends I'm talking about here are people who
dedicate their life to their deepest spiritual wisdom
A friends 15 year old daughter said: If this world still functions this
way when I am 18, I don't want to be here anymore.)
And, who knows, maybe its the kids that will leave the parents
behind? Not having been here so long, and therefore being imprinted
less, may prove an advantage...
-//So many of those who are young people now, came to human embodiment
specifically to be in these changes as young people/children (and thus skip the
problem of decades of human physical life).
We are all spiritual beings under God and our own higher self. Biological age is
not relevant to our true state of spiritual being.
We all know of families in which there is enormous disparity in consciousness
between siblings or certain children and parents, or between parents even. Each
will be on their own journey and, depending on their higher connections with one
another, may find a higher level of connection than they were aware of from their
human self.
I see each as a unique being, not as an offspring of some family/parent/race/
country/belief/gene pool/etc. This is rarely the case.

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Consistent with this, some of us may meet on adjacent or converging paths, but
ultimately for each, it is a unique trajectory with unique experiences based upon
unique learning and unique intentions.
Those families who have a more common spiritual bond will have a different way
to approach these changes than those who only recognize their social-material or
genetic bonds.
-//What of the Kids?
There is no question that attachments in the human realm can be powerful,
especially involving those with ones significant other or with one's children.
As a practical matter, any spiritually aware parent with children should consider
what the plan is for their children in the event of unexpected personal
catastrophe. Yet very few parents consider this and fewer take actions. Thus it
remains in a realm of vague uncertainty with most, thus giving them further
cause to hold tightly to their attachment, the attachment often becoming the
primary object over the initial intentions and sentiments. There are countless
unexpected "what if" events that can befall nearly anyone in the human realm,
with rare exceptions of course. A plan is needed for one's children. And a backup
plan. With all concerned and trustworthy to be onboard with it. Such simple
preparations can free children and parents from a small measure of fear-based
Our children are not "ours" they do not belong to us. Not at any age where there
is a spiritual consciousness firmly in residence. They are their own person,
spiritually speaking. The biggest problem of course are the requirements in the
first decade or two during which human children are largely or entirely
dependent upon their parent/s for their material maintenance.
There is no parent (with rarest exceptions) who could honestly guarantee to their
child that they would never let anything seriously bad happen to them. (A
familiar line given in most drama stories to indicate caring.) It might be their
best intention of course, but it is simply not operationable, not even if they were
tied to one another 24/7.
-//Imagine a spiritually-oriented parent, offered ascension out of the earth 3d realm
out of their human body, leaving their bodily remains behind. Are they ready?

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They might get a short postponement. Maybe. What are their attachments to
their human existence? And what if their child encounters a similar opportunity?
My writings in recent years concerning the eschaton, a great bifurcation, the
existential catastrophic crisis, personal or cosmic are not exercises in literary
There are all those layers of attachments and distractions, etc., and once one has
penetrated them, there is the problem of identifying with one's human form and
the powerful influence of the collective sphere of human operation.
Likewise there is the problem of identifying with ones children through their
human form and their personality quirks and not as spiritual beings first and
foremost. This is very similar to people with their close animal companions.
They may appreciate the "spirit" of the animal, but they are still seeing and
interacting with the animal form and its personality quirks not with the spiritual
essence that is resident with the creature form.
Just so, the human adult will only see the child form and their projections (wellmeaning but usually misguided) for that child. And so they form attachments to
their projections as well as to the child human form and personality level. The
child also learns from the human sphere of existence to form projections for
themselves as well. As they move on in years, they become desirous of
manifesting these projections. There is the problem of identification with the
human form and its lower levels of self where we find countless excuses and
distractions. When it comes to the children, there is the projection from the
parent upon the children of various imagined "futures" for them, often crosslinked with their own projections for themselves.
The higher level of the spiritual intelligence with human form needs to be at the
forefront this is beyond the human resident mental intellect. This is the spiritual
essence. The human intellect is often a big obstacle often to its own projected or
presumed goals or desires.
-//Now then, I have been aware of some of the most exceptional of children already
in ascension mode, or already "gone" from their human form. Some I have met.
They are exceptional in every respect. They represent a very small fraction of one
percent of the human form that genuinely have the potential to evolve beyond
human form. I have met some of them, on earth and beyond the earthly plane.
They are wonderful. Simply wonderful.

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Recently, one of them had been a very spiritually awake adult who wanted to have
the experience of being one of those special children. He passed on and came into
the body of young girl. He knew that was to be the case and told me so. That was
years ago and it is now that I encounter something of his consciousness as an
extraordinary young girl who really had no interest in discussing her prior human
experience as that adult male whom I speak of. It was totally irrelevant to her.
-//Without intending to diminish the affection or caring between parent and child,
at the foundation of all this is the problem of presuming one is human that has
spiritual ideas and spiritual experiences rather that knowing one is a spiritual
being that has the use of the human body and human sentient self through which
to interact and learn at a low level of density.
-//Most humans are so focused on the illusions of materiality presented before
them and the rest of the trappings of human civilization they mistakenly
presume that their human personal ego-self is all there is to their existence, and
thus maintain their attention to the limitations of the human material and social
-from Ascension, Death, and Transfiguration

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Practices - One last time

Pulling yourself together

February 3, 2015

Concerning the subject and questions of practices: For various bizarre reasons
there are many (far too many) who have strange notions as to what constitutes a
practice. This reminds me of the puzzlement of modern new agers over the
Aurobindos use of the term yoga in referring to his own practices. Yoga
simple means spiritual practice. Just because there are some who believe that
learning to bend ones body into strange postures is somehow spiritual does not
mean it has anything to do with genuine spiritual Realization. Likewise, there
are far too many who, for whatever the reason, have come to expect an elaborate
workbook, syllabus, set of detailed instructions, postures, mantras, and all the
rest the more complicated the better.
In our writings over the years there have been many spiritual practices described.
And taken as a whole, this work has been my own yoga of service that also
includes something of my own inner yoga.
The practices we have presented over the years require inner attention and
intention to develop ones spiritual discernment and become increasingly autodidactic. It requires one one to consciously detach from all those ties that bind
and address their own inner completions and to engage their own higher
attractor. It is a very profound and very much essential practice for those focused
upon conscious ascension. Trust, caring, service in the context of higher oneness
is another example of a practice. This was described in only a few short pages,
easily summarized on one page and was both an inner and an outer practice.
practice. A very important one and always unique to each. Yet very few grasped
this, always asking for more detailed step by step, how-to recipes for success.
Occasionally there is need for detailed guidelines and instructions. And these
have also been given freely through the Crystal Body practices and related.
I have discussed one's internal process in various context in many essays over a
recent years. Your internal process involving your lower, middle and higher self
resembles dynamics found in your larger soul or higher body and vice versa.
At this point I have nothing more to say on the topic of practices. What is
covered herein and referred to above and in our other writings constitutes a very
complete set of practices. It is ones own choice whether to take advantage of
this, or pay for all those seminars and endless workshops that usually lead
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-//Some have asked to compile a list of Practices. There are not many. Fewer and
simpler is better to allow for focus on ones own process.
After I extracted the main essays from Global Awakening News, there was the AList and each A List update had its own Table of Contents. Now there is a master
TOC for them.
Most of this was for the A -List group and NES readers and it was their
responsibility to "pay attention".
The other PDF's are mainly single or paired essays around the theme described
by the title under the main categories at www.pfcn.net
TOC for A list Updates and Notes at end, Final call, etc.
The Final Call Appendix
Crystal Body items listed
Energizing your chakras or power body, etc.
Corrections Energies these are mostly covered in the Final Call Appendix
See end page for very short version
The write-ups on completions, detaching, detachment, higher attractor
One example here (I have written about this for a few years or so)
and the High attractor and lower self - stopping the internal conflict
http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Notes%20on%20Ascension-Ending%20Dec2013.pdf (see p 26 and p 13)
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Supplemental to Practices

