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In partial fulfilment
of the requirements
in GSM 2

Isok, Quennie Rose
Rosil, Mc Bernabe
Tejada, Nia Mae
Reynes, Charles David
Quindala, Francoise Angelique

March 2015

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Water shortage is an uprising dilemma faced by the community nowadays.(GMA
Network News Story, 2014). In connection with this, the researchers pondered on new ways not
just to conserve water but to recycle it.
Rice (Oryza sativum) is a primary food of Filipinos.(Bureau of Agricultural Research Digest
Archives, 2011). Wash water or colloquially known as kinilis is a by-product when cooking rice.
An average Filipino family consumes rice 3 times daily and its preparation uses lots of water.
The researchers believed that if kinilis would be reused, it would be a great help to the
government in aiding the uprising problem on water shortage.
Before cooking rice, stone and husks are picked out. Dust and mud are then washed away by
water. However, some nutrients are also lost because it dissolves in kinilis. Watering plants
using kinilis is a practice observed by Filipinos in rural areas. Plants watered with kinilis are
noted to have considerable improvement in growth. To validate this observation, the researchers
conducted a study to prove that kinilis could be a possible growth enhancer for plants.
Plant growth enhancers are classified under pesticides(Centre for Food Safety-Hongkong Food
Safety Platform, 2011). As agricultural production intensified over the past few decades,
producers became more and more dependent on agrochemicals as a relatively reliable method
of crop protection helping with economic stability of their operations. However, increasing use of
chemical inputs causes several negative effect like development of pathogen resistance to the
applied agents and their non-target environmental impacts. Furthermore, the growing cost of
pesticides, particularly in less-affluent regions of the world, and consumer demand for
pesticide-free food has led to a search for substitutes for these products. There are also a
number of fastidious diseases for which chemical solutions are few, ineffective, or nonexistent.
Biological control is thus being considered as an alternative or a supplemental way of reducing
the use of chemicals in agriculture(Applied and Environmental Microbiology Minireview, 2005).
With this in mind, the kinilis study of the researchers could be a good alternative for chemical
plant growth enhancers since it is organic and free.

The study intends to investigate the effect of kinilis on the speed growth of peanut (Arachis
hypogaea). Specifically, the study aims to determine if the first wash, second wash, or the
combination of both washes could affect the speed growth of peanut opposing to water. The
scope of the study includes measuring the height of the plant in given span of time. However,
environmental factors such as sunlight, rainfall, humidity, temperature, air pressure, wind
velocity, and illumination cannot be kept constant for all set-ups. The study would greatly benefit
the consumers since a huge amount of water could be conserved, plants would grow healthier
since organic material is used, and farmers would save a sum of money since kinilis does not
require money in contrary with the commercial ones.

Chapter 2
This chapter would present the research design, environment of the study, equipments,
different procedures used by the researchers for the completion of the study.
Research Design
The researchers follows the experimental research design. This kind of research design
is usually used in laboratory set-ups. The researchers test their hypothesis by reaching valid
conclusions between kinilis (independent variable) and the height of the peanut plant
(dependent variable).
Research Environment
The set-ups were placed and measured in Quindala's residence at Poblacion
Occidental, Consolacion, Cebu.
Experimental Plant
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) will be utilized for the study. The seeds was purchased from
Consolacion Public Market, Consolacion. Peanut is chosen among all other plants because it is
one of the popularly known brain foods across the country and peanut has a lot of uses.(World
Healthiest Foods General Page, 2002).
Research Instruments
The following materials will be needed in the study:
The study utilized: tap water, 1

kilos of rice, and strainer are used to acquire kinilis; 4 medium-

sized clay pots for planting of the peanut seeds, one clay pot for each set-up and a ruler for
measuring the height of the plant
Recording sheets for data and observation includes: the date of planting, treatments application
and the date of measuring the height of the plant made weekly are made carefully.

Research Procedure
A. Collection of Kinilis
Measure 135 g of rice and 135 ml of tap water. Next, soak rice in 500 ml water and stir

Macas, Tricia. (2014) Maynilad, Manila Water warn of water shortages in 2015. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 14, 2015, from
Gumapac, Maria Anna M. (2011) RICE: A Filipino constant. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2015,
from http://www.bar.gov.ph/digest-home/digest-archives/364-2011-4th-quarter/2047-rice-afilipino-constant
Yau, Joan. (2011) Centre for Food Safety - Food Safety Focus - What are Plant Growth
Regulators? (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2015, from
Compant, S. et. al. (2005). American Society for Microbiology Applied and Environmental
Microbiology. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2015. from http://aem.asm.org/content/71/9/4951.full
The George Mateljan Foundation (2002). Peanuts (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2015, from

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