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rd~:~i'ry' rises from the awareness of unLqjuuJess1, ijjllRpcmt~lIilJ ,_ 'ped c rrnii~ of me

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Th~ ~lUge ~-olke4lj~ul gf '~~{-Q'p'~an piliio ts &-,@m, ~e' ru 51 ro me' . jHh ccntl.U:f!, l?II~hleh Val~f collttc'tt:d d,~,r'i~~g, his m~_nli' navels, o~~,gin tc:d wi,dlll" I~e S3mJC (rnmcw;ork. ~ ~ ~. kind of EUUoopE:l rJl ¢(i! r.UGxt of culturs in his ,ngx~v.e ~O~] 1'IJ~i'Y'. 'HIE: attacbed '['0 I~t nil unfirrish.ed blllili:' pC_f~ feat,. P'~"edJ ;series of 'Wa-meI'C-oLolH'$ of Cm]l;lio']~n n~:r;il; and fliulMLa.

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X, 87

NASTANEK KOZMOSA, 1589 Metam. 1, 5-75

Serija: Ovidijeve MetamorJoze, 1. del, st. 1

Goltziusova delavnica

Inventor in zaloznik: Hendrick Goltzius

Bakrorez, odtis 176 x 251, prizor 167 x 249, list 176 x 252 mm, list je bil po sredini prepognjen, vi dna je pokoncna crta, grafika vzeta iz albuma; restavrirano. .

Na prizoru levo spodaj: HGoltzius inuen / AD 1589

Na prizoru zgoraj na sredini: OVID!I METAM. LIB. 1.; pod prizorom: E' tenebris deJorme[ ... ] vltima Tellus.; ob verzih desno: F. Estius; pod prizorom levo: 1.

Vir: Ivancan X, str. 15, st. 87.

Literatura: Bartsch 1854, 3, str. 104, st. 1; Wurzbach 1906, 1, str. 66, St. 3 (kot Baudous), Stele 1928, str. 24, L. 87-126; Henkel 1930, str. 115-116; Hollstein Dutch 1953, 8, str. 130, st. 10-61 (kot Baudous); Reznicek 1961, 1, str. 194; Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1, str. 313, St. 31; Illustrated Bartsch 1982, 3/2, str. 354, St. 031; Filedt Kok 1993, str. 211, st. 65 (1-20).

Tridelna serija obsega 52 !istov, na katerih so ilustrirane zgodbe iz prvih stirih knjig Ovidijevih MetamorJoz. V prvem (prvic izse11589) in drugem (prvic izsel 1590) delu je po 20 in

v tretjern (prvic izse11615) delu dvanajst !istov, pri Valvasorju je 40 listov iz prvih dveh delov, vendar so med seboj pomesani (VZ X, 87-126). Grafike so numerirane, dodani so jim latinski verzi Franca Estiusa. Glede avtorstva je v novejsi literaturi obveljalo mnenje, da grafike sicer niso Goltziusovo lastnorocno delo, da pa so nastale v mojstrovi delavnici; med domnevnimi bakrorezci se omenjajo npr. Jacob Matham, Jacques de Gheyn II in Jan Saenredam (Hirschmann 1919, str. 155; Lenihan 1992,

str. 27; Filedt Kok 1993, str. 218, st. p.6; Widerkehr 1993, str. 223). Na cetrtem listu tretjega dela je podpisan Robert de Baudous oziroma BaudouxJR. B. f ex.; prim. Bartsch 1854, 3, str. 108). Ceprav ga nekateri pisci omenjajo kot avtorja vseh grafik (npr, Wurzbach 1906, 1, str. 66, st. 3; Hollstein Dutch 1949, 1, str. 182, st. 16-67; Romer 1993 (AKL), str. 529), je verjetno Ie dokoncal zadnji del in ga izdal (gl. Filedt Kok 1993, str. 218, st. P.6). Vseh 52 listov je kasneje izdal Claes Jansz Visscher

(za repro gl. Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1, str. 313-338).

X, 87

NASTANAK KOZMOSA, 1589. Metam. 1, 5-75

Serija: Ouidijeue MetamorJoze, 1. dio, br. 1

Goltziusova radionica

Inventor i nakladnik: Hendrick Goltzius

Bakrorez, ploca 176 x 251, prikaz 167 x 249, list 176 x 252 mm; list je bio po sredini presavijen, vidljiva je prijelomna crta, grafika izvadena iz sveska, restaurirano

. Na prikazu dolje lijevo: HGoltzius inuen / AD 1589

Na prikazu gore na sredini: OVIDII METAM. liB. 1.; ispod prikaza: E' tenebris deforme ... vltima Tellus., uz stihove desno: F. Esiius; ispod prikaza lijevo: 1.