Working with Your Aspects - Q&A

February 17, 2015

From private email group letters:

NES friends, I sense the significance of coming to understand and know our other
aspects, and yet I had some questions which I recently shared with John and
Alex. Below are their responses. I hope it helps. I know it does me. Thank you all
for your presence on this journey.
(Johns comments are marked JC: and Alex are marked ASK in italics.)
- Pamelinda

P/L: 1.) I do have some questions about the aspects which I thought to
ask you first, and perhaps post for the general NES group if you feel it
would be helpful.
JC: Any information about this subject would be helpful. It may be that we
could start a conversation with others about what they are experiencing and
answer other questions that they may have.
ASK: I have summarized some comments from a few in the NES private
forum - and again in summary pieces on practices, etc. Unfortunately too
few will share their experiences. Sometimes it is quite understandable why
they wish to keep certain things private between John or me, but other
times, the sharing would be helpful. Ultimately, certain things can develop
that makes the process more and more a conversation with one's own
greater self and beyond that.
P/L: 2.) In your years of soul retrieval and then some...did you have
the experience of running into your client's different aspects?
JC: It was when I was doing my healing work that I first learned about
aspects. I had been working with a person for a while. They had a problem
with their heart chakra. Everything that I had used to help in healing it was
not successful. When a session was over the chakra would be balanced but
when we had the next session it would be out again.
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So, I meditated on it and asked for help. When they came in the next time I
was able to follow their energy line upward. When I arrived at the level of the
heart chakra I was immediately attacked by a crab shaped creature that was
attached to the back of the heart aspect being.
Fortunately I have had a lot of practice on dealing with these things. I was
able to remove the creature and to facilitate healing on the fourth aspect
When the person had another session their heart chakra was very much
improved. This was I began to suspect that these higher beings (my belief at
the time) health and status had an effect on out chakras.
This began my research on this subject. When I had a client with a difficult to
heal chakra I would travel to the level of the aspect that corresponded to that
particular chakra.
PL: 3.) Is this connection/integration something that can be
facilitated by an intermediary, or personal to each as a solo
JC: A couple of years after I first began working with this I met a couple of
people and we began working on understanding this process. We would share
what we learned with each other and in a fun way began to competitively
push each other to learn and do more.
Of these other two, one has since died and the other one stopped doing this
work and started doing other work. They said that they were tired of battling
the dark forces that were causing trouble up and down the aspect chain. At
this time I am the only one that I know of that has the training to do this
work. And yes, Alex has had a major impact on the process of learning about
aspects and the development of healing protocols. As far as i know he is not
interested in doing this work.
The above is just to let you know that the process of healing other peoples
aspects is not for the faint of heart or for the untrained healer.
If someone is interested in doing this it is important be familiar and skilled in
working to remove negative energies and beings from a person.
They must be able to travel up the energy line of another person. Learning to
do this with ones self is very helpful if not extremely important in learning to
do this. Crystal body exercises are a way to develop this process.

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Also, when they are doing their exercises in meeting their aspects and
facilitating the aspects healing process, a person can begin to set up and
begin working with a team of healers at each level of the aspect ladder.
All of this takes time and it is helpful if you have someone to help with the
learning process.
ASK: Years ago (before I had even heard of the "crystal body" practices) I
was aware of the higher and lower aspects and their correspondence with
various vibrational ranges -- including the lower ones. I eventually arrived
at a point, having worked with different energy practitioners and practices
-- and with many different individuals -- that for me, working one-on-one
or working with a small group was not appropriate for me and what I was
about. The reasons varied considerably. I will and do work with a few
individuals at a higher level however. Some new things have been
discovered through this work, specifically through the crystal body
practices, but my focus has been on the larger transformational and
ascension process --including the corrections energies process, which plays
a crucial role in all this, at all levels.
At this point there are rare few truly advanced energy practitioners left.
John is in a "class of his own". Most who have some higher level of capacity
tend to work to help the individual function better in this realm and very
little higher learning takes place. This has been an ongoing and increasing
problem for decades.
P/L: 4.) When you travel to meet an aspect, would they readily
recognize you as part of themselves?
JC: It depends on the particular aspects level of development. I have found
that it often takes a bit of time to get the aspect to fully understand and
accept the concept. When they get an understanding of this they are usually
very helpful in the process of helping in the healing process for the other
P/L: 5.) From what you know of our aspects, what percentage of them
are aware of the others?
JC: Pretty close to 0%. I have found a few in my work but that is unusual.
P/L: 6.) Would it be more likely that our "higher" aspects (4,5,6,7)
are more aware of the rest of us?

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JC: Not really. You have to understand that they are like us in many if not
most ways. They are just vibrating at a higher or lower frequency.
Having said that, each aspect vibrates at a frequency that corresponds to the
frequency of our own chakra system. That is one reason why when an aspect
is damaged this damage affects our own chakra system. It also affects that
respective chakra of each of the other aspects.
ASK: This touches upon a serious problem we discovered concerning the
effects of the "dissipation and individuations" dynamic originating with
Creator of All --and how the "ripples" from this original problem have had
far reaching effects requiring far-reaching "solutions". My primary
concerns have included understanding these and tracing them back to the
very origin of the problem.
P/L: 7.) Can these aspects be of varying ages and sexes and
JC: It is very possible. It is more usual that each of the other aspects
resembles our physical form somewhat but that is not always the case. I have
seen aspects of some people that held no resemblance to the third aspect (us).
They can be quite different in form. They still have a vibrational quality
corresponding to our chakras.
P/L: 8.) How can/does a "higher" aspect die? I imagine the 4th
dimension and on up to be ethereal and spiritual already.
JC: You are confusing higher or faster vibrational frequency with spiritual
development. Just because an aspect vibrates faster does not mean that they
have done their spiritual work. I have found aspects that are very dark in a
persons aspect ladder even though the person is working hard on their
spiritual process here.
ASK: This touches on how it is (oddly it may seem to some) that the human
level, with it human level of intellect and "mixed bag" of experiences in 3d
density can have a very POWERFUL and BENEFICIAL effect on all of its
own greater being. The capacity to work in a discrete time-space focus is
one of the potential contributions of the human level - once it has made this
its priority.
P/L: 9.) Would you be able to offer a general sketch as to what kind of
environment or conditions, one might find their 2nd or, say, 6th
aspect to be dwelling in? While such suggestions may plant images

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which are not accurate for some, nonetheless, I think such
suggestions may help us get our bearings.
JC: A quick answer is no. it can get quite interesting when working with the
aspects. Just because we are on the Earth does not mean that they are. They
can be on a different planet in a different galaxy, on a starship or places that I
have no concept of.
General rule is that they are all within this creational structure and most
conform to the two arm two leg template but not always.
I do very little aspect/soul healing right now but I usually do not concern
myself with where they are just in helping them to connect to the other
aspects and helping in the healing process. When I started out I did do a bit
of exploring of the surrounding areas. I do suggest that when a person helps
their own aspects in the connecting and healing process that it might be
interesting to have their higher or lower aspect give them a bit of a tour. This
helps with the process of connecting as well.
ASK: We have had reports from a few who have been in proper
"conversational" mode with their other aspects. Some of these I have
summarized -- at least one person made a short summary write up for the
PRIVATE NES forum at the time.
P/L: 10.) What exactly can our third dimensional aspect offer to our
other aspects aside from communication, empathy and loving
support? (Not that THAT's meager, that is actually a lot!)
JC: See the answers above. It helps with:
1. Connecting and communicating with the other aspects.
2. Helping with the healing process of the different aspects.
3. Connecting with the greater soul self
4. Healing of the chakras of all of the aspects each time an aspect goes
through a healing process.
5. And other reasons that i cannot remember at this writing.
ASK: Ditto. I have written about this in considerable detail over the recent
years. and how it is that the human level can play a CENTRAL role in its
own greater being -- localized as well as highest point of
differentiation. Ultimately this goes to the point of my comments
concerning the reality of the often misused expression, "glorification of
god". No need to be passive, waiting or asking for one's own greater

