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Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History


Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

By Richard Cassaro | November 19th, 2010 | Category: Featured Articles | Comment
There is a fair amount of evidence that the owl is the chief symbol of an elite yet undiscovered secret society
moving through history. In this article well examine this evidence and uncover the lineage of this secret society.
Well also learn how the magic, majestic, and nocturnal owl actually symbolizes an ancient self-empowerment
doctrine once known and practiced worldwide.

About Me
Journalist, speaker and author
of Written In Stone: Decoding
The Secret Masonic Religion
Hidden In Gothic Cathedrals
And World Architecture. The
book uncovers a lost Wisdom
Tradition that was practiced
globally in antiquity, found
memorialized in pyramids,
Triptychs, and identical
images worldwide. The central
tenets of this tradition have
been perpetuated in Western
"Secret Societies." The most
visible of these is the so-called
"Masonic Fraternity," an ageold chivalric Order whose
ranks have included Europe's
Gothic cathedral builders and
America's Founding Fathers:

Top Left: Owl on Merchants Building on Broadway at 4th Street in NYC. Top Right: Detail on the Catford
Broadway Theatre, London. Bottom Left: Owl depicted on the faade of the Woolworth Building in
Manhattan, NYC. Bottom Right: Owl on a bridge of the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.
A Secret Owl Societya hidden, fraternal Order that uses the owl as its trademarkcould very well be
exerting a hidden yet continuous and measurable influence on world affairs, undetected by scholars, journalists,
and historians.
Its members, possibly those same scholars, journalists, and historians, are well-versed in mystical traditions,
ancient mystery teachings, and eastern philosophies.
This Secret Owl Society remains well-hidden. But if we look back in time and connect all the fraternal orders
that have owl logos, we begin to see its lineage, operating for centuries.
Note the societys chronology below:

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Above: Is this the societys hidden timeline?

If indeed there is a Secret Owl Society moving through history, then its most recent manifestation is at the
mysterious Bohemian Grove, a 2,700-acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue in Monte Rio,
It belongs to a private San Francisco-based mens art club known as the Bohemian Club, a confederation of the
worlds most powerful men who visit the grove in mid-July each year to perform a Pagan ritual at the foot of a
giant owl, dressed in robes and chanting incantations.

Sacred Owl

Left: Built in the 1920, this forty-foot owl statue stands near a lake at the Grove. Since that time it has served
as the site of the yearly Cremation of Care Ceremony. Right: Early 1900s. Very tall and very old Redwood
trees some over 1,200 years old.
The Bohemian Club has received very little press coverage since its inception in 1872. Though the Club itself is
shrouded in secrecy, the bulk of what transpires at the Grove is somewhat documented; it appears to be a
mixture of the American summer camp, a powerful ancient Pagan ritual, and the classical Greek symposium.
Greek paganism is certainly an element, with a series of Grove Plays called High Jinks and Low Jinks
performed at the Club.




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Famous Bohemians
George H. Bush
George W. Bush
Ronald Reagan
Henry Kissinger
Casper Weinberger
Dick Cheney
Malcom Forbes
Stephen Bechtel
James Baker
David Rockefeller
Tom Johnson
William Randolph Hearst Jr.
Jack Howard
Charles Scripps
Walter Cronkite
Add to this list a host of prominent CEOs and business leaders, most of them conservative, many of them from
California, 99 percent of them white men.

Left: Summer, 1967 at Owls Nest Camp with two future U.S. presidents: Ronald Reagan, Harvey Hancock
(standing), Richard Nixon and Glenn Seaborg. Right: Painted portrait of Haig Patigian with Bohemian Owl
in background, by Peter Ilyin (1927). Online Archive of California.

Occult Meaning of the Cremation of Care Ritual

The apex of the Bohemian Groves rituals is the Cremation of Care ceremony. This was devised in 1893 by a
member named Joseph D. Redding, a lawyer from New York.
G.William Domhoff, a professor of psychology and sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz,,
obtained access to the Bohemian Clubs records and membership and was able to conduct extensive research
into the organization and their activities, including details surrounding the Cremation of Care ceremony.

