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10 Stitch Blanket for Loom Knitters

This pattern is worked in continuous rounds. There is no sewing together needed. All joining together is
done as you go.

This pattern can be made on any gauge loom which is appropriate for your yarn. The pattern is written
for 10 stitches at a time. This pattern can become a dishcloth, or a King Size Afghan. You can carefully
plan out every color of every row, or you can let it all come together as you work it. This is your project
and it can be anything you want it to be.
I contacted Frankie Brown and requested permission to convert her amazing pattern to a loom knit
version. She agreed! Thank you Frankie Brown! As stated on the original needle knit pattern patterns
are for personal use only and should not be used to knit items for sale. The original pattern can be
found HERE.

Pattern Notes:

Corner Part 1

K = u-wrap stitches
P = Purl
SK = skip
W&T = Wrap and Turn: lift existing loop off of peg,
wrap the working yarn around the back of the peg to
the front. Place existing loop back on peg on top of
the loop you just created. When you come to a peg
that has been wrapped and it is time to knit it over,
you will knit 2 stitches over 1.

PPPK= Place Purl bump on Peg and Knit: Place purl

bump from prior section onto peg 10 and knit off
(bottom 2 loops over 1 loop)

Corner (worked in short rows all pegs not

mentioned are skipped):
Corner Part 1:

Corner Part 2:

K9, W&T



Sk1, P1

K8, W&T



SK1, P2

K7, W&T



SK1, P3

K6, W&T



SK1, P4

K5, W&T




K4, W&T



SK1, P6

K3, W&T



SK1, P7

K2, W&T



SK1, P8

K1, W&T



SK1, P9

Knit pegs 1-9. Wrap and turn peg 10

Purl pegs 9-1.
Knit pegs 1-8. Wrap and turn peg 9
Purl pegs 8-1.
Knit pegs 1-7. Wrap and turn peg 8
Purl pegs 7-1.
Knit pegs 1-6. Wrap and turn peg 7
Purl pegs 6-1.
Knit pegs 1-5. Wrap and turn peg 6
Purl pegs 5-1.
Knit pegs 1-4. Wrap and turn peg 5
Purl pegs 4-1.
Knit pegs 1-3. Wrap and turn peg 4
Purl pegs 3-1.
Knit pegs 1-2. Wrap and turn peg 3
Purl pegs 2-1.
Knit peg 1. Wrap and turn peg 2
Purl peg 1.
All pegs except peg 1 should have two
loops on them.

Corner Part 2: (If a peg has two loops,

knit those two loops over one.)
Knit pegs 1-2
Purl peg 1
Knit pegs 1-3
Purl pegs 2-1
Knit pegs 1-4
Purl pegs 3-1
Knit pegs 1-5
Purl pegs 4-1
Knit pegs 1-6
Purl pegs 5-1
Knit pegs 1-7
Purl pegs 6-1
Knit pegs 1-8
Purl pegs 7-1
Knit pegs 1-9
Purl pegs 8-1
Knit pegs 1-10
Purl pegs 9-1
*alternative wording for corners was
submitted by Jennifer Reese.

Starting Square:
Cast On 10 pegs (from peg 10 to peg 1)
*Row 1: K
Row 2: P*
Repeat from * to * 8(eight) more times until you have a total of 18 rows (9 garter ridges)

10 Stitch Pattern:
SK1, P9*
Until you have reached the end of the section

Work Starting Square
Work Corner Parts 1 and 2, repeat
*Work 10 Stitch Pattern until you reach the end of the section
Work Corner Parts 1 and 2*
Repeat 10 Stitch Pattern until your project has reached the desired size. End the project at the end of a
section BEFORE working the corner. The end of sections 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, etc. are ideal place to end.

How to PPPK:

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