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being/higher self --perhaps you are what "you" have been waiting for all
these aeons. Really.
P/L: 11.) Should an aspect die, like myself, and say the 3rd aspect
returns through reincarnation as a different gender/nationality, etc.
does that new being then have another set of 7 aspects?
JC: Each aspect dies and is reborn. This process does not interrupt the aspect
ladder. The death and rebirth is contained within the boundaries of that
aspect level. The life process of most of the other aspects is a little longer than
our own process and their rebirth process appears to be faster than our own,
at least for the higher aspects.
ASK: I would suggest that "context" is important here. In my recent notes, I
have discussed the beginning of the two (or multiples) into one and the
one into two (or multiples) process. This is a microcosmic level of the
remaking of this Creation, Creator of All, and the emergence of something
new that has benefited from all that has occurred so far. All. In short, how
it is that it will have "all been worth it" (for those beings who still have
memories of all that went wrong, that is). In short, the changes within a
greater collective individuation -- and between those spiritual beings who
are more evolved or developed -- many from here/Earth/3d -- may
supercede the general template for spiritual individuations in some cases.
These cases I refer to may be fairly rare at present, but that I have found
them or that they found me and that I can write something of such
a benchmark is significant.
P/L: 12.) What becomes of their former aspects? Do they remain in
their respective dimensions until they "die"?
JC: Answered in the above question. There are no former aspects.
ASK: Ditto , and I would only add to my above remarks, to pay close
attention to my most recent posting to the NES group. It is very closely
linked to the greater potentials of the aspect work.
This could get rather complicated, I imagine, after awhile... Anyway, I wanted to
get the questions going and the exploration on this very important topic. Thank
you and John and Alex for bringing it to light, and for sharing your
understanding of it.

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PS: Additional comments pertaining to previous email to group
P/L: 11.) Should an aspect die, like myself, and say the 3rd aspect
returns through reincarnation as a different gender/nationality, etc.,
does that new being then have another set of 7 aspects?
ASK: Reincarnational "requirements" do not have the same hold over these
processes. There might not be an Earth environment to incarnate into. There
might not be anything comparable to 3d Earth either.
If this expression into a "3d" density is a "requirement" by choice, etc. the being
involved may have to wait a very long period during which other spiritual
developments may occur and preclude even bothering.
Much of the soul body structures became beleaguered and burdened operating in
a fallen realm. These structures do not apply at the very high levels where there is
a tendency toward less individuation and internal differentiation and a greater
tendency toward a unified field. (see other notes on two in to one /one in to two,
Also, see earlier group email letter on "Beyond love" or NES post of the same:

In the new creation space, lower density had not been created and those working
on the making of a new creation (from within "Baby") have not been in any rush
to make something like this creation in terms of vibrational structures.

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The Conversation

February 20, 2015

(arising from previous Q&A)

Should an aspect die, like myself, and say the 3rd aspect returns
through reincarnation as a different gender/nationality, etc., does
that new being then have another set of 7 aspects?
This question (#11) touches on a number of things:

Human biological death and the departure of the spiritual aspect from
3d human Earth existence.
Death of the human aspect of ones local greater being/soul being/etc.
Reincarnation into the human 3d level of existence or something
Structures of the spiritual being/soul being

All structures in this Creation are changing, as is Creator of All. Familiar 3d

human density level of existence is an evolutionary learning opportunity for a
spiritual being as well as a self-limiting situation and tends to support belief
systems that have very little basis. A common belief is that 3d human existence is
somehow essential to ones existence this is presumed even at some higher
levels that have been inured to 3d density stimuli. I have discussed this over
recent years.
The Crystal Body practices are one way to help pull yourself together, to
reconnect with ones highest levels of being, and to explore new structures for
ones spiritual consciousness. The process can also be used to help repair and
upgrade damaged aspects.
As we have pointed out, in the new creation matrix that we refer to as Baby as
it is with those more evolved beings in this creation there is no rush to mimic,
replicate, or to populate, whatever the imagined improvements, existence at
any level comparable to the 3d vibrational state of humans on this Earth.
To further clarify things for this discussion, let us not confuse changes in the soul
being/higher level being structure, aspects, etc. with its withdrawal from its 3d
human form. The human form may likely end its biological life functions and

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die, as humans call it but this is not the focus here. (see The Human
Question and related for discussion on these matters.)
Referring to the death of anything only confuses and clouds meaning given the
extensive set of connotations and other baggage the word death holds in nearly
any of the human languages.
Let us instead consider changes in ones light structures. Perhaps a more unified
field is created resulting in few than the highly generalized seven aspects. (See
short essay on Creator Consciousness Beyond Love in this compilation.)
Even this is an interim process and cannot be considered in a limited and
simplistic as either or.
Reincarnational "requirements" do not have the same hold over these processes
anymore. There is no spiritual law that one must reincarnate as human sooner
or later.
Further, consider what if there is not a 3d density Earth environment to incarnate
into nor anything comparable to 3d Earth either. (That means no human bodies
If this expression into a "3d" density is a "requirement" out of belief system, etc.
the spiritual entity involved may have to wait a very long period during which
other spiritual developments may occur and preclude its ever bothering. (And
this of course assumes one even retains these differentiated soul body structures.)
Much of the soul body structures were tailored to operate in a fallen realm and/or
for exploring The All of Creation. Some of these (such as the astral body) were
adapted to facilitate trapping and controlling beings of the higher Light a
specialty in the fallen portion of creation.
These structures do not apply at the very high levels where there is a tendency
toward less individuation and internal differentiation and a greater tendency
toward a unified field. (see other notes on two in to one /one in to two, etc.)
In the new creation space, lower density had not been created and those working
on the making of a new creation (from within "Baby") have not been in any rush
to make something like this creation in terms of vibrational structures.
The aspects of a soul being or whatever are often not in the best condition.
Especially the lower ones. Those lower ones may still carry the light energy, but
there are serious distortion or damage that occurs within the fallen
reality. Sometimes their structures cannot be repaired and upgraded enough to
be completely reintegrated into their local spiritual matrix (soul body or whatever
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it is). In these cases they can be merged into whatever portions of the light
structures can best accommodate them if at all possible. If there is
information/memories to convey, those are transferred/shared and the light
"particles" that are present are recovered.
Very often a being leaves the human physical and fragments of them are
dispersed "lost" sometimes these can be retrieved, other times not, and they will
fade away like a satellite in space fading away from a depleted power cell.
This is also a factor with so many who are really "not present" and thus usually
lack the energy to focus themselves. Hence the term "we are here to go" stands
for the importance of the descent of more of ones higher being and the
corrections process which sustains and supports at all levels.
In some cases, the human level of identity may simply decide with its local
greater being/soul being/etc. that it does not want to be maintained as an aspect
identity and prefers to be combined into a more unified field or be dissolved
entirely. This is part of I have referred to as that "intimate conversation" among
all of your selves that takes place.
As to re-growing (projecting) a new aspect this depends on the development of
the being itself and its own greater self.
For contrast, there are those beings in the new creation system that do not have
these differentiations of aspects. Perhaps they only have two or three levels of
What if you had no need to interact/interface at levels of lower vibrational
density or with other beings that may interact at those levels is there still a
requirement to have the "standard issue" complement of aspects?
Just as the concept of a soul body was a type of spiritual probe (one with a wide
range of built-in vibrational interconnections through the chakras and aspects)
so have been these aspects. This is one way of probing various levels of existence
without placing the entire entity "at risk" and without a safety tether to its
But then there were the problems of excess individuation and dissipation and
their compounding/entangling with a fallen realm.
In a short essay that follows, there are some comments from 2010. We were
anticipating major changes in the lights structures and didn't know what that
would look like at the time. Since then we have had a glimpse into this. And there
was my recent short piece beyond love with a short discussion of the two in to
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one and one in to two. These provide additional insights into the future of light
structures of consciousness.
-//continue on to next