Ivancan X, str. 15, br. 87

Literatura: Bartsch 1854, 3, str. 104, br. 1; Wurzbach 1906, 1, str. 66, br. 3 (kao Baudous); Stele 1928, str. 24, L. 87-126; Henkel 1930,

str. 115-116; Hollstein, Dutch 1953, 8, str. 130, br. 10-61 (kao Baudous), Reznicek 1961, 1, str. 194; The Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1,

str. 313, br. 31; The Illustrated Bartsch 1982, 3/2, str. 354, br. 031; Filedt Kok 1993, str. 211, br. 65 (1-20)

Trodijelna serija obuhvaca 52 lista, na kojima su ilustrirane price iz prvih cetiriju knjiga Ovidijevih MetamorJoza. U prvom (prvi put izdanom 1589.) i drugom dijelu (prvi put izdanom 1590.) je po 20 i u trecern dijelu (prvi put izdanom 1615.) 12 listova, u Valvasorovoj zbirci je pomijesano 40 listova iz prvih dvaju dijelova (VZ X, 87-126). Grafike su numerirane, dodani su im latinski stihovi Franca Estiusa. Glede autorstva u novijoj literaturi prevladalo je misljenje, da grafike nisu Goltziusovo vlastnorucno djelo, vee da su nastale u majstorovoj radionici, medu mogucim bakrorescima spominju se npr. Jacob Matham, Jacques de Gheyn II. iJan Saenredam (Hirschmann 1919, str. 155; Lenihan 1992, str. 27; Filedt Kok 1993, str. 218, br. p.6; Widerkehr 1993, str. 223). Na cetvrtom listu trecega dijela potpisan je Robert de Baudous odnosno Baudoux (R. B. f ex.; vidi Bartsch 1854, 3, str. 108). Iako ga neki pisci spominju kao autora svih grafika kao npr. Wurzbach 1906, 1, str. 66, br. 3; Hollstein, Dutch 1949, 1, str. 182, br. 16-67; Romer 1993 (AKL), str. 529), vjerojatno je sarno zavrsio i izdao zadnji dio (vidi Filedt Kok 1993, str. 218, br. p.6). Sva 52 !ista je kasnije izdao Claes Jansz Visscher (za sl. vidi The Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1, str. 313-338).

X, 87

CREATION OF THE COSMOS, 1589 Met. 1:5-75

From the series: Ovid's Metamorphoses, Part I, no. 1

Goltzius workshop

Inventor and publisher: Hendrick Goltzius

Engraving, plate 176 x 251, image 167 x 249, sheet 176 x 252 mm; vertical trace of centrefold; print removed from album; restored

Image, lower left: HGoltzius inuen / A 0 1589

Image, upper centre: OVIDII MET LIB. 1.; below image: E' tenebris deforme[ ... ] ultima Tellus.; next to verses, right: F Estius, below image, left: 1.

Source: Ivancan X, p. 15, no. 87.

Bibliography: Bartsch 1854, 3, p. 104, no. 1; Wurzbach 1906, 1, p. 66, no. 3 (as Baudous), Stele 1928, p. 24, L. 87-126; Henkel 1930,

pp. 115-116; Hollstein Dutch 1953, 8, p. 130, nos. 10--61 (as Baudous), Reznicek 1961, 1,

p. 194; Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1, p. 313, no. 31; Illustrated Bartsch 1982, 3/2, p. 354, no. 031; Filedt Kok 1993, p. 211, no. 65 (1-20).

The tripartite series consist of 52 prints illustrating the stories from the first four books of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Part I (first published 1589) and Part II (first published 1590) contain 20 sheets each, and Part III (first published 1615) contains 12 prints; there are 40 illustrations from Parts I and II in Album X of the Valvasor Collection, which are mixed up (VZ X, 87-126). The prints are numbered and furnished with Latin verses by Franco Estius. As to the authorship, recent literature agrees that the prints were not engraved by Goltzius himself, but nevertheless they were made in his workshop, possibly by Jacob Matham, Jacques de Gheyn II or Jan Saenredam, for example (Hirschmann 1919, p. 155; Lenihan 1992, p. 27; Filedt Kok 1993, p. 218, no. P.6; Widerkehr 1993, p. 223). Print no. 4 of Part III bears the signature of Robert de Baudous or Baudoux (R. B . .f ex.; cf. Bartsch 1854, 3, p. 108). Although some authors believe him to be

the engraver of all prints (e.g. Wurzbach 1906, 1, p. 66, no. 3; Hollstein Dutch 1949, 1, p. 182, nos. 16--67; Romer 1993 (AKL), p. 529), it is likely that he only finished the last part and published it (cf. Filedt Kok 1993, p. 218, no. p.6). All of the 52 prints were later published by Claes jansz Visscher (see figs. in the Illustrated Bartsch 1980, 3/1, pp. 313-338).

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