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Tinjauan Kepustakaan ini disusun sebagai salah satu persyaratan Kepanitraan Klinik Dokter
Muda di SMF Ilmu Penyakit Saraf, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. M. Saleh Kota Probolinggo.


dr. Utoyo Sunaryo, Sp. S


Stroke is frequently encountered cerebrovascular disease. In addition to causing death,

stroke is the leading cause of disability and cause a person to be hospitalized for a long time.
Furthermore, stroke is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer's disease.
Stroke is a focal or global disorder of brain function that occurred more than 24 hours and its
caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain. Classification of stroke are include ischemic
stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. One of the risk factors for stroke are hyperlipidemia.
Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which blood lipid levels exceed than normal. Lipids or fats bind
itself to a particular protein that can dissolve in the blood, a combination of fat and protein is
called a lipoprotein. There are two main lipoprotein, which is LDL and HDL. LDL (Low Density
Lipoprotein) carries cholesterol to the cells of the body, while HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)
carries cholesterol back to the liver which will be further processing and then cast into the gall
bladder as bile acids. Oxidized LDL can cause atherosclerosis. The endothelial damage increase
the lipid permeability inside the tunica intima, leading to monocyte adhesion and migration, and
cause platelet aggregation. Migrated monocytes turn into macrophages; these changes led to the
release of free radicals and thus oxidize LDL, and become involved in receptor behavior change.
Macrophages became interested in oxidized LDL and start to phagocytes LDL. This process
leading to formed foam cells that eventually will cause plaque in the blood vessel. This plaque
will be initiated the process of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis will narrow the blood vessels and
cause ischemia, ischemia which happens in the brain tissue will cause stroke. The process of
platelet aggregation that accompanies atherosclerosis can lead to thrombus and embolism, which
in turn also cause ischemia. Furthermore atherosclerosis with hypertension can lead to rupture of
the blood vessels and can lead to stroke hemorragic. The presence of hyperlipidemia causes an
increase process of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and emboli in all blood vessels including the
brain so that it can increase the risk of infarction stroke or hemorrhagic stroke.
Key words: Stroke, hyperlipidemia, LDL, atherosclerosis


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkat, rahmat
dan perkenanNyalah makalah ini dapat di selesaikan.
Tinjauan Kepustakaan ini berjudul HIPERLIPIDEMIA PADA STROKE. Disiapkan
guna untuk memenuhi tugas yang di berikan oleh dosen mata kuliah, bertujuan agar dokter muda
dapat mengetahui, memahami dan juga menerapkan teori kedokteran dalam prakteknya.
Kami juga berterima kasih kepada pihak-pihak yang mendukung dan membantu
kelancaran penyusunan makalah ini. Dan menyadari sedalam-dalamnya bahwa makalah ini
masih jauh dari kriteria yang di harapkan, namun demikian kami sampaikan dengan segala
kerendahan hati bahwa inilah yang dapat kami wujudkan dengan kemampuan yang ada.
Akhir kata, tiada gading yang tak retak, demian pula dengan makalah ini. Oleh karena itu
kritik, saran maupun bantuan yang bersifat membangun sangatlah di perlukan dalam
penyempurnaan referat ini.




Lembar Pengesahan.



Kata Pengantar.


Daftar Isi.........................................................................................................



I.1. Latar Belakang...................................................................................

II.2 Rumusan Masalah..............................................................................

II.3 Tujuan................................................................................................

II.4 Manfaat..............................................................................................


II.1 Stroke................................................................................................

II.2.1 Definisi....................................................................................

II.2.2 Klasifikasi.................................................................................

II.2.3 Etiologi.....................................................................................

II.2.4 Patofisiologi..............................................................................

II.2.5 Manifestasi Klinis ...................................................................

II.2 Hiperlipidemia...................................................................................

II.3.1 Definisi.....................................................................................

II.3.2 Klasifikasi.................................................................................

II.3.3 Etiologi.....................................................................................


II.3.4 Patofisiologi..............................................................................


II.4 Aterosklerosis dan trombus................................................................


II.4.1 Aterosklerosis...........................................................................


II.4.2 Trombosis.................................................................................


II.5 Hubungan Hiperlipidemia dengan Terjadinya Stroke.......................




Daftar Pustaka................................................................................................



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