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Conversation continued

Aspects, chakras, soul bodies, and more

February 21, 2015
From Alex:
Picture a large Matroishka doll that includes 7 other nested dolls (main aspects),
each one containing 7 nested dolls (main chakras) each of which has its own
version of a nested Matroishka doll packed in.
Aspects as well as chakras can become distorted or damaged from a rough and
tumble existence in lower density of the Dark domain, which of course includes
the 3d human-Earth experience.
And then there is the 11 or 12 + chakra "system" (see the main Crystal Body writeup at www.pfcn.net). Some years ago an additional (thymus gland region) chakra
was experimented with (rare but noticeable with some) I mention this because it
was as if the energy body was growing a new something within itself. So making
a new aspect, making a new chakra is within the realm of possibility.
So 7 is simple enough and generic enough to be workable in most cases.
To expand and bend ones mind further, these chakras really do not stop at #7 or
#11 or whatever these continue upwards as far as is relevant to the
individuation process of any beings process of individuation (the process of
being projected out from a higher unity).
Those who are more connected would appear to have energy centers extending
far up the central core to the point of ultimate individuation from ones Creator
-//As to 3d density going away I have no idea as to its timing (human earth time
does not operate the same at higher levels).
There is the earth environment itself but Earth that is a body in space that
has vibrational states that are comparable to other beings.
But that too is changing if a handful of seers are correct in what they are
observing, the Earth is in the process of its own bifurcation on the one hand the

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new earth a higher vibrational state that does not have a gross 3d body as
human point of view sees it.
Will all lower density planes be removed throughout The All? Perhaps. Perhaps
not. The point of view is what matters most.
Hypothetically speaking, if there is no spiritual consciousness operating at a level
below 8-d vibrational plane, does that mean there is no 3d "earth"? As far as as
spiritual consciousness operating at an 8th or higher level, the notion of density
at a 3d level is "immaterial" (pardon the pun) it is too abstract a concept.
So perhaps some higher level intelligences take an interest and begin to make a
way to penetrate into those lower levels which already exist. If they are
spiritually more evolved and spiritually smarter (as per the re-making of this
creation) then they will know to do this carefully, with sufficient unified field
connections to balance out tendencies toward individuations and down they go,
a step at a time, always checking in with themselves, with others, etc.
And so it may "discover" for itself new worlds in lower density planets, stars,
dust particles, etc. Only this time without the interference of an anti-creation
consciousness (the Dark Error) to cause nasty and unforeseen problems.
-//Living in Ohio, one may have heard of giant sequoias or ocean-going cetaceans
but perhaps you have never had contact with either of these giant creatures of the
3d Earth environment. Not until you go to the water where there are whales and
eventually immerse yourself (pun intended) in the depths of their environment to
physically meet them. And you would need to do this carefully as the oceans (like
vibrational planes) have many levels of pressure-density. (At 33 feet underwater
you would experience the equivalent pressure on your 3d body and gases in your
body that are double that of what you experience at the surface.) Your connection
to surface (like your unifying spiritual origins) becomes more and more
important the more you plunge into the density of the ocean depths.
The Sequoias may be terrestrial and seemingly easier to access but you do not
know much beyond what you can touch on the ground not until you find a way
to climb to their heights and experience contact with their upper levels and the
upper level eco-systems.
A rough and very simplistic analogy.

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So perhaps certain levels of density will be removed through The All, perhaps
anything vibrating under a certain vibrational range. Perhaps only allowing a
certain range of suns to exist as well as anything operating above their
vibrational range. So this would suggest the deletion of a certain range of
existence that includes 3d "solid" bodies as 3d human point of view would
experience it.
Will this happen? To what extent will this become necessary?
These things are to be decided by those spiritual intelligences that are ready to
take their place with Creator of All in the re-making of this Creation -- "The All"
as it knows itself (and yes, "The All" is sentient).
-//For now, it is plenty for one to focus on ones unified fields, completions and
learnings, and high attractor of one's own highest origin.
-//Just because your greater level of being has a 3rd level aspect does not mean that
in order to exist it needs to have a 3d level of density existence, hosted through
human or comparable 3d density body.
-//As to terms such as death, departing, dissolving, merging, etc. These are really all
about that topic I have been keen on lately it is all point of view.
If one merges with another, then notions of annihilation are primarily a function
of point of view. Recall my recent stories about the drop of water, the ocean, and
the atmosphere? All water, different states of being. Death has no meaning in
spiritual terms unless ones is referring to complete non-existence.
continue on to next

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Conversation continued additional notes for:

Aspects, chakras, soul bodies, and more

February 21, 2015

Re: Should an aspect die, like myself, and say the 3rd aspect returns
through reincarnation as a different gender/nationality, etc. Does
that new being then have another set of 7 aspects?
From John:
This question has brought up quite a bit of information and other questions.
Alexs answer and expansion on the subject is awesome. It helped move in
directions that we have not looked at in depth and important to be aware of.
Pamelindas questions both have a depth and yet a simplicity to them.
I am going to back up a little and try to give a simple answer.
In the question above there is a basic misunderstanding of the 3d body and the
essence that exists beyond the physical.
The physical body is just an out picturing of the essence that exists in/at the 3d
level. This is also true for each of the other aspects. There is an essence that was
created when the greater soul self was created to exists within this creational
level. When I speak about this creational level, I am speaking of the energetics
that existed before and will exist after all structures such as the (3d) physical
The physical body comes and goes (reincarnation) and this is true for the 7
chakra system. When the physical body dies the information that is collected in
each of the chakras moves upward to an energetic point above the head. This
point has many names and some people say that it is a chakra point. It could be
considered a chakra point except that some of its properties and connections are
quite different from the lower 7 chakras.
One thing it does is that it collects all of the information from each of the lower
chakras. This is the point that holds the memory of all of the lives that we have
lived within this creation structure. It also holds information about its origin and
entry into existence and has more complex functions/existence/properties.