Above: The Cremation of Care Ritual. Present here are Americas corporate leaders, dressed in robes,
burning their collective conscience at the feet of a statue of a 40-foot owl. (Photo Courtesy of Sonoma County
Free Press)
According to Domhoff, on the first Saturday of the camp, this elaborate ritual is held just after dinner. The
rituals main theme is the celebratory burning of an effigy of Dull Care at the bottom of a forty-foot stone owl.
The ceremony involves the poling of a small boat across a lake containing an effigy of Care (Dull Care). Dark,
hooded individuals receive the effigy from the ferryman which is placed on an altar and, at the end of the



Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

ceremony, is set on fire.

Domhoff notes: this is the body of Care, symbolizing the concerns and woes that afflict all men during their
daily lives.
The occult meaning of this ceremony seems clear. These men carry the cares of the world and use a symbolic
ritual to cast it off. The remaining time at the Club represents a careless period, or vacation of sorts, during
which time no business is conducted.
By cremating care, they expunge the negative energy of such emotions as worry, fear, and anxiety; it is the
goal and magical effect of the ritual, which could more properly be called the Cremation of worry or
Cremation of negative energy.
The pertinent evidence to the present article, of course, is the fact that the ceremony takes place next to a 45 foot
(14m) high concrete owl statue, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom. The voice of the owl during the ceremony
is former newsman Walter Cronkite, himself a member of the Bohemian Club, and music and fireworks
accompany the ritual for dramatic effect.
More than 100 Bohemians take part in the ceremonybutthey cant get the fire started. . . the
perplexed Bohemians must turn to the mighty Owl for advice: O thou, great symbol of all mortal
wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we do beseech thee, grant us thy counsel, intones the High Priest. An
aura of light creates a glow around the Owls head, and then the big bird reveals its wisdom. The
High Priest must light the pyre with the flame from the Lamp of Fellowship
William Domhoff, The Progressive, January 1981 Bohemian Bigwigs Perpetuate Canaanite
Taking part in the ceremony increases the chance of a certain outcome: the same stress-release and cleansing of
negative energy expected from a vacation. They have created a magic ritual, using the power of fellowship and
love, to help cleanse the bad energy from the group. Magical thinking applies here: they believe they have done
it, and so they have.
It doesnt seem to be a location of secret dealings, per se, as conspiracy theorists believe. What actually seems to
happen instead is that friendships are made here, truly flowering and blooming in contrast to the ideas of secret
or backdoor dealings.

my Lakeside Speech at the Bohemian Grove in July 1967this speechwas off the record it
received no publicityBut in many important ways it marked the first milestone on my road to the
President Richard Nixon, Memoirs (1978)

Weaving Spiders Come Not Here

The Bohemian Clubs mottoWeaving Spiders Come Not Hereis a line from Shakespeares A Midsummer
Nights Dream, and it directly contradicts the conspiracy theorists claim of secret deals and backdoor
The lines connotation is that webs, or deals and plans, cannot be hatched here; instead, the camp is entirely
focused on the Bohemian Spirit, a term used to signify the camps ideals of pleasure, friend, freedom, and




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Left: Metal bas relief owl and inscription on the brick wall at 624 Taylor, San Francisco, CA. Right: The
words above Taylor Street say, Weaving Spiders Come Not Here. The word weaving means planning
which planning stands in direction opposition to the occult purpose of the Cremation of Care ceremony,
the centerpiece of the Grove.
The spiders connection with creation and illusion are ancient and myriad:
The Greeks associated the spider with the Fates.
The Indians associated the spider with Maya, the weaver of illusion.
The Scandinavians associated her with the Norns, the women who wove the threads of life.
Native Americans believed that the spider wove the first alphabet.
As the spider weaves its web, so too we weave our own lives. Thus spiders symbolize creation, an aspect that
has no place in the Grove: the Club is there for the destruction or cremation of care, and destruction is creations
Spiders are feminine, connected to Ishtar, Atargatis, Athene, the Fates, the Norns, Holda, Inktomi, Kokyangwuti,
Tsitsicnako and Sussistanako and Neith.
Some Native American tribes believed the spider was the weaver who created the world and saw her as a symbol
of creative female energy.
Like women, spiders are in many ways very delicate and gentle creatures. Thus weaving spiders come not
here is very pertinent in the sense that feminine spiders cannot come to an all masculine retreat.

