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His Majesty Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii

March 20, 2015


President Barack Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Ministers Office
3 Kaplan Street Hakirya
Jerusalem 91950
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution
By Email through leader.ir
President Hassan Fereydoon Rouhani
By Email through leader.ir


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

United Nations
760 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
United States Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Subject: I ka lelo no ke ola, i ka lelo n ka make.

In the language is life. In the language is death.
(Words can heal; words can destroy)

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. (An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated
under Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law
possessing the four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government;
and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.)

Aloha Kakou,
Honorable Leaders: I must remind you Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence and
persuade others to do things is indispensable. Especially when being good stewards of your nations, this
planet and the saving of mankind is at stake. Robert F. Kennedy wrote: A revolution is coming a
revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful
if we are fortunate enough But a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can
affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.
I assure you that peace consisting of unconditional love and respect which transcends a higher calling of
tolerance for our neighbors, our nations and self, will come if we stop the stupidity and noise of war. A
revolution is already here. This Kingdom and the many good people around the world will no longer
stand-by and allow you and terrorist groups to negotiate us all into the abyss of chaos, pain and
suffering. The path youre leading all nations into is War. War, children, its just a shot away.
Gimme Shelter (M. Jagger/K. Richards)
With the fate of Human civilization hanging in the balance, the forces favoring destruction are
empowering each other. As a result, we are very close to full-scale catastrophic war.
John Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States government, invited
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. The invitation took
place without any consultation between the Speaker and the President. One purpose of the
invitation was to give a platform to a foreign politician opposed to the negotiations being pursued
by the President of the United States with the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The absence of any consultation with the President and the goal of disrupting, or sabotaging all
together, the negotiations being pursued by the President demonstrated a lack of respect for the
proper role of the President and the Congress.
It is the role of the President to negotiate executive agreements with other nations. In some
instances, the Congress acts to approve or modify the agreement. In other instances, the President
acts alone. The Constitution never envisioned that Congress would act alone to set foreign policy.
If the Republican Senators wish to supplant the President in international negotiations, one can
only wonder who would speak for the United States in such negotiations.
Another purpose of the Speakers invitation was to help Prime Minister Netanyahu in the last weeks
of a very close election in Israel.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

While the polls prior to the election indicated that the Prime Ministers chief opponent would win
more seats in the Knesset, the Prime Minister won the most seats by far. The United States Speaker
of the House showcasing the foreign politician right before the election helped to produce an
outcome in which the Prime Minister could declare victory and, it appears, be in a position to create
a majority coalition. Why would it be so important to the Speaker of the House to help re-elect the
Prime Minister of Israel?
The Prime Minister has shown himself to be a strong advocate against any peaceful settlement of
the Iranian nuclear issue. In his commitment to preventing a negotiated settlement, the Prime
Minister is willing to have the negotiations collapse. That failure would then lay the groundwork
for an Israeli military attack on Irans nuclear facilities.
Just prior to the election, the Prime Minister announced that he would never support a Palestinian
state as a resolution of the conflict in the Middle East. The Prime Minister reversed his own
position on this issue in order to present the voters with an even more bellicose choice.
The two-state solution is widely recognized as a necessity, if there is ever to be real peace in the
Middle East. Making a pledge to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state is throwing gasoline on
the Middle East fire.
While the Prime Minister is now backing away from what he said and suggesting that a Palestinian
state could come some time in the future, that change in position is widely regarded as without
The true goal of the invitation by Speaker of the House Boehner emerges as empowering a foreign
politician, who would be the most willing and most likely among the leading candidates to unleash
the dogs of war.
Then forty-seven Senators in the United States Senate sent a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei
essentially urging him to reject any negotiated agreement with the United States regarding Irans
nuclear program.
The letter is a condescending message supposedly intended to educate the Iranian leadership about
the United States Constitution. The irony is that the Senators ignored both the United States
Constitution and laws by sending the letter. Where the Speaker of the House violated long-standing
protocols governing the relationship between the President and Congress, the forty-seven Senators
went much further.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

These senators clearly violated the Logan Act, which states:

"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United
States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse
with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the
measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in
relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures
of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years,
or both."
These Senators were willing to ignore the appropriate constitutional role of the Congress and break
the law to sabotage negotiations that might bring a peaceful resolution to the controversy regarding
the Iranian nuclear program. The Senators sought to have those in Iran opposed to any agreement
harden their position and cause the negotiations to fail.
The Senators are quite clear that they consider the Ayatollah to be an enemy of the United States
and a hard liner in the political spectrum in Iran. By strengthening the position of the Ayatollah,
therefore, the letter would constitute giving aid and comfort to the enemy the classic definition of
What could lead these elected representatives of the United States to so openly violate the
constitution and laws that they took an oath to uphold? While the Speaker empowered the Prime
Minister on one side, the forty-seven Senators empowered the most hard line leaders on the other
side. The result is to significantly increase the possibility of war.
As noted above, the Prime Minister is all too willing to provoke a war. He explained his position
opposing the two-state solution by stating that Hamas could take over the Palestinian state and
threaten Israel.
Hamas is considered a hard line organization that often takes provocative positions and actions
against Israel, including their call for destruction of the State of Israel. By crediting them with being
the basis for eliminating the two-state solution, the Prime Minister empowers Hamas and
strengthens their role within the Palestinian community. The Prime Minister handed Hamas the
argument that there will never be a Palestinian state unless Israel is defeated. An empowered
Hamas is more likely to pursue the aggressive policies that threaten to bring war to the Middle East,
a war that could drag the other nations of the world into a conflagration.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

As the election approached, the Prime Minister even felt free to divide Israel internally by
encouraging his voters to come out in response to what he termed Arab voters coming out in
droves. Internal division between Arab Israelis and other Israelis will only further destabilize the
So what we see is all those that want war empowering each other and moving us closer and closer
to the point of no return. Those in leadership escalate their rhetoric and close the doors to peace to
prepare their populations for still more war.
What is war anyway? While we claim to have moved beyond Human sacrifice, we continue the
practice of war. War is simply Human sacrifice on a larger scale. Human sacrifice is a form of death
worship. The high priests of our past, who cut out the hearts of their sacrificial victims to draw
power from the still beating heart, reappear in our time as politicians and arms merchants who
convert Human sacrifices into votes or profits.
The sacrifice is falsely portrayed as serving some higher good, righting some historical injury, or
pursuing some manifest destiny. The Human sacrifice is really made to gain some objective, such as
economic advantage, control over populations, seizing land, or stealing natural resources from
Economic conditions are manipulated to provide few opportunities for young people from
impoverished families, so they volunteer to be sacrificed. When they are killed or return maimed
they are celebrated as heroes. Every politician kisses the ring of glorifying the practice of Human
sacrifice. We just dont call it what it really is.
The soldiers see the truth. Their high suicide rates document the nature of their experience.
The question is whether those who favor peace can turn the tide in the other direction. We are a
small nation with little international influence because we exist as an occupied territory.
Nevertheless, we are offering peace-making services to all the nations of the world. We would
welcome particularly those who now see war as inevitable allowing us to apply our peace making
skills to the current situation in hopes of finding a path that brings happiness, peace, and prosperity
to all those who are so tired of permanent war.
Our proposal, as set forth in my first letter, is that the nations of the world create a Council of the
Wise to address the question of peace in the Middle East. That Council would be composed of
people who have demonstrated their commitment to peace.

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

Perhaps the King of Bhutan, who measures the success of his governance by the level of happiness
found in his people, is an example. People inside and outside government would be eligible, except
for those who are parties to the current dispute. By parties, I refer to those nations who created the
situation in the first place and those who now have to deal with what was created by others.
We would provide specialists in hooponopono (conflict resolution) to assist in clarifying the
positions of the parties to the dispute and in constructing a resolution. The Council would invite
input from all nations and design a peace settlement. That settlement would be brought out to the
Human Family for comment.
After the comment period, the Council would prepare a final proposed resolution of the conflict.
That resolution would be brought to all the nations of the world. The goal would be a solution that
is perceived as fair and just by enough nations throughout the world to persuade all parties to
accept the resolution.
We submit this proposal for consideration by the rest of the Human Family and invite anyone with
a better proposal for achieving peace to step forward and offer his or her manao (heartfelt
thoughts). We also would encourage everyone to observe whether those refusing to pursue this
proposal offer their own pathway to a meaningful peace.

Me ke aloha pumehana,

Edmund K. Silva, Jr.

His Royal Majesty

cc: Na Kupuna Council O Hawaii Nei

Alii Manao Nui Lanny Sinkin
Chief Justice Jennifer Pawlowski
HM Attorney General Judge Navin-Chandra Naidu

Ka Puuhonua O Na Wahi Pana O Hawaii Nei

Nou Ke Akua Ke Aupuni O Hawaii
The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it. An autonomous independent sovereign nation-state contemplated under
Article 1 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States requiring the state as a person of international law possessing the
four qualifications of (a) a permanent population, (b) a defined territory, c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other

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