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It can be thought of as a place holder in the aspect ladder. When the physical
body dies it does not go away. It exists eternally in its position on the ladder. It
exists and is essential in the creating of a new physical body. It is this that is the
important focus when thinking about the physical body dying and how it affects
the other aspects on the aspect ladder. If this point were to disappear then yes it
would affect the other aspects and they would have to be remade. So as long as it
exists, the effect of a physical self, whether it is the 3d aspect of one of the other
aspects, on the physical ladder is minimal.
As I have said, if one of your aspects goes through the process of death and
rebirth it feels like you have lost your best friend. This is also true for the other
aspects when you go through the process of death/rebirth.
Another thing about the energy point above your head is its connections. It is
connected to all of the other aspects through the energy point above each of their
heads and each of these points have a direct and dynamic connection to the
monadic self or its equivalent.
Each point is connected directly to it. It does not have to go through the process
of moving up the energetic line of energy that flows through the center of each
aspect (the hara line). Each interacts individually with the monad level or its
equivalent. This is how the monad is able to directly interact with each aspect so
that each is working toward the goal the monad has been given for creating the
greater soul self and for its existence within whatever structure it enters into.
So the death and rebirth of any aspect does not change the structure of the
greater soul self to a major degree. It does have its effect but the structure exists
whether or not a physical body exists at any given level.
-John Crawford

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Practices: Changing Light Structures,

Changing Light Bodies

February 19, 2015

Postscript from Alex to group

During late 2010, John Crawford and I discussed something that would be
occurring for some. Between the end of 2010 to present, we are aware of a few
who have had experiences such as what was described at the time. Rather than go
into exact details and inadvertently misdirect or skew anyones experiences, the
following composite was provided. For each individual the experience will be
different. The Crystal Body practices were never intended as end all, be all, as
one moves into this they can include the invocation to their highest origin and the
corrections energies to augment this process and to apply the power of focused
high intent. This intent can also include "seeing" into the spaces between the
atoms, requesting one's highest origins to assist in working with one's lower
levels, etc.
We had little idea when or how or why or who this would occur. Described
briefly, something occurs with the body chakras, noticeable at the level of 3d
you. This may also extend to all your aspects bodies eventually. Without
limiting your expectations in any way, some or all of your primary energy
centers begin to vibrate intensely and in effect obliterate various inner
structures in an explosion of light. There effects may be suggestive of colored
flames or waves or it may be more dramatic like points of light exploding
outwards from some energy center/s.
It is important that you have some semblance of coherency throughout most of
yourself and composure to quietly observe this. There may flashes of light seen
or felt and there may be intense colors observed by your inner awareness. There
may be or not physical bodily sensations accompanying this. It is
unmistakable when it occurs. It might be centered around or slightly below your
4th chakra (heart), but not necessarily.
If you have been practicing these exercises, it is more likely that this will be part
of a chain reaction across all your aspects bodies. And it is likely that you will
find that you and your greater self are one and the same, differentiated only by
a point-of-view that is vibrationally based. And yes, it is possible and more than
likely that you will still have a human body through all this. And yet, you will be
very changed and prepared for what comes next.

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The dissolution or re-unification of some or all that is differentiated or
individuated within your larger being/soul being also includes that which you
have taken to regard as you in 3d. I am not referring to your human body self,
rather I referring to your spiritual Self, your true self.
What occurs next is at least partly and perhaps even largely up to your greater
being. We have discussed this many times over the years in the context of the
larger ascension and transformation process. I hope this short form and
related discussions have been helpful.
Some may remain differentiated within the field of their greater level/soul
being. Some may begin a process of unifying all aspects, all energy centers, into
a singular unified field. Some may develop or exhibit states of change
somewhere in between these two.
Excerpted from Advanced Short Form Version 1.31 Crystal Body Exercises
September 24, 2013; p. 6

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Reports from the Field

Experiences with the Practices:

February 27, 2015
General notes:
Dissolving soul bodies, energy centers and energy bodies lining, some departing,
columns of light from above, columns of light from below. Illumination of the
spaces between atoms, changes to the levels below 3d human, and more.
Merging of energy centers or energy bodies, exploding fields of light. In the
recent several months we have been aware of major changes like these with
individuals than we have in recent decades. Meaningful communication and
reconnection between the aspects of various individuals, connection with highest
origins, and then some.
These can all be used for higher Gnosis as well as spiritual ascension and
However, the qualities and capacities of this power is not to be abused or
misused. If these enhanced energies are misapplied to enable ones personal level
of self to function more powerfully in the fallen realm, in the human control
matrix, etc. they will likely backfire, and powerfully.
Even for those reasonably well-prepared, these can stimulate strong emotional
states. These emotional states, like everything else, should be observed by your
observing self, understood for what they are. Here one may find the high
compassion as well as the excess of joy and sorrows. Often these simply pass,
sometimes they can be understood and integrated. Whatever the case, they are
not something that must govern your process, they are simply something that is
experienced through what you retain of an emotional subtle body.
What follows are notes from one individuals account of recent changes:
Excerpts from someone working with Crystal Body practices:
I've been meaning to share this ... for quite some time, but so much is happening within
it is difficult to make the effort. Also, I feel like I'm in a null space of sorts going through
an intense "death" process with profound grief, and simultaneously experiencing rapid
and intense contractions of birth, of a new awareness being birthed within. It is an
excruciating, emotional and exhausting process. While part of me is highly motivated to
share this process, on a practical level I feel wholly unmotivated most days to do
anything but simply stare into space, or just sit and cry and cry and cry some more.

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it is a very intimate and often exhausting experience, it is likely that one is simply
unable to adequately put it all into words. Furthermore, for me, at times it feels like it
would be unseemly to make it all public, even to this little group as the human ego (even
with the best of intentions) can indulge in comparing processes to determine whether its
process is more "evolved" or "advanced" than another's, or even to judge its own process
as "unevolved" when it learns of what another is experiencing. At least, this is what MY
ego does, and I would never encourage that in another as it is truly a futile and
unproductive endeavor.

The Eye (experienced on 11-11-14)

Not long ago, after doing the Crystal Body Meditation and exploring my central column
of light (the hollow reed) as if it were a sort of elevator shaft to various levels of my being,
I encountered a visitor there, somewhere between my seventh aspect and my higher
self. It was a huge, disembodied eye. From my perspective within the meditation,
visually he would have encompassed half the sky. He was old beyond comprehension
ancient. There were growths clustered on his skin--moles or warts perhaps, and he
emanated a highly distorted energy.
I said, Why are you here? and he replied, I am afraid. His voice was low and
distorted, like a recording played back at slow speed. I asked him what he was afraid of
and he said, I dont want to die.
I immediately received a gestalt of his energy and a sort of synopsis of his history, and
knew that he was largely responsible for much of the distorted energy on Earth and the
local area, including Mars and the rest of our solar system and quite possibly beyond. He
was not evil per se, but was responsible for so many of the systems and resulting
situations and behaviors in this world that one could call evil, all stemming from his
massive delusions and misperceptions. I clearly sensed that his spiritual development
had been stunted or retarded somewhere in his ancient history by turning away from
Source to sustain himself and instead feeding off other beings of Light--resulting in a
sort of systematic energetic inbreeding that had been going on for a very, very long
I said to him, Friend, the condition you are experiencing now is the closest thing to
death that a living being can experience. It is not a stretch to say that you are already
dead. Can you imagine what it would be like to be sustained directly by Source (that is,
self-sustained), to not have to prey off other living beings for food? Can you imagine the
freedom you could experience by letting go of all the manipulations and control
mechanisms you have imprisoned yourself and others with to maintain your food
source? All of Creation is waiting to welcome you back into the fold of true Life where
none of this is necessary. But you must be willing to relinquish this identity you have
clung to for so long. These bodies and identities are intended to be temporary vehicles
for experience; they were never meant to last forever. Eventually we must all reintegrate
with our higher levels and move on to other platforms of experience. This process is not
death. You have a choice to make. Relinquish this identity and miserable condition and

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return to your source of origin. Life awaits you. Or continue this path and whatever of
the true Light remains within you will be reabsorbed into the One, which may indeed feel
like death. The choice is yours.
After a few moments he said, I will consider it, and we parted ways. I realized then that
he and I have a long history together in some fashion. It also occurred to me then that I
should undertake some energetic upgrades to better secure my space.

An experience from 1-9-15

While doing the short for Crystal Body Meditation tonight, I didnt feel any of the effects
or sensations that I sometimes feel from the crystals spinning; it felt more like just going
through a mental exercise, which is how the meditation feels about fifty percent of the
time. The other fifty percent are quite powerful experiences. During the part when I was
spinning the inner, outer and soul-body crystals in unison beyond light speed, I observed
my soul-body crystal completely disintegrate, like crumble into tiny fragments or burn
up into a powder. When I saw this, I thought, NO! Dont mess with that! and willed the
process NOT to continue inward to the other crystals as I think it would have if I had not
intervened to stop it.
The reason I became alarmed at this is because I was confused about whether I (my
conscious ego-mind) had intended the process or not. To be clear, when I initially read
about the process of shattering the chakra crystals, I felt apprehension because it
seemed like such a radical step. For one, I dont do the meditations often enough to be
aware of my crystal bodies as second nature. Secondly, my feeling was that if this was a
necessary part of my spiritual evolution, then I would leave that decision to my higherups and not have my lower mind meddling in the process. So when I observed the soulbody crystal disintegrate, I felt confusion about where this intention was coming from,
because although it didnt feel like I (my personal/ego mind) had intended it, it did feel
like some part of me had intended it.
As I neared the end of the meditation, I began to nod off and had a rather upsetting
experience in my dream state. The dream was weird; all the people in it seemed to be
sort of inbred and or mentally retarded in some way. Other than that, the stuff they were
doing was unremarkable. What is particularly noteworthy, however, is that during the
dream I felt my crystal bodies begin to spin very rapidly. But it wasnt a smooth spinning
like usual, it was intense and off-balance, bumpy, like a washing machine spin cycle with
an unbalanced load. The pressure and vertigo were so intense it made me nauseated and
I thought I would vomit there in the bed. I believe this spinning happened three times.
At this point, my feeling on the matter is this: Regardless of what level the intention to
disintegrate the crystal bodies originated, the disintegration got underway but was
thwarted from completion. I sense that may have had something to do with the spinning
imbalance I felt within that was so unpleasant. If the process should begin again when
doing the meditations in the future, Im feeling inclined to allow it to proceed without
any interference.

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This experience has also caused me to look deeper within my Self for parts that may still
be in resistance to this greater process unfolding, and I have to say that there is still some
resistance there. That could explain why this process has been so excruciating; some
parts of me (or just the old programming perhaps) are terrified of stepping out of the
prison of the familiar misery into the freedom of the unknown. So I have to ask myself,
what would it be like to just let go and allow the process to unfold effortlessly? Perhaps
that is worth exploring.
From 1-11-15 - Crystal Body Meditation Short Form
As I was doing the crystal body meditation (short form), I came to the part where the
inner and outer crystal bodies are to be synchronized in spinning with the soul body
crystal. Since there was no longer a soul body crystal (because it had disintegrated the
last time I did that mediation two days ago), I didnt bother visualizing it again.
As I was spinning the inner body crystals and the outer body crystals with all those of the
aspects, as soon as they were in unison spinning beyond light speed, the outer body
crystal tube started disintegrating from the level of the lowest aspect upwards. When it
had completely disintegrated, then the inner body crystal tube of light disintegrated in
the same way.
Then, as I was spinning all my chakra crystals of all my aspects in unison beyond light
speed, the same disintegration processes happened for the chakra crystals as well. At this
point, all the crystal structures had been disintegrated. The central hollow tube was still
there, however and was humming and pulsing. I had no idea what was to happen next
because this was going completely outside of the meditations I had practiced. The next
thing to happen was I observed my first aspect rise up the column and merge with the
second aspect. Then that compilation of the two rose upward and merged with 3D me,
and so on up until all my aspects were merged into one globby, gooey-like structure
made of silver light. Each time a merge would take place, I would feel a flutter in my
heart, as if it were skipping a beat or some other atypical type event were taking place.
There was no pain involved in this.
Then once we had merged into one glob, we began ascending up the column, and the
higher we went, our light changed from silver to gold. And as we ascended, I began to
feel a deep, intense love, and I heard myself saying, I love you. I love you. I love you,
and I began to cry with the intensity of love I was feeling. For whom or whatmy Self
perhaps? I dont know. Somewhere during this process I began to feel heat in my heart,
as if a furnace had been ignited and it kept getting hotter and hotter, but stopped just
below the point of it becoming too uncomfortable. Later, when I emerged from the
meditation, and for about 10 days or so afterward, I felt a mild ache in my chest, as if my
heart had been expanded far beyond its normal capacity and was in recovery mode.
Then at some point during the meditation I recall looking down at my feet from the body
I was in, and I observed a flat beam of light appear from below me. As it moved upward,
as if scanning me, it began regenerating my body. I had the impression this was some
energetic level of my body, and that it had been made anew or revitalized in some way.

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Then, I became aware of The Eye watching me, though I could sense him lurking around
previously. I turned to face him, and he was much smaller this time than in our first
meeting. He seemed to be no more than 8 in diameter now. He came close to me and I
said to him, You dont belong here. This space is not for you. He said, I need you. My
response was, No, you dont. You have no authority here any longer. I dont consent to
you feeding off me. Youre going to have to go within and rediscover your own sourceor
Suddenly, these concentric tubes of light shot up from below me, encapsulating me, and
simultaneously descended around me from above to form solid tubes of light as a
barricade between us. I saw him outside the tubes of light, almost like a child with his
face pressed against glass, and he couldnt come in.
Later, I was lying in bed breathing, and as I inhaled, I was breathing in the light of
Source, and when I exhaled, I was expanding my energy field. When I inhaled, my energy
field would contract completely, and each time I exhaled, my energy field would become
larger than the previous breath, until it encompassed an area of around 6 miles in
diameter, relative to this physical body. At that point, I nodded off into sleep.
For the next few days, all the usual aches and pains I feel in my body were completely
gone. I began to wonder (hopefully) if this was to be a permanent change, but
unfortunately, after about 3 or 4 days, they gradually returned and even got much worse
for a few days before settling back into the normal ache routine.
Also, for about three to four weeks following this experience, I had the song Eye of the
Tiger by Survivor (yes, the Rocky III theme song from the early 80s) repeating
incessantly in my mind. I was always humming it even when I wasnt aware of it. I looked
up the lyrics and saw that the song is a testament to the systems of this world
predator/prey, and the whole business of survival and having to fight to get what one
wants and needs. This was obviously coming from the programming within me that is in
deep, deep resistance to this process of transcending the whole paradigm of survival
and it seems to have a sense of humor too. I mean, Eye of the Tiger nonstop for four
weeks straight? Are you kidding me???


Follow-up comments continued next page

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Comments on Practices and Their Effects

February 27, 2015

Thank you to XXX for sharing all this. So very much.

It is a wonderful and most welcome surprise "gift"! No apologies needed and (as
you know) I had already included some of what you have shared privately in the
general composites.
These descriptions yours and our generalized ones are important as they
provide those who at the "leading edge" of these changes to be better prepared
and thus all are supported in increasing their own rate of change --which in turn
accelerates the larger rate of change for the entire "ground of being" that we have
as a common reference here from 3d earth.
The combination of content of a high gnosis (the point to our writings) with
practices driven by high intent is a most powerful combination. It is this that is
helping untold many with the larger changes --and which is an important part of
process itself at that zone of transformation as indicated in my simple diagram.
Some of these "effects" can be shocking, surprising, delightful, and even
profoundly disturbing at times. These are not only from the the focus of the
Crystal Body practices, these also come from one's own internal processes that
perhaps have no "regular system" to them. This was the case for many over the
As per comments in "Working with Your Aspects" (February 17)
"Unfortunately too few will share their experiences. Sometimes it is quite
understandable why they wish to keep certain things private between
John or me, but other times, the sharing would be helpful. Ultimately,
certain things can develop that makes the process more and more a
conversation with one's own greater self and beyond that."
And again Feb 19:
"During late 2010, John Crawford and I discussed something that would
be occurring for some. Between the end of 2010 to present, we are aware
of a few who have had experiences such as what was described at the
time. Rather than go into exact details and inadvertently misdirect or
skew anyones experiences, the following composite was provided. For
each individual the experience will be different. The Crystal Body
practices were never intended as end all, be all, as one moves into this
they can include the invocation to their highest origin and the corrections
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energies to augment this process and to apply the power of focused high
intent. This intent can also include "seeing" into the spaces between the
atoms, requesting one's highest origins to assist in working with one's
lower levels, etc."
Indeed many details of one's inner experiences are really part of that "intimate
conversation" with oneself --eventually involving all of one's greater self. Unless
one feels there is something of substantive value to share with one or more
others, these things are often left as a "quiet inner conversation". This is why I
have not published details of what some have discussed in private
correspondence. I have however made a composite of experiences reported by a
number of individuals, including at times my own experiences, to share publicly
as examples of changes that may occur so as to give readers something to refer to
in their own practices.
As I have said many times, eventually there is nothing to share as one's own
process "takes off" as it quickly becomes quite unique to each. That said, there
are general patterns of dynamics that are worth confirming and these reports
such as these provide helpful confirmatory signs for others up to a point.
These reports (detailed as well as our generalized versions) are encouraging to
others, it helps them to navigate hitherto unfamiliar waters providing some
descriptions of landmarks to anticipate, etc. These confirmatory signs also give a
sense of encouragement to those embarking upon these practices of "high
At the same time these are not meant to be taken as "benchmarks" against
which to compare one's own process and progress. What common elements to
the general energy dynamics there are, ultimately it is always unique to each. For
example, dissolving one's soul body may or may not be "in the cards" for you and
thus it would be inappropriate to make this some mile marker or benchmark for
"achievement" or perhaps merging energy bodies for some is appropriate to
them, yet for others it will be something else. There is no definitive guide with a
handy checklist to tick off. It does not work that way.
-//As to the conversation reported with the "Eye" (page XX), it is very rare for
anyone to notice these things and rarer still to have the presence of attention
needed to engage with it that way.
It is indeed in a state of "deep considering" as to its "fate". Expressing a certain
"remorse" is one facet in self-realization for the Dark side creator core. This is

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an "intimate conversation" it is having within itself and with the highest levels
of those beings that are engaged with it.
This ties in with some of the Q&A and discussions that have been going on over
the recent several weeks.
(Readers might look at the "story" at the end of the "Final Call" and perhaps read
between the lines.)

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And More

The Transformation Process

February 27, 2015

As XXX described, one of the effects of this work is an enormous expansion of

one of more energy centers that may or may not have a direct effect upon certain
body functions.
I recall a massive 3rd and 4th unified chakra focused expansion years ago of many
miles I even found a way to measure it and another which involved levels
extending far beyond this solar system into galactic scale. And yes, these had
physiological effects as well. Some unpleasant effects such as bouts of strong yet
intermittent vertigo over the years. In general it was part of a permanent and
stable alterations that facilitated greater capacities, and then on to another
another phase, etc.
Some will find an initial unifying process much as XXX described. Some may find
themselves dissolving one or more of their light structures chakras, aspects,
larger bodies, etc. Perhaps a combination of both.
Some may find themselves merging or unifying their aspects into two or more
unified centers. Perhaps some bodies or aspects will somehow go away. There
may be vast expanse opening up as one looks up through their central column
all the way to their highest origins or at least as far as their extant capacities will
allow such seeing and knowing.
The transition from a silver-like Light a more gold-like Light is not uncommon
and is often related to reconnection to ones highest origins monad or
The process of the zone of transformation between the two zones shown in An
Interim Creational Space (January 3, 2015) is to rapidly remove the dross and
agglomerations that are attached or have infected ones Light structures upon
entry into the fallen sector and more so while operating in the human 3d density
level of Earth. Like the burden of heavy clothing and chains and shackles, too
many have become accustomed to dragging it about as if normal or natural
it is not.
When it is stripped away, ones aspects or energy bodies can feel as if naked or
without flesh. All things made new and so it will be. Your true Light is to be free
and to shine forth. What comes next depends largely upon ones state of spiritual
evolution and learning as a spiritual being.
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This is one reason we have emphasized an advanced curriculum over the years
not for human intellectual learning, but as a way to reference a higher gnosis for
ones own evolution as well as the greater service to The All.
The transformational process mainly involves removing primary light
structures that govern the various bodies and primary functions for each
person and sending them through a specially prepared process of healing
and upgrading. -- Returning newly processed light structures to our
present 3-d bodily existence results in some measure of physical healing as
well as overall vibrational upshifting. This then proceeds to next major
energy structures, and so on until complete until all light structures have
been cleared and upgraded. A follow-on stage clears and upgrades the
subtle energy bodies.
This is was the the general plan in 2007, as we described it.
However, the problem of the corrosive and infectious environment of human 3d
and 4d density, as well as the ever present lower level density problems were
overwhelming to the relative delicateness of the initial process. Yet, too much
energy and too much would be lost. Thus a new approach was needed and this
eventually evolved into a combination of containing the Fallen creation and those
beings most responsible for the Dark at the highest levels with a process that
would also involve and engage everything in the higher transformations.
In addition to the high level containment and related processes, smaller-scaled
versions was emplaced, including an interim creation zone emphasis on
interim. This is not to be confused with the new creation matrix we have
referred to as Baby.
So those on the leading edge, those beings ready, willing and able to move the
whole curve ahead in a more complete and ultimately faster rate, are invited to
move into their own final positions at the leading edge of the curve.
As I have written many times, each singular individual entity that moves into
these spaces is contributing a level of service to all concerned that is beyond any
measure, and certainly beyond anything the ordinary human self could image.
Reference note: October 2007 and June 2008 we discussed some of this:

http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/The%20Great%20Transformation.pdf and

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Seven to eight human-earth years later, it would seem that most of the solutions
have been finished and processes in place. To my various perspectives, there is no
changing of this course of action. A long time coming from the Earth-side point of
view, less than a blink to a higher level point of view.

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Second inner core found?

February 9, 2015

Note: In seeing to the inner core of the earth there were two distinct cores
like a cell in the process of subdividing, not as an core with a core. And so it was
that this recent science piece got my attention. -ASK