The Mystical Owl

For the ancient Egyptians, Celtics, and Hindus owls were connected to guardianship of the underworlds, and
protection of the dead. In this light, the owl was ruler of the night and seer of souls, a suitable association for the
most mysterious, magical, and powerful bird of the forest.
A misunderstanding of this necessary relationship gave the owl negative associations with death. Because of
their wings (which give owls the ability to fly away from earth and shuffle off this mortal coil) birds in general
are symbolic messengers between the earthly and spirit realms.
Note that, while there is a concept of death involved here, its only death in the sense of being an open
doorway from physical to spiritual; more precisely, from the temporary material world we live in now back to
the spiritual source from whence we came, and are now traveling toward.
The concept of death is very important in the mystical traditions of the Secret Societies. It is, however, the death
of the lower self, and not the soul, that is being affirmed: this death is in fact a doorway back to the Self,
revealing the soul inside.
In other words, to transcend death we must realize that we are a higher eternal Self (soul) incarnated in a lower,
temporary self (body). Since humans do not realize this, we are, in a sense, imprisoned in the body, and must
transcend it to free ourselves and realize our own inner divinity.
A resurrection back to the true Self is needed, as it were. And for there to be a resurrection, there has to be a
sacrifice. This sacrifice is care, the ego, the lower bodily self (lowercase s).
In practically every ancient culture, solitary nocturnal creatures are symbolic of these ideas, of inner-knowing,
psychic ability, and intuition; all of which are traits of the soul within, not the physical body.
The owl is a perfect example of such a creature. The owl knows all of this. The owl is wise, and always deeply
connected with magic, shamanism, and heightened senses throughout the ages.
Owls have been thought of as cats with wings, sharing similar characteristics with cats, who are of course the
familiars of witches and sorcery (interestingly, owls tend to be the familiars of male mages or wizards):




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Native America
Native Americans associated owls with wisdom and foresight, and identified them as keepers of this sacred
The birds ability to see at night was legend, and this attribute would be invoked during ceremonies when an
oracle of secret knowledge was required.

Left: Egyptian Owl. Right: Native American Owl

Shamans called upon Owl medicine for insight. Plains Indians wore owl feathers to protect against evil spirits.
The Cree and Apache believed the Boreal Owl was a summoning to the spirit world.
To this day, Native Americans associate the owl with spiritual vision; the owl is viewed with respect and
associated with the souls of deceased ancestors.
Africa and Australia
African cultures viewed the owl similarly to the Native Americans, heralding them as messengers of secrets as
well as the bird of sorcerers, witches, and warlocks.
In Madagascar owls are said to dance on the graves of the dead, and to the Aboriginal Australians they are
companions to medicine people.
Middle and Far East
In some middle and far eastern cultures, the owl is a sacred guardian of the afterlife, ruler of the night as well as
a seer and keeper of souls transitioning from one plane of existence to another.
The owl is still considered a witchs companion, sharing unique spiritual communication between them, and
even sharing the same secret powers of the night.
In Celtic tradition, the owl represents wisdom, clairvoyance, stealth, initiation, change and detachment.
Medieval Europeans believed owls were witches and wizards, shape-shifters in disguise.
To this day the owl is considered a witchs familiar (an animal soul-spirit linked to a spiritual person via a
unique, communicative bond).

Ancient Owls



Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Left: Prehistoric owl image from France. Right: Ancient vessel from China, 200 BC
In Greek mythology, the owl is firmly linked with Athena, the Goddess of wisdom (and in later times, of battle).
She is pictured with her owl on her shoulder, and some say this is why the owl has come to be associated with
wisdom; the scientific name for the owl is even Athene Noctua. The city of Athens, Athenas patron city, had
an owl on its coins:

Left: Owl, Acropolis, Athens c.500 BC. Right: The owl money of ancient Greece.
And so it is clear that the owl has, for thousands of years, symbolized wisdom, spirituality, our intuitive self, and
our connection to the source of our eternal Self.
It is undoubtedly a powerful occult and esoteric symbol, which brings us back to our original point:
Is there a Secret Society that uses the owl as their symbol, and is the Bohemian Club their current incarnation?
Many conspiracy theorists point out the existence and secretive nature of the Club, but few dig deeper into the
Clubs history.
Is the Bohemian Club an independent phenomenon, or is it actually the most recent manifestation of a much
bigger and older society?
With these questions in mind, we turn to look at another organization similar to the Bohemian Club, and parallel
in some ways: the National Press Club, whose logo features a mysterious owl.

