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Why is it that the human brain is comparable to a miniature universe?

It is said that the human brain is like a miniature universe. If the universe is composed of billions of
stars, planets and other heavenly bodies; so as the human brain, which is made of billions of neurons
or nerve cells So complex, complicated, or dynamic, just like the person who possesses this inside his
head. Yet perhaps the best way to understand and learn about a person and his behavior is through
studying his brain, which is the sheet of all his cognitions, emotions, and actions.
Neurons- basic functional unit of the Human NS, w/c transmits neural impulse (electrochemical in
Basic Parts of a Neuron:
Dendrites short branch-like structures w/c transmits neural impulse toward the cell body
Cell body - (soma/cyton) the largest/main part of a neuron
-serve as the center of nourishme
Nucleus the center portion/ control of a neuron - controls the activities of the neuron, such as
metabolism - if this dies/damage, the entire neuron dies along with it.
Axon long elongated structure w/c transmit neural impulse away from the cell body towards the end
Nodes of Ranvier gap along the axon membrane.
Synaptic Vesicles structures at the tip of the end brush. - It produce neurotransmitters, w/c transmits
neural impulse from one neuron to another.
Synapse- gap/space between two neurons.

Types of Neurons
Afferent (Sensory) Neurons - nerve cells Approaching the Central Nervous System
(i.e. brain and spinal cord). - carry sensory information from the different parts of
the body to the Central Nervous System (CNS).
Efferent (Motor) Neurons nerve cells Exiting the CNS. - transmit motor commands
from the CNS to the our different body parts
Inter-neurons conducts neural impulses from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron.
carry messages or nerve impulses w/in the brain or CNS.
Glial cells or glia - serve as supportive structures to neurons - remove metabolic
wastes and dead particles of neurons.
Myelin sheath - white fatty substance surrounding and protecting neuron. - for
saltatory conduction (jumping movement) of neural impulse

Sonnet 29
. When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
To be in disgrace with fortune is presumably to be not favoured by her (taking fortune to be the
goddess of 111).
O! for my sake do you with Fortune chide,
The guilty goddess of my harmful deeds,
That did not better for my life provide
Than public means which public manners breeds.
Disgrace is a term which would more usually be applied to a demotion or removal from office. Or
to a final humiliation and loss of status. Antony on being defeated by Augustus envisages
The inevitable prosecution of
Disgrace and horror, AC.IV.13.65-6.
In this sonnet the word seems to relate more to a failure to achieve status in the first instance,
rather than to a subsequent deprivation.

To be in disgrace (in) men's eyes - this possibly refers to some form of public disapprobation,
either real or imaginary. What the disgrace was we cannot say. It could be the mere fact of being
associated with the theatre, which by many preachers of the day, and by all Puritans, was
considered to be a great den of iniquity and a source of many evils. See the passage at the bottom
of this page illustrative of Puritan distrust.
2. I all alone beweep my outcast state,
beweep = weep for, bewail; Like bewail and beseem, the word has an archaic and biblical flavour.
my outcast state = my condition of being a social outcast. The condition is probably exaggerated
for the sake of effect, and to emphahsise that the speaker sees everything in a gloomy light.
Fortune has turned against him and he feels that he does not belong any more to society.
3. And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
deaf heaven - Heaven (God) turns a deaf ear to his complaints and laments. The parallel is drawn
with Job in the Old Testament, who was cast out on a dung heap and bewept his mournful state.
bootless = to no avail, achieving nothing.
4. And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
And look upon myself - as the outcast contemplates his own fallen state.
curse my fate - another echo from the Book of Job in the Bible:
After this Job opened his mouth and cursed his day. And Job spake and said: Let the day perish
wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, 'There is a man child conceived'. Let that
day be darkness, let not God regard it from above, neither let the light shine upon it.
etc. Job.III.1-4.
5. Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Wishing myself to be like one who is more richly endowed with all manner of blessings, including
6. Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,

Featured like him, like him = with features like this person, like this second person having
friends, like this third, desiring his skills (line 7) etc.
7. Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
this man's art = the skill that one particular person has; that man's scope = the capability, range,
mental ability that another particular person has.
8. With what I most enjoy contented least;
It is unspecified what he most enjoys, but evidently, in his despondency, things which ought to
give him enjoyment do not do so. The implication is that he no longer enjoys the love of his
beloved, although that idea is countermanded by the final couplet.
9. Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising,
in these thoughts = while I am engaged in these thoughts
myself almost despising - and almost considering myself to be despicable for being so cast down.
10. Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Haply = by chance, by a happy stroke of luck;
my state = my mental state, with a suggestion also that his fortune, or the state of affairs in which
he finds himself, improves.
11. Like to the lark at break of day arising
There is an echo of this in Cym.II.iii.20-1
Hark! hark the lark at heaven's gate sings,
And Phoebus 'gins arise...
12. From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
sullen = gloomy, dark, miserable;
From sullen earth - the phrase may be taken both with this and with the preceding line. The lark
rises from sullen earth, and it also sings hymns which rise up from the earth to the gate of heaven,
or, as it sings, it rises from earth towards heaven.
sings - the subject is the lark, but also the poet's soul, which has been liberated by his thinking of
his beloved.
13. For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
thy sweet love remembered = when I have called to mind your love, when your sweet love springs
up again in my memory.
14. That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
Although the primary meaning is that 'I am happier than a king could be, and therefore have no
wish to swap places with him' there is a hint of the political meaning of state, i.e. nation state, as
in 64:
When I have seen such interchange of state,
Or state itself confounded to decay;
Hence, 'even though I were to have a kingdom, I would not exchange it for the the happiness of
knowing you'.

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