Earth's surprise inside: Geologists unlock mysteries of the

planet's inner core
Thanks to a novel application of earthquake-reading technology, a research team
at the University of Illinois and colleagues at Nanjing University in China have
found that the Earth's inner core has an inner core of its own, which has
surprising properties that
could reveal information
about our planet.
Led by Xiaodong Song, a
professor of geology at
the U. of I., and visiting
postdoctoral researcher
Tao Wang, the team
published its work in the
journal Nature
Geoscience on Feb. 9.
"Even though the inner
core is small - smaller
than the moon - it has
some really interesting
features," said Song. "It
may tell us about how
our planet formed, its
history, and other
dynamic processes of the
Earth. It shapes our understanding of what's going on deep inside the Earth."
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Researchers use seismic waves from earthquakes to scan below the planet's
surface, much like doctors use ultrasound to see inside patients. The team used a
technology that gathers data not from the initial shock of an earthquake, but from
the waves that resonate in the earthquake's aftermath. The earthquake is like a
hammer striking a bell; much like a listener hears the clear tone that resonates
after the bell strike, seismic sensors collect a coherent signal in the earthquake's
"It turns out the coherent signal enhanced by the technology is clearer than the
ring itself," said Song. "The basic idea of the method has been around for a while,
and people have used it for other kinds of studies near the surface. But we are
looking all the way through the center of the Earth."
Looking through the core revealed a surprise at the center of the planet - though
not of the type envisioned by novelist Jules Verne.
The inner core, once thought to be a solid ball of iron, has some complex
structural properties. The team found a distinct inner-inner core, about half the
diameter of the whole inner core. The iron crystals in the outer layer of the inner
core are aligned directionally, north-south. However, in the inner-inner core, the
iron crystals point roughly east-west.
Not only are the iron crystals in the inner-inner core aligned differently, they
behave differently from their counterparts in the outer-inner core. This means
that the inner-inner core could be made of a different type of crystal, or a
different phase.
"The fact that we have two regions that are distinctly different may tell us
something about how the inner core has been evolving," Song said. "For example,
over the history of the Earth, the inner core might have had a very dramatic
change in its deformation regime. It might hold the key to how the planet has
evolved. We are right in the center - literally, the center of the Earth."
More information: Equatorial anisotropy in the inner part of Earth's inner
core from autocorrelation of earthquake coda, Nature Geoscience, DOI:

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Magnetospheric Multiscale Observatories

Processed for Launch

February 19, 2015

NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observatories are processed for

launch in a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville,
Florida. MMS is an unprecedented NASA mission to study the mystery
of how magnetic fields around Earth connect and disconnect,
explosively releasing energy via a process known as magnetic
reconnection. [bolding added] MMS consists of four identical spacecraft that
work together to provide the first three-dimensional view of this fundamental
process, which occurs throughout the universe. The mission observes
reconnection directly in Earth's protective magnetic space environment, the
magnetosphere. By studying reconnection in this local, natural laboratory, MMS
helps us understand reconnection elsewhere as well, such as in the atmosphere of
the sun and other stars, in the vicinity of black holes and neutron stars, and at the
boundary between our solar system's heliosphere and interstellar space. MMS is
a NASA mission led by the Goddard Space Flight Center. The instrument payload
science team consists of researchers from a number of institutions and is led by
the Southwest Research Institute. Launch of the four identical observatories
aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41
on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station is managed by Kennedy Space Centers
Launch Services Program. Liftoff is currently targeted for 10:44 p.m. EDT on
March 12.

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More from the Electric Universe 2014

Donald Scott presentations:
As always, this is not meant to be a blanket endorsement of the views of this
person or those of the EU group.
It is very interesting to consider the possible analogies between planetary what is
discussed here in the formation of galaxies and the measurable energy fields of
the Earth and interactions with energies in space.
And that is what caught my attention in these presentations.
Donald Scott on Magnetic Structures in Space
Quantum Entanglements
Gamma ray bursts (short)


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Hawaii as Indicator for Greater Geophysical


February 16, 2015

While it is nice to try for time windows of 3 months, etc. the truly major events in
the mundane 3d world do not unfold according to our quaint notions of "time" as
per human calendars. Relatively minor events, in the short term, are usually
easier to "call". 3 days, 3 weeks, this is easier to call.
Before leaving the Big Island last year, I had a brief email exchange with some
USGS people when I reported to them that I was "aware" of the movement of
magma that would be feeding Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes. At the time it
was dismissed by them (I did not expect any other response of course). Around
this time, the small lava flow from Kilauea was developing and which continues
to creep toward Pahoa village townsite.
A few months later a public relations piece was created by USGS for the local new
media in which they hinted that maybe --possibly -- perhaps -- Mauna Loa was
getting "overdue" and could erupt within a few years or a few months. A "few
years or a few months" is a very short time frame warning for USGS to be
naming, by the way.
Now this month a more detailed report (see link below for online video and
written transcript) has been made stating that there have been noticeable
changes in the overall configuration the Mauna Loa surface features and a new
pattern of deformation has been recorded. Also, new data shows a much higher
gas concentration in Kilauea lava that is appearing.
Given the position of the Kona Airport, the very recent history (mere decades) of
lava flows from Hualalai and Mauna Loa these would be the most likely
indicators that could lead to the fulfillment of relatively recent visions/dreams
over the recent several months or so from a few people (myself included) in
which people are frantically trying to leave the island and are unable to.
Hawaii has the capacity (as with the Aleutian Islands, NW region of N Amer,
Japan, etc.) to cause enormous coastal changes from tsunamis across the Pacific
Lastly, I would note here that I find the changes with regard to Hawaii are
indicators of the onset of larger geophysical changes.
Perhaps broader time period for say 2015 and another to include 2016 might be
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"incubated" amongst dreamers here to consider again the features of the most
likely major earthchanges.
And perhaps some broad regions such as Pacific Rim, No America, Europe, etc.
be considered to give a little geographic focus.
There is also the shared visions/dreams reported that concern the changes with
the earth's core. No mere random coincidence, there have been recent reports in
the science journals concerning new discoveries to the earth's inner core.
I will also throw into the mix now that there are certain factors related to the non
3d material realms that have a large influence over those truly great events that
can (will) change the nature of this planet. In short, I would suggest that now a
path is cleared for these influences to ""allow" (facilitate perhaps?) greater
changes with this planet, solar system, and the greater space.

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The New Earth Summit will be closing by July of 2015
and will be removed from the Internet. Until then, it
will be a read-only archive.
NewEarthSummit Forum
January 4, 2015
The NES Forum website domain and shared hosting is planned to expire in July
of 2015 and no longer be online. In the interim, the forum will remain open as a
read-only resource.
NewEarthSummit.org has more than served its purpose for those who availed
themselves of its content and the opportunity to interact publicly and privately
with others who shared a similar focus of spiritual evolution.
None of us will know the full influence this forum has had over the years it has
been operating. A few members have reposted excerpts or entire essays at other
sites. Thank you to those who have done this, as it has helped stimulate the inner
process of others as well draw them to these electronic pages.
As conceived, NES was to be devoted to the new spiritual paradigm and gnosis
(however it might develop), to be free of advertising, to never ask for money or
promote money-making schemes. Except for the necessary login protocols and
search engine access, it was also set up free of tracking software.
Over its history, NES participants (and its larger, non-posting readership) have
reflected that portion of the larger human population that has sought to
understand what truly makes human society the way it is and to understand the
dynamics of spiritual existence.
When we opened the NES forum, many individuals posted over a wide range of
themes, such as new community, survival of social and geophysical catastrophes,
speculation about the human powers-that-be, economics, commodity and
precious metal prices, and many other such things focused around the humanearth experience. We also indulged many new age styled discussions.
Eventually the time came to encourage more spiritually-evolved content centered
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around the deeper questions and insights from those pushing on ahead in their
own spiritual evolution and ascension process.
Eventually we stopped accepting new posting-privilege members and removed
those who had not posted for a long time. We also set up a private forum section
that was invisible to public readers and public search engines.
The changes at NES paralleled the changes with Global Awakening News
readership. In accordance with self-selection principles, it was decided to make
an A-list of those were serious about the growing depth of content. Eventually
the A-List became unnecessary.
For a short while longer, I will be posting a little more at the NES forum. While
we are no longer accepting new posting members, those who have posting
privileges are most welcome to continue to use the forum.
Wishing everyone their highest, fare-thee-well
-Alex Kochkin,
New Mexico

Important note: www.PFCN.net

has been renewed to November of 2017
after which it will be taken down.
www.SCRIBD.com has a complete set of all PFCN.net
content, organized similarly to the PFCN site and is readily
searchable via Google.
Also, an additional site copy of PFCN.net is
at http://missionignition.net/pfcn/

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