National Press Club Owl




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Above: The National Press Club is said to have been established in 1908 by thirty-two newspapermen. Their
logo features a large owl perched on a book in front of the capitol building.
The NPC is said to have been established in Washington DC in 1908, soon after elites and journalists on the
West Coast established the Bohemian Club. Most presidents have lectured here, and both Carter and Reagan
announced their candidacies for president here.
Through its doors have come presidents, premiers, kings and queens, Cabinet secretaries, senators
and House members, movie stars and sports heroes, titans of business and finance just a whos
who of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Here they have found a willing audience of reporters waiting
to grill them with questions, interpret what they say and send the news around the world.
National Press Club website
Mystical symbolism in NPCs logo reveals influence from Bohemian Groves Owl Shrine. But is there a link? If
so, what exactly is the connection?
Unlike the Bohemian Grove, there are no known occult ceremonies attached to the NPC. However, unique and
mysterious owl symbolism is certainly present here.

Above: Famous journalist Helen Thomas at NPC (Photo Courtesy of Terry Hill).
A March 28, 2010 article titled Owls Honor Helen Thomas; Everyone has a Hoot said things like:
Helen Thomas, dean of the White House press corps, was inducted into the Order of the Owls Thursday night
during the Spring Hoot of the Clubs Silver Owls.
The ceremonial award bestowed on Thomas recognizes birds of a unique species, weathered and wise,
who have nested at the National Press Club and demonstrated that they give a hoot for Washington
Mae Scanlan, wife of Golden Owl Tom Scanlan, produced a batch of parodies for both the Silver Owls
and the Owlets quartets. The young members responded with Well be Loving You, Owl-ways.
Ten new Golden Owls (members of 50 years) were recognized, along with 40 Silvers (members for 25

Walt Disney Owl Mystery

The owl symbol is also prevalent among Walt Disneys most important films. It is said that an owl in one form
or another mysteriously appears in every Disney picture. Not only that, but the owl even appears clandestinely
in at least one Disney picture, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). When Snow White enters the cottage of
the seven dwarfs, the esoteric owl imagery is overwhelming. Its worth watching.Within a 20 minute time span
owl backgrounds appear many dozens of times.

Left: Owl symbols form the landing at the top of the stairs. Right: Owl symbols form the stairs.




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Left: The image of a flying owl forms the top of a coat-rack. Right: The image of owls forming the staircase.

Left: Two owls appear above the doorway. Right: An owl forms part of a wall-support.

Above: An owl forms part of the headboard of one of the dwarfs beds
It is said that as a teenager Disney joined the Order of DeMolay, a Masonic youth organization. He is widely
quoted as saying:
I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important
part it played in my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, facing dilemmas
and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country. I feel privileged
to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay.
Walt Disney
There are many more interesting esoteric connections between Disney and Masonry and the Occult. For
example, here is an image of Disney at the center of an occult Triptych, the architectural three-in-one pattern
which relates the pinnacle of Masonic perennial wisdom, and which is only now being rediscovered:




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History


The Schlaraffia Owl

Established in Prague, Bohemia, 1859, thirteen years before the Bohemian Club, the Schlaraffia was a group of
actors, writers, artists and musicians (similar to the Bohemian Club); and they too (like the Bohemian Club) use
an owl as their talisman.

This society, called Schlaraffia, is a fraternal body with lodges spread globally, on every continent. Artists,
writers, teachers and academics in the famously elite city of Prague founded the Schlaraffia society in 1859. Its
aim was to become a place where men could cast their worries away and revel in art, humor and friendship.
Customs, pomp and ceremony from medieval times are used at Schlaraffia sessions, the group maintains a
relationship to civic societies of the Medieval Age. The Societys talisman is an owl, called UHU in German,
said to be the emblem of wisdom. The Greeks and Romans believed the owl implied prudence and wisdom.
Schlaraffia is a worldwide German-speaking societyThe Schlaraffenmeet in midwinter
(October 1 April 30) once per week in their Schlaraffen castle (equipped in the style of a knights
tavern from the Middle Ages) for Sippungen (gatherings which take place in the fixed ceremonial
form of a knights play)
Reychs currently exist in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Sweden, the
USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand, South Africa
and Austrailia The approximately 280 reychs (local clubs) stay in close contact with one
another. Each Schlaraffe is always welcome in every reych in the world.
The total number of Schlaraffen amounts to about 11,000Their mascot is the eagle owl
symbolizing wisdom, virtue and humor (the owl itself presents knowledge and wisdom) and they
bear some resemblance to Freemasons.




Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Of the three goals of Schlaraffia, the most important one is the sincere friendship that glues the membership.
Similar to the Bohemian Clubs concept of destroying Care (the release of everyday mundane concerns for
the brotherhood of Bohemian friendship [Phillips, op. cit., p. 46]), the Schlaraffia say: As soon as he [the
Schlaraffian] enters a castle [or 'Temple'] and comes under the rule of Uhu, the great horned owl of Minerva,
he is expected to forget all foolish things of everyday life.
The place of the Schlaraffia assemblies is called Burg. The ornate meeting room is dominated by a throne and
wall hangings that include banners, coats of arms and crests. A prospective member is greeted by men attired in
cloaks heavily decorated with medals, wearing helmets and carrying swords.

Mysterious Yale Owl Architecture

At about the same time as the Shlaraffias founding, a mysterious and inexplicable array of owl symbols and
images began appearing quietly, prominently and distinctly in the stones and brickwork architecture at Yale

Above: Owl images written into the stone architecture of Yale Universitys campus.
Yale University is a private Ivy League university located in New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Founded
in 1701 in the Colony of Connecticut, the university is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the
country. Yale is widely considered one of the most prestigious and selective universities in the world.

Above: Owl images written into the stone architecture of Yale Universitys campus.
Mysterious, looming towers, massive rock walls covered with ivy, grotesque stone carvings leering from the
eaves: most of the buildings at Yale look like they belong in the 11th century. But Yale was established in 1701
not exactly the Middle Agesand this makes the neo-Gothic architecture that dominates Yales campus only



Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

a few hundred years old.

Above: Owl images written into the stone architecture of Yale Universitys campus.
As we can see, images of owls are literally everywhere embedded in the stone. But, why? What does the owl
stand for? What does it symbolize? The easy answer, of course, is that the owl is a symbol of wisdom, which
is embodied by the university.
But is it possible that theres more going on here?
It is said that Yale hired architect James Gamble Rogers (1867 1947) to give the school an older feel. The
University sought to imitate Britains venerable Oxford and Cambridge Universities: established bastions of
academic prestige.

Above: Owl images written into the stone architecture of Yale Universitys campus.
Although the Gothic style which dominates the rest of the campus was intended to inspire fear and awe in
cathedral-goers of yore, it has a distinctly 20th-century twist at Yale:
Stone sculpture built into the walls of the buildings portray contemporary college personalities
such as a writer, an athlete, a tea-drinking socialite, and a student who has fallen asleep while
reading. Similarly, the decorative friezes on the buildings depict contemporary scenes such as
policemen chasing a robber and arresting a prostitute (on the wall of the Law School), or a student
relaxing with a mug of beer and a cigarette. The architect, James Gamble Rogers, faux-aged these
buildings by splashing the walls with acid, deliberately breaking their leaded glass windows and
repairing them in the style of the Middle Ages, and creating niches for decorative statuary but
leaving them empty to simulate loss or theft over the ages.
Unlike most neo-Gothic architecture, which is built with steel frames and merely reinforced with stone exteriors,
Yales Gothic buildings are, for the most part, built with solid stone instead. This tells us that the stonemasons
(i.e., read Freemasons) who designed and built Yales buildings were advanced, perhaps even gifted. The 216foot Harkness Tower was once the tallest free-standing stone structure in the world, before worried architects
decided to reinforce it.

Above: Owl images written into the stone architecture of Yale Universitys campus.



Richard Cassaro Blog Archive Exposing The Secret Owl Society Soaring Through History

Is it possible that the owl symbols rampant in the art and architecture of Yale have a deeper, more esoteric
meaning? Are the Yale owls actually symbols of a S.O.S. that was there at the very beginning of this nowfamous Ivy League institution? Is the owl in the architecture somehow connected to the later institutions of the
Bohemian Club and the National Press Club?





Tags: Bohemian Grove, Leeds Owls, Meaning, National Press Club Owls, New York Herald Owls, Occult, Owl
Symbol, Schlaraffia, Secret Owl Society, Secret Societies, Skull & Bones, Tomb, Walt Disney Owls, Yale